The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 03, 1895, Image 3

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    Lrm Argus
Tin' hunting season in ulxiiit
over, although tin- chinas uro yet
quite iMii roim. In localities wlnn
Ihey mo imt much hunted, llic birds
tin ji:inic, sitting on lences
skming Ino highway.
(io tti II. Wehrung iV, Nous and
price their goods In-fore buying else
Tin) Independent is nutliorilv
Unit L H. Wilkes, county surveyor,
iH completing 11 typo-writer for re-
onling work rn huge bound vol
umes. 1 II K AIHIIH Wishes I,. i'j4
Si'liiilinerieh A Son enrrv a bel
ief iiml cheaper line of Ladies' capes
ml clonks lliiin you can get else-
II. V. Gates retunud the first
tint week from an extended trip
to points in Washington state.
For it neatly conducted farm
jliere is none better (ban that owned
V T. (i. Todd, whose lilntw in hist
uive Forest drove, on Gales Creek.
II. Wehrung & Sons bave Home
hoioo Oregon tiniotliy seed for sale.
lion. (!. I'. Yutes wan in 1 lie
ity Monday and went on to Salnn
n business and to take a gUmpcc
it the state hair. . Ihursdav be
Will return and be present nt t lit
Heeling of the executive crinmiitt c
lif tlie Washington county Veteran
' UUl ll'l II I 'if til
ii.unr for school
(id to t III
Twenty vears ago Tuesday
norning Mien Mary A. Brown took
li urge of the Ilillsboro post oilier.
nil 1 1 1 1 1 1) ir now occupied hv 1' .
Ileidel's bakerv was then itd
il the ollice. Twenty years of irov-
neiit service is u record few pen
ile on ii show.
Caples & Thomas buy a bean,
mil chea'p ami keep forever at it.
-The foliage, of the trees around
'ho court vanl is turning rapidlv,
ud soon the trees will be left bare
f their summer garb.
If you want school shoes that
11 wear wtdl, get ihcni in Sehul-
hieneh & Nin s.
Several carloads of bard wood
Ire bring shipped from the Thus.
;onnel lann to Port lainl.
J. C, Hart; made a business
isit to Columbia river points hii-t
1'iof. W. II. Greene, of Fnret
'rove, one of the linest pianists on
the const, returned from u Iwo
inonths visit to eastern cities.
-(into V. W. Williams' City
Kakery for your bread, cakes, past
ry, confectionery, etc, Finest in
Washington county.
Pres. McClelland, of Forest
(irove University, passed through
Tuesday, to Portland, from which
city he will start for an extended I
trip east.
The frame work ol the Council
residence on ,'5rd ami Lincoln is
now erected and the structure wil1
soon be enclosed.
Life insurance agents arc now
being harvested, ami the crop in an
extensive one,
We scllvlfrocci.ics. Call and
get prices. TiiaTors, '2 cans for
lf cents. FvervKIving else in pro
portion. See iir Chen's $1 shoes.
Bryan laiidlaw Co. s
Nearly every community lias
its quota of gossips, w ho make it u
business to build murder out of the
going away of any one, w hose busi
ness is not made, universal property.
Happily. Hillshoro has none of this
specie in its environs.
Hals for men and boys in all
styles, prices to suit, at Scliuluier
ich it Son.
The Misses Minnie and May
Willis, Fva and Jennie Archbohl,
and Alta Litinkiii, ami Mrs. W. N.
I'.un.'tt, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Craig
anil Frank Mitchell visited Port
land Friday evening last, to nt-
icntl llio .M. 111. coulereiice auxiliary
i f the Kpworlh League.
Attention Comrades I
The G. A. It. post will be organ-
j izeil on Saturday, the 5th of Oelo
I ber, 2 p. m., at the Grange Hall,
, .... Ilillsboro, Oregon. Please "fall in"
1 lvlVI.IT IMHJflVtilt "II Mil' .tlillll OULll
Mr Mnrfin reiirewlillriff ttip
1 "l" wl i-i ' ' ' f(
Home Mutual Fire Insurance Co. : L rrP;it
was in the city this week, doing jj '
J llili X3 KJ X X XJ X KJ-Xi X VJ X Xu
of This City.
, promptly.
Py order of the Committee.
llUl'Ol.r'JI Ciundai.l,
STORY Jamkh McCt uH ir, Secy.
Young Men Taken to Yamhill County
Took Chickens in a Spirit of Fun
and are Now Serving Time
Two Cornelius Young
People Wed.
