The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 19, 1895, Image 3

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THURSDAY, SHI. 1!), IStta.
iiih money to
J. I. KniKht
loan or buy notes.
C. K. Hieks, Imndsninn nt the
Vancouver lai rucks, spent Sunday
in tin; i'ity vii-itiiig with I elativea
mid friends.
r-Tlio floral decora lions ut Kast
tfr'ri liners are superb. Kit guut
hats and moderate prices.
The many fricndH of L.iren
Jackson will be pleased to learn of
the report that lie iH in a fair way
to.recover if no relapse occurs.
'If. Wehrung & Hons have Rome
choice Oregon timothy heed fursule.
-While Dr. Taiuiesio wan com
ing home from a professional call
to Laurel early the other morning
Homethiiijr, which appeared like a
cougar sprung across the road in
front of his vehicle. Owing to the
darkness and fog only an outline
of the brute wrh discerned.
Go to the Bazaar for school
Phoenix lodge, No. 34, K. of
V., hud one of the most pleasant
meetings of Hie year hint Monday
evening. One of the members
stood the boys a "smoker" after ad
journment, and many were the
pleasant features of the hour.
For fall sluics and rubbers
Schulmerich A Bon will have them
'Tj'ust hh cheap and better goods than
you ciin get any where else.
On Friday last, Win. (ioodin,
of (llencoe, father of our county
clerk, met with a severe accident.
While engaged in hauling mils the
team suddenly started causing the
load on which he was founding to
slip, precipitating him to the
ground, causing a dislocation of the
left elbow, accompanied by a frac
ture. Miss Stella Uoodiu, his
daughter, went to 'his assistance
and immediately scut for Dr. F, A.
Hailey, who reduced the fracture
and set the dislocated joint. He is
doing very nicely considering his
For every If 1.00 cash purchase
at lhe Delta uru' store vou will
receive one sheet ot popular music,
selected from a large assortment.
J. M. Lisk, dio lives about 5
miles soutli of Cornelius, was se
Vcrel kicked by a horse the other
day, necessitaling the serv:ccs of a
physician. The horse was endeav
oring to free itself from Hies, the
net being not of a vicious nature.
-J. J. M rgau did business in
I'ortland Saturday last,
I!ev. Atkinson, of 1 1 it M. 10.
church, spent the latter part of the
week in Oregon's metropolis.
Hr.ick, the drugis1, for tablets
pencils and school supplies.
U. unity Judge Cornelius will,
move his family from the farm to
his city about the first of the
coming mouth.
liny ycur school supplies ut
the Hilisboro llazaar.
' J no. 11, Hnrgrave, one of the
popular photographed, of Church
ley & llargravo, now nt Iteaverton,
spent Sund.iy last in tnis city.
Zina Wood completed hop
picking Saturday evening last and
many of his pickers have gono to
the Imbrie litdds.
Just received, fresh from the
factory, the rinest Hue of umbrellas
ever shipped to this iwurkct. If it
rains come in; if itmon't come any
way. Our prices will surprise you.
llryan Laidlaw CJ.
II. Wehvung & Sons are talk
ing of remodeling the upper story
over the Archhold store for a lodge
room. A fine hall could be fitted
up and doubtless it would readily
find occupancy.
Hon. S. 11. Huston and J. 13.
Vrooinan and families have re
turned from their outing at New
port, and they report being glad to
again be in Hilisboro.
A huge mass of wood has been
hauled to the school yard, for win
ter fuel, and the janitor will have
nearly a month's work getting it
into the basement.
You can learn of a bargain in
i real estate by inquiring at this office.
One of the best farms in the county
will be gold at a sacrifice.
The closing days of the Expo
sition at Portland will be devoted
to a chrysanthemum show, for
which liberal premiums are offered
The show will be under the man
ageinent of the Oregon Flower A6-
sociation, which held such a success
ful rose show last June. There are
prizes for both amateurs and pro
fessionals, and entries are invited
from growers of flowers everywhere.
Mr. Hose, a resident of Oak
Grove addition, is very , ill at his
home. Dr. Linklater is attendant
The most complete line I ever
saw in capes. Where? At Schul
merich & Son,
Robert Imbrie will be through
fucking hops by the last 6f the week
if the weather holds fair. He had
some three hundred pickers the
fore part of the week, running his
dryer to its fullest capacity, 400
boxfS per day. . t.
