ir r .. - ' ;v SI 1 M if. 11 I IP W. 1 H 1 1- i I if I k ;,3 1)4 , fr 4 ' -" " "' " " I THE ARGUS r County Official Paper. ftie Only Dcmotratte F pr in Washing-ton County. ISSUED EVERY BY Tb Argqs THURSDAY broadcast to hide the true cause of the depression, and would have put to ehauie the rankest demagogue in the country outside of the republi can ranks. The cry was unfound ed and purely partisan. The dem- j Wrw r the house- listening to partisan asuervatums. . Monday evening CENTERVILLE Monday morning while splitting wood on a block the ax helve came in contact with a block of wood throwing the a out of its course and severely cutting the wielder of it, G V Bend. Dr Link later attended him. Protracted raeetiags are being held at They commenced stmscmmoK rien. Single copy five cauuw Owe year, 1.0(K Mt month 80 cents. Three months 3&nt. Entered at the Ptvst-oftwe at HaWxur, Oregon, as feecond-elas mail matter. "THURSDAY, JAN. 23, 189& WHY AN EXTRA SESSION. Partv stock mny be below par when republicans are bulling the market but that does not fix its true value. 3V..-rHisanshtr uilt7 ot raore gtfovbus conditions in planes of legislation than its companion, 'de Hire for spoil.-. It is tHe partisan, blinded by prejudices instilled into early lifr. who sees w error in an administration to whee support he has lent his ballot, his time and his strenuous efforts. Here in Oregon, in the year 1896, is a splendid ob ject lesson in proof of the absolute unreasonable blindness incident to a partisan people. One year back, an unwieldy party majority domi nated the legislative body of this state, and the full limit of the ses sion was spent in a petty personal contention as to whom should be trie United States senator. While bills meritorious piled mountains bur i awaitine consideration were o w allowed to quietly rest, the burthen some majority fought tooth and nail for a supremacy over itself. The true duty of the body was ig nored tu a disgraceful scramble for spoils, and a few bills incubated in wrath and passed in revenge, was the nearly net result of a legislative session which cost the taxpayers thousands of dollars. " But here is where partisanship prominently promenades itself be fore the people. All over the state .republicans are crying for an extra Bession, Realizing its record of 18 95 is too prominent for obliteration or erasure from public view, parti san politics peeps from its para phernalia and points with perspi cuity to a course which is destined to, and doubtless will, keep the old party in state power. What a piti able spectacle! Republicanism, un adulterated, lock-rihbed, Hlyed-iu the-wool, acknowledging its own imrotencyf And yet, after this ad mission, with the object lesson pre ceding it to substantiate the fact, the rank and file of republican vo ters will walk to the booth and cast their ballots for their brothers in the box. Resonant will roar the cry fir reformretrenchment, and here is where sublimely shines the Vill-ft'-the-wisp,' partisan politics the criers all the while believing in ev ery utterance of their leaders. The Dairy creek, owing to the recent snow end subsequent warm rains, is now out of itsbanksand overflowing the lowlyiag lands. " j Eff Schetflfelin, who has been living in THE formation of the Speed and Portland the past year, is visiting with , . . , . ... I his brother at this place, and Driving Association, with the j .. , ' Even-thing at the public sale of the latitude that obtains in the articles j pjy of $,e ite Jesse Cornelius went of incorporation will mean mud" to at qnite a high figure- .The horses JauKI! them urmraicfl vnlue. Sam Moon gave a whist party Monday evening. An enjoyable time was