V THE ARGUS Qount; Official Paper. 1 ' '""" . in planting potatoes m the tin Only Demoertie Paper in WUHJI, potatoes in the spring ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY BY " The Argos ftbusfog Coipaij. Single cony flveceuU. Oiw year, 11.03. Six months AO rente. Throe months 36 cent. Enteral at the Post-office at Hillsboro, Oregon, Second-clas mail matter. THURSDAY. NOV. 28. 1895. Sbnatou Mitchell wants the tXie;tnigu;in canal built whether or 1110, the recent report of ita imprac ticability notwithstanding. Sena :; lor Mitchell is somewhat of a di plomat ns well as a politician. ; (!er ainlv, it should Ui built. The citizens of the "United States lmveever held France in grateful ' ti em for npsislance rendered when the colonies were trying to tear awty from : Ihe mother country. .As a matter of fact, Cuba is as , liailly governed, as outrageously , taxed and grossly abused by Spain as ever were the colonies by Great - Britain and it is hard for the aver age American to subdue his natural sympathies toward the little island ' below us. Still, it must be remerrj v bered that France's alliance with ; the colonists was pretty much of a -war measure, as Britain was that country's strongest enemy, and bel ligerency had for many years ob tained between the two countries. Again. Francf, too, had posses sions on this continent which sore ly would have been menaced had England suppressed the uprising of her then subjects. All these things must be considered and placet! in their proper places before the comparison becomes so strong that it is deemed expedient to as sist Cuba. "Economy" again comes out in last week's Independent and gives boitib miraculous fieures, at the same time objecting quite seriously to the statements made two weeks ago in The Abqds. If Economy is figuring on the possibility of getting the city out its present indebtedness inside of 20 years, he must use I trifle more judgment in the valua tion of the Light and Water plant. This valuation he places at $30,000. which, to say the least, is perhaps on a par with all his men tal cogitations. This is where The Abous disagre s with Economy, and insists that he is in cross error of estimation. If the tenor of ''Econ omy's" mathematics throughout are on a par with the water and Light valuation, his judgment as an economic advisor is quite worth less. The Abgcs, when it stated that the city could get out of debt . at the end of eleven or twelve years, without raising the tax levy, and have the city hall and water plant as assets, took into, considt ration, reasonably, the sum for which the company's interest in the Water and Li sih t plant could be purchased at six years hence. Under the con- " tract Hillsboro has an absolute -. interest of $10,000 in the plant, hut . The Akgus did not calcuato that the city would have to pay $20,000 more, with interest on the same for many years. Neither will it, "Econ omy" to the contray notwithstand ing. .Doubtless this valuation isonc of "Economy's" antique jokes, as no one thinks he has any stock in the plant on which he sets so 1igh a t price. COUNTY HEWS CENTERVILLE. f The infant daughter of August Tews is very ill with stomach complaint. It is not expected to live. Sam Moon killed eight hogs Tuesday four of which he took to Hillsboro. Wm. Macklin and Ora and Harry Cook killed 15 ducks on M. Wren's Lake, which they have rented for the shooting season. Preparations are being marie for a Xmas tree at the school house. Get your quarters ready boys, the ladies will be after yon in a few days. The question for debate Wednesday evening was: Resolved that Lincoln was of greater benefit to his countrv than Washington. The chief disputants be ing Mrs. Dorrien, affirmative, and J T Dorrien negative. Asberry Knrts, of Cedarmill, was do ing business in this vicinity Monday. SOUTH TUALATIN. ' John Simpson jr bat joined the Farm' ' Ington Brass and String Band which Ti,V iii. J """""? 