The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 14, 1895, Image 3

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THURSDAY, NOV. 14, 181)5.
Those days mingled with rain
and stuiBhine are unequalled any
where in the known world.
Mi Hattie IIotchkieB, from
Aurora, Illinois, returned with her
iHter J- n,u w''- re"
inuin in llillnboro thin winter.
Boarl, witli or without room,
with u of bath. Charon moder
uU. Inquire of Mrs. M. II. Ma-lone.
-Frank McEldowney, Bunerin-
U ndent of the Ladd & Keeil farm,
near Mt. Tabor was in the city f
lay, accompanied by bin brother
Hatimel, who lives on the Hawthorn
pliice just east of this city
Harrv Cranfl, from Eastern
Oregon, in' in thiM vicinity on buei
iiciss and incidentally visiting rela
There will be a orand ball at
Mays' Ilhll, Glencw, Thanksgiving
evening. Walker's orcneawa win
furnish the music. Tickets with
trupper included, $1.00. A splendid
tune is promised.
-Men's laundried shirts, 00 eta
iich at Schulmerich & Run.
F. J. Williams did business at
Portland Saturday last. He was
hoc i nnanied bv J. E. Beam, who
went to meet Mrs. Beam, who re
ivtly returned from a visit of sev
eral months to Michigan and other
(pastern points.
-Sheriff Ford was called to Cur-
vnllis Saturday morning as a wit
ness in the case of State vs. Dell
Cornell and Frank Holeomb.
-Miss Sinsheimer of Portland,
lias been visiting friends in this
city the past wejk.
II. V. GateB will return from
Klamath Falls about the first of
the month, having about completed
the plant at that city.
Schulmerich it Son are selling
ladies' wraps the equal of which
can not be had in this country.
All the latest styles in cloaks and
capes in cloth and fur goods.
The M. E. parsonage is look
ing resplendent under its new coat
of paint, a decided improvement,
A. II. Garrison" did business
at Portland the last of the week.
-Bargains all Ve week in Gro
ceries at Bryan iiUdlaw Co. Cash
8t,ore. J N
Sufficient nln has not yet fall
en to isTinit the fall plowing to he
done, but the dust is no longer on
the highways.
Tim Keliekah initiated two
Wheat will doubtless go no
higher this season. It may go low
er, loose lnueuieu w us snouiu
make a note of this and sell. We
want to close all this year's accounts
on our Uioks, and cancel all over
due notes by Dec. 1st.
11. WEHRrsa & SONS.
Prof. A. T. Palm is in Portland
and was recently an atpirant or
the night school on the east side.
He was not elected.
It. Cave has exercised bis in-
.1 r. r
genuiiy in tne manuiaciurt oi u
drill for operations in his smithy.
The machine does as good work as
the machine manufactured ones,
and Rilev expects to drive a hole
through, the hard times, sudieientl
to let the daylight througn. it im j
a tlauy.
--The Bryan-Lajrflaw Co. is now
agent for the Sflidebaker wagon
Johnston Freeman and wife
were Portland visitors Friday last.
J. II. Stanley, Superintendent
of Hillsboro public schorls, did
business in the metropolis Saturday.
Pickled pigs' feet at C. Blaser's,
2nd slieet.
The constable sale of some of
the personal property of 1). K. Bills
under attachment occurred Mondi.y
afternoon with a large attendance.
About the cheapest purchase was
that of C. Koch who paid 9 for an
open buggy, set of harness and oth
er articles thrown in.
Bargains in groceries at Gwcr's.
C. E. Hicks spent Sunday in
the city from Vancouver. Mr. Hicks
is one of our finest musicians and
holds a position in the Vancouver
regular army band.
The Climax Mills report a
busy time thuse days in fact say
that they never did more business
than they are at present doing.
Even Change tobacco 14 jjepts
at Greer's. .
The evidence in t he Roy will
contest is all in and as soon us the
stenographer can write up the tes
timony counsel will make the ar
gument, which has been set for Fri
day. ;
.las. Brown has purchased
Win. Phinnev's interest in the
Millsboro Harness Shop on Main
street and the new hrm is now
Davis A Brown.
Why buy common stuhe vare
cups and saucers when you can get
china for the same price atlreets.
Senator S. B. Huston and wife
honored the teachers, Mrs. M. M.
PitteiiKer, Miss Rose Wilcox, Miss
E. L. Column and Miss Lucy Hum
(hrevs, with invitations to dinner
ant luemlav evening, the
A Narrow Escape.
