The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 30, 1896, Image 1

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VOL. 2." " "" "
Evidence ot Steady Growth
, and Enterprise.
rroni All the Cities ami Town of the
I'nclllo Mtate ana Territorial
t , Watliliigton,
All opera houso ami dunce hull oom
biued is to be, eropted at Kalama.
Washington has 112 members In her
legislature, while the . new Btute of
Utuh has sixty-three.
A contract has boon signed to build
At Everett a saw mill with a capacity
of 50,000 feet a day.
The Marysville labor exchange has
started a depository, by selling shingles
and laying in a stock of groceries.
Washington's lumber product for
181)5 was the value of $0,800,000 of
which $3,000,000 was In Shingles.
A four-story brewery with stone
foundation is to be erected at Turn-
-Kfawir. Its dimouHiona will be 28x1)0
An Iudian on the North beach cap
tured ti fine speoimen of the Arctic owl
one day lust week. The captain of the
schooner Thayer paid f 5 for it.
A oheese factory with all the latest
machinery is to be ereoted at Daven
port, and is expected to1 be ready to
commence operations in the spring.
A carload of cedar doors has been
ordered from Taooma for England.
This sample order gives promise of
many lurge European shipments. The
same firm several mouths ago shipped
a, 700 doors to Portland, Me.
The state iusuranoe commissioner's
report for tho year shows receipts of
14,438. 80 and expenditures of $ 1 , 644. 50
during 181)5; excess of receipts, $3,
803, 80. The secretary of state baa de
cided to strictly euforoe the provisions
of the law licensing insurauoe agents
during the present year.
One poiut that was woll brought out
at the immigration convention was
that the state of Washington is, taken
as a whole, a place where farmers to
be suooossful do not require large hold
ings. It is a state where ten aores
Will give an iudustrious man indn-
NO. 45.
of the Klamath reservation is reported
to be very high owing to the whooping
coogn epwomio, and the redskins have
returned to the aboriginal sweat-house
treatment of the disease.
One of Polk county's wealthiest land
ownerB has bad the fever for some
years to engage in raising coffee. He
wauted to visit South or Central
Amorioa in the interest of this sub.
ject, but has at last decided to send to
Mexico for coffee trees.
i he Polk county tax lew is 14
mills, of which 4 8-10 mills is for the
state; 4 2-10 mills for the oouuty and
5 for schools. This is an inorease of
mill over last year's rate. The
oouuty valuation has been left by the
state Doard at 114,077,807. Umatilla
county's rate is 18 mills.
jaoKson county people may not be
expooted to urge the next legislature
to aotion in tne matter of reapportion
ment, as they will be apt to lose one
representative. The oounty assessor's
census snows a population of 18,000
wnicn would entitle them, according to
. 0 - -
me new oeusus to a less representa
ine Uomooratio state convention
nag been called to meet at Portland.
April u. Nominations will be made
tor one CUUdidute for nnnirrnaa frnm
eHoh congressional distriot. and nan.
didatos for such other state and district
oraces as may be required under the
law. Nominations will also be In
ordor for four candidates for presiden
tial electors and eight alternates to the
national Domocratio convention.
good sized ledge of high-grade car
bonate of copper and black oxide of
oopper ore has been struck in the cop
per mines near Waldo. Because of
the quantity and quality of the ores'
the oompany will at onoe erect its
smelter, so that within six weeks two
smelters will be running in Josephine
uuuuij, mo oeveiopement work on
the copper mines oonsists of a tunnel
on the south side of the creek eighty
five feet in depth and two tunnels and
a shaft a short distance to the south
west and about 800 feet above the
Events ot the Day in a Con
densed Form. -
item of Importance From Domestic
and Foreign Source! Cream
' oC the DUpatebe. .'
Earthquake have been noted in vari
ous parte of the state of Oaxaca,
General Thomas Ewinsr. ex-member
of congress from Ohio, is dead, at the
age of 67.
Three men were killed and four re-
oeived serious injuries bv the emlosion
of gas ir New Haven, Conn.
England's application for the
American loan will involve the exiiort
of $2,000,000 of gold within a week.
Advices from Crown Point. Ind..
state that bloodhounds are to be used
to trail criminals hidinar in the Kan.
kakee swamps.
