Sf H 'rtn THE ARGUS THUliSDAY, JAN. 23. 18. Ei Fritl-ay of Foreat Grove was on our vtreets Tuesday erf this week. Horn, to the wife of U. y. IliukH, Sunday, Jan. UUh, a daugh ter. . . jj- WiwbidigUHi county isatWiuuliy idding about 400 jxujjila to her itwliool lint. - Geo. Tanii(ieoncliU(led a very uceeHsful tortn of bcW1 .Saturday Jast, at Mountaiiulale. The JJoita Drug Store w to iiuvi dome new h1il-1 vi tig, counlerH, etc., in the near future. Oregon'sflnow did uot lawt long, 4ut failed like a mid-winter dream Oregon again! the wmrW in.eM'imte. As the holiday are ant, and Kfe seeniB weary, just try the Bon Ton shaving iwiorsfw- a niceclean mhtive. Mi so liertha Reilin&, wlnwe parents live between Centerville :and Greenville, liae been quite ill for some time. A. S. Dudley, for a long "time a resident of hi? ouuuty, hae moved o Knst Portland, where lie will re side iu the future. There wili he a big dance ill he Ueavertou Hall on Fcbuary Vi, JbW, and from all indications a (grand time k to be hud. Countable Annans vwited filler "wood, Tucadny, and report the .vnfer two feet over the wagon road tat SelioU's Bridge, but the Htructurc; secure. (jet name f those periodical mud magazines at the mA o&'ms tore. Tliey are iaiHtn&cUive und Ihelp U while awuy the long winter evenings, The Couwty CmitiirtMoiiere convened Monday to again take up the appointment of rond HHpervie , ors, finifih other work n-nd awake; the tax levy. W. C. Kirta, wbo for Jung time kept a general merchandise tore it Cedar MiM will hood leave for an extended trip to Moutana points. . T). Meek, J. It. Mays, Tho rn is Conind and J. V. Gondii) have Imoii elected to represent the Olunc republican lnb at tlte stale convoiiiiiia of c'iiIih. Fnrext (if ive in still working 4 1. 14 s deep water well, ami it conn "froiH "Buck1' Myers thu-t tlwy imw . oive.a W'-ll HH feet deep, in hiii titt over I5lt leetmf --water. (. T. 1 1. Winter, off IWtd Crovt-, i foreman of itajuiry wWnsn ver ' -diet win firg d, which eauni'd teuch a Kfiiatinn i the Circuit K-ourt, wan in the city Tveday. J'hc M. K. cliunnli li .lced an cAt-Wie l'i;;kt in front of it vee libtite. Thi ntalies a "decided iui jiroveineiiVMnd illuminates the faces y, uflthe ''woihng youth" at Uie dour The eauntff rantained no Tosses of hridgeH by reason of the recent freshet.' This is good new. unds the high water is loublles xiver for the season, bridge eipwee wiW be iower wus year than lat. It is now stated that over me thousand dollars has Wen euUscrib ed to the new association in fact floinothwig like $4 .WW wortlittftonk bus iteeM taloen, and tine capital etock will henlared at once. The Gaston Co-Opera tiv Min ing Company lias filed articles witli the secretary oS -state, with incor porators as follows; office at (las ton: . W. Thompson, J. II. Hibbs iand C. H, Peterson. Capital stock 10,000 in shares of 10 acJ. A jgowl thing for Uastun. -The ejcjilanatiMTOS-ani triwiina tiwna, which will aispear from thta kh in tue iwgoman, wntton bv 4 noemoers'mxuo last legiMiaiure.Ti'oin 1 will be interesting reading but this I sort of woiik will not explain wny ;f tle stand and leliverP' policy of i ithat -Mtrust body mi the Year of ,r Lord 1895. 3 -Hi'llsbors w wtoirt to lose one 'of its Jueini iiuen, but in person s f'ionly. Mr. Brock has purchased la half interest iu a drug slock at ""Jleppner'and wild leave iu a few fit jy? t permanently take charge. jrtt'h tore here will be under the i, managatnent of : F. G. Mitchell, t, Mr. and Mr, fltroek have mimy ' If "ends Iwee who will with regret SjT, iiot their 4epaTtre. i Clothing at cost at the Brvan- Liaralaw o. Cash .fttoro. For tle & I feext 30 days w'p mil offer our entire Ateok of mens4 winter suits At cost i JaJ4 arrd get a ita -dollar "ill wool :uit 'for Overcoats and llacintoshes at) cost. Children's i I JI acin toshes At U 1.80, cost 42.00. If ou can get tiareanns now, as we Oon't want to carry these goods lover. Children's ruMero at 50 iCnta on the dollar. t It is rumored that Binger Her ICtinn will receive certain free silver iopuyioan newspaper support in1 ftJotiBty to the excliufion of ffpn. T; II Tongue, in