V THE ARGUS THURSDAY, JAN. 16, 18!t6. A farm of 134 acrea 'for rent, cheap. Inquire of T. K. Cornelius, Conit-liuH, Oregon. - C. M. Johnson, of .Cornelius, was in the city Tu'vnlay. John eon iti a good deuiorls ; Six shaves for fifty cent at the lion Ton Shaving 1'orlors, most fashionable in the city. Wood takeujp. exchange for harness at the Ptaneer Harness Shop on Second street. The Dilley hoys are Herving out their Mne in the county jail in kfault of payment in ciiali. It is said that there were only eeven tickets in llio field at the Forest Grove city election Monday. U. G. j,rdner and wife have teen vimUtif? with relatives at Kal Aiua, Washington, for the week )HSt. The weather buTeau is not sat isfied witk its prediction of snow being fulfilled, and now wiya we will have more. For sale at a bargain. A first class, top buggy, almost good as new. Enquire at this olfice for particulars. - H. Wehrung & Soiiaarclos ..( n.una' miA 1 uMiA .ln'l fit I II. UUV HIHIID nilU toshes at cost. Call yourselves. v -p-Don't forget to attend the . Kpeed and Driving Association meeting at the Hotel JlilMioru this Saturday afternooii. " 1 Ii K. AdaaiH returned from liU California trip tlie first of the week, much improved in health as the re sult of his vacation. The local wheat market at Ta- coma was Monday higher, for the first time in 6 years, than tue Chicago market price. Stephen Meek, o( Glencoe, was in town the hrst of the week. Mr Meek says Courtney is doing iveil, east of the Mountains Now that there is snow on tlte ground and you want to keep your feut dry, get a pair of Suhuluiericli fc Son's water-proof shoes. Keep your g)iid health and be happy. i . u. Swan, an old time resi dent ot tt;elville, now of the lln- iou county mines, made this office pleasant call luunuay. tie re turned east of the uiountiuns yes terday. Jonathan Tiee, well known in this, County, will have his trial be fore judge Stephens, Jan. 31st, for complicity iu a will forgery. Tico was arreted in this county tevei'al wei k ago. The UoivaMis-Poiilaiid localj while eiituriiiif. the suburbs of Port land lit-t Kritiay eve. struck a young lady, Mis Mamie Uuruli, killing her ailmost instantly. No blame was allai'hed to the engineer. The sheriff will sell a part of the Durham donation land claim next Monday. This place will make some me a good chicken, fruit, or hog ranch. Buyers will do well to be on band, as it may go pretty cheap. Spencer Rose, a well known Vernonia rustler and old veteran, lias, hut many friends in this vic inity will be pleased to learn, se cured au increase iu pension. Mr. Hose is owner of the old Nehalcm Journal plant Thk A rous was the first paper iu the state to call attention to the mistake made in Portland's daily, relative to the school tax of 5 mills iieiuir levied by the state, and it was a good democrat who tirst call lid our reporter's attention to the misrepresentation. The Independent is printing a brief to be presented in the famous State v. Calvin Foiueroy case, which comes up soon iu the supreme court of the state. It will be remember ed Mr. T. H. Tongue, Pomeroy's at torney, appealed the verdict and sentence passed last fall, a year ago, John Blater, who has a brother residing near Tigardville, attempt ed to commit suicide at Kheinpfali hotel, Portland, Monday morning. As he had plenty of money, his stctioit is supposed to have been . lue to family trouble of some nature. He used a razor, and at tempted to out his throat but did no serious injury to himself. The man who tells you he is a saint will bear watching. Ten chances to one he is trying to work a confidence game on you. This reminds us of the fellow who rigged up a scheme to cross