The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 02, 1896, Image 3

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THURSDAY, JAN. 2, 181)0.
TK AUdt'B wifhttH its many
leaders a Happy New Year.
J. 1). Koselair Iiiih (ipciietl up a
meat market in conjunction with It is
lisli stand next dour to tlie Wiley
ft Dm'jiis livery stable.
Wood taltenJn exchange for
liarnes at thoI'iiMitwr HariKBe
S1kp on SeeiMld Htreet.
Why will people who have hud
the advantage)! of homestcading ac
corded llimn, be ho iterniKtent in tell
ing you Unit governmenl ullidals
are knaves and roidx rs.
I'. S. I'eniMJ, a runulier of
Farinington wan in the cily Tues
day. Mr. J'enne caniu to thin state
from Minnesota about one year ago,
.and thinks Oregon is all right. . Of
course, they all do.
Six shaves for fifty cents at the
Hon Ton Shaving l'orlurs, motit
fashionable in the city.
Mrs. J. K. Long; of Portland,
apent Christmas at Leisyville visit
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Isaao Letsy.
A farm of 134 acres fur rent,
cheap. Inquire of T. K. Cornelius,
Cornelius, Oregon.
City Recorder liuwiuan has
Lin hands full these times, what
with the work of his own ollice and
that of J. I. Kniglit.
-Nocturnal prowling will re
ceive a check soiuo of these days
about the time Cofoncr Wood has
'work on his hands.
- Lotii Manning whs in tire city
'Tuesday, and was good-huiuoredl;
commenting on the Hue street con
dition on Secuud, where the plank
ing was hauled and laid on each
side of the thoroughfare near Dr.
Linklater's residence. Loui ays
all you have to do is to imagine the
planking under you and you go
through all right.'
All Knights of Pythias, l'ho
nix No. 31, are requested to he on
hand at the Castle Hall in the Mas
onic Lodge room, on Monday night,
Jan. 13th, 18'.H!. There will ho
joint public installation of officers
f J'lioenix Lodge No. 31, and l'lioe
tiieu fimuple No. 10, lUthbouu
For tsilo at a bargain. A first
vines, top buggy, almost good as
new. .Inquire at this ollice for
particulars. ,: -
i H. Wehrung & Sonif uM-clos
ing out mens' and litlies' mackin
toshes at cost. CallSidjMJir
yourselves. "
Willamette valley's open win
ner Clauds out in strong euiitrast to
(the 10 inches of ice up in the Itlue
Mountains. An overplus of rain is
jiot the most desirable thing in the
ivoi M but it is more comfortable
alum hitter cold.
-Tlie Searchlight says U will not
icouiul out this week on account of
its publishers having had such a
Jiard year's work. The Searchlight
is the paper publislutd at Cornelius,
this county.
The November term cf Circuit
Court will cost the county in the
neighborhood of $4000. There will
perhaps be about six or seven ht.nd
Xed of this recovered by theiouiity,
.and no nior. The witnesses in th
Lee cases cost more than in any
other individual' cases.
John Hniley, jwho lias been
jiiamurinir the Pharmacy for nearly
a year, departed Saturday last for
Jierkeley, Ualilornia, wnere ne wtu
enter that famel western college.
John will improve Jus time, aui
Jiis many friends wish him success.
The Hon Ton Shaving Parlors
on Second street are llw most fash
ionable in the city, ChildreW
haircutting, 15 cents; sliaviiig ori
.Sunday, 10 cents.
With revivals running at two
churches there should be no reason
why Hillsboro should not be a
tlodly town. If no good is done by
' tbe exhortations, one thing is cer
tain, the sinners aw getting wann
ed up.
Out of the 15000 people iu
Washington couuty it is .pretty Bafe
to say that uo one went hungry
.yesterday, unless it were .some tran
sient hobo.
'Editor J. R. Beegle,of the Or
egon Mist, was in the city Now
Year s day..
Any one wanting wood sawed
will leave orders at the Hicks
louse or at this olnce.
As this is leap year, Hillsbo-
to's new women, if it .have any, can
.start in with double assurance. Al
ready one of our hotels show a reg
ister as follows: Mrs.
and husband, 1896. ...
