Image provided by: Hillsboro Public Library; Hillsboro, OR
About The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1895)
f HE ARGUS THURSDAY, DEC. 5, 1895. Attorney F. 11. Jolly hiia been spending t lie week in town.. The Bnd Concert t the Opera House TwtfcUy evening was ell patroniied. The program wiw well carried,, and .the boye merit the ucetss attnined. , ' Bargain (Vwicriea ull the woek at IJryan-Ljpndlaw Co. Cash Blore, we have Kff4 Change tobac co at 15 cents per iHjnd. i-Monday afternoon the wind llVb H-rftict gale in this vicinity, nwt mow fell on the mountain! 11 r if VaruRt llrove. Winter. nuchas Oregon generally here. K-M. H. I'arker.Ureenville's phy eician and merchant was in town the lust of the week. FOUND A STEEL SAW I In One of the Cells in the County Jail. -L. Iloltz, who lives in South Cornelius had the misfortune to have a thumb bitten by a hog Fri day last while bu'ehering, the in jured member hanging but by a liny shred of flesh. A physician from this city attended the case and reports good progress. Money to loan in sums to suit. Mortgage) and noles bought and vwi: Boom it, Morgan uiock. ' w . i i w VTTEMPT TO ESCAPE IS FOILED Mnntezuina lodge, No. )., I. T 0. O. V , elected the following offic ers last week: Hon. 8. B. Huston, N. 0.; W. D. Finney, V. G.; D. M. C. Gault, Hec; J. M. (Jreear, Trens John Hcisler, one of (tales' Creek's substantial citizens, was in inwii Wi-ilm-mlav. Mr. II. is noted hb liMving been one of the bent road supervisors in auhingtoii county. Any one wanting wood sawed will leave orders at the Hicks' House or at this ollice. A Hillsboro Man Loaea a Fine Team of Horses-City Election Returna Report of City Council. t .i:i on ijlltliro Ih omMjents' Red lie V raus. LadiiV Flam Macintoshes. New ittems now in. Dnnt forget thtU vy are at war with high prices and liit it takes two to get acquainted. XWe are one we invite you to AioVe and see us. llryan-LaidlaCo. Ctosh Store. Robt Iulbrie SrNpd Henry Hesse did business in Portland Monday of this week. Go to Haines & Bailey for bar gains in men's, boys' and youths' clothing. They want to reduce tlifir liinrn Htock before the opening. of the new year and nre giving jiiune great bargains. W. II. Wehrutiir was oi both iii.L-i.iu ii ml uh it matter of course, went in Hying. Riley CV c, hiirnteriDtie of a muirwumn, raid it was against his principles to vote for a man who would run on both tickets and scratch d his name. He further stated that Wehrung was too thorough altogether to make a good councilman as that one time When lie was on the hoard that he put in a drain so deep in front of the Cuvo residence nun ne drained tht well and then made' Riley pay for the ditching. When you want an "up to date" hair cut, or a neat comfortable shave or both, call at the City Shaving Tai lors. Hot and Cold bulbs im mediate on order. E. 15. Coi.khtock, 1'rop. 1 '-Economy", and his senti ments received their endorsements lint Monday. The fault was not with the versatile writer, but with bis generous use of figures. G. W. Duncan, the work an who did the plastering in I be Coil: nl residence in this city is quite an artist in his line. It is worth one's while to visit the house ami view tinting and execution f the walls. l)r J. K. Adkina hiis opened nurl.tiaiil lh(!. Mi'rmiuJJockJ room 8, where h- will be pleased to meet his old patrons. Charges very iwisoiinlilc. Rev. Harry Walk'.ns, of Mc- Miunville, was in tho city Sunday will ciitt'ltaili II IVI I'll' H ! - .Hillshoro's people in the near future by occupying the pulpit for a Hun- m -l'... ... .1... f.ii,ti..l tlllirrdl y uyi i i" i m , I : . I ........ J. V' lan)KHl llllBJUBl :uiliJil.i.