As the result of a fire in St. Louis
five firemen were buried in the ruins.
and another died from injuries received
wnne righting the flames.
Despite the prohibitory decree of the
sultan, the Red Cross Society is pre
paring an expedition to Turkey to dis
tribute relief to the Armenian Buffer-
has been
closed for the
Snake river
A new Masonio lodge was organized
at Blackfoot last Saturday evening.
.ft f acres of irrigated laud
ern Washla, tttJJ':.; j
While the catching and marketing ti
shrimps has been a considerable indus
try in the waters about San Fraucisoo
for nearly a soore of years, it was al
ways thought that shrimps did not ex
ist in Puget sound. Lately, however,
they have been found there in large
numbers, and a company has been
formed. to catch them and ship thorn to
. Eastern markets. The Sound shrimps
3w said to be finer than any yet found
uWthtt Pacific coast.
The increased interest taken in the
prooeodiugB of the 'state dairy associa
tion augurs well for the future. Dairy
ing is destined to be the greatest of all
the agricultural interests in the state.
Its possibilities are almost limitless.
Then it is to be remembered that dairy
ing draws' in its train other interests.
In fact the duiry is the foundation for
successful mixed farming, and, all
things considered, mixed farming is
the safest and best for ninety-nine out
of every hundrd ranohers in the state.
Experience in hop and wheat-rainlug
has shown the- unwisdom of oarrying
all the eggs in one basket.
The biggest logging industry on the
Sound will probably be operated in
Jofforson oounty this year, by Mr.
Brown. He already has orders for 15,
000,000 foet of timber, and may pos
sibly double' tliat amount before the
Bummer is Over. Hois being looked to
by the mill companies for - the best logs
that will be floated into the Sound and
the orders that he has already received
makes it oertain that there will be
more logging done in this section dur
ing the coming season than has ever
been known before. In the vioinity of
the two or three camps that Mr. Brown
proposes to establish, he claims that
there are 200,000,000 feet of fine tim
ber, ready for the ax, and that it will
furnish profitable logging for twenty
five years. A season's work, he says,
win nardly make a noticeable loss in
the timber thereabouts.
Last year's produot of oorn was
815,874 bushels.
County assessment are S1.724.qrr.
; ' .
I a ireignt train numbering fifty oars,
fontaining wheat, was shipped trom
tear Pendleton last week.
1 Junction City is to have an eieotrio
Ught plant the council having granted
I thirty-years' franohise to Robert Clow
ind his associates. ;
The two Nestucca valleys are to be
Xraneoted by a wagon road, the court
laving favorably passed on a recent
petition to that effect. t
..The steel-head salmon have been so
umerous at Coqnille this week that
te good people there have been quite
filing, for Lent to commence. ;f,
fin base of urgent need of malitia
foteotiou, about 1,600 men, including
to batteries, oan . be rendezvoused in
mty-four hours, at Portland.
n Oregon man has attained con-
lerable distinction in Philadelphia
carrying off the prize for growing
e fine yellow, Danver onions.
o broom faotory at Bandon turned
IV. 000 broom , handles for one ship.
Hit to San Franoisbo. This industry,
A the woolen mills, which have re
itly resumed operations, have raised
I population of that town to over
00. V V
Fhe death ' rate , among the Indians
The oity of Lewiston 1ia.110.I-
in outstanding wtfceit? jtt rntxjrt
n !, " am j-t-jj..; ... ....
Vy.' . , 1ir,V,"It",J "twenty miles long
Btt cost over 200,000.
ine nrst annual meeting of the
Idaho stute horticultural sooiety was
uuiu ac uoiBe, January 22 and 23, 1806,
ine ice season in Boise is over and
all the largest ioe-houses are full,
Aoout o.OOO pounds were put up this
Of available farming land Idaho has
nearly 10,000,000 aores and more than
double this number of grazing land,
Its forests embrace thousands of square
or aores of pine,
spruce, nr ana manogany,
A band of Bannock Indians, under
the leadership of Jim Ballard, have
been giving no little trouble of late.
