The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 26, 1895, Image 3

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THURSDAY, BKP. 20, 181)5.
Win. Tolke and Richard Ray-
fcralt have been admitted to citizen
ship by county Judge Coriieliim.
Mr. Tolke has recently proved up
Mi) a homestead near Buxton.
iiulmericli & Bon cnrry a bol
ter ithh cheaper line of Ladies' capes
and cloaks thai) you can get else-
-L. V. Borkmnes, a practical
watchmaker, Iiuh decided to locate
in thin citv. ami will canv a full
wtoek of jewelry, clocks, and watcher
in the near future. See ins "un"
in another column.
I fatH for men and boys in all
latyles, prices to suit, at Heliulmer-
lch & .Sun.
Messrs. Joe and Win. Schul
inerich, Win. Pointer and Dan
Hurkhalter left bunday morning
for a grand hunting and fishing ex
nedition over on Wilson river.
Leave orders for Balnion, deer, elk
land "bar" meat. .
Go to II. WehruntyftSunTl and
price their goodB befortbujlrg else
Hon. II. V. Gates returned
Monday evening from Klamath
Falls, and reports construction
Iranidlv nearimt completion on his
liew water and light plant at thai
lace. Mr. Gates will remain sev
eral days.
Judge Gaston, well and favor
LI v known throughout thix cotin-
. 1 . f I .1 I
y, now a rem lent ot ruriianu,
paused through town Saturday laft
n his way to baston.
If you want school shoes that
kv ill wear well, got them at Schul
inerich & Son's.
Win, Reidt, a prominent real
state man of Portland, was in the
:ity the first of the week to appear
hefore the countv board of equal
isation. Mr. Reidt asks for a re
luction on assessment property in
the nature of town lots in est
Portland. These lots were assessed
very low at the l"nt, and whether
or not he will gel any reduction re-
unaiiiH to lo seen.
Go to the Bazaar for school
John Davies, at on time pro
prietor of the National Hotel, 1'ort-
land. was in the citv the first of
die Wffk, on business.
Jos. Reid, veil known hero
lid business at the court house
Remember the Baziar has n
inplete line of school supplies.
D. W. Dobbins bus been acting
i l I P.
s saieHiiiin lor ii eiirung a.
mis during Wesley Boscow's ali
enee to Eastern Oregon.
II. Wehriinc and wife have
(turned from a pleasant outing of
Ihitiiinouths at their Newport cot-
lliuhest nrices paid for produce
in exchange for goods at Schulnier-
pen it Won. Uci ineir puces on
Mrs. W. D Hare wns a pas-
Isenger to Portland Friday evening
-Dr. F. M. Robinson, Beaver-
kon's prominent physician, was in
ih r.irv ai muiiLV on ousiuers ai in
jourt house.
H. Wehrung & Sons are lalk-
inir of remodel inir the upper stoiy
lover the Archbold store for a lodge
room. A line hall could be liUed
up and doubtless it would readily
Itind occupancy.
John R. Beeele, of the- St.
Helen's Mist, was in the city Sun-
jday, a gut-st at the home of Mrs.
Willis. Mrs. Heegle imb been vis
iting in the city for several days.
Miss Louisa Tucker is at Ka
lama visitiria relatives. Miss Tuck
er contemplates instructing a class
in painting this winter at that city.
Just received, fresh from, the
fuetnrv the finest line of umbrellas
lever shipped to this inarket. If it
rains come in; it it don t come any
way. Our prices will surprise you.
Bryan Laidlaw Co.
The Akqus reporter erred last
wept in staling John Dennis was
fattendine the Forest Grove Univer
sity. It should have read "Ben"
Miss Bird Brown left down
Monday morning to teach school
in the ceaverion vicinity.
Mrs. Tiffany has secured a po
sition m one ot the .Portland
schools. She taught in Hillsboro
school last winter and gave excel
lout satisfaction.
Jas. Foudray brought over a
load of salmon from lillamook last
week and realized a handsome
urotit thereon. The fall run of sal
mon is rather large
Found A perfume that is del
icate, fragrant and lasting. Jin
quire at the Pharmacy. '
Mrs. 0. R. Pence is visitiug
and Eugene.