the Jackson bottom in a boat, the other day, without labor. He put up a sail, but the wind slept, and he tried to get up motion by blowing against the sail with a small hand bellows which he had in his possession --L. P. W. Quimby pa through Hillsboro Monday, en route for his ranch near Gaston, where he has 15 head" of standard HIVW w bred horses. Mr. Quimby thinks Hillsboro will have a fine race meet tug in July, and says it was a wist more that it came here, instead of going to Portland on that date, as the string of California horses are coming through about that time, nnd in view of the early season in that section, their horses are always in better training early in the sum- V . Forest Grove -had a spirited city election the othr day, with re sults as follow: for mayor, S. Hughes, 139; David Smith, 63. Couucilmen, D. C. Stewart. 158, contra W. A. Goodin, 40; T. C. Me- Namer, 152, Contra F. Waters, 4t); C. L. Large, 139, contra E. A. Hyde, 88: Andrew Knox, 147, con tra J. Wirlx, 16; J. H. Smith, 14'J, contra li. D. Jones, 6b: Jas. Mux- ton, 190, contra H. B. Johnson, 15. Keoortfer, Aaron Wells, III, contra Austin Craig, 80. Treasurer, J C Greer, 198, contra 8. A. Walker, 2. Marsh, J. A. Slnplin, 120; J r. Vaughn, 57, and J. G. Katies, 19. Ueedville precinct, the one newly formed, commences where the east and west' line of center of section 21, T. 1 S. It. 2 W. crosses the Tualatin river; thence up said river to mouth of Rock creek; thence up Rock creek to the east line of the Geo. II. Smith die; thence north to the Base Line; thence east to the donation line be tween El in Young and G. V. Eg berts d I c; thence west on said line one mile; thence east to the north east corner section 30; thence south one mile; thence east one mile; thence west to place of beginning. There is much local agitation throiirhoiit the countv in reiHrd tn the purchase of road scrapers. The county now has two and the several JttffrietB are endeayoring' to. per-! suade the county commissioners to get more. They are very useful articles, and make a gocd road. The court has made no futher pur chases so far. Commissioner Todd offers to donate 50 cents towarcTotie in each district, to buy one by pri vate subscrit lion, independent of the county. Clothing t cwt at the Bryan LaidlawCo. Cash S'ore. For the next 30 days we will offer our entire stock (of uieus' winter suits at cost. Call slnd get a ten dollar all wool suit for $7.90, Overcoate and Macintoshes nt eont. Children's Macintosheat $1.80, cost $2.00. You can gel bargains now, as we don't want to carry these goods over. Children h rubbers at 50 i cents on the dollar. Thos. Dixon, of Willapa city, is spending a few days in iiillshoro and vicinity. Mr. Dixon is a civil engineer, having graduated from one of London's most famous insti tutions, and for years has run some of the most important lines in Pa cific county, Wachington. He is the possessor of some ranch and town property at and near his home, and comes over here to look into tlie dairy and other industries, with a view of pushing nticli bus iness for himself iu the future. The Delta carries in, stock, Miilohs Uoiuuiniptioti Lai re, ami Karl's Clover liimt. Attar using two-thirds of a biHllyof either of these remedies accoMng to direc tions, if not s;UistaclWy as guar anteed, retiiriauic nd money will bo refunded. Well'sNluckine- tack perfumery and the celebrated Ko No dentifrice in stock. Snow commenced falling early yesterday morning, and continued steadily nearly all day. It being very fine and dry, it did not bank very rapidly, at evening there being only iu the neighborhood of 8 inch es, Prospects are that mure is com ing, and with the frozen condition