THE :ARGUS County Official Paper. The Oaly Democratic P.iper in Wash ington County. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY BY Tk Argns Piblishing Company. 8UBSCIUPTI0W FM Single copy five centa. Ouo year, f 1.00. SU moiitlis cent. ThKj hiontha 36 cmU. evident our young friend wrote on animus more than did lie troui a study of conditions. Consistency, thou art noof kin to our contem porary, the Hatchet. THE HILLSBORO AKUUS, TfiUKSlMi, MARCH t, im. Look! Rare Bargains i WrtnllAv1 riM VI W last Saturday. H Vandotuelen was elected d:rector and J W Vanderveldeu clerk of district No 14. Miss Mooberk. of South Corne lius, has been engaged to teach the spring term. Rev P DeRoo was etected director and C M Hennens cUrk of district No 97. 'CORNELIUS. Entered at the Post-olhce t Hillsboro, Oregon, as Second-clas mail mauer. Thk Oregoniiui yesterday morn ing took occasion to read ot of the republican party all those who are 1 . ., .. -I The city ejection is close bv and we committed U the silver question tn j expect uij ti,e for the neit month. affinity with Mitchell, Hermann Jot. Fairchild and his moiher relarneA and Kills. It States that such a from Vancouver Tuesday. policv is nuti-republican, dianutri- At the schoot meeting Monday j'R ,, " 1 . . . j ..:., Miller was re-elected director while Thos cally opposed to party doctrine, Tanot was again elected clerk. and that the state platform must . Mr ShaWi of n Oregon, was in and will be gold standard. r As it Cornelius the first of the week looking tor a location lor a orug siore. , . Yesterday's Portland Market.' Oats, good white, Oats, good gray, 202 j) bit." Potatoes $ wick '2.")io0. Onions V suok 2-HtiDO. Rutter. 'creamery, StKSj"). ' Hutter, fiiiicy ilairy, !".'' s Butter, common. 17i rnU llnv, titnotliv. S.'0(i '.UK). Km Hops4CG. Wheat, Walhi WtiH.t, -"! lu. Wheat, valley, 62 bu. Purest Druffs and Chemicals. Patent Medicines. Proprietary Articles. v THE WATER AND L.IQHT8. ! now Ktaiifin. this means the nntaz-1 I ... A . 1 .."1 I R U McNutt was over from Vancouver iThecity attorney, L.'K. Adama. is of the opinion, and bases that' opinion upon a supreme court de cision, that the city f Hillsboro need not continue taking electric lights to the amount of $100 per month, contending that the city went further than its constitution al limit, in contracting for an in debtedness of $12,000 over and aboylhe. $10,000 in bonds issued This is a question of general im portance to the city and no action should be taken unless the law is well established. If the use of the hydrants is contingent upon the taking of the lights, whether void or not, the business interests of the city could illy afford to lose the protection the hydrants give for fire purposes. This is a matter of fact, not sentiment, and should be so considered before any action is taken. onism of the Oregonian and its sup porters, to Mitchell strength and'! Ull lIHUCtt IK'll limtlllC .IICAl. CCliO". torial tight will be a hot one, pro vided the republicans elect a legis latorial ticket this year. on business the first' of the week, Sam Moon was in the city from Cen- tervill Y ednesday. ' ... James Wilson was in the city from 'Centerville yesterday. The K of P boys were very much sur prised last Saturday night by the ladies Dunging in a tine hit ch. . The Hillsboro Pharmacy Select Stock of Stationery. I'nrtU'iiliir Attention I'alil l riiysiciniiH' PreNerlptiniiM and Kuinily Recipes. J Eiium at TliK Atiurs oilier. ,' No 1 !.'0 acres, adjoining elly limits, ' , ahlowalk within one block of property, j HI acres cleared, II nest quality of bottom I land, 4 aei-en lamch, line silo for building intuit Court of the State of Oregon ' P 1; "''" """"'L ', V, u SUMMONS. lathe for Washington county, Him.sboro shoultl, like other uronressive "cities, have a board of trade, or same