38 centB,
Hauling still continues
The Roseburg local is held at
Salem until 5:45 p. m. to enable
visitors to the fair to return to
Portland the same day they visit
the capital.
W. II. Lvda. a mill maii of
Gales Creek, was iu the city the
er day.
. M. C. Lincoln, of Ulencoe, was
was in town Monday. The family
will move into the city in a few
days to enable Master Clyde and
Miss Winnie to attend the public
The Kalama Bulletin says that
Thos. Tucker has sold his sawmill
at that place loSmn Buthred, form
erly of this vicinity.
G. W. Patterson has just re
ceived a large assortment of loungeB
and all kinds of house furnishing
goods that he is selling at a great
reduction over all former prices.
Give him a call and be convinced.
Hop licking is all but com
pleted iu Washington county, the
rain having done but very little
damage. .
Henry Hesse and Robert Im
brio Sr. were seen on our streets
the las', of the week. Mr. Imbrie
finished bis hop harvest last week.
H. Wehrung (W?i5nt( have some
choice Oregon timthfeed for sale.
Hon. B. B. Huston visited Port
land Monday on professional business.
A Runaway
Boy Tells
Some Great
What the S. P. Will Pay for County
and School Government School
Commences Wite a Good
At last reports, the little child
Returns From the Faderland.
Conrad Kchulmerich, one of this
county's substantial citizens, has re
turned from a visit of several months
to Europe, where he attended .var
ious points of interest. He relates
many incidents peculiar to the old
World methods and noted many a
change since leaving Germany in
his early youth. He states that la
borers in the land ot Ins birth are
renlly the favored ones, as those
who have a little property, and the
mother is in Michigan, was very
ill. A soon as its recovery will
will permit, mother and child will
return home.
Rubbers and rubber boots for
ladies, men and bovs at Schulnier-
ich A Son, See their snag proof
The air is touched with the
Ii rath of winter. The leaves are
assuming dying tints, and the ean-
iiuv III' I,HIV-I1 Ji:ik Inst. it.H KDiiiincr
t i.... I , . 1 ,1... I
niue. wnr Hiiiiiiiit'r nmn mm
rains will soon be heiv. There is
something immeasurably sad about
the autumn days but those pump
kin pies relieve one of any morbid
fancies which may flit through the
brain. To eat. them is to forget
about season or landscape, griefs
or embarrassment.
We sell groeor;es. Call and
get prices. Ttnnivfops, 2 cans for
15 cents. Everything else in pro
portion. See eur men's $1 shoes.
Bryan Laidlaw (Co.
0. R. Spencer spent Sunday
in the city, bringing with him his
bride. Mr. Spencer contemplates
starting another barber shop in
A. M. Henshaw wasin the coun
ty seat last week buying oats for
San Francisco markets, lie will
again be here the latter part of the
week. ,
Did vou have cold wet feet last
winter; yesl Well get a pair oi
Schulinerich & Bon's water-proof
shoes and you'll have no trouble
this year.
W. IL Wehrung and wife will
go to Salem and attend the State
Fair through the cnti e scsmoii.
Note the call for organization
ofaG. A. R post in Hillsboro in
another column.
H. Wehrung & Sons' stock of
boots and shoes can not be beaten
in this county for price and quality.
Messrs. Churchlcy it Margrave
left Beavertoii with their photo tent
and are now at Kalama. After
having pitched their lent on a va
cant block in that citv a hurricane
made them a call and gave th m a
job of again setting up ll cir pegs.
The undersigned are ready to
receive niders for fall and winter
dressmaking. Prices moderate.
Give us a trial.
Hattik CKAXDAMj.
MinB limb Buck, of the county
clerk's ofliee, accompanied by the
.Misses Lena and Lillian Goodm,
vi.-Heil Portland r i nlay last.
civil war,' and had enlisted twice,-
both times receiving an honorable
discharge. The remains were in
terred in the Lone Fir cemetery,
East Portland, under the auspices
of the G. A. R.
Sudden Death.
Wm. Hall, one of llillsboro's old
and respected citizens, died Sun
day night last without a struggle.
He attended church service in the
evening, returned home in appar
ent good health, and in the morn
ing his wife found him lifeless in
bed. Mr. Hall at one time lived
below Beaverton.
Southern Pacific Assessment.