Goto W. W. Williams' City
Bakery for your bread, cakes, part
ry, confectionery, etc, . Finest' in
Washington county. . ; '
This oll'iim is in receipt of.a box.
of very fine prunes, the product "of
C. lilnser's thrifty young orchard.
Mr. Jilaser takes a just pride in bis
horticultural productions.
John Jackson, postmaster at
neighbor (ilencoe, was in the city
the first of the week, swinging in
and round the circle of his numer
ous friends.
Remember you can buy just
as much sugar for a dollar at Schul
merich A Son's as anywhere in the
II. Beatrice Anderson', one of
lieavertou's bright young teachers,
has concluded a term at Newport,
and is home for a vacation. Miss
Anderson made this city a business
visit Tuesday.
Pythian Grand lodge will con
vene at Salem October 8th. One
and one-third rates have been made
by the Southern Pacific to all u.em-j
bers and their families, ana there is
no doubt but that many will take
iidvikhtnge of this low rate to min
gle wit h the Sir Knights at the cap
ital city.
Go to II. Wehrung ifc Sons and
price their goods before buying else
where. (
Monday evening while Dr. J.
II. Freeman of McMiunville and U.
E. Colestock of this city were out
for a drive in the hitter's convey
ance, in some manner the animal
bacame frightened, running away,
spiling the occupants and injuring
ono of Mr. Freeman's knees severe
ly. The horse received some very
ugly cuts and the carriage was al
most demolished.
Miss Jennie Sawyer, who has
been instructing in music Ht Amity
this summer, has returned to her
home at Heed ville.
If you want goods for full and
winter wear you cannot do better
than buy from Schuluiericli & Son.
Frank Pauli is now permanent
ly engaged at the salesblock in the
Main street meat market.
The court house has a new jan
itor. Sheriff Ford has appointed
II. II. Feiiton to fill tin position
left vacant bv L. L. Whiioomh.
Of Washington County's Productions
Will be Sent to the Exposition.
What This Grand old County can do as
Compared with Others -Forest
Grove K. of P.'s Entertain
Public Auction Sale
Commission Elected
at Forest Grove.
Exhibit Committee,
The managers of the Portland
exposition have requested Messrs.
J. J. Morgan and J. I. Knight to
serve as vicinity committeemen on
procuring exhibits for the approach
ing Fair. These gentlemen request
all parties having any specimens of
vegetables, cereals, hops, fruits etc.,
to bring them in for immediate
shipment from this city. There can
be an excellent exhibit gotten up
hert, from which can be made a
splendid showing. It will cost no
one anything but time, as space and
transportation are freetoexhibitors.
Each should feel that the reputa
tion of the county is at stake, and
earnestly endeavor to arrange a dis
play which shall be second to none.
In manufacturing lines we can put
up some fire tiling material, and
from the Sherwood plant can lie
shown some of the finest brick and
ornamental work in the northwest.
Let all get together with a will and
-do" the exhibition and this coun
ty in a proper manner.
Forest Grove Elects Commissioners.
Monday last Forest G'ove held
an election for commissioners for
the siiHTvision of the construction
of the new water works and electric
plant which the college city con
templates owning and operating.
Messrs. Win. Kane ami W.S. Ingles
were elected almost unanimously,
although the vote was not large,
so many being absent to the bop
fields. Judges of election were W.
S. Ingles, M. I). Markham and Aus
tin Craig; clerks, J. Wheelock
Marsh and Geo. It. Hughes.
Quite a number of our young ET0833 TH F 1UTFFFT C. H TJOTTTF
people attended a pleasant ball giv-1 C r..,. ft 1 tLLl 15 U 1 L' AK 11U U A V
E SSU a Shortest and Quickest Line
t 3
G. W. Patterson has jnst re
ceived a large assortment of lounges
and all kinds of house furnishing
goods thai he is selling at a great
reduction over all former priceB.
Give him a call and lie convinced.
Deputy Recorder Calvin Jack
made a visit to Iteedvillo Sunday
on bis wheel, in company with his
brother from Fannington. Whilst
"sohorching" along a narrow bit of
highway, they collided with a crash.
The deputy's wheel was badly
strained, and the other went to
11. F. Uehrensand family have
b en spending several weeks with
relatives at liridgeiiirt, this county.
The most . .complete line of
school books in the county at" W.