commercial associa tion. ' There is nothing which so materially builds a town as organ ization ot its citizens in the pro curing of new business enterprises. A" giibd tannery might be secured to this city, by a little preconcerted aition. EXCESS OF MODESTY. Spain should not be alarmed over the action of congress. The resolution relative to Cuba is not so bad, and really means ' nothing extraordinary. It is 'the. resolution that Spain should consider, not the bombast uttered in debate while it was pending. FROM PHILLIPS. J The entertainment at Brooks school last Saturday evening was a grand' suc cess. The program consisted of Recla mations, dramas, vocal and instrument al music, pantomime, etc. Some of our young people took an active part in the program. '" ' There was a surprise partv at Chas Hansons on the 24th in honor of his thirty-fourth birthday. All report 'the best time they have had for a long titne. We understand that Miss Forrest,-wlio taught the primary department in pnr school last year, is to teach at , Warren, Columbia county, tuts spring.. . G L Perrine and family have been vis iting friends at this place for several days. BEAVERTON. Fob the quintessence of modesty, and meekness parallel to that of the sainted Moses, he who called hira 8.tif the meekest man on earth, our ' readers' attention is called to an ef fort by the editor of the Hatchet, in the issue of February 20th, which from its frank statement leads one to believe the young man is des tined to become powerful in politi cal history. Here is the erudite ef fusion: i "Now are the times when a man has friends. One with difficulty escapes the excess of affection shown for him when he visits now in Hills boro. Politics is a great leveler, one man's vote is as good as anoth er's and the aspirants are ingratiat ing themselves with everybody." ' In the language of our friend, the best Irishman on earth, "Phat a har-r d time he do have!" COUNTY NEWS SCHOLLS. i, Keiuhold A. J. Neokrita, Plaintiff1, 1 vs. I Mary While, Thomas lloggess and f James Hoggins, Defendants,.' j To Maiy White, the above tunned 'defen dant. IS THK NAMK OF THK STATU OK Oregon you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit in the above entitled Court by the lirstdiiv of the next term of said Court, which will he the third Monday in March, ISiKS, and ilyou fail to so appearand answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the I'mut for the re lief demanded 111 the complaint, for a de cree annulling the deed f10.11 the defendant Thomas lioggess, whereby he conveyed to you tlie Cast one-nan t;j) 01 noimuwi one quarter ('l of Seetion Seven (7) and West one-half () of Soiitliwost one-quarter ('4) of Seetion Kigbt (X) In Township Two (3 North of Range Four H) West Willamette Meridian, containing One. hun dred and sixly (WO) Acres, in Washington county, Oregon, declaring the deed uf said property from Plaintiff and wile to suitT Thomas Hoggess. a mortgage'oH (iiid prop ortv to secure payment of Seventy Five Dollars ($7..X)) with lawful interest, and .directing said .defendant Marv White, to execute and deliver to Plaint ill, a deed of said property subject to said inonguire. and for the costs and disbursements and for such relief us may he equitable. Made and published bv order of the Hon. Thomas A. Mctiride, in open court l his December nl, 1M. A. It. Mkxdkmiall, I.. I.W IIMAN, Attorneys for Plaintiff'. ' It is well for the average Ameri can citizen to look dispassionately upon international questions where nasty action of olir executive and legislative bodies might do the na tion irretrievable harm. Anent the resolutions passed by congress 011 the Cuban question, it is a very subtle affair, this 'gutting at 'the true merits of the case. ' The aver age person is rather prone to,, dw cide on these little matters Vitliout a