The O. & C. R. R. will, for the
year of 1895, pay taxes on valua
tions as follows:
Lands, improved and un
improved.. 49,325
City and town lots 850
Right of way and track . . 108.91)0
Rolling stock 15,155
Depot grounds 1,800
of John K. Beam, who with its! middle classes, are subjected to a
merciless taxation, as well as hav
ing to suffer pel ty tinea imposed by
an impudent constabulary. These
ollicials complain on any trifling
pretext,' and the victim, whether in
nocent or guilty, without trial, is
notified to pay his fine, which he
generally does, knowing appeal to
be fruitless. .
Mr. Schulinerich visited Kiel,
where the great canal was recently
opened, lie also attended a ceie-
j bration of the defeat of the French,
and when asked to join in the dem
onstration, said: "I have nothing
to do with this. I am an American
and think kindly of tne French, for
when Ameiica fought for liberty,
Fiance went to assist with troops
and Heel, and helped the young na
tion in many ways. We Americans'
remember this and feel grateful.
What did you do? Your princes
sent your hired troops and officers
to fight for the British." TIu'b end
ed the matter and a few minutes
later he received a note from an of
ficial to whom he was a friend, the
wording as follows: "You have just
25 minutes to catch your train; no
more. Burn this." Then came the
signature and Masonic emblem.
He lost no time in getting away.
He is glad to get home and his
friends are pleased to see him.
Total $170,120
If the levy be no higher than
last year, and up to that figure, the
company will pay into the general
county fund something like $1300.
For the support of the schools it
will augment the fund about $800,
the two amounts making a neat
little sum.
K. C. STEVENS, ii. W. l A.
612 f ront St., iSeatlit . Wasri.
Purest Drugs
and Chemicals.
Attention Comrades I
The G. A. R. post will be organ
ized on Saturday, the 5th of Octo
ber, 2 p. m., at the Grange Hall,
Hillsboro, Oregon. Please "fall in"
By order of the Committee.
Rudolph Ckandaix,
James McCulloch, Secy.
Select Stock
of Stationery.
They Meet Next Month.
The executive committee of the
Washington County Veteran Asso
ciation will meet at Cornelius next
month to determine tho place
of reunion next year. As Hillsboro
gave the Association a very hospit
nlile entertainment last July, and
fulfilled every promise made, there
is no reason to believe they will
change for anotlic locality, Hills
boro wants them to come here and
will insure them the best of treat
inert. Next season the Ladies
Auxiliary will be a very important
feature of the annual meeting.
Public Auction Salel
The undersigned will sell at pub-
Hie auction, at the Hoover & Counel
tarm, one and one-quarter miles
southwest of Glencne, on Friday,
Sept. 27, at the hour of 10:00 a. m
to the highest bidder, the following
described personal property, to-wit
Three work horses, weight 1100 and
One suckling colt.
One brood sow with young pigs.
Jen ehoats.
Three hundred bushels oats.
Two tons timothy hay.
One 3i Rushford wagon.
One plow and one barrow.
One buggy, one set dble draft har
ness and one set single harness,
Household furniture a. id numerous
other nrtiel8.
Terms of sale: Under $10. cash.
$10 and over, 6 months' credit
with approved note bearing 8 per
cent interest.
Jas. Whitley.
relatives in Albany
Wheat still sells at
For every $1.00 cash purchase
of school supplies at The Delta
drug store you will receive one
sheet ot popular music, selected
from a large assortment.
Wm. Connel will build a neat
cottage on the corner of Third and
Lincoln, from where the feliute res
idence recently was removed. The
foundation is of brick and G. L.
Perrine is the artisan. Carstens
Bros, will furnish the lumber for
the structure.
Buy ycur school supplies at
the Hillsboro Bazaar.
Last Friday night this section
was visited by a yery heavy frost.
All vegetable life was somewhat af-
fected and late gardens will now
take a rest.
Dr. Paul J. Semler came in
Saturday evening and spent the
first of the week endeavoring to or
ganize an order of Red Men. Mr.
Semler is one of Portland's bright
young doctors and has a pleasing
and genial personality.
You can learn of a bargain in
real estate by inquiring at this office.
One of the best farms in the county
will be sold at a sacrifice.
