tl THE ARGUS County Official Paper. The Only Democratic Paper in Wash ington Comity. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY BY -The Argus Publishing Company. SUBSCRIPTION PBICB. Single copy Ave cent. One year, fl.Ou, Six month DO centa. iMti-iM months 35 cent. Entered at the Post-omce at Hillsboro, Oregon. second-cias mail matter. THURSDAY. NOV. 21. 1895. Now tlie republicans have in.ule ri-it party eitins in eastern states. erhii8 the Inleeti1ent, of this city, will itaiM .from its calam itous w.ilinp mid allow its third ymry frtemln to continue the lament without its basso profumlo accom paniment. Tt is wry "uprising how patriotic e m people become just prior city election. Regardless of the stub born conditions cf arithmetic, there are thrBe who are now having spasmodic attacks of "economy," hihi wnii wiioin me relations oi ures are obsolete. The paltry sum now paid our city council does not amount to very much individually, but collect ively, it figures enough to pay con siderable intf rest. It would appear that Hillsboro should have patriots enough, nnd of the sort as well, to serve on the council these hard times without pay. ' It is now reliably reported that, Mexico has lieen unwittingly harbor-. s ing a band of counterfeiters who hive been coining American dollars equal in weight and fineness to the home minted article. It is said that it is almost impossible to die c -rn between the two coins and that many thousands of dollars ccme over the border and pass as the genuine legal tender. Mexico is to have a twenty mill ion dollar bond issue. This is the first intimation that Mexico had gone democratic Hillsboro Inde pendent. Our worthy contemporary forgets that thin nation, if bond float ing means democracy, has been democratic for many, many years under republican administration. And (hat its tender sarcasm is good argument against this city putting its head in chancery for 8 or 10 year longer than is necessary. The man who simply figures on the inetrest which he lias to pay.and who hag no thought of the principal, ir of estoppel of the interest, is primarily not a good business factor in any community. Interest is a canker, a blight, and a stumbling block to progression. Hillsboro is paying interest and if it can stop do ing this within 12, or even 15 years at a saving in the ultimate,it should s.) do. This is purely a matter of business sense, and the saving $300 for a few years in order to pay out ! main times that amount after tlinK ! few years are expired is u question able proceeding, and one, doubtless, that "Econiony" does not practice in his own individual affairs. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. "-Born.Nov. 19th, near Farm ington, to Ue wife of Jos. Robinson, a mm. Wm. MeConrt and John Doh .cbins were visitors to the Metropolis v Tuesday evening. "Subscribe for The Argis and get the news. L. E. Wilke, accompanied bv J. J. Morgan ami J. J. Norttron' of this city, and J. C. Corey, of Glenco surveyed and viewed a road in the Cedar Mill neighborhood the first ol the week, upon order of Com jnissioners' court, per petition of iv I m:..i ... .1 i . ii iuhuiii via i. If . . , miirun .unni'iiig, or manning post onice. was in the city Tuesday, n business. J. B. Wilks did business in nature of abstracting at Oregon ity last week. Six morn settlers last week wen; published to prove up in Dev. cmlier. I). A. Cloninger was recently men at Portland. Dave was look" ing for a party who had stolen a shot