careful analysis of the situation and this course Bometimes leads to grave consequences not ''Conducive to good citizenship. It F6u)d be'( well if people were to remember that it is hot hardly ' fair to call massacre war when the insurgents are aggressors, and vice versa when the Spanish are the offenders. There is altogether too much of. this thing going on and the trou? ble is easily located when, it is re membered that many ambitious Americans have gone down to Cu ba to be in on the ground floor when the island shall have gained its independence, and neither have Thermometer stood 20 deg above zero Monday. Mrs Grace Lawrence is sick. Mrs Collier had a sister arrive from the East Monday. School will commence March 23rd with Mr Springer as teacher. Miss Mettie Jack commenced a term of school at rem Kidge luesday. Z M La Rue and wife, of Portland, re turned to their home Saturday after spending a week with relatives at this place. If the game protector should happen down this wav some Sunday morning he would find plenty of sports fishing for Miss Hettie Jack, of Farmington, spent a week at Scholls the guest of Ks trella G oner. T J Wallan made a business trip to Tu alatin Tuesday. Herman Collies was in the county seat Tuesday. At the school election Monday the la dies turned out enmassee and elected T J Wallan for director and E C Miller as clerk.- B V Flint and wife returned from an extended visit in California last week. Jesse Emmel went to. Hood river last week. Miss Pearl SchmelUer went to Port land last Friday to remain an indefinite time. T S Sutton, who has been sojourning at Kidvihe for the past six weeks, re turned to his home at Laurel Tuesday. Misses Nettie' Arhspiger - and Ida Wohlslegel, of Mt Side, were in town Tuesday. - RowfellBros returned Monday from the vicinity of Hubbard where they have been assisting Prof French with a series" of concertii ' They report good success 'ana a lively time. Mrs Latttie gave a Hardtimes dance for her friends tridav evening which was well attended but the emblems of the times were missing. Messrs Jaquot, Samson and Dogau furnished the music. Mrs Estrella Groner gave a party Sat urday night which was attended by a number of young folks from Farmington and vicinitv. The annual election for town officers passed off very quietly on Tuesday with the following result: Mayor, F M Robinson; recorder, J N Fisher; treas urer, H Livengood; marshal, Otis Kel ley; councilmen, long term, David Pur ser and H C Watts; short term, W L Pike and C Livengood. Considerable excitement was occa sioned at the school meeting Monday by a vote for a 3 mill tax. Every available vote was out on, -both sides but the tax was carried by safe majority and the school will go on. . . . 't. : , . . P .... vi. M..- :!.. - iDiHGFAFtU HP w vi 1111. v.r r? HAijifMiaHa niieeoii time to suit purehuser. Or will subdivide sous to give part cleared bot tom and part licm-li, In plats from 2 to 5 aereH, at per acre. Here Is a ehiuu-e for u irood neat littlo home which can be made self sustaining Investigate before Nome one gets it. On the market tor a short time only. No 2 10 acre, half cleared, 1 uere bea voidimi. rest slushed and sown to gross, no buildings, goes for Aim per uere. With in two miles of llillslioro, Terms, $400 down, balance in 3 years at 10 per emit. Or will sell 40 acres, of which above is 11 part, at niiiiio price per acre, including 15 aereM of beaverdam and su ail cleared. No 3 1'iS acres, highway running through center of place, SO acres U culti vation; 2 acres in orchard, apples, pears anil plums; (i room house; log hum, good well of water; 30 aeres of beuverdain, easy to put in cultivation; place well watered Dy Hprnigs ami creek; hup acres tumor fence; 11 miles from post office, dally mail: 1 mile from school bouse and six miles north of Hillsboro. (iocs