The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 26, 1895, Image 1

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VOL. 2.
NO. 27.
Purrant's Trip to Oppenheim's
Tim Prosecution In tlia Oniat Murder
Trial Hat Most of It Case
Before the Jury,
San Francisco, Sept. 25. More
women than uien git uutl liutuu whilo
Dumiiit is triuil. Every phuso aud in
cident u( tho (lriimu in keeuly watched
by them. When Mm. Durrant ouuioii
in of a morning and imprints a mother
ly kiwi ou her wiu'a lips, the women on
the back benches peer and puck and
crane uud (iuttor. An the kis 1b mot,
thuro in an involuntary indrawn "Ah"
all along tho lino, and then, with a
wave of hats and bonnets and feathers
and flowers, these fauna and flora of
millluory shops subside into the pool.
This morning, Durrant was handed
au invitation to a social, to take plaoe
tomorrow evening. Tho invitation wus
passed around, but he was obliged to
send his regrets a previous engage
ment. Adolph Oppeuheim sat in front. Mr.
Oppeuheim was breathing hard. lie
knew what was bofore him in the way
of cross-examluation, and ho was hard
ening his heart for the test. The de
fense laid all sorts of traps for Oppeu
heim; and whether they succeeded in
netting him in any of thorn will not be
inado clear until they bring in such
evidence as thoy may have to impeach
his testimony. There is no doubt that
such is their purpose, for they laid the
foundation today.
Tho niimt dramatic witness of the
duy was W. J. Phillips, now of San
Hafael. Phillips may bo dosorlbod as
a Birtish blonde, and he kept a cigar
store for ilvo years in Victoria. Phil
lips has nn important walk, and an im
posing maimer. He stepped off tho
stand, walked to the frout, pushed out
au aggressive finger, almost threaten
ingly, and said:
"That's tho man."
No hesitation about hlin or his testi
mony. He said ho would know Dur
rant if thoy had shaved his head in
stoad of giving his hair tho intermedi
ate pomadour of the county jail, a sort
of midway coiffure between the city
prison and San Quentin.
Oppeuheim was the first witness of
the morning, aud he was taken in
hand by Dickinson for cross-examination.
From the severity and searching
nature of the inquisition, it is evideut
tliat tue uoronse rogarag nis wsumony
as important. They have had deteo
tivos working up his rocord, and have
sent people to him with articles for
sale in order to test his memory. Thoy
j showed him a silver oorksorew, a
t, y watch charm, a gold chain andaoouple
of watches, aud asked him to say if ho
had seen thorn before. He had seen
them. They had been offered him for
, sale in his store. Theu thoy asked him
to describe the olothes aud appoarauce
of the men who offered tho articles.
Oppenhoim was able to do this in some
dege. It is altogether possible that
among the artioles shown were pome
that were never offered him for sale.
That sort of thing is called "testing
the memory" of the witness. Of
course, Oppenheim's memory for
clothes and outward characteristics of
casual visitors to his store is a most
importaut element in the value of his
testimony, as his description of the
man he believes to have been Durrant
is specific and minute in detail.
Furthor, they asked him questions
regarding some transactions in which
he was mixed up with the police.' The
bearing of the questions was not made
olear at the time, but were obviously
put to lay a foundation for future testi
mony in the way of impoaohment.
The man who goes on the stand in the
Durrant oase takes his reputation in
his hand.
The prosecution now has its case
substantially before the jury. Its main
witnesss have been hoard, and all that
the distriot attorney will now try to
do is to substantiate the evidenoe al
ready given with corroborative testi
mony. Adolph Opponheim, the broker,
who stated that Durrant had, about the
middle of last April, tried to pawn a
ring with a chip diamond, identified
hv Onnanheiin as one belonging to
Blanohe Lamont, was recalled for fur
" ther cross-examination. The witness
was questioned at length by the defense
regarding Durrani's visit to his shop,
in order to ascertain the possibility of a
mistake iu identification. To test his
memory he was questioned oouoerning
. other persons who had visited his
pawnshop on the day Durrant is
oharged with having tried to sell the
ring. Opponheim said only two othe
. persons had oalled. Both were strangr
era, yet he described them minutely,
and recounted the particulars of their
visits as if thoy had ooourred yester
day. Opponheim was asked regarding
other specific days, answering prompt
ly, In the minds of some spectators
in the oonrtroom he was too good a
wituess, remembering events on special
days months back with extraordinary
vividness. Counsel for the defense
tried to oonfuso Oppenheim by showing
him a number of silver artioles and in
quiring if he bad ever seen them be
: 5i f ore. In many cases the pawnbroker
U Replied in the affirmative,. . Rnfl de
scribed tho persons who had tried to
soli or pawn them. The defense evi
dently oonsiderod Oppenheim's testi
mony of great importance and tried
hard to break it down, but without
marked suooess. .