- ed a set of candle moulds like those in use many years ago, v. & Smith is the owner. The State Insurance Company tin f.iilnd and tliose holding poli cies, issiieil by that institution are now without insurance - J. I. Kniirht huB raude arrangements iil niniA tti Inn uomnanieg, me i.o.i i ia uini-lri wlierehv he can take up,; the polioiea : of State mid allnw what thev are worth for unearned premium toward a Good nolie.r. Parties in this sit uation will find it to their inters! to call and see him. Foot ball' is all tho. rage these days, and nearly every day the boys get out in the court yard and practice .for future glories. It's n , fine gome to play if you have u seat in a treo in the close vicinity. They Wanted Freedom. "Hope springs eternal in the liu- mun 1 rri at" Kllcb dnllhtlt'HN is oiuce. ll.n n...... ...III. tUa r.riuriMfiru lliim ' li roniiM nri iettmir nuito urok- t . i u i. i... ..... . " , J roiu lino Hi. ouienzer, now mo ... .... l. ........ (l.j.M.i.url.fu V.. U mill I ... ... en on uic miti. i .ui.m.s... .n ,""Con('llle(); ,n e cage in the county heiivv teaniinK lietween this city and Portland will soon be aban doned until spring. J. C Her. one of Sherwood's prominent citizens, was in the city tlic lirst ol tne wteK. - Tickled pigs' C. Blither's, 2nd stieet. ' T. S. Wealherred authorized Tiic Argcs to say that he was plac ed on the Citizens' ticket without his authority or consent, and against inil. Yesterday. Sheriff Ford upon information that noises as sawing iron had been heard a day or so back, searched the cells, and found in that occupied by the two nention ed, a saw, manufactured from a cor set steel. They had sawed into one bar, a rlaiight nearly i inch in depth. The timely discover pre sented what might have been (weak. Young Corbin is in for lar itenv in the exnress office of this city, and young Sniehzer for larceny transacted. The following: C. W. Reduiund, sal.....' $2$ oo V Pal !1uv wnrlrft til ..s 1 M Q3 Treasurer' sal 40 oo Klection, juuge-uiera. . : 7 50 Council then adjourned until Thurs day evening when 'the new city officers will qualify. During the session Mayor Huston made a few remarks upon what had been done during the last year, and expressed b fmv oniniona as to what should be done. The people of Hillsboro fen! that Mr. Ilus'on lias disDOSeu of the duties of his office in a con scientious manner, and he retires with the confidence of the whole community. Commissioners' Court. Reports of various county offic ials examined and approved. Petition of W. C. Whitloek for road of public easement eontinutd. John Heisler, Taylor Ranes and M. C. Vincent nn pointed to view proposed road No. 340, Tuesday, December 1U, to meet with county surveyor. Resignation of J. J. Clark, super visor of road district No. 28, ac cepted. Bills allowed will be published next week. WANTED l!PSG,THE BUFFET CAR ROUTE If Grtal y the v I Jfii a Shortest and Quickest line his wishes. Notwithstanding thai 0f certain articles in tho lower end he was not a candidate. I. ,-. was voted fur by quite a nunila-r. The resort of C. Blaser has a handsome n'W sign a huge elk in front, and the new coat of paint somewhat improves the appearance ol the building. One of tho interesting features of tlie revival service at tho M. 15. church Sunday will bo the meeting "For Mii Only" at 3 o'c ock. There will be good music and sing ing b, a special choir and male nunrtette. All men. and bovs un der 12 years of age, are invited to attend. Procure tickets at tne post office, R. H. Greer's or L. L. William's store. Mr. L. W. Home has been suf fering with a severe strain caused by a heavy lift, lining confined to the house for several days. Hillsboro could have a very ef fective system of drainage by con structing