THE ARGUS County Official Paper. Th Only Dtaoeratie P tper iu Wuh infftoo Ooanty. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY BY Hn ArjTB Publishiig Cwpujr. mkwmrTioN mi cm. SlngU oopv five eeMa. On year, 1.00. Mix moiubatiu enta. Turwi month 35 canta. Entered at the Post-office it Hillsboro, Oregon, as Second-clus mail matter. THURSDAY, DEC. 5. 1895. -' The Pn'Milftit'ij Moae is being eulijfft'tl to the usual fusilade of rritk'iniu.- The nmspage watt lengthy immiiikIi for the aiiintiiit of eonsfrrii t'tn it cont,-ti-iel, hut as to boing pngfHMtivtj it whs not, ami doulit- t!ie futility of advising the le pulilicans was retiopuizl when working on th-iW'titntMit. The young couple took the evening i rain ior roniana wnere tney spent their honeymoon. Mr C S McNutt and Miss Julia Sess- man were married, at Veraonia Thanks giving day. They came out on last San- day and will make their future home in this city. A A Phillips' children are slowly im proving under the care of Dr Clark Smith. J R Miller did business in Hillsboro Monday. Sam Moon was in the city from Cen- terville Monday. I nr.Hmn. f irjn.v. ,.. : w ...... um , w i nuiatAllvr, W3 111 UUt town Monday on business. Sam Gilpin and Jeff Harris, of the wove, were m Cornelius Monday. Mrs Fleming, accompanied by her moiner ana aaugnter, lett lor U rants Pass on Friday last. I. D Lupien is on the sick list this week. Charley Johnson went to Portland Monday on business. We hear that H H Hendricks has pnt his land back that has been in litigation so long. Sulwcrilie for The Argus and 1 get the news. Administratrix's Notice. NOTlCh is hereby given that the under signed has been by the county court ol Washington vounty, Oregon, appoint ed administratrix de bonis nun of the estate of Isaac Alexander, deceased, and has duly quulitied as such. Alt persons having claims against said estate are hereby no tified to present the same to in with'prop er vouchers at the law ollice of S. B. Hus ton, in . Hillsboro, Oregon, within six mouths from this date. Dated at Hilliboro. llrpmiu thia mtl, of September, 18!. 2u-o Jknnik A. Bknhau. Administratrix de bonis lion. UIMB COJSAGE OF The free and unlimited coinage of -iher, tiie product of American mines, t the old ratio of 16 of silver to i of ;io!d, is the only solution of and w DELTA DRUG :: STORE : (Next Door Bryan-Laidlaw Co.) Main Street, . Hillsboro, A fine line of Toilet Articles, TSruhes, Coiiil, Prrfnimw, Patent Medicines and special attention given to Quality and Accuracy. Notice for Publication. Land Orru i at Cut. Or. Aov, SOCIETIES. Phumlx IHlge No Si, K of P met-ta on mommy evening or each week in Masonic hall. rtioiievia Teuiplo Xo 10 mints on the sec ond ami fourth Friday of each month in I O OK hall. Moutmunia Lodpe Xo So I O O PACIFIC UNIVERSITY THKKK COIXKOE t'Ol'RBKS Classical, Scientific, Literary. F meet every Yediieadav ev. -euing in ineirhall. '.KiW A:AlKMY prepares for CVlle,o ami give-. Il.iu;gh Eng ofeiuh mo.tth. j lisli huuentum; the hest ireiin'iitMn fw-lvaauUiiLiiWlUist'. Timllly UxIko Xo C A F A M ' meet every Siituitliiv iiIkIH on or after full moon ofeach month. II IMUS f mT OTICK is hereby given that the follow- Jl iiig-nnniru seiner nus men notice of 'A- Hillslioro '..odn No tit A O V W iiiiti every secoinl and fourth Friday in each month. her intention to make limil IHirt of his claim, ami that said n tmuli, luil.. ii ll,u f. ........ i.. 'Kivin K,iUuitv xiiusuoro, viregon on Ihv. 'i, 1X15, vis: is men notice of ja ,,,. ill proof in sup- "x o () t said proof will t l lerk ol Wash-1 . iishlngton Km-ampmeot No 24 X l O F moots on sutsiml ami t'oiirll. Friday of each month. Julia Ann Reard. (widow of V !i. Heard, deceased) . Hlllst-oro Lodite Xo 17 I OUT moot ) In Oriinco halt every Saturday evening. Henry Harris shipped a car load of bay to Portland this week. remedy for the disturbed and unsatis- ?T8T. MhV? & HifiH "KWnK L" :actory condition of trade, manufac- NJ,U- , cure nnd general business of the coun- heTnii:at1ns,11c:,nC:,!:; , lh nuu general UUStneSS Ot the COUn- Pl o' her continuous residenca upon and I try. The surreptitious act of ,87 1. U Tn ZrnTL,,, ' hvorcing silver and gold in our mone-'.f,!!' I?eav!, ' " Ueo Hancock is clerking for Charley! s-llll!'i ,vaS a crime Of untold Flupjis, Fellows' Hall 011 Sec.inii llllll ll'lMll.tlt j nursuay evenings 01 each tnontli All exiieiiiieg very low, Hoanl and roonis nt the. Ladies Hall, $3 to $4 per week, ineltnlinp electric light ttnd heat. The College Dormitory, under excellent inanagenieiit, fur nishea boaid uml room at 112 25 i r week. Ilntird and room in private fatuilii's, !f2.')0 and npHuiils. Many ctu dents rent ronitiH and board IheniKelves at a eoot not t exceed 1.. K) per week. The fall term begins SejiteiM a ber 18. For full particulars udtlreHH, thomas McClelland, ? Forest drove, Oregon, Ths Fifty-fnurth congresa con "ventd Monday, with a republican "miijority in the house. Thos. B. U'--d was elected speaker and his tory has repeated itself. If the present congress can agree within its majority there will le much re- . ' jiiiblicau legislation adopted. In lhe lower house; however, it is likely to lie so unweildy that Reed is liable to" have hi3 hands full. The nation will now look for the republican press to claim the bet ter times as their very own, wheth er legislation material be effected' or not. Those who saw the hard times approaching years' back- will take these assertions for what they are iorth and let them pass at that. The city ticket elected Monday 'is a good one, and will protect the interest of the city in a trustworthy manner. The defeated ticket was also composed of good men and had they been elected would have done ' good service. There has been some comment as to what this council will do this coming year, but The ! Anapa believes it will work to the best interest of the whole town and and ultimately find out just where Hillsboro standsjust how much ' debt hovers over it, and exactly what assets there are to place on the ot her side of the ledger. Loose meth ods are not the proper ones to pre- ' vail in a municipality, and no mat ' ter what has Ix-en done in the past it is now incumbent to have all things done in a legal manner. The city according to its contract with the promoter of the water and light plant, has an absolute interest of ' $10,000 therein and it should be of record at once, without delay. Ai a city it should live up to its con tract, and see that all parties to the same dolikewiie. - The propensity of human nature tending to immorality is not ne cessarily more developed in a ball room than in other public or pri vate places. That minds depraved and vulgar exist in all walks of life goes without saying, and a singular proof is the most atrocious crime ' committed in the Emanuel Church nt Si