01 v s!b!17of"HTfcrthe Xtj0 ;.ofMr wall of Hillsboro. ! his waist fell down a smarembankment Chas Johnson, the bridge contractor and fractured his thigh bone about mid ia expected home from Dilley this week way between the knee and hip. A -sur- where has been for the last few week's putting in bridge. Mr and Mrs Simpson spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs I Stewart. an TnTimlt in planting potatoes in the fall to have A letter was received this week from Tim Edwards, formerly of this place but who joined thetavalry troop at Walla Walla. He is well pleased with his pres ent quarters. FROM PHILLIPS. Some of the fanners have begun their fall plowing.. j There was election of officers in the Rock Greek Literary Societjr last Mon day eveninir. The following officers were elected: Chas Hanson, President; John Bower, Vice President; Anna Lus ter, Secretary; Bstella Forrest, Treasurer; John Fuegy, Marshal; E M Frauti, Edi tor; Mrs Eliza Hanson, Editress. There was a surprise party at the resi d nee of Henry Bower last Saturday even ing. Miss Katie will go to Portland in a few days. Her many friends are sorry of her departure. . We understand that John Beal of Gales' Sour, is to assist the Bethany Orchestra al. at. in plaving at the ball in Scappoose Thanksgiving. Mr Beal is a natural musician and music isappreciated by all. Patrick Byrns is home from the hos pital at Portland, and will stay at Chas Hanson's for a week or ten days. SCHOLLS. Mrs S A Little returned to her home at Laurel this week after several week's visit at Scholls. Miss Cora Spidell went to Portland Wednesday to spend several weeks. S W Seely did business in Hillsboro Satutday. Prof Jesse Emmel of Kinton was a vis itor at Mt Side Sunday. Harry Flint, our Taxidermist, is kept busy by our local sports, mounting Chinese pheasants. Mrs E E Brooks of Mt Side was the guest of Mrs S B Laurence Monday. Mrs Marv Ikerd and Mrs Lollerof Port' land visited friends in Scholls the first of the week, and Mrs Candle of Portlana is the guest of Mrs Snieltzer. Mrs Dolly Cromwell is visiting her sis ter at Reedville this week. Calvin Jack of Farmington was in town Friday. Messrs Rowell and Funda did business in Portland Saturday. T I Wailan and family returned Sun day from an extended visit in the city. Mr Edwards and wife of Tillamook, have moved into one of S W Seely's houses, for the winter. Mr J A Sutherland went to McMinn ville Saturday to remain an indefinite time. Tom Sutton has taken a contract of loetrine for the winter. He has a num ber of men cutting timber on Mr Hunt's land at present. Distemoer is prevalent among the horses of this vicinity. The new Evangelical church is being built on a piece of land donated by Geo Groneroffhis farm and is progressing nicely. Mr Halsey of Portland is the carpenter. Married, Nov ay, Mr Geo Groner and Mrs Estella Hanley, both of Scholls. W W Trusdale has sold his farm to C Hese, consideration f6oo. The musical concert given by the Mo zart Singing Society (assisted by Mr French)last Sunday evening was well attended and duly appreciated by the audience. Another concert will be giv en under the instruction of Prof French which will be announced later. CORNELIUS. Our city dads passed an ordinance to build a city