the matter fconeressional honors in this dis- Tct." The county republicans, of I urse, stand tor Mr. Tongue. It I y be rroiiecraa, but there are no I pvho intimate that the redoubt A c Binger has been a party to a isidy in the establishment of the " )er, in order to beard Tongue in own county snd divide the del- ttion. Lincoln Landess and family, ofiScholls were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ingram, A Faiio ington, Sunday last, and while en gaged in the mid-day meal, a little daughter of Mr. Landess, who was waiting in an adjoining room, es caped what might have been a serious burning. While standing iu front of the lire place her dress caught from the flames, and it was with some dilliculty Messrs. Lan dess and Ingram smothered the fire. Both gei tlemen burned their hands sotiftewliat, but the little one escaped with a slight singling of her hair. The Republican Club held a meeting Tuesday night at the (range Hall end elected the follow ing delegates to the state republican league meeting: T. II. Tongue, W. N Barrel, James Iuibrie, J. H. Mmley, U. . Patterson, 15. 1'. i i:.... ri i l i t tr. i . I yu7'T' VT.'' ' TgVr L k. Adams, J J. Morgan, U. If. l i i'V- , ' , and J. li.Urstens llepm;seutat.ve i iiicb BimresMMi uie iiieeiuit, alio music wus furnished by the llills boro Reed and Cornet Band. Tlie Delta carries in stock, Shiloh's Consumption Cure, and Karl's Clover Root. Aftir using two-thirds of a bottle of either of these remedies according to direc tions, if not satisfactory as guar anteed, return same and money will be refunded. Well's Hackme tiick perfumery and the celebrated Ko No dentifrice in stock. Hon. C. P. Yates, representa tive, addressed the republican club nt Forest Grove Monday night. Mr. Yates whs in this city Tuesday and states that ho is opposed to an extra session. In this Mr. Yates heartily concurs with The Argus and .if course he must be right. Some time since A. W. Saxton, superintendent of the poor farm, lost a $10 gflld piece in the yard in front of the poor house. It is re ported that it was found by a party who has refused to deliver it, and an arrest has followed The trial will come off Saturday. The New York Times and Re corder have consoldiated and the Woodland Timelets "have Vwnted." Knlama Bulletin. It will be re membered that the Woodland Times was started over one year ago by W. C. Clow, the jeweller. When all warrants are issued for the last term of circuit court, and balances are made, Washing ton county will lie nearly $17,000 better off than it was this time hist year. About $3000 has iieen paid in interest since January 1, 18!)5. Reniber one thing if you seek to praise yourself or yours at the expense of ridiculing your nieifhbor, or what be has, you aie tumbling on a very weak falsework and your t met u re is liable to fall. This applies to both social und bu.-ii.ess conditions. Washington county's official papers for tho yer 18 will be the same as in 1895, thecommi-sioners' court having Monday decided J'he Independent and The AnGt'sshouhl publish the county claims as allow ed. Deputy Cierk Kane is now en gaged in extending the valuations of property as eoualined bv the tate board and Max Crandall is working on the lax roll. They ex pect to be through by March 1st. Readers of The Anous will he pleased to learn that this great re ligious Journal has submitted its modest list for consideration, and has again been designated as one of the county official papers. Now that there is snow mi the ground and you want to keep your feet dry, get a pair of rJehuimerveh & Son's water-iiroof shoes. Keen your good Ik-hUIi and be happy. 