n Francisco last sj ring. Cer tainly there are some . people who make a ball room odious just as are there beings who pollute church edifices with their presence. A divine in this city recently deliv ered a sermon upon the evils of dancing, and in his discourse used pome very strong languuage, it re- ports are true." It might be proper to state that a person with immoral tendencies will find a field for de vilment, be it the ball room, the church, going to or from, or the privato home. It seems to us that the moral aspect of fhe ball room nnd dancing is more a matter of the class of people that partake of the . exercises, than in the exercises themselves. As to the immorality "which the divine claimed as emenat ' jng from dancing, in some instances jt may be true. And equally as t-ue wag the same condition in the case of young Durrant in the church 'murders. It is simply a question V a field for the employment of flevrljsh natures.nature's which exist iimll walks of human life. .COWTY :TEAYS this week as he is on the jury at Hills- ooro. A Contre and family, of Portland, have been visitine relatives at this nlace .1.. . ior luc past weet. R TJ and C S McNutt were up to Xn,l. x u : II tir 1 iiunu itiuiuui vi eunesuay on oustness. F F Pomeroy and John Clark left w eanesaay tor Southern Oregon to look ior goiu. J H Alleu returned from Patton's Val ley Monday. Ed Fairchild was down from Gales' Spur visiting with his parents over Sun- aay. C M Johnson visited wth Walt Marsh last Sunday. The S P Company are repairing the old freight depot at this place. This is a much needed improvement. Our city council met in regular session Monday night. Robt Banks, from Greenville, was do ing business in Cornelius on Tuesday. FROM PHILLIPS. All ot our people seemed to enjoy themselves at the ball at Scappoose on Thursday night. But some did not en joy the ride going and coming. Last week out literary society had the honor of having Miss Lula Mann, who is a teacher in the adjoining district, pres ent. Through some misunderstanding John t eal, of Gales' Spur, was not with our band boys last Thursday night. Patrick Byrns, who has been very ill for some time, is a little better at this writing. BEAVERTON. There was a birthday party given at Cedar Mill, December 1. bv Mrs Wflltpra in honor of her son Norman, who is now passing nis nth year. Many friends were invited and all had an eniovabie time. Mr Otis Youne, of Portland. Fundarrtt in Beaverton We understand that there is fn T. a Xmas tree in town this vear. hut where win oe ceieorated has not yet been jcnmcu, uui 111s to oe noped that all win uc pieasea. An excellent program will be had at the literary next Saturday night to """u " are inviiea. i ne violin will be handled with skill bv Professor Fnl. kenburg, who has kindly consented to ossisi 111 cnieriauung tnose who may at tend, also dialogues and songs, which please the public in general, will com plete the program after the debate is closed. The mask ball given last week was well attended and the supper furnished pronounced first class. The dance given the night before the mask ball was well attended with excellent music and order and a supper fit for a king. SOUTH TUALATIN. liointRT A. Mn.i.m, Register, Notice For Publication. uugmtiulc. It was the rankest kinri of tiass legislation in favor of the wealthy against the producers of veahh, and hostile, to the prosperity Um 