open ditches. This could be done at a very small expense, and should bedonenesoon as practi ce. Comini-sioncrs Todd and Rens oner came into the city yesterday to attend the December cession of Court. R. H. Greer did business at Portland Tuesday. C: K: "Kindt; of Portland is nre sent at Circuit court this week. The citizens of Hillsboro were wise in their generation .Monday last. Both tickets in the Held were composed of excellent men, and the result in either case would nave Iwx.ii orrnlifvinir. n J -J r. John R. Hargrave, photograph-Pj: who was ncro last summer wuu of I lie count v. Of course it is very hard for Sher iff Ford to discover which one is the offender, or if both, but in all probability both are implicated. 50 Horses All Black From 5 to 8 years old; wf ight 1100 to 1250; 15 to 16 hands high and must be harness broke. Will be at Hillsboro, Monday, Dec. 9, for the purpose of purchasing. WM. FRAZIER. rt ' a COURT HOUSE NEWS. PROBATE. Final account of administration of estate of Clara T. Vaughn allow ed, and estate closed of record. Administration of estate of Ed ward Constable granted order to commence action to annul convey ance ot realty. a -r c .n F. S. Olsen, who lives within ftntil and one-half miles of Hillsboro, in loser a team of chestnut sorrels. Mr. Olsen went by team to Portland hist week, staying there several davs. Monday morning of this week, upon going to the bam where the horses had been stabled, the animals, halters and bridles were gone As the team was a neat look ing one, and good for light travel ing, Mr. Olsen thinks some one con versant with the facts is guilty of the theft. On going to the city he was accosted by an unknown party for a trade, and he may be the guilty party. The hcrsesare brand ed in such a manner as to make identification very easy. Administration of estate of Jacob Hesse closed of record. "V A Bargain. A neatlv constructed 5 room cot tape w thin 2 blks oi business par of town, (iood tence around lot eood woodshed, and two roomy closets in residence. Also pump in good repair. Gof s for ifGOO. pi (inire at this office. -BETWSBH- C. STEVEN'S, G. W. P. A. 612 Front 8t Seattle, Vanh. Purest Drugs and Chemicals. er ii tmit niiuHwl thrnnirh the citWCS- terday morning, enroute for Carrol- ton. Mr. Hargrave has many friends here. H. Hudson, of Gaston was reg islertil. at the Tualation yesterday. Tho youngest child of J. J. Weik felfon a hot stove tho other day) and severely burnt the leftside of Us face, iii id its left hand. Dr. Bailev titteiubd the little one and it will recover in ITTcw' u City Election. Notwithstanding the fact that i! was a very rainy and disagreeable day, City election on Monday cali ed out a considorable vote. Two tickets were in the field and both had ardentsuppoi'ters,ovet 220 votes being cast. The titizens i lcKet was nut in the field early in the mom- r- . . ... . ,i nor ami soon after followed tne ...e, ------ Peoples and at u:UU p. m. tne vote stood as follows: PEOPLES'. For Mayor. It B GOODIN, 158 Councilman. TWO YEARS. 01TI7.EXSV. For Mayor. 8 B HUSTON, fill Counuilmon. TWO YKARS. MARRAGE LICENSES. r.irpnscH to wed liave been errant ed to John P. Murphy and Clara P. Reiling and Rodrick A. Clark and Clara Wagner. Real Estate Transfers J J Morgan et ux to R II Ennes n J blk M Fairview add Hillsboro !40. Win Kusseliaiun et ux to John Kasso- Imii m 10 sec 'JO 1 1 n r l w a amiinty. M .1 Trail tj .Inlin A TllllllV blk 11 BO' I.....I., u,. Mi.')iv 't9l) JolinsUin f reeman et ux to joau nim Doris Krue 130 a John Pool die 1 1 n r 2 w JyiOUO. Mary A Danks to (Jlara j W llsog itsa-o l)lk IS Beaverton $75. k'ruill-ioU Hnhllkn At UX to W Rebuke II 2 w J n w i see S t 2 s r 1 w $1500. I'.ilwani wia