hall. We wonder will they build it? C M Johnson has lets of turkeys on hand for Thanksgiving. Tom Cornelius is doing some more road work this week. Lee and son and the Firnedenthal boys returned last Saturday from Tilla mook. They report plenty of ducks on the coast. E S McNutt made a business trip to Portland Monday. F S Bitners will start for SanFrancisco Thursday on a pleasure trip. He- will go by water. Jeif Harris and Sam Gilpin, of Forest Grove, were in town last Saturday. Jap Reeves shipped a car load of straw to Portland this week. A A Phillips has a very sick child with lung fever. C M Johnson and A B Lewis did busi ness at Hillsboro last Monday. Len Walker, of Gaston, was in the city Monday. BEAVERTON. The literary society was as successful as ever last Saturday night as there was an excellent program and the question was well debated. The public is invited to attend and take part. Three little strangers have come to town this week to be cared for by kind and loving parents for they are too small to care for themselves. Among them is a boy weighing pounds born to the wife of Joseph Livengood of North Yam hill but at present stopping in Beaverton. Mr and Mrs Squires, of Greenville, passed through Beaverton Tuesday en route for Portland with a load of Thanks giving turkeys which they will dispose of before returning home. ProfThomas Folkenbnrg.of Holbrook, gives music lessons on the violin every Sunday in Beaverton and has good suc cess with his students. There has been some very good work done on some of our street which much improves their looks. Otis Kellv has moved into the Parkrr house which has been vacant for some time and now things look brighter than usual about the place as we cannot look at an empty house with any degree of interest. Many are in favor of a public Xmas 11 iui year su mi can enjoy tne nara times with as much pleasure as possible and brighten up life for the little ones as well but some object on the ground that 11 win nave 10 ue conouciea in tne hall instead of in one of the churches. The little son of Peter J Kaufman of P2 1 . 1. r geon was called from Beaverton and Xht Fracture put in place and the little fellow ts now resting very easily, on his little bed, Where he will have to remain for the uett month. as a Circuit Court. KOKEMBKR TERM. Confirmation of sales by sheriff on foredceare: First National Bank of Hillsboro v ft B Markle et al. Robt Iiflbri vs G B Markle et al. First National Bank of Hillsboro v G W Hart et al. Albert Kpperley v A H Bond et al. John Shute v Theresa Maliti et al. N Elias Newton v John Bohart et V A Goodin v Lillian Stevens et Patrick J Roddy v Solomon Km-: erick, judgment by default. M J Summons v E H Maliti et al, $519.75. McMinnville National bank v A L McLeod etal $2,031.81 and $160 attornev fee and costs. W C Puffer v C K Jackson $77 and costs and order made to sell realty attached. C Hare v Henrv Wilkins $28 costs, etc, and order made to issue execution. V Brownson vJP Looney et al $938 and execution ordered issued on real property. Wm L.rta v V s fearson and Ex- W T Bux.on $103 and costs. ecution to issue. Lot Vogel v A F Kruger. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. ..3f --Forest Grove talks of having a bloomer ball during the holidays No doubt they will have a bloom ing good time. A Mr. Kobb, who lives near Forest Grove, severely cut hi thumb while splitting wood the other day. O. R. Downs is boring the well for the new water works at the Col lege city. Subscribe for The Argus and get the news. ill', i lim-Nli'ir, rnri with lb frtaM Till' I'll m N ll'l. K hn nniualn the Fteiaa mint. II N n.lx all in ahhlty. Fnlrirla anil nfwa. I'll k i' III ISII'I.K'S ivii-jraiihlc lUpurll are Hi-lait a.il in ii r-llala. li I.ih'i Nawataa ru li i a i l 'im-ii n nn I it- Krlil.irll from the iiiunt iina in liii- ciiuiiir-. 