W. J. Phillips, a olgar manufact
urer, a middle-aged man, of good ap
pearand and address, testified in a
positive manner that he had teen Dnr
rant comiug out of Oppenheim's store
in tho early part of last April. Ho
had no doubt of the identity of Dur
rant He was attracted to the man by
his peculiar apiMiarauoe, manner, his
actions and the faot that he was oom
iug out of a pawnshop.
A sensational soeue followed, when
the witness stopped down at the re
quest of tho distriot attorney to iden
tify the man he saw ooming out of the
pawnshop. Phillips rose, walked
from the stand to within three feet of
the prisoner, and with pointed fluger
and steady gaze, said in positive tones:
"That is tho young man."
Durrant did not fliuch under the or
deal. He returned gaze with gaze,
aud not a muscle of his impassive face
twituhod. He neither betrayed guilt
nor flashed back the glance of injured
iuuoconce. Tho witness was cross-examined
regarding his business experi
ences, and his family history, with tho
apparent intention of discrediting his
testimony. He said when Dun-ant's
portrait was first published ho re
marked that he had seen him some
plaoe. When Oppenheim's picture
was published tho scene at the pawn
shop flashed across his mind, and all
the details came back to him. Phillips
said ho came into tho oonrtroom a
week ago to see if he oould identify
Durrant, which he did, without a mo
ment's hesitation.
The witness said ho did not know
Opponheim, and had never bowed to
him, althongh he had frequently seen
the pawnbroker standing iu tho door of
his shop as the witnoss went to his
office. He had avoided speaking to
Oppeuheim since Durrant's arrest, as
ho wished to prevent any suspicion of
collusion between them. Phillips said
ho had said nothing to Durrant as the
latter left the shop, nor did the prison
er speak, but Durrant made a peculiar
motion with his lips, which he had
never seen a man make before. Tho
witness hud noticod Durrant make the
sumo lip movement when he came to
court a week ago to look at him.
Leigh H. Irvine, a newspaper man,
said he interviewed Durrant tho even
ing of April 14 iu the oity prison.
Durrant's statement was made in the
presence of Judge Thompson, who was
then Durrant's attorney. It was as to
his whereabouts April 8. Durrant then
said he left home about 8 that morn
ing and met Blanche Lamont at Twenty-first
and Mission She invited him
to accompany her to the college the
duy the conversation about the "New
comes" took place. He went to the
church at 4:30 and took off his coat
and hat and weut up stairs to fix the
gas. Ho stated that he met King in
the church, and left it with King. He
said nothing about having soon Miss
Lament in tho afteroon.
Mrs. A. B Berry, of Alumeda, who
was visiting Mrs. Crossett April 8, cor
roborated Mrs. Crossett as to her trip
to the Mission that aftornoon. Mrs.
Crossett left the Haight street car at
Market to go out to Valoncia.
Offloor Burke thon identified Dur
rant's ooat aud hat, which he had
taken from his father's house when
Durrant was arrested. Defense ad
mitted the ooat and hat lielonged to
Durrant. The court then took a recess
for two hours.
In the oponing statement for Dur
rant, it is semi-offlnialiy stated, Mr.
Deuprey will state that neither himself
nor his colleagues ever entertained the
Idea of disputing the testimony of Mrs.
Mary Vogel and the three girls to the
effect that Durrant joined Blanohe La
mont at Kay and Powell streets, at 8
o'olnok, on the afternoon of April 8.