of the ground, if the weather re mains cool, sleighing will be ex cellent. A large number of our hop rais ers tire trying to pool in order to get sale for their last summer's product. By this means putting the var ious lots together they think they cau find a buyer. A good idea. H. Wehrung & Soiia will give( 10 per cent, cash discount on their entire line of men's and boys' cloth ing tor the next U)irty tlays. Re member their goods, are all marked in plain figures. The post office store keeps con stantly ou sale a line of standard periodicals, magazines and month ly's. Anything not on sale will be ordered tor you. Inquire of J. M Brown. Quite a number of Masons went up to Forest Grove Sunday to attend the funeral of Martin Mail uing, whose remains were brought from aonora county, California. John Henry, a subject of Great Britain, has been admitted to cili- xenstup by the county court. An other twist in tbe Lion's tail. A. Finney has returned from a California trip; he will again visit the land of flowers in a tew days. The secretary of the treasury is having no trouble to procure subscribers tor the popular loan. Gel Wear Registers for your children. The best school shoe made; at Schulmerich & Son. -W. E. Brock left Friday even ing last on a business trip to Hepp tier, returning Monday night. Thomas Beat, of Gaston, has been adjudged inrane and seut to the Asylum. Plenty of . bargains at Schul merich fc Son's in remnants and broken lots. Kobt. Imbrie Sr. has given up making his California trip this winter. J. F. Barber has moved out to the ranch across the Tualatin fiom town. Hon. S. B. Huston did bus iness at Portland Saturday Inst in rnin cu Pythians Hold a Public j . . .. installation. J0INKD BY KATHBOKK SISTERS Over One Hundred and Fifty Pres ent The Grandest Event of tbe Season iu fraternal Circles. Pythian Installation. Last Monday night, at the Ma sonic Hall, occured one of the red letter marks iu Pythian circles of Washington county. , The occasion was the installation of officers of Phoenix 1jdge No. 34, and Phoe necia Temple, Rathbone Sisters, for the current six months. The ceremonies commenced at 8:00 o'clock promptly, Ella Huston, De- PUty Orai:d telnet, assisted uy M M- Hughes and Orpha Carlile, ' in- stalling the officers of Phoenecia Temple, as follows:. . Alma Dorreiu , .Past Chief Susie Stanley M. E. C. Jane Sewel! E. S. Bliaa Imbrie.' :...E.J. Elsie Schulmericli. ... ... M. of F. M.-A. House.:, , M. of K. ami C. EIW Williams,. . i ... M. of F. Daisy Dennis...:". P. Elizabeth Conkling Guard After each officer had nceived the respective jewel of her station, Mrs. W. V. Wiley, as the Goddess of Flowers, followed by four little maidens, each carrying a crown of dowers, marched into the hall, and crowned each officer. As the cor onation proceeded, the scene was one which could but appeal to the finer instincts of human nature. The four little ones, were robed in white and each was the bearer of a pair of wings, and as they approach, ed, the candidates knelt and the crowns were placed. Immediately the officers were declared legally installed, Chancellor Commander elect, J. M. Wall, in behalf of the members of Phoenix Lodge, pre sented the temple with a handsome jewel case. Mrs. Huston prompt ly responded to tlie presentation speech in remarks trite and appro priate. Next in order was the installation of Phoenix officers. Deputy Grand Chancellor Geo. Schulmerich assist ed by Herman Schulmerich, J. H Stanley and R. II. Greer, obligat ed and seated as follows: Chancellor Commander J. M. Wall Vice-Cluncellor : T. M. Kelso Master of Work F. J. Williams Master of Finance. . ,G. W. fccUulmericli Master o! Exchecquer I. W. House