1 i I K i -i 1 1 !i i m 1 1 I . K li m at'vay a iman. ami always vlll Ih'. itif friiil nil i-iinmptoituf ilia iwoplaaa utiiiit iMiii'M-iali'tna rllitui'fl. corporatloiii, off iiiir--"itfil an, kin-l It will lia tuilcuandaat l avrjrllilr liri.lrttl III milhllig. Tit fhrnalela Balliila. HE DAILY Rr Mail, rosiac ' $6.70 a Tear. The Weekly Chronicls Tho lirtiM Wte Ji ii the lnu try. $1.50 i to (Imiu'Mnff iHVititifo) to any ptrt of tin- t'iilU-1 aialvs. t'anaJaaiil MimIui TIIKWKKKI.Y IIIIIIUXIOf.K. tllif hrticlifH anil moat com.ik-i Weekly NwvtiiT hi tit world, prints rnlnrly Ml rnlunvn. or twi'lv pafM'trf Npivm. I.lti-r-itiir, mil (li-.i'-r'tl InT'irui lloii; alau mnieiillWiil Agricultural i.-iriiii -iii. SAMPLE CJPIES SiNf Fit . DO YOU WANT TI IIS chronicle: I-HOWINCI The United States, Dominion ot Caiiada and Northern Mexico ON ON IB SIDIi, And tha Map of the World ' ON THK OTHKK SI DM. r Hend $a and Get thn Map a -id Weekly I hronlcle fir One Y-ar, postage prepaid on M ip and I'ap ir. ADPRKIM ' " M. H. A YOUNfl, Fiuyrlator a F. Chmulclt. AM FHANCIHUO, CAb Reversible Map? w DELTA .: DRUG :: STORE : (Next Door Bryan-Laidlaw Co.) Main Street, Hillsboro. A fine line of Toilet Articles, Brushes, Conilw, Perfumes, Patent MtHlk'Ines and special uttentiuii given to Quality and Avrurney. ' Notice for Publication. I.asd Omi at Obkuon City. Or. I Hov. n, lsstft. I OTIOE is hereby given that the follow ing-named settler tins niea nonce oi her intention to make tinal proof in sup port ot hw claim, ami timt "am proof win he made before the County Clerk of Wash Ington county at Hillsboro, Oregon, on IHf.ZS, I sew, vis; Julia Ann Beard, (widow of P. 8. Beard, deceased) H. E. No. 8472, for the Uto fl and 7 of See ST 1 N 113 W and K tfofS K Seel T 2 N R 4 W. She iiHioea the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: O. T. Hollister, of Greenville, Oregon. W. J. K. Reads, 1). West, . Phipps, " " S4-0 IIohkrt A. Mn.Lis, Register. Notice For Publication. Lasd Orrtct at Oasnos City, Oa.l Aug. IS, vmJ NOTICE is hereby given that the follow-ine-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make flnnl proof in support of his claim, ami that sum proot win ne made before the Register and Hecelver U. 8. Land Otlice. at Oregon City, Oregon, on December 20, 1S3, vis : Fred Burardorfer. (one of the heirt-at-law of John Burgdor- ler, deceased) H. E. No. 7840 for the 8 N W d N 4 s w ot see. 14, i a n it svy. Me names ine louowing witnesses h , nrove his continuous residence unon and 1'iiltiviitiiiii nf said land, viz: Olave Johnson, Charles Mason, Ambrose Cox and Ulissa L. Crrecy, all of Dixie, Washington county, Oregon, 34-6 Robkbt A. Mim.kr, Reijister Notice for Publication. Land Orrica at Obixion Citv, Ou.i Aug. in, lfi.f NOTICE is hereby given Unit the following-named settler has tiled notice of hid intention to make tinal proof in siiji- Mirtot his claim, ana unit sum prooi win e made before the Register and Receiver U. 8. Uind Olllce at Oregon City, Ore., on December 20, l0, vim: Fred Bnrsrdorfer, II K. No. "841, for the N i of N E Vt and N V, of N W of Sec 14, T 3 N K 8 W. He names the following witnesses to orove his continuous resilience upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: Olave Johnson, Charles Mason, Ambrose Cox and lllissu I,, creecy, an 01 Dixie, Washington county, Oregon, a-4-tj Roufst