Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1895)
THE ARGUS THURSDAY, DEC. 19, 185)5. " .T W. Corev. of Greenville, re- cently returned (rum a trip to Cal ifornia. . ' I II. ' V; i Gate, the gentleman who ho supplied Klamath Kails! with electrio lights, in expefitetl here "in a short tuue to interview our ftsituens about putting in a roller uiill ii ml electric light plant. Lnke- tiew Examiner. Bargain 8 ii Groceries uil tliu week at HrynriLiiidluw Co. Cash Store, we have En Change tolmc- coat 15 cents vt pVind. The rainy eeiiHon V( now w and if the supervisors of the various road cliMtriott? would carefully keep thecu'verlu and drains open, doubl ing much expense could lu saved tho count)'. -Haincb A Bailo are willing U wool dress fMul double width, for 20 cents per Vl; half wool, a yard wide, for 15yeV. Now is the time to buy dra gods. Reduced prices on Ladies' Wraps, Ladies' Flanitels and (Jenls' Maointoshea. Newutterns now in. )ont forget that w are at war with high prices and Inat it taken two to iget acquainted We are one we invite you 4 come and see us. Hryan-Laidliuv Co, Cash Store. Born, Monday, Dec. 0, at Cor nelius, to the wife of Inane I'izeiy a pound son. ' -ill. A. Crosley, of Forest M rove, whs in tho city Saturday, looking nver the ground with the. view of ..i:.... u.. .....i . . ,i..:.. I...., wrtuilig uriT? miu f iitc'iiu iii'k imp- iiiess with Mr. l'pe. IUkco Pa ific Journal. Xinas cards itiid booklets, eon fectionery anl,?free ornaments at lowest prices ti the Bazaar. J. I. Knight has $1,200 to loan on approved farm security in 1 or 2 lots for 8 or 5 years The family of Mrs. Mary Soeji ten, for hiany years of Washington county, tins removed to San Luis Obispo, California, to make that city a permanent residence. The Bon Ton Shaving Parlors on Second street are the most fiish ionable in the citv. Childrens' hairculting, 15 cent; shaving on Sunday, 10 wnts. J it men C. Corey, who has been fcerviug on the U. 8. trial jury at Portland came out Saturday even ing, and spent Sunday at his home near Greenville, returning Monday morning. Jos, KeM, of Jii-averton was in 1 ho city Monday. Mr. lteid in now .Connected wifli the Beiiverton I'har- anarv, . Iw'niK asswiu led ' with Dr. i. . i... ..e lv'IIJIiriili, nr f m'jiw in i en iimi tn ) part of the county. -(Jsws is the lieHt place iM groceries. A private letter fro it North-' wifteru Wisconsin quotes oats sell ing at 9 cents per bushel, and poU (ors at 10 cents. Kven hard times Oregon 'dots doubly as well as that for I ie farmers. . You need rubbers this weath- r. Get them of Sclmlmerieh & Son; hoy keep all styles. New perfumes nnjFtoilet arti cles at he llillslsiro.Jftazaar Dr. Patterson, the well known ' Independence druggist, .Sum laved in tho cit . Josiah Thomas, of Gaston, has 3ieen granted an increase of pension ly tie pension bureau. Six shaves for (Hly cents at the Hon Ton Shaving Porlors, most fashionable in the city. The slight snow which fell Sun day last started with alacrity the sale of rubber goods. All parties owing the under signed on overdue notes and ac counts are expected to call and set tle sameprior to Jan. 1st, 1896, as we jnust close our books before commencing another year's bus- mess. H. Wkbuko & 80s Sheriff Ford did business at Portland Monday, and incidentally .attended the meeting of the Sher iffs' Association while there. He brought back with him the A. A. Meade who is now serving time in the state penitentiary for bigamv. It will be rHirtembered that Meade married a very respectable ycung InIn hf l.lrll.lx. mriiU unfa Jrt mtlf Ul LUIUUIVHHI 11 llltC VVIIU till occupied space on this earth's .glorious sphere, lie was brought here an a witness on a suit inetitu 4ed by the First National Bank. The Forest Grove Times is iakinir time hv ilia forelock, as it were, and is already making nom inations for the office of sheriff, the ame being available timber for the republican county nominating con -vention. Juet exactly what ill will The Times bears the gentlemen mentioned remains to be seen Such good men as he placed before the rublio deserve a better fate than to be so "hoo-dooed" this