Dedication of Marsh Hall,
The dedication of Marsh Hall,
Tualatin Academy ami Pacific Uni
versity, Friday last, was a very
pleasant a Hair. The exercises were
marked hy a large attendance,
many old time graduates being
present. Addresses were made by
lion. II. W, Scott, of the Oregon
inn, and Hon. T. II. Tongue of this
city, A large number were present
from all over the valley, notable
among whom weie: Portland, Rev.
(ieo. Wallace, II. W. Scott, Kev. C.
II. Curtis, Mrs. Harvey, and Messrs.
Whallcy, Caples, McCoy, Davis
and Marsh, who rank amongst the
best legal talent of the Metropolis.
Ilillsboro; Hon. T. H. Tongue and
Rev. Dick. The Dalles and Oregon
City were also represented us were
all the prominent towns on the
West Side.
A Runaway on Main Street.
Monday afternoon, while John
it liailev sell Even i ''''t'TH, of the Conned farm, was un-
Change tobacco 15 tents per lb.
--J. P. Heckart, of the Cornelius
Searchlight, was a North Yamhill
v:sitt r Monday
itMS come in; if it (iWWonie any
av. Our prices will sur
Kven Change tobacco 15 cents
t, Haines it Baileys, .
The Weat her for the past week
i i i i i . e. i '
i HI 111 1 1 1 V neeil tieilgliliui iMt
mate in the world equals Ore
i's whether it rains or shires.
William Mawhor h ft Tuesday
fieroonn for Kansas to crma-j
riitlv reside. Mr, Mawhor has
i ell-ill P
been a ri'Miicni nt 'liusnoro mr
cveral months. His daughters
ill rf4fif.
llcmrinber the Hazanr has a
uuplete line of St hool BlipplieH.
Hobho.. Kocco and Ferrera are
nee nanies which appear i i the pa-
Irrs of a civil suit recently brought
rforo Justice Knight Tliu Hrst
i i .... t
iv o naineil are conipiaiuam, aim
iroty and tho latter an attorney,
il Italians.
-Highest prices paid for produce
, ' , I . . LI I . . 1
I) (!Xcliang(! lor goons ai ncnuiincr
Ii it Son. Oct ' their prices on
E J. Hrvan lias taken a pot,i-
iioivin the Pryan Laidlaw store.
The work on the motor exlen-
. .1 ...e
n IH progressing, ana uetuic
Ny weeks the temporary lenm-
i . , i i . i i .. m : 1 1
a! will lie at i;euar iiiu-
Just received, frc!i from the
ictorv, the lines-t. line u"unuireiias
vcr shinned to thnirket. It it
surprise you
Sryan Laidlaw Co.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Summons, of
udar Mill, celebrated the tenth an-
iversary of their wedding last Hat-
rtloy evening. A large number of
lends were present.
It is now known that Adam
dt the garden of Eden in order to
uy a pocket knife at the Pharma-
-Jolm W, Gwilt, a prominent
oung altoruty with oflices in the
Vushington built'iiig, Portland,
fas in the city Monday morning
.bvftie interests of a client. He was
fcompaiiied by his mother, the
y-Tdriving out in a carriage.
Money to loan in sums to suit,
fortgages and notes bought and
aid. Hoom 13, Morgan Pdock.
Wm. Pointer is over on Wilson
iver working with John Ileislcr,
luilding bridges.
Haines & sell
0 fcs rolled oath $1.00
8 lbs No. 1 rice 1.00
0 lbs of American Granulated
sugr. i.oo
0 lb sacknest flour , .60
6 oz plugiaCven Change" to
bacco 15
irbuckles and Lion Coffees 2
packages 45
dimax, Star, Spear Head and
Horseshoe tobacco , .40
And all other goods as low as the
nvest. Do von pav more? If bo,
Vhy? "
HffXFor girls and boy's shoes
r. n
lie went as a
witness in the case of State vs. Ed
lleaiiman et al.
Caples it Thomas buy a heap,
sell cheap and keep forever at it.
Judge H. P. Cornelius will
soon move his family into the P.
M. Dennis resilience on Washing
ton street.
Rubbers and rubber boots for
lailies, men and boys at Schulmer
icli it Son. See their snag proof
The Ilillsboro Heed it Comet
Band has secured some line new se
lections ami the boys are getting in
shape for public rendition.
do to C. L. Ilinman's for the
"Stay -on Burlington Blanket;"
Forest drove,
I,. A Whitcomb has returned
from a sojourn of several veeks in
Tillamook and Polk counties,
J. M. Brown, deputy post mas- i "l ""l ' 1 il
tcr, returned troni his claim the
latter pari of the week.