11, Well rung & Sons will give 10 percent, cash discount on tlwir entire line of men's .And, hoys' cloth ing for the next tKirty dajs. Re member tlicir gooWMiMill marked in plain figures. Monday evening a large del egation of Eastern Stars went from this city to Forest Grove and organ ized a chapter, Past Patron, W. D. Wood officiating. About 22 mem bers were initiated. , , The value of good roads in an agricultural community is un questionable. Every dollar spent on Washington county roads means more than a ten dollars' permanent improvement. The post office store keeps con stantly on sale a line of Btandard teriodicals, magazines and month ys. Anything not on sale will be ordered for you. Inquire of J. M. Brown. The large arc light in Brock's drug store has been substituted by two hanging chandeliers, each bear ing two incandescent lights. They present a very handsome appeur- anee. The funeral of the late J. P. Vaughn, of Forest Grove, occurred today. A large number of Knitrhts of Pythias and Odd Fellows went up from this place to be in attend ance. Subject for morning services at the Cong, church next Sunday: "Servant or Master; which is the greater." Evening, character sketch, 4iMary of Bethany." H. Wehrung Msona are clos- ing out mens O T v. and-uadies 't.-3airrd 1 jnackin- toshes at cost a see for yaurseJves, A Good Thing for Hills boro and Vicinity. ARTICLES GIVE GREAT LATITUDE Can Hold Live Stock Eiltlbits, Aniase ments, Entertaiuinents, Fairs Etc Not Coniiied to Speedy Horses. Speed aad Diiring AisodaBon. The ,",'tin of horsemen at the fjf UwRJIole, ,, ilul)oro )M afh-rnoon wati inler,tin and (;,Ufitjve ,hat M w- IK productive f that which will mean a great deal to llillshoro and this section of the state. J. C. Hare called the meeting to order, with Geo. R. Btgley as temporary sec retary. The two delegates, C' W. Redumnd and J. J. Northrop, re ported on having procured a race meeting here with dates, July 2nd, 3rd and 'tlh. The committee on by-laws and incorporation submit ted a plan which would allow the association a latitude by no means limited. This wus to not confine their efforts solely to speedy stuck, hut to so draft their articles of agreement that any popular amuse ment or industrial exhibibit could le brouuht to issue. This seemed ! to meet with general annroval and as a result the following was drawn up, the undersigned being the orig inal incorporators: ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION Articles of Incorporation entered into thit i8th day of January, A. li. 1896, be tween E. J. Lyons, Thus. Talbot and Clias. Naylor, of Washington ccontv, Oregon. 1. The name assumed by this cor poration shall be "Washington County Speed and Driving Association", and its duration (shall be perpetual. a. The enterprise. busines. cursuit .and occupation iu which tikis corporation proposes 10 engage is to purchase, own and possess, real and personal property by deed or lease, to sell or otherwise dispose of such property so acquired; to construct, repair and maintain races and driving tracks, to hold meetings for trials of speed horses, to hold exhibitions of all kinds of live stock for premiums or prizes or otherwise; to hold fairs ami to give entertaiments for pleasure, profit or amusement. 3. Tl'e place of Us principal office shall be at Hillsboro, Washington coun ty, Oregon. 4. The amount of the Cauital Stock of this corporation shall be the sum of J 1 000. 5. The said capital stock of this cor poration shall consist of 200 shares at a par value of $5 00 per each share. In witness whereof, we, Uie under signed, have hereunto set our hands and seals in triplicate this 18th day of Jan uary, 189b. SHAi.1 E. J. I.voks, skai. Thos. Tai.boT. seal Chas .S. Naylor. It readiiy v ill be seen that the articles give tlie association much liberty, und the coming season is expected a lively one. A com mittee of five was appointed to solicit subscriptions to the capital stock, and the 200 shares are all abo'H taken. As soon us all shares are subscribed a meeting will be called and officers elected. Hills boro and Washington county has long needed such an organization, and it is leasing to think it is not confining itself to the race track. There is a good field here for a fair, live slock and agricultural exhibits, celebrations, etc, and it appears that the incorporators desired to he in a position to push mutters in several directions, if advisable. Taken all in all nothing but benefit can accrue from the existence of the institution, and it should succeed finely, as no doubt it will receive full local support. COURT HOUSE NEWS. CIRCUIT COUUT. Henry Becker vs. W. T. Gardner et al . Suit'of Habeas corpus in re two minor children. Answer to demurrer over ruled, and the case of surrender to be tried Feb. 1 . Malone vs. Cornelius as County Judge,. et al. Motion to quash ex ecution argued submitted and al lowed us to costs. Rav et al i s, Ford et al. Order to refile plea in abatement allowed. Gaston vs. Aplin et al. Referee to have and use his own judement in the manner of place and time of taking testimony. Petition to remove the assignee of the N. A. Barrett estate denied. Bank vs. Mack. Judgment on verdict. 