early be -fore the campaign opens. Perhaps ome one wants to eee-4he early frosts nip the prospective ones ere the season of bloom. Try your luck. See Greek's, the shoe man. show window, Forest Grove; it will pay you. A guess given on every jrarcha&e. The case of State vs. F. J. Bai ley was concluded Friday lust, and after the evidence had been sub-' milted, Judge McBride instructed the jury to return a verdict of "not guilty, without futher deliberation. In Humming up the case His Honor stated that the case should never have come to trial. A verdict was drawn up, and the foreman of the jury selected, repaired to the Judge's stand and signed the in strument. Hie many friends of Dr. Frank Bailey arecongratulatii g him upon the outcome of the case. As it appeared that the transfer of title by the holders of the O. 10. Miller business whs not good anil sufficient, the Judge said that proerty rights were not sutheient-l 1 ir i.,,..a.u.l ! n.nb.. l..i I 1 j luiuiim it. nu tenable, and tho case was thrown out of court. When you wantan"uptodate" hair cut, or a neat comfortable shave or both, call at the City Shaving rarlors. Hot and Cold baths im mediate on order. E. K. Colkbtock, Prop. Miss Helena Freeman, of Forest Grove, a rising young artist with considerable of a reputation in the application of colors, has a fine display of her handiwork in the show window at W. E. Brock's drug store. Some of he panels evince the true artist and Miss Freeman will tloubllesB reach the pinnacle of her ambition if she pursues the future with the perseverance of the punt. She is a student of Mix. J. C. Greer, of Forest Grove. With every t'olbtr purchase you will get a tablet ad pencil free at the Hillsboro Unzaar. Marriage licenses have been is sued out of the Clerk's ofliee to the following named: Harry Flint and Cora Spidell, of Scholln; John Boyd and Klizaln-lh Hummock of Gaston and vicinity; Anton Nelson and Gertrude Christiansen. W. K. Brock now carries a full line of Munyon's celebrated homoe opathic home remedies. If you are indisposed ask for these excel lent remedies. Miss 15. A. Hell, a teacher in the public schools of Portland, was in the city yesterday. She is the prosecuting witness in the case of Stale vs. Chalmers. If you want to make a nice Xmas present get an all wool suit of clothes at Schulmerich & Son. George Alexander, who has a tine ranch adjoining that owned by Commissioner Todd, above Forest Grove, was in town yesterday. Mr. Alexander is of thrift and honor an exemplar of sturdy Scottish de scent and has a host of friends in Washington county. Tim lecture given bv the Cbi- icbu who bus charge of the Portland li.shiiin, at the . Christian church I.ihI .Sunday evening was highlv in structive and well attended. No doubtSimes are rather hard but tne value ftirvour money spent in the Delta Drugstore lor holiday goods will even thingiiip. John Smith, a son of pioneer George Smith, who at one time own ed and resided 011 the farm now in possession of Hobt. Imbrie Sr., has been in this vicinity lor several weeks, looking for fa tin property. Mr. Smith has been living in Klick itat county, Washington, for a number of years, and wants to move back 111 the valley on account ot his health.- He has already purchased a place near Nuwburg, and intends buying another near here. Before buying your Christmas goods culj and see what the Phar macy can du lor you. Uur prices are right. -While the little ones of R. Chrisenger were playing in an old burn adjacent to his residence the other evening, in some menner, the hay and refuse caught tire, but was promptly extinguished by the neigh iwrs before any damage was done. The Searchlight, of Cornelius, is after Brother Gault, of the Inde pendent, and many are the cute little things being said. For a windy little "cuss," give us the Search light man, every tune. -Be generotu, to your friends by presenting therewith one of those books at the Deltamig store. A little gift to the yoftag gives great returns of hapuiness. The Southern Pacific is the first to recede in the rale war inau gurated sometime 6ince between that company and the O. U. & JN. to