0rr"'t AT 0rTL0,,H 0!' the United States. It was an act V?n'E is '"'"-'"ypiventimt the 'follow. I ' "'R-iiuHmu sen lernas men notice of Im SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon lor Washington comity. Nelsena Pm.l, vs. Plaintiff.) "liarles Paul, Dctemlaiit.J Summons, r. 1 . . f " "'fs ! treason oecausc done at the instance intention to make tinul proof in support of - a European syndicate and for bribe ToChai'les Pant tlm nluiv iiui.,..i .1.. ni!j frudnnt. money, "giving aid and comfort to our country's enemies." To shield he guilty parties, the well authemi- -stc-d f:'fis, often published, have been vigorously' denied. The Enquirer will continue to ex pose this unpardonable crime until his claim, and that said proof Vil be ! I;, 1UI' IsAMK TIIK SI'AI'K OK made before the Kvjrister and Kei-eiverl K"'iJ',m tirv 1,eruy required to U.lS. LandOttlce. at Oivrron I'i.v ir. Hl,l,.eilr d uuswer the complaint tiled on December 20, KSSIo, viz; ' i Knst you 111 the above t-ntillid suit, in Fred Hnnrdorfo... ,Vh" ri"" th (01,0 of the of John Burgdor- on the lirst day of the next "of court ter, deceased) following six mocessive weeks of publicii H. h. No. 7840 for the S N W i and r 11011 hereof, and if you fail so to answer WSW of See. H, T 3 N It SV. for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply Ho names the i'ollowinu wit.nnH i to the court for the rtiliif n raved for ii ip... piovu 111s coiiniuious resilience upon uml cuiupiaini neriin 111011, to-w il : lt 11 do 't Buy 11 t Curriaues ai tire best value for It-iist money; 1 Until you have seen a ('oust Steel (ienr Manu'l'il. hy Coast CiirriiigeA- Viion (:,,, Coast CurriKes and Hopple 4 r-s T74U t Dir't'ount on Pricea but mi Diticuiiiil mi the (inods. riirticulnrn of Williiims llros., Hillsboro, Ore., or M. M. l)avi, Asnipnce Coant Curriiipe & Wiikoii Co., Corvtillin, Ore, W. T. Andrews, Prvslilent. l. W. Dominie, NeeMarv cultivation of said land, viu (Have Johnson, Charles Mason, Ambrose Kobkrt A. Mim.kk, Hciister sr.i ana justice are done the people Vi"x 1 llS!'tt t;ry, all of Dixie 'vtl.e Ml rMfnr,h,n f ;i I """B"' county, uregon fid companionship with gold. We need the assistance of the people in Notice for Publication. Inseminating the truth, to which end Ukd OrrtdtTToneooN Citv, Or., ve invit.- all in your selection of pa- -rm-n-i.- .-" 1 v. Au- !K- m- , vijj Y 01 Ith is hereby given that the follow- : -WS tor the coming season to include mg-muueil settler has tiled notice of 1. . r .u . 1 a- "ls intention to make ti mil proof m sun- tniiUirer, that COStS only $1.00 a nort ol his claim, and that, sal'l proof wi'll tar. (issued twice a week ) 7, J, , , "V"'1 "1B uegisier una Keceiver , , . . . . ' h- J'1""1 Offlce at Oregon City, Oris., on Liberal commissions and cash re- Decembera). i8i, vUt cree dissolving the bonds of niatrimonv ncretoiore existing between plaintiff and ileleiidant, and for such other and furl her renei as 10 tne court shall seem meet. 1 nis summons is pulilishcd hv order of 11011. 11. tfj. .mcuiiiii, jiul);e of the circuit V V- ' .il,IB0' uregon, lor tiiei f ourth jmiieuu oisiricl. . Dated October I), 1W. Pl-KHKL A STAMNMWUKT, 2M Attorneys lor "laintitf. ANDREWS LUMBER CO. t Incorporated June s, IWt.) MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. "T - OREGON. MOUNTAIMUI.E, yards given to club raisers. Sample copies free. Enquirer Company, Cincinnati, O. LEAOilie R&PEI -mm Fred Biirrdorfcr. II h. No. 7m, for the X 14 of X K y. and IN UofX of Sec 14, ftNltSW. lie iinines the following witnesses to prove his continuous residenea cultivation of said land, viz: Olave Johnson, Charles Maon. Ambrose Cox and Ulissa I,. Creeey, all of Dixie, Hashington county, Oregon. 