Prelate I. K. Adams K. of R. and S i. A. Long Muster-at-Aruis Jus. Cave Inside Guard Jolm Kelly Outside Guard E. L. James R. of P. C F. J. Williams The program was interspersed with vocal music, consisting of quartettes and solos, all of which was.excellenlly executed by follow ing personnel: Mixed quartette, Misses Grace Poe and Ida Everitt and Messrs M. Jfi. Everitt and Dr. C. B. Brown. Male quartette, Messrs D. W. Dobbins, J. II. Stan ley, C. B. Brown and F. J. Wil liams. The solo by Mrs G. W. Schulmerich was of especial inter est and gained hearty applause. The orator of the evening was Senator S. B. Huston, and the gen tleman was in one of his best humors. He dwelt with consider able length as to the relations exist ing between the Knights oiganiza- and its auxiliary, and gave a very appreciative outline of that which he considered knightly duty and fealty. The tenets and principles of the order were thoroughly re viewed, Mr. Huston making the ex ception of giving a Pythian talk without recounting Tlie story of Damon and Pythias which so long has been considered the proper thing at such occasions, He brought out all the salient points and at the close of bis address, his listeners realized that he left nothing un said. The lunch served the one hun dred and fifty of an assembly was a joy in the art of culinaries, and rounded out the enjoyments of the evening. Many were present from the various Washington county lodges, and the members of the or der feel that this affair is one of vast import to Pvthian circles. A flash light picture of those present wan taken by photographer chus ter. Case in Knight's Court Monday of this week, James and William Dillev, who lived up near David s Hill, were tried before Jus tice Knight on a charge of assault ins one Frank Lillig, who lives in the near vicinity. Mr. Lillig, who works for one Mr. Ruhter, was awakened one night about midnight bv tbe boys, in company with' Al ex Broddie, and the three handled Mr. Lillig rather roughly. Broddie broke the door in and Lillig came out with a srun. They took it away from him, threw him in the mud, and otherwise rouirhly treated him He at once had the trio arrested and brought before Judge Knight. Borddie pleaded guilty to a charge of assault and was fined $10 and costs, which he served out in the county jail. The Dilley boys asked i. ...j ...v.. tu. ior time nd when the.v were T through with the case, which was set for January 13th. Knight fined cai'h 120 and C"Hts, making a total of $82.05, a rieiit little cum for "one night" off Judge Knight, remarked, in Humming up the ca-e, that 'Mr. Broddie was the luckiest man in the jtiiiittrv ant nti hia tauu inna tn the grand jury, he would not have I gotten off so easily, in the light of reCHlt developments.' He further 'stated that were he the District At- ' torney, he would bring ti e matter before the next grand jury if Mr. Broddie were iu the county at that time. Be Sure to Come. All lovers of r-peedy horses should be sure to be in attendance this Saturday, (January 18th,) to help perfect the Speed and Driving Association. This will he an effort that will prove ol ialue to the rais ers of blooded animal in this coun ty, and these are legion. The com mittee on by-laws and incorpora tion will report and the delegates who were sent to Portland to se cure dates will state what they have done. If there is anything Washington county should be proud of it is her strains of fine horses. Do not forget the date and place. January. 