cheap for ash. NO 4 A' g(WA -corner lot on Main and Third WreeWVWxtW, with good building thereoii.siiitiilileror any kiml ot Imsmms, and in exeellnt repair, will go at n oar Igaiii for cash, , Part payment and balance on long Dmo .ti, security. No u acres; half cleared .balance in grass. Good house of four rooms; good burn and outbuildings. Fine orchard ol 50 trees ami various other small frails, ISO chickens 50 ducks, I -horse wagon 2 sets single harness, good cow, 3 heifers 1 horse ami larm implements. Hvery thing goes for 650, cash in hand HILLSBORO CITY MEAT MARKET. I. K IlKUST, I'hoc Beef, Mutton, Veal and Pork Kept Constantly on Hand. Maikct : Price : Paid : for : rat : Cattle, : Micep : ami ; IIoks Cash Paid for Poultry. Highest MAIN JSTKEHT. IllU.SIiOKO. OK Ml ON. 't !!uy a tt'; Until yon have seen n Const Steel (Jeitr Manu'l'il. by Coast Carriage A Wagon Co, Coast Carriages and Huggies Dqc rY TTdTfVl I are best value for lei'sl money; JUJVvJW a-iiix vaa . , 0 Ilisciitint on Prices but no '. Discount on tlie (loods, " . ruitioulars of Williams llros., Hillsboro, Ore, or M. M.i ill vis, Assignee Const Carriage A Wagon Co., Corvullis, )re. W. T. Andrews. President. ' M. Wllornince, Secretary ANDREWS LUMBER CO. (lucorporali'd June S, IMtl.) MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. MOUNTAINDALK, OKHUON. CENTERVILLE. There was a magic lantern show given at the school bouse Friday evening wlucli was quite well attended. . At the annual school meeting beld.on ,1 . I I . 1. .1- .v,. J lliey Bioppeu snort, 01 uiuing ine rector and J E Wilson clerk. School be insurgents. In the days of Grant, gins Monday, March 9th. who. was one time a sturdy demo- , ',M Knecht, the wife of.ouf genial1 ... . ., ... . ; crenmerynian is spending a short time umi, Hirco icjiunB ncivvj.iiicu 111- ,H Portland visiting friends libusters" mid summanlv dealt with. There are two Cuban question, but the tone of t-jie associated press dispatches clearly thowF but one. I Hi- 1 utt-'iMi'i r. r-i it with lit trlwt ,.H,t;, r In (!;. (rll t" 1 .-.lli- j I' ll- I'll : i i-l :; w inl ,n th Paclat (1.1st. It 1,,.1-Ih till 111 niti.lty. ittti,rtriA and ntws, ; I ilK It III 1 ,11' .i.'a r4. srnihlc llnpvrM ar ; Hit-lit' -hi u it 11111 r' t.urnl Newatht . ."11 l.-si an 1 iiu'i,.hi in, t it. Kt1ti.rlh from lbs 1 ,i.i-!i iifin ,11 t:ii. c i-itilr. 1J1K-' iiM iiiri.K .i;il-.vii)ai,;iii,fci,4alwajra villii., ihr- f r 1. , I in I ' rimiilmi uf Oi fwoplaM . ns) r.nii:ii miii, .is rliqu a. c,,rpuratlon, or ,ii..r.'..ifwivil nni ktnd 11 will b tailapM4M in ai trylra.. i-i,tii.l la nullintf. Notice of Final Settlement, NOTU'K'.s hereby g ven that the un dersigned bus tiled her titial account as iidniinistriitrix of lite estate of enry Demin, deceased, in the County court of tlie State of Oregon fur Washington count v, and that said court has appoint ed the Slrd day of March, lsi, at ten o'clock a, 111. as the time for hearing objec tions to such final iiecoimtiul for the settlement thereof. . Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this Febru ary 1!'. MM."- I.KItTllA I1K.M1N, Adniinistratrix of the estate of Henry Demin, deceased. t . Notice for Publication. I.ANIl Ol'FICK AT OKKIION f'lTY. Oil.) Feb. JO, IMKI.i TWTIf,'K is herebv given that the follow- ll inir-iniineil settler lias tiled notice of bis intention to make tiniil proof in MIJV port of his claim, and that said proof will be niaile before the Comity i'leik of Wash ington eniint'v, at llillshuio, Oie(.on on May U.'ISW, viz: Olof Sunitherg, II. '.. No. 8.V98, for the X K W N W h a''"' Lots I, 2 and 3, eec. 81. T N liange ; W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and I cultivation of said land, viz Henrv linker. S. S. Heed, Charles Weilherg land Oust Kngestrooiu, all of t.i Inn wood, Oregon. 