Threatening demonstrations have been
made against Agent Teller compelling
mm to can on tne Unitetd States mar
shal for protection,
The American Land and Power Com
pany has reoeived a detailed statement
rrom a. R. Grant, of Bookline, Mass.,
of the OOSt Of Constructing and nnnrnr.
ing a two-set woolen mill at American
J! ana. Mr. Grant assures the com
pauy that he will invest a considerable
sum in the enterprise himself and will
induoe his associates in the East to do
the same, and it is possible that actual
construction , will commence in the
spring. Aocording to the estimates,
the cost of the mill will be 154,000.
The facilities for obtaining wool in
Iduho are ample and there is a looal
market for the output of sudh a mill
Referring to the new bounty law.
the commissioners' report' says it 1b,
the most beneficial law for toroteotion
of the stock interests ever enacted in
Montana. Wolves are fast disappear
ing, and on some slopes have bepome
soaroe. The report says It 1b a que
tion of but a few years, when the
wolves will be almost
While feed is reported short on almost
all of the ranges, oattle are in good
condition. v . , ...
One of the latest business enterprises
of this oommunity iB the organization
of the Danzer Sheep Company. The
capitalization of this institution is
placed at 60,000 shares, the par vulue
of whioh is $1 each. The property
whioh has thus been plaoed in the
hands of a stock company is the mam
moth possessions of G. F. Panzer, and
inoludes some of the finest meadows
or our valley. It lies along the north
fork of Smith river for a distanoe of
seven miles and commands a large
lougo. ine premises are In a high
state of cultivation and the new oom
pany starts out With splendid prospects.
The trustees for the first three months
are G. F. Danzer, Michael Danzer and
J. T. Anderson.
The hoisting maohine in the convert
ing department of the Ohio Steel Com
pany, at Youngstown. O.. went wrorn?
and one man was killed and two seri-
usly injured.
Ihe death of Prinoe Henry, of Bat
tenberg, is announced He accom
panied the British expeditionary forces
to ooutn mca, and while there con
tracted a fever of which he died.
The supreme court rendered an im
portant decision in San Francisoo. de.
daring that the stockholders of the daJ
funot Panifln hanlr an. lfc'- " --J
liable for tfca lraj2J
-. ri xvhubu, nas . Deen
.f'ippre8sed, and the country
aptwnnea. 'mere have been many ex
eoutions, inoluding the leaders of the
ine site for the United States peni
tentiary, whioh was located by the
commission about eighteen months ago
near the state penitentiary in Walla
Walla, has been approved by the gov
eminent, and the title acoepted.
A detailed aooount of the surrender
of King Prempeh, of Ashantee, to the
British expeditionary foroe in South
Alrioa, state that his majesty actually
groveled In the dust as a mark of his
complete submission to England.
A row between Theodore Luebcke, a
carpenter, and William Solomon, a
German oompatriot, at the home of the
former in Portland, Or., ended in
Luebcke stabbing to the heart and al
most instantly killing Solomon. Fam
ily troubles were the cause.
It is stated that a rupture between
Brazil and Italy is imminent, owing
to Brazil's tardiness in satisfying Ital.
ian olaims arising out of the civil war
in Brazil. It is reported the warship
Benjamin Constant has started to oc
cupy tl island of Trinidade.
A dispatoh from San Salvador savs
the minister of war is mobilizing the
militia, of which in this city alone
there are 7,000 available. The'Kov-
ernment asserts this is done for the
purpose of aooustoming the militia to
the use of arms and to perfect their
A dispatch from Ekaterinoslav. the
oapitol of the government of that
name, in Southern Russia, gives de-
' ui ure mat ooourred in a
theater, causing a great loss of life.
The fire was discovered while a per
formance was going on. The specta
tors beoame panio-Btrioken, and made
a wild rush for the exits. Forty-nine
bodies have already been taken out
ringleaders were placed in buckets
which were cut so as to give a full
view of their ghastly oontents and the
buckets were hung on the Fpo Chow
bridge, where they remained on exhi
bition for two days. Then they were
taken to Ku Cheng, the scene of the
massacre of the ten Christian girls, and
were then hung on trees, where they
are probably still hanging. To remove
one of the heads means immediate
death to the offender. The execution
has had a great moral effect on the
Chinese, and I think it will be a long
time Deiore tnere will be murderous
interference with the missionaries." j
John Tyler, eldest son of President
iyler, died in Washington, aged 76.