E. ISrock's, Hilisboro. Iking your
children to him for selection of
their books. lie can supply them
for winter school.
County Judge Cornelius nnd
Commissioner Todd innde an in-
speciion of roads and bridges in the
east end of the county yesterday.
Several new bridges and fills will
be made this fall, and notice is now
out for bids on same. Contracts
will be let at the October term.
From The Corvallis Gazette.
Prof. J. II. Stanley, of Hilisboro,
is in town, assisting Superintendent
Holm with his institute work. Prof.
Stanley is one of the best educators
in the state, and to his efforts has
been largely due the success of the
ncnmil institute that has been in
ses.-iou at the public, school build
ing For fix years Mr. Stanley
was county supei intendent of Mor
row county, and in that capacity
earned an enviable reputation.
Since leaving Eastern Oregon, he
has been citv superintendent of the
Hilisboro schools and is said to be
meeting with splendid success.
Prof. Stanley is the only professor
from abroad that is attending the
institute, and to him has been as
signed the instruction of language,
grammar and music.
Remember the Itazanr has a
complete line of school supplies.
- Something should be done to
remove the filth which has accumu
lated on 2nd street where teams
are hitched next to the o.url house
,1,1 I 1 . . I I !!-..
square, ino removal snuuni oikc
place belore the fall rams set, in.
The present condition is not credi
table to llill.-b irn s reptiintion lor
leauliue,s, and doulsless the prop
er authorities will have the matter
attended to before long.
We sell groceries. Call and
get prices. Granulated Sugar at
$4.50 per sack; tomatoes, 2 cans for
15 cents. Everything else in pro
portion. Sec our men s shoes.
Bryan Laidlaw u.
II. Unternahrer is at present
in Poise City and doubtless will re
main there this winter.
Richard Beamish came down
from The Dalles Saturday and is
spending a few weeks' vacation
with his relatives. Mr. Beamish
has been engaged in steamboating.
Did you have cold wet feet last
winter; yest Well get a pair of
Schulmerich & Son's water-proof
shoes and you'll have no trouble
this year.
Dr' Paul J. Semler, of Portland,
will be in this city several days
this week in the interest of the Im
proved Order of Red Men, one of
tne popular civic societies ui
present era.
--J. E. Ber in, of Main St. Livery,
and A; L. Cmlile, ol the 2nd street
harness shop, transacted business
in Portland the first of the week.
II. Wehrung & Sons' stock of
boots and shoes can not be beaten
in this county for price and quality.
H. M. Cronkite and family ar
rived from Hilisboro Monday eve
ning. Mr. Cronkite conies to take
thb principalship of the Newport
High School. Yaquina Bay News.
If you have the big head go to
Schulmerich & Son, they can fit
you in hats.
Wm. Bairlev will finish his
Knights Entertain.
Delphos No. 3i), Knights of Pyth
ias, of Fore.-t Grove, recently sent
out invitations to various lodges
in the county to bo present Satur
day evening last 'o witness the con
ferring the rank of Knighthood up
on Dr. C. L. Large, of that city.
Before 8:30 the large castle hall
was filled to its seating capacity,
and further accommodations were
provided. Large numbers turned
out from Simonides, of Cornelius,
Glencoc, of Glencoe, ami Phoenix
of Hilisboro, nearly a hundred in
all being present. After Dr. Large
was knighted a fine collation was
placed before the boys. Many nota
ble remarks were made under the
"good of the order," and all pro
nounce it one of the most enjoyable
social affairs of the season. The
Delphos boys are good entertainers,
and a whole-souled body of men.
Public Auction Sale!
The undersigned will sell at pub
lic auction, at the Hoover & Connel
farm, one nnd one-quarter miles
southwest of Glencoe, on Friday,
Sept. 27, at the hour of 10:00 a. in.
to the highest bidder, the following
described personal property, to-wit:
Three work horses, weight 1100 and
Ono suckling colt.
One brood sow with young pigs.
Ten shoats.
Three hundred bushels oats.
Two tons timothy hay.
One 3 Rushford wagon.
One plow and one harrow.
One uuggy, one set dble draft har
ness and one Bet single harness.
Household furniture numerous
other articles.
Terms of sale: Under $10. cash.
$10 and over, 6 months' credit
with approved note bearing 8 per
cent interest.
Jas. Whitley.