A. B. Bailey left Portland
Mondav for Chicago where he will
complete his studies in a college of
dental surgery, nis visu nere mis
summer has been a very pleasant
one, and he will resume his studies
with renewed vigor.
Goto W. W. Williams' City
Bakery for your bread, cakes, past
ry, confectionery, etc. Finest in
Washington county.
Wilcox Bros.' hophouse, in the
Sooggin valley, burned Friday last
containing one day's picking. In
surance, not known. Loss, $500.
County Judge a Philanthropist.
Some time ago County Judge
Cornelius received a visit from a
lady who lives above Forest Grove,
who stated that a few days prior a
14-ycar-old boy had come to her
place asking to remain for some
tune. As the woman had a large
family and was widowed, she re
fused, but when the lad cried pite-
ously and told a pathetic tale, he
was allowed to remain, lie said
he had come from Chicago with a
relative of his father by-name of
howcanip, anci mat upon meir ar
rival at llayward, and after stop
I ing there a short time, Lowcanip
sent him to pick some berries.
When lie returned the family had
gone, be know not whither, He
gave his name as Chas. Stagmer,
stating that his parents residtd in
Chicago. The lady with whom the
boy is stopping told his story to
Judge Cornelius and inquiry was
made by letter to the Chicago ad
dress, but the parties have no such
son. The Judge then wrote a
Haywavd party and it now trans
pires the lad is a son of Lowcamp,
and had ran away. The county
has been supporting him two or
three weeks, but doubtless the
runaway will be sent back to his
father, who it is said, is looking for
the prodigal son.
Public School in Session. ,
School has commenced with an
enrollment of 313, distributed as
follows, among the various rooms:
Eighth, ninth and tenth grades, J.
H.Stanley and Mrs. D. J. Elliot,
54; seventh grade, G. H. West, 40;
sixth grade, Miss Grace Boscow, 37;
fifth grade, Miss brace Cronkite,
28; fourth grade, Miss L. E. Hum
phreys, 40; third grade, Miss E. L.
Colman, 41; second grade, Miss
Rose Wilcox, 40; first grade, Mrs.
M. M. Pittenger, 33.
The attendance doubtless will be
enlarged in a few weeks, and all
things point to a very successful
nine months' school.
Improved Order of Red Men.
On Tuesday evening, .October
8th, there will be another order
added to Hillsboro's largo list of
civic societies. Dr. Paul J. Semler,
of Portland, has succeeded in get
ting subscribers sufficient for a
charter and the new lodge promis
es to receive a hearty support. The
principles of the Red Men are pure
ly fraternal and beneficial, and its
growth for the 30 years it has sur
vived has been phenomenal. Like
ly a tribe will also be instituted at
Forest Grove.
' Prominent Man Dies Suddenly,
Christian Carl, a prominent citi
zen of Glencoe, and a German by
birth, died at his home near Glen
coe, Thursday evening last, aged 66
years, 11 months, and 27 days. Mr.
Carl has been ailing for some time
but his death was very sudden, as
he had been moving around all day
prior his demiBO. He leaves a wife.
Deceased had considerable proper
ty, and was universally esteemed
by the community in which he
-rO, C. Zook was painfully in
jured the other day by a wheel of a
wagon passing over his ankles.
Frank Kane is again behind
the desk in the county clerk's office
after a vacation of several weeks.
--Kemeuiber you can buy your
school supplies cheap at the Hills
boro Bazaar.
Johnston Freeman, who runs
the warehouse at the depot, has
stored 124 tons of hay this week.
He will soon liave the entire capac
ity of the building occupied.
H. V. Gates departed" yester
day a. m. on a business trip to Cas
tle Rock, Washington, v,
Did you see the knives and
scissors at the Pharmacy?, Call
and examine them before buying
Thos. Talbot and wife, of Cor
nelius, passed through the city
Wednesday enroute to Salem to at
tend the State Fair.
Mrs. U. G. Gardner, who has
lieen a sufferer from tonsilitis and
quinsy for several days, is rapidly
If you want the news, step up
and subscribe for this paper. It
will be one dollar well spent.
- J. C. Hare did business at
Portland Wednesday.
While the press reports tell
about blizzards in one Eastern lo
cality and cases of fatal sunstroke
in another, Oregon pursues the ev
en tenor of her way with the most
delightful weather imaginable.