A. Mii.lkii, Register Notice for Publication. I.ASII OfKIOK AT ORItOOM ClTV.Oa.l Nov. 11, lMt.).f NOTICE is hereby given tliatlue following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make li mil proof in suj iiort of bis claim, and that said proof will be made belore the County Clerk of Wash ington county, at Hillsboro, Or., on Dec. 53, 1895, viz: Mike Gcuzrr, H. K. Xo. 77'JU, lor the N K Sec 21 T 3 X R 4 W. He mimes the following witnusse to prove Ins continuous residence upon aim cultivation of said bind, viz: Fred Woll, John Huna, J0I111 llailliu unu Joseph Kreb, all of liuxtou, tlivgou. liotiKHT A. ailu.r.H, iicgisier. Notice for Publication, I.ASU Ofkick at Or.r.ooN City, Ok.) Jiov. II, IWli.) NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler hits tiled notice of his inleiition to make tinal proot in viiji port of his claim, and I hut suit! proof will c made belore the County Cltm 01 usn- ington county, at Hillsboro, Oregon on December 'J3, 15, viz: Weorge H. Geisel, H. K. Xo. 8241. for the W U8W bee. 24 T2K Kungea W. lie names tne lonownig witnesses 10 Drove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz . It. It. Collins and b. rsmitli or f ir, Oregon, and H. Krost and Y. Wilson, of Uales Creek, Oregon. 94-6 KOIIKRT A. .-UII.LRU ucgister, Notice for Publication. Land Orrica at Okeook Citt, Ob.) Nov. 11. 18M5.f NOTICK is herebv given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tinal proot in sup iiort of his claim, and that said proof will be muilf before the County Olcrk of Wash ington county at Hillsboro, Oregon, on Dec. 21, I8U3, viz: Weinel Reihter, H. E. No. 7758, for the 8 E 'A S E X,Secl0, K i, N E 4 and N E K 8 Hec 15 T 3 N.Tt 4 W. lie numes the following witnesses to urove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John Baillie, of Buxton, Oregon. John Bima, " " MikeOenser, Martin unikard, 84-6 Robkrt A. Miller, Register. New Shop! Blackamithing ft Horseslioeing. W. A. FINNEY, Prop. Shop on 3rd street next door to the L W House woodwork shop. tfT CHARGES REASON ABLE. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE OF SALE of real estate. J II lilt? ja.asitvj UOUI V VS Va IMHV V vtVQva for Mullnoniah county. In the matter of the estate of I Augustus Roberts, deceased, f NOTICE is hereby given that by au thority of an order of sale made and entered in said estate by order of said court, dated October 16, 1H95, 1 will sell at private sale, to the highest bidder, from and after the 15th day of November, 1895, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. 111., at the front door of the court house in the city of Port land, Multnomah county. Oregon, the fol lowing described real pruerty : The east half of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section thirty ihree (3H) in township one (1) south of range one (1) west of Willamette meridian, situated in Washington county, State of Oregon, containing twenty (20) acres. Lots nnn-bered twenty-seven (27) and twenty-eight (28) in Tobasco addition to the City of Portland, in Multnomah coun ty. State of Oregon. i ne terms 01 sate are casn, uniieti staies gold coin. Robkrt E. Cahf, 81-6 Executor of said estate. TO RENT. A large cottage with three lots in North side addition at $5 per month. Enquire at this otrlce. TO RENT. A nice little cottage within one block nf the business part of town at $7 er month : Enqure at this "fflos or ofW.EThorne SOCIETIES, fk Phienlx Lodge No 84. K of P meets' V3t on Monday evening oi eaen wee in Masonic hall. Phonecla Temple No 10 meets on the sec ond and fourth Friday or each month in I () K hull. Montemima