Wednesday evening the bus
which attends train for the Hotel
Hillsboro was belated for the 6:00
o'clock down passenger, and as the
vehicle passed down the street be
tween Milne's mill and warehouse,
the close proximity of the train
was not discovered until just cr6ss
ing the track. Hardly had the
hindmost wheels crossed the rails
when the engine dashed by. The
train was very close and it was for
tunate that a collision was averted
as there was a number in, the con
An eye witness tells a good one
on J. W. Morgan in connection
with the affair. Most of the pas
sengers were somewhat alarmed.
but James maintained his presence
of mind in a very practical way.
He had with him a fat young
China pheasant, and realizing that
if the train caught them, the bird
might be unfit for culinary servic
es, he threw the choice morsel out,
intei:ton having his pupper even if
he were himself under the doctor's
Notice to Patrons.
After Nov. 4th, the cider mill of
Lieser & Susbauer at Cornelius will
run Thursdays, Fridays and Sat
urdays only.
Birdsell-McCormick Nuptials.
The residence of Mr. and Mrs.
Benjamaii Birdsell, Mississippi Ave
nue, Portland, Oregon, was Wednes
day evening, Nov. 13th, the scene
of a quiet wedding, when E. L. Mc
Cormick of Hillsboro, and Miss
Geneva H. Birdsell, were united in
marriage, Rev. Young, of the Con
gregational church officiating. Aft
er the marriage ceremony was per
formed, the guests were seated to
a delightful spread. Those present
from Hillsboro were Messrs. tJaivin
Jack and Bruce Wilkes.
Bride and groom are well and
favorably known in this city, Miss
Birdsell having lived nere tor i
number of years, and Mr. McCor
mick being Recorder ot Uonveyances
of this county. The happy couple
will commence housekeeping m
Hillsboro in a few days.
A Surprise Party.
The many young friends of Miss
Alta Lamkin'tendered her a very
pleasant surprise party Monday
evening in honor of her 18th birth
day. The hours were pleasantly
spent in games, music and dancing,
and the event was one of the most
r.lenBant of the season, Miss Lam-
kin proving a pleasant and consid
erate hostess. Those present were
Tli MiHKt'H Eva and Jennie Arch-
"" iJWcov. Grace I'oe, Er
Adams u .ir-w, 4;' -TJ .
cow, warren uouohib, jbmjc rm-w
art. Walter McKinney and frank
Mitchell. After partaking of a
bounteous lunch the young people
departed wishing the fair hoftcsB
manv returns ot tne uay.
Thirteen applicants are taking
examination before County Supt.
Craig at the court house. The meth
od pursued by the board is a novel
one and works a peculiar hardship
on favoritism. Each candidate puts
a number on his or her papers and
the board has no knowledge of whose
particular paper they are examin
ing. After all are looked over the
numbers are compared with slips
on which are the aspirants' names
ard numbers.
Subscribe for The Argts and
get the news.
J. H. Smith, of the Bazaar,
did busir.ess at McMinnville yesterday.
One of our county papers, pub
Q Gnat 8
' .tiaff
Shortest and Quickest line
Crosses both the Cascades and the Eocky Mountains in DAYLIGHT, affording pn
Grandest Scenery
in America.
e e e
Two trains daily from Portland ; one at 11 a. m , via Seattle, and one at 8 :45 p. in. ,
i. n H N ami Kimkane. Runs superb equipment, consisting 0; o m"g .
nhrun rr unci uoholstered tourists' sleeping cars. . J ue Duller, cars are mar-
lished 3 davs after the election, came Vels of elegance and comfort, containing bath room, barber shop, easy chairs, etc,
. . -. .. -i
out with
thai Coxey
t ii e i ir.Niinr, it k t
out doubt. He was- to stay at 1 11 IJ UlflUUliivun i
home and organize another "army.'
Eess takeii in exchange for
goods at the HiHboro Bazaar.