Dr. Lowe, the old reliable op
tician, will be in the parlors of the
Jrlillsboro House all next week.
Mrs. Al. Neep and two sons re
turned last weelt from a - three
months' visit to Siskiyou county.
The Hillsboro Terpsiohorean
m club held one of its most enjoyable
'A meetings of the season at the opera
1 iiouse Tuesday evening. At 11:00
.1 - ....... ...... i X.wJ ll.
Hie uienj'uuia.ciD topuiiuu VU bllC
Hotel Hillsboro where they par
took of a palatable luncheon.
Having Been the departure of the
nld vear. and the birth of the new,
Vjhe 20 couples present departed for
their homes, voting the occasion
tfa$ long to be remembered.
The following aru the officers
elected by the Christian Sunday
School for the year 1896: Superin
tendent, Benton Bowman; assistant
superintendent, (trace Cronkite;
secretary, Kd. Howen; treasurer,
Id I a Adams; chorister, Stella Camp
U'll; assistant chorister, Minla
Humphreys; organist, Minta llum
phrevs; assistant organist, Trella
Ford; librarian, Trella Ford; as
sistant librarian, Nettie Shelley
and Bessie Siegler.
The slight snow wuich fell the
first of the week was soon dispelled
by the rains which followed. The
rain of Monday ttiIi t was very
heavy and was accompanied by con
siderable wind.
The State Hoard of Kqualiza-
lion nus mauea reduction on ine
assessment of on taxable property
iu this county as follows: On class
1, including town lots and improve
ments thereon, 5 per cent. On
class 2, embracing all railroad
lands, other unimproved lands, im
provements on deeded lands rail
road tracks and telegraph lines,
5 per cent.
Frank F, Meyers, of Forest
Grow, was the first to send in an
answer to the Kansas teacher's
problem, and he receives Tiik Au
di's for one year prepaid. The an
swer is: Cost of saddle. $91 jj; first
pony, $8i; second pony, $41 jj; third
pony, $58j. Correct answers were
received from J. M. Brown, of this
city, C. A. Peterson, of Buxton, El
la Alderman, of Forest (trove, and
C. K, Hicks, of Vancouver, Wash
ington. Then; are quite n number who
think Kennedy and Powers were
not concerned in thr) robberies for
which they were indicted. How
ever this may he, the' possession of
a burglar's kit was evidence enough
to show they were of character not
above - reproach, and the fact that
one resisted anest, using a danger
ous weapon, was evidence not to be
. Tub Altai's is now comforta
bly installed in the Corwin &
W ouster block, aud when you come
to town drop iu and read some of
our exchanges by a warm lire.
School re-opened Monday after
one vcek's vacation.
--Don't fail to see Dr. Lowe
about your eyes next week.
When you want an "up to date"
hair cut, or a neat comfortable shave
nr both', call at the City Shaving
Parlors. Hot and Cold baths im
mediate on order.
E. K. Coi.ebtock, Prop.
Perry Gardner whs in the cily
this week.
This mixture ot rain and frost
is good Orego.i winter weather.
Win. MeCourt spent New
Years at McMinnville.
If. you need glasses see Dr.
Liwe next week.
Some two or three weeks ago
a line mare belonging to Al. Neep
was acciden'ally shot by one of his
hoys. The animal was reported
dead by a local paper, which seems
to have been premature. She is
alive and doing nicely.'"
Troy Shelley, superintendent
of public schools, for Wasco coun
ty, will preach at the Christian
church Sunday January 5th, at
11:00 a. ni. Special music, con
sisting of solos, male quartette, etc.
Anniversary sermon at 7:30 p. in.
Everybody invited to attend these
Wheat has been ndvaneing' n
little the past month, and hops
have gone into a decline.
This is a poor time for bicyclist
cranks to tell you that horses are
going out of usage in Oregon.
Inasmuch us there is so much
liousebrenk i ng goi ng on , The Argus
gives Sheriff Ford due notice
Some of these free booters might
break into the jnil some night and
rob the prisoners of their valuables.
Hillsboro Grange, Patrons of
Husbandry will have installation
of officers on the second Saturday iu
January. "All members of the in
stitution are requested to come and
bring witn them their lunch baskets.