control the passenger business between San Francisco. The rate by rail will be higher on and after December 24th. This practically is a victory for the Oregon compa ny and McNeil's ability as a fighter is sustained. "It is reported the vicinity of Beaverton has a hermit who is a literati of the first water. He is said to have met some financial re verses which have driven him out to make his livelihood by manual labor, and his nights are spent on a novel which is to net him ten thousand dollars when completed. If he sucoeeds the county of Wash ington will again have distinguish ed itself. Mr. Frank Smith and Miss Myra Deiti were married, Dec. 13, at the residence of the bride's fa ther, near Tualatin, Kev. Hurlburt of Beaverton, officiating. 1 he wed ding was a quiet one being attended only by relatives and a few imme djjite frlepdl, THE GRAND JURY ! FILES ITS REPORT. After a Thorough Search That Body Says ALt THE ACCOUNTS ARE PERFECT Makes a Few Recommendations but is of the Belief That Timet are Too Hard to Build a New Jail. To The Hon. Thomas A. McBride, Judge of the Circuit Court for the County of Washington, State of Oregon: We, your undersigned Grand Jurv, for the November term 1895, of said court, make this final rcHrt. and respectfully represent that we have carefully investigated all charges of crime presented to us and have returned into court 16 true bilk and 3 not true bills. We visited the county poor house; we found it well kept: we would re commend that a small heating stove be furnished to all rooms now not containing one. We would also recommend that eaves troughs be added to the building and the old part of the building painted. We have visited the county jail, and although it does not meet our approval, we do not deem it nil vis able to recommend the buildiiiir of a new jail until the return of better times; we find it as well kept as the condition of the building will per mit; and while we do not wish to censure the Sheriff for the escape of certain prisoners, we would teeotn inend to the said oflicer the exercise of vigilance and eare. The experts, W. II. Wehmngand II. S. Hudson, employed by us to expert the accounts of the liitlnrent ollicials, have found them com-cL and balances on hand as per sta e ments made to us by them, which statements tire annexed to our re port. Wo recommend 'hat hereafter, the county judge, with the assist ance of one expert, if necessary, make an examination of the ac counts of the various county offi cers, semi-annually. Owing to the system at present employed in subpoenaing witnesses we experienced considerable delay in securing them, and we recom mend that some measures le adopt ed to remedy this in the future. Pursuant to your instructions we have examined with thin care and diligence into the case of alteration of records from a Justice' court sub niiticd to us .by yi ur Honor, and while there seems to be no !iulil that such alteration was made, we have been unable to determine who is guilty of the offense. We have visited the offices of county Clerk, Sheriff, Recorder of Conveyances, Treasurer, Asssessor and Surveyor, and found the books and accounts neat and properly kept, the officers courteous, and new Byfle,n. ana . ueiuous u which improve and expedite the business of the county And now, having completed our labor, we most respectfully ask to be discharged. Dated this - day of December, 1895. 'Signed Thomas Pahkx, Foreman, and members of the Grand Jury. EXPERTS' riNDINOS. To the honorable gentlemen of the Grand Jury of the Circuit court By this time the alarm frightened for the November term, 1895: Jnjllie. fellow and he silently stole obedience to your instructions, we 'away, leaving the imprints of a have made a careful and thorough j pair of No. 10 boots behind him. examination of the accounts f the several county officers and we have found them correct, with balances on hand as per statements hereun to attached. Trusting our work will meet your approval, wo are, Yours Respectfully, W. H. Wehrtitig and H. S. Hudson. E. L. McCormick, Recorder. Fees earned to Dec. I, '95, $2135.70 v Paid County Treasurer to nb'v dute, do. R. 