49-6 IIobkkt A. Mii.i.kk Hecister. ANDERSON & TUPPER, (Succes.,jr to C II Mead) EXPRESS! Makes regular trips to Portland on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, re turn tug on Tuesdays, Thursdays uml SlV urdavs. All business entrusted to him will bepromptlv and carefully attended to. Krcitrht and exnrcss rates reasonable. Leave orders with him, or at Led ford's, '. oratTltK Aniii's. K. McNKll., Itece ver. TO THE EAST Gives the choice of. ... TWO TRAX8COXTIXEKTA I. R O U T E S Great Union VIA SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS AKD ST PAUL I THE BUFFET CAR ROUTE H final c': Vut-iWA'ii C: uu) A Shortest and T Quickest Line HDTWUKN- 1 DENVKK OMAHA AND KANSAS CITY 1 Sclentiflo American j Afienoy 1a Via W 1 VI .-sVF' OAVHTV. TRADE MAnKt. DBtlOH PATIMTS. OOPTMIOHTS. ate. For Information and free Handbook writ to MUNN ft CO., m Bbqadwat, Nbw Voei. Oldeil bureau for aecurlnj patenta In America. Every patent taken out by us la brought befora the pubuo by a notice glren true ot charge In the LarffflH einmlAtirm or wnf clentuo Mper in tn 1 rvMMUKBM. 361 Iiruftdwa, Hew York City. world. BplcndidlT Illustrated. man ihouul be without It week It. ear: six montiM. Andrew, munn No lutcllitront Weekly. ft.'MKU OS VVa ThiMy F. Oaken, Henry C. Pay fie, Henry C. House, Hecievm n ORTHERN Thb W'asl'ington county Ilntchot i msiil?rnlilv worked up liccnuse! Mrs Wren is visiting Mrs McKay at sides to t he ' Glencoe. who is not very well. She was b years old at her last bn-thday. j. ' I Mrs ariy Mjcfcurdy is confined to the j house with the quinsy. G W Marsh visited Hillsboro Tuesday evening combining business with pleas ure. . J E Wilson butchered nine hogs Mon- dav moruim?. seven nf which vpr. ilia. the publwht-r of the Times hns tlie! posed of to John Van Lum, who took pnmMHi,Wit an Postmaster nt the Lthen? t0 Porlland Tuesday' ful'lpim itv - aunl auvR Mr Marali'a' M Wren has sold 49 acres of land to toiieg(iitj,wia b Mr. fljiireli s , Mr c ,oh f Hil, b term will last a little over a vear, meaning to leave the inference that should 11 repiihliciin executive he e- h-cteil the then incuiubetit would lie police removed nnd let civil ser vice regnlntions slide. This is uiod esty of the moo', kittenish kind, as nil know that Marsh's predecessor was allowed to serve the term of aointiiienjrithout nioleslittion. fwrllinotheftilanoe of the demo- Crfttlc injustice, wich so hurts the The debate of the Woman's Suffrage question between Mrs C P Blanchard ! mid G W Marsh was won by Mrs Blanch ard, sue naving the auirmative side. VERBOORT AND VICINITY. The blizzard we had last Sunday was likeAome in Wisconsin. Peter Wambeke has gone back to his old home in Minnesota on account of ill health. I B McXew was working roads near Gables' bridge last Friday and Saturday. ! Martin Reilinir's and f W Van Der Vel- IT .1 . , , . . ,.' l.n..... I. .1 .l.-k eve or tne naiciieiv;, ttie hiatus ot , "v" i ""u'lr . "-. - . . . .' '.:--, ' Murlin Von lion H.nnl, nt .V Tli" Clirnnlcle Bulldlna;.; 1 . THB "DAILY II r Mall, I'oalac Paid, 0i!s$6jpafeaF. The Weekly Chronicle Thj lireit'sl Wee "Jy h the C'ottitry. CTiH Zr Vaor Elegant i-v-y a iGQi.. Dinlna Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars PACIFIC R. R. u N Pullman Sleeping Cars LOW IIATKS TOA Wl, KASTKItN I'll IKS Ori'an SUamtr Lfurr Portland Kerry Kite .. Fun.... SAN FRANCISCO l'V.r full detail cull on or addrcNs: W H HUBI,Bl Rr, (ien'l Pa A(?nt 1'nrtliind, Oregon. Notice For Publication. Land Okkii-k at Okkuon City, (Ik.i Feb. 1!, 1SIWI.K , N'0'l'ljC:H js .hereby trivtm tlmt tlie I'olliiw-' iiiH-iuuni'tl settler Inin filed imlice uf lii iiiteiitinii tu in a kt- tiniil ii'iinf in siiiiiii't 11I bis claim, under See. 