THE HILLSBORO ABO US, THURSDAY, I'LISlilJAUY 20, 18!)(i. THE ARGUS County Official Paper. The Only Democratic Pjper in Wash ington County. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY BY ili The Argus Publishing Company, j BL-BSOIUPTWS P" Single copy five cents. Oue year, Jl. 00. Six months MO rents. Three montim 35 cents. x Entered at the Post-ofticeTat Hillsboro, Oregon, as Sseeond-clas mail matter. paramount. The people are pressed 'as (hat is concerned, it will make unmercifully by home taxation no difference with the result, for a not as many would like to lead j repuhliean will vote his leaders' people to believe by the condition dictation each and every time, of the national treasury. It is the '.A little inaneuvre will keep the heavy state tax caused by a repub-! democrats and populists in segreRit- lica.i profligate prodigality, that is ; tion, and next spring the taxpayers now causing taxpayers to groan. The intelligent part of the popu list, who are not blind to the bar ter and sale character of a certain j element of the populist organiza can have a five mill state tax, all of which will terve them right. RANK BUNCOMBE. The republicans will push "pro tection" to the front in the coming campaign s never before, and par agraph after paragraph will occupy space in th party press to show how labor will again be favored. They will explain why labor's wage has not giiie up in the scale, since their party has again gained both houses in congress. But for the . ake of truth, the average man of intelligence is requested to look back at the noird of this great inflated party of assumed protection, which for many years dominated our na , tonal policy. A high protective tar iff was placed upon manufactured articles that our manufacturers might compete with pauper labor, the while the favored were tending . across the pond, into the slums of Europe, to bring over the moot un desirable element to compete with flesh and blood of our own and fur ther degrade and pauperize the working people of the country. Ev ery avenue of hire was flooded and one of the results of this svstem .of iniquity was the strike era this generation has witnessed, the first being that at Homestead. This eyfcteni was one which proved a bar as well, to the producing classes, as they must sell their surplus pro duct in the cheapest mart the world has ever known, and buy their necessaries in the "protected" one at home, of couise. Is it any won der that the people wanted a differ- , :nt regime? And is it any wonder that the new regime could not, in a year or two, undo the conditions which had filled the country with anarchistic decay and bred organi zations to which this element, with rapacity and loud mouthing, clung and ranted about the rights of man and constantly declared that, he who did not renounce all but anar chism was dishonest and not wor thy of life? Now, in this year of 1896, the g. o. p. people will tell you that dem ocracy is responsible for the depres- sion which was brought about and which had gradually been 'abornin' for years, and first took nourish ment several yearB prior to 1892. Their hearers will know it is false, but every prejudicial argument will . , be brought to bear to keep those who see the truth, into the party. Had the republican party carried the '92 election, today the organi zation, nationally, would now not exist. But vulgar luck, like the fool it ever is, took the initiative and threw them out at a time they could use the result of their own maladministration for campaign thunder against the democrats. This thunder about the change , is rank buncombe, and the intelli gence of our people is insulted by representing it as anything else . than the cause of the hard repub lican harvest. Pi'RiTY in government should he gin at home, and to hear the tax- tion in the county are more than payers talk one would suppose that welcome to come into the demo-! a strong sentiment was prevalent cratic councils .ami help to correct to support an earnest reform effort. if the temper f the people is not wrongly estimated, they would lose no time in uniting with a reform movement that would at once give relief in state and countv affairs, the evils which' are first and the greatesttose existing in Oregon. The democratic party has its faults. Gentlemen of the people's party, you who reallv want to see reform. and see it immediately, come and j and prevent another such sliatuetul Dead Letter List. ! The following is the list of letters re maining in the Hillsboro post oftict iin-i claimed: I Brandts, Mrs Colson James II j Sclirocinsberyen, Itch Fuller, lvl ; All letters not called for by Feb. 31, ! 