nr 10 illinium i vim tenson HX) a sec. it and ill t l-l s i 1 w ft. Hannah A Cliristenson to Christian C'liristenson same 1. ' Olto Weichbrodtet uxtoDT Phillips m Win d 1 c t I s r 3 8114.5. Jolin W Peterson to U M Peterson s i w i s e t sec ; t a n r w tuu. Eliza J Canon to Homer J Caspn SOOa sec 7, 17-ls 1 1 s r 4 w $7500. Peter Harper to Robert Alexander n i m c i sei- ii) t 1 n raw I1S0. M A Edwards to C K Craig 347-100 a see Bertiu Palmer .t tvb to O W Morgans w i sin- '2 t 2 n r 3 w !.5V). , , 11 P Ford sheriff to Jiwenh Paquet ne i kw 32 t 3 n r 2 w 'fW . Win Wolfstein et ux to O C Siiiult 14 a E B Crawford ot ux d 1 e 1 1 ft r 2 w 150. M U .Hertz ft ux t C P Kr.igerl'JOa hpc 11 1 a a 1-2 w $J400. John W Ktilridge et ux to Frances II Bosh s w i blk 24 Heaverton Francos Boas A' lib to John Johnson n a.-.rm niliiit. c'.'v. Janet Kirkwoml & lib to Lewis Oroen dykn Its 1, 2, 8-4 blk '4 Us 1-2 blk 3 and Its -4 oik ii limey f ism. K ' Smith to Felly 12 Smith 29 a sees 3, 4, D-lOtlsrl w 1. A S rillllHl Wl Ul HI " ijuiifiic 2, and 11 Fruitful hinds and other lands Chas enrv to A M llan It 2 blk 4 In 1 ; enips add Cornelius 175. i C A Cavell to Karl and Sopha Elwert 30 a see 25 t 2 s r 2 w 2000. , Susun A Keller and hb to Geo O Jefter- son inv f 8 e 1 sjsel seo.2t2n r3w f"1??- . ,. 1 rauK Keliorman to iioiry iveiieriiinu b 35 1 1 n r 2 w sow. .ys. W H WEHRUXU, 187 W H WEHRUNO J li STANLEY, 154 W D WOOD, 72 R II GREER, 146 J D MEREYMAN 82 ONKVEAB. ' ; OJIKYEAR. J PTAMIESIE 135 J F CAR8TEN8W ... For Recorder. For Recorder '--The hamlso heads in town Hazanr. ,est ilollp and' doll I Bkn't. ' or -.!HI3 T S batbimikd4L io " Hillsboro r For Treasurer. 'PorTreasorer. W E ROCK 15rt U W PATriSKSUi! on 0 I T KTniaht haa 1.200 to loan .on approved farm security in lor 2 lots for 3 or 5 years -Mrs. C. A. Rhea, and Mrs. Geo. Conner, of Ilcppner, mother and sister U Mrs. W. IS. Brock spent -Thanksgiving in this city, return ing Friday morning. The Bon Ton Shaving Parlors "on Second street are the most, fash ionable in the city. Childrens ; haircntting, 15 cents; shaving on Sunday, 10 cents. -Win. Frazior, of Portland, will be in the cily Monday, December 9, for the purpose of purchasing 50 black horses. See his ad in another column. .M if a Eflie Powell, of Portland, recently spent several days in the Ui relatives. Miss Powell is one of Portland's most efficient practical nurses, hav ing taking a course of training several years ago in Montreal, Can atU. ' .1 dIih nf wina and fine sand- wloh for 10 cents at C. Blasers. ' Chas.'HaH returned from the .Tillamook country the other, day, and reports a fine condition among ranchers and dairymen of that sec tion; He says that hard times are scarcely known over there. Special sale in Men's Boston Rubber . Boots, $2.25. . Gregg's v Shoe Jftore, Forest Groye, Or. The creamery at the depot un der the ellicient management of V. U Oraio is doitis a neat little bus iness, tlie patronage gradually in creasing. H. liigham, ot the Hare farm is now the greatest patron. Rubber boots in men's, ladies' and children's sizes at Schiilmerich & Son. Contractor T. C. Johnson has built more bridges of magnitude this year than any otuer contrac tor in the county. He has built somewhat of a. reputation as a good workman ns well. 1)1 Kit ., un.. I..UUO I Vir.mliuu to (Mills lllllboke 42 a Benj tk)i-neiius d 1 c t . n r 3 w If 1210. U 8 to J Wesley Keller s e J sec 2 1 2 n r Annie L Patterson et al to Sarah hi Pat terson J3.00 a sec 2o 1 1 n r 8 w If 1. Addie Jonkins and lib to Aunio L Pat terson 40 a sou 25 1 1 n r 3 w 1- J Dobbins to J P Tamiesio und 10-12 o i ir.l,i. Tk.l.l.ina ,1 1 n II n r 2-3 w $8500. JCuiil K .