MILLSB6R HE VOL. 2. 1IILLSB01K), OREGON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12. 189.). NO. 38. SEA CLAIMS Morgan of Alabama Makes the First Speech. IB QUESTION OF LIABILITY In Hit Reference to tha I'ainphlet of Vauucefote Ibe Senator Was Scornful and Sarcastic. Washington, Doc. 11. The feature in the senate today was a speech by Morgan, ohairmau of the ooniuiittee on foreign relation, a rtfcmiber of the Paris Bohring sea tribunal, upon a resolution offered by him last week, Instructing the foreign relations com mittee to investigate the question of liability of the United States for the seizure of British ships in Buhriug sea in 1800. Morgan took the position iu the last oongress that the settlement of these claims by tho payment of a lump mm of f 425,000, as recommended by the president, whs not wise nor proper. His remarks on that occasion were the subject of some sarcastic comment from the British ambassador here, in the lat her's official correspondence with Lord Kimberley. The "correspondence was printed recently from the British blue book, and most of Morgan's speech to day was devoted to paying his respects to Sir Julian Pauncofote. Bis resolution, which was as fol lows, was unanimously adopted at the conclusion of his spoeoh: "Kesolved, That the message of the president received by the senate today (moaning December 8), relating to the payment by tho United States of the claim of Great Britain arising out of the Bebring soa controversy, be referred to the committee ou federal relations, with instructions that said committee examine into the question of said lia bility tj Great Britain and amount of, if any, liability on the part of Great Britain or Canada arising out of said controversy, and that said committee ball have authority to report by bill or otherwise." DURRANT SENTENCED. Tba Prisoner la Denied a New Trial by J nil Re Murphy. Ban Franolsoo, Dec. 9. Judge Mur phy denied Theodore Durrant's, mo tion for a new trial, and ordered the prisoner back to the county jail. In ten days he will bo takon to Ban (juen tin prison, there to await execution. A large force of deputy sheriffs was necessary to aid the police in guarding the entrance to the courtroom. The crowd was as large as during the trial. Jndge Murphy briefly overruled the motion for a new trial. He said ho had twice reviewed all the testimony in the oase and every ruliug he had made during the trial. Ho bad ex amined all the affidavits submitted L .. TT. 1 .1 tl ana an autnoruies cueu. do m u lie thought an injustice had been done the prisoner or any error made which affected his rights he would not bosi ttta in o-rnnt. a new trial whatever the oonsequenoec or what criticism might be made. But tho court was satisiied no error had been made, and that Dur rant's trial had been fair and impar tial, that no right accorded to him bad been invaded, and that the jury's ver- diot bad been in accordance with the law and evidence. Durrant was then ordered to stand up. The prisoner rose, pale and scowl ing, but as impassive as ever. The judge briefly reviewed the orime of whioh Durrant had been found guilty and expressed his entire oonourreuoe with the verdict. - He advised Durrant to seek repentance and forgiveness in a divine source, now his only refugo. The court then pronounced sentence, whioh was that Durrant be kept iu close confinement by the sheriff in the county jail, and within ten days be de livered to the warden of San quentin state prison, there to be kept in close confinement until such day, to be after wards fixed, when he should be hanged in San Quentin until dead. Dnrrant heard his sentence without a twitching muscle, staring at the jndge defiantly. Then he sat down, made some remark to his father and smiled. Diokinson for the defendant, took formal exception to the remarks of the oonrt on the merits of the oase, and aid he would later give formal notioe of an appeal to the supreme, court. The oourtroom was then oleared. Batlefactory Teat of Dynamite Gum San Franosioo, Deo. 11,, The three days' tests of the pneumatic dynamite nans recently erected at the Presidio Observation were oonoluded today, the - . . a . i . . - memrjers oi me ooara ui uuiuiuy ex aminers expressing their satisfaction With the tests of the guns, whioh ex oeeded the requirements in every test. The three 15-inoh pneumatio dynamite ctuns were each tested for capaoity, rapidity and distance. Four