had. Mr's Huff and Ffsher, who recently bought a piece of land from M Wren, are grubbing out stumps between showers. The Bset Corset on Earth IS THE the social and industrial elements of Hillsboro and Washington cotin ty. This will give an organiied head to act in cases of celebrations, amuse nents, county fairs etc, and at once pots a preiiHn on finely bred live stock of all kinds. It was a wise move in not confining itself to race meets, and the wisdom thereof, wilL, m a few years, be re cognized by every lover of progress in one of the best counties of the state. - The State Board of Equaliiation should not be abolished. This idea that each county should equalize its own valuations, as advanced by some brilliant economists, is em blematic of ignorance. and primi tive ages. There is no doubt but what the members of the board re ceive a salary all out of proportion to their labors, but this cau be remedied by statute. Should the board be abolished such counties as Multnomah would come in with valuations lower than English se curities daring a war scare. The Democratic National con vention will hoM at Chicago, July 7, about three weeks later than the republican. The populists meet at St. Lours a few days after tbo dem ocrats name their candidates. The campaign will not be so short as it might have been, but this is much better for practical politicians. Sheriff's Sale on Foreclosure. BY VIRTUE OFAN EXECUTION, decree and order of sale, issued out of the Circuit tXmrt of tiro State of Oregon, for Washington County, iu favor of h. E. Miller, plaintiff, and ugaiust Fred Putter son, A. U . aCleod, Helen MuCleod and M. R Markham, defendants, for the sum ofthirtv-two and fifty hundredths dol lars ($3$ .50) costs, and 6r the further sum of eight hundred and eighty dullars (S80.00) United State gold coin, with interest thereon at tire rate often (10 per cent, per annum, from the 21st day of November, 1895. and the further sum of ninety dollars (890.00) with interest thercou at the rate of m . e U 10.U eigui per tent, per uuuuiit iitiiii tiio ioiu day of December, iS9o, and lor the costs and expenses of sale and of said writ. V..H. IkaMl... iMr t'tptu., nm1 in i.iifuii ance of" said judgment, decree and order of sale, 1 win, on .uonaay tire tuin nay oi iebruary, isasvat the soutn floor oi tne Court House, in Hillsboro Washington County, Oregon, at tbe hour of ten (10) o'clock a. n-.. of said day. sell nt public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the followmg-oeseribed real fperty, to-wit: rart ot tne soutn west w m ine aoiun West A of Section three (S Township one tti North Range four U West, beginning at the South West corner of Section three (3)runnmg thence North seventeen minutes (17 ) riast on tne section line twenty una nileenitnareninS(i.ia)cnainstotue.(irin West corner; thence East with the North line of said Southwest yt of Southwest H thirteen and twentv-tive hundredths (13.25) chains to the center of the road; thence If BingM Hermann had one-half the clairvoyancy of his namesake, the magician, he might he able to pocket the congressional chair and cause the whole state of Oregon to smile while he was in the act. But, official life, like human, (as Hon. J. H. Mitchell savs) has to die someti&i. ten (10.00) chains to the Soutl' corner o! said tract: tuence vt est on ine new ion line nineteen nd seventy-seven nunnrea ths (19.771 chains to the plat of beginning excepting a piece in the Northwest coiner S .i Ji. a j ii j r..... meucing at a point two 02V rods South of the Northwest eorner of said tract, run ning thence North two 121 rods, thence Southwest to the place of beginning, con taining thirty six and forty-eight hun dredths 136.48) acres, mew or less, all sit uate in Washinuton County, Oregon, to satisfy the hereinbefore named sums, urrd for the. costs and ozoenses ot said sale. Said property wilt kwsold subject to re demotion as per statute of Oregon. Witness my hand thisHth day of Janu ary. lmi. a. r. ton), Sheriff of Washington County, Oregon. 