-iivhy to Robert liubiie2."i a see !i5tl nriw $1000. Hubert imln-ie to uasncr ami I.e.'"-li same $750. i ... Circuit Court. DECEMBER TERM. Geo Good admr v W E Beau champ et ux continued 30 days to answer. ' E L Wilson et al v Bettie An derson et al judgment for $1458.50 interest and costs. H C Meyer v 1C Gillett judgmnit by default. ' Hvde et al v F I Patterson et al decree of foreclosure granted. E A Hvde et al v N L Thatcher et ul decree of foreclosure Pead Letter List-, , The following is the list of letters re maining in the Hillsboro post office un claimed: Anderson, J H Pringle, Mrs Susan All letters not called for by Dec. 14. 1895, will be sent to the dead letter ol lice. One cent will be charged on each letter called for. Mary A. Brown, P. M. .Thn W Luther and Midf El len Bradley were married, Decem ber 4th. at tbe residence of .V. E. Smith, of this city. F. TV Rarker and Miss Minnie McOnilkin. of Multnomah couutv. - - " V r - I were united in marriage November 28th, llev. Peck oruciating. If you want to make a nice Xmas present eet an all wool suit .,f i'lthifl nt. Khnlmerich & Son. met in its new quarters in the Mnemiip hull last Mondav nitrlit and elected the following officers: J. M. Wall, U. V.: 1. M. JVelso, v. (! I..K. Adams. Prel.: L. A. Lone. K nf II. and H.: F. J. Williams. M. of W.; Geo. ischulmerieli, M. ot Ij. V. House, M. 01 a.; J as. vave, M. nt A.-. Ed James. I. G.: Jno. Kelly, 0. G.; W. D. WoikI and A. M. Carlisle, Trustees for three and one years respectively. PVinnninia Temnla T? fl t hlinilP I O 1 4. 04-V x . .w...- .... 001Cl;i, OUVJk. Sisters and Phoenix Lodge, Ivo. Ai, aninrtafr K. of p., will unite in a public in- 01 stationery. Btallation 01 ollicers early in janu ary. Sheet celluloid and celluloid eroods all verv reasonable at the llillslwro Bazaar. J. Wilkes and L. E. Wilkes did business nt Portland Tuesday. Two of the little ones of Mr. and Mrs. Benton Bowman were quite ill for several days last week, but are now improving. The Knights of the Maccabees will hold their semi-annual election at the next regular review. Schulmerieh & Son have a sup nlv of silk und satin for the ho! i dap tradf in all colors: also the largest assortment of ribbon in the city. On TYivies and Vinonia Mor ton were licensed to wed by County Clerk tioodio tins morning. M. H. Merrill, one of the best fir insurance men on the coast. was in the city the fore pnrt of the week. Mr. Merrill was former ly with the Oakland Home but is now with the North Anv nca. dome rarlv to belect Xmas presents and geryour choice at the Hillsboro Bazaars W. W, Brannin, Past Grand Master of the A. O. U. W. of Oregon, will deliver a lecture on the order, at the Cot gregatioual church next Tuerdav evennnr. All nre inviieti. Free ndmission. The entertainment given by Mi Yiuidersal last lliililt lit'ihe floiurriTrational church was well at tended and appreciated. Miss Van AfmA in An elocutionist of inch order ami the people of Hillsboro hope to hear her again. domniissioners' court inspect ed some huildiiiKS at th poor farm tliia morninir. after which thev transacted business and adjourned for Ihe December term. -Men's laundried shirts, 50 cts each at Schulmerieh & Son. --Inspect the eleg:int line of de lightful perfumes, and perfume fur nishings nt The Delta. These are I verv suitable tor nonnay gins. Remember The Delta has on hand a handsome line of holiday goods. See and be convinced. Over $4,000,000 worth of tax hlft nroivrtv in this county an average of of over $260 to each man woman and cl.uia. lain w-nouso bad when it is known that nearly three hundred thousand more dol lars valuation is exempt. PACIFIC COAST POINTS . . . ST. PAUL, AND THE EAST. Crosses both the Cascades and the Rooky Mountains in DAYLIGHT, affording lai- Grandest Scenery in America. . . . .1 . j . - -. , , n n. ..:.!a ruin al K'i 1,. 