1S95, will be sent to the dead letter of-' fiee. One cent will be charged on each ; letter called tor. Makv A. Brown, l M. Look! Rare Bargains j Purest Drugs laud Chemicals. Patent Medicines. Proprietary Articles. 'nnlU'tlftV The Hillsboiarniacy ?. help correct those evils, and help the people of Oregon in the hour they most need succor. You will receive heart' co operation, and in this manner, the ring which elects legislatures wnich cost one and one quarter millions of dollars per ses sion can be smashed. THE TRIE VERSION. Here is something for the tax paying voters not the politicians. It was penned by the editor of the Oregonian last winter, the next day after the legislature adjourned, and although it was not a rebuke from a pure motive, the truth of the as sertions and pertinence of the que ry are too well founded to provoke even a ureiudiced criticism. Read it thoroughly and then find the vo ter to question the facts: "Such a result! A legislature which the people elected to do certain things that were distinctly promised, yet nothing done at all, except that which is wholly evil. There is no re duction of official extravagance; an opportunity to which the people had looked forward for relief was wholly wasted; appropriations ex ceeding in prodigality and extrava gance those of the last legislature, under which the people groaned. Who will have the face to ask the e lection of another republican legislature?" The answer to the query is very easv. The Oregonian will, as matter of course. The Oregonian is in the habit of asking ridiculous ly easy questions. proceeding as the legislative session of the year 1895. The Washington Post thinks the democratic administration has been attended with a great deal of scan dal. The Post was the paper which thought Cleveland's Venezuelan message scandalous. If the city of Washington; were free from the Post it would be rid of the cbiefest scan dal on America citizen ship. On the local page of this issue is an article relative to the post mas tership; pf Forest Grove, and the new appointee. I hk is re liably' informed since writing the same, ftiat he is and always has been, a democrat, but that his pa per has been, and is so advertised, independent. CHANCE FOR HEAL REFORM. If it be true, as rumors have it, that the intelligent element, now adhering to populism, is sick and tired of the hillings-gate and con trariness, as well as the desire of a certain factor in its parly councils to have something to push on the market at an opportune time to perpetuate republican power in this state, the democrats extend tpthem a welcome to assist in bringing about reform that can be promul gated in an expedient hour. The siyinf- need at this time is reform in state and county affairs. ThiB element, many of whom are men of unquestionable integrity, can find in the democratic party of this state and county a bulwark of real reform strength. The traditions of the democratic party, and its ten ets, shall live so long as a free gov ernment exists, and so far as this state is concerned, or county, its record is unquestionable. In no manner can the enemy, the repub lican party, assail the fact that nut of this grand old organization has sprung the best governor the tate ever had in the executive uhair. State and home issues are The time will come when politics will have no particular importance in election of county officers. The capability of a man to fill an office in county administration should not be judged by his political affil iations, but by genuine worth, in telligence and