15y W . 1). URADiroi, Jleputy Miller x Aimer, Aiteraeys ior i-iaiuuu. If there is a power, all-pervading powerful, merciful and just, which created this n.ce of finite fools, who is responsible for creating some of ws greater fools than the average? And will this fact that we are such greater fools entitle us to any sym pathy at the so-called day of judgment? Notice for Publication. Land Ovfii e at Oimumn City. Or I Jim. Ui. 18f. VTOTICE.U hereby given I hut thefolfciw 1 iiiK-nitmed settler hus tiled notli:e of his intention to make html proot in sua it vu LIT Purest Drugs and Chemicals. Patent Medicines. Proprietary Articles. The Hillsboro Pharmacy i Select Stock ! of Stationery. FarHnlar Attn ttt.n PaM fi Physicians' I'rrscrlptioiiM ant Fuinlly Keeipes. Q HILLSBORO CITY MEAT MARKET. I.E lIKllH'f, Veal and Pork Kept Constantly on Hand. ' . . - . . . fc H k t M .. Staiket t tftiu : raid r for r fat : latere, : aiuea : aa : nK Cash Paid for Poultry. Beef, Mutton, M A FN" S'f KEBT. OR KG ON. rrir ii UnnAn Until vow bae seen a t'tmst Steel fiffii UVUI !IHJ l If llg VII Mainu f.l.lyt' Catt Carriages and Hnggies wire btht v!ue ftw let ru-wney ; uttst Carriage A Wagon Cov Best on Earth! SOLD BY , E WEHRUN6 & SONS :- Price, From 50 Cents up to $2.00.. Look! Rare Bargains A Q 'T'','1W WW to Sale JLmJ .jL. ! Enquire at Thk. Ahous oflice. Dihe.unf oil Pi ires but no Discount on the (Sonde. IVtiCTilwrs of Williams Bros., Hillsboro, Ore, or M. M. R.ivis. Assignee Cimnt Uarrtnpe Vrnin to., torvalJis, iir W.T.audwiwii. K-Miiili-Ht. O.W.DorryiiBt, Winulary ANDREWS LUMBER CO. JI'imoi'ioli!el Jame H, IKJK.Ii MANUFACTURERS AND IVEALERS IW ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. MOUNlAlXIXU-S. OREGON. E. M. NKII,, Hocevur. TO THE V ..1 ll.iirll Ii Gh tis I he choice of . . . . TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES in Northern Uy. - Pacik Hy. SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS ST PAUL hi. consciousness that their party in the legislature set at naught the will of the whole people will not date them telling you theirs is the only proper organ izatiou,, and that a change WBalklle-trnt letting the rascals in to ran riot with puhlic money. k learners nave neeogniaeai the need of something to prevant a general defection from the ranks of the small tax-paying vote, hence an extra session must be called ? thousands of dollars must be spent by the whole people to soothe its own malcontents and throw them' into line for perpetuity of party power. This cry for an extra ses- . V - ..I. I , . .1 .. I ' Bionoi, ine legisiaiuire js noming borB w)10 b,, bm a political Rcneine to mane ine state at large pay for the coming campaign, and partisan politics will ktlie rest. If the g. o. p. be so eager to legislate it should have ex ettcbed its prerogative last winter. England will not purchaso Cuba, even if Spain say she will hlp her maintain the island as n gain ft protest from the United btates. (Such purchase would simply be a declaration of war against this na tion, and British statesmen are not noted for being fhols. claim, and that Kiiid pn Urvgun, on nort ot be made beuurtMae (lountv Clerk of Wush ington couirfy t Hillsboro Heb.zv, I8ii, vie: John K. Greenwood, H. E. No. 7604, for the X V , Sec 23, T t N.B6W. He names the followintr witnusnes to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said lund, viz: George ' orphevs, Walter It Lilly, James Churchill and Antipas Thomas, all of Gales Creek. Oregon. 