He will admit that the young woman
and the medical student got oiv the oar
together and rode in the direction of
Market street. Upon their arrival at
Market and Powell they separated,
Miss Lamont going in one direction,
and Durrant iu another, bent upon
keepiug an engagement with Mrs.
Rosalind Holland.
The prosecution has not as yot at
tempted to prove by the students at the
Cooper medical college, Dunant's
classmates, that the acoused did not at
tend Dr. Cheney's lecture on the after
noon that Blanohe Lamont was stran
gled to death. It is understood a num
ber of the young men have been noti
fied that they may bo wanted, but
whether or not their evidenoe will be
considered necessary to add to the for
midable array of testimony has not
been stated.
Durrant has been watohing for this
development of the case with appar
ently special oonoorn and has taken
the pains in person to look np some
evidenoe which might tend to offset
any statements to the effect that he had
not been seen in the lecture room on
that afternoon. He recently sent for
throe of his classmates and asked them
to try to remember that they saw him
in the classroom on the afternoon of
the 3d. He essayed to recall little in
stances which ooourred on that day and
which he hoped would oause the stu
dents to believe that they really had
seen him there. Two of the students
he summoned oould not be persuaded
to admit that thoy saw him there dur
ing the lecture, but the third, who was
F. W. Rose, was inolined to think
Durrant was right abont it. At the
aooused s solicitation Kose looked over
his notes and oonolnded that he had
seen Durrant in the leotnreroom. He
will now be summoned, it is said, as a
witness for the defense to assist in prov
ing an alibi.
Whlokersham Still City Attorney.
Tacoma, Sept. 25. Judge Stallcup
this morning refused to mandamus
Mayor Orr to appoint another oity at'
torney than the present inoumbent,
Tames WiokerBham. The eonnoil re
fuses to confirm the reappointment,
and Wiokersham has held over for sev
eral months.
It is said that the board of regents of
the Oregon agricultural college will
"dock" tea oners whenever they are
Britishers Want Another Try
for America's Cup.
Though Anxious for a Hues Without In
terference, ho Conditions Will
Ue Attached.
London, Sept. 24. The town resi
deuce of Mr. Rose, who has challenged
the New York Yacht Club for a race
for the America's cup, is a beautiful
house on Hill street. A representative
of the press saw him tonight Mr.
Rose is a tall, athletic-looking man,
about 40 years of age, with a bronzed
face. He was asked regarding his
challenge for the cup. "I have sent
a preliminary mossuge to the secretary
of the New York Yacht Club, and I
have also communicated with J. Pier
pout Morgan on the subject. The for
mal challenge will go through the
Royal Victoria Yacht Club next week,
as soon as the designer and I shall have
agreed on the diuiensidnB of the yacht,
which is to be built, and other particu
lars which it is necessary to incorporate
in the challenge. Tho yacht will be
designed by Soper, and it will be built
at Fay's yard in Southampton. I oan
give no further particulars, as really
they are not settled yet."
"Shall you make it a condition that
the races for the America's cup must
be held elsewhere than in the vicinity
of New York?" was asked.
"Certainly not," answered Mr.
Rose. "I shall make no conditions,
though, of course, I am most anxious
that the raoes shall be held with no
chance of interforonce, and I have no
doubt that the committee will feel the
same way."
"It was feared," observed the inter
viewer, "that the recent flasoo would
prevent any Englishman from challeng
ing again."
"Oh, no," said Mr. Rose; "the
affair is regretted on both sides. A
certain amount of friction is insep
arable from all international sporting
events, but that will not deter us from
trying again."
The Other Challenger.
London, Sept 24. The woalthy
gentleman mentioned by the Field as
beiug prepared to build a cutter to
challenge for the America's cup in
1890, provided the New York Yaoht
Club would consent to sail matches in
waters where the yacht could not be
interfered with, as mentioned in a dis
patch of Saturday, is now announced
to bo Sir George Newness. .. Sir George
had sat for the Newmarket division of
Cambridgeshire Bince 1885, nntil the
late election, as a liberal, when he
was defeated by Harry MoCalniont,
who is said, to be half-owner of Val
kyrie III. Sir George Newness is tho
propriotor of several society publica
tions, inoluding Tid Bits, The Strand
Magazine and the Westminster Ga
zette which is one of the English news
papers whioh has not hesitated to crit
icise Lord Dunraven for withdrawing
from the third race for the Amerioa's
Defender and Valkyrie.