rounds of ahella. eaoh containing 100 pounds of dynamite, were thrown 5,000 yards and five rounds of projeotiles, each weishina 1.180 pounds, were loaded and fired in 8 minutes and 23 seoondB. To Conilder World's Fair Matters. . Detroit. Deo. 11. T. W. Palmer, president of the World's KJolumbian Exposition, has issued a oall for a mnntins of the commissioners, to be held at Atlanta, December 15, to con aider matters oonneoted with the World's Columbian Exposition as may oome before it. Mr. Palmer says there is some business to be transacted, but he is of tho opinion that a quorum can not be had. and that the meeting will be in the nature ot a reunion. REPLY RECEIVED. England Sende n Meaaenger to era- tarjr Oluey. Washington, Dec. 10. Tho reply of Lord Salisbury to Secretary Oluey's noto of instructions to Ambassador Bayard relative to the Venezuelan boundary dispute, was delivered to Secretary Oluey at noon today. Sir Julian Paunoefote presented the note in person, reading its contents to Mr. Olney as is the custom when important documents are presented. For some reason the state department officials took stops to prevent the fact that the note had been delivered gaining pub licity, but without avail. At the Brit ish embassy there was the same indis position to gi'-e any publicity to the proceedings. All inquiry as the nature of the note tailed to secure a response from any official, and it probably will be pre served as an official seoret, as far as the Washington authorities are con cerned, until the president, upon his return, has had an opportunity to con sider it and send it to oongress. It is known the note is on the general lines indicated in the Associated Press dis patches this week. NEW YORK BANKS. Tha Weekly Showing of Their lloldlnga aud Bualnaaa. New Vork, Deo. 10. The New York Finanoier says: "The statement of averages of the banks of New York olty for the week ended December 7, shows a continua tion of the liquidation on loans, whioh has been a marked feature of this state ment for twelve weeks past. The loss iu loans since September 14, has been no less than $83,000,000. The loan item for the week ended Dooember 7 is only $9,000,000 in excess of the lowest point recorded during the present year, or April 6, last. Deposits, however, on that date were only $500,000,000, against $531,000,000 for the week jnst onded. If the gold receipts of Satur day bad been figured in the statement, deposits would have shown a decrease, but the heavy movement from the in terior is clearly shown in the gain of $1,005,000 in cash by the banks. This expansion promises to oontinne for some time to come if the domestic ex change figures are a oriterrion Of the cash balances it might be noted that $1,220,400 of the total amount was in specie, the total now held by New York banks aggregating $07,871,900, or a gain of nearly $7,000,000 since Ootobor 13. The total gold holdings, however, are $14,000,000 less than re ported last February." Inaurgenta Advancing on Snnta Clara. Havana, Deo. 10. In spite of the reported defeats of Maximo Gomez and Antonio Maceo by General Suarez, General Navarro and General Aldeooa, the last-named being understood to be in pursuit of the insurgents, who were believed to be caught between the col umns of troops commanded by those generals aud tbat of General Aldavo, it is now stated that. Gomes and Maceo have united their forces and, instead of lieing in flight, iu the province of Puerto Prinoipe, are advancing through the province of Santa Clara. General Aldave, as already cabled, was said to be in pursuit of the insurgents after they had turned his flank and crossed the line between Ciego de Avilla and Morton, in the province of Pnerto Prinoipe, on their way to Santa Clara. Maoeo and Gomez, it is now stated, have already passed the road from Ig ura, ou the frontier, to Telusoo, a lit tle north of Santa Espiritu. Tha Irish National Alliance. New York, Deo. 10. John P. Sut ton, general secretary ot the Irish Na tional Alliance, states that oounoils of the allianoe are being rapidly formed in every city in the United States and Canada. Andrew Nolan, a member of the city council of St. Louis, has been elected president in that city of the munioipal oonnoil, already oonsisting of 2,500 members. San Franolsoo, Boston, Lawrence and Lowell, Massa chusetts; Cleveland, Detroit, Anacon da and Butte, Mont , have also formed large branohea. Toronto