gun from his residence on the )oc. Pomeroy place. This Friday evening, Nov. 22d, there will be a meeting of Hillsboro'" foot ball enthusiasts for the purpose of organising a team. The conven tion will be held at Dr. C. B. Brown's dental parlors and all interested are invited to be present . It is propos ed that the team will vanquish all others on the west side. Next Saturday the foot ball teams of the Portland High School and the Pacific Univesity will meet on the field at Forest Grove, and a lively game is promised. Hair cutting, 25 cents; Shav ing 10 cents, at the City Shaving Parlors. Open from 7:00 a. m. to 8:00 p. m. Hot or cold baths Phillips and Colt stock, Main street, opposite Tualatin Hotel. Go to Greer's for your teas and coffees. Go to W. W. Williams' City Bakery for your bread, cakes, past ry, confectionery, etc. Finest in Washington county. Services at the M. E. church next Sunday morning and evening, by the pastor, Rev. James M. Mc Donald. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Circuit Court Docket. NOVEMBER TKRM. Attorneys. Paxton Paddock Thos H Tongue Thos H Tongue Title. Gilbert Blair v Preston Richardson In the matter of the estate of D M Kadler, insot . F G Olsen v Peter Carlson and Pierre Mirrin C John Olsen v Peter Carlson and Pierre Morrin M V Patton admr et al v Talbot Miller et al Newton v John Bohsrt et al Anita, Donahoe A Co Thos H Tongue Thos H Tongue xhos H Tongue Huston Hare Thos H Tongue Starr A Thomas v Pietro and Anglo Am brozi Mitchell, Tanner Charles Olile A Mitchell v Tongue A Huston H H Ilendrix S B Huston Augusts Meyer v Thos H Tongue August Meyer Stott, Boise and Peter Bagalone Stott v R A EB Williams Mary Hedges Tho" H Tongue Henrietta Meyer v Fred Meyer In the matter of the estate of J L Smith, insolvent In the matter of the estate of Richard Morton, Insol Patrick Ring v Barney Lease W A Goodin v ' B Huston Miller & Milller Thos II Tongue S B Huston Thos H Tongue Thos H Tongue V K Showers for J F Showers Lillian A Stephens et al Emmons A Bradley & Metcalf Co Emmons v Thos ii Tongue T R Cornelius Thos H Tongue In the matter of the estate of Donald McPherson, insol C J McDougall Thos H Tongue J M B rower Thos li Tongue John Hoffman v . P W Edwards etui Win Baillie et al v John Robertson et al In the matter of tho estate of T R Cornelius, insol Barrett & Adams Barrett A Adams Snow it MeCamant Thos Tongue In the matter of tho estate of M A Powell, insolv In the matter of the estate of S D Powell, insolv Ladd&Tilton v T R Cornelius et al Williams. Woods A E Quackenbush Liuthicum and Snow v A MeCamant Miller A Miller S B Huston Tho H Tongue Huston and E B Williams Thos H Tongue Johnson A ldleman Miller A Miller Thos II Tongue C B Bunnell et al AC Pall v Julia E Goudie et nl In the matter of the estate of Annie ilkes, dec W T Bunnell guardian v Chas B Bunnell James H Smith v Wm and Alice Vaughn Charles A Field V H Griffith et al In the matter of the . assignment of Charles Collins, insolv In the matter of the assignment of N A Barrett et ux insolv The First Natioual Bank of Hillslioro A Schuts Th0B H To8e T'108 H Ton8ue Barrett it Adams T H Tongue v Geo U Murkle et al Barrett A Adams R Vincent, admr and W D Smith v Clans Schlichting ! Robert Imbrie v Geo B Markle et al It tho matter of the assignment of B B Huston T II Tongue Thos II Tongue William Chalmers, insol J Gaston et al J Guston Thos H Tongue R R Giltner and Ntott, Boise A Stott T U Tongue v J P Aplin it Sons Eugene D White v Richard Morton