44-6 Robert A. Mii.i.eb, Register. Bbice may be a poor sample of American statesmanship, but For aker, who snceeeds him is aot even up to his standard of test. For a iuontelank politiean and asinine statesman Foraker captures the plum every time. 4 SolentHlft Anarlcan Mm VjJ trade marks, PiPV OISIOM rATKNTS. to4 eavtaTt, IADK MARKS. OISIOM rATKNTS. I COPVRR3HTS. For InrflrmiMonaA free Handbook writ to inrnv a. m hi D..nw.w W.w Tn.v Oldnl tamn for Mcnrinf patcnta In America Ireiy patent Uken out by M brooKht berora tbe puhuo I 3 bj a not Ice given free ot chanje la the Hebe is one for the Rani's Horn. The man who silsaroundvbeMeving God will provide, gets there indi rectly, hut the proposition is sim- pHy ascribing Infinity t. the neigh- in the provender. Tjaneet circulation of an? eolentUle paper tn the world. SDlendldlr lllnitrated. No Intelligent man ahould be without It. WeeklT.S3.0O year; $1.30 all months. Addtwo, MUNN CO, ruiUMUUt, Set Broadway, Dew York City. LOW HAT KM TO ML K.ASTKKN Cl't'IK Ocean Stuamrr Leave Portland Everj Fire ... FR ... SAN FRANCISCO F.;r full details cull on or address: W K HUKLBL'B", Gon'l I'm Agent Portland, Oregon ANDERSON & TUPPER, (Succto...)r to C U Mend) .EXPRESS! Make rogular trips to Portland on Mondays, ednesdays, and Fridays, re turning on Tuesdays, Thursdnys and Sat urdays. All business entrusted Iw liiin will be promptly and carofuUy attended to. Freight and expresrates reasonable. Leave orders with. aiim or at Ledford's, or at Thr Aruus. So I ift aeres-, adjtiinins city limits, siilewuLk wltbia one block of property. It) acres cleared, tinest quality of bottom land, 4 acres bench, tine site for building; purposes, some timber on stime. Will sell in a body for faxx pari down, bal ance on time to suit purchaser. Or will subdivide so as to give part cleared bot tom and part tench, in plats from 2 to 5 acres, at $125 per acre, liere Is a chance for a good neat little home which can be made self sustaining Investigate before i some one gets it. On the market lor a snort tune only. No 2 10 acres, half cleared, lacrt- bca vordatn. rest slashed and sown to grass, mi bnildlnes. noes for tV tier acre. With- ; in two miles of Hillsboro. Terms, $-100 DFMVKT down, balance-in 3 years at 10 per cent, Or will sell 40 acres, of which above is a part, at same price per acre, Including 15 seres til beavcruam aim swan cleared. No 3 1S acres, hifjhwny running timiurh center of piano, 50 acres tn culti vation;: acres in orchard, apples, pear mid pliirim;!) room house; log imrn, good well of water: HO acres of beaverdani. easy to-put Lu cultivation; place well watered ly springs and creek; 10ft ace under fence; fj miles from post office, daily mail; 1 mile from school house and six miles north of UUlsbovo. Uoes cheap for c.tii. No 4 A good corner lot on Main and Third streets. xl";i, with good building Oieroon,siiitableforny kind of business, and in excellent repair, win go at a Bar gain for cash. Part payment und balance on long time with security. No J M acres', half cleared .balance in grass. Good house of four rooms; good barn and outbuildings. Fine orchard of So trees and various other small fruits. 150 chickens. 