W hen in Forest drove go to
Caples it Thomas' Lnrire Double
Store tilled with bargains in Dry
(ioods, droceries, Boots, Sho.'S,
Clothing and Tinware. They buy
a heap, sell cheap anil keep forever
at it.
Mrs. W. W. Nelson, of New
ben.', Mrs. P. P. dates, of Balayette,
anil Mrs. .1. d. Hobeig, of Albany,
were in tlii' city last week the
guests ol Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Knight.
II. Wehrung it Sons are talk
ing of remodeling the upper story
over the Archbohl store for a lodge
room. A tine hall could be fitted
up and doubi less it would readily
Iiml occupancy. ' ,
W.T. Lvon, of Forest drove,
loading wood at the depot, the fall
ing of part of the load frightened
the team, and it indulged in an ex
citing runaway. They came up
2nd street at a lively gaitantl turn
ing the corner at Scbulmerichs'
store; the front trucks struck the
electric light pole with terrific force.
The traces broke, freeing the ani
mals, and they continued on for a
short distance before stopping.
Some damage was done to the trucks
and the large urc-light, which was
held in place by a pulley attached
to the pole, fell to the street smash
ing it badly. The horses were not
hurt in the leat.
owest city prices go to
regg's shoe store, roresi
wiil soon move to Ilillsboro to en
gage in dental surgery in the office
recently vacated by Dr. Adkins,
who has moved to Corvallis to
i p-'rale in that city.
Did you have cold we! feet last
winter; yes! Well get a pair of
Schulmerich it Son's water-proof
shoes and you'll have no trouble
this year.
II. Wehrung it Sons' stock of
boots and shoes can not be beaten
in this county for price and quality.
-vV. S. Phelps, now manager of
the Pacific Sewing Machine Co., of
Portland, was in the city last week
doing business and incidentally
calling on friends.
Robert Imbrie, Sr., was much
improved in health at last reports.
For every $1.00 cash purchase
of school supplies at The Delta
drug store you will receive one
sheet ol popular music, selected
from a largo assortment.
Jas. Whitley was in the city
from (llencoe Monday and reports
getting fair prices at bis auction
sale Saturday last. Mr. Whitley
will soon leave for Ontario, Canada.
You can learn of a bargain in
real estate by inquiring at this office.
One of the best farms in the county
will bo sold at a sacrifice.
dales Creek road district has
a fine road from Forest Grove to
Gales City, It is said that Heisler
gives such good satisfaction an su
pervisor that his district was ex
tended to within a short distance
from Forest Grove.
Remember you can buy your
school supplies cheap at the Hills
horo Bazaar.
While in the city call on Dr.
Brown, and have your teeth exam
ined and try a box of his tooth
Rubbers in all styles of
toes at Gregg's Shoe Store,
Forest Grove.
Prime Hunters.
When it comes to Nimrotls, Ilills
boro is not fur behind its neighbors.
Win. Hay, who lives below Newton,
ami Mr. Clark, of Chirk it Wilks,
Cornelius, recently relumed from
a trip to 'he Tillamook and Neha
kan countries. They were very
successful in their quest of game
and fish, bringing back 9 deer. 2 elk.
and a barrel of salmon trout. They
foi tnight.
A Questionable Story.
Every reporter-occasionally runs
up against some protly good stories
and discretion sometimes causes
the authorities to be wilh-held in
narration. Here is one related by
a member of a party which recent
ly -went over Tillamook way on a
fishing trip. "Just as we were coin
ing down a hill this side of Tilla
mook, we met a farmer with a load
of hay. He was walking and his
son was driving the team. He
stopped to let us by and his team
balked, refusing to start Mie loud,
Every posssible effort to start them
being without success we watched
his next effort. Presently he gath
ered some fugots, and built a fire
under his horses heels. As the
fuel burned slowly, he stepped
away to replenish the smudge,
when suddenly thu team started,
going about four feet, and again
halting. About this time the flames
shot upward igniting the entire
load. The boy descended from his
perch, and the old man cut the
horses' traces, freeing tbeni, and
stood there, watching hay and
wagon go up in smoke." As the'
party telling this never tells a fish I
story, our reporter is prone to be
lieve it, bul. for the present the au
thor's name will be nil anyway
until the Tillamook papers are giv
en a chance.