London, Sept. 24. The secretary of
the Royal Yaoht squadron writes to
the bunking firm of Laycock, Goodfel
low & Bell that he has cablod their
offer of 1,000 pouuds for a race be
tween Defender and Valkyrie on other
than American waters to the New York
Yaoht Club, but that he fears it is too
late in the season to arrange the match.
The same firm sends to the Sports
man a check for 25 pounds as a prize
for the best design for a gold cup to be
given by them for a oontest in 1896 in
Amerioa, England or Australia between
yachts which do not exoeed ninety tons.
Young. Girl Hoboed of Her Hair While
Soundly Sleeping.
Neligh, Neb., Sept. 24. This oity
has been the scene of one of the most
peculiar crimes in the state's history,
and there, is no clew to the perpetrator.
The entire family of W. O. Brown has
been worn out with watohing at the
bedside of a sick child, and when op
portunity offered, slept more soundly
than usual. When Miss Jenny Brown,
a girl just budding into womanhood,
woke, she discovered during the night
she had been shorn of her principal
charm, by some one who had oome in
through the window. When she went
to sleep the night before, she possessed
a beautiful head of hair, whioh was
the envy of all the women in town.
One-half of it was gone, the thief evi
dently being afraid to disturb her suffi
ciently to seoure the portion from the
side of her head whioh lay on the pil
low. The hair on the exposed side of
her head was out off close to the scalp,
and the thief had taken flight without
awakening any one in the house.
Hallway Connection for Goldendale,
Goldendule, Wash., Sept 24.
There was a grand gathering at Cen
terville citizens laBt evening and the
band played. The railway porposition
was fully disoussed and the Bubsidy
was increased to about $20,000. There
were many farmers who desired time
to oonsider, so no decisive action was
takon. D. MoRiohards, lately from
Birmingham, Ala., who says he had a
hand in building the first road into
that Southern city, is in Goldendale
for a few days, and said if the peo
ple fail to aooept Dalton & Gerlinger's
proposition, he has a proposition to
submit, which, if accepted, will assure
Goldendale railway connection within
a year.
Great Britain Grabbing .Every Avail
able Bit for a lieaport.
Seattle, Sept. 21. The statement
published in the Post-Intelligencer
some time ago that the official maps
prepared by the provincial government
of British Columbia would show the
truth df every charge that has been
made in this paper that Great Britain
intended to do her utmost to grab al
most every available site for a seaport,
is fully oonfirmed by the published
copies of the map, of which several
have been received in this city. The
map bears the legend:
"Map of the province of British Co
lumbia, compiled by the direction of
the Hon. G. B. Martin, chief commis
sioner of lands and works, Victoria, B.
C, 1895."
The Canadian map shows the British
boundary claim in a clearly defined
broken black line. Starting from the
south, it touches Cape Chacon, the
southernmost point of Prince of Wales
island, and runs up Behm channel,
turning easterly to a point' in Bor
ough bay; thence it runs northwesterly
along the summit of a supposed range
of mountains parallel with the general
line of the shore, but which the Amer
ican surveyors say does not exist Op
posite the head of Holkam bay it leaves
this mountain range to the east and
cuts across Tracy arm. Leaving the
head of that inlet in British territory,
it makes a similar cut across 'the head
of Speel river estuary. It also cuts
across Taku inlet midway of its length,
leaving the mouth of the Taku river,
which is the only eligible site for a
seaport, in British territory, while it
gives the United States the mountain
ous shores toward the ocean. ; It then
cuts across to the point south of Bern
er's bay, in Lynn canal. It outs across
that large inlet, then veers to the
southward and crosses Glacier bay near
its mouth, then runs northwesterly
over the summits of "the great peaks to
Mount St. Ellas.