integrity. As condi tions now obtain, the main parties must levy upon candidates for offi cial honors and to maintain this specie of extortion, large salaries must be voted 011 our statute books to make the "dear people" in the end, pay for individual preferment which a few men in each county control and accrue benefit. Sala ries should be lower and tenure of office of longer duration, and then this scramble for spoils, now being paid for by the property holders would be reduced to a minimum This state should commence the re form by first voting to hold its elec- I tions in November, and then follow j with making the tenure of county ; office not less than four years, the salaries to be at such a figure that is compatible with the services. The Eugene Guard wants fusion The Guard is foolish. There is no such thing as fusion. The experi ment has been tried, and found to be a failure. Some one will throw the switch and sidetrack the demo crats to give the g. 0. p. the right! of way, and the democrat who isi ignorant enough to sell his .rinci-j pies for others' gains and his undo ing, is surely impervious to practi cal demonstration. No man can afford to waste time on the fusion idea. Populists, two years ago, told democrats how they were Jefferson "democrats" and fusion resulted. On the eve of election one of the so called "Jefferson democrats" did the fusion scheme, which he had j hitherto fostered, all possible harm so far as the democrats were con cerned. Democrats can do no less than put up a ticket and let it go down iif honor, or support an en tirely independent move, so far as the coming election is concerned. Notice for Publication. Land OmcK at Oheook City, Ok.) Keb. 10, 18!Kl.f TVTOTICE is hereby given that the follow. Xl ing-nanied settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in suji port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Wash ington countv, at Hillsboro, Oregon on March 30, lswt.vus: Miles S. Collins, H.E. No. 7939, for the K S V "i3 W XSKK Sec 2.' T a N R 5 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon uml cultivation of said land, viz: Oatis Havcock, of Kir, Uregon. Charles 'iicks, " " S S Bateman, " " W H I.yda. 47-6 Kobkbt A. Mii.i.eb, Register. Sheriff's Sale on Foreclosure. 1Y Y IB IT 10 OK AX KXHt'HTlOX, 5 decree anil order of milt", issued out of the Circuit Court of the Mute of Oregon, for Washington County, in favor of K. K. Miller, plaintiff, und iimunst r'red I'atter son, A. L. . tiCteod, Helen Mat'leod and M.l). Maikhaiii, defendants, for the sum of thirlv-two and fifty hundredths dol lars (f i'lSII) costs, and for thelurlhei' sum ufeiKlit hundred and eighty d.illiimW.(Xi) I'uitod States gold coin, wilh interest thereon at the rule often (10) per rent, per annum. Irom the i!lst day of November, 1SSV. and the furtlu-rsum of ninety dollar tStK.i.001 wilh interest thereon at the rate of eight (S) per t ent. per annum from the 18th duv of December, 1S!I.", 11ml lor the cuts and expenses of sale uml of said writ. Now, therefore, by virtue and in ptiisii niien of Miid itidsrineiit. decree and order of sale. 1 will, on Mondiiv the lOlh day of February, lMHi. at the south floor of the Court iiouse, in Hillsboro, Washington Countv. Oregon, ut the hour of ten (10) o'clock" a. ir., of said day, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for rush, the following-described mil property, to-wit: t'urt 01 wieMHltn esi ",01 me. nuiiiu West, y of Section three (.'!) Town-thin one (1) Ninth liange four (41 West, beginning at the Si uth West vomer of Section three (:t)running thence North seventeen minutes (17') Kast 011 the section line twenty anil tilt cell hiiiidivdtlis(AU"OehaiustotheNoit!i West corner; thence. East with the North line of said Southwest ',' of Southwest '4 thirteen and twenty-live hundredths (18.25) chains to the center of the road; thence South thirty lour (81) degrees hast eleven and eighty-two hundredths (tl.S'il chains, to the liast line of snid tracts thence South ten (10.U0) chains to the Southeast comer of said tract; thence West on the Section hue nineteen and