1). Goodin, Clerk. Total fees to Dec. Bail forfeited. i. '95. $2796.97 50.00 10.00 10.00 2021.60 Fines collected, Costs Delinquent tax sales, S7 Paid Treasurer to above date, $4888.57 School Superintendent. Balance on hand, $11.00 J. W. Sappington.Treas. To balance on baud in the several funds, Dec. 1, '95, $79445 H. F. Ford, Sheriff. To fees on hand Dec. 1st., $15 35 By fees(cash)overpaid Treas., 1 15.30 Circuit Court. Jamieson vs. Manning. Default and Decree. Kochler and Chase vs. Mrs. Bush. Suit to recover on a piano. Judg ment for defendant. State vs. Lousignont. Larceny. Pleaded not guilty and trial set for Monday Dec. 23rd Block vs. Malleis. Motion for new trial over-ruled and 30 dave given in which to filo t xceptions. State vs. Wilkes and Glass ThurBdav set to plead. Bail fixed at $100. The same was filed. Grand Jury reported not true bill against W. H. Bnfhngton who was thereupon discharged from custody. State vs. John Corey. Pleaded guilty and fined $200 which was paid. State vs. Lee. Jury returned a verdict of not guilty of assault as charged. 1 Patterson vs. Tupperetal. Judg ! ment entered. I Abel vs. Shepard. Judgment on j verdict. I PROBATK. The estate of John Arnicker. an insane person, has been closed of record and the guardian discharg ed, bonds released. x E. B. Catching has been appoint ed administrator of the estate of B. H. Catching deceased, and has filed his bonds. Ge j. Gal breath has bfen appted administrator of the estate of Geo. Greenwood, deceased, and has filed bond. Dead Letter Lilt The following is the list of letters re maining in the Hillsboro post omce un claimed: Biggs, F H Gardner, Frank Haase, Gustin Wenger, David Gardner, Mrs Jesse All letters not called for by Dec. si, 1895, will be sent to the dead letter of fice. One cent will be charged on each letter called for. Mary A. Brown, P. M. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. At the last regular meeting of Viola Tent, No. 18, K. 0. T. M., the following officers were elected for the ensuing six months: Com man der, L. A. Long: Lieutenant Com mander, . L. 15. Wilkes; Record Keeper, Benton Bowman; Chaplain, W. H. Craig; Sergeant, C. Jack Jr.; Master at Arms, J. B. Wilkes; 1st. Master of Guard, A.M. Carlile; 2nd. MasterofGuard, W.S.Phelps; Sen tinel, J. H. Smith; Picket, F. G. Mitchell. ---Get some of those periodicals vihI magazines at the post office store. -Tliev are instructive and help tJ while away the long winter evenings. E. N. Ordway, of Nehalem hae moved his family to this city. Mr. Ordway is one of Columbia county's ardent populists.: - One pound gmd candy; with every !f'2 purcba(. At the Bazaar. Born, To the wife of Peter Nelson, Friday last, a son. Make yourself a Xmss present by getting a nice cleat) shave at -the Bon Ion Miaving rarlors. . . Did yon see the latest design6 in aibsiuis? The are tor. sale at (he Pharmacy ana'' the' prices arc right. W. M. Davis has opened a new harness and repair shop in the building formerly occupied bv II. T. Bugler, in the same business. This makes three harness shops in the citv and it would seem that leather findings should be in closel enough competition. The post office store keeps con- , . 8ale a lil.e of Standard . A , . , ., periodicals, magazines and month iys. Anything not on sale will be ordered for you. Inquire af J. M. Brown. The same party, doubtless, who entered the Tongue residence Tuesday night made an attempt to break into the residence of Mr. R. K. Bryan last night. Mrs. Bryan heard some one trying to effect an entrance through the bed room j window and aroused her husband. Christmas candies cheaWat Greer's -Men's laundried shirts, 50 cts. each at Schulmerich & Son. W. H. Hargrove, late of Port lessee of the Bills farm, was in the citv Friday. He seems to think this the banner county of the State. --Inspect the elegant line of de lightful perfuHiws, and perfume fur nishings at TheXpelta. These are very suitable foK. holiday gifts. Remember TheDtdtbas on hand a handsome line of holiday goods. See and be convinced. i A 111b daughter was born to 'the wife of Charles Willoughby at Reedville on the 17th