By cutting across Lynn canal, this
line gives to Great Britain Berner's
bay, where valuable gold mines are be
ing developed by American capital,
and it leaves the Chilkoot inlet; the
Sheep Creek mines, which have recent
ly been discovered by Americans, and
Chilkoot pass, which is the only prac
ticable route to the Yukon mines, in
British territory. It also gives to
Great Britain the Muir glacier, Alas
ka's greatest scenic attraction for tour
ists. Generally speaking, it claims
for Great Britain the heads of the
three greatest inlets in Alaskan terri
tory. The strongest denials of Great Brit
ain's claim have come from the Metla
kahtla Indians, who some years ago
movod from Port Simpson, ? near the
mouth of Work channel, in British Co
lumbia, to Annette island, for the ex
press purpose of becoming subject to
the American government, that had
granted the island to them. This
island lies to the east of Behm channel,
and is thus claimed by Great Britain,
while all previous definitions of the
boundary have shown it to be undis
puted American territory.
The boundary line is drawn in con
formity with the British interpretation
of the treaty between Great Britain
and Russia made in 1825.
Prospectors Have Qone to Inspect Those
of Corea
San Francisco, Sept 24. Quite an
amount of interest has been oreated in
local mining oircles, following upon
the departure for Corea of two noted
mining engineers, J. K. Eveleth, of
England, and A. W. Deshler, of De
troit The two expert left for Japan
on the last trip of the Coptic Both
gentlemen are on the same mission,
though they represent different syndi
cates. It has been learned that they
have been sent by two wealthy syndi
cates to inspect and investigate the
properties situated upon the sites of
some of the most anoient mines in the
history of the world. They are in
Corea and China.
A great deal of discussion concerning
these mines has taken .plaoe in lute
years and there has developed much
interest in the faraway deposits of fab
ulous riches. This has extended to all
oircles of miners and investors and
there has been a great deal of specula
tion as to the possibilities for the de
velopment of the mines. As a result
it appears that a practical investiga
tion of them is to be mado.
Both Mr. Deshler and Mr. Eveleth
were interrogated by local mining men
before their departure, but both were
equally reticent in regard to their in
tentions, further than to admit that
their trip to Corea was in regard to the
mines. Both said they were not fully
informed as to the nature of the work
in store for them and that they would
not be nntil they had reaohed the other
side of the Pacific. They have sailed
under sealed orders, as it were.
Very little definite knowledge has
ever been seoured oonoerning the mines
of Corea, bat they are reported to be
very rich in gold. They are situated
in the wild, mountainous districts of
the Hermit kingdom, and have .been
worked in a primitive way only. The
rock taken out has, however, proved
to be very rich.
It is generally believed that the king
of Corea has offered inducements to
prospectors to develop the mines on
the payment to the king of a certain
percentage of the profits of the enter
prise. In faot, the supposition is that
the man behind the whole proposition
is Clarenoe Greathouse, formerly of
this city, who has been for some time
the adviser of the king of Corea.
Favors an International Agreement.
Brussels, Sept. 16. The interna
tional agrionltnral oongress, whioh has
been in session since September 8,
passed a resolution for an international
bimetallio agreement
Details ot China's Restitu
tion for the Massacres.,
Seven Condemned Chinese Beheaded
and Their Heads Hung I p la
Public Places as Warning.
New York, Sept 21. A cablegram
to the World from Foo Chow, China,
says the details of Tuesday's executions
have just been received. After the
mandarins had refused, Friday, to exe
cute any men implicated in the mis
sionary massacres, the Amerioan and
British consuls wired to Peking. Mon
day the mandarins received the vice
roy's order to execute seven men. At
6 o'clock Tuesday morning Consul Hix
son, Lieutenant Evans and Mr. Greg
ory, the British consul, proceeded to
the yamen gate, where the mandarins
sat awaiting thorn. When the foreign
ers took their seats the drums were
beaten, a salute fired and the crier
shouted three times:
"The court is open."
Then the condemned men were
brought speedily from their cells.
They knelt before the court and were
tumbled, securely bound, into bamboo
cages, on which were attaobed pieces
of paper with the sentence written on
them. The mandarins then put on
their scarlet robes, and the death pro
cession started for the execution
grounds outside the oity, between lines
of soldiers. When the procession ar
rived the condemned men were tumbled
out and made to kneel with their backs
to the mandarins. Then the five heads
men began their bloody work. The
first head fell, clean cut
When the heads of the seven were
cut off the vast crowd gave a great
shout. The people clapped their hands
and departed. The heads were hung
in a prominent plaoe in the city as a
The mandarins professed to fear fur
ther trouble, for the crowd of foreign
ers there were armed with revolvers,
but there was no trouble.