Sues the Sheriff.
Some partieB from Multnomah
county several months ago sent out
an execution for Sheriff Ford to
sell some property belonging to a
milk denier of this county. When
the sheriff went after the property
some one else claimed it by virtue
of a chattel and bill of sale, Mr.
Ford then asked the parties to the
execution to file an indemnity,
bond for his protection, and this
not bting doiie, he turned the prop
erty over to those having title.
Now the parties suing are coming
on the sheriff and his bondsmen to
recover the amount, of the judg
ment. They will liardl v make the
suit, hold, as the sheriff has the law
on his side, so it is stated. The
i . 1! .1... l.:iV'j nflirrn ia
OUSineSo Ol win oncnu o uuijo if
verv intricate and uncertain,
this is simply one of. the peculiar
hop harvest by .the end of the week 1 phases which that officer must ex-
if good weather prevaUB, pect io oceBiuiin "
Samuel Gates and John Den
nis are attending the Pacific Uni
versity from this city.
C. I). Johnson, one of the pio
neer blacksmiths of Yamhill coun
ty, and a resident of McMiunville,
was doing business in Hilisboro
The little building between the
(dd court house building and the
tailor shop, and owned by Wm.
Jackson is being removed by con
tractor Daley to the Jackson farm
and will be used as a granary.
John Gault left Wednesday
morning for Corvallis to attend the
fall and wintir term at the Agri
cultural College.
Miss Laura Luce will attend
college at the Pacific University
this fall and winter.
Subscribe for Thk Argus and
get the news.
For some reason Judge Mc
Bride did not hold court Saturday
last as was expected. He is at
present holding court in Astoria.
District Attorney Barrett proceeded
to that place Saturday evening last.
Pure water cannot emanate
from a spring choked with poison
ous weeds. No more can common
sense issue from a fool's mouth, nor
a martyr be made from a rascal.
I hereby give notice to my cus
tomers and fiierds that I have,-on
account of my health, departed for
Germany, and therefore my cider
factory will not run this season un
less it be bought by someone in
time to run it, Dated this Septem
ber 10, 1895. J. Keim.
Jacob Penning, of Cornelius,
while returning home from Forest
Grove Friday evening, met a trac
tion engine in the street in front of
Hughes' store. His team ran away, I
throwing him off the wagon and ii
small bolt entered the calf of his
leg inflicting a severe, but not nec
essarily dangerous wound. Drs.
Colo and Ward at tended his injuries
it , li .1
ami he returned nome uie same
Money to loan in sums to suit.
Mortgages and notes bought and
sold. Room 13., Morgan Block.
S RoFenthal, well known here,
is now salesman in a Front street,
Portland, clothing house.
A union endeavor society of all
the endeavors was organized nt the
Christian church Monday evening
with Rev. Shelly as president, Miss
Ilattie Rice,vice-president,and Ben
ton Bowman, secretary.
The opening of fall and win
ter goods at Eastern Milliners is to
be one of the finest displays Hilis
boro has ever witnessed. Come
nnd bring your friends. Thursday,
Friday and Saturday, September
19th, 20th nnd 21st.
Nearly all the business houses
are undergoing window cleaning
after the dusty season, and it makes
the fronts look very much better.
Wheat has gone lower the past
week or two, selling now at 38 cents.
Many farmers are now kicking
themselves that they did not sell
at 42 cents.
Remember you can buy your
school supplies cheap at the Hilis
boro Bazaar.
George Merryman left Tues
day morning for Corvallis to attend
the Agricultural College.
L. E. Wilkes and wife visited
Portland Wednesday of this week.
There has been a large crowd
of hop pickers in the vicinity of
Pike's, some estimating three thous
and. Many who went up there
from this city have returned.
J. J. Morgan left at this office
recently statistics showing prices of
wheat in England lor 1UU yrs nacu.
The higl est price paid per bushel
was $3.75, which was in the year
1812, when war was being waged
the second time with this govern
ment. The lowest figure reached
was in 1894, 67 cents. During
1861-2 there was a small raise,
$1.62 being then its market price.
Next week wo will publish the
prices since 1860.
Chas. W. Scott, late Superin
tendent of the Oregonian building,
was buried at Forest Grove to day.
He died of heart disease at his res
idence in Portland yesterday.
Born, On Wednesday, Septem
ber 18th, to the wife of John Han
ley, a daughter.