Born, January 1st, 189(5, to the
wife of I. E. Berst, a boh. Mr. Berst
is smiling ovej'.his new year's greet
The old year was .watched out
and the new one in by the majority
of people. Watch parties were
held at the various churches and
promptly at the midnight hour the
bells commenced to ring. It was
but a moment until the Forest
Grove Canning company's whistle
joined in the general jingle to ush
er in the infant year.
Numerous attempts have been
made within the last week to break
into residences, but all were unsuc
cessful. Hi. P. Ford's and K. C.
Hughes' were amongst those visit
ed. ". The Good Templars gave a
suppef Tuesday night to their
friends and a good time was report
ed '
W. O. Tucker and family, Mr.
A. Chapman and Miss McLeod, of
Kalama, spent Christmas in Hills
boro, the guests of Thos Tucker and
family. On Christmas eve the
gathering enjoyed a tree at the
home, and many and useful were
the presents. Christmas night was
spent in drive whist at the resi-
.lu.w.j ,f f. TT n rA. W
.deuce" f Mr. U. 6. Gardner, W .
l'0. Tucker receiving first prue and
Air. Chapman the second.
Kennedy and Powers are
Rids fur Carrying the Hails Betweeu
Hillsboro and Portland Asked
for Circuit Court Pro
ceedings. Heavy Sentences.
Justice is not always slow in
Washington county. Fiiday last
Judge McBride sentenced the two
dccperadoes, Kennedy aad Powers,
to ten years each in the State pen
itentiary. This is perhaps one of
the speediest cases on record On
ly eight days prior to sentence both
men were free to go at their will,
and now they are wearing prison
garb. Kennedy, the smaller one,
pleaded guilty of assault with a
dangerous weapon, and when order
ed to stand up and receive sentence,
he was asked by the court uhat he
! had to say. Ho said he had "com
imitted a wrong, and Di'omiitly
acknowledged it and " here I lie
Judge broke in, saying. ''It is my
decree that you he incarcerated in
the penitentiary at Salem for a
period of ten years." Powers, who
had been convicted by a jury, the
charge being housebreaking, re
ceived his sentence without saying
a word. It is safe to tiy that so
ciety loses nothing by thfir im
prisonment. Chief of Police Minto
took a flash light picture of the con
victs as the ofiicers took them
through Portland.
Cornelius vs. Hillsboro.
The game of foot ball at the Fair
grounds yesterday was quite well
attended. Hillsboro was in the
arena against Cornelius, and at the
end of the tame the score Mood 24
toO, favor o!' the home team. This
was one of the roughest games of
the season :ind several wens, slight
Iv hurt. amoiiK whom w " """"4
Dobbins and John Connc
Bids Asked For.
Notices are posted for bids to be
received at the Hillsboro post ollice
for carrying the mail between Port
land and Hillsboro. daily service,
Sunday executed, via Cedar Mills,
Bethany, Phillips, Lenox andGlen
coe, a distance of 82 miles each way.
The contract to ) let will I H-g i n
March 2, lS'.Hi, and expire June 30 !
1898. Bids will he received until
January 9th, I8!)b each bidder to
accompany his figures with a bond I eu.iur Hrimen . plant me. u is m,mev ,,.,s 1)W! f.xpHljed onb. idg
ofWlO it enter into a contractr'nie,1!uV'PW,m el,,U,m, 1U "' " lVmglwit the county i view
and give the necessary bonds
should his bid be the lowest.
Circuit Court.
, Ogden v Annans, motion to dis- j
miss overruled. i
W W Annans v Washington
county, suit by stipulation, decreed :
that constable receive fees as pre-j
scribed by statute, but not for en- j
dorsing returns and dismissing
Stale v John Powers, sentenced
to 10 years in penitentiary. Oili
er indictments dismiss d.
State v Charles Kennedy, same
as above.
Hell v Chalmers, demurrer over
ruled. Given until Friday, Janu
ary 3rd, to answer.
Ellen M. Tiffany has been ap
pointed guaidiau of her minor
The estate of Minerva J. lirown
has been closed of record, and ud
minstration discharged.
School Report.