1 wenty -nine hundred miners at Co
lumbus, O., returned to work, having
setiiea tneir trouble.
President Cleveland has consented
to be present at the anniversary cele
bration at Princeton college.
A San Francisco paper says the presi
dent has accepted an invitation from
Attorney W. W. Foote to spend part
of his vacation next summer on the
Pacific coast.
The ice gorge in the Maumee river,
about eight miles above Toledo, broke
and in running out carried away two
spans of the new bridge in course of
construction. The loss is estimated at
In a heavy fog, with the wind in the
northeast and the surf running far up
the beach, the American liner St Paul.
1 3 1.. .
uuuua m, went ashore on Long Island.
All of the 700 passengers were safely
transferred to land.
A special to Novoe Vremya from
Vladivostock says news has been re
oeived from Peking that the Chinese
government has assigned a large sum
for the creation of a fleet. The plan
of construction is very large.
Herr Knebel-Doeberitz, a high offi
cial or tne ministry of the interior,
who drafted the regulations excluding
the American insurance oompanies
from doing business in Germany, has
reoeived a high decoration from Em
peror William.
The Hon.
The Plans ot Peter the Gre
About to Be Realized.
k i is . . -
ZXttSFJWi?&tl ""TO e general con-
Truly Shattuok, the vounir actress.
has fled from San Francisoo to avMd
testifying against her mother, who is
being tried for the murder of Harry
Poole. Truly was the chief witness
her mother during the first
trial, as Mrs. Shattuok shot the young
man on aooount of the attentions to
her daughter, and it was proved that
Truly, at the oommand of her mother,
wrote Poole a note which summoned
him to her house the day he was shot
There is to be a sensational contest
in Andersonville, Ind., between Dr.
British Columbia.
f 7he Vancouver poultry show held
reoently was well attended, and had
upwards of 400 entries.
A bridge 250 feet long is neihg built
by the government, crossing Cranberry
oreek at Paul's landing.
Work was resumed on the Slough
oreek drain tunnel about the first of
the month. It is expeoted to have the
drain across to the head of Nelson
oreek by April 1. . .
There was an extraordinary run' of
herring in Departure bay last week.
Afew strokes of the herring rake were
sufficient, in almost every instance,
to fill a boat with fish.
covert, who has reoently sued - and
been sued by the Indiana Spiritualists.
and Dr. Harry Adams, of Crawfords
vine who olaims , to represent the
Spiritualists, but many disolaim him
TO 1 ! 1 , . V. . . .
cur nix uigncs vi. Aoams is to appear
and Dr. Covert has wasrered that he
will do everything Dr. Adams per
forms, Covert not olaimingj any med
ium assistance. The men have put up
t500 with the judges. , . ; .
Negotiations between the Rid Grande
Western and the Wesern Passenger As
sociation have been broken off -again.
The Rio Grande Western has agreed,
however, to cease paying, a commis
sion on tiokets from Salt Lake to Den
ver, reserving to itself the right to out
rates whenever neoessary to meet the
competition of the Union Pacific .The
Western roads have agreed to make
half fare rates for commissioned officers
of the army and navy and the depend
ent members of the families when they
travel at their own expense.
J. C. Oswold, who has just returned
from the Orient, and who was a wit
ness of the exeoution of the Chinese
ringleaders of the recent massaores of
missionaries in that oountry, in speak
ing of it says: ."After the exeoution
had taken place the heads of tha in
m heart failure. Mr. Rnnvnn hart
been in somewhat feeble health for
some time past, but no immediate
fatal results were anticipated.
A special to the New York World
from Kingston, Jamaica, Bays a serious
uprising is reported in Port-au-Prince,
the capital of Hayti. After three days'
rioting in the streets, the insurrection
was surpressed. There is general un
easiness throughout the island.
Colonel Crofton has been reqested to
retire by Secretary Lamont. The col
onel refuses to comply, and relies on
the influenoe of his nephew, Dupont of
Delaware, who olaims an election as
United States senator, to retain for
him his position in the army.
A special to the Boston Traveller.
from New York, says that the ban
placed by the Catholio church upon
the orders of Knichts of Pythias. Sons
of Temperanoe and Odd Fellows is ab
solute, and offers no further disoussion.