Joe Schulmerich and the party
under his captaincy, have relumed
from Tillamook with a plentitude
of fish stories.
N. A. Barrett is now duly in
stalled as janitor at the court bouse.
Caples it Thomas buy a hi ap,
sell cheap and keep forever at it.
Assessor Wilcox has completed
his assessment labors and the rolls
are now in the hands of the county
clerk for extension. The rolls will
now be transcripted and copy sent
sent to the secretary of state, for
state equalization. Mr. Wilcox is
now preparing the military list of
the county for filing.
--Harry Wi tkinsis farming this
year, and says that he raisetl over
40 bushels to the acre, which is
better than bis neighbors did, then
adds that be is a "theory farmer,"
also that he did not allow the har
vester or threshing machine to run
on Sunday at his place. Reporter.
John Kamna, of Faririington.
was in the city last v. eek and took
home with him a flexible disc, and
a drag harrow from Bissailon's es
tablishment. The board of equalization has
concluded its labors untl the changes
made are trilling. Considerable
more assessment was added to the
list. Taken altogether there was
veiy little complaint, everybody
seeming to think the assessor's
work very equitable.
II. Wehrung it Sons have some
bargains for you. Call at their
place of business and see for your
self. E. G. White, aged 32, and Antje
Pyl. 21, both Hillshore people, have
taken out license to wed.
The county will soon record
ovt r 80 pieces of realty yi its name,
in consideration of the delinquent
tux cases.
A merry picnic party was that
which went to Kenton, yesterday.
Those participating were It. E. Bry
an and family, Mrs. W.'E. Brock,
Mrs. J.J. Morgan, the Misses War
ren, the Misses Tongue, Miss Merry
man and L. K. Adams.
Hair cutting, 25 cen-ts; Shav
ing 10 cents, at the City Shavii
rarlors. Open from :J0 a. m. to
S:0() j . in. Hot or cold bat lis
Phillips and Coiestock. Main struct,
opposite Tualatin Hotel.
Daniel Baker, 'one of Green
ville's substantial democrats, was
in I I e city Tuesday, accompanied
by his son.
For timothy ami clover seed,
ste J. W. Goodin, of (ilencoe.
Miss Emma Eventt returned
to Portland Monday evening after
several weeks stay in this city.
The Wood hop yard below the
city harvested about 30,000 pounds
this season. No further sales are
reported in this section.
Tuesday of this week John E.
Beam received a telegram convey
ing to him the sad intelligence that
on Monday, Sept. 30, their only
child, a bright boy ba.bvi about
seventeen months old, had died of
intermittent fever. Mrs. Beam left
here some weeks ago to be present
at the bedside of a sick relative
John Armstrong, a prominent
Forest Grove citizen, was in the
city yesterday.
E. L. McCormick, our genial
county recorder, spent Sunday in
If you want the news, step up
and subscribe for this paper. It
will be one dollar well spent.
A newspaper published GO
miles below Lake Ontario, on the
line between (he United States and
Canada, issued Wednesday, reached
Ilillsboro Monday morning. The
paper was addressed to R. B. Good
in. ami it would appear that the
transit was swift enough, and beats
the Cornelius publication published
on the same day.
The post office store keeps con
stantly on sale a line of standard
periodicals, magazines and month
ly's. Anything not on sale will be
ordered for you. Inquire of J. M.
L. W. House has a county right
for a patent gate which is attract
ing much attention. The gate is
now properly equipped and stands
in the yard back of his carpenter
shop. Go and look at it.
Dr. J. P. Tamiesie and wife
returned yesterday morning from
a trip to Portland.
Cecil Humphreys, of this city,
is attending the Grove University.
Subscribe for The Annus and
get the news.
-Jas. Tu'.tle, who worked in the
Dow n's sinithey several years ago,
is again at his old post.
Warren Williams, of the City
Bakery, did business at Portland
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McCourt
are now the proud parents of a baby
girl. So says the Telephone Regis
ter. (ieorge W; Patterson and wife,
John Dennis and Hon. T. H.Tongue,
were passengers to Portland on.
Wednesday's morning local.
Novelties in Tabl
assortment of jjJjld"
material just ryC'
- O. It. Sperfrf
ber shop in tlaf
Koch's butcher!