111.. Two trams aauy irom ronianu ; uno i n . , -- ---- r : : via O.K. A N. and Spokane. Kuns siijierb equipment, consisting ofdiiiing curs, bullet library cars, palace and upholBtered tourists' seeping curs. 1 he buHet cars are mar vels of elegance and coinfurt, containing bath room barter shop, easy chairs, etc. THE MAGNIFMKNl . . . .T i iiv .ui in I n n..l..u ... f,,M.!uv nt Twin steanisnips -aonnweav- u joranaiiu icn lyu.uj.. j . . - Eriday for the "Hiw," Mackinac Island, Detroit. Cleveland and Biiflalo in coi e-''10" with toe ureal isorrnTii iiauwny. nnjiiuiiii v.... . .. 8IUP COMPANY and enjoy adelightful ride free .front the heat and dunt. ! t tick ets aim general iniiirnmiiuii i.nnun ui nuuiia A. B. C. DENNISTON.C. P. ft T. A. Vli Third St, Portland, riyou. Patent Medicines. Proprietary Articlts. The Hillsboro Pharmacy. Particular Attention Paid to Physicians' Prescriptions and Family Recipes. WILEY & DENNIS, ZCITY LIVERY STABLE" Cor. 2nd and Washington Street, Is WHERE YOU WILL FIND THE BEST TEAMS THAT CAN BE HAD IN HILLSBORO. , - ' EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. GOOD TEAMS, GOOD BUGGIES and DRIVERS, Pioneer Harness Shop, A MMA?AILE Dealer in Horse and Mule Jewelry. Repairing and Carriage Trimming a Specialty. ... All Uootls Sola to compete wun rorimnu ri icee ... HILLSBORO CITY MEAT MARKET. I. K 1IERST, Prop Beef, Mutton, Veal and Po$ Highest Kept Constantly on Hand, Maiket : Price : Paid : for : Fat : Cattle, : Sheep : and : Hogs ' Cash Paid for Poultry ;v ? ' " MAIN STREET, HILLSBORO, OREGON. CHOICE LANDS. . FOR SALE ! Any one desiring to purchase a Farm or Town Property will do well to . ,. READ - THIS - LIST. Here are some ADDITIONAL LOCALS. The Paul Fir estate situuted In So.ogin valley has been surveyed by L E. Wilkes preparatory to di vision among the heirs. Jos. K. Locke, M. D., of Port land, was in the city yesterday on court matters. All kinds (iNXovidties in toys u nil furw.v orimdst Bft be fou nd at the "SHillHboi o Haznar Main steet. A mortgage, or trust doed, giv en bv the O, & C. R. R. Co. in 1870 to Faxon D. Atherton et al for land in Oregon for the amount of 110,950,000. was received at the re corder of con veva nce's office yes terday, and with it, a release of hi) mil. The instrument is signed by Hen president, and John H. Mitchell, our present U. S. Senator was a witness to the Big- .... . l nature. The recording is now oe- inn done simply to complete chain of title and to j. B. Wilkes is due the fact of entry. Special sale in Men's cork sole shoes from $3 and upwards at Gregg's Shoe Store at Forest 'Grove.1. The exuerting of the books of ' . - ..... ... tne ft ini'in 8 ou ce win oo wnuuu- LotVoge vAb Krugersuu or;e(J am, lheu MeBB damage, judgment for plft for oU0 i Wej,rung Hudson will com and costs. . . i mom-A n t.liH Lnoka of other county Nelsena Paul v Chas Paul decree : of divorce granted Very Choice Properties Cheap State v WinToWnsend discharged from bond. State V John Heinrich not a true bill. officers A. E. Silencer, of Portland prominent attorney is counsel in a case before tho circuit court to day. U' .......ft nui'l ii u'rttrnlk Ml State v. Jus. Lee. JJerondart; U()j cun.igy f,-Viur little boy or to plead Friday morning. ! iouj. tlleui 0verVt the Hillsboro State aeaiiiBt Edward Snieltzer.1 " D . ! J-JU lit till HVIW1 V MMJ 't Defendant pleaded guilty and sen-! t ,r , , 7 tenced to four years in the peniten- , a iv. vi aison aou u. . tiarv lenbeck, prominent Moui.Uiudale Ibirrv Corbin and Geo Stewart ;"'. ro in thu city this morning. were indicted on two charges. Cor- The Thanksgiving dance