No leaders have been executed as
yet. Some leaders with strong back
ing hope to escape. The viceroy is de
laying the execution of others, hoping
for an undeserved clemency.
Punishment following the crime so
soon is unusual after foreign trou
bles. The execution will have a good
effect in showing the people that the
matter is snrious.
Bad feeling is spreading through the
provinoe because of the delays in exe
cution. At Foo Chow the oeatmon
talk was that the men would escape.
The consuls writing to Peking for
stringent orders to local officials, who
do nothing unless forced, resulted in
prompt action.
The Detroit is still here and one
English gunboat of 758 tons.
Further Outrages Reported.
London, Sept. 21. A diBpatch to the
Times from Hong Kong says the Basle
mission, at Mollie, west of Swatean,
was wrecked on Monday. The for
eigners had evacuated it, owing to the
warnings received from other stations
that thousands of rebels were gather
ing and looting the property of the
wealthy Chinese. The troops sent to
quell the npriaing were withdrawn
recently. Placards announce that the
withdrawal was due to an English at
tack on Canton because of recent mas
sacres. To Cure Kleptomania by Hypnotism.
Salt Lake, Sept. 21. A series of ex
periments was begun in the territorial
reform school at Ogden today by Dr.
A. De Monca, a local hypnotist, look
ing to the cure of kleptomania and
kindred erratic mental conditions of
children by hypnotism. It is claimed
that suggestions given in the hypnotio
sleep will overcome the oriminal tend
Mexico's Army Is to Be Remodeled.
City of Mexioo, Sept. 21. On the
return of General Mena, chief of the
Mexican military commission in Ger
many, it is provable tnat the army will
be entirely remodeled as to weapons,
taotios, eto. It is proposed to create a
magnificent fighting machine, largely
nn the German model. The govern
ment is to maintain the commission in
Europe, and besides sending over many
specialists from all branches of the
military service it is its purpose to
make Mexico stronger for defense. The
feeling between Cuban residents and
Spaniards oontinues to grow acrimoni
ous and the latter have been especially
stirred np by the sympathy of the
masses of Mexican people for the Cu
ban patriots, for on public occasions
cries of "Down with the Spaniards,"
"Long live free Cuba!" and cheers for
Cuban insurgents are heard. ,
Spokane's Police Muddle.
Spokane, Sept 20. The police mud
dle becomes more complicated daily.
Two of three polioe commissioners ap
pointed today H. H. Humphrey to the
position of chief of polioe, made vacant
by the removal of Chief Mertz. They
have legal service sustaining their ac
tion, and are sustained by a majority
of the members of the oonncil. Mayor
Belt disputes their authority to ap
point, and has issued a proclamation
tonight warning members of the force
to ignore the ohief appointed by the
commissioners, and directing them to
recognize only the authority of Offloer
MoKerna, who has been named by him
as aoting chief of polioe. The force i
divided in its opinion, but a majority
of the members is with the mayor.
Meanwhile two sets of authorities con
tinue to give orders at the polioe station.
Between the Two Countries
Over Boundaries.
Rio de Janeiro, Sept 21. Dis
patches from Para state that a French
force has lauded north of Amapa and
has blockaded Connani, close to where
the lighting occurred last May. Gov
ernor Gabral, who was prominent in
the former fighting, is preparing to re
sist the Frenoh.
The trouble in May in the frontier
district between Brazil and Frenoh
Guiana has given rise to a good deal of
bitter controversy between the two gov
ernments. The Brazlian governor ar
rested a Frenchman named Trajane in
the region which is in dispute between
the two countries. The French gover
nor of Guiana organized an expedition
to punish Governor Gabral and rescue
Trajane. The expedition, led by Cap
tain Lnnier, was unsuccessful, its lead
er and four marines being killed.
The French governor, Charvein, was
recalled to San Franoisco for having
organized an expedition without the
authority of the colonial officers, and,
his successor, M. de Mothe, formerly
governor of Senegal, was, sent out,
with instructions to pacify the region
by peaceful measures.