The following is the report of
district No. 49, for the month end
ing December 24, 1895: Number
of days taught, 19; number of pu
pils enrolled, la; number ol days
attendance, 235; number of days
absence, 48$; numher of times tar
dy, (i; average daily attendance,
12. The following named pupils
were neither absent nor tardy:
Rosa Humke and Estella Pugh.
Florence A. Gkikdelkb,
Real Estate Transfers.
John W Fuqua et ux to S N Slyter 8.64
a soc 15 1 1 n r 4 w f 1W
John H Walker et ux to Clarence Carr
pt John ii Walker don 1 2 g r 3 w 0
Willamette Ileal Estate Co to City of
Cornelius Its 4-5 blk 34 Cornelius 8171
11 G Davioa et al to 8 K Davies pt W F
Alfred Divvies et at to Mary F Davies
its fi-0 Hamilton's add Beavei ton 8500
U Stool izabeth E Allen 611.81! a sees
27. 28, B3-S4 1 1 n r 4 w pat
Win Van LioK to JO J iiuoaiey n w i s e
1 sec 11 1 1 n r 3 w .50
Sophia Backus et al to Julius Itel Its 44,
45, 48, 40, and pt It 60 Tualatin UardunsfO
Dead Letter List
The following is the list of letters re
maining in the Hillshoro post office un
claimed: Curtis, H H Evans, Walter
Howard, Elsino Java, R
Hodgson, Mrs Kate ,
All letters iiui tflu-u iu. ur jail, u,
95 win oe sent to we ueaa ieuer oi-
one cent will be charged on each
ietter called for.
Mary a. brown, f. m.
Dr. Ijowe has been coming here
for years and his glasses always
prove satisfactory.
The meeting at the City Jlall
Tuesday evening decided o appoint
a committee to cooler with ; the
council to devise ways and means
to check the wholesale house-breaking
which has been so universal iu
, this city for several weeks. ,
11. ueiirungoc hons mwt Rive
10 per cent, cash diseouiitoft thjeir
entire lineof inen'sitidboyscKrth-
ing for the next thvjLiyaJ" Re
member their goods araTXtiarked
iu plain figures.
J. H. Smith, of the Bas&ar.
came down Thursday evening from
his branch store at McMinnyjlle.
He reports having had a good trade
during the holidays, and says 1c
MinnvilJe is a good town.
Married; Dec. 26, at the Lu
theran church at Blooming, south
of Cornelius, Mr. Fied Stark and
.Miss Emma Warnick, both of
Blooming, Rev. H. A. C. Paul of
ficiating. Powers and Kennedy hV'e
"sworn off" carrying concealed
weapons. V
Hillsboro is having the pre
liminary symptoms of football fe
ver, hut it is noticeable that our old
benedicts are not niu,h affected
with the contagion, only aBt:to
watching developments.
Hare's mill is running steadily
cutting ash for furniture purposes.
A large tie contract will soon be
commenced on. 1
W. T.Andrews, of the Andrews
Lumber company, was doing busi
ness in the city the lust of the week.
This company is making prepara
tions for a big season's run.
Austin Craig, county school
Superintendent and publisher of
the Forest Grove Hatchet, made
this office a please ut call, Saturday
Dr. Lowe, the well known op
tician, is coming soon. The wise
will wait for him.
Get some of those periodicals
and magazines at the post ollice
store. They are instructive- and
help tj'while away the long winter
JJie Odd Fellows lodge m-
'UHil.unesoay mgnt.
Tozier, well Tihrtwff
this oil v, spent New Year's with
relatives h-re. Mr. Tozier is editor
of the F rater and secretary of the
Oregon Prose Association, for which
institution he. as a delegate, will go i
to the national meeting-. at J St.
Augiisline, Florida, in a few v.ei ks.
. ,., ., ..
"' ' " ue v"! "I " $ -
; ,'. icoerers oi n. m'oFt pe-
a puzzier to uaiurausiK, us uase oi i
growth Doing a piece ot charcoal.
Married; At the residence of T.
E. Scolield, on Dec. 31. 1895, Or
amel R. Muck and Miss Hessie E.
Martin, llev. T. E. Scolield per
formed the cermony.
The Hryan-Laidlaw company
is taking inventory of itH stock
preparatory to doing 1896 business.