This is the mandate of the none.
through his representative. Cardinal
The imperial court of Leipsio, Ger
many, has ruled on a case which affeots
the rights of German-Amerioans. F.
W. Beohine, of Brooklyn. N. Y.. was
lined in September last the sum of 200
marks for evading military service by
emigrating. The court quashed this
sentence, as not being in accord with
treaty rights.
A bill has been introduced in the
Kentucky legislature by Goebel to re
peal the charter of the Southern Paoiflo
Railway Company, obtained in 1884
by C. P. Huntington. The road has
never been operated in Kentucky, but in
California, and the action of the sena
tor is prompted by resolutions of mass
meetings of citizens of California.
Postmaster-General Wilson has is
sued a general order providing that in
all cities and towns having free deliv
ery postal servioe, the postal system be
extended, to include house-to-house
collections. For the convenience of
the department, however, the introduc
tion of boxes in houses, until further
orders, will be confined to twenty-five
A meeting of the American mer
chants in Pretoria, was held, and it
was deoided to telegraph to Seoretary
of State Olney that in view of the in
terests of American oitizens and the
faot that their property was jeopar
dized, it was requested that a diplo
matic agent be sent to arrange matters
with a view to any exigencies .whioh
might arise. ,
The seoretary of the Oakland, Cal.,
bianoh of the American Railway Union
has .reoeived a letter from the private
seoretary oi Ji, v. Debs, in whioh the
statement telegraphed from the. East
that Debs is to resign the presidency of
the union is denied. He says Debs
will win the fight he is now engaged
in on behalf of organized labor or die
in the attempt.
The Chinese government has agreed
to open the West river, provided China
is allowed to retain the territory oeded
under the Burmah-China convention of
1894. The, opening of two ports on
the West, or Si Kiang river, namely,
Shao King and Wu Chow, was stipu
lated for by the Japanese as part of the
terms of peace. The cities of Canton
and Hong Kong are situated on the bay
into whioh the West river empties.
At a-meeting of the grand officers
of the Knights of Pythias, held in Cin
cinnati, the following resolution was
passed: . "Resolved, That it is the
unanimous sense of the assembly that
no encampment of the uniformed rank
should be held during 1806, unless a
guaranteed rate of one oent per mile
by the shortest practicable route, with
a limit of twejity days, oan be se
cured." ,
The General Belief It That the Mo...
ment of Troops Foreahadowe
Action in the Spring.
5 London, Jan. 29. The Dailv Nnni
mis morning prints a dispatch from
Vienna asserting that news has been
received there from Constantinople and
Sebastopol, whioh agrees that Russia
has a fleet lying at Sebastopol and at
Odessa, and that the Cauoassian armies
oi Kussia are beinir concentrated nnnn
the Armenian frontiers in readinsess to
move next spring to realize the plans
ut jreter me ureat lor the partition of
Turkey between the Powers. Rnnaia
taking Armenia and Constantionple,
France taking Syria and Palestine, and
England taking Egypt and the eastern
shores of the Persian gulf, the remain
der of the Turkish empire to be divided
among the other powers. The Daily
News also has a dispatch from Sebas
topol, which records the secret prepara
tions going forward there, of shipping
men and armaments for a volunteer
fleet. It is the general belief, this din-
patch affirms, that these preparations
foreshadow some action in the spring.
Constantinople, Jan. 29. There is
a rumor here that Russia iB arranging
with the sultan for the occupation of
Armenia, but it is not confirmed by
the discoverable signs and is discredited
in diplomatic circles.
General Condition of Affalri in the Dis
turbed District of Turkey.
Boston, Jan. 29. The following
letter from Constantinople, under date
general condition Is nop good, jfrwdgb
at some places it is improving, but
confidence is weak. At Karpoot the
destitution is terrible, beyond all com
parison with other places yet heard
from. At Madin it is still impossible
to go outside of the walls of the city.
At Bitlis more security is felt for the
missionaries, who will probably remain
all winter. At Marash, Mr. Terrell
has had new cautions given to the gov
ernor, and the promise of regular troops
to replace the relief guards., Adana
has suffered a good deal from panic.
naagiu 1B mu sar6) Du(. reports are
now circulated of trouble there. An
escort was ordered to bring Miss Shat
tuok away from Orfa. but she is unable
to endure the journey.