60 days allowed to file bill of exceptions. Agne and John O'Brien, ordered to appear before County Clerk Good in and give testimony as to ownership of property liable to ex ecution. Tlve receiver of the account of the partnership, Hughes, Morgan & Rogers, directed to eicute a bond of 95UO for the approval ot the court. PROBATE. v The estate of Jacob Wirtz has filed its final account and is closed of record. John Seth has been appointed executor of the last will arid testa ment of Thomas Seth, decM. Commissioners' Court. Supervisors appointed; No. 3 E. C. Miller; 15 R. F. Rice; 32 Gear hard Holboke; 33 Frank Bradley; 37 J N. Orabel; 39 M. S. Barnes; 46 Thomas Williams; 48 F. J. Gregg; 50 Donald Martin; 54 D. II. Richard. M. E. Chase, August Meibus and Charles Ashpole appointed to veiw County road 34., Jan., 21, in con junction with L. E. Wilkes. The Independent nd The Argub were designated as official papers of Washington county for Com pensation tiled at $5 each per year 18U5 monin unaer same conditions as Ordered that J. A. Thornburgh, Geo. Dootey and Ira Bradly, on Jan 27., meet and view county road 340 in matter of re-location.' To ssess damages also. Road district No. 10 divided and new district to I known ns No. 55 No. 2 divided and new district to lie known es No. 54.' Petition of Win. McQuillan to change boundary line between South Tualatin and South Hills boro precincts allowed. Further claims allowed: Mrs. D. E. Reuter, aid of minor child $5.00; Mrs. Wm. Lousignont aid of minor children, I7.50; Irwin Hutchinson aid of lamilv. I500. dead Letter List. The folio wine is the list of letters re maining in the Hillsboro post office un claimed: Ileppner, Siumn Royal, Mrs H A Huber, Mrs Olive All letters not oalted for by Feb. 1, 1895, will be sent to the dead letter of fice. One cent will be charged on each letter called for. Mary A. Brown, P. M. A Bargain. A neatly constructed 5 room cot tage within 2 blks ot business part of town. Good fence around lot, good woodshed, and two roomy closets in residence. Also pump in good repair. Goes ft r $ GOO. In quire at this ullice. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Wm. Josse, who has a neat little ranch near Lennox, the new post office created between Glencoe and Bethany, made The Altars office a pleasant call Tuesday of tliis week. Jackson's Lake in now a thing of beauty and joy forever for those who are lovers of acquatic sports minus of course, bathing Al ready, however, two or three of our boys have left their balances at the bottom. The Bon Ton Shaving Parlors on 8econd street are the most fash ionable in the city. C'hildrens' haircutting, 15 cent; shaving on Sunday, IU cents. Mrs. E II. Warreii and daugh ter Zulu are visiting in California, whither Mrs. Warren has gune iu qi.ert of health. They are at pres ent iu the famous Napa valley. Andrews, the Mountuindale saw-uiiil man, reports the roads very good between here and that place, considering the season of the year. A farm of 134 acres for rent, cheap. Inquire of T. E. Cornelius, Cornelius, Oregon. C W. Hudson, postmaster at Gaston, was in the city Monday evening. Mr. Hudson belongs to a large family of brothers and is Uie only democrat amongst them. J. L. Mitchell Deputy Supreme Commander Knights of the Macca bees, was in the city this week, call ing on some of 'he boys. When you want an "up lodate" hair cut, or a neat comfortable shave or both, call at the City Shaving I'arlors. Hot and Cold 'baths im mediate on order. E. E. Colkstock, Prop. On January 1, 189G, there were iu Washington