ct al John W Shute v Theresa Melitu et al Pauline Moll Giltner A Showens v McDougell and Spen cer A Jones S A Dial A W D Dial Thos H Tongue The First National Bank of Hillsboro GWHartetal S II Haines Elias Fowler v A Malian and Laura Mahan Huston A Bowman Jackson Abel Barrett it Adams M C Atwell and S B Huston W N Barrett . v A J Shepard et al Cora R Atwell v Washington Co, Ore Adolphus Finney v N A Rarrett et al S B Huston Barrett it Adams O 0 Ellis Mary M Shepard v .. Abner Frame et al Huston and H Wehrung 4 Song Bowman v H P Ford T H Tongue In the matter of the as signment of the Forest Grove Door A Lum'r Co Hannum and DC Mever Ivey y EGillett John W Gwilt Albert EoDerlv v A H Bond, Jennie Bond et al M J Summons EHMalllttetal In tho matter of the as signment of Wilson Bowlby and George Stinehconih as Bowlby it Stinchcomb Tongue for as signee (O M Keep) Carey, Idleman, Maya A Webster W T Bunnell admr v Chas B Bunnell et al Carey, Idlemnn, Mays Webster W T Bunnell et a! v Chas B Bunnell et al Snow Oregon Mort Co Llm'd v Obadiah Handloy et ux CarlV Witalngerode MeCamant S B Huston U S G Marquam S B Huston v John Long et al FtrslNat'l Bank of MhV v EC ami Mary M Hughes T H Tongue 8 B Huston Carey, Idleuian George Good admtn'r v W E Benuchamp et ux Mary A Bryan v P A Marquam et al P J I'asaler, exec v J H and R A Donaldson North'n Counties In . vestment Trust Ltm't v R H and A Brereton MeMinvilloNat'lbunk A L McLeod A To Thos U Tongue 8 R Harrington narrett A Adams Snow it MeCamant Ramsey A Kenton S B Huston S B Huston Henry Schlichting v Clans Schlichting et id J C Fare v Kenry Wilkius Kolilerand Chase v Mrs A D Bush form'y Mrs A D Westaway Carrie Jamison v H S "aiming et id Tlios H Tongue Emmons, Smith Emmons Thos H Tongue A King Wilson Farrett & Adams George Graham v and Geo A I -row it I'enedict Thurnher et al I'arrett it Adams J Iss A E Holl v Alex and Jno Chalmers etal Starr, Thomas vartin Foard and Frank E Stokes Chamberlain v I'enry Heggie et al M G Munley Patrick J Roddy v Solomon Emerlck et ux SB Huston E (iillet v Thos H Tongue HO Hayes Geo L Stordy and Joseph riclincr G E Haves v S H Haines Henry Hansen and wf T H Ward and L P W Quimby S B Huston v Williams, V ood and Lulu Posson, Guy Linthcum att'ys Posson and Wm for def Ladd Ai Lndd S H Huston S it Gilpin v Tho H Tonguo Bank of Forest Grove a private corporation Thos U Tonguo Frank Hoveodon v VcGinn it VcGinn Agnes 0"'ricn and John O rlen T il Tonguo Rom Catholic Archbishop v W N ' arrett H P Ford sheriff et ul Thos H Tongue W D "are 'l'hos U Tongue Thos II Tongue W M Lungley Mnerva Newton v Sarah i 1 rudel et nl Elixabeth Shute etui v Amanda J Sherman et al J J ' organ v E (' Hughes et nl J R Kaser v ( has A Dakyuset al W W Annans v Geo R Bag ley WN Barrett Washington County, Or Thomus H Tongue John Shute v Barrett it Adams for del Tamiesie and Heid Annie B Vays ct ul M B Kcerer , S B ! nston Thos H Toiil'hc T S Bay et nl H P Ford et al W I rownsou v J P and Sani'l Ioouey Smith & Bowman and J W Whalley Thos H Tongue Moore & ' Johnston Mary M alone V County Judge W C Puffer v Charles K Jackson Tbos H Tongue Thos H Tonguo William Lyda v W" 8 Pearson et al Frcderieka Rainbow v Louis Rainbow B A Hyde v M I, Thatcher et al Smith it Bowman , 8now it McCnniivnt nnd Huston Thos H Tongue W J Rice Barret A Adams McDougall, Spen cer it Jones Ore Mort Co lim'td v H P Ford, sheriff Miss Mary Halter v John Brook Mountain Park Real hstate Co v John Ditchburn and Mrs J Ditchburn Nelsena Paul v