at Glencoe was well atteiuleu auu as usual, a tine time was reported, (ilencoe boys knoir how to entertain,' The post office store keeps con .slantly on sale a lioe of standard periodicals, magazines and month lys. Anything not on sale will be ordered for you. Inquire of J. M. Brown. The team of S. Burns, of Mountaindale, indulged in a Utile tunaway this morning in the south part of town. The horses started from the vicinity of tlie oiimax Mill, proceeding' towards Judge Crnndall's place, where they ran into a fence, jiushi n t it over and otherwise doing a little damage. Coi sideruble produce was in the wiipon hut rothing to any extent wiis (Ublurbtd or Injured. Yi-u need rubbers this wmuh- er. (U l tin m ol ncniuniencii iv So: ; h'.-y ket p all styles. bin pleaded guilty to both charges and Stewart not guilty. Trial set for Friday. State v F, J. Bailey trial set for 'December 12th. y State v llldwin Smeltzer, pleaded Adelaide Block v F M.illies ver diet for wl ff. Gillet' v H 0 Hays, appeal, ver dict for deft. Council Meeting. The city eon i. oil mot Tuesday, evening, Ui, '.Utile v bsiii'SH was Thfi n fidinirH at the M. E. church are arousing much interest, ohiio u k'Vk m:" "' V; " church are arousing much interest, no guilty on both charges, will, go willBdoubUe!i8 bti Bev. to trial. (See below) oral a,o.,s to that body. RUPTURE ii T ii J instantly neiievea and Permanently n.MRFn a. W I 11- nl WITHOUT Knife or Ooeration. A Vianlntolv PftinlflSS . j . , iioaiiuiDu o-wuv.l.v Kriprml snip in l .aaieS , mr- ccecnrn f - uunt -' 1 hnedong. button, in square . prorn Tnree t0 . J . 1 1 a 1 Cl? mm . or picctuuiy iqc, omy pA'D former orice 32.2;. at . T , U' Which are Offered Cheap For particulafs enquire at ;thi3 office. Jfol 20 acres, adjoimns city limit, sidewalk witlnn one blouk of property. It) acres cleared, hnest quality of bottom land, 4 acres bench, line site for building purposes, some timber on same. Will sell in a body for $:!)00 part down, !) ance on time to suit purchaser. Or will subdivide so as to give part cleared bot tom and part bench, in plats from 2 to 5 acres, at per acre. Here is a eluuico tor a good neat little home which can be made self sustaining Investigate before some 0110 gets it. On tho market for a short lime only. No 2 10 acres, half cleared, 1 acre be:v, verdam, rest si imbed and sown to grans, no buildings, goes for $(T per acre. With in two miles of Uillsloro. Terms, J WO dow n, balance in 3 years at 10 per cent.. Or will soil 10 acres, of which above U a part, at same price per aero, including 15 aurea of lieavorilam and swaii cleared.. No 8 123 aero, highway running through center of place, 60 acres in culti vation; 2 acres in orchard, appies, poar and plums; (! room house; log barn, good . well of water; HO acres of bra verdam, easy , to put in cultivation; place well watered by springs and creek; 100 acres under, fence; li miles from post otllee, daily mail; 1 mile from school bouse and sU miles north of Hillsboro. (Joes cheap for .. ' cash. Gregg,s Shoe Store, For est Urove. Six Weeks. WRITE FOR TERMS THE 0. E. MILLER CO. Ottuws : Room! 706-707. Mqnam Buildup, PORTLAND, OREGON. No i A good corner lot on Main and Third street, 7.x 175, wiih good building Ihorooii.HLiitubleforany kind of business, and in excellent repair, will go at a bar gain for ennh. Part paymont and balance on long timo with security.' No 5 is acres; half cleared .balance in grasa. Good house of four rooms; good barn and outbuildings. Fine orchard of - 50 trees and various other small fruits. 150 chickens 50 ducks, 1 -horse wagon; 2 sets single harness, good cow, 3 heifers 1 horse and farm implements. Every. , tliiuy jjoea for $650, cash iu band. , "V .4