The news above looks as if he had
decided peaceful measures to to be un
availing and was about to reopen his
predecessor's controversy with Gover
nor Gabral. This region is swarming
with adventurers seeking gold, and
the only appeal of differences is to mob
Counani was the location of a small
French settlement, and it was here
that Governor Gabral and 500 follow
ers captured Trajane, the leading colo
nist, and brought him to Amapa.
Kevenue Marine Officers Instructed
Lnforc the Laws.
Seattle,. Wash., Sept 20. The
United States revenue marine officers
of the Sound have recently received or
ders to rigidly enforce the navigation
laws in regard to the carrying of lights
on vessels, and they have caused almost
a panic among Bteamboatmen by re
porting a number of violations. For
several years the law in this respect
has not been rigidly enforced, and
steamboatmen, from motives of econo
my, have neglected to provide the
proper lights. The consequence is. that
nearly evory boat on Paget sound was
found subject to fine in some - particu
lar. The revenne launch Scout has
been making careful inspection, and
has reported violations which Subject
the owners of bouts to fines whioh ag
gregate several thousand dollars.
The navigation laws are very strict
in regard to offenses of this kind. They
require offioers of the revenue marine
to board and inspect any vessel, from a
rowboat to a steamer, and to report to
the oollector of onstoms of the distriot
offenses against any of the navigaiton
laws, with the fine to be imposed. The
collector is then ordered to notify own
ers that they must pay the fine iu cash
within ten days, or the vessel will be
siczed and sold to cover it; rowboats
are subject to instant seizure. There
is no appeal from the action of the col
lector, except to the ohief of the bu
reau and the secretary of the treausry.
A Project to
Hold Fair In Tacoma
In 1900.
Tacoma, Sept. 20. A project to hold
an Occidental and Oriental fair in Ta
coma in the Bummer of lttOO was con
sidered by a meeting of citizens, held
at the chamber ot commerce tonight,
and unanimously approved. A pre
liminary organization was formed and
committees appointed to perfect plans
and have the work started both in this
country and in the countries of the
Orient, whioh it is hoped to interest
The object will be to foster trade rela
tions between the United States and
Oriental nations. The project has
been decided upon as a result of the
great growth in the Oriental traffic
which has so inoreased in three years
that 120,000 tons, or 400 trainloads of
freight, from and going to the Orient,
will be handled by the Tacoma-China
line this year. Congress will be asked
early in the next session to appropriate
1500,000 for the fair on the ground
that the Faoiflo ooast is entitled to au
appropriation for a fair, never having
had one.
Supposed to Be the Lord Downshire
rniiaaeipnia, sept 24. it is now
generally conceded that the unknown
four-masted steel ship, with whioh the
British ship Prince Oscar collided July
13 last, sinking her with all hands, is
the Lord Downshire, of Belfast, whioh
is commanded by Captain J. G. Mc
Mnrray, well-known at this port.
xnis snip was known to nave been in
the locality of the collision at the
time, homeward bound from Culeta,
from which port she sailed in May for
Hamburg, loaded with nitrate. So
positive are the underwriters of this
city, owing to her tallying to such an
extent with the ship which Captain
Henderson, of the Prince Oscar de
scribes, that a premium from 80 to 85
guineas is now being paid for her re
insurance. The Lord Downshire is
owned by what is known as the Irish
Shipowners' Association, of Belfast, of
whioh Thomas Dixon & Sons are man
agers. The Lord Downshire carried
orew of about forty men. j
Engineer C. M. Foster.of Baker City,
Or., is surveying the Grande Ronde
river between Island City and Oro
Dell, for the purpose of compiling
plat of the river channel, irrigating
canals and other data in behalf of . the
Island City Milling & Mining Com
pany for use in the rait recently instl
tuted by the oompany to determine the
status of water rights along the river.
Mason and Dixon Line
Been Wiped Out.
This Has Been Proven by the Encamp,
ment at Louisville and the Re
union at Chlefcamauga.