and Montreal have inaugurated strong oounoils. The elootion of mnnioipal executive ooun oils will be held in New York and Brooklyn New Year's day. The other cities and towns, where more than one oounoil exists, will also appoint mu nicipal committees on or about that date. Paclflo Cable Company's Organisation. New York, Deo. 10. A meeting was held today at the offloe of the Central & South American Telegraph Company for tho purpose of completing the or ganization of the Paoifio Cable Com pany. This oompany will be independ ent of the Mexioan Central s South Amerioan Telegraph oompanies in its organization, but they will have rela tions which will be mutually advan tageous. The projected cable will oon neot San Franoisoo with the proposed American naval station at Pearl river harbor, in the Sandwioh islands, Ja pan and China, Australia and India. A oommittee on plan and soope was ap pointed. Reducing the Force. Saoramento, Deo. 10. Orders have been given at the railroad shops here to discharge 500 men tonight. That will leave 1,400 men in the Saoramen- to Bhops. This is the heaviest . lay-off tne oompany Has made nere lor many years. The Southern 1'aolfle deduction. Saoramento, Deo. 10. Orders have been given at the railroad shops here to discharge 500 men tonight That will leave 1,400 men in the Sacramento shops. This 1b tho hoavioEt lay-off the company has made here for many years. FIFTY-FOURTH SESSION Daily Proceedings in Senate and- House. IMPORTANT BILLS INTRODUCED Appointment of Membara on tha Vari ous Congreaalonal Committee The Senate. Washington, Deo. 7. There was a good attendance when the senate met at noon today. i The first bill introduced was one by j Senator Mills, of Texas, for the coin-' age of the silver in the treasury. The bill introduced by Chandler of i New Hampshire, for the coinage of sil-! ver at the ratio of 15,' to 1, the bill to i become operative when England, Ger-1 many and France nass similar laws ; was listened to with great at tout ion by j members of the senate. Petitions from Florida for the reoog-; nition of Cuba and front the legislature of Montana, against the further is suance of bonds, were presented. The resolution offered by Call of i Florida was adopted, calling upon the I secretary of state to send to the senate the correspondence relating to the case ; of General Sanguilly, an American i oitizen, sentenced to life imprisonment for alleged oomplioity in the Cuban ; revolution, and directing him to pro-! cure a copy of the record in the case if ! it is not on file at the department. I Gallinger of New Hampshire iutro-1 duood a resolution declaring it as the ! sense of the senate that it was unwise and inexpedient to retire greenbacks. Mitchell of Oregon introduced a resolution, whioh was agreed to, call ing on the secretary of the treasury to inform the senate why the construction of the public building at Portland, Or., for which an appropriation was made by the last congress, was not pro ceeded with. Call of Florida addressed the senate in advocacy of his resolution for the recognition of the belligerent Cuban insurgents, and for striot neutrality of the United States - in the war. . He drew a graphio picture of the ruin, misgovernment and barbarous cruelty against whioh the Cubans were con tending and their 'long struggle for freedom. He considered it an outrage that the United States should not hold out an enoouraging hand to those struggling for indepeudense. Instead of speediug Cubans on their course, he insisted that this government was ac tually retarding the revolution, in fact, furnishing aid to Spanish tyranny. At 1:20 the senate went intp execu tive session, and at 1:35 P. M. ad journed. The senate iu executive session con firmed Matt W Mexico. Ransom as minister to j he said, lived in his district, and re quested it to be printed in the Record. Houae. Washington, Deo. 7. Speaker Reed has begun, for the first timo, definitely to outline his list of committees on paper. After reoeiving members of the house all day yesterday, he sat down at 9 o'clock and worked until a late hour putting on paper the assign ments he had deoided upon to tbat time. Today he gave more interviews to members and listened to the presenta tion ot their claims. No information has loaked from the speaker's room, exoept remarks made by Reed to the friends of a member who asked for the chairmanship of the oommittee on la bor, which