Charles Paul Adelaide Block v Frances Mallier Flegel it Stanislawsky Fitzgerald it Schnabel G G Ames W M Langley ' Christina Higginaon v William Higginson J R Stoddard Henry Bauer v Minnie Kuehnel et al Cnples A Allen John Johnson v J W Eldridge and wile and Chas V Boss C FPlympton v Thayer it McCoy Irvine A Coshow Thos H Tongue Eugene D White et al Elisa Westcrnan v Henry Westermnn Lot Vogel v A F Kruger Wm Lowe v Washington Co Ore E G Coonley v J M Bower Barrett it Adams MacDougall ami Jones Thus H Tongue Leaner Gray et al John Borwick v Wliallev it Muir and A 1) Miller Barrett and Adams J J BrugKer et nl Albert Wacliline v School Dist No o2 George Kirkwood S B Huston v Bnrrelt 4 AdaniB Wash Co and H P Ford Smith and E A Hyde and H Hamilton Bowman v F J Patterson et al Thos H Tongne XT M Langley W A Goodin v Mary A Wells et al Carrie Robertson v Basil W Robertson Dell Stnnrt I Thos II Tongue K L and A Olsen B"tty and J II Anderson Fredk V Holnmn W W Oatlin ree'vr v Lore mo Patrone et al Mendvnhall and Lack man RAJ Nickrlti Vary White ami Jaa and Thos Bokkcss Richard Lardicr v Klix J Pulton et al I T Phillips v Otto Wclchbrodt el al R P Graham 8 t' Hutton Notice for Publication. La iuj Orrn k at Ohkoon City. On, I Nov. 11. iHHfi. I N OTK'E is hereby given that the follow-linr-tiamed settler has tiled notice of her intention to make limit proof in sup port of his elxim, and that suit! proof will lie ininte before the County Clerk nl WiimIi iiiRtoii county at Hillsboro, Oregon, on IVctfl, vii: Julia Ann Beard, (wlilow of J'. S. Beard, deceased) II. K. No. 8472, for the Lot.s H and 7 of Sec I" J S It 3 W and K W of S K W Sec I T 2 N It 4 w. She names the following witnesses to prove lior continuous residence upon ami cultivation of said land, viz: G. T. Uollister. of Greenville, Oregon. W. J. K. Beau!;, S. 1). West, " A. Philips, "' " a-l-li Bohkrt A. Mii.i.fs, Kegister, Notice For Publication. . Land Okkh b t Orkiios City, Or.i Aug. Ill, !.( N OTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in suport of his claim, ami that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver IT. S. Land Ollice, at Oregon ('it v. Oregon, on December 20, lsa,i, vis: Fred Rnrgdnrfer, (ono of the lieirs-at-law of John Burgdor- ier, ueecascii) II. E. No. 7840 for the 8 X N V W and N I M W M of Sec. 14, T S N U 3V. i He names the tbllowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of saitl land, viz: Olave Johnson, Charles Mason, Ambrose Cox and Ulissa L. Creecy, all of Dixie, Washington county, Oregon, 84-ti ItonuRT A., Ketister Notice for Publication. Land Omen at Ohkoon City, Oh.i Aug. Sin-,.( NOTICE is hereby given that the follow-' ing-nameil scltler has tiled notice of his intention to make ti mil proof in sup port of his uluiin. and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver II. S. Land Office at Oregon Citv, Ore uu December 20, 1X95, viz: Fred Btirjrdorfer, H E. No. 7841, for the N '4 of N K H ami N of N W X of Sec 14, T 3 N R 3 W. He names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Olavo Johnson, Charles Mason, Ambrose cox anil Ulissa I,. I'reecy. all of Dixie, Washington county, Oregon. 34-tt RoiikktA. Miu.r.K. ItegMer Notice for Publication. Lakd Okjick at Omcuon Citv, Oii.i Nov. U, lM!l.,. NOTICE is hi rehy given thai the follow-ing-nemed pettier has tiled notice nl his intention to imike tinnl proof in sup iiort of his claim, and that said proof wilt be made belore the County Clerk of Wash ington county, tit Hillsboro, Or., on Dec. So, ISUo, viz: JJike denier, II. K. No. 77!)0, for the N li V Sec 2! T 3 N R 4 W. lie naiues the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and uultivatinn of said land, vis: Fred Wolf. John llinui, John Baillie and Joseph Kreb, allot' iluxion, Oregon. 