inst, S. A. Byrii! went to Portland on Tuesday to secure the very hit - est and best holidaKgoods for the patrons sf the Delta Pwig Store. The House of Representatives has passed a bill appropriating $100,000 to employ;: a commission to ascertain the position of the Ven ezuelan boundary. Special prices lamps, silver ware and pocke cutlery at the Bazaar. , Toys at your price at Greer's. Henry Knittel and Miss Anna Dorotea Fisher were yesterday li censed to wed by County Clerk Goodia. - Special sale in Men's Boston Rubber Boots, $2.25. Grere's Shoe Store, FOTeSt wTOVe, QV, 1 Shall Stand as an Amer ican Principle. PRECECHTIL IS FOUND GUILTY The Bank Wins a Verdict on Wiley B. Allen-Meade Note Bailey Residence Entered. the The President Speaks. On Tuesday of this week, the president sent tocongress a message giving in detail the correspondence between this nation and Great Brit ain on the Venezuelan boundary dispute. Following the statement the president delineated the proper action to be taken by the United States in the affair, and insisted that the line should be decided by arbitration, that it was the duty of this country, in case the South American Country was unwilling to have Great Britain survey the line to its own pleasure, to see that arbitration obtained. He asked, or suggested that congress make an appropriation, and appoint a com mission to investigate the true status of the dispute. For years no mes sage from a president was received with so much satisfaction as was this one. Precechtil Guilty. Some time last summer one John Precechtil, who lived in the south end of the county, was brought be fore Justice Day on a charge of car nal assault upon his little step daughter, the offense alleged to have been committed on June 5th. The wife and mother prose cuted the case vigorously and as a result Pncechtil was bound over to appear at the November term of Circuit court. A short time after the trial in the Justice court Mrs. Precechtil assumed a change of front, in fact, went on her husband's bond The wife thereafter accomp anied the husband to Portland where the little one swearing to the complaint signed an affidavit setting up that her charge was the result of stnte work and hatred The accused went to California, and upon Monday last returned. By this time the attitude of wife and mother had again shifted and upon got i in to taial, the child gave in much damaging testimony. The verdict of the jury was "Guilty as charged. Defendant was given until Monday to move for a new trial. . The Bank Wins. Tuesday and Wednesday were partly occupied in the Circuit Court by the case of the First National Bank i.f Hillsboro vs. Mr. Mack, of Reedville. It appears that A. A. Meade, at one time an agent for the Wiley B. Allen Co., of Portland, sold Mr. and Mrs. Mack an organ, taking a note, which the defendants claim, was to be payable in cash or potatoes, nt their option. Meade sold the note to the bank without recourse, and endorsed the Wiley B. Allen Co.'s name on the back of the note. Subsequent to this Mr. Mack went to Allen and turned over the organ, Allen agreeing, so it appears, to protect them against the note, as Mr. Allen claimed he had given Meade no authority to endorse the paper. Mr. Allen was a wit ness to the suit, as was also Mr. Meade, who was brought down from Salem, and the evidence seemed to to be that Meade had a right to en dorse the notes ot the Wiley B Allen Co. The jury was out but a short time when it brought in a ver dict for plaintiff. The defense was allowed ten days m wnicn to move for a new trial. First Annual Banquet The first annual banquet of the Hillsboro Fire Department, includ ing both the Hook and Ladder and Vulcim Engine companies, will be this Friday evening at the Depart mental rooms. The ladies of the Coffee club have been notified, and a royal good time will be enjoyfd. The fire ladies and wives, or sweet hearts, as the case may be, and the ladies oi that valuable auxilliary, the Coffee Club, and their husbands, or escorts, as their state proclaims, will partake of the festivities, and listen to an informal program. The efficacy of the Fire Depart ment