Chas. Cavejif
a several weeks'tjk
Dilley country, wherq
Oil IY-1 (Yllfl ill 1 I ,1 .tid11 A
hop picking, etc.- : "., "
A considerable!!' ber of
homesteaders will tfoJp(rf!6n their
places in the neat future. :
Shortest and Quickest Line
Crosses both the Cascades ami the Uocky Muuriliuna in DAYLIGHT, aH'onling l;i
sctiKOrs the opportunity of viewing the
Grandest Scenery
in America.
Two trains daily from Portland; one atlla. ni .via Seattle, and one at 8:45 p. in.,
via O.K. it N.and Miokaiie. ltnns superb equipment. eoiisistinj;of dining cars, outlet
library cars, palace and upholstered tourists' sleeping
vels of elegance and comfort, containing bath room, hi
cats. J he butter cars are niar-
arber shop, easy chairs, etc.
1 1 'II, V
IJ 111 A U 11
Twin steamships 1
Northwest" and "Northland" leave Dululh every Monday inrl
Kridav for the "Woo," M:ickinac Island, Detroit. Cleveland and liuft'ulo in coei i ctioti
with the lireat Northern Kailway. Have your tickets read via NUli'l HKRN I 1 1AM
8IIIP COMPANY and eniov a delightful ride free from tiie heat and dust. 1 . r tick
ets and general information call on or address
R. C. STEVENS, O. W. P. A.
012 Front St., Seattle, Wash.
122 Third St, Portland, Orison.
Purest Drugs
and Chemicals.
Patent Medicines.
Proprietary Articled.
The Hillsboro Pharmacy
Select Stock
of Stationery.
Particular Attention Paid to
Physicians' I'li-scrijitions ami
Family Recipes.
Cor. and and Washington Street, Is
Pioneer Harness Shop,
Dealer in Horse and Mule Jewelry.
Repairing and Carriage Trimming a Specialty,
... All Goods Sold to Compete with Portland Prices
Arrested for Pilfering. .
Saturday last Constable Anniiiip,
nccompiinit'd by a constablo from
North Yiuiiliill, went out to Laurel
neighborhood and brought in a
Mr. Moore, a young fellow in the
neighborhood of 20 years of age,
charged with petty larceny in Yam
hill county. The officer also took
back with hitn, in company with
Moore, lut Uenumati, on the same
charge. Another officer captured
two of the same party, who were
bound for the Tillamook country.
Tho quartette have been picking
hops up in the Yamhill yards, and
the officers say they have a sure
case against them, As all are
young men jvlio have hitherto borne
good reputations it is to be hoped
they will prove themselves innocent
of the charges preferred against
A Quiet Wedding.
Sunday, Sept. 27, the residence
of J. W. Marsh, of Cornelius, was
the scene of a very pretty wedding.
The high contracting parties were
L. G. Weidewitscb and Miss Bertha
Marsh, two of Cornelius' popular
young people. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. S. S. Wigstead,
of the M. IS." Church. The groom
is a popular merchant in Cornelius
and the bride was married in the
house in which she first saw the
light of the world. The happy
couple will reside in that city.
Quite a number of townspeople
have recently visited Linnton where
hundreds of horses are weekly be
ing slaughtered. The boys report
it a very interesting sight. Among
those who were visitors last week,
were E. J. Lyons, V". V. Wiley,
Jno. Dobbins and J. II. Freeman.
John Dobbins has taken per
sonal charge of his ranch and is al
ready commencing to read the mar
ket reports. It is stated that he
look Dr. Freeman out to the place
the other day, to help him superin
tend the hired man.
Latest reports from Hobt. Im
brie Sr. give the information that
he asserts that he is well and that
he is coming into town Saturday if
the weather is fair.
i. 11. loneue lias rented one
of his farms near this city to G. W
Duncan of Patten valley.
Deputy Sheriff Bradford made
a flying trip to McMinnville Tues
day evening to ascertain whether
or not two men, who were being
held there for identification, were
wanted by the shrievalty of Wash
ington county. They were not
wanted, and so allowed to go on
their way rejoicing.
Look at the Coast Carriage fe
Wagon Co.'s ad in another column'.
A Juvenile Good Templars
lodge will be instituted at Forest
Grove this week.
A very pleasant pound social
was Held luesuav evening at tne
residence of H. L. Pratt, of the
Evangelical church.
Special sale in Ladies'
fine don. button, in square
or picadilly toe, only $1.75,
former price $2.25, at
Gregg,s Shoe Store, For
est Grove.