34-i . RoiiKKT A., Register. Notice for Publication. Lash Oki-u k at Oui.uon Citv, Oh.i Nov. II, I8!i,.f NOTICE is hereby given that the lollow-imr-nained settler has tiled notice ol his intention to make tinnl proof in ni port of his claim, nnd that said proof will he made before the County L'lerk of Wash ington county, at Hillsboro, Oregon on December L'3, 18Wj, viz: George H. Gcisel, II. K. No. 8244, for the W X S W U eee. 24 T i N Range & W. He names the following witnesses to prove his coiitinuii'is residence upon ami cultivation of s.nd land, viz B. H. Collins and K. ( tnith of Fir, Oregon, and II. Trust nnU F. ilson, of Gules Creek, Oregon. 34-4) ' RnuKRT A. Itegister. Notice for Publication. Land Orririt at Oiikhon City, Or.i Nov. 11, ISrt.f NOTICE is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notije of his intention to make Hiial proof in sup port of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Wash ington county ut Hillsboro, Oregon, on Dec. 23, IH05. viz: Weinel Reiliter, H. E. No. 7758, for the 8 li S E K.SoelO, K , N E 4 and N E S E M Sec J5 T 8 N. 11 4 W. lie names (ho following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, vits: John Baillie, of Buxton, Oregon. John Bima, " Mike Genzer, ' " Martin Uinkard, " " 84-6 Koiiicrt A. Miller, Register. New Shop! BlaekBmithing- & Homshoeingr. W. A. FINNEY, Prop. Shop on 8rd street next door to the Ij W House woodwork shop. &&-CHARGE8 REASON ABLE. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE. In tho county court of the State of Oregon ior .uuiiuoman county. In the matter of the estate of I Augustus Roberts, deceased, f NOTICE is hereby given that by au thority of an order of sale mude and entered in .said estate by order of said court, dated October 16, 1H95, 1 will sell at private sale, to the highest bidder, front ami after the 15th day of November, 1895, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in., at the front door of the court bouse in the city of Port land, Multnomah county. Oregon, the tbl lowing described real property: The east half of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section thirty three (S) in township one (1) south of range one (1) west of Willamette meridian. situated ill WuKhinalnn on,,,.!., at... .Je Oregon, containing twenty (20) acres. hots nun-bered twenty-seven (27) and twenty-eight (28) in Tobasco addition to the Citv of Piirfbi uri I,, iif.i. ........ ty; State of Oregon. l'be terms of sale art cash, United States gold coin. Rowckt & Cask, i-a Executor of said estate. TO RENT. A large cottage wtth three lots in North side addition at 5 per mouth. Enquire at this oiHce. rpo RENT. A nice little cottaga within X one block of the business part of town if 47 ,ui mnnlli . 1 ...... . .i ,1.1. ai .. ol W, K Thome, DELTA THE : DRUG :: STORE (Next Door Bryan-Lsidlaw Co.) Main Street, Hillsboro, A fine line of Toilet Articles, BrtishcM, Comlis, Perfumes, Patent Medicines nnd special attention given tomitity and Accuracy. j Notice for Publication. ( L.tKt Orrti t ai Oiraox C'iiy. oh.) I Oct. m. NOTK'K is hereby Kiveii thai tbv follow-lug-iiameii settler has tiled notice of his intention to make II mil nnaif in sni port of liis claim, ami that said proof will o mude belore the Register and ltewiver at Oregon City, Oregon, on November 15. 