Lodge No f0 I O O K meet every Wednesday ev- '-, ening in meirnuii. lllllMlxiro Rebekah Lodge No M meet in Odd Fellows' hull on tho tlrfrd Saturday of eui'h month. Tiinlitv liodire No A K A M meet every roiiiiitiiiy nigm r alter full moon of cat-It montli. , UlllHlxmi Lodge NotU A O U w tnrct every amnim aim lounu Friday in each month. ' anlilngtoii Kneanipmeot No 24 I O O Y meets on hcooih! and fourth Friday of each month. arav. iiiii.Uiro 1-odir No 17 I O (1 T meet St in Orange hall every Saturday a evening. lllllalmro Grange No 73 P of '1 meet 2nd ami 4th Saturday al k ui. Viola Tent, No IS, K O T M. meets in Odd Fellows' Hall on Second and Fourth Thumday evenings ot each month. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Washington oouuty. Nelsena Paul, Plaintiff.) vs, Numinous. Charles Paul, Defendant.) To Charles Paul, the above named de fendant. TN THE NAME OF THE STATE Or A Oreaon. vou are hereby required to Htinnur and answer the comulaint til Himhist vou in the above entitled suit, in the above entitled court, by Monday the 25th day of November, 189 s the same being on t he first day of the next term of court, following lis biuxessive weeks of publica li,,., Iinranf. and if vou fail so tn answer. for want thereof, the pluintilf will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the , ii, h..ln lll.l to-wil - I'Yr a de cree dissolving the bonds of matrimony rr" ........ .i... ..r hHrntol'iire existing- between nlumtin mid defendant, and for such other and furl her rlir iiu to tli court shall seem meet. This summons is published by order of Hon. H. K. Mcliinii, liidge 01 ine circuit court of the Mate of Oregon, for the fourth judicial district. Dated October 9, 1HM. Fl.lttlKI. A Ntanisi.awhky, 2(1-6 Attorneys for ulaintilf. Notice of Final Settlement. "M'OTIPE 1h hereby iriven that the un- i.1 tlerMlgneil aiminisiruiri. 01 ine ro tate of l-'rauk O. Hheldon, deceased, lias tiled her tinal neeount an adii.inistrntrlx of said estate In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Washington county, and said Court has apmiiited Monday, tho lllh day of November, 18U5, at the courthouse in Hillsboro, id the hour of ten o'clock a. 111. of said day as the time and place for hearing objections to such tinal account ami ine 11 mu seitieiimiu ui said estate. Emma Shrliion, Administratrix of the estate of Frank O. Sheldon, deceased. Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 10th day of October, 189.',. NOTICE OF EXECUTORS. VTOTKIle ia herubv aiven that the last 11 will and testaiiieiit of John Kay has Iwen duly admitted to probate by the i-cmitv iMiort of the State of Oreuon, Coun ty ol asliiiiKton, and tnat tne untit-r-Amwil liae been duly appointed as exemi turs. uf aiiid will, and have duly qualified and entered upou the diiicharire of their clutiev All persons, therefore, liaviiiK olitinia iiiriniisL Huid etate are requested and required to present them with the proper vouchers, to the undersiiineu, ai the law ottieeof 8. 1). Huston in Hillsboro, Oregon, within six mouts from date. Dated ut llillaboro this October 10, 1805. Al.taT J. 1VAY, Milton Kat, Hiatu It. Kat. ICxecutors of the lust will and testament of John kay, deceased. Administrator's Notice. XTotice is hereby given that the under signed has been duly appointed ad niiuistratur of the estate of W. A. Porter, deceased, by the County Court of Wash ington county. Oiegon. and has duly qualified as sueb administrator. All per. sons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me at the law otnceofS. B. Huston, in Hills boro, with proper vouchers within six months from this date. Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 20th day of Sept., 181)5. John M. all. Administrator of the estate of W. A. Por ter, deceased. 27-B Notice to Bridge Builders. There will be let to the lowest bidder on November 7, 1H95, at 11 :00 o 'clock a. m., at the office of the County Judge of Washing ton county, Oregon, a contract for the con struction of a bridge across Bcogglns creek, near the residence ot Lewis Wilcox. Spec ideations may be seen at the office of the County clerk on or after November 6. 1H95. Bids to be sealed and the court reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Dated this ifiird day of November, 1805. By order of Commissioners' court, B. I. CoaskLius, County Judge. 1"V1U muIa nr rent. the property of H J; Unteruahrer. Will rent nt4.&0per mouth. Enquire of L V Berckiuoea. Ikoa, T. Oakea, Henry C. Pay in, Henry O. Rous, Ueclsvera nr ORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. U N Pullman Sleeping Cars F 10 ant Dining Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars T, PAUL MINNEAPOLIS OULOTM FAROO (HAND rORKt CBOOKtTON I WINNIPEG HELENA ad BUTTE TO CHICA0O WASHINGTON auu anri PHIA . tf- NEW VOHK IQtTOH AND ALL POINT EAST sad SOUTH For Information, tiin cards, mapa and tlcketa, call on or write I. D. CHARLTON, Asst. Cenl. Pa AfceW 256 Morrison Stmt. M2: PACIFIC UNIVERSITY THKEE COI.1-KOB COl'HBKS ... Classical, Scientific, Literary. UIK ACADEMY prepares for College and gives a tUMgh Eng. lish Kducalion; the U-st pepar.Uion for Teach.ng or HnUw. All expenses very low. Board and rooms at the La.l.V' Hall, -f3 to !f4 per weea, iiiciiiumg ..v " ' -n, Dumiitorv. under 1 r,l mill rnoiii at woiu in private families. '2.50 and up aids. Mi .!.. w,mu inn) hoard iheniH'lvi-H at n total h exceed ll.Wwr week. The fall tern, begins Heptem- ber 18. For full particulars address, thoiias McClelland, Forest drove, Oregon- Don't k a Vsm S Until Coast Cmri.iges and Buggie. Dpcf CW Epllt H are beM value lir least money, Distii.unt on Priivs hut no Discount on llie (loods. I'urtimtars of Willinms Brts., Hillsboro, Ore., or M. M. IaviH, .Vssinnee Const Carriage & Wagon Co., Corvallis, Ore. W. T. Andrews, President. ' I). W.Dorraiice, Secretary ANDREWS LUMBER CO. (tucorHirateil JuiieK, 1896.) MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN " f - ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. MOUNTAINDAI.R, OREGON. L. Fine GEORGE R. BAGLEY, ATTOUN E Y-AT-LA W. 00m 1 A- 2, Shutc Illot k, overtircor'a. HILLSBORO, ; , OREGON. Local AR-Hit lli yal Incurai.t-e Cmn iiry SMITH & BOWMAN, ATTORNEYS-AT. LAW, Notarial Work and Conveyancing. Rooms U A 7 Morgan lllk., Ilillidmro. Ore. S. B. HUSTON, ATTOIt N E Y-AT-LA W, a xo NOTARY PUBLIC. UooiuS Union Block, HllUboro,Ore. BARRETT 4 ADAMS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Itooina 0 and 7 Central Block, Hillsboro, Or tTh. TONGUE, ATTORN EY-AT-L AW, In Morgan block, 1 Ulllaboro, OrMS. j , ! W. D.W0OD, M. D. i PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ! Office In Ckenette Row. Reldeae corner First and Main atrseU, Hlllabot, ! Oregon. S. T. LINKLATCR, M.B.C.M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office at Residence Hast of Court House, c, B. BOWN, D ENTLST, HIUJIBORO, OREGON. GOLD CROWN and RRIDfJEworka specialty. ALL WORK (Juaronteed. Rooms 1 and 2 Morgan Block. Okkhib Houna: From 8 a. m. to 4. r, M. V. A. BAtLBT, M.B. V. I. BAILBT, DRS. F. A. AND F. J. BAILEY, Physician, Surgeons and Accouchers, Office) in HUlaboro Pharmatrr. Real. denca aoutn-west oorner Bajellne and Beeotid. AU calls