The county court will soon
have another outbuilding and other
improvements made at the poor
farm. There are now 4 women
and 12 men under the county's
care, an interesting ratio, and one
Twin steamships "Northwest" and "Northland" leave Duluih every Mon:nv and
Eridav tor the "Hoo , Mackinac Island, Detroit .Cleveland and Buftalo in win... tion
with the Great Northern Railway. Have your tickets reful via NORlHfcRN tl.4M
uurp f-nviPAN'Y mill eniov adeliuhtful ride free from the heat and dut. t r lictc-
ets and general information cull on or address '
122 Third St, Portland, Oregon.
H. C. STEVENS, G. W. P. A.
612 Front St., Seattle, Wash.
i . ii..,;. Hl luesuav evening, in" eveuv
new ...embers into he.r mysteries f. f
Ter Oliver 'Huston, these four teach
ers having had the instruction of
the children in school at different
periods. After a most pleasant
evening the guests parted wishing
Master Oliver many and happy
birthdays, as enjoy bale us the one
just past.
II. II. Greers's is the plaW to
buy groceries, lamps, crockery ond
The residence of S. A. Bond,
situated in tho Northwest portion
of Forest Grove, was consumed by
fire Monday night about midnight
The two boys who are slopping at
homo were the only ones present
and as they slept in the upper
story nothing was known of the
fire 'until the flames and smoke
awakened them. They jumped
from the window, one of them re
ceivinif u slight burn obtained in
endeavoring to save some of the
nroiiertv. But two trunks were
taken out. Liss estimated at ifiow.
Insurance $1000.
--For s,de-A full-blooded llnl
stein bull, 3 years old. Inquire of
or address Dan'l Baker, Greenville,
Jesse Cornelius' condition is
not much better, but his friends
think he will rally as soon as the
ruins settle iu for the winter. 'Tis
very bard for the average Oregon-
ian to be well with an autumn so
devoid of rain as this has been,
Snlurdnv uiKlit.
Money to loan in sums to suit.
Mortgage and notes taught and
ttold. Kooin 13, Morgan Block.
Thos. Johnson is now running
iv shoe shop in. the old .Mueller
The rhoir of the M. H. church
was entertained Saturday evening
last at the residence o( F. A
'Iaines and wife. Refreshments
were served and the time pleasant
ly spent.
Just arrived from ftosto
R. II. Greer, 100 sets china caps
and saucers at 00 cents aset.
8.D. Powell and son, Jolfu,
started for the Josephine county
mines Friday last to be absent for
Home time. Mr. l'owell conteni-
. . i i t ......
plates niSKing snosianiiui uupiuw
A Bargain.
A neatly constructed 5-room cot
tage within 2 blks of business par
of town. Good fence around lot
good woodshed, and two roomy
. : J A c. ."......
Closets in resilience. mi'i
in good repair. Goes for $600. in
quire ot this office.
Public Salt.
We will soli at public auction to
the highest bidder, for cash, at
Mouiitaindale, Wednesday, Nov. 20,
1895, at the hour of 10.00 a. m. the
following described property to-wit:
Five head horses, weight ranging
from 1000 to 1500 fos.
Three sets double harness, 1 set as
good as new.
One simile harness.
Two farm wimons, 3 1-4 and 3
One top buggy, nearly new.
One Minneapolis self binder.
One Walter A. Wood mower.
One Walter A. Wood sulky -rake.
Two 14 in. plows, 1 harrow, 1 cul
. tivutor.
One fresh milk cow, calf at side.
Ten pigs, 2 mouths old.
Twelve shouts 6 months old.
One brood sow.
Eight tons hay.
Household effects and numerous
other articles.
Terms of sale: Under $10, cash;
$10 and over 12 months' credit with
approved note bearing 8 per cent
interest. J. & E. BOGE.
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
Snow in the foot bills.
Mrs Ed Gaylord is visiting at her old that speaks for the gentler sex.
-1 a -The Bon Ton Shaving Parlors
oZZZZZWZ ? Second street are the most fsh
m, ra. ionable in the city. Childrens
Our district had to build another haircutting, 15 cents; shaving on
schoolhouse this fall to accommodate ounuay, iu cents.
the attendant pupils. Judge Cornelius is solemnly
The latest in surprise parties was at congidering the advisability of bring-
the Boyd Bros. j)g hig cj)icken8 to town. As he is
Our literary society which was organ- waveriMg between his keen appetite
ized two week, ago progress finely. foj yd,ow ,egge(j
m mmkM jiu a, different appearance Aj ,0;ii itip nl ha v. nor thm
; j stolen, just what his decision will
JTT':' '--.-7 be remains to be learned. The judge
r. mi 1 1 inrffrnfii n mive a ...... .. ,. .
a new syn-agogue in the near futu TltT
ADDITIONAL LOCALS. "e livi,,g close neighbors. f
Go to Greer's for your teas and
Walter McKinney has been coffees.
engaged in work at the recorder's Next Monday anot'ner room
,,ffipp fiir a ffiw davs this week, dur will be onened for instruction in
ing the absence of 'E. L. McCormick. the Forest Grove public school,
, 1 j, .ii iiaintr the old academy building.