seemed to indicate that he had deoided to give the place to Phil lips of Pennylvania, whose name had been presented by the labor organiza tions. Probably the strongest pressure be ing brought to bear upon the speaker oomes from various candidates for the oommittee on ways and means. The Republicans will be entitled to eleven places in this body, if the party pro portion of the last oongrws is main tained, and seven of the eleven will be new men. The influence ot business interests of every class and section has been invoked, and many letters and pe titions are pouring in. Next to the ways and means in their desirability from the standpoint of the members are the committees on appropriations and rivers and harbors, the two bodies which have charge of the distribution of the largest sums of money. Senate. Washington, Deo. 9. The new con gress up to this time has been an un usually conservative one in the matter of proposing new legislation. Fewer bills than usual have been introduced, and most of those were for projeots whioh failed to pass the last oongress. Plans for the admission of Oklahoma, Arizona and New Moxioo to statehood have again made their appearance, the first being presented by General Wheeler, who was chairman of the oommittee on territories in the last oongress, and the other two by the new delegates of the respective territories, Murphy and Catron. The first bill introduced by McClel lan of New York, who is one of the young Democrats and a son of General MoClellan, was one to authorize the senate to confirm military nominations made by President Linooln, whioh have never been acted upon, and the issue of commissions to the nominees, stating that they were nominated to the rank conferred by Linooln. Other of the more important bills introdnoed were: By Hioks of Pennsylvania For the relief of person b who served ninety days or more in the various con struction corps attaohed to the army or railroads operated by the military au thorities during the war! also a bill granting medals to those who respond ed to and enlisted under President Lin ooln's first oall for troops. By Overstreet of Indiana To au; thorize the suspension of pensions ob tained by fraud. By Meikeljohu To prohibit the sale of intoxicating drinks to Indians, framed to meet the decision Of Judge Bellinger, of Oregon, as to the sale of liquor to Indians who have become citizens of the United States. By Wheeler of Alabama To in crease the pensions of the soldiers of the Florida war; also, providing an additional United States judge for Al abama. By Harris of Ohio Levying a duty on wools as follows: Wools and hair of the first class, 11 cents per pound; seoond class, 12 cents per pound; third class and on camel's hair of the third class, the value whereof shall be 13 cents or less per pound, including charges, the duty is to be 82 per cent ad valorem. On wools of the third class and on camel's hair of the third class, the value of which exceeds 13 cents per pound, the duty to be 50 per oent ad valorem. Wools on the skiu are to W00'8- pay the same rates as other j BV Barnbam of California To mnrf tha onr InmnraHn. tho Marl. time Canal Company of Nicaragna. j Over twenty-five res.dences have been I One feature of the bill authorizes the ' ailt ud nnmber struo issuanoe of bonds not exceeding $150,-1 nreB' be8.,de8 mu? Editions and en ' 000,000, with Interest at 8 per cent, to ! 1)ir8eme,8 I secure the means to construct and oom-! A remarkable dissovery was made P'ew tne canal. All sums expended ""rial and supplies necessary to j the conduction are to be purchased in lne ulKa owks, except sucn as may 06 fe"wn or produced in Nicaragua or Costa RIoa. nd no Asiatio labor is to be employed. Bv Flvnn ot Oklahoma Providing tot free homesteads upon public lands in Oklahoma; also, for the opening of Indian territory under the homestead lawB- By Hainer Amending the act for the inspection of live cattle, etc , by giving the secretary of agrioluture au thority to have all carcasses, con demned as unfit for food under the act of March 3, 1891, so disposed of as shall effectively prevent their use as human food; also a bill granting pen sions to soldiers and sailors confined in Confederate prisons. . Houae. Washington, Dec. 9. When the house met today Terry, Dem., of Ar kansas, and Boatner, Dem., of Louisi ana, belated members, were formally sworn in, and a motion for a commit tee to pass on the