seventy-seven lunictieii ths (19.77) chains t the place of beginning excepting a piece in the Northwest coiner nf said tract, described jis follows: Com mencing at a point two rods-South of tne ortnwesi corner 01 shim unci, run ning thence North two 121 rods, thence Southwest to the place of beginning, con taining thirty six and forl.Y-eiu.lit hun dredths 1311.481 ucres, more or less, all sit uate in Washington County, Oregon, t" satisfv the hereinbefore named sums, ami for the costs and expenses ol saitl sale Said property will be sold subject to re demption as per statute ol Oregon. Witness my hand this Sill day of .limit ary. WW. II. I'. 1'okh, Sheriff of Washington Countv. Oregon. liy W. 1. llH.MiKoni), liepuly. Miller iV .inner, Attorneys lor riuiutui, Mill III.' IIUW I UI U( Enquire at TliK Abuts office'. No I -0 acres, adjoining city limits, sidewalk w ithin one block of property. Select Stock . of Stationery. 11 rile 11 1 11 r Attention I'aiilTn I'liislfiiins' riTsiTiptiotiN mid Ksinily Recipes. UiaercM cleared, finest quality of bottom ! Itiml 4 iiiri.N lii-lti'h. tlm-sill, i'lil llllilllilltr ' purposes, some timber on same. Will; sell In a body for SJKHl purl down, Iml-1 mice on tiniti to stilt purchaser, or will I subdivide so as to give part cleared hot. I torn uml part bench, in plats from ' to ft acres, at ?i;5 per acre. Here Is a chance j for a good neul little homo which eiiu be made self sustaining- Invest igute before some one gels it. On the market for a short time only. No 2 10 acres, hull' cleared, 1 acre boa verdani, rest slushed and sown to urass, no buildings, goes forJii-"i per acre. With in two nines of Hillsboro. Terms, 100 down, balance in il years ut HI per cent. Or will sell 40 acres, of w hich above is a part, at same price per acre, Including 1 acres of beaverdani uml switil cleared. No S lis acres, highway running H.mtiin-li oitiitm-ni' iihif-e. ."ill Hen-s mi culti vation; li acres In orchard, tipples, pears 1 and plums; u room House; log liai n, goon well of wilier; 30 acres of lieiivei'diiin, easy to put in cultivation; phieu well w atered liy springs aim erecK; niu ucrcs iinoei fence; 14 miles from post otllce, dully mail; I mile from school house and six miles norm ol llillsiioio. does ciicup lor usli. - No 4 A good corner lot on Main and rhird streets. 7.'x 175. w ith good building thoreon.Miiituide for any kind of business, unci in excell'Jiit repair, will go at a bar gain for easlu Part payment mid buliinco on long time with security. No 5 1 J acres; half cleared, balance in gr.iss. tfood house 01 lour rooms; coon burn ami outlmiltlinys. fine orchard 01 50 trees and various oilier small fruits. mo chickens u ducks, t-tiorse wagon, 2 sets single harness, good cow, 3 heifers 1 horse and lurin implements. every thing Kix's for 150, cash in hand HILLSBORO CITY MEAT MARKET. 1. M IIF.IIST, I'lmi- Beef, Mutton, Veal and Pork Kept Constantly on Hand. Highest : Mai kit : Price : I'.iiil : for : Fat : Cattle, : Sheep ; ami : linn Cash Paid for Poultry. MAIN STREET, IIIU.HUOKO, Oltl'XiON. Don't Boy ii Hi; ilobt. Chrisinger Paper Hanging and Decorating Sample Book brought to house on appli cation and paper sold at Portland wholesale prices. Hillsboro, Oregon Selentiflo American Agenoy Tor nr 1 x I'jrx CAVEATS. TRADE MARE. DI8ION PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS. to. for Inforautlon and free Handbook write to KUNN A CO., Ml Broadway, Niw York. Oldest bureau for securing patent In America. Every patent taken out by u in brought before tLe public by a notice given free of charge la th frienfuie JUwitiw tamest circulation of any selentiflo paper In the world. Splendidly Illustrated. No Intelligent man should be without It, Weekly, 63.00 a Tear; 1.S0 six months. Address, II UN IT ft CO, FvsLUUiiBa. 