-hulmencn son nanate a. - vet appointed,
tbp Wd ns brands of rubbers and "r lcaV ".V ",-.'
v..v O , , , .
Purest Drujfs
and Chemicals.
Patent Medicines.
Proprietary Articles.
The Hillsboro Pharmacy
Select Stock
of Stationery.
Particular Attention Paid to
Physicians' Prescriptions and
Fainily Recipes.
Cor. 2nd and
1.1 l . n n vl 'in, i rila
...KW n niMna'. hovs'. la- ''"e" , -rr
dies' and children which thev sell The Forest Grove band gave a
tho lnwt.Bt. livini? tiricesj concert in Verts' Hall last friaay
... ... - nr , . . ,
-Christian church, November "" 10 11 1;,rge anu Pllve
ter Building," at 7:80 p.m. "The -Chas. Matthe9,age3o,and lU.z
r.,...,o.nfan 11 lloi.trollinB Idea." abeth Schieri.ian, age 19. were grant
A cordial invitation to these ser- ed license to wed, on Friday last.
vi-je8. Hair cutting, 25 cents; Shav
fipn fUlhreaih has been aD- i"g 10 cents, at the City Shaving
.minted administrator of the estate Parlors. Open from 7:00 a. m
of Mr. Greenwood, deceased,
--We will soon have another in
voice of water proof shoes. See
our sample cut shoe. Schulmerich
& Son.
The jury list for the December
term of Circuit court is as follows:
Forest Grove
Pioneer Harness Shop,
Dealer in Horse and Mule Jewelry.
Repairing and Carriage Trimming a Specialty.
AH Good? Sold to Compete with Portland mees '
J S Clark
E W Haines
S Everitt
J 1 Morgan
j W Sewell
Around tne county
C M Keep
Teter Evers
Peter Boscow
R B Collins
inenton his claim this winter and
bo in readiness for the high water
season next spring.
Mr. Wirlz was in the city from
Forest Grove Tuesday,
Stepping into the Hillsboro
Pharmacy yesterday, we were sur
prised to'learn that numerous cus
tomers patronize this house from
Forest Grove, Greenville, and in
fact every town in the county.
Revival meetings are yet in
progress at the Baptist church.
Rev. A. N. Hnvder. the evangelist,
is a forcible pulpiteer and preaches
sermons full of power and pathos.
This evening bis subject will be
the "Devil,'' and tomorrow night,
"Does it Pay to be a Christian."
We have a big job in soap. See
our window. UryStIiaidlaw Co.
- Cash Store.
Articles ("incorporation of the
German Cregregational church,
Cedar Mill, has been filed. Incor
porators, Wm. Graf, Peter Riesen.
and Abraham Reichen.
It. U. Goodin, county clerk,
did business at McMinnville Tues
day. One hundred stereoscopic views
to be given away with each 26 cent
purchase. You" have your choice
itB long as the views laBt. Hills
boro Bazaar,
Phoenix lodge, No. 34, K. of P.,
will soon remove from the I. 0, 0.
V. hall and occupy ' quarters in the
Masonic lodge room. .
--A Beavertonian has recently
finked a handsome durable car
riage for Dr. Llnklater of this city.
It was entirely handmade and man
ufactured on a design drawn by
the Doctor.
Special sale in Men's
oork sole shoes from S3
and upwards at Gregg's
Shoe Store at Forest
School Report.
The following is the report of
district No. 49 for the month end-
inn November 1. 1895: Number of
days taught, 19; number of pupils
enrolled, 22; number of days at
tendance, 341: number of days ab
sence, 55; number of limes tardy,
24; average daily attendance, 18.
The following named pupils were
neither tardy nor absent: Willie
Turner and Clyde Morris.
Florence A.,
E I Kuratli
Chas Sharuberg
H G Davies
C C Hancock
B S Gaylord
H C Raymond
j W Jackson
A outlier
Thos Connel
J C Miller
i hos Fauisen
Andrew Jack
Enoch Davis
J K Davis
C V Ciniino
P Kindt .