members' mileage accounts was passed. Baker of New Hampshire asked unanimous consent for the immediate consideration of a resolution calling on the secretary of agridultnre to report whether he had expended the whole or any part of the appropriation made by the last oongress for the distribution of tinners' bulletins. McMillin of Ten nessee objected. Walker of Massachusetts offered a petition in form of a resolution, from the naturalized Armenians ot the United States, nine-tenths of whom, After reciting the alleged oppression and outrages of the Turkish govern ment, it oonoluded: "Resolved, That the people of the United States, through their repre sentatives in oongress assembled, here by express their deepest abhorrence and condemnation of the outrages thus committed on their fellow -citizens as well as the Christian subjects of Tur key. "Resolved, further, That this house, composed of immediate representatives ot the American people, pledge its sup port to the government in every meas ure justified by international law and common humanity to vindicate the rights of our fellow-citizens and their families in Turkey, and to hinder and prevent, as far as practicable, the con tinuance of the outrages and massacres in that land." The petition was referred to the oom mittee on foreign affairs. Senate. Washington, Deo. 11. A large number of bills were introduced in the senate again today, the most important of which were: By Berry To provide a territorial form of government for Indian terri tory, with the usual staff of territorial ofiioers, the territory to take the name of Indianola. By Palmer Giving a uniform pen sion of $50 per month to all who lost a hand or foot in the late war, and $00 to those who lost an entire limb. By Allen Disfranchising any citi zen of the United States who shall so lioit or accept a title, patent of nobil ity, or degree of honor from a foreign nation, and punishing this act as a crime by both fine and imprisonment. By Voorhees Granting pensions to soldiers and sailors who were captured and confined in Confederate prisons during the war. -By Mantle Appropriating $55,000 for the purchase of sites for public buildings at Cheyenne, Wyo., Boise City, Idaho, and Helena, Mont. , and providing for buildings at Cheyenne and Boise costing $200,000, and at Helena oosting $500,000. By Squire For a gun faotory tor heavy ordnanoe on the Paoifio coast. . Houae. Washington, Deo. 11. Among the bills introdnoed in the house were the following: By Wilson of Idaho Establishing United States mint at Boise, Idaho, also a bill establishing duties on wool similar to those in the MoKinley law. By Bailey of Texas Prohibiting senators and representatives from so liciting or recommending the appoint ment of any person to any offloe, the appointment of whioh is vested in the president or the head of any depart ment ' By Cobb of Alabama Making all fast freight lines, express and car oom panies, whether operated by corpora tions, associations, receivers or indi viduals, eaoh in connection with or in dependent of common carriers, etc., a subject to the aot to regulate commerce. NORTWEST BREVITIES Evidence ot Steady Growth and Enterprise. ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST Rejection of Bids for the Construction of the State Capitol at Oljrmpla Oregon New a. The wool clip in Lake connty this year exceeded 1,000,000 pounds. The water works at Klamath Falls has at last been placed hi operation. The can factory, at Astoria, is receiv ing orders from all parts of the North- wegt for cang for nMt A large amount of building has been uuuo " iuH lu 'ue Pl sumnier. ".BK.u8 . uCar - "1 7- Pm 170 feet aeedar tree was found. The a " " " plainly visible. " Lightning struck a Tillamook Rock telephone wire, during a recent storm; running along the wire; it went into the to the office at Fort Stevens, illuminat ing the place and scaring those who were in the office, but did no damage. The price of cattle in Eastern Ore gon is steadily going up, and those stockmen who have sold will be more than recompensed for the trouble they have had in keeping them. Horses are not so numerous as they were a few months ago. For a month or two they were dying with a fever at an alarming rate, in certain portions. Three large ioe storage houses are being erected at Perry for the purpose of storing ioe with which to supply the market along the O. R. &. N. Com pany's line. The