8S1 Broadway, New York City. i Itioa, V. Oak. Henrv C. 1'hvCih, Henry I', lloissn, llocievera ORTHERN After a wnrehiiig inquiry into the mutter, it transpires that about four-fifths of the democrats are in favor of free silver, while the ratio of republicans in this regard is as three is to five. There is but little doubt us to what the state platform of the democrats will be if the ma jority has its say. As to the repub licans, the Portland magnates will have nothing but a gold standard plank, an anything else will be the means of defeating Dolph. So far PACIFIC R. R. u N 3 Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegant Dining Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars T. PAUL TO MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH FAR 00 CI100KST0N WINNIPEG HELENA and BUTTE TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW VORK " S0ST0N AND ALL POINTS EASr and SOUTH For inl'oi iiiutioii, Hiiir cards, limps and tieketM, enll on or write 1 4. D. CHARLTON, Asst, Gen). Pass AgenJ PORTLAND. OR. 255 Morrison Street. Notice for Publication. Land Okfuk at Okkoom City. Oh. i Jim. Hi, INK). I OTK'K is liertbv itiven thai I lie follow inir-iiiiiiieit Demur litis lili'ti limine ol his intention to make liual linn I in sin port of his claim, ami that Miitl pmof will he imide lit'loic the County 1 It rk ol a:i unrton countv itt llillxboro, Uivaon, on Keb. 'Jll, WW, viz: John R. Greenwood, H. K. No. 7IW. lor the N W fee L'5. T 1 N. KB W. He names the following witnesses to urove his continuous resilience upon mill cultivation ot said taint, viz.: tJeoree. orohev.'. Waller It Lilly, .lame Churcnill anil Anlipus Tliunias, all of (iales Creek. Oregon. 44-0 ItoHKRT A. Mn.l.m. KcuistiT, Notice for Publication. Land Orririt at OiiRfios City, Ok. I Jan. '-'U, lKl.f TVTOTK'i; is hereby (tivHi.tlim tin- follow 1 im."-iianic'.i s,;ltlrr bus li led notice of his i 1 1 : e . 1 : 1 1 . i to make liual proof in sui: nort of his claim, and that suid ptouf w ill be ninile ihc l!i uister and Kcucirer US Land Office at Oregon City, Oivgoir on li, IK (i, viz: Fri deriek Cozenn. II. 14. No. H-112 for the N of S V iintl S W N W 14 Sec : 1 wu 1 S It 1 Y He iiaiues the tollowinK witnesses to prove liiscontinuous residence upon anil cultivation ot sain iiino, viz: John Caldwell of l'roi'e"S Ore Alonzo H Fuiino " " James Hite " " Joseph I loyd of Portland. Ore ft Coai't fit r fi :t and liiiejiicH arc I'i'.M viuiih for let1 si inoiiey; Until yon have seen a t'onut Sled (!enr Manu'l'tl. by Ouasl ('iiriinotut Wagon Co. Best on Earth! M. M. Ii I iscv n 11 1 on I'rii't'8 but no DisUOtllll till lilt! (iooils. I'ltrtitriilurs of Williams Ilros., Hillsboro, Ore, .'in, Ast:ioiit'i C'onht (!iu i i:to( it W ilson t'o., (yiirvallis, Ore, W. T. Andrews. President, lrnio)ftl li, W.Di iiiini e, Si-nHiy ANDREWS LUMBER CO. t Incorporated June X, IMC.i MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ROUGH Am DRESSED LUMBER. MOl'NTAINPAI.K, - OREGON. K. Mi NKII., Keen ver. TO THE EAST (lives the choice of Tll'O TKASSCOM'ISEXTA I. ROUT E S l! SPOKANE MLNNKAl'OMS AND ST PAUL 'in (i DENVER OMAHA AND KANSAS CI TV n .'.l,'ii! Shortest and Quickest Line Dnyy 44- U Uoiiert A., Keftistcr. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court, of Lliti SI itt c of Oregon for Wastiiii'toii county. Henry Hrauer Pluintill'. vs, Minnie Kuehuel and Frank Kuehnel, her husband, W iSiitherland, Anton Wicke, A S Wilcox, H A Klliottand V I X Kuehnel, Defendants. J To V.innie Kuehnel and l''ranlc Kuehnel, her husband and F X Kuehuel, the above named defendants. IN THH NAMK Of THIS STATU OK Oregon, you lire hereby uoiiiinunilcd iintl required to appear an'd uuswer the coinplaint tiled against you in the above entitled court in the above entitled suit, on or before Monday the llith day of March, A. 1)., IS.'