18th at the Hotel Hillsboro. , Proper Observance. The public school of Hillsboro ill observe Flag Day, tomorrow, (January 17th,) in an appropriate manner. Scholars and pupils have taken hold of the idea with alacri ty, and the following program will be rendered at 2:00 o clock p. m. Benjamin franklin .Annette Elliott Recitation.... ; Trella Ford Daniel Webater,..., Willie Hare Recitation....... Erma Latham Heading.. : Lelah Patterson Vocal Solo ...Ethel Morgan Oration Alex Hamilton Frank Stewart Recitation Lottie Peters The Flag Mrs F.lliott Battle of New Orleans and Gen eral Jaekaon John Maatin Composition Estella Bohcow Auureas u. w. jrattereon Moonlight Concert The Reed and Cornet band gave a delightful concert on the Jackson bottom lake last Saturday night. Two bat6 were lashed together and the boys were rowed hither and thither while they discoursed mel ody to the large crowds who had congregated around bonfires on the hank. It was a pretty scene, and one long to be remembered. After all was over, the boys were treated to a royal repast at the residences of Messrs Judge Crandall and Capt Collins. Another Pioneer Gone. Mr. A. Finney, one of our '56 pioneers has gone or rather is soon 'o go to Los Angeles to per manently reside, so it is said. Mr. IMnney h;is purchased some nice resitlenee property in that famous California ioivn, and Hillsboro will have to lose liim. lie is possessed of cousideraMo property in this eiiy, and has. many friei.ds who re gret his departure. A Bargain. A neatly constructed 5 room cot tage within 2 blks of business part of, town. Good fence around lot, good woodshed, and two roomy closets in residence. Also pump in good repair. Goes ft r $600. In qtiiir at tins office. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. The Bon Ton Shaving Parlors on Second street are the most fash ionable in the city. Childrens' haircutting, 15 cent?; shaving on Sunday, 10 cents. According to the 1895 assess ment, Washington county is second in the Btate in the manufacture of butter and cheese, having turned out over 487,000 pounds, but wait until tins county nas tlie same acreage under tillage as has Linn. When you wantan"uptodate" hair cut, or a neat comfortable shave r both, call at the Citv Shaving Parlors. Hot and Cold baths im mediate on order. E. E. Colestock, Prop. FROM PHILLIPS. Miss Katie Bower, of Portland, visited with In r parents at this place Saturday and Sunday. Mary Toelle returned to Portland last Tuesday after a few weeks visit with her parents. Estella Forrest stopped over Sunday with friends at this place. Mr. Joe Beal, of Goldendale, Wash ington, visited with relatives of this place the latter part of the week. Adolpn ruegy intends to build a blacksmith shoo at this nlace in the near future. His many friends wish him the greatest 01 success. G L Perriue preached at the Brooks school house last bunday. BEAVERTON. Mr Slawson's babe lias been very ill with scariatina but is somewhat 1m proved at this writing. Born, To the wife of Wm Owens, of Cedar Mill, on January 13, 1896, a boy Mother and child doing well. Mark Wilson has been very sick for the past week but is now improving rap idly. Or Robinson Is slowly improving and is just able to be out again. The everyday street scene in Beaver ton which was acted out at the enter tainment given by the literary society last Saturday evening was as good as the original scene. Our little snow storm is pleasing to the eyes and there will probably be some sleighing if it continues. There is talk here of having a mask ball the 20th of nert month if all goes r1l .well ION And Clerks of Election For Next June. ftOAD SUPERVISORS APPOINTED A List of tbe Claims Allowed Oth er Important Business Tran sacted Adjcarued to January 20th. January Term, 1896. Judges and Clerks appointed: (chair man ot judges first then follow the re maining judges, then the clerks ) Buxton Jos Kinny, S Paisley, J B Gay, A L Stephens and C O Peterson. Beaverdam J Q A Young, Jacob Wis mer, Rolett Thompson, E Thomas and Thos Miller. Beaverton J N Fisher, A B Cady, D E Bush, A E Klink and J A Rcid. Columbia J R Mays, Geo Hellaire, A K Watson, Jno Loftus and W B Wilson. Cornelius G N Hale, G H Waters, F J Reiling, E S McNutt and A A Phillips. Dilley J P Hansen, C W O'Dell, John Prickett, E S Gaylord and Thos Parsons. Dairy H C Carstens, Chas Herb, Dan'l Baker, A Spreadboiough and A G Watson. East Cedar Creek Isaac Ball, Geo Galbreath, V Cimino, Lee Spencer and John Henry. East Butte S A Durham, John Hope, B G Leedy, WE Sharer and AW Haines. Gales Creek Henry Baker, M L Vin cent, T M White, Chas taraford and J W McRoberts. , Mountain C Bacon, W l,eehr. G P Nicholl, F G Meacham and S A Burns. N Forest Grove L E Smith, I E Pur- din,' H T Short), J Dahlstrohm and H H Clark. ; N Hillsboro J D Merry man, J W Sewell, A C Arcnbold, T S Weatherred and W W McKinney. " S Forest Grove F 8 Barnes, W S In- giea, wuh Meyers, It u Stewart and Ward Swope. 8 Hillsboro S H Htinirjhrevs. Wm Hav. O C Zook. E B Tonirue and Jeo Schulmerich, S Tualatin--.! H Wilkina. W H McCor- miek, W 111 Schulmerich, T C James and F M Simpson. Wapato H C Raymond, Louia Wilcox, Edw Best, E X Harding and C W Hud son. Butte Jos Jack, S C Hodsres. Ferd Groner, Wni Jack and v in Ingram. ashintrton J J Kurutli. Wm Batch- elder, I B Darity, Thos Council and John Hansen. W Cedar Creek J O Gustin, Carl J Hener, C T Hall, F A Olds and J CSinoek Reedville W P Oakerman, ans Ras- mussen, J O'.Meara, Jas lmlay and D heeler. The following supervisors have been appointed: No 1 E A Eddy; i A Krouse: 4 Jno Algersheimer; 5 T C Johnson; 6 L Sho- gren; 7 J W ligard;8 J.D Hite; 9 A Johnson; 10 G W Stoll; tl Hans Ras- mussen; 12 Peter Peterson; 13 Wm Nel son: 14 Jacob Reichen; 16 John Joss; 17 Sam Moon; 18 J B McNew; 19 H X Gor don; 20 D C Stewart; 21 Wm Crowther; 22 John Heisler; 23 A B Todd; 24 Harry Ball; 25 Jas Cuniniings; 26 W C Kertson; 27 H Dilberger; 29 H T Johnson; 30 T E Cornelius; 31 Samuel Ornduff; 33 Frank Bradley; 34 C True; 35 Adam Hergert; 36 Chas Mackler; 38 A S Vaughn; 40 J C Beach; 41 Sam Sorenson; 43 T P Goodin; 44 A Benson; 45 Jas M Thompson; 47 B Wilson; 49 EB Haines; 51 Geo Boland; 52 D Wengrr; 53 F M Kelsey. Chas Schmidt was admitted to poor farm and Nelson Boggs was discharged. Viewers and surveyers appointed to view County road No. 341 on January 21. Matter of county printing con tinued to Monday, January 20. The following bills were allowed: ASSESSING AND COLLECTING. George H Wilcox 75.00 S H Humphreys 2.00 Argus 2.00 BRIDGES AND ROADS. Jas Laidlaw & Bo 20.00 L Weidewitsch 15.00 Beam & Williams 2.00 Wiley & Dennis 1.00 J R Mays & Son 3 00 Chas Livingwalls 3.60 T R Cornelius 3 00 Brice Wilson 6.00 R H Umphrey 25.00 W H Lvda 10.00 TC Johnson 136.50 Fred Mattheis 4-5 COUNTY COURT. D B Reasoner 16.00 Thos G Todd 13 80 The Argus 5 00 SALARIES BP Cornelius 175-00 J W Sainton, Treasurer 50.00 E U Mccormick, sen ana dep. . . 175.00 H P Ford do 275 00 250.00 44.35 4-50 R B Goodin do A Craig School Sup't . L E Wilkes CIRCUIT COURT, Beam & Williams I. so J C Miller 46.40 C H. & J. ACCOUNT. R Cave M H Malone W Bender 1. 00 I.80 50 ELECTIONS. HTShorb 400 FUEL, MCHTS AND JANITOR. N A Barrett 3-o Hillsboro L & W Co tob.os JURORS IN JUSTICE COURT. John McClaran 2.00 Taylor Ranes 2.00 M L Vincent... 3 EX Harding. 3 H S Hudson 2.00 H C Raymond-.'". 2.00 B F Pur'd v.. ......... 2.00 A BTodrf. v. 2.00 WMJackMon 3- riUSONlSKS AND PAUPERS Bryan Laid'aw Co. J C Lamkiii H P Ford '.... A W Sascton Rosa Frost J Northrop Andrew Olscn Mrs Anna L Rutermund STATIONERV R B Goodin... 