Frank Everitt had the misfor
tune to run the small blade of a
knife through the little finger of his
left hand this morning inflicting a
painful but not serious wound.
Hugh S. Macbeth, travling for
darks' Thread Co. was registered
at the Tualatin this wet k.
- Capt. Collins was a passenger
up the road on the evening train
en at the Tmbrie' hop yard last
Thursday evening.
Mrs. Sarah Emerick, accom
panied by Miss Stella Emerick,
both of Scholls, are visiting friends
and relatives in the city.
A very pleasant social dance
was held at Hendrick's Hall, Cor
nelius, Tuesday evening.
J. M. Partlow has just re
turned from a ten days visit to
Barlow station, Clackamas county.
Mrs. Partlow will soon depart for a
visit in that section.
The Southern Pacific has es
tablished a one and one-third rate
round trip to the Salem State Fair.
Miss Coleman, teacher in the
Hilisboro shools, spent Tuesday in
this city from Portland.
The post office store keeps con
stantly on sale a line of standard
periodicals, magazines and month-
lys. Anything not on sale will be
ordered for you. Inquire of J. M.
J. M. Brown left yesterday
morning tor his claim in the mount
ains, to be absent for some time.
S. Croisant and family lett
Tuesday evening for Grants Pass
where they will in the future reside,
Hilisboro people are daily re
turning from the Yamhill hop fields
and a week more all will be back
Crosses both the Cascade and the Itucky Mountains in DAYLIGHT, affording pas
9engeratheuportnmty of viewing the
Grandest Scenery
in America.
Twrt tmina Hnilw frf.Tt. P..rtlainl MIR nt 11 R. til . V1R Sfifttl Ift. ail(l Ollfl Rt H:4K f).
via O. K. & N.aiul Kixkane. Ruin suiwrb eimii.meiit. coiiHiutinznf dining cars, bi
library cars, palace and upholstered tourists' sleeping cars. The buffet rare are
vels or elegance ana comlort, continuum oatn room, oaroer "nop, easy cnairs, no.
ti lie t
The buffet rare are mar-
Twin (steamships "Northwest" and "Northland" leave Dultnh every Momlny and
Kriday for the "Moo," Mackinac Island, Detroit., Cleveland and liufltilo in conr.mtion
with the Great Northern Kailwnv- Have your tickets read via NORTHERN r T KAM
SIIIP COMPANY and enjoy a ciVlitit ful ride free from the heat and dust, l-i.r tick
ets and general information call on or address
C. STEVENS, O. W. I'. A.
, C12 Front St., Seattle, Wash.
122 Third St, Portland. Oregon.
Purest Dniffs
and Chemicals.
Patent Medici oes.
Proprietary Articles.
The Hilisboro Pharmacy
If you want the news, step up
and subscribe for this paper. It
will be one dollar well spent.
Ed. Warren, a son of Ex-Sheriff
Warren, of McMinnville, and
Dr. J. II. Freeman came down from
that city Monday and spent the
first of the week in Hilisboro.
II. Wehrung & Sons have some
bargains for you. Call at their
place of business and see for your
self. See the exposition display in
another eoloinu.
Hair cutting, 25 cents; Shav
ing 10 cents.'at the City Shaving
Cartons. Open from 7:00 a. m. to
8:00 r. in. Hot or cold baths
Phillips and Colestock, Min street,
opposite lualatm Hotel.
X. A. Barrett, of Mountaindale,
was in Hilisboro vesterdav, report
ing everything moving along nice
ly in his vicinity. Himself and
family will move into town the last
of the week to remain the winter
--Dr. J. E. Adkins ccompanied
his daughter Mabel to Brownsville
last week, where she will spend
the winter with grandparents. Mr
Adkins returned by Corvallis and
was in that city when the two gen
tlemen, one of whom subsequently
died, took poison. One took the
driiix llirimuh mistske-, the dose
proving fatal, and ihe other drank
some of it to ascertain- if it were
Buy your npple-ljojfes of 11. H
Greer's. Cheap. AV.
Johnny Bull fo unckj ham,
afier the International yacht race:
"I should have known belter than
to have tackled you. 11ns is not
the first time you lightered a yes
sel on me. That tea episode long
ago shows just what you will do."
Uncle Sam: "Well, why don't you
take something?