A. K. Milder ami wife, who
have been attending the conference
at Portland, from the citv of Cor
vallis, werein the citv the first of
the week the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
It. Wnpgener, of the Hotel Tuala
tin. Mr. Milner is agent for the
S. P. at Coivallis. and at one time
held a like position at Cornelius.
New evidence in the Durant
case is found every day, but the
Pharmacy remains in the lend with
an immense line of fine stationery,
tablets, etc.
Mrs. S. C. Kennel and two
children have been spending sever
al days in ihe city, the guest of her
sister, Miss Buck, of the county
clerk's Mr. Kennel is one
of the well known commercial trav
eling men of the northwest,
J. J. Northrop went to Salem
Sunday to bring back the colt,
which he bought at Tongue's sale
of speedy stock last spring. The
animal lias been in charge of Chas.
Hawk, and upon receiving the news
that Mr. Hawk was mentally a
trifle unbalanced, John concluded
he would go and bring his equine
home. V.
II. Wehruiij ' & Sons' prices on
clothing and dry goods are
I. K BERST, Prop
Beef, Mutton, Veal and Pork
Kept Constantly on Hand.
Highest : Maiket : Price : Paid : for : Fat : Cattle, : Sheep : and : Hogs
Cash Paid for Poultry.
Any one desiring to purchase a Farm
or Town Property will do well to . .
Here are some
Very Choic
e Properties
Which are Offered
O. K
No trouble to sinvjopds.
The young fellows who recent
ly were taken to North Yamhill on
a charge of petty larceny were con
victed and are serving time in the
Yamhill county jail. Twelve and
one-half days apiece will they lodge
at county expense, in default of
$25 fine"
Those from this citv attendant
at the state Fair are: Messrs and
Mesdames V. H. Wehrung, McNal
ly and G. W. Patterson.
For sale A full-blooded Hol
stein bull, 3 years old. Inquire of
or address Dan'l Baker, Greenville,
A German, who lives south of
town, had the misiortune to nave
a horse run away the other evening
when the down train came along.
The horse was standing by the de
pot, and the engine not being par
ticularly to his liking the animal
took French leave, running clear
across the Jackson bottom before
H. H. Fenton spent the latter
part of the week at Forest Grove.
Capt. Collins is also a temporary
resident of the college city, he be
ing the millwright who has charge
of placing the machinery in the
new flour mill. This mill hrs four
new roller machines, and will be
finely equipped all round when
ready for operation.
Mrs. J. C. Hare, of this city,
attended the Congregational Associ
ation at Oregon City last week, and
was elected Recording Secretary.
Cheap :-: Cheap
For particulars enquire at this office.
No 1 !i0 ncres, adjoining city limits,
sidewalk within one blot-k of property.
113 acres cleared, finest quality of bottom
land, 4 acres bench, line site for building
purposes, some timber on same. Will
sell in u body for $000 part down, bal
ance on timo to suit purchaser. Or will
subdivide so as to civo part cleared bot
tom and part bench, in plats from 2 to 5
acres, at ?li!5 per acre. Here is a chance
for a good nctit little home which can be
made self sustaining Investigate before
some one gat it. On the market for a
short time only.
No 2 10 acres, half cleared, 1 acre bea
verdam, rest slashed and sown to grass,
no buildings, goes for ?to per acre. With
in two miles of Ilillsboro. Terms, jUOO
down, balance in 3 years at 10 per cent.
Or will sell -40 acres, of which above is a
part, at same price per acre, including 15
acres of beaverdam and swail cleared.
No 3 128 acres, highway running
through center of place, 50 acres in culti
vation; 2 acres in orchard, apples, pears
and plums; U room house; log lann, good
well of water; iiO acres of beaverdam, easy
to put in cultivation; place well watered
by springs and creek; 100 acros under
fenco; IJ miles from post otlice, daily
mail; 1 mile from school house and six
miles north of Ilillsboro. Goes cheap for
No 4 A good corner lot on Main and
Third streets. 75x175, with good building
thoveon, suitable for any kind of business,
and in excellent repair, will go at a bar
gain for cash. Part payment and balance
on long timo with security.
No 5 u acres; half cleared, balance in
grass. Good house of four rooms; good
barn and outbuildings. Fine orchard of
50 trees and various other small fruits.
150 chickens 50 ducks, i-horse wagon,
1 sets single harness, good cow, 3 heifers
I horse ami farm implements. Every
thing goes for $650, cash in hand, ?