City Marshal Redmond im
pounded three head of horses this
-Mike Wren, w ho is one of the
substantial farmers oi the North
plains, was in the city today
Under the new law, a party
voting will mark an x before ihe
name of the candidate Under the
old law the names of those not re
ceiving the vote were scratched out.
County Clerk Goodin has just re
ceived the election laws, edition of
j LSI).")
The Masons gave unto them
selves and families, a supper, last
Friday evening, and an excellent
time as reported. The occasi-jji
w as St. John's Day and installation)
of ofiicers. : I'
J B. Tainiesie, of Verboort, and
Thos. Talbot, of Cornelius, were in
the city Saturday last.
The toiiKorial parlors on Main
street have been rejuvenated by a
fresh coat of paint, which much im
proves the interior. .,
The post ollice store keeps con
stantly on sale a line of standard
periodicals, magazines and month
lys. Anything not on sale will be
ordered for you. Inquire of J. M.
Married; Dec. 24, at the resi
dence of the bride's father. Forest
Grove, Mr. Oscar Dougherty and
Miss Emma Brown, Reverend A.
Rogers officiating. Both parties
are from Forest Grove.
Circuit, court adjourned FridJy
last. Judge McBride will return
this week some time to pass sep-
tence upon Lee ana Jjousignoilt,
who stand convicted of larceny and
receiving stolen goods, respectively.
-C. E. Hicks, of Vancouver, was
in the city the first of the week vis
iting with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs, J. P. Hicks. Mr. Hicks thinks
Vancouver one of the nicest little
towns of its size on the -coast.
Special sale in Men's
I . i .
uvouuu muuuui juwvk
$Q 25 Greek's Shoa
at trJt 4"J
ouy; e, ui oau vi y y w, ut .
A Speed and Driving As
Review of the Old Year Lengthy
Letter From W. P. Graham
Lots of Business to be
Meeting of Horsemen.
All horsemen, or those interested
in speedy horses, are requested to
be present at the Hillsboro Hotel
this Saturday afternoon, January
4th, at 2:00 o'clock, to consider the
organization of a speed and driv
ing association. If organization is
effected a member will be sent to
the Portland meeting of the North
western circuit, which takes place
January 7th, in order to be plactd
on the circuit.
There are many speedy horses in
this section, some of the best iu the
state, and it would appear that the
county should tie represented in
speed circles. Hillsboro has as
good a track as there is in the state,
and a race meet doubtless could be
pulled off. Everybody interested
should put shoulders to the wheel
and help the matter along, as it is
only a few months till the season
will he on. Remember the date
and hour.
?Why Not
If everything else progresses why
shouldn't functuation? For in
stance, you now run clear to the
end of a written sentence before
you know whether i' be an excla
ination, an assertion, or an inter
rogatory. An eastern writer es-
pou8es the cause and it is cer'ninly
worthy of consideration. For in
stance, is not this better than the
old way? ?John where did you
get that hat IThat wus a great
game of foot ball .Ho should re
ceive more salary or larger dona
tions In this way one could de
termine the nature of the sentence
at once.
' !,"'". 77. 7T
Tview ot tne year.
radesincn see gome im
proveinent in the times,
though it be slight, and tluc.
peels fur a prosperous year are bet-
ter than one year back. The year
I 181)") bren an uneventful one
jtor the people of Washington coun-
v, vet .uiUic improvement has not
j.u-n ,, .,.,(. A great deal of
f t he f '?t tint
treshets did some
image last winter.
c-onsi.l i I d
The roads, as Oregon roads gener
ally go, are in fair condition.
The summer of 1"95 produced a
good crop, and while prices are low,
the fanning element of the county
and state is in better circumstanc
es than in the eastern climes. One
thing specially noticeable is the
dearth uf business failures tli rough-out-
Washington county, and the
county seat city has its first one to
While no one attempts to deny
the existence of hard times, Hills
boro has little to complain of tak
ing the year in its entirety. The
cily has made some extensive street
improvements, I he chief'estof which
was the plunking of Main street, its
general thoroughfare. Losses from
lire lune been very limited, but two
total losses for the year to be re
ported the Newport and Foote
housts. As several houses have
been in dangr and the flames ex
tinguished before much damage
was done, it speHks well for the
city fire department.