0-0 , iiOJjKKT A. .uir.LKR. lleir star OF THE PACIFIC COAST (VUKHtLlUS. lit 1 r? wflt.lP,HWskro on busi. Karrfejl, At tbt M R BaftonaRe last ,Wgf ' M 4:30, Mr fi A Clark and Mrs J B Stewart was verv Bfreeh1v surprised last Thursday evening by her many friends comintr in on her ahoilfcR a ciock. cards and dancing were in dulged in till one o'clock when all went home with manv expressions of having enjoyed themselves. Mr and Mrs SitnDsm snent vaa night in Hillsboro with the latter', n.r. ents, Mr and Mrs Chas Stewart. The voune neonle nf in!. n.;.,t,k. hood are very busv in crettitKr . Christmas tree to be held in the school house on Monday evening, December 23. Miss Emma Tunison vii'i.l in wni. boro, the guest of Mrs Red Saturday, ' Mr and Mrs Stewart tnnt Portland Sundav to see the fr,rn,ar. brother, George, who is lying very low at the St Vincent's Hospital. Mr Oeden. of Farmi shooting match last ThnrHa ti,. shot for turkeys. Did not learn wh'o carried off the prize. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Board, with or without rrnm with use of bath. Charces moder ate. In oui re of Mr M it m., one. -For every $1.00 cash nilridmeA of school supplies at The Delta A fltft KtAHA ...... !11 ...uB nunc vuu win receive one sheet ot popular lnuHi'n. spl.nto,1 from a large assortment. There is some talk of ortmni ing an Athletic club in th's citv. P. 8. Olsen lias describing the team stolen from nun at 1'ortland last Sunday night. The Oregonian is makine nre- raralions for an elahnrat Kr Year's edition which Will nnntm'n lecriptive matter relative to the taie At large. Correspondents are now preparing reviews of their re spective localities. . . iJ, (jilpin was in the from Forest Grove to day. ":" 11. rinr, won id, neatest THK I HIMNIl l.K hu nueutmlmi III Pulfls .. ,1-:,. ii i am.ity, onliTiirliw anil ntws. ..... r. -, iii.;rsiiiu. Kxpurta r o'i.ii sua mill n-llabl. Its Lornl Nowstka f l- ml iici.-t. nn I It. Kiltli.rlali from th .i"-i ,pim ilt ,.. country. I H K !! iti M h m.k urn, ami al.aya HI iio. 1, 111 1 nn 1 f iismplmi ot ilia pi-snla aa aas.Bal miiv,i -lailnns lltjtli-n. torpuralloiia. or o.iiirr.iii!.i,i v inn ! It will hy liHleiH-niiaul n .wcriHi(.K ii.-i.irai m nulblnf. Notice for Publication. Lasb Orririe at Oukoon Citt, Oh.i I XOV II 1KII-, I N011CK It hereby given thut the follow-ing-nemed settler has tiled notice of his intention to muke linal nroof in sntu port of his cJaim, and that said proof will be made before theCountv Clerk of Wash. tngton county, ut Hillsboro, Or., 011 Dec. i, IWir, six: Mike Genzer, He mimes the fultottinir witmssea t,. pnve his continuous rt4KiflfIWA III1MI1 rtit. I cultivation of said hind, vis: Kred Wolf. John llinia, John Duillio and Joseph Kreh, all of ISuxton, Oregon. H-li JiOHV.KT A. M11.I.EK. lieirlHlr Notice of Final Settlement. N OTICK Is hereby (riven that the 1111 (lorsiinod ailiiiiinslrati-ix ol il .1. tate of frank (. r'heldiiu, deceased, Iihh tiled her final account us adii inistrutrix of said estate in the Cotintv Court of the mate or in ogon. tor Washington count v, anil said Court has appointed Monday, the llth day of November. IsikV ut tli court hou?e in llillslioro, at the hour of ton o'ciock a. 111. ot said day us tho time and hluoe for honi iiur oiilnc'tions in sn..ii Hnal account nnd the 11 mil settlement of saui estate. Kmma Hiifmion, Administratrix of the estate of frank (1, Sheldon, deceased. Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 10th day of October, 3 I PlRir! filisjillii Notice for Publication. I.ANII OKKICK AT OlIMON f'lTV, Or.) Nov 1 1 IHfi-, f NOTICE js hereby given that the follow-)ng-iianied settler has tiled notice of 01s niieiiiion to make final proof in up port of his claim, ami that said proof will be made Utfbre the Countv Clerk of Wash. IllgtOII Cotintv. nt II Ulslum, (Ir.,,..,, ., December 23, 1S!0, viz: 0 Georyc H. Geittel, 1 2 J Kange 5 W. ue names tne following witnesses to I move nis com unions resident' m,i m,.i cultivation of said land. -vt. 11. 11. Collins 11 1 1 ( 1 i;. t-tniih or vr n,o.. and H. Frost anil V. Wilson, of Oalcs Creek, Oregon. 04-9 IIoiiicrtA. Mii.i.eb ltearister. NOTICE OF EXECUTORS. VOTirii is hereby given that the last 1.1 will and testament of John Kay has been duly admitted to probate by tho county court of the State of Oregon, 'Coun ty of Washington, and that the under igned have been duly appointed a execu tors, of said will, and have dulv qualilied ami entered upou the discluirgii of their duties. All persons, therefore, huving claims against said estate are requested and required to present them with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned, at the law ollice of 8. H. Huston in Hillsboro, Oregon, within six monts from date. Dated at Hillsboro this October 10, ISfW. Mk J. Kat, Milton Kay, HtNAMlt. Kat, hiecutors of the last will and testament of John Kay, deceased. T!i f'!irniitl Bu!tilli.;. THE' DAILY Uui, P. - raid. Notice for Publication. I-AND OrriL'K at Okkhok Citt, Or.I 'm' 11 IK11-, f . KOIIC'h is herebv given that the folio w-ing-mimed settler has tiled noti jo of his intention to make final proof in sup- nrirl. nf l.tu ..Iu!... .....I .u... r n . ... ..... V.K111H, nn,i tunu riaiii (iiooi will be maiie before the Cotintv Clerk nf Wash. Inglon cnuntv at Hillsboro rimmm n Dec. 23, 1895, Viz: Weinel Beihter, H. E. Xo. 77fi8. for the H K . 911 Sfn K U, X K '4 and X JC ytV,y. ,Scc 16 T 3 . K 4 W. . I He the follow Drove his continuous resirlimi'M unm, ,n,,i cultivation of said land, viz: John Hnillie, of Buxtoe, Oregon. John Bima, " ' MikeGenzer, n ,1 jiartin tiinkard, " o IH-O Kobkrt A. Miller. Aeeister. Administrator's Notice. "VTotice is hereby given that the under ll signed has been dulv appoiulcd ad minislrator of the estate o'f W. A. Porter, deceased, by the County Court of Wash ington county, Oiegon, and has duly qualilied as such administrator. All er sons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me at the law office of 8, B. Huston, in Hills boro, with proper vouchers wiihin six nonius irom tuis unce. Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 20th day of Sept., 189S. John M. Wall. Administrator of the estate of W, A. Por ter, deceased. 