9.20 6-55 5262 486.15 5.00 10.00 5.0c 10.00 4-95 2.90 E L McCormick. I H P Ford 'Hatchet.. 3.00 6.25 10.70 16.20 365 75 16.10 5 26.20 J W Sappington W H Brock Geo H Wilcox Geo D Barnard STATE CASES J P Tamieaie 4 40 H P Ford 43 25 S B Huston 150.00 J Northrop 27.00 W w Annans au.ao R Waggener 15.00 J P Hicks 3 00 R H Warren 1. 00 J J Wyke -1. 00 Geo C Sears 17.50 H P Ford ' 207.40 REMITTED. H. P. Ford, overpaid on tax acct. 115.30 PROBATE. Partnership estate of Hr.. Dem minn, deceased, Edw. PelnijBvrich, administrator, closed of record. Report of guardian of minor heirs of F. M. Warner, deceased, examined and approved. , Petition of adm'r of Jolly estate to sell realty, allowed. " ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Schulmerich & Son have some! bargains iu clothing fur' men and boys. v- Moses Craig, and . Mr. Jones, of Forest Grove, were in the city Saturday bust. J. P. 'Vaughn also was seen on our streets-the first of the week. The small boy is pleased at the fall of snow, and foot ball has gone to its grave for the season. We have a few ladies' wraps left which you can buy at cost. Schulmerich & Son. Born, at the Ross Farm, near Hillsboro, Jan. 14th, to the wife of Rev. W. H. Dierdorff, a son. This morning presented a very hiisy scene . on Hillsboro streets. Everybody, and his neighbor, was out shovelling snow from the side and cross walks, the cool air brought the roses to the cheek, and the occasionahjjngling of the sleigh hells brought to many, memories, tender, yet long dormant. Rubbers and rubber boots in all styles at lowest prices. Schul merich & Son. Congregational church next Sunday: Sabbath school 10:00 a. m. Rev. Hughes preaches at 11 a. m.: theme, "The Mutual Helpful ness we aiav uenner 111 laie. unior C. E. meeting at 4:00 p. m. and C E. prayer meeting at 6:30. Evening services: "A Character Sketch Mary of Bethany." All cordially invited. -The breach of promise case which was recently commenced in e Circuit court has been settled iy the parties to the suit. Mar riage license was on Jan. 10, issued to Mary Maggie Halter and John J. Brook. Henry Becker has commenced suit iu the Circuit court to regain possession of his children, who are now 111 the possession 01 tlie Boys and Girls' Aid Society. Habeas corpus proceeding for the two young er ones, who were surrendered last autumn, have been issued. Fleece lined underwear; just the thing for this weather at Schul merich & Son. Hillsboro's legal talent has again beeu recognized bv the Ore gon Bar Association. Hon. S. B. Huston has been appointed on the committee of Jurisprudence and Statutory reform, and Hon. T. H. Tongue is a member ot the legisla tion committee. -Father Kelly, who was at one time uriest at the Cedar Mill Lath olic church has been ordered to "'do penance" by the apostolic delegate, who heard the cause. Karl's CloverNRoot haarrived at The Delta. Ca purchase in any quantity. y ' . . V. Cimiuo "snowed lirVIrom Tualatin this morning, on business with county officials. Mr. (Jimmo has been a judge of election on nearly every laiard for about 20 ears. Mrs. Beni. Birdsell, of Port- and, and her son Jeff. Birdsell, of Whitman county, W ashing'on, spent the firtt of the week in this city the guest of Mrs. E L. McCo;- mick. -J. M. Garrison, of Forest Grove, has again carried off hon ors for his poultry yard. He has been awarded two prizes oytne judges of the Portland poultry ex hibit. Mr. Uarnson is a inorougn bird fancier. RUPTURE! Instantly Relieved, and Permanently CURED WITHOUT Knife or Operation. Treatment Absolutely Painless CURE EFFECTED From Three to bix Weeks. WRITE FOR TERM THE 0. E. MILLER CO. OrrioRb : lawnm WW. Mawi-wm Pi:Mri PORTLAND. ORFPQN W i. Green CARPETWEAVING, Centerville, Oregon Weaves carpet striped and measured to fit any room. Prices to suit the hard times Glass and Prudhomtne . Irwin-Hodson Co B P Cornelius SOCIETIES. 