But to 189(1: The coming elec
tion will make the year full of in
terest and exciteneot. With coun
ty, state and presidential elections
coming on there will lie plenty of
field for the work of politicians,
and with gool crops, the year cer
tainly will be worth living through.
From the Mines.
T. S. Weatherred is in receipt of
a letter from W. P. Graham, well
known in this county, who is now
mining in Douglas -county. Mr.
Graham reports several inches of
snow in that locality and says it
will stay on until nearly spring.
Gold is very plentiful on the stream
on which be is located, miners tak
ing out in some instances nuggets
as high in value as from one to
three hundred dollars, although
tin Ec are exceptions. There is an
t.l ur durce of wild gan e. the deep
er snow in the mountains above
having driven them down. Pro-vi.-ioii
ie not very high there.
S'urvei-ul. the -pos'ofik'c where Mr.
G raliMio is lornt' il, h,is saloon.
ami as it . -17 miles to the nearest
one, the iuuer-' are pink of tobri
ety. Flour sells at 80 cents per
sack, .potatoes nO. -cents, eabbaye 1
cent per poud. beef 4 cents, pork
5 ents, lard 10 cents, coffee 33
tei.ts, etc.
The January Term.
n , : ) .rt
vumiirini-i.mrio viiuri, rui oauu
nrv, 1896, term, will be a busy m
sion. ltoad districts will be re
modeled, the precinct lines newly
drawn, supervisors' reports heard,
ami judges and clerks of election
appointed, besides going through
the routine work attendant to ev
ery meeting. Besides this the
board will let the county printing,
which will be a spirited affair.
The appointment of judges and
clerks of election will be watched
with interest, as it is vaguely ru
mored that the populists have, cir
culated petitions to have their pi.r
ty represented to the exclusion of
all democrats. These is
said, will be presented for the court's
inspection, and they are expect
ed to hear much fruit. The stat
ute iiKiKt-s me appointments is-!k a
cretionary with the court, with thejyC
exception that all must not bcof;
one political faith.
That Christmas Number. j
The Christmas number of the1
Oregonian was a good one. Never I
before has so exhaustive a review
of the state and Northwest been'
given to the public. This county j
had an article from the versatile:
pen ot Hon. j nomas H. Jongue
and to say it who lucid and well j
written is a point well taken. Al- j
Miougu itir, longue lorgot aoouij
our flouring mills, and had no cut i
of our court bouse and jail to fur- j
nish the Oregonian, the article was;
a g 'od one, and one worth much to
the grand old commonwealth of
Washington county.
A Bargain.
A neatly const runted 5 room cot
tage within 2 biks of business part
of town. Good fence around lot,
good woodshed, and two roomy
closets in residence. Also pump
in good repair. Goes fcr $600. In
quire at this office.
Ed Lyons, of Hillsboro, was in the
city Friday.
C C Hancock went to Portland Friday
to attend to some bnsiness.
I E Berst w as in in city from Hillsboro
A Hawkins is on the sick list.
Rev J E Tomblinson moved from
Portland to Cornelius last week.
Prof Curtis has gone to Portland to
undergo a surgical operation.
Jim Miller and A B Lewis attended a
constable's sale in the Grove last Friday
Mrs Colestock, while visiting with the
family of N Noland, had hitched her
horse to the fence and it became fright
ened at something, getting astride of
one of the thills, but by the timely ar
rival of Neighbor A A Pbihips an acci
dent was prevented.
There was a social hop at the resi
dence of A A Phillips last Saturday eve.
Claude Chamberlain and Josh Merrill
furnished the music.
There was asocial gathering at the
house of N Noland on Friday night.
ringing and dancing was indulged in.
A Wilcox, who has been under the
care of Dr Bailey for some time, is grad
ually improving.
A S Hatch is able to be ont on the
streets once more.
Subscribe for The Argus and
get the news.
Remember, that The Akgus
has moved to its new quarters in
Corwin & Wooster block. When
you reach the head of the stairs
turn to the right and open the door
to your left. - Come in and give us
the news.
Instantly Relieved
and Permanently
SMsmr Knifa or (Watiork
- i
Treatment Absolutely Painless
From Three to Six Weeks.