'j;:u") Itevised l-'tutiiles of the L. H unit that Biiid proof will lie made before tlie ItegiiiUir and Keceicer V. H. Lund (Mliee, nt Uregoii L'ilv, Oreunti, on April , 18IHI, viz: CllHH. H. Welch. If. K. No. 1UHH-I for the E i N K ',' and K , A K of Sec. T 4 X II II W W Jl He iinmes tlie followini; witneHyen to prove bis eiintinumiK residence upon and cultivation of suiil bind, vi.: Thomas l'ettijidin of Knasey, UrMjjiiii. Palon t.'larke " " C II Wheeler ('iHtskanie " Geo Uiciiwine Jr , .1 ontuvilhi" 40-6 Koiikkt A. Mu.i.Kii, Hevister, SUMMONS. in the Circuit Court ol the State of Oregon for Washington county, Plaintiff, flpfendaii the above named PACIFIC COAST POINTS ... ST. PAUL, AND THK KAST. Crosses both the Cascudes mid the Itm'ky Miitiiitiiins in DA Y I. Hi II I', iifVoidiiiK pa. netigcrs ibeiippiiiliiiiily uf viewing llie ( - Grandest Scenery1 in America. "-r Two trains daily from Cortland ; one nl II 11, 111 via U. U.iV .Viiml ,"pokiiiie. I tuns snpetli eiiiiipiiiiiil, riiiiHi.sint;iil'diiiii.; ears, 11, Mill , iliuie llllll upilillSKMI'll IIIIII INIH' I" I l II If I II I S. I lie lllllll'l ( HI S Ul t lT- veil ofulegunce and cniiifui't. eotitaiiiinn hath room, ImrUir Hliup, chairs, ele. , la j Seal tie, and one al H:4," n. m.. , biirTet IlK MAGMFICKN Twin sleaiiiships "N.nt liwesl" anil "Nurthlanil" li-uve I'nlnih evi-rv MmihIiiv nuil Friday lurtlie "rSim," MaeUluuc Islaml, Di lmn, Ce eliinii 111, d Iti: Hi, in cm ii'm tli-n wilh I lie tin-til Northern Kail way Have vi r lii-ki-ts run! via Nh;' IIMiN M'FA M. SHU' I'OMI'ANY anilenjii.v a d.-lielil fill riile liee fruin llie In l and ,tul. Fur tii li els a 1 id Kimerul iiiliiriiiatlun ci.lliin or aihliess It. C , SI'KVKNS. O. W. I', A. 1112 I'loiit St., Scuttle, Wash. A. II. C. DKXMS'l'ii.v.C. p. T. A. I.'i Third St, I'.irtland, Oivior PACIFIC UNIVERSITY TtniiM-: 1 oi.i.i-tiK ciinisK.s . e . Classical, Scientific, Literary. VII K At'ADKXIV ire-un'f for Onllcgr 111 1 givi-n u tUrniigli Kiir. ' - liflr ICdiieiition; tlie nvl reNir.-itiiiii fur Tciicliiiftf-ur HiihineHH. All e.xw-iifeti vt'iy low. Kminl nuil rnonis nt t lie LhiHch' . Hull, i'.i (11, U tit-r.wi-tik, ii)t;liitliiijr .cli ftri Jil.rt-nitil lient. The (Jdlli-gc Doi iiiiiDn-, under ex t-lli-nt uuiiiit-iiiint, fur-nislil-H imiinl Ht-il rooiii ut 1(2. 2r i r uecli. lionrd tu i ronilMii private fatnilits. !i:2.-")U uml iiimhiIh. Mi-.hv sin-ili-lilH rein riininn Mini Imiirtl llii-iiiM'lvi-H nt :i total c-i'st tint ' t6j(ceHi per week. The full lerin In-ginK .lunuiirv ' 2,ib',.)(J: Imu-I'till piirlieuliiiH iniiireKH, thomas mcclelland, f uresl 1 1 luce, 0,.,., nil. ,i, ,nt.) IN 'THK Oregon, (liiclii'tlnn imflintu t6 any part of Ihe United Mtatjtis. I'naada anil .Metleu. THIi.WKKK'I.V (-IIUONICLK. tin! Iirlghleat and ninat coia,tlut,- Wi-ckly Nevvspuiier In the wiiriif. prliftH rfliiuliiiiy at rolumna, or twelve pacea,of NewN. Mtor-tlnre and (letu-ral Iiiforraa tloli;alatiiiifnlilctfiil Agricultural ltfiarliuent, SAMPLE CJPIES S-NT FRE. do voir want the CHRONICLE Reversible Map? SKOWINCI . The United States, Dominion of Canada and Northern Mexioo ON ONK HIDK, TO T PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH X ORAO FORKS I CBOOKSTON I WINNIPEO i; HELENA tad BUTTE CHICAQO TO And the Mil l.boro'8 office is cited. As ftt tl, al"",D. v,a" ue.n. r00"' 01 . e Party ',! ,', ,v; ainai sianeu lor Aiasica, went ieoue where ap aa far na tne Ktateineiitj Tacoma and returned home; Peter Van el.. .kU oitnrinlist haatfrl CluvoL retna. nea ln.eattIe and Mr the able editorialist Dastepiee- Herkui 4lone continued the journey. Jllhd On Civil smice matters, it i I J yan Der Velden lost a valuable cow Map of the World ON THK OTHER 8IDK. Hend $2 and Get tho Map and Weekly ( lironlcle fur One Ynar, vomai- iirnpaM on M ip and Papiir. WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK " jlOtTON AND ALL POINTS EASI end SOUTH I For Inforniiitliiii. tini" tiekelH, cull 1111 i.i write .';0 i-nrdx, nv-jis im uuiiksi