5P ducks, l-horse wagon, a sets single harness, good cow, 3 heifers I horse and farm implements. Every thing goes for $650, cash in hand. OMAHA KANSAS CITY n '.i,.t.U 0 MllWftJ- jj THE BUFFET CAR ROUTE ir-tiu Shortest and Quickest Line -IIKTWBKN- PACIFIC COAST POINTS ... ST. PAUL, AND THE EAST, Crosses ooitl t'lutuulnH aaul the llncky Moiinlains in DAYMU1I T, att'ording ) seugurs ilisoppoinuiity of viewing the Grandest Scenery in America. Two tnvliia dsiilt PWim' PortHmd rone at UB.u. in ,. v i'a-tfi 1 1 . and one at H;45 library cars, iialaao uiul uidiolptri-N louniwis' sli-cpuic eaiSv via O. H,& M..IUIU iiokane. KUlts suiajrn p,iiipiiit nj, consmuag 01 ninii.g vels oCe!iM4ive imicI euaitit. tniaMiMit built i,'ioiiii)u4!iuu:1jiu(f,..irty-iiniJiw,.cui. :V 11. 111.-. cars, lmHirt '1 he btill'el cai:a,ng mar- TIlaMAUNIMT Twin ntwimdiliiS "Noitihwe-I" wnl ",.Viii'tftliiiiil"'leiiv Dnluirt every Mumlay mull Krldnv lor the "Www,;' M wkmaf itlitnil, J)elri,it, I'lcvcland and Untt'slo in itoniicclinni with tlii Uni-al M.ittiini Hallwiiv ur lickelmiad via KW'lt'l I'lU'RN 'tiTKASt Kllll' r.'UrMP'AXYaml ciiyiv a di'bitliiliil ride free lioin tlis Inat 11 ml dut. Km? tick ets and (tcner;rl tfi' uddii A. IT. C. BfcSNEHtioXC. r. it Ti A.. k'i'HiArd 1'lprtlaml. Oregni)- li. C. HTKVuVN.S,fiR. V. H FrontiStKeaMlO, VViia PACIFIC UNIVERSITY f HSUKB ('r.ltKOE CI)t'B3 rttoa, P. Oakes, Henry ('. Payfie, Henry O. Itmiso, Uet-iever rvn The democracy of Oregon is evi dently in nred of tonie. With ippublicans acknowledging weak uuss and siiiifrannuation bv their nailing for an extra' set-emu to do what should nave been done, and what was paid for a year ago, there should yet. he a few days respite for democratic life in the slate of, Ore gon,, Grieved is this paper to state, many th mocra-ts have lost heart, overcome bv the hue and cry of the kvyablicnn press howling blue ruin over the fate of the nation, simply because hard times was the bed va cated bv the republican adminis tration for the occupancy of t he new regime. State issues nndi iindisput- s,ble facts proving maladministra tion of the e. 0. p.. at home were ntirely overlooked by the democ racy and they were rendered almost speechless by a partisan avalanche of critcism on the democratic na tional policy In general. These oft uepoated erimiiwttionA were, spread, HA. WEBB Canrkge, Sign and Deeorative PHTIi ORTHERN Dealer in Faints, Oils,; Lead, Varnishes, Etc. 3rd Slaent, Bet. Washington-Base Lina HILLSBORU OREGON ilU PACIFIC R. Ra u Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegant Dining Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars lit PAUL I TN THK Ja Oregon, MINNEAPOLIS fDULUTrt f! FAROOf fl OWANQ. FOWK CHICAOO rVA8HIN0TOW PHILADELPHIA Notice for Publication. Lasd Ofkice at 0bgo. Ctrrr, Os.l Jui.iW, 1896.f NOTICE in hereby given thattlie foliow-ing,-iiuJnad settler has tiled notice of his intention tw niake tiiial protifi iU'Bup uart of his claim, and that said proof will Im made before the Register ajul Receiver U H Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, 011 March. U.WUft, via: f FnecLtri'Uk tosens. - new vork " H. E. No. 8212 for the N U of 8 W and 8 tosTON AND ALL M N W M Sec 32. T wp 1SKLW He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residenoe upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John Caldwell of Progress, Ore,. Alonzo K Fanno : " " James Hite " , " Joseph Kloyd of Portland,, Ore. . tl-6 Robtht A. Mai.KB, Register.. jj CR0OKST0N! IWINNIPEQ HELENA and BUTTE POINTS EASI tnd SOUTIf Pur In-tVu iiiatlom, lime cards, maps and tickets,- csl! prt oi' write- CHARITON, Assl, deal, tasageuj POUTHM) OB 26 KEthfon Street, SUMMONS. In Ihe Circuit Court of the State of CMgon for Washington county. Henry Brauer Plaintiff. V9y Minnie KueluieLiuid Frank Kuebnel. her huabaaid, W 1 Sutherland, Anton Wicke, A L S Wilcox, H A Klliwtliiiiid K X KuehueL, Defendants.' To Minnie Kuebnel and Frank Kuehnicl,. her husband and F X Ktiehncl, tiie above named defendants. NAME OF THE STATE OF vou are hereby eommanded and required to appear ojid ausw.r the complaint tiled agauist you in the above entitled court in the above entitled suit, on or before Monday the lSlh da.y of March, A . 