.Ki, the same heiniiou the lirstday of the next regular term of said court next following the expiration ol the time pre scribed in the order of publication of this summons and if you fail so to appear and answer said complaint the plaiiiliH' will ud ply to the court for the relief therein prayed for and demanded, to-wit: For a decree that plaintiH' have and recover of ami from defendants Minnie Kuehnel and Frank Kuehnel, tinil of and from each of them, on a certain pi'oinisMiry note for $f)0 inutlo and delivered by suid Minnie and Frank Kueh nel on July 81, 18U.'J, bearing intern t at 10 per vent per annum, Interest payable semi annually, payable to plaintiff, on which $25 interest has been paid, and on a mort- f age given by said defendants Minnie iintl 'rank Kuehnel on the following described real property situated in Washington County, Oregon, to-wit: The south half of the west three-quarters of the northwest quarter of the southeast quiu ier of Hection Four, Township Two, Month l'ange one West of the Willamette ' eridian, containing fifteen acres, to se cure the same, the sum of $)K5 and $1W) attorney's lee, and interest thereon from this date until paid,nd costs uml disburse ments herein j for a decree foreclosing said mortgage and ordering Raid mortgaged properly to be sold and the proceeds ap plied to the payment of expenses of side, costs and disbursements and attorney's fee herein uml of said promissory note, and al so for a decree that the above named de fendants and each of them und all persons claiming by, through or under them or either of them, subsequent to the execution of said mortgage, be barred uml foreclosed of all claim, interest, right, title, lien or equity of redemption wive only the statu tory right to retleem.--iii.on or to said mort gaged prem ises, or any part thereof, and lor such other aim lurt tier renei as to tne court shall seem meet and equituble. This summons is published against you by order of Hon. Thos. A. Mcllride, Judge of I lie above named court made in open court and dated on the (Ith day of Decem ber, lMn. J. 11. STonnAKii, Attorney for Plaintiff. ANDERSON & TUPPER, (Succesoor to C R Mead) EXPRESS! Maked regular trip to Portland on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, re turning on Tuesdays, Thursdaysand Sat urdays. All business entrusted to him will lie promptly and carefully attended I to. Freight una express rales reasonable. Leave orders with him, or at Ledford's, I or at i ii n Ainiya, LOW ItATKS TO All. KASTKliN tU I IKS . Offnn Simmer Leave Portland livery Five ... FOH ... SAN FRANCISCO F.:r full details call on or address: W H HURLKL'll", (icn'l Pass Agent Portland, Oregon, Notice For Publication. N' Land Oi fh f, ,it Obkoon City, Ou.i Jan. 3, lMln.l TOTIOF, is hereby given that the follow ing-named settler has tiled notice ot lus intention to make final proof in support of his claim, under Sec. ffiUfi Revised Malutes of the U. H.. anil that saitl proof w ill be made ueloie the Register and Receiver U. 8. Lund Olilce, at Oregon City. Oregon, on February IS, Willi, viz: Clms. H. Welch, II. K. No. 1UHI14 for theJS N K , and K 8 K )4 of (Sec. Ill, T 4 H 11 li W W M lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John Pettijohn of Keasey, Oregon. Peylon Clarke " " C II Wheeler Olatskiinie " Geo Ricbwine Jr , .i ontiivilltt" 41-0 IloiiEHT A. Mii.i.kb, Register SUMMONS." In the Circuit Court of the Stuto of Oregon for Washington county. Reiuhold A. J. Neekritz, PlaintiH', 1 vs. Mary White, Thomas lloggass and f James lioggass, Defentlants. J To Mary White, the above named defen dant. IN TliK NAME OF THE STATIC OF Oregon you ure hereby required to up penr anil answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit in the above entitled Court by the lirstday of the next term of said Court, which will be the third Monday in March, IWKI, mid ifyoti fail to so appear unci answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff' will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded in the complaint, for a de cree annulling the deed fro.n the defendant Thomas lioggass, whereby ho conveyed to yon the Kast one-half VA) of Southeast one quarter () of Hection Seven (7) and West one-hulf CA) of Southwest one-quarter () of Hection Eight (8) in Township Two (2) North of Range Four (4) West Willamette Meridian, containing One hun dred and sixty (KJO) Acres, in Washington county, Oregon, declaring the deed of suid property from 1'liiintiif and wife to said 1 nomas lioggass. a mortgage on sain prop. PACIFIC COAST POINTS . . . ST. PAUL, AND THE EAST.. Crosses both the Cascades and tho ilocky Mountain In DA V 1, 10 H I', tiH'onling pim seugeis tliuoppniliinity