county, Oregon, about 63()0 children of school age. There will be a special meet ing of the Hook and Ladder com pany this evening at Dep't. hall for the transaction of important business. A full attendance is de sired. Get Wear Registers for your children. The best school shoe mane; at Schulmerich & Sou. Every one should go to the school meeting which will be held January 29th. W. II. Burns, who for some years has been employed by W. V. Wiley, is quite ill at his home on Main street. Chas. Weaver, now of Portland, is temporarily filliug his position. Schulmerich & Son have some bargains in clothing for men and boys. Verboort school district, 97, has inaugurated a debating society, and Mr. Gleasou, one of Washing ton county's popular teachers, is taking the lead in argumentative quantities. Karl's Clover Root has arrived at The Delta. Can purchase in any quantity, F. Scheffelin, now of Portland, but formerly a prominent Center- vine tarmer was 111 the city Sunday 1 Two pounds of coffee, 45 cents; 100 pounds of salt, 90 cents; Even Change Tobacco, 17$ cents; at Dr. Parker'B. Dr. Sandfoid, of Glencoe was in the city the other day. THE TAX LEW One Mill Lower Than for Last Year. WITH A FOURTEEN MILL TOTAL This Will Yield $10,000 Less. Than Last Year School Levy 4 Mills- The Bulletin Errs A Sodden De-th. The Tax Levy. Tiie county board has made the levy for this year, and taxpayers will coritiibute for county support and state government, in tlie neigh borhood often thousand dollars less than they did in 1895. Considering the hard times, however, this cut will doubtless be hailed with de light. The valuation is consider able less than it was last year and the state levy is not so large. Fol lowing is the apportionment on property to the valuation of $4,342, C21: State Tax 04.8 mill. School Tax 4.0 mills. Indigent Tax 0.1 mills. County Tax 5.1 mills. Toial 14 mills This low levy is made with view of rather a quiet year in provements. Bridge building not be so large ar. item as it the was last year, as the heavy rains are about over. Last year this work was something large for Washing ton county, the heavy freshets hav ing swept away many bridges, and caused others to 1 repaired. The levy seems to have met with gen eral approval, although there are those who would have liked anoth er mill added and applied ti the road and bridge fund. A Sudden Death. The entire community of Forest Grove was Tuesday hist covered with a gloom caused by the sudden death of Jos. Vaughn, one of that city's brightest young men. Mr. Vaughn was contemplating a trip to Dilley and Gaston, and had started in a vehicle, in company with a friend, one Mr. J no. Collier. When out a 'short distance from C S. Xaylor'e place, Mr. Vaughn, it is said, suddenly choked convulsively and in a few minutes expired. Mr. Vaughn was raised a Washing ton county boy and had many friends, being of a disposition that naturally endeared him to young and old alike. For some time he has biM n a commissioned- deputy under Sheriff Ford, and in the dis charge of the duties he was ever ef ficient. Mr. Vaughn was an Odd Fellow and a member of Delphos lodge, K of P., at Forest Grove, which organizations took charge of his remains for burial. Air. Vaughn had many friends here at the county seat, his busi ness having called him to this city at frequent intervals. It is report ed that he had arranged to engage in business here, and at the time of his death papers were already exe cuted to complete the transfer. School Meeting. A school meeting has been called for January 29, to vote foror against a levy to support a nine months school, paint the school building and pay a certain sum on a note against the district. Every one should attend this and register his vote, as it is a matter of import ance, and then no matter which way it goes you can't say it was put through by a few with an eye to individual gam. The Bulletin Errs. The Philadelphia Bulletin 6aye three out of evbiy seven 111 tlx agricultural sections can neither read or write, but forgets to tell us that nearly that proportion in the rural districts are too young to do either. 