C W Allen
J H Hulitt
E 1? McNelly
John P Ireland
J W Baker
J V Hartrampf
A. S. Dudley, of Dudley's Mill,
did business in the city today.
Robert Imbrie Sr. was in town
8:00 p. m. Hot or cold baths
Phillips and Colestock, Main street,
opposite Tualatin notei.
Prof. Thomas, of the Forest
Grove miblic schoo's. has been in
the citv this week, assisting SuDt.
Craig (n examination. Miss Cath
erii e Lansing, a teacher in the'
atin Academy, is the other member
of the board.
A fellow has recently been do
ing this county with a band of old
broken down horses, which tie is
trading for sheep pelts, etc. It is
stated that many of his equines are
worthless and apt to be diseased, so
would be traders are cautioned to
be careful.
For everv $1.00 cash purchase
of school supplies at The Delta
drug store you will receive one
sheet ot popular music, selected
from a large assortment.
Many of our republican friends
are immensely tickled over the eat-
ern elections, contending that the
I. K BER8T, Prop
Beef, Mutton, veal and Fort
Kept Constantly on Hand.
Market : Price : Paid : for : Fat : Cattle, : Sheep : and : Hop
Cash Paid for Poultry.
. . .. . i i i
.i,io nw-minir H r manv fiieiu s hfrhtR in democratic raiiKS nave
will be nleased to learn that his killed off the Bourbons. They should
N. Noland, a prominent demo
crat of Cornelius, was in the city
yesterday greeting his many friends.
First class groceries at hard
times prices at the Bryan-Laidlaw
Co. Cash Store, liven change to
bacco at 15 cents per pound.
Frank Mitchell has contrived a
. i- . u:
very neat arrangement mr wasumg
bottles and he will procure a pat
ent for the same as soon as his
model is completed. It promises
to revolutionize the bottle cleansing
business, and" literally "knox the
box" off anything yet in use.
Frank says his invention has the
edge on Col. Seller's eye-water, for
he has all the ingredients collected.
For timothy and clover seed,
see J. W. Goodin, of Glencoe.
You need not go to Portland
or any other place to get your win-
ter wrans. You can get mem cneap
at Schulmerich 6i Son.
,i Miss Stella Umphlette, one of
the teachers in the Dilley school, is
in the city, the guest of Mrs. M. A.
Powell. '
Special sale in Ladies'
fine done, button; in square
or oicadilly toe, only $i.75
former orice, at
Gregg.sShoe Store, For
est Grove.
For Cash.
Until Nov. 26, H. Wehrung &
Sons will make a sweeping reduc
tion in prices on their stock of dress
goods, clothing, boots and shoes,
and groceries. Ve have decided to
turn halt our stock of goods into
cash within the next 30 days,' and
here are some of our inducements
33 in. all wool dress goods 22 cents
per yard.
36 inch, ditto, 30 cents $ yard.
52 " " " 44 " " "
Best D. G. sugar, per lb, 5 cents.
Rolled oats, per lb, 3 cents.
Rice " " 5 "
Arbuckles coffee " " 22i "
Footwear and all other goods at
oronortionatelv low prices. We
will not be undersold. Remember
this sale will only last 30 days so
dona fail to call and get prices.
H. Wehrung & Sons.
The young people of this vicinity gave
E M Frantz a surprise party last Sunday
evening. It was his ninteenth birthday.
Chas Hansen did business at Scap
poose and St Helens Monday.
We understand that Patrick Byrns,
whe went to St Vincent's hospital for
treatment, is very much better. We are
glad to hear of a change for Mr Byj-ns
was in a bad condition,
Our literary society which was organ
izen two weeks ago is progressing nicely
under the presidency of Chas Hansen.
Miss Mary Toele has gone to Portland
to stay for two or three weeks. , We miss
her very mucn in our society.
G L Perrine, of Hillsboro, will preach
health is gradually improving.
Buy your apple boxes of R. H.
Greer's. Cheap.
Harry Crane, who for years
lived near Cornelius, but recently
of Southern Oregon, was in Hills
boro Wednesday, shaking hands
with his numerous acquaintances.
Washington county will have
6 trial jurors in attendance at the
next term of U. S. Circuit court
which will convene at Portland the
latier part of this month. Their
names are as follows: J. P. Aplin
and B. F. Purdy, of Dilley, J. C.
Corey, of Glencoe, A. R. Leabo, of
Forest Grove, John Foote, of Hills
boro and S. S. Lennox of Gaston.