27-fl L. V. BEBCKMOESj .. WatcliH-.itkcr oiitl Jeweler, ., Mi'oml Nlicet, . Hillsl'oi-o, Oi-egim, WATCHES CLOCKS JEWELRY SPECTACLES ETC. Fine and Complicated Watch Repairing H.itlsfnollon Uimraiitood, GEORGE R. BAGLEY, I Notary Public. . . ATTOK.NEY-AT-LAW. omii 1 A 2, Slmto Block, over Urcor'N. UII.USHOR.", OREGON. Local Agent Ifiyitl Iiocin'i re ('iiir.pacy SMITH & BOWMAN, ' ATTORNEYS-AT. LAW, Notarial Work and Cot.veyaneiiif,'. Hoonntii 7 .Miii-gaii I',!k IHllsWo. Ore. 1 oans. Collections, FIRIJ- AM). ACCIDENT ! : INSUKANCE. ; J. I. KNIGHT. Oi-neiiil I'iie lntmuict) nnd .,m troktr, HILLSBORO, ORliOON. Notice to Bridge Builder. There will be let to the lowest bidder 011 November 7, 18)5, at It :0O o 'clock a. m., at theoflice of the County Judge of Washing ton county, Oregon, a contract for the con struction of a bridge across 8cogglns creek, near the residence ot Lewis Wilcox. Hpec. ideations may be seen at the office of the County clerk on oralter November 6, 1HU.". Bids to be scaled and the court reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Dated this 23rd day of November, IHfJ.i. lly order of Commissioners' court, B. 1'., County Judge. I?OH sale or rent, the property of H Unternahrer. Will rent at f l..')0 per I montn. enquire or L V JierckmooH. I G. B. HUSTOfJ, ATT0.NEY-AT-LAW, A NOTARY PUBLIC Room t'nlou tllock, UIHsI)oro,Or. CAR RETT & ADAMS, ATTOKNEYS-AT-LAW. Itooum0:md7Cntial Block, Hillsboro, On T. H. TONGUeT AT rORUEY-AT-LAW, In Morgan iJlock, Hillsboro, Orgon. I I'-. Mi .Nhli,, ;i9 ,tft.. TO THE E 4 I .. dives tin-choice of j TWO Til A A.S'C ( )NTl A' Hi TA l ROUTES W. D.WOOD, M. D. I PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Otllco In Chenntte cornor First ruU Main streots, HiUoboro, via Zl j SPOKANE S. T. LINKLATER.M.B.C.M. ' MINNEAPOLIS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, AN Offlce at Unsidenco Kast of Court House.' ST PAUL '1I11 In I). 1 11 UVIIIV lift DENVER OMAHA ANII KANSAS CITY i:yS6.T0iiYear. ??w .ShP! The Weekly C 01 P rtiosi, F, Oaken. Hpnrv C. I'.iync, j, Henry ('. Uuusn, Uecinvorm ORTHERM PACIFIC R. n. city lb st Wie.i; ii k Coo ,17, $1.50 a fa (lie lulling pimihu-i) hi any part nf lH t' ntlu l Mtalvs. 1 iiimila and Metiuci. THK WKKKI.V tillKOXKJLK. the lirlhlM and nnmt eani,itat;i Wuckly Xnwaiiipor In the wortit. urlntii n-nlarly 81 roluiinn, i.r twslv lSa.if Nw. Mu-rntur.! nnrl tlum-ml Inrormv lion; alManiacuMcvnt Agricultural lic puriiiical. SAMPLE COPIES SiNT Fft iE. DO YOU WANT THI2 CHRONICLE Reversible Map? The United States, Dominion of Canada and Northern Mexico KlackHmtthing A Horseshoeing, ir W. A. KINNEY, Prop, fJ wnop on dnl street next door to the L W Hotttte woodwork shop. &T CHARGES REASONABLE. Pullman Sleeping Cars C. B. BROWN, JJICNTIST, HIMjSnono, OREGON. OOLU CROWN and URIDOK work a spociiilty. ALL WORK (Jimrontood. Rooms 1 and 2 Morunn Hlock. Ofmpb Houiw: Kroni 8 a. m. to i. r. m. F. A. AU,BY, M.D. 1. 1. BAILST, ,S.M.D. DRS.F. A. AND F.J. BAILEY, rhysiciani, Surgeons and Accouchen. Offlce In Hillsboro Pharmacy. Rest fi!?'l0,lt.1"wfist corner Basellna and ni hi ProlPUy attended day execur:lji"fsale;e Dining Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars r FAUL ON ONR IT)K, Bfm town www, FFUI, UlCCli, Centerville, Oregon Ai Weave carpet stripek and -7f neMnredtt,(St anyr)m. ') rwes to nit';e hard times Map of the World N 'IJIBOTHBB 81 DR. HenU 2 and Oet tho Map and Wakljr dhronlule ftr 0e .Yniir,: riiatr"patJ oiM;ipaail l-ap ir. ' ADIftK(48 " ,M,'-C.itlNVOtTJJC, ' 'WfirtMor -K F. r:iirmiid, 'DAS' rRANOWCH C'A1 OF REAL ESTATE. In the county court of the State of Oregon for Multnomah county. In the matter of the estate of I Augustus Roberts, deceared. f NOTICE