O. R. &. N. Company have put in a spur near Perry, and these storage houses are being erected so that ice can be easily taken from the river and then, during the warm season, to the cars for shipment Waahlngton. A new tannery is to be erected at Moxee, in Yakima county. The name of the community of "Hog Heaven" has been chagned to Oakdale. Walla Walla is agitated over a ques tion whether it has a legal right to li cense gambling. Camps of the new order, called the Native Sons of Washington, are being organized at Port Townsend. The Oregon Improvement Company handled during the year, ending De cember 1, over 250,000 tons of coaL A new wooden eave factory has just been Btarted in Seattle, for the manu facture of gutters of all kinds, wooden conductors, eto. A nnmber of farmers along the Co lumbia river in Yakima county are building water wheels for the purpose of irrigating their land. Sturgeon fishing is now taking the place of salmon fishing on the Colum bia and Snake rivers for a few months. Nets will be used more this year than ever. They run from 600 to 900 feet in length, and the meshes vary in size from twelve to nineteen inohes. The agricultural college, at Pull man, now offers a short course in agri culture. The oourse includes a year of twenty -four weeks. Speoial attention is paid to agrioulture, horticulture, botany, chemistry, entomology, math ematics and languages. The expense of the course is very slight. Tuition is free, room rent $17 a year, board at the dormitory averages $8.12 a month, and the expenses for books is small. The state oapitol commission has again rejected all bids for the erection of the new capitol owing to the pro visions in the bids which surround the payment of the warrants. The build ing is to be ereoted from the proceeds of the sale of 132,00 aores granted by oongress for publio building purposes, and the warrants so state on their face. No lands have yet been sold, and the bidders feared the warrants would not always bring par. Idaho. A mill is to be erected at the Viola mine in Blaok Horned distriot. It is said that State Treasurer Bunting is interested in this deal. A oompany composed of young Indi ans of the Eamiah settlement are planning to engage in the general merchandise business at that place. A hundred head of horses were re cently sold iu Jordan valley at $75, or 75 cents per head. This is said to be the lowest price ever paid for horses anywhere. The estimated wheat crop of North ern Idaho aud Eastern Washington is far short of the average. It is estimat ed that it will be 10,000,000 bushels. Last year it was double that amount. The Irrigation of the Lewiston plats seems to be assured for the near future. It is one of the finest traots of unim proved land in the Northwest. Two thousand, six hundred aores of land were purchased by Eastern capitalists, and all the preliminaries have been ar ranged for a big ditoh. Montana , Butte has now ovor $300,000 in out standing warrants. The town council of Havre, have put down an artesian well and have secured a flow large enough to supply water for a town five times the Bize of Havre. the hunting season for the whitetail deer, blaoktail deer, mule deer, moun tain sheep, Rocky mountain goat aud antelope is rapidly drawing to a close. It is unlawful to hunt after Decem ber 15. Montana, like Washington has a oapital problem to consider. Its legis lature has authorized the issue of $1,000,000 in warrants, secured upon the lands granted by the general gov ernment, to build the building, but there is no present income from the lands to pay interest on them, or is there likely to be for some time to oome. So the warrants do not and the building cannot go on. Brltlah Colombia. A large corporation is being formed in the East to open the marble quarries of Chicago!! island next season. It is reported that the Easlo & Slo oan Railway have bought the Silverton town site and have decided to extend the road to tbat point The Fraser River Industrial Society has decided to secure a site as near the mouth ot the river as possible for can nery purposes, and to accept one of the three lots offered by the city of West mister, for wharfage, fish house, office, eta A new sealing company has just been incorporated tinder imperial charter as the Victoria Sealing and Trading Company, with a capital of 100,000. The stockholders are all Victorians. Already a fleet of seven schooners has been