1 his slam is on Ine Bui letin, not on the agricultural com munity. Bounty on Scalps. A bounty has been placed upon coyote and wolf scalps as followt, to take eflect at once: On such an imals over six months old, a pre uiiuni of $10 will be paid. Whei unuer mat age, $3. in some por tions of the county these animals are very plenty and the bounty of fered will doubtless have a tendency to thin them out. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Mr. Macrom, railroad commis sioner, of Forest Grove, was in the city this morning. Attorneys Tongue and Bow man were at Gaston today on lega business. -I'ev, Evan P. Hughes was ten dcred a reception by hia parish laet evening. Six shaves for fifty cents at the Bon Ton Shaving I'orlors, most tusluoiiauic 111 the city, - Legends sometimes prove true. It is natural for people to always call the tust legislature the worst one, but in the case of Oregon' last, it doubtless is as near the truth as it is possible to get. The Hillsboro Reed & Cornet Band wall give a concert on the evening of February 22nd and a rare musical treat is promised. -'-The Commissioners have ad journed for the January term. Woodta!!n in exchange for harness atKe Pioneer Harness Shop on HeccffWl street, After this week Th, Argcs wili publish the latest market re ports. Valley wheat hag been quoted at 60 and 61 cents, Liverpool prices. --Plenty of bargains at Schul merich & Son's in remnants and broken lots. S. C. Adams, who writes oc casional contributions for the Ore gonian, is the father of I.. K. Ad ams, our City A ttoruev, Althoug.. advanced iu yean his letters are'. pointed and pungent and show a strong intellect, and great reason ing power. 1 r or sale at a bargain. A first! class, ton bmrtfV. alml ,rl ! 7 I DO, J new. Enquire at this office for partKulars. H. A. Webb has opened up a stock of paints, oils, lead, varnishes, pte 111 thiasi'-v irkirh lia will auli I ... . v 1 .........v, ..... . at lowest market price. See his ad in another column. W. W. Bosoovt w again at his old position in Wehrune's store. after a vacation of several weeks. We have a few ladies' wrap left which you can buy at cost. Schulmerich & Sou. P. A. Frakes, of Scappoose, the husband of Mrs. Frakes who is the mother of Warren and John Dob bins of this city, with the aid of some farmers, helped to capture the three I'nrUanu jail breakers, one of whom was the famous "Con" Kelliher, the other dav. John Joos, of Glencoe, was iu the city on Tuesday doing business. Adolph Badertscher and Mies Minnie Gerber have been licensed to wed. Rubbers and rubber boots in 1 styles at lowest prices. Schul merich & Son. The hop market still hangs at and 6 cents, with no movement. It is said England is fortifying the disputed territory in Venezu ela. Last night about one o'clock heodore Luebcke, a German, killed a fellow labon r, William Solomon, in Marquam s Gulch, near Port land. He stabbed bis victim with a pocket knife. Fleece lined underwear; just the thing for this weather at Schul merich & Son. L. P. W. Quiinbv was in town from Portland Monday, doing bus- ness with Mieriif Ford. -If Hermann wants Washing ton county support it is about time he sprung an appropriation for the mprovement ot the lualatui and Jackson lake. Multnomah pays a 24 mill tax outside of Uie city leyy. Five fresh milch comhr sale. Inquire of Geo. Ii. Bagley, Rooms 1 and 2 Shute building. Hillsboro has not suffered with eppidemics this year, nor last, and the health of a city is one of its best recommends. -L. Reynolds, of Bethany, a prominent democrat, did business in the city Monday of this week. The reduction in teachers' sal aries in tuts state was an unwise procedure. Better economize on other lilies. It is estimated that at least $500,000,000 of in vested capital was represented at the National Conven tion of Manufactures which as sembled in Central music hall at Chicago yesterday. Creosus, the king of Lydia, was once liken unto the people of this countryl He thought that tliere was no use to keep up 101 ti- tication8 and to keep up a standing army as his country was so famous that no other nation would dare to attack it, but