is hereby given that by au thority of an order of sale made and entered in Baid estate by order of naid court, dated October 16, 1895, I will null at private sale, to the highest bidder, from and alter the lath day of November, 1895, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in., at the front door of the court house in the city of Port land, Multnomah county. Oregon, the fol lowing described real property; The east half of the northoast quarter of the southeast quarter of section thirty three (Si) in township one (1) south of ran ire one (1) west of willnmotin mori.ii.,,, situated In Washington county. State of wickuii, voiiiuioiiig twenty (zm acres. Lots inuriiered twenty-seven (27) and twenty-eight (28) in Tobasco addition to the City oM'ortland, in Multnomah cotin ty; State of Oregon. The terms of sale are cash, United States goJ? i101"' Robert E. Uakk, 81-5 Kxccutor of said estate. JAMES PHILUPPE TAMIESIS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon Southern Paclflo Railroad Co. Consultation in French or English. OfHoe and residence south of Malu near 3d st.. Hillsboro, Or. ' MINNfArOllS TO j 0ULUJ!L C rAnQO GRAND TORK CR0OKSTON WiNMIPiQ HELENA and BUIli " TO RLN f. A large cottage with three lots in North side addition at $5 per month. Eiiquira at this office. TROUGH CHICAGO ivASHINQTON TO PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON ADD ALL HPO RENT. A nice little cottaga within -Lone block of th busi nasi part of town I n f irvr-iiHMim ! annnM Aa.ihia aha ' 11, ,m. 1 HIM) VI ol W. B Thome I FOjNT; EAST an, I SOUTH Tor llifonnntioii, nine cm-,!s. map mui tioketM, mil nil ol- l i-lf 4. D. CHARLTON, Asst. ficnl. AfitDj .(ITtAJU 1 ' 256"Xrrl8on Strfft. WILKES BROS. ABSTRACTORS and SURVEYORS. nveyanoing and fine map work a Lindsay Bjook, two doors north ot the poatoffice. Second at,, HllUboro, Or. Cor. 2d d Wash'lon i J. NORTHRUP LOW ItATHa TO ALL EASTERN CUT! ICS Ocean SUamsrt . Leave Portland Every Five Ihyi ....KOIt,,.. SAN FRANCISCO F.;r full tlelails call on or address: W H JIURLBUBT, au"'li''.Af'!"t Portland, Oregon, NOTICE OF EXECUTRIX N wUiV?. 1iS.,lo.roby Kivtl"t the last i7I h ," ' tei,,to,.( of Huoolph Mever ,LV0UAW he State ol' Oregon, coun X, f.) !,,U. n"Kr',)nl u,ul that tl0 u.i.ler tWx nf ''"Vr"''"'. appointed as excou. a i ! d '(mi n,li i W'"' ,h"" lul.v qualified an ei t, rod upon the discharge of her dn- aKainAls'lrZ;;",:'!i''!!- vo X, ' tST"1 ,1n,,,1 'th b pwi"r offlr, nf N ?. n" I,mlP-iK'"'l. at the law with n f 11,?tr" in InllBlwro, Oregon, Hh in si months from dale. Hated at Hillsboro this October 10, 1805. nnoMh0,"-tuf MoJ'er, deceased. Notice for Final Settlement. Newly Furnished ! t5 K and Renovated. A first-class table nud , all acxonimodations for the convenience of guests. . , ,' ANDERSON & TUPPER, (Suoces-jr to 0 R Mead) EXPRESS! objectlona to . n." "., I0f "pn.r'nK tbeHettlmtrnt tlmreof. "na lor of Henrv . f ,thp rj"1-emhlp Stnte tw . ye"riy,.l,,0lnrnln. decoased, Dn ed at H llMboro, Washington Countv ' NOTICE. " rPHE copartnershin heretofore existing -- between ( avn A. Ti'in..n,, i ?Lflu?..Lv!f W-to Portlaml on-' "11 lboro, Oregon. Mondays. wo nnsrlnvM. im,t iuj ... i WW flay been i ixun ,7,1 k.. urdays. All bimliicss entrusted to him 1C W, w P'easo immediatnlv call Leave orders with Aim,, or at lS?f"?S;' J)l4te1 tm 3(1111 day of October, im : or at Thb Aitotra. . ' ; . u c..,- R. Oavb. 32-3