A. M. Pate, of Cornelius, was
in the city Tuesday on business
Wallace McCamant and wife,
of Portland, were registered at the
Hilisboro House Saturday last,
E. D. Thome, who has been
quite ill for two weeks, is again able
to be out, thanks to materia mertica
Look at the Coast Carriage &
Wiigon Co. s ad in another column
G. A Taylor, of Glass & Prud
homiue, Portland lithographers and
job printers, was in the city Tues-.
day, registered at Hotel Tualatin.
Monday next, Milne's mill will
commence running nights to con
tinue lor some tmu , perhaps until
the new year.
J. W. Sewell will have a pub
lic f. uction sale at the Sliute place
on Sept. 21st.
Since Jan. 24, 1881, there have
been issued out of the clerk's office
of this county, 1136 licenses to wed.
A good record for 14 years.
H. Wehrung & Sons' prices on
clothing and dry goods are O. K.
No trouble to show goods.
B. K. Denny, a prominent citi
zen of Beaverton, was in the city
Tuesday on business at the court
Let tersof administration grant
ed some time buck to J. C. Hall,
now deceased, on the f state of the
late Isnnc Anderson, have been re
scinded and Mrs. Jennie Benhnm
has been appointed administratrix.
Dr. F.J. Bailey, John Dobbins
and Wes. Boseow left Portland Sun
day evening for a week's visit in
Eastern Oregon.
J. I. Knight has already re
ceived some fine specimens of fruit
for the Exposition.
The motor company has al
ready completed about one-half
mile of grnde. By the end of this
month track will be laid on a mile
of the extension.
School commences next Mon
day, and those of school age are
happy. Hilisboro has one of the
best public schools in the state and
its high standard has given our
city much prominence in educa
tional circler.
Select Stock
of Stationery.
Cor. 2nd and Washington Street, Is
Particular Aftentirn Paid In
Pliysicians' Prescriptions and
Family Recipes.
Pioneer Harness Shop,
Dealer in Horse and Mule Jewelry.
Repairing and Carriage Trimming a Specialty.
... All Goods Sold to Compete with Portland Prices ...
I. E BEItST, Prop
Beef, Mutton, Yeal and Pork
Kept Constantly on Hand.
Highest : Maiket : Price : Paid : for : Fat : Cattle. : Sheep : and : Hogs
' Cash Paid for Poultry.
Any one desiring to purchase a Farm
or town Property will do well to . .
Here are some
Very Ghoice Properties
Which are Offered
. . ii
T?ai ToTTinnlaTc onmiirA n.t fhiQ nffin.A
No 1 liO acres, adjoining i'ity limits,
sidewalk within one block of property.
10 acres cleared, finest quality of bottom
land, 4 acres bench, tine site for building
purposes, some timber on samo. Will
sell in a body for JWXI0 part down, 1ml
tinee on time to suit purchaser. Or will
subdivide so as to give part cleared bot
tom and part bench, in plate from a to 5
acres, at $125 per acre. More is a chance
for a good neat little home which can be
made self sustaining Investigate before
some one gets it. On the market for a
short time only.
No i 10 acres, half cleared, 1 aero boa
vordam, rest shushed and sown to grass,
no buildings, goes for !" per acre. With
in two miles of Hillshoro. Terms, $100
down, balance in 3 years at II) per cent.
Or will soil 40 acres, of which above is a
part, at same price per acre, including 15
acres of beaverdam und swail cleared.
No 3 128 acres, highway running
through center of place, 50 acres in culti
vation; 2 acres in orchard, apples, pears
and plums; 0 room house; log barn, good
well of water; iSU acres of beaverdum, easy
to put in cultivation; place well watered
by springs and creek; 100 acres under
fence; 14 miles from post office, daily
mail; 1 mile from school house and six
miles north of Ilillslxro, (iocs cheap for
cash. -
No 4 A good corner lot on Main and
Third streets. 75x175, with good building
lhrcon,guitabe for any kind of business,
und in oxcellont repair, will go at a bar
gain for cash. Part pay ment-and balance
ou long time with security.
No 5 12 acres; half cleared .balance in
grass. Good house of four rooms; good
barn and outbuildings. Fine orchard of
SO trees and various other small fruits,
150 chickens 50 ducks, i-horse wagon,
1 sets single harness, good cow, 3 heifer t
1 horse and farm implements. Every
thing goes for $650, cash in hand.