about this time Cyrus arrived on the held and then in a twinkle everything changed hands. Just so it will be in this country some day. There is much talk of decreas ing the fire department iu Portland and as a result much excitement prevail auicngst suburban resi dents. For the year of 1895 the gains on 204 railroads in the United States was a trifle short of $50,000, which is practically 6 percent. The British flying squadron ie not meant as a menace. They are mere pleasure yachts, and are now bent on eonie picnic excursion. RUPTURE Instantly Reliavnd and Permanently i CUR ED WITHOUT Knifo or Operation. Treatment Absolutely Painless CURE EFFECTED From Three to Six Weeks. WRITE FOR TERMS THE 0. E. MILLER. CO. Grnoss: Booms 70C-707, Marqnam DulMtiif, PORTLAND, OREGON. SOCIETIES. R Phoenix Lodge No 81 K of P meeM VX" on Monday evening of each week In Masonic hull Phoneda Temple No 10 atvetn on the lev ond and fourth Friday of each month in I O O F halLv Sjjfflg Monteciiiua Lodge No 50 I O ft igSij& F meet every Wednesday ev r i.v-" enjng in their hall. Hillsboro rti'bf'knh Lodge No U meet ia Odd Fellows' hiyl on tlietliirif Saturday of each month.'.. Tnality Lodge No B A F A M meet every Saturday night on or after full mooii of ach month. Tualatin Chapter, No SI, Eastern Star, meets second and fourth Tuesday ia each month at Masonic hall. . Hillsboro Lodtfe No 61 A O U W meet every second and fourth Friday in each month. ' sshington Khoampmeot No 24 I U t meets on seeoua ana lourtu Friday of eaeli month. Hillsboro Lolje No 17 I (i T ..if .in iirmgt Uull eveiy ttaiunu. k Hillsboro GrMnetryHt zna sua o.aiur ' , Viola Tent, Wo 18, & O rsrrimswil hr snows' Hail on sccoivd aim i-ourUi Thursday evenings of each jnolith. PROFESSIONAL. BARflETTA ADAMS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. !liwwa! and 7 Central Blook, . ttillslxno, On 7. H. TONGUE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, In Uoran Block, Hillsboro, Omgoa. W.D.WOOD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Offloe in Cheiiette Row. RidoBe corner First and Main streets, Hillsboro, Oregon. ' S. T. UNKLATER, M. B. C. M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office a.t Residence ICast of Court House. C. B. BROWN. JJEXTIST, HILLSBORQ, OKKOON. GOLD CROWN'Tnd BRIDGE Work specialty. ALL WORK ttuaroirtoed.- ' Rooms 1 and 2 Morgan Block. , Okkk-g Hoitks: From 8 K, M. to 4. P. M. r. a. BaTurr, k.d. w. i. BAmnr, .s.m.d. DRS. F. A. AND F.J. BAILEY, , Physicians, Surgeons and Accouchers. Office In Hillsboro Pharmacy. Real dence soutn-west corner Baseline and Second. All calls promptly attended day m night. .- ' JAMES FfflLLIPPl TiKSSIS, M. . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon Southern Pacific Railroad Co.' Consultation in French or English. Office and residence south of Main near 8d St.. Hillsboro, Or. WILKES BROS. ABSTRACTORS asd SURVEYORS. Conveyancing and fine map work a specialty. Lindsay Block, two doors north of tho postollioe. Hscondst., Hillsboro, Or. GEORGE R. BAGLEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 4oni 1 .t 2, Shute Block, over Greer's. HILLSBORO, : OREGON, Local Agent Royal Insu rui ct (.'tjivrriT SMITH & BOWMAN, ATTORNEYS-AT- LAW, Notarial Work and Conveyancing. Roows 6 Jfc 7 Morgan Blk., Hillshoro. Ore. MISCELLANEOUS. Fish and Meat Market J. D. ROSELAIR, Prop., HILLSBORO, - - OREGON. Salmon from 8 to 8 cents per pound. .Smelt fl cents per pound. Herring 6 cents per pound. Fresh Oysters, Meat and Poultry Con stantly ou Hand. m DELTA DRUG STORE (Next Door Bryan-Laid Maiu Street, A flue line of Toilet Articles, Brushes; Combs, Perfumes, Rateiit Medicines and special attention given to Quality and Accuracy. Cor. 2d & Wash'toR J J. KORTHRWi Newly FurnishedT and Renovated. A first-class table and all accommodations for the convenience of guests. ; . ...... Notary Public . Loans, Collections . FIRE - . AND . . ACCIDENT : INSURANCE : J. I. KNIGHT, Oeneral Fire Insurance and Loan Broker HILLSBORO - - ; OKEGON We Greee CiRPETWLiYLNfi, J Centerville, Oregoa Weaves carpet striped and measured to fit any room. Prices to suit the hard timet