promptly attended day r night JAMS PfflLUTPl TAMUSII, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Burgeon Southern Pacific Railroad Co. Consultation In French or English. Office and residence south of Main near 3d at.. Ulllaboro, Or. WILKES BROS. ABSTRACTORS and SURVEYORS. Oonveyanoing and flu map work a peeialty. Liindaay Week, two door north 0 the fxwtofflo. Hoeondst,, Hillsboro, Or. Cor. 2d i Wash'lcD J J. NORTHRUP, Nfw1 V Ftirnirif1 new IV " ui llisucu and RenOVateCl. A first-class table and all accommodations for the convenience of guests. . . . ANDERSON ft TUPPER, (SuccB.)r to C R Mead) , EXPRESS! Makes regular trips to Portland on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, re turning on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays. All business entrusted tn him arill la ravrtiai titl w anrl itt 1 1 r mitt A,. to. Freight and express rates reasonable. or at The A rocs. u uiuuii null mill, ,pr II Mmsini I, excellent inannitenitnt, lur- 2.'2'!i ver week. Hoard and Many stu- 1 1 cost not vow have seen a Const , Sttel (ienr It Wagon Co. anu'fd. hy Coast Carnage rV w-. w V. BERCKMOIS, .. Watchmaker and Jeweler, .. ieitmil Klrtct, lllllNl'oro, Oregon. WATCHES CLOCKS JEWELRY SPECTACLES ETC. and Com nitrated Watch Repairing1 Sat isfai'l ion (iiuiriiiiti'cil. ' Notary Public. . . Loans Oillcctions F1R1C - AND. .ACCIDENT ! : INSURANCE. : J. I. KNIGHT. K. MrNKII., I!ec vir. J r TO THE f EAST ... (Jives tlie choice of j T)VO TtlANSVOttriXKXTAI. ROU T E S Northern llv. - fadfir, llv. SPOKANE i DENVE (it'iit'i'iil Vire liixuruui'ti uilil 1 .011 11 Itroker, I 1 HILLSBORO,'., ,v ORKGON.V JVERJ ATT MINNEAPOLIS Attn ST PAUL OMAHA' A Nil KANSAS CITY LOW RATES TO ALL KASTKRN C1T1KS Ocean Steavitrn Portland Every Five Leave Day ....FOR..., SAN FRANCISCO For full details call on or address: W H HURIiBURT, Oen'l Pass Agent Portland, Oregon NOTICE OF EXECUTRIX. -roTICK is hereby given tliftl the last I l wii 11 . , .,.,,,'? nf u.,,,7,1 J, uvar t tin ilrftil has been duly admitted to probate by the uoumy court ot the State 01 urogon, coun ty of Washington, and that the under- signed has been duly appointed as exeau trlx, of said will, and has duly qualitleV and entered upon the discharge nf her da ties. All persons, therefore, havrfcg claim against said estate are requested and pf quirea to present them with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned, at the law office of 8. B Huston in Hillsboro, Oregon, within six months from date. Dated at Hillsboro this October 10, 1SB6. CllSlSTINIt M'.YKB. Executrix of the last will and testament of Rudolph Meyer, deceased. Notice for Final Settlement. NOTICE is hereby given that the un dersigned has tiled bis final account hh administrator of tho partnership estate of Henry Deinmlnn, deceased, In the County court of thn State of Orniron. for 1 Washington County, and that said Court , hnll appointed Mondav. Dec. 0. 18U5. at the n""r of 10 ' the time forbearing ,Mijci iioii 10 mien nuai ncoouin. ana ni the aettlement thereof. Kiivt-inn fJi-Miii MERirll. Administrator of the partnership estate of Henry Deniminn. deceased. Dated at nuiaboro, Washington County, Oregon, tills tlth day of Nov., 1HI. NOTICE. THE copartnership heretofore existing between Cave A Finney, in theWack- nmuning nusinoNS at lillisnoro, uroj has this day been dissolved by ntui consent. All those iudebted to the i deralirned will nlnaa ImmadtatalT i .1 -ill . . . 1 - . . . . i Mt A '. .. I. .1 .1. mm smite, wun eitner oi uia nrru, wnin nut riirt.ltr fl.iluw ff Datext this 30th day of October, MM. V R. Cavb, 32-2 W. A. J