The oollege (male) of the Amerioan
board at Karpoot has commenced its
classes. At Sivas the missionary
schools have been reopened, and the
people are venturing out quite freely
to services. The relief work grows
apace. In Vanas about 3,000 people
are being helped with funds.
Consul Hapson at Moosh, reports the
oassoun villagers still safe. He is fur.
mshing them with grain. In Trebi
zona aDout 8,000 people are being
helped. At Karpoot relief work has
been authorized after pressure from the
English and Amerioan legations. At
Constantinople, missionary rooms are
transiormed into clothing warehouses.
uiotning and bedding go mainly to
near points, ireDizond and Caesarea,
Condeneed Record of the Doing of the
nation' Lawmaker -Senate.
Washington, Jan. 24 Today's senate
session was marked by notable speeches
auu uuiaoie debates. .Late in the after
noon a controversy ooourred between
nerman, Teller, Gorman and others,
which led to the most sniritod finan.
cial debate since the present congress
uuuvenea. snerman spoke at length
" silver qustion. Teller and Gor
man answered from their respective
sianapoints. while Aldrioh. Lindsav.
Gray and others took part in the excit
ing debate. Wolcott's speech criticis
ing tne president's attitude on the
Venezuela question was the notable
event of the early part of the day.
For an hour the senator commanded
the attention of a crowded ohabmer and
overfloiwing gallery. Two important
resolutions were reported by the com
mittee on foreign affairs, one strongly
presenting the serious condition of
affairs in Turkey and urging prompt
attention by the oivilized powers, and
an adverse report on Mr. Call's resolu
tion calling for the official disnatnhw
of United States consuls in Cuba.
Washington, Jan. 25. The three
suDjects more prominently before the
publio are the Monroe dootrine. finance
ano tarin, each of which came np for
consideration in the senate during the
uuy. jjaniei spoke lor two hours in
support of a vigorous upholding of tho
monroe aoctrine as applicable to Ven
ezuela; Dubois of Idaho dealt with the
silver phase of the financial question.
nd Warren of Wyoming pointed out
me disastrous effects of the tariff legis
lation of the last congress on farm pro
ducts in general and on wool in par
ticular. The senate committee on com
merce today authorized McMillan to
report favorably bills providing for two
additional revenue cutters on the Great
Lakes, two on the Pacific-coast, one
in the vioinity of New Yflrk,and one
on the Gulf of Mexico; also a bill for
a lgbthouse tender on the Florida
ooast. Vest introduced a bill in the
senate today to create the territory of
Indianola out of the part of the Indian
ter.ritory occupied by the five civilized
2 &ti?j?tir
Budget ot General News for
. Progressive Farmers.
Cannon and Arttrar-t
Profitable Mode of ratten In. nn..
c- Cownle Give Some Valu
able Information.
The first litter as a rule is not
valuable as the following. The seo
ond, third and fourth generally are
reckoned most profitable, hnt T hava
known sows to have eight or ten litters
of good pigs. According to the Amer
ican Agriculturist, when a sow brings
a good litter in numbers. snnlrlAi thm
well and they are fairly level in size,
that sow is a money getter, and a
man is foolish to sell her. and renlann
with one he knows nothing about
But immediately after a sow hrinmi
unlevel litters, and seems in any way
deteriorating as breeder, she should h
sold or fattened. Some bows begin to
deteriorate after the second and third
utter. Some never are any good; the
quioker these are got rid of the better.
Some think old sows are more likely
to have the milk fever; in my opinion
it is more likely to happen to a sow
with her seventh or eighth litter, than
to one producing her second or third,
if care be used? No doubt a four or
five-year-old MurU made into bacon,
is a bit hard41rat make up in
the open market' . Jj f ((ht
has suckled one r yt . f
obstacle to keeping them am l ' -
bring up unprofitable litters. Brtexriftf
sows, and in fact all hogs, seem to
acquire oertain amount of mineral ele
ments to assist digestion, by counter
acting acidity of the stomach, and un
less hogs closely penned are supplied
with something of the kind, they will
lose their appetites and cease to feed
as the should, and in some cases to lose
rather than gain. While running on
pasture and having free access to the
soil, they do not require it so much.