Veritable Indian summer.
The post office Btore keeps con
stantly on sale a line of standard
fieriodicals, magazines and month
ys. Anything not on sale will be
ordered for you. Inquire of J. M.
Brown. '.
A carload of prunes left Forest
Grove Tuesday morning from the
orchards of Messrs. Keep, Scott
Mrs. Max Crandail and Miss
Minnie Willis are again busily en
gaged in filling orders at their dress
making parlors.
A. D. McGahey, from Wapato,
was arrested last week on a charge feyyyfl
vi iaiijriii Luuv.caicu nnavjiia. uc
was discharged lrom custody after
he had sufficiently recovered from
a close acquaintance with the wine
when it was carmine.
Louie Boy, who was tried be
fore Judge Knight Friday last, for
killing Wm. Bachelder's canine,
was fined $10 and costs.
Money to loan iu sums to suit.
Mortgages and notes bought and
Bold. Room 13, Morgan Block.
Jas. Withycotrb was engaged
the first of the week in making
preparations to ship some fine stock
for exhibition at the State fair. He
shipped some very fine sheep and
Dr. Mills, one of Tillamook's
prominent physicians, spent Sat
urday with R. Cave, of this city.
The Dr. states that Tillamook is
moving right along, and that the
country's dairy interests are aug
menting each year.
Subscribe for The Argus and
get the news.
Some of the young people of
the Y. I'. B. U. E. of the Congrega
tional church visited Reedville
Sunday evening last to attend services.
Robert Imbrie was reported
very ill the first of the week. His
many friends trust his condition
will not prove seHous.
H. Wehruiir &J3ons' prices on
clothing and dyPg6odsN are O. K.
No trouble to showgoods.
IS. Teesdale, who was a verv
prominent figure at Portland dur
ing the railway strike ot 1894, was
in the city thie week, selling sus
penders, cr rather, a new kind ot
brace for the sterner sex. 1 era-
dale is evidently a great believer
in labor organization. If he can
work with his hands as well as he
can with his articulatory organs he
is an Al hand on any kind of a
Look at the Coast Carriage &
Wagon Co.'s ad in another column.
Attorney Geo. Bagley was a
witness at a Portland suit Tuesday,
in the of State vs. John Kelli-
her. Kelliher was recently arrest
ed near Buxton and taken to
Multnomah county.
On Tuesday evening, October
1st, there will be a pound social at
the residence of Rev. Pratt, of the
Evangelical church.
Buv vour anple boxes of R. H.
Greer's. Cheap.
The trio consisting of Dr. F.
J. Bailey, Wesley Boscow and John
Dobbins returned the first of the
week from a week's trip to the In
land Empire, having visited Pen
dleton, ha Grande and other points
of interest.
Mr. and Mrs. McNally, who
live a short distance north of this
city, left Monday a. m. for the
State Fair at Salem. In company
with W. H. W thrung and wife they
will camp throughout the session
Hair cutting, 25 cents; Shav
ing 10 cents, at the City Shaving
Parlors. Open from 7:00 a. in. to.
8:00 r. m. Hot or cold baths-
Phillips and Colestock, Main street,
opposite Tualatin Hotel.
A large delegation was in from
Buxton one day last week to prove
up on their homesteads before
Countv Clerk Goodin.
Mrs. L. W. House has been
very much indisposed for several
days but is now improving.
H. Wehrung fSrSons have some
bargains forVS'ou. Call at their
place of business ana see lor your-
Mrs. Frank Kelsay, who has
been in the Yamhill hop fields, re
turned the other day. Nearly all
of the Hillsboro colony has re
turned and the town again has its
usual appearance.
-The opening of fall and win
ter goods at Eastern Milliners was
be one of the hnest displays Mills
boro has ever witnessed.
-J. W. Rose, from Puget Sound,
is in the citv looking for a small
farm property.
The case of State vs. Wardle
for the theft of the bicycle which he
traded to Chas. Harwood, is being
tried at McMinnville today.
Russell Hovt. a ieweler of
Monmouth, is going to locate in
The enrollment at Forest
Grove's public school is now over
200. Next Friday ends the first
month and by the beginingof next
month pupils will probably be
nearly all in.