1 Phoenix Lodge No 84, K of P meet on Mondav evening 01 eacn weea in Maaonle hall. Pbonecia Temple No 10 meets on the sec ond and fourth Friday of each month In I O O F hall. . Montezuma Lodge No GO I O O F meet ere-rr Wednesday ev- enine in their hail. Hillsboro Rebekah Lodge No 64 nwvt in Odd Fellows' hall on the third Saturday of each month. Tuality Lodge No 6 A F A M meet every Saturday nignt on or after full moon of each month. Tualatin -Chapter, No 81, Eastern Star, meets second and fourth Tuesday in each month at Masonic hall. " ., Hillsboro Lodge No CI A O V W meet every second ana rourtn Friday in each month. ashington Kncampmeot No 24 I t meets on second and rourtn Friday of each month. Hillslx.ro Dx.ge No 17 IOOT inert tee o Cult in Oniuc veiling. every (Saturday Hillsboro Grange No 73 P of meet 2nd and 4th Saturdays at 1. 111. Viola Tent, Mo IS. K O T M. ineet iii Odd f ellows' nan on iwcona anu j 'ihursday evenings 01 each niontl: PROFESSIONAL. BARRETT & ADAMS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Rooms 6 aud 7 Central Block, Hilisuoao, Oik T. H. TONGUE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, In Morgan Block, Hillsboro, Orfoa, W. D.W0OO, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Chenette Row. Residence, corner First and Main streets, HiUsbore, Oregon. S. T. LINKLATER, M. B.C. M, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office at Residence Kast of Court House. C. B. BROWN, JQENTIST, HILLSBORO, OREGON. GOLD CROWN and BRIDGE work specialty. ALL WORK Guaranteed. Rooms 1 and 2 Morgan Block. Office Hours: From 8 a. m. to 4. p. M. f. A. BAIL ST, M.D. F. 1. BAILBT, B.B.X.S. DRS. F. A. AND F. J. BAILEY. Physicians, Surgeons and Accouchera, Office in Hillsboro Pharmacy. Real. dence aontn-west corner Baseline and Second. All calls promptly attended day or night. JilDS PHIUJPPK TAJUJSIE, V. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Sunreon Southern Pacific RailroitH Pa. Consultation in French or English. Office ana resmence soutn or Mam near sa St., WILKES BROS. ABSTRACTORS and SURVEYORS. Conveyancing and fine map work a specialty. Lindsay Block, two doors north ot the postoffloa. Sacond st,, Hillsboro, Or. GEORGE R. BAGLEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. oom 1 A 2, Shute Block, over Greer's., HILLSBORO, OREGON. Local Agent Eoyal Insurance Company SMITH & BOWMAN, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Notarial Work and Conveyancing. Rooms 6 & 7 Morgan Blk., Hillsboro, Ore. MISCELLANEOUS. Fish and Meat Market J. D. ROSELAIR, Prop.. HILLSBORO, - - OREGON. Salmon from fi to 8 cent per pound. Smelt 6 cents per pound. Herring 6 cent per pound. Fresh Oysters, Meat and Poultry Con stantly on Hand. THE DELTA : DRUG :: STORE ; (Next Door Bryan-Latdlaw Co.) Main Street, , - Hillsboro. A fine line of Toilet Artii-lfw, 11 rushes. Cumin, Pei-f nines. Fat out Medicines ami Rpocial attention given to Quality and Accuracy. (kSUWash'tot I J. MORTHRVP, Newly Furnished and Renovated. A first-class table and all accommodations for the convenience of guests. ... COPYRIGHT. tor InfomMlaa and tree Handbook writ to HUNK a CO, Ml Bsoidwat, Ms Tout. OldMl tmrM for Meurlns patent! In Amaries, Brwr patent taken out by tu It brounht bafoi tl publle br notice sins tn of eaais la tbs lrmetelmalattaofaT edeMc paper la Of world. Bplendfcllr llltutrated. KolDtelllsraS cms adornd be without It, werkfcjM.QSa , . tuuaawajr, ew i en oay. i Solentlflo AawtoM A Agency for iw r i :,-! -1 - - '!