yej ftaold be able to get it when thev
rwfA n j vinfliA ATa
state of Utah, took the at .-7 LZJ r""ID V"
of swine, given in Farmers Voice, by
A. C. Moore, a noted breeder of swine
in Illinois, and is as follows: Three
bushels of wood ashes, one bushel of
charcoal, small pieces; one-half bushel
of slaoked lime, one bushel of fine salt,
two pounds of Spanish brown, five
pounds of sulphur, one-half pound of
copperas and one-quarter pound of
saltpeter. Pulverize the last two thor
oughly, mix in a bin or box and keep
it in an open trough where the hogs
can have free access to it
Anomer Terrible Colliery Disaster
Reported From Wale.
Cardiff, Wales, Jan. 29. The resi
dents, of the town and. vicinity of
lyierstown, near here, were terrified
by terrifio reverbratiohs today, which
shook the whole town. It was ascer
tained in a short time that the oonous
sion was oaused by an explosion in a
neighboring colliery, with disastrous
oonsequences of life and property. The
latest rport places the number of dead
at fifty-four, though it is feared the
future exploration of the wrecked mine
will develop the bodies of more.
The mining population of the locality
auow uu quicKiy wnat the muffled,
thunderous rumble explosion meant,
and rushed to the mouth of the pit,
only, to have their worst fears con
firmed. The shaft was found to be
entirely shattered, and it was evident
there was little hope for any of those
in the pit. The despair of the women
who flocked about the mouth of the
pit was little more terrible than the
horrible anxiety of those who hoped to
find that those missing from their sides
nad, by some chance, not entered the
The pit was found to have -caught
fire, and the hindrance . this oaused to
the work of rescue added to the excite
ment and tension of feeling. It was
only through braving the utmost peril
that the living, were able to prosecute
their quest for the dead. The number
of dead removed grew from twelve to
fifteen, and then twenty, and the list
of those known to have been in the
fated shaft kept constantly growing,
and with it the number of bereaved
families waiting at the surfaoe.
International Copyright Law.
London, Jan. 29. H. Rider Hag
gard presided tonight at a meeting of
the Sooiety of Authors, to whioh Mr.
Hal Caine read his report upon his
mission to Canada, with regard to an
international oopyright. Mr. Hag
gard, speaking on the report, said it
was ridoulous to suppose any govern
ment would put pressure upon Canada
with regard to oopyrght law. Most of
them, he said, would rather see the
question dropped than to quarrel with
Canada over a copyright.
omce in the senate today, the former
drawing the term ending March 8,
18, and the latter the term ending
juarcn d, 18H7. With the exception
of the contested Delaware case, this
establishes the political division of the
upper branch of congress, until March
i, 1897, as follows: Republicans, 44;
Democrats, 89; Populists, 6; Demo
crats, 39; total, 89. Necessary for
majority, 45. Aside from this event,
the session was riven tn fnrthuT
speeches on the silver bond bill, two of
the new members of the body Nelson
(Republican of Minnesota) and Baoon
(Democrat of Georgia) making speeches,
the former against the free coinage of
silver and Baoon urging the evils of a
gold standard. Hansbrough of North
Dakota severely criticised the secret
tary of agriculture for the alleged
ianure to distribute seeds in accord
ance with the law, and George of Mis
sissippi defended the secretary's aotion.
Lodge offered an amendment to the
silver bond bill providing for a bond
issue of $100,000,000 the proceeds to be
used lor coast defenses.
, Bonn, ;.