M. U. da YOU JVC. ' I'roprlrtor 8. T. Chronicle, SAN FHAHCISOO, CAb (i Melvln Th-rii, v Alien M Thorn, To Alice M Tliorn, defendant, NAMK OF THK STATU OF eon. von ure nerebv cntiitnaiKled and reijiiired to apoear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled conn in tlie above entitled suit, on or before Monday the 20th day of J"nly, A. i)., 18!IH, the Hunio heinjron the II rat day of the next rejrulur term of said court next following the expiration ol the time pre scribed in the order of publication of thin ftniiiiiioim and if you full no to aptsur and uiiHwer fiaid complaint tho plum till' will apply to the court for the relief therein played for and demanded, to-wit: That the marriage and nuri'luge contract now existing between you and the plaintiff be dinKolved forever, and that hucIi other and further decree be made us may be equitable and for bin costs. Tim summon" is published against you by order of Hon. Thos. A. McBride, Judge of the above named court made in Cham bers this 20th day of February, ,,, , GlSO. W. P. .IOHBPII, ' ", Attorney for Plaintiff. -Notice for Publication. 1a'kd Orricit at Obkoon City, On.l Jan. 20, lW.i NO'f tCif hereby given that the follow-liig-iiaiiied Bottler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in sup- Kort of his claim, and that said proof will c made before the Register and Receiver U 8 Ijanrt Office at Oregon City, Oregon, on March ll, 18iifl, vi,: Frederick Cozens. IT V. BERCKMOES, .. Waicliinukcr ami Jeweler, .. ' coml Struct, - II illsboro, Oregon. WATCHES BLOCKS JEWELRY SPECTACLES ETC. - - Fine and Complicated Watch Repairing Satisfaction O-.taruntnoil. WILEY & DENNIS, ZCITY LIVERY STABLE" Cor, 2nd and Washington Street, Is . WHERE YOU WILL FIND THE BEST TEAMS THAT CAN BE HAD IN HILLSBORO. v EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. GOOD TEAMS, GOOD BUGGIES and -DRIVERS, Notice for Publication. Land OvrioK at Oiiroon C'ty, Ok.I Feb. 21, 1MW 1 XTOTICJC Is herebv ifiven Unit the follow- 1.1 iiig-nauied settler has II led notice ot " Notice for ' Publication. Lamp OrrtcK at Okeoon Citv, Ok.I Feb. 10, 18!Hl.f NOTICM iH hereby given that the follow. Ing-uamed settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in sujh his Intention to make linal proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof will port ol his claim, and that said proof will be made bel'oHti the County Clerk of Wash-1 we niado before the County Clerk of Wash ington coiinly; at HillslioiO: May h, iHU, yiis : Oust Engpstroom, and Oregon, on ; ington county, at Hillsboro, Ot'egoi: waren so, isotl, viz : Miles Si Collins H. K. No. 71W0, for Ibe 14 U H W li and W H M H Sec 22 T 2 N Hw, niinil.H lha I',,IT,,..,I,,jA ...L. ........... ... U .1... 1.11 ! !. . . " 'C ' " rm nimunPl. lit no imiiicn ine NMidwniK winiesses 10 pruf.e ills continuous residence upon and prove his continuous residence unon and i-.hH H. K. No. 8212 for the N of 8 W and S eultivation of said lund, viz : ; outiM Haycock, of Kir-, Oregon Yl 1 V bbuob iwiiin iv 1 n ucriij.iiiHvci, w. jccii, viiKiiei, Wje(j--i IlllI'leH ICKH, lie lmnies me lotiowing win II. K lots 1 and 2 Hec ilO i' 8 No. Bfilia, for the E U N WW, N, H5 W. 1. D. CHARITON, Asst. Gnl. liis k. WOR1LAN0 io 856 Morrison Street. prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation 01 saia lanu, viz; John Caldwell of Progress Ore. Alonzo K Funno " .. " James Hite " " Joseph Floyd of Portland, Ore. 44-6 Robert A, MlM.KB, Register, itnesses to berg and Olof Hundberi;, all of Olenwoodt, Ore gon, 49:0 Robert A. Milieu, Register. . rpo RKNT.- XL 1 mon j KHis 1.--A large cottage with throe TOR sale or ront. thn nmnntv nt w lots In North side, addition a, as per JTunieVSta ith. - Hnqutwiatthu oWoe. ; month, Enquire of L V Berckraoe H8 Dateimin, . " , " w 11 i,yia, ,. - " 47-6 Roberta. Miller, Regls,lr.