secured. The scheme to build an all-rail route through British Columbia into Alaska is again being discussed; this time it is to go by way of Kamloops. the North Thompson and Barkerville, through the heart of Cariboo. The distance to Barkerville from Kamloops is about 350 miles. Suoh a line would be of great advantage in opening up and de veloping the gold fields of Cariboo, in which section of the country, it is be lieved, there still is to be found more wealth than has yet been produced. But if such a road is to be built it will be by the Canadian Paoifio Railway Company, for the construction of which line a charter is already held by par ties in this city, bnt who are supposed to be acting for the C. P. R. people in the East EDITORIAL PITH. The Third Term Idea John Sherman and Hie Book. New York Heraid.l Without Mr. Cleveland the Demo crats cannot win; with him they may win. It was his great popularity, firmness, and wisdom that wrested the presidency from the Republicans four years ago, and had the Democratic leadt ers heeded his warnings and followed his oounsel there would not have been a Republican tidal wave this year. His strength with the masses saved the party from defeat in 1892, and it is the only thing that can save it from defeat in 1896. A Straight Republican. New York Tribune.) Bear in mind, however, that "na tional issues'' mean Cleveland. Nothing more. He is the only "na tional issue" the Democrats have had in a dozen years. No principles. No platform. No leadership. Just Cleve land. And now wherever they "fight it out on that line" they get thrashed out of their boots. The moral of which is, "Rah for a third term!" John Sherman'! Book. New York Mercury What John Sherman laoks in mag netism he makes up in recollection. Muat Not Mexlcanize the Office. Chicago Times-Herald. There is no written constitutional barrier against President Cleveland re maining president of the United States for as many terms as he can manage to get and keep offloe. Secretary Mcrton is right. Yet it must also be true that the people of the United States are not disposed or prepared to Mexioanize the presidency of the United States, with or without law no matter how able an official the president may be. Not a Presidential Poaaiblllty. Minneapolis Times. However sinoerely we may admire Mr. Cleveland's many great and good qualities of backbone, brain, and heart we cannot and should not let that ad miration blind us to the fact tbat he is no longer among the presidential pos sibilities. His has been a strong ad ministration, you will say, a consistent administration, an administration with a policy and a prinoiple, so far as Mr. Cleveland himself is concerned. Unappeasable Rancor. New York 8un.) Mr. Sherman has had a continuously successful oareer, and it wonld seem that he ought to be grateful to the Ohio men who have kept him in offloe so long. The main object of his book, however, appears to be complaints. He records the events of his life, not with the kindly spirit of the philoso pher looking baok with tolerance from the summit of his oareer upon what he has achieved and what he has failed on, but with the unappeasable ranoor of the man who is not grateful for winning much, because he has missed the great object of his heart's desire. A sore toe in print is not an alluring or a dignified spectacle. The Strongeat Democrat. Chicago Record. It is patent that notwithstanding the popular prejudice against third terms, Mr. Cleveland is still the strongest Demoorat who at the present juoture could be put forward for nomination supposing that be is willing to accept the honor, it is well within the lines of probability that the Demooraoy may pick him out not, perhaps because of a positive preference bnt because of the foroe of a logioal necessity. SUGAR BEET CULM Recent Experimental Work in the Northwest THE GROWTH OF THE INDUSTBY The Vartetlea to Grow and Huggeatlona aa to Their Care and Manner of Cnltlratlng. The gradual awakening in the Northwest of the value of the beet, and an interest in its culture, is em phasized by the recent experiments made by Professor Charles P. Fox, di rector of the agricultural experiment station in Idaho. "Table beets," says Professor Fox, "are either long or oval in shape, the oolors vary from a deep (blood) red to a yellowish red. The round varieties are to be preferred, as they are the easiest to harvest, and the deep red ones give the