of viewing the Grandest Scenery in America, I wo trains ilmtv troni I orllanil ; one at II a. in , via Heali le. and one at K:4!V il m ng t in s, Kii(1t I ears lesr liiiiis, Hit i via w. ii. iv .. ami i-pomine, mi us so pern equipment, consist ingot (lining cm s , .fur,. fM.I.U I i ... I .1 a.l.i.l j...... il I I- .'1 u u 'II... i. ...... ... vcls id elegance and comfort, containing bath room, luirlier shop, easy t Twin steiimships "Xoiihwesl" and "Nonliliind'' ienve O.iluili every Monday anil f Hi'lduy lor the "Son," Mae.l-iuiic liland. Uelroii , Cleu lai ,d and lluCnln' in eone'i'ftion with the (Ireat Northern liiiilw.ii.y Have tir ticket" p ml m Ni ili'l II KI!N hTKAM- -SHIP I'OMPAN V and enjoy n di.lifrlittul ii.le trtti from ihe bent mid .ti:i. For link t l-i and general infnnuutiuii c,,h .1,1 or addles R, C STUVKNS, (i. W. P. S . Iil2 Froul St.. Seattle, Wash. A. II. C. DKNXIST'ON.C. I'f.TT. A. 1.:.' I Mm M. r-irt.liiiHl,lliiiKoii. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY! TIlltKK l (U.I.KIIK Cnl'ltSHS . . . Classical, Scientific, Literary. T11M ACADKMY picpnns for ColU'ttf m il ivec ii tlinnnigli ling--lisli lCdufiitioii; the In-dl iiTpai'.il ion fur Tniittliina or liiihincRH. All exifiiKPK very low. Ilniinl uml rtinniH nt tlio. Linlies' Hull, V hi 4 per wi ck, inclinliiip i-licliif lieht ,,il .t, The Col lege Dorniiliii y, ttntln exi t'llnit irotnitepincnt, fur iiislien liijiiid uml rnoin ut 2.2") iti week. Honi'il iintl rnnni in itiviile fmnilirH, plM) uml iipw iiiiIh. Miiny ftu- ili'tiU relit riinniHiiml Ixmnl t licmsclvoft hIh tutiil ihihI. lint to exi't'ed if l.")() per wct-li. Tlio full tenn begins .ItiiiUiirv 2, 18015 Fur full jiiirt iculiira mltiifHs-', thomas McClelland, Purest drove-, Oregon. L V. BERCKMOIS, .. Wiiiclinuilicr and Jeweler, .. -ioniiid SI root, - Hillslioro, Oregon, WATCHES CLOCKS JEWELRY SPECTACLES ETC. Fin b and complicated Watch Repairing: HatlHl'iiction (jliiarantoofl. WILEY & DENNIS, CITY LIVERY STABLE! -6 Cor. 2nd and Washington Street, Is erty to secure payment ol heventy l'lvc Dollars tTn.uu directhiK said defendant Mary Whiti: with lawful interest, mid to execute and deliver to PlaintiH', li deed of said property subject to saitl iiiorijtatre, and for the costs und disbursements and for such relief us may be equitable. Made and published by order of the Hon. Thomus A. McBride, in open court this December 23rd, 1HIB. a, r. x emiirnhall, 1,, Lachman, Attorneys for Plaintiff. WHERE YOU WILL FIND THE BEST TEAMS THAT CAN BE HAD IN HILLSBORO. EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. GOOD TEAMS, GOOD BUGGIES and DRIVERS, Notice for Publication. LaMI) OKKIfE AT OltKOON ClTY, (1K.I Jan. HI, imm.l Notice for Publication'. Lamd OrritiK at Orkuon Cm, Oh.I Jan. tfl, 1WKI.I NtVI'IfK Is hfiiehv iven tliat the follow- 'W,Tli;K lH l"rehy Kiven tbattbe follow n named settler h W lot Vol ii.K-nn.ed settler has filed notice of hr in S to So Hi, I rotiM fun intention to make tlimi proof In Hup- be nitule before tho (Jounty Clerk of Wsh- $m?t$ at Hi sb'oro O , H liiKtnn county ut Hillsboro, Oregon, on llBr5 . 3 UIN'JU10' '"' li H Feb. 21), 181)6, viz: i , IM, Vl. . H. 15, No. 8518, for the 8 K Hoc. 2t, T 3 ; It 5 W. N, H 8 W. ,'.,', . Ho niinies tho following witnesses to Hhe names the following witnesses to .)r,)Ve )iB continuous resilience upon ami prove her continuous residence upon and , cultivation of said land , viz: Walter B Mllv. James Churchill, Antipiis i'n 1 1 i vol inn of said land, viz Kred Myers, Cornelius lolson, Daniel Kan A Bargain. A neatly constructed 5 room cot ttige within 2 of bUHineBB part JKEftS Greenwood, all . of town. Good fence around lot, j M Bobkbt A. Miller, Register. I '" 1 ' 8 V.'kkt A. MaLiM, Register, gOOtl WOOIIHllt'tl, HUH IHU lUUUIjr closets in residence. Alwo pump in cood repair. GoeB ft r ?(5U(J. quirt at thin nffire. t rr0 BUNT. A larue cottaue with three --" I I I, .la In V.irlh siila fulililinli ut. ih unr I month. Enquire at tills cilice. I JH) It sale or rent, tho proporty of 11 ; trntornahror. Will rent at 14.50 por month, enquire ot Ii V Hewkmnei mie. ' 7"