Offices : lloums T-'-,'!7, Miiriium r.iiiMmir,
J. I. ROSELAIR, Prop.,
Salmon from fl to 8 confer per pound.
Smelt 6 cents por pound
Herring 6 cents por pound.
Fresh Oysters, Meat an Poultry Con
stantly on Hand.
TRaDB yrl
nr 1nfnnntlAii and frA Handbook writ to
niHo. fnv BMnrlnff ntentsln AmerlM.
Every rtnt token out by u In krouxht before
the ubUo by a notice given free ototutrge in the
rittttuic mmm
trgeit elreulttlon or any totentlfle paper In the
world. Splendidly Illustrated. No Intelligent
man thould be wfhouvlt. Weekly. 83.00
year; $1.50 tlx mom n. Addrens, MUNN ft CO,
niiLuaiuLaei tuMeaway.aew imviti.
"70R sale or rent, the property of H
- j rjntprnahrnr. will rout at ?i.;k
- 1 month. EiHiuiroofUV BprckmoeH,
.ill. Vv"
4 Solentlflo American
l Agency for
1.1 I
n Phcenix UxXge No Si, K of P meets
on Moiuluv evening of each week
in Masonic hull.
Phuneeia Temple No 10 moots on the sec
ond mid fourth Friday of each mouth
in I O O F hall.
Montezuma Lottee No 50 I O O
F meet everv Wednesday ev
'-ffn ening in their hall.
Hillslioro Kebeknh Lodge No 64 meet in
Odd Fellows' hall on the third Saturday
of each month.
Tuality Lodge No 6 A F A A M
meet every Saturday night on ot.
after full moon of each month.
Tualatin Chapter, No ill, Eastern Htnr,
meets second and fourth Tuesday in
each month at Masonic hall.
. Hillsboro Lodge No 61 A O V W
meet every seconu ana umriu
Friday iu each month.
' xshington Encampmeot No 24 I
OOF meets on second and fourth
Friday of each month.
li;ilslHru IKlgt- No I" IOH T meet
in i:r--'j t....i oveiy Sinurday
Hillsboro Grange No 73 P of i..oet
2nd and 4th Saturdays at 12 m.
Viola Tent, Jn 18, K O T SI, meets in Odd
Fellows' Hull on Mecond and Fi urtlt
Thursday evenings of each niontK
RoomS Union Block, Hillsboro, Or
!tr.o-.ns U uud 7 Central Block,
Hillsboro, Ork
In Morgan block,
Hillsboro, Oregon.
W. D.WOOD, M. D.
Office in Chenette Row. Residency
comer First and Main streets, HiUaborat
Office at Residence Kast of Court House.
specialty. ALL WORK Guaranteed.
Rooms 1 and 2 Morgan Block.
Office Hours: From 8 a. m. to 4. p. m.
"oenc wu m-west corner lamn
Second. All calls promptly attended d
or night.
Surgeon Southern Pacific Railroad Co,
Consultation in French or English. Ollice
and residence south of Main near 3d St..
Hillsboro, Or.
Conveyancing and fine map work a.
Lindsay Block, two doors north of the.
postoffloe. Second rt Hillsboro, Or;
ooni 1 & 2, Shnto Block,' over Greer's..
Local Agent Kt ynl Insurance (.'oin)iy
Notarial Work and Conveyancing.
Rooms 0 & 7 Morgan BLk. Hillshoro, Ore. ,
Notary Public.
Loans, Collections,
General Fire Insuianco and Loan Broker-,.
in. fines
Centerville, Oregon
Weaves carpet striped and
measured lo fit any room.
Prices to suit the hard times.
New Shop I
lllacksniitliiii"' & liimt'sliceing.
W. A. FINNEY, l'rop.
Slum on 8i'd nhvpi n,.vt. t,. tl...
L V House woodwork shop.
: DRUG :: STORE r.
(Next Door Bnyan-Laidlaw Co.)
Main Street, . Hillsboroi
A line lino of. Toilet Articlos, Brushes
uoiuim, i-eriumeHi'iitCHt iMcdicinea
and Hpooial utlention given
trt titmlity and Aceurney.
Cor. 2d 4 Wash'tot
Newly Furnished
and Renovated
A first-clas table and
all accommodations,
for the convenience
v ot guests, . . ..