best satisfaction when cooked. The representatives of the shape are the Long Red Eclipse and Crosby's Egyptian. . "The good dark red ones are the Matchless and Improved Blood. Good varieties of the yellow shades are the Lentz's Turnip and Favorite. "Of fifteen varieties grown on the grounds of the experiment station in 1895, the Improved Blood gave the greatest and the Dark Stinson the smallest yields. "The yield per ton of the different varieties was: Improved Blood, 26; Matohlecs, 21; Early Red, 18; Eclipse, 16; Early Blood Turnip, 15: Basorin't Blood Turnip, 15; Favorite, 15; Lentz's Turnip, 14; Edmonds, 13; Bas orin's Half Long, 9; Crosby's Egyp tian, 9; Long Smooth Blood, 8; Early Egyptian, 7; Dark Stinson, 4. "The amount of sugar in table beets is of interest The analysis made in 1894 furnished the following results: Dirego, 10.77 per cent; Round Yel. low, 14.67; Black Queen, 12.69; Early Blood Turnip, 14.61; Eclipse, 18.05; Dark Blood, 18.14; Crosby, Egyptian, 16.74; average, 13.62. "Another variety is the Swiss Chord beet, or Sea Kale. This one is not cultivated for its roots, but for its flesh leaf stems. These are used as greens and may be bleached as celery and used as a substitute for asparagus. In some sections the sales of this va riety have been enormous. "Spraying with Paris green or to baoco is recommended as a protection against insects." Professor Fox deals with the origin and history of the beet, the prepara tion of the soil, the sowing and culti vation. In speaking of preparing the beets for market he observes: "Re member that, although engaged in the great strife for riches, customers, as a rule, do not appreciate real estate premiums with their vegetable pur chases." Ezperlinenta In California. An organization to be known as the Yuba and Sutter Sugar Beet Associa tion has been formed and will conduct experiments in beet culture the oom- mg season. An effort is being made to raise sufficient funds by subscription to plant one-acre tracts in twelve dif ferent localities in these two counties, to pay the expenses of giving thorough cultivation to the same, and when the crop is harvested, to ship it to a factory where a complete test oan be made to ascertain whether the quality of the beets is such as to justify their being used for sugar. The results of the work now planned will be watohed with interest. Snggeatlona by the Alvarado Company. Beets demand a soil easy to till, loose and pliable, but not too sandy. It is indispensible that the soil should be prepared by deep plowing, which should be done a month or two before seeding. One deep furrow of twelve or fourteen, or with two plowings, one of about nine inches, followed by a deeper one of six or eight inches below the first. This work done in early winter has the advantage ot allowing frosts and atmospherio influences to de stroy the cohesion of the soil, and, at the same time, to destroy any inseots that may be present. As it is desirable to have beets with as few roots as pos sible and of good conical shape, the point of the root must be allowed to penetrate the earth without resistance. The varieties considered the best and those mostly used in this oountry are the Vilmorin, white, and the Klein Wanzelben, white. The quantity of seed to the a ore ought not to be less than ten pounds. In oases where the soil is cold, or when fear exists that the plants may be eaten by worms, it will be neoessary to nse a large quan tity. The seed may be planted in rowa ten, twelve or fourteen inohes apart, if it is intended to weed out by hand, and sixteen, eighteen and twenty inohes when it is desired to use the horse hoe. The sowing machine or drill should be arranged in such a manner that the seed is plaoed where the moisture is, below the surface, the least covering of earth sufficient to sprout it. Bear in mind tbat seed planted top deep in variably gives a poor stand of beets, and to shallow do not sprout. As soon as the beets have from two to four leaves it is necessary, to thin out so that there may be about twelve to tba square yard. The sooner the thinning is done the better for the plants, as they, suffer muoh less when this work is nop delayed. President Faure'a Family Skeleton. Paris, Deo. 11. The Figaro reveals an alleged secret in President Faure'i family history whioh proves to have been simply that his wife's mother was abandoned by her husband two I months after he'r marriage..