E. J. Bryan, of Stanford Uni
versity, is in" the citv the guest of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E.
Bryan. lie has been ill for some
time, and may not return this season.
Herman Schulinerich is again
in the city after a several weeks run
ax iiu xjyj x. x iJi villi iivy j. xu
l - -
un 1 Shortest and Quickest line
Crosses both the Caiicaden and the Rocky Mountains in DAYLIGHT, affording s-
sengers tlieupHirtunity oi viewing tne
Grandest Scenery
... in America.
Two trains daily from Portland; one at 11 a. m , via Seattle, and one at 8:45 p. m.,
O. K. & N.and bnokane. Runs superb equipment, consisting of dining cars, burtet
library can), palace and upholstered tourists' sleping,car. The bullet cars are mar
vels of elegance and comfort, containing; bath room, barber shop, easy chairs, etn.
Twin steamships "Northwest" and "Xorthland" leave Dululh every Monday and
Erlday lor the "lion." Mackinac Island, Detroit, Cleveland and Buttalo in coM-.cction
with the (ireat Railway. Have your tickets read via NORTHERN r'lKAM
HHIP COMPANY and eniov a delightful ride free from the heat and dust. For tick
ets and gBiieral information cull on or address
A. B. C. DENNISTON.C. P. & T. A.
122 Third St, Portland. Oregon.
Patent Medicines.
Proprietary Articles.
The Hillsboro Pharmacy
Particular Attention Paid to
Physicians' Prescriptions ami
Far-iily Kecijies.
Cor. 2nd and Washington Street, Is -
Pioneer H arness Shop,
Dealer in Horse and Mule Jewelry.
Repairing and Carriage Trimming a Specialty.
... All Goods Sold to Compete with Portland Prices ...
I. E BERST, Pbop
Beef, Mutton, Yeal and Pork
Kept Constantly on Hand.
Highest : Maiket : Price : Paid : for : Fat : Cattle, : Sheep : and : Hogs
Cash Paid for Poultry.
Any one desiring to purchase a Farm
or Town Property will do well to . . .
Here are some
Very G
hoice Properties
Which are Offered
Cheap :-: Cheap
For particulars enquire at this office.
No 1 20 acres, adjoining city limits,
sidewalk within one block of property. ,
16 acres cleared, finest quality of bottom
land, 4 acres bench, fine site for building
purposes, some timber on same. Will
sell In a body for $-2000 part down, bal
ance on time to suit purchaser. Or will
subdivide so as to give part cleared bot
tom and part bench, in plats from if to 5
acres, at $125 per acre. Here is a chance
tor a good neat little home which can be
made self sustaining Investigate before
some one gots it. On the market for a
short time only.
No 2 . 10 acres, half cleared, 1 acre boa
vordain, rest slushed and sown to grass,
nn hnlldinm. (roes for W5 oer acre. With- ,
in two mites of Hillsboro. Terms, $100
down, balance in 3 years at 10 per cent, ".
Or will sell 40 acres, of which above is a
part, at same price per acre, including 15
acres of beaverdatn and swail cleared.
No 3 128 acres, highway running
through center of place, 50 acres in culti
vation; i acres in orchard, apples, pears
and plums; ti room houe; log barn, good
well of wator; 30 acres of bnaverdam, easy
to put in cultivation; place well watered
by springs and creek; 100 acres undor
fence; 1J miles from post office, daily
mail; 1 mile from school house and six
miles north of Hillsboro. Goes cheap for
lived. He was u veteran of the and Bond and others.
M r. Rose, who lives in this
citv. died vest( iday after a lengthy
illness. He was a member of the
A. O. U. W., and leaves $2000 to
his family.
The prune dryer of H. B. Luce
is being operated to its fullest ca
pacity these days.
No 4 A good corner lot on Main and
Third streets, 75x175, with good building
thoreon.suitable for any kind of business,
and in excellent repair, will go at a bar
gain for cash. Part payment and balance
on long time with security, . , ;
No s u acres; half cleared.balance in
frass. Good house of four rooms; good
am and outbuildings. Fine orchard of
50 trees and various other small fruits.
150 chickens 50 ducks, I -horse wagon,
2 sets single harness, good cow, 3 heifers,
1 horse and farm implements. Every
thing goes for $650, cash in hand.