Mrs. Elizabeth Shute has re
turned from a several days' trip to
California points.
The post office store keeps con
stantly on sale a line ot standard
neriodicals. magazines and month
lys. Anything not on sale will be
ordered tor you. inquire ot w.
Grand Adjutant Hathaway.
of the Indian War Veterans has sent
a circular letter to this office, the
imnort of which is requesting vet
erans not members of camps to take
out membershiD at once in order
to give the Association strengtn
numerically and financially, that
they may be better organized.
The many friends of Miss Liz
zie Wolfe, of Beaverton, will regret
to learn of her death, which occurred
last Sunday evening. The remains
were buried in the Putton cemetery.
She was universally respected and
beloved in the community wherein
she resided.
not grow too hilarious. The fight-
ng. hairuulliiu and caterwauling in
ibe nartv is not indicative of disso
lution. They are simply making
more democrats.
Goto W. W. Williams' City
Bakery for your bread, cakes, past
ry, confectionery, . etc. finest in
Washington county.
Jas. Tuttle is now blacksmith
ing at the mill of J. C. Hare.
Mrs. E. F. Lucas, of Mon
mouth, who has been visiting for
eeveral days with her daughter,
Mrs. J. H. Stanley, returned to her
home Tuesday.
John Vanderwahl, of Green
ville, the agent for the new Zealand
Insurance Co., was in the city yes
terday, "jollying" with the lioys.
Mr. Nelson, bf the North Plains
did business in the city today.
S. Bennett, one of the wide
awake farmers of the North Plains
was in the city today.
Chas. Hanley, of Liesyville,
made this office a pleasant call the
first oi the week.
Circuit court will convene week
after next and there will be several
cases for iury trials. An endeavor
will be made to pumisn ine enure
docket next week.
Any one desiring to purchase a Farm
or town Property will do well to . . .
Here are! some
II Ann Plminn BnnnnirBina
very uiiuiuG 1 1 upoi uuo
Which are Offered
Cheap :-: Cheap
n J-i,lr, svvisiiiiiwx of fKia nffintv
To 1 'JO acres, adioininir city
sidewalk within one block of property
10 acres cleared, finest
in Brooks school house next Sunday at tiTCgg S Srioe
n:ooam. Grffvc.Ore.
Just received a new line
of Mens' Fine Cordovan shoes
in the very latest style toes,
in lace or congress. Will sell
at lowest citv prices at
store, roresi
Instantly Relieved
and Permanently
r. iRFn
Knife or Operation.
Treatment Absolutely Painless
From Three to Six Weeks.
OrricKS :
Rooms 706-707, Marquam Unliainx,
of bottom
land, 4 acres bench, line ite for building
purposes, some timrjer on name. in
sell in a tody for fauOO part down, bal
ance on time to suit purchaser. Or will
subdivide so as to give part cleared bot
tom and part bench, in plats from 2 to 5
acres, at $125 per acre. Here is a chance
tor a good neat little home which cim be
made self sustaining Investigate before
some one gets it. On the market for a
short time only.
No 2 10 acres, half cleared, 1 acre bea
vertlam, rest slashed and sown to grass,
no buildings, goes lor i5 per acre. With
in two miles of Hillsboro. Terms, J400
down, balance in 3 years at 10 per cenl.
Or will sell 40 acres, of which above is a
part, at same price per acre, including 15
acres of beaverdam and svvail cleared.
No 3 128 acres, highway runninj
through center of place, 50 acres In culti
vation; 2 acres in orchard, apples, pears
and plums; ti room house; log barn, good
well of water; m acres of beaverdam, easy
to put in cultivation; place well watered
by springs and creek; 100 acres under
fence; 14 miles from post oftiee, daily
mail; 1 mile from school house and aix
miles north of Hillsuoro. IJoe cheap for
No 4 A good corner lot ou Main and
Third streets. 75x175, with good building
thereon, suitable for any kind of business,
and in excellent repair, will go at a bar
gain for cash. Part payment and lwlance
on long time with security.
No 5 12 acres; half cleared.balance in , .
crass. Good house of four rooms; good
barn and outbuildings. Fine orchard of
50 trees and various other small fruits,
150 chickens 50 ducks, 1 -horse wagon,
a sets single harness, good cow, 3 heifers .
t horse and farm implements. Every
thing goes for 1650, cash in hand..