means much to the business intprpBts of the citv. and if this 1 move be a social success, it will arouse some interest in department circles, and no to show that the boys are appreciated. All meniDers 01 the companies are reouested by the chief to be on hnnd. A Successful Raid. The fellow who raided the resi dences of T. II. Tonitne and R. E Brvaii without avail, made a third trial and met with some success. Dr. F. A. I'.ailev and wife, knowing f Un. litttmnt to burelanze Mr. Toiijiue's 'nsidence, had fastened all ilie windows escerting that of the bathroom. Some tiuie hist night the window was forced open and the wruwler went into the Doctor's Rleeniiia iinaitnieiit and bcrrowed liia pi dd reocater. a valuable one. For fear it mieht need repairing he gratefully accepted the PoetprV purse, containing a few dollars, and aa the M. D. was busily engaged with Morpheus, he made no objec tion. From the bed room he went back to the family larder and ate pie to his heart's content. This is sufficient evidence that he is not a foreigner. Some one will get into trouble soon over these nocturnal calls. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Deputy Sheriff Bradford and Geo. R. Bagley arrested two men this morning near the long hridge, who are supposed to have robbed bailey's residence last night. The, boys were putting them in the con-: veyance when the smaller of the, two opened fire on Bradford Brad: returned the fire, Baclev bavins' covered. the larger fellow at the first move, when the prisoners broke and ! ran. J as. Young came to the res-i cue and after a fu:ilade of shots the! desperadoes were taken and brought to town. 1 his is as near the truth as could be learned from the conflict ing reports current. Messrs. Brad ford and Bagley have made a val uable capture and Sheriff Ford is of the opinion the chaps are wanted elsewhere. A. M. Foudrav left for Sher wood this morning where he will visit for some time with his daugh ter, Mrs. W. M. Tipton. Schulmerich & Son hare a sup ply of silk and satin for the holi day trade in all colors; also the largest assortment of ribbon 111 the city. It is now almost a certainty that a foot ball game will lie played in this city on Christmas day be tween the team ot at. Michael's College and Hillsboro's High School team. Extra clerks will wait upon you at the Delta Drug Store in or der to sell you books, scrap al bums, delicate perfumery, lovely Christmas cards, etc., during the holiday rush of trade. The Delta will give you excellent bargains for your money. Some chap who needed a shirt quite badly stole one from the residence of W. H. Morgan Tuesday. He also took with him a sack of buckwheat flour, and a fine should er of pork. All the latest novelties in pret ty packages of perfumes at ,the Hillsboro Pharmacy. Our prices are right. X,..,.' -Call at the Bazaar to get prices on Holiday goods. Judge McBride a health is nothing extra but he attends to his duties in the district notwithstand ing and has no idea of resigning. as some Astoria papers intimate. Dont fail to see Greer's wind owsand store before Christinas. V M r. W. H. Smith and M iss Ntttie B. Look, of Forest Grove, were married Tuesday at the par lors of the Holton House, Portland, Dont fail to see Greer's crock ery Glassware Lamps and China goods when you are looking lor.a Christmas present. 1 Perfumejrrmt are fragrant and lasting at'thlriUfiboro Pharmacy. The residence of T. H. Tongue was entered luesday night by some would-be marauder who evi dentlv retired before helping him self to -anything valuable. The party made his entrance through a rear window, and was heard by an inmate. Money to loan in sums to suit. Mortgages and notes bought and sold. Room l.i, Morgan lilocK --Deputy Sheriff Bradford re turned irom aaiem whs morning, whither he had been to return A A. Meade to the penitentiary. -Haines & Bailer's clothing are going like hot Cakes during their clearance sale. Call early and get a bargain. A Wm. McQuillan is having a nice boat built by L. W. House, the Third street carpenter. Any one wanting wood sawed will leave orders at the Hicks House or at this office. Pickled