Washington, Jan. 24. In the ab
sece or any regular business in the
house today, the session was, devoted to
the consideration of minor matters and
legislation by unanimous consent
The major portion of the day was con
sumed in the disoussion of the senate
resolution appropriating 25,000 for
architectural aid in the' preparation of
plans far publio buildings. The house
adopted the report of the elections oom
mittee in favor of Harry Miner, of
New York, in a, contest brought for
unseat by Timothy Campbell
Washington, Jan. 25. The house re
sumed consideration of the rules and
disposed of the last amendment offered
by, the committee. It submitted for
the rules of the fifty-first congress,, the
method of . compelling the attendance
of a quorum proposed in the forty-sixth
oongress by J. Randolph Tucker, with
some modifications. It was not until
the rules of the fifty-first oonsrress stood
adopted, ' with the few. modifications
reported from the committee, that
something like, excitement was engen
dered by an eloquent speech from
Dolliver. - He taunted the Demoorats
with at least acquiesoing in' the adop
tion of all the principles adopted in the
rules of; the fifty-first oongress, against
whioh they had raised their voices in
1890. This speeoh drew forth an in
dignant reply from ex-Speaker Crisp,
in the course of which he reviewed the
whole history of the controversy and
charged the other side with trying to
make politioal oapital by false pre
tenses. ' ': '' '' '
Washington, Jan. 29. The house
today, after an interesting four-hour
debate, adopted resolutions passed by
the senate last week calling the pow
ers signatory to the treaty, of Berlin
to enforce the reforms in Turkey guar
anteed to the Christian Armenians,
aud pledging the support of congress
to the president in the most vigorous
aotion he might take for the pro
tection and security of American
oitizens in Turkey. The house com
mittee had prepared some resoln-
tions on the same subject, but it
was deemed advisable, after the senate
resolutions reached the house today, to
substitute them for those prepared by
iuo uuuiuiuiee. -
Judgment Entered Against Pullman.
Philadelphia, Jan. 27. Before Jndoe
Dallas and Butler, today, there was
entered a decree for $4,235,044 in favor
of the Central Transportation Com
pany against the Pullman Palaoe Car
' ProB table Bog Fattening.
Next to a well bred pie is the
method of feeding, of importance for
the highest success. Cleanliness, sys
tematic method of feeding and water
ing are presented in the American
Swineherd by Mr. J. Cownie as fol
I have tried feeding three times per
day, but the days are too short in win
ter for that. Hogs do not like to be
disturbed before it is day and they like
to retire before it is dark. To fnH
three times a day keeps them moving
too much; it isnot the eating but the
digestion that gives the fat I have
tried watering after feeding and also
to have water on the feeding floor that
hogs might eat and . drink aa they
please, but it is a ruinous policy. One
hundred and fifty hogs, averaging over '
300 pounds, being fed a few.years ago,
were making a gain of. two poundaa
day ' each on fourteen pounds of ear
corn, watered before feeding. Wish
ing to test the matter, I permitted .
them to- return to the yard after feed
ing,, giving them what water they
wished, then allowing them to goto
the hog -house". -At., tbei.end' of- the ,
month they .were.again. weighed, show
ing a gain Of only Oije pound and a ;
quarter :ea6h' day; The -Wite" and
other fcireumstenoes were equally aa.
favorable for feeding the second month
aa the first, and 'no change bad been
made in the amount or qualify of feed.
The following month with a return to
the sjstem of waterig before feeding,
although the weather was ery tan
favorable for feeding, showed again'
of c fraction over two pounds daily. t r
A bushel . of . corn for eaph five hogs .
daily, is the average amount fed, or '
fourteen pounds of ear corn each whan 1
once brought to full feed. Care must
be taken not to overfeed;, just enough
and no more. If they do' not appear
satisfied feed a little more next time
and if it is left reduce the allowance.
Onoe a week oats are substituted for
porn, and when plenty; a few basket- -
ruis or raw potatoes are 'occasionally
scattered over the floor and . eaten with
avidity. Salt and sifted wood ashes
are kept in a trough accessible at; all
times. The average weight at time of .
confining, say November 1, ia usually
about 200 pounds. The first two."
months, if everything is favorable, will
show a gain of over two pounds daily,'
the third month somewhat less and the
fourth month the amount of oorn fed
will have to be reduced, and the gain ' !
will be " correspondingly decreased. J
An average gain for the entire time of -A ,
two pounds daily is very satisfactory.
Sixteen weeks ia the limit to whioh- '
auoh feeding should r extend; beyond
that there is no profit.
Agricultural Suggestion.
. . Ground Kaffir corn .is pronouoed i
tnost exoellent teefl for miloh powa.
Com bran has about as muoh feeding
value aa wheat bran, but it la not in aa
good shape to feed. . - 'f
Clean oulture means no rubbish for
the insect! to breed in, and is a very
important featnra. .... '.
181 1