1HSI.", vU: W illiain Kislier. II. K. No. 107?J for the H of S U U See XI Twp4N It 4 W and Lots one (I) and two 0.') Sec4TwpN U 4 W. He names tlie following witnesses t" prove hiseoutinuous residence upon ami cultivation of said land, viz: J Kirkwood, of Yernoiua, Columbia Co. Ore.l I1W Kirkwood. " " I' 11 lUuiL'lumin, of Hillsboro, Oregon, Joseph Klinenuin. ' " 'JSU Uiihkkt A. Miu.r.K, Itegister. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon for Washington county. Nelsena l'aul, I'laintitl'., Plaintiff.) Sun lefumlaut.) vs. Charles Paul, Defend To Charles Paul, the alxive named ilo feiiduut. IN THE NAME 01' THE STATE OF Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer tin complaint tiled ngainst you in the above entitled suit, in t he above entitled eouvf. by Monday the '2-Uh day of November, list ,'tbe sam being on the first day of the next term of court, following lix Htecessive weeks of puhlica tiun hereof, and if you fail so tit answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff w ill apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the complaint herein tiled, tn-w it : Fi r a de cree dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore existing between plaintiff unit defendant, and for such other and further relief ns to the court shall seem meet, This summons is published by order of Hon. II. E. McGinn, juibre of the circuit court of tlie State of Oregon, lor the Fourth judicial district. Dated October I), m. Fi.K.oia it Stanislawsky, 2SM1 Attorneys for "laintill'. Notice of Final Settlement. NOTICE is hereby given that the un dersigned udmiiuslrutrix ot the es tate of Frank O. (Sheldon, deceased, has tiled her tinnl account us adn ri x of said estate ill the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Washington county, ami said Court has appointed Monday, the lllh day of November, 18!t., at the courthouse in Hillsboro, at the hour of ten o'clock a. in. of said day as the time and place for hearing objections to such final account and the ti mil settlement of said estate. Emma Siikuion, Administratrix of the estate of Frank O. Sheldon, deceased. Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 10th day of October, lH!n. NOTICE OF EXECUTORS. NOTICE is hereby given that the last will and testament of John Kay lias been duly admitted to probate by the enmity court of the State of Oregon, Coun ty of Washington, and that the under Mgned have been uly apiinteil us execu tors, of said will, and have duly qualilied and entered upou the disclmrgeof their duties. All persons, therefore, having claims iiguinst said estate are requested and required to present them with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned, at the law ollice of S. It, Huston in Hillsboro, Oicguii. within six iiionts from date. Dated at Hillsboro this October 10, 1 ". Mary J. Kay, Milton Kay, Hiram R. Kay. Executors of the lust will and testament of John Kay, deceased. Administrator's Notice. "Vf otice is hereby given that the under li signed has been duly appointed ad ministrator of the estate of Vv. A. Porter, deceased, by the County Court of Wash ington county, Oiegon, and has duly qualified as such administrator. All er sons having claims against said estate are hereby notilied to present the snme to me at the law ollice of 8, It. Huston, in Hills boro, with proper vouchers within six months from this date. Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 2flth day of Sept., 1805. John M. Wall. Administrator of the estate of W, A. I'or- ter, deceased. 27-11 Notice to Bridge Builder. There will be let to the lowest bidder on November 7, 1KII5, at 11:00 o'clock a. in., at the ollice of tho County Judge ol Washing ton county, Oregon, a contract for the con struction of a bridge across Scoggilis creek, near the residence ol Lewis Wilcox. Slice i mentions may be seen at the ollice of the County clerk uu oralterNovombcr 0. lbl.i. Bids to tie sealed and the court reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Dated this 23rd day of November, IHil.i. By order of Commissioners' court, B. 1'. CoRMaius, County Judge. no, P. Oak es. Henry C. I'ayr.., 4. llonry C, House, liecieven rAN ORTHERM aVI PACIFIC R. n. u w s Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegant Dining Car3 Tourist Sleeping Caro T PA'JL MINNFAFCLtS 0ULUTH FAR00 GRAND FOHKS CROOK SJON WtNNIPEQ HELENA n BUTTE TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW VORK I08TON AND MX POINTS EAST anj SOUTH For information, time ciinls, maps nnd tickets, roll on oi write '4. t. CHARLTON, Asst. Gent. r;.6ta. 255 Mnrriwn (Jtrert. PACIFIC DNIYERSITYl THRSI COLLEOE COl'RHKS . . . Classical, Scientific, Literary. WIK ACADKMY prepares for College and gives a tl oiongli Kng. lish Kducntiou; the best preparation for Teaching or lUiiiiflcsH. All expenses very low. Board and rooms nt the LmlitV Hall, Hi to i per week, including electric lir'lil and heat. The College lJormitoryr unh r exielb nt niumigenient, fur nbhe board and room at t2.25 per week. Board and i a e a 1 ..... .1 Lf.. coum in urlvate tRinines, w.ov its rent rooms nnd board i exceed $XA) per week, The ber 18. For full particulars address, thomas mcolelland, Forest Grove, On-curt. ;t Buy a W Coast Carriagei and UiiicH "0cf nil TTcil-4V I are best value for lejt money. UvO t V-fll J-iCll til I I isi-niit on I'riiTH but no Discount on tlie (.binds. Particular" of Williams Hros., Hillsboro, Ore, or M. M. D.ivis, Atwlgnee Const Carriage & Wagon Co., Corvallis, ()r,.. W. T. Andrews, President. D. Y, Dormice, Km iHary ANDREWS LUMBER CO. I liuiorporateil June N, 1S1I3.) MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER MOUNTA INHALE, DRUWW. L Fine GEORGE R. BAGLEY, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. ooni Kv 2, Sliuto Block, overt ireer's. HILbSBORO, OREGON, Uicul Agent lloyal Insiirame Coin any SMITH & BOWMAN, ATTORNEYS-AT. LAW, NotaiiulW'orkaud Conveyancing. UoonisUik 1 Morgan K)k Itilkshnrn. Ore. S. D. HUSTON, Attof. n ey-at-l a w, ANIV NOTARY PUBLIC P.001118 Union rllock, Hillsboro, Or. DAPIRETTA ADAMS, ATTOtfNEYS-AT-LAW. ItoouiH 6 and 7 Central Block, Hillsboro, Or. T. H. TONGUE, A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, In Morgan Block, Hillsboro, Orgon. W. D.W0OD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Olllco In Clicnette How. Residence, corner First and Main streets, Hillsboro, Oregon. S. T. LINK LATER, M. B. C. M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Ollice at Hosidcnce Hast of Court House. C. B. BROWN, ENTIST, HILLSBORO, ORKUON. D OOLI) CROWN and BRIIXIE work it spoclalty. ALL WORK Otiarcntoed. Ilooms 1 and 2 Morgan Block, Om k Hotins: Kroin H a. m. to 4. r. m, P. A. BAIMT, M .0. r, J. BAILIT, B.S.M.D. DRS. F. A. AND F.J. BAILEY, Physicians, Surgeons and Accouchen. Office In HUlsboro Pharmacy. Real aence soutn-west corner Baseline and Second. All calls promptly attended day or night. JAMES PHILUPPE T11QESIE, V. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon Southern Pacific Railroad Co. Consultation in french or English. Office Mid residence south of Main nour 3d St.. HilUboro, Or. WILKES BROS. I isern riri . n. ""J i nn. A u3 AND SUKVLYORS. Conyeyanoing and fine map work a peciolty. " Lindsay Block, two doom north of the postofflce. Second et., Hiltoboro, Or. Cor. 2d & Wash'ton MM 'J J.' NORTHRUP, Newly Furnished and Renovated. A first-class table and all accommodations for the convenience of guests. , , . ANDERSON ft TUPPER, (Succe..jr to C R Mead) EXPRESS! Makes regular trips to Portland on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, re turning on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat tirdays. All business entrusted to him will be promptly and carefully attended to. Freight and express rates reasonable. Leave orders with film, or at Ledford's, or at Tub A naps. uo upunruB. many uu- themselves at a tot A I cost not fall term begins Septem Until yon have pn a Count Steel (ieiir Mnnii'l'il. by Const Carriage & Wagon (!i. V. BERCKMOES, .. inch maker ami Jeweler, .. Sen lid St rift, - Illllsl M't, Oregon. WATCH luS CLOCKS JEWELRY SPECTACLES ETC. niul Cum plica ted Watch Renali-inf Satixfai-tioii (JiinnuitiM-d Notary Public. . . ! I-oans Collections, ..... ;I-'IUK- .AND- A(XII)KNT i : INSUR ANOK, : I J J K N I GfH T jdcm-i'iil Fire lnsuranco and l.imn Broker, 1 IIII-I11()ko- kroo.v. i j W"'1F3 K. M. Sl.II., Ilecs ver. TO THE EAST . . (Jives Hie cbolee of. . . , two riiAxttcoyrixKKrA t, ROUTES Norton l!y. - I'iicific lly. SPOKANE DENVER .MISNKAI'OI.IS OMAHA ! AN U ST PAUL Kansas crrr LOW RATES TO ALL KA8TKUS C1TIKS Omtn Uttamrru heme IWthiml Every Five Pay ,...k'0K SAN FRANCISCO For full details call on or address: W H HUUI.BURT, (leii'l Vuss Agent Portland, Oregon. NOTICE OF EXECUTRIX. N0'1'I,VK l "ereby given that the last Willi and testament wt Rudolph Mever has been duly admitted to probate by t )tc . H, 1 1 ule BlUl' i Oregon, coun ty of Washington, ami that tho tindep signed has been duly appointed us execu trix, ot said will, and bus duly qualilleit and entered upon the discharge oflier du des.. All persons, thvrefere, having claims against said cstuto ore requested and re Ullired to nri'utoit. flw,.., iu ....... vouchers, to the undersigned, at the law office oi H. H Huston In iTillshom, Oregon, within six months from date. Hated nl. HillMhi. ,.r i;i..,'..LnM irt ioa: Chuistins M'VKR. Executrix ol the last will mo, I !,!,,,,( r 1 Rudolph Meyer, deceased. Notice for Final SsttUment. OTICE is horeby givon thnt the un (lerMttftinil lum 111.1 l.iu a...,i ...i ttNiidiiilnistrator of the pa-rtnorslilp eslato Of 11HI1I.V lla., .1 1 1 i il. County court of the Stat of. Oregon, for ttHhington County, and that said Court, bus appo ntod Monday, pec, u, ikiMJ, at the hour of 10 a. m. as the Hum for hearing objections to such final iiccotint mid for the fipttlmnent thereof. -ty i,i . Kdwakd Souiii.MKniru, ' AdininlHtrator of the partiiershlp estate of Henry I)emminn. deceased. Datod at fl 1 shorn Washington County,"' I1'" 81,1 'Vv of Nov., 1K(I5. NOTICE. rpUE copartnership herolofore xlstliiB .tKtw ?HV0 Vitmoy, in the blaok smithlng buslneHR at Hillsboro, Oregon, has th s day been dfasolved bv mutual ZlTJihi.T Indebted to the un 1a 2 Hfl w L inimodiately call 2 t rL0' w'Hitheror the firm, with out further delay. Hated this .Kn day. of October, Witt. a. a . ? CAVBi 32" V. A. Tivvtx