pigs' feet at C. Blaser's 2ndslieet. A Santa Claws letter box for children at the .fiazaar. T. H. Ward, a prominent at torney of Portland was in the city yesterday on business connected with the circuit court. Rubber boots in men's, ladies' and children's sizes at Schulmerich & Son. Aueuht Tamiesie is at present employed iu the Delta Drug Slore. The incessant downpour of rain all of last night caused the slight snowfall to almost disappear. RUPTURE Instantly Relieved and Permanently CURED WITHOUT Knife or Operation. Treatment Absolutely Painless CURE EFFECTED From Three to Six Weeks. Write for terms THE0. E, MILLER CO. Offices : Rooms 7M-707, Msrquum llu'lrlliis, PORTLAND, OREGON, I socirrrp. - ft Phnlx Lodge No 34, K of P wt JarVb on Monday evening of sack wk iJ in Masonic hall. Phonecia Temple No 10 nwti on the sec ond and fourth Friday of each luontti In I OOF hall. Jw. Montesnma Lodre No 80 1 O O F meet vwnr Wednesday 'fryW' enlitg in their hull. Hillsboro Rebekah Lodge No 54 meet in Odd Fellows' hall on the third Saturday of each month. Tuallty Lodge No 6 A P A A It meet every saiuruay nignt on or after full inoon of each month. Tualatin Chapter, No 81, Eastern Star, meets sevnnd and fourth Tuesday la each month at Masonic hall. Hillsboro Lodge Nodi A O V W Friday In each mouth. X Washington Kneampmeot No 24 I .Mir meets nn secona anu ionnn Fri1 ay of each month. . II! !1! .rvn lywtgp No 17 I O O T "iieot V hi (Irau'f iiafl every faturilr.y eVi'iiiiK'. . Hillsboro Grange No 73 P 0 meet aid and 4th Saturdays at I. in. Viola Tent, No 18, K O T M. meets in Odd Fellows' Hull on Second and Kurtir Thursday evenings of each moilili. PROFESSIONAL. S. B. HUSTON, " ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, AND NOTARY PU3LIC Room 8 Union Block, Hillsboro, Ow. BARRETT & ADAMS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Kooium Gaud 7 Control Block, Hillsboro, Ork T. H. TONGUE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, In Morgan Block, Iiillsboro, Orfoa.' W. D.WOOD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Ofliee in Chenette Row. RestdenoW' corner First and Main streets, Hillsboro; Oregon. S. T. LINKLATER, M. B.C. Ml PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office at Residence East of Court House. C. B. BROWN, JJENTIST, HILLSBORO, OBEGON-. GOLD CROWN and BRIDGE work a specialty. ALL WORK Guaranteed. itooms 1 ana 1 morgan jmock. Officii Hoc as: From 8 a. m. to 4. p. u. F. A. BAILBT, M.D. F. S, BAIUbT, B.E.M.BW DRS. F. A. AND F.J. BAILEY. Physicians, Surgeons and Accouchers. Office In' Hillsboro Pharmacr. Resi dence soutn-west corner Baaelin and Second. All calls promptly attended day r night. JAKES PfflLUPPI TiUKSIX, K. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Sunreon Southern Pacific Railroad On. Consul tation in French or English. Offlca and residence south of Main near 3d St., aiusooro, ur. WILKES BROS. ABSTRACTORS and SURVEYORS, Conveyancing and fine map work s specialty. Lindsay Block, two doors north ot tho ". postoffloe. Beoond si HUlaboro, Or. GEORGE R. BAGLEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. . . oor:; I & 2, Shute Block, over Greer's. HILLSBORO, OREGON, Local Agent Royal Insurance Company SMITH & BOWMAN, ATTORNE YS.AT. LAW, Notarial Work and Conveyancing. Rooms 0 it 7 Morgan Blk., Hillstioro. Ore, MISCELLANEOUS. Notary Public. . , Loans, -Collections, . . . . , PRE . . AND - - ACCIDENT : INSURANCE. : J. L KNIGHT. General Fire Iniurance and liOau Broker1 HILLSBORO, OREGON, U Green CARPETWEAVING, J Centerville, Oregon- Weaves carpet striped and measured to fit any room. -Prices to salt the hard time New Shop ! Blacksmitliiriff & Horseshoeing. W. A. FINNEY, Troj. mir ui Mjti Bkiuufe liritkj (11 Mir Ml insr Tj W Hound woodwork hpP- CHARGES REASONABLE m DELTA DRUG :: STORE 5. (Next Door Bryan-Laidlaw Co.) Main Street, - Hillsboro, A fine line of Toilet Articles, Brushes, CotnlM, Perfumes, Patent Medicines and special attention given to Quality and Aevuravy, Cor.2.tWd'!c) t J. NORTHBUr, Newly Furnish4 and Renovated. - A first-class table and all accommodations 1 for the convenience of gvetts. , , ,.