1)., 189(1, the same beiiigoH tbo bret day of the next regular term of said court next following the expiration oi the time pre scribed in tlic order of publication of this summons and if you fail so to appear and answer said complaint the plaintitf will adply to the court for the relief therein prayed for and demanded, to-wU:. For a decree that plaintiff have and recover of and from defendants Minnie Kuchncl and Frank KuehneL and of and from each of them, on a certain promissory note for $aun mado and delivered by said Minnie and Frank Kueh uel 011 July 31. 1893,. bearing lotcreit at 10 percent per annum, interest payable seiuir annually, payaoie 10 piaiutiji, 011 wnicn $2.5 interest hai been paid, and on .1 mort- f age given hy said defendants Minnie and 'rank Kuehnel on the following described real property situated in Washington County. Oregon, The south half of the west three-quarters of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section Four, TowiiHhlp Two, South Range one West of Ihe Willamette iVeridiau, containing fifteen acres-, to se cure the same, the sum of 585 and $100 attorney's fee, and interest thereon from this date until paid, and costs and disburse ments herein ;; for a decree foreclosing said mortgage and ordering said mortgaged property to be sold and the proceeds ap plied to the payment of expenses- of sale, costs and disbursements and attunney'a fee herein and of said promissory note, and al so for a decree that the above named de fendants and each of them and all persons claiming by, throughc or under them or either ol them, subsequent to the execution of said mortgage, be bin ned ajid foreclosed of all claim, interest, right, title, lien or equity of redemption -save only the statu tory right to redeem in.on or. to said mort gaged prem ise, or any part thereof,, and lor such otnerauu iuriuerrenBi as ki tne NOTICE. NOTICE fcs hereby given that all countv warrants endorsed prior to Au(f. 1, 1885, are now payable at the office of the county tceasurcr and interest will cease ou same after Janunry 17, IHUtt. Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, Jan. 16, 1800.. J. W. SAPI'INUION, County Treasurer Notice For Publication. Land Omen at Okkoon City, Ou.i Jaii8,180rt. NOTICE is hereby given that the follow-ing-nanied settler mis filed notice uf bin intention to make final proof in support of his claim, under Sec. 2305 Revised Statutes of the U. S., and that said pioof will be made before the Register- and Receiver V. H. hand Office, at Oregon City, Oregon, ou February 18, 1890, viz: Cubs. H. WVlch, H. E. No. 10804 for theE N E and E XSE.)4ofSec.l3,T48R0W WM He names the foUowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John I'ettijohn of Keasey, Oregon. Pcylon Clarke 0 II Wheeler Clatskanie ." Geo Richwine Jr , Montavilla"' 41-6 RoflEBT A. M11.LRR, Register . . . Classical, Scientific, Literary. Villi. A CAM MY irpiwp fr College ami pvoa tjliiwmjh Eng-Ifcl-i Kdnea'tiiiiijstliK- Hwt!iUin Ut Twiirhrn-gt nil Bifneni. All ej(fiihp ver BiwrrT ivinj' nwinn nt the fjttdit'K' Ualil., !;5 U'M pwr week, iiielucft.uf! nlVetrie lijjht nnt-l heat,. 'She n!li"- Dnniiilnfv, wiirf 11 evellnMl Hiunn(rementr fnr lUHlafB Kwarni itusr vboih ait 42.2f") j-it week. Hoanl nntl nwini im H'iviil famiilivi, )f'r() ami iipwanlft. Many ptn cU'iits rein riiiiins nnifhoiinl- i .i--ijiMlreH nt- iv total coHt nod to exceed $l.5W- pen wpek. TKe fkJII Pi'rm hegiiiH JniiUHrr 2 18',)6 .Ifttjt fwH particular uiUfoo, THOMAS McCLELLANTJ, Foret-t (Jiovi', Orejion. I U. D. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State olOregon for Washington county. Ueuihold A. .1. NeckriU, I'laintifl, Vlh. Mary White, Thomori Btiggass and. James Boggass, Defendancst. To Mary White, the above named defendant. N THE NAME OF THE. STATE O Son you are hereby required to ap answer theconuilalnt Hied against you in the above entitled suit in the above entitled Court by the first day of the next term of said Court, which will be the third Monday in March, I898i and ifyoudail to so unnRHr inirl answer, for want thereof,, the ulauitiffwill apply to the-Count for the re lief demanded 111 the oomplwiK, for a da- cree annulling the deed fro.n tneaeiemianc Thomas Boggass, whereby he conveyed to you the East one-half ) of Southeast one quarter () of Section Seven (7) an Westone-nan 01 isouuiwesi one-quiw)-tr nt. Mention Eiirht (81 111 Townsbiu Two m, North- of Range Four (4) Weuo Wilhunette MeridiaiucontHiiiiiig On dredand sbt-tjt (J.60) Acres, lu Washington' county, Oregon, declaring the deed of said property from Plaintiff and wife to said Thomas Boggass. a mortgage on said prop erty to secure payment of Seventy live Dollars ($76.00) wiith lawful interest, and directing said defendant Mary White: to execute and deliver, to-Plaintiff; a deed of said property subject to said mortgage:, and for the costs and disbursements and for such rebel as may be equitame. L. V. BERCKMOES, .. Watchmaker and Jeweler, .. "eeoaoTStreet, - Hillsboro, Oregon..- WATCHES JEWELRY SPECTACLES ETC. Fin and Complicated Watch Repaiiinr , , , Jrf,-- Satisfaction Guaranteed'. WILEY & DENNIS, CITY LIVERY STABLE" Cor.. 2nd and Washinttoa Street,, Is. WHERE TOW WKLL FEN II THE BEST TEAMS. THAT CAN BE" HA IW HILLSBORO. BYEOTTfflflSFtm-CMSS. GOOD' TEAMS, GUOD BlflJGIES and' DRIVERS, ......I Lull ana... mAat .ui4 Anilif tl Klo . ... . I " . , , ,,,.,.1 u.. J..'- .1.- This summons is published against you ! Maae ana puousneu uy umm ui u bv order of Hon. Thos, A. McBride, JudgBJ Hon. Thomas A..McBride,.ui open court of the above named court made in open 1 this December 2rd, ltfo. court and dated on the 6th day of Decem ber, 1HBS, J. K. DTODDABP, AMerney ir Plaintiff. A. R. M EfDENHALL, Ii. IjACHMAN, - Attorneys r PlaintiffV Wotice (or PuBticatiorr.. JU'bku OnsicR at Okeuon City, Ok.I Jan. 10, liif NOTICE isr horeB given that the following-named settier has tiled notise of; hen Intention to-make- final proof in Blip- 8oit of her aiaitn,.and that said proof will e made before the County Clerk of Wash ington oounty at Hillsboro, . Oregon-,, on Feb. 28, 189$ vim Sellie B. Minogne, . H. E. No. 8513, fur the S B 14 BeiSHl, T 3 K.llJW. She names- the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land',, vin : Fred Myers-, Cornelius Nelson, Daniel' Ran. kin, Henry C..Mulliiis,.allof Dixie, Oregon. 44- Robert A. Millie,. Register. Notica for Publication, IiA-tlB OHMCH AT OHKUON ClTT, Oa.l JtlH. Ui, 1896,)- ' NOTICE 1 hereby given thattlie follow--ing-iiemed settler has- filed notice ofi his intention lot make nnal prooi in nui uortofhis nlalni, and that said proof wUl' be made before, the County Clerk of Wiih-. fT0 RENT.- A. lots in month. A lariit'. cottage with three Nort-li side addition at $5 per Enquire at inis umce, itiuti, viss: George Morphew, K. E. No. 7753, for the S W 4 Sec. 28 T J. N-R5.W.- - He name the following witnesses to prove his- eontinuous residence upon ani cultivation of said land, .viz : Walter R Wily, James Churchill, Antina Thomas and John R Greenwood,..a!l of. OaUs Creek, Oregon. 44-3 RonanT A. Miller, Register. IT'OU salt) or rent, the property of II V Untornnhrnr. Will rout at$4.Wpor month.. Enquire of L V Borcluiios. i 14