Chattanooga, Sept 20. If one may
judge by the events of the last two
days, the Mason and Dizon line has
been wiped off the map. The friend
ly brotherly feeling which has been
displayed here this week, and which
was shown at Louisville last week by
the boys of gray toward the boys of
blue, proves that the bitter sectional
ism which so long divided the Dnion
no longer exists. For nearly a fort
night now, the doors of the South have
been thrown open to the men who came
here thirty odd years ago, bearing arms
of slaughter and destruction. Not a
single incident that would indicate a
feeling of hatred on either side has
been recorded. ,
Yanks" and "Johnny Rebs."
grown grey with years, have gone over
ue great Dattieneld together, discussed
the events of those awful days, drank
together, and even, in some instances.
slept together without Btirrina nn any
thing like an angry thought Generals
who commanded armies for the Union
have been guests of generals of the
Confederacy, and each has solemnly de
clared that there is no "North and
The events of today have bound us
together as nothing else could have
done, and the solemn yet joyous event
of tomorrow will seal the tie forever. "
So spoke a memorable soldier of the
North to one of the South at Grass Hill
today, and the latter answered, with
tears in his eyes:
"Comrade, yon are right: shake
hands," and they did.
Chattanooga is an enternrisinir town.
The people did as much for the enter
tainment of their Northern visitors as
any one oould wish. At early dawn
the town and surrounding country
awoke. In less than two hours there
was a general exodus from town to the
battlefield. There were bands of mnsio
followed by regiments of militia.
There were thousands on thousands of
men, women and children. Then there
were carriages, wagons and vehicles of
every description in which the people
rode. Many of the vast throng looked
over the field of .Chicakamauga sadly,
remembering the awful scenes of car
nage and death they hud witnessed
there thirty-three years ago, but all
ieit a tnrui ol joy to know that old
wounds had been healed, and th
hatred of those days was no more.
Such were the conditions whioh nre-
vailed at the preliminary exeroises at
tendant on the dedication of the his
toric battlefield as a national park
which will take place tomorrow.
Cholera Has Secured a Firm Foothold
in China and Japan.
San Francisco. Sept 20. Notwith.
landing the. endeavors of the Japanese
viimese authorities to suppress
news oonoerning the cholera, the truth
has at last oome to light concering the
plague. Japan and North China are
fairly alive with cholera germs, Si
berian offioials have declared Jananese
open ports infected, and from official
souroes it is learned that over 17,000
people have died in Japan from the
plague since its start in Pescadores In
unna the disease has gained a firm
Advices by steamer Rio Janeiro r.
port that in Tokio the heat is terrifio
and the disease germs have been nursed
by the olimate in virulent form. On
the steamer little could be learned con
cerning Yokohama, but nevertheless the
plague is raging there also.
in China, at Che Foo. the disease is
spreading rapidly. Miss Turner and
the child of Dr. and Mrs. MoFarlane,
of the Chu Chi London mission, were
stricken down and died. At Nankins.
much illness prevails among the for
eigners, many of whom have been
forced to flee from the oountry.
Saloon-Keepers, Bartenders and Gam
blers Barred From Membership.
Atlantio City, Sept 20. At todav'a
session of the sovereign grand lodge, I.
O. O. F., great surprise was occasioned
by receiving the resignation of Sover
eign Grand Treasurer Isaac A. Bhep
ard, of Philadelphia, due, he wrote, to
failing health. It was accepted by a
standing vote. Richard Muckle, of
Philadelphia, was nominated for the
position, and he was unanimously
At the afternoon sessions amend
ments to the constitution introdniwH
last year Ofme up for final action.
The first amendment was the addition
of another section to artiole 16, provid
ing that no saloon-keepers, bartenders,
or professional gamblers shall be eligi-
me w memrjersnip m the order. This
immediately raised a spirited debate,
which lasted more than three hours.
The vote was finally taken amid the
utmost confusion, and the amendment
passed, by a vote of 147 to 82, the
requisite number being 185. This
amendment baa been introduced at the
annual session for four or fl-e years
past, but its supporters were never able
to pass it until today.
' Before the adjournment the sover
eign grand lodge voted to give the
grand decoration of ohivalry to about
twenty persons from Pennsylvania,
and to L. J. Jorgenson, past master of
t e state of Wisconsin,