X: i! Si l i If I I r. ! THE ARGUS County Official Paper. The Only Democratic Paper in Wash ,. - inffton County. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY BY Th Argus Pnblishing Company. ., SUBSCRIPTION TWO, Single ropy five cents. One year, f 1.00. . Six months HO cents. .-' Three montiis 35 cents. , Entered at the Post-othce at , fr"ro Oregon , as Second-clas mail matter. j' THURSDAY, AUG 22. 1895. . The practice of county treasurer throughout thb west, of keepin I l; r. , - . pumie iunus in banka, as a mattti oi convenience, has in nianv worked peculiar hardships upon bondsmen, and whre the countv has a negligent suite of officers, up on the whole community. There certainly is one way of avoiding this evil, if a bank must lie used. In well regulated county affairs, as in Washington county, for in stance, no great fund is kept ahead, but, as fast as one accumulates, it is applied to the warrant indebtedness. When one sees a fund on hand, reaching up to many thousands, as in the ca: e of Pacific comity, 'Wash ington, where a bank failed at South Bend recently, the crash Binking some sixteen thousands of dollars of county money, it lookB as though bad management ran riot in the ad ministration of affairs. Of course the treasurer's bondsmen may be able to liquidate the loss, together with what the institution may pay on the dollar, but it will be months and months before the tanele will j .... .. be straightened out, and even then at almost endless expense. Fortu iiately this county keeps no fuud for the support of banking institutions. i The old idea, a relic of the dark j ages, that a person will be reward I ed or punished in a future existence, I for righteousness or evil committed in this life, is fast falling into disuse. '!; Since th evolution of the doctrine, I legislators have not been content I to rely on the Scriptures in this re ; grd but have constantly imposed j penalties on the commission of crime, even though they invoked the Creator in the preamble of the e statue. This fact conclusively V shows that it was the sense of law i ninkpra u-Vin nialmt iU ,...... .1 r , , ,..., iiiu i.ui nit 011 van is ui : the pwule, that reward or punish nient, to be of any example, must be meted out on and in the same ' plane where good was done or offense was committed, and that immediate example was of much more benefit lUo civilization than all the uncer "Utilities of scriptural promises. t; tmmmm ' 4 : : , " Pacific county, Washington 1 elected a machine nominated cand ndate to the office of county treasur ?r last fall, and as one of the direct Results, has over 18,000 tied up in 1 certificate of deposit on an insol 11 rent bank, which will do well to ny 10 cents on the dollar. With n bonded indebtedness of $30,000, V.nd warrants outstanding drawing ititerest, it certainly seems a little 'Mrange that such a sum should be ';i reserve. Perhaps the treasurer 'as trying to keep the bank in a 5 lvent condition. As he is worth Ut little, his bondsmen can now !I: ay for the pleasure of qualifying, . ' owever, if the bond is no better ian that of a year back, Pacific's ? mimissioners may as well levy an ;.tra tax to cover an official's "mis- iv, c irauii ,h iiuiuiug mat puo- omce is a "private snap." In every community, there can irays be found people ofconsider- le ability who make it a nil Ain pact .dragging down the reputation of .jera. T his class holds that any t is liable to their attack and the ' ult is often a tragedy. Slander lj scandal have in nearly every ghuornonu some grave to mark ir slimy trails. This simply S to how that that the educated te is the most dangerous of all animal creation. I ihr "Twin." of The Times wma ; (IJiding editorial last week and jl to palm it off on The Arous. public at once recognized the of the "smaller twin" and won- 5jd why he desired to credit this f jr with his own effusion. The va is willing to wager that it is fil his falsehoods. W;B. C. Denniston has succeed- C. Donovan as passenger agent ' f Great Northern at Portland, I. C. StvenB jjig now General i ?rn tsseiijef Agent. tr motor company reasonable propoptttoirTo Hillsboro, for the building of a motor Tine, all clanses should work for the eouigumnation of a contract. Such a line will be of inestimable benefit to this section and the sooner it is here, the better. Hon. Jas. E. Campbell will again run for governor of Ohio this fall on wre unuutruui! UUKel, ana niS op- ,.- ,,. .. . . ponent on the republican ticket will be Bushnell. Campbell is one of the strongest democrats in the anal 1 Pague's Report. WESTERN OREGON. WBATHER-Smoke has prevailed to such an extent during the past week as to pre vent the sun from shining; the sun has naa tne appearance ot a red ball of fire; the smoke is produced by the extensive forest fires in the Coast and Cascade ranges of mountains. The temperature has been lower than during the preceding week, the maximum ranging from 70 to 90 degrees, the minimum from 46 to 56 degrees, except in a few scattered locali ties and upon the higher agricultural land, where, on Tuesday morning last, it fell to 35 aegrees; tms latter temperatnre allow ed irost to torm in sections of Washing ton, Clackamas, Benton and Lincoln counties. No rain has fallen durine the week; the mornings have been foggy. As many corrspondents note, the days have been warm and the nights cool. - CROPS-Harvesting is almost over; some late grain is yet to be cut, but the major jiuniun 01 mi gram is now cut ana wrestl ing is in progress. Much of the thresh ing is finished also and the yields have been about an average-in cases the yield nas not oeen wnat was expected, hut, taken as a whole, the yield is fully an average both as to auantitv and aualitv The frost on the morning of the 13th slightly injured squash, bean and potato vines in tne lew localities anected. i Tbe Ptato crop,though a much larger acreage than usual, will not yield per acre tne normal amount; this decreased yield is due to the absence of rainfall. Since June 1st there has been rainfall on June 14, 15, 30, July 4th and 5th, amount ing to about three-quarters of an inch, which total is two inches below the aver age. The summer months are dry, under uummi conditions, nence me excessive dryness when only 27 per centum of the normal amount of rain falls. The wild rasp and blackberries are very plentiful in the coast counties. A corre spondent from Curry county reports that good pickers can pick from six to eight gallons a day. Some months ago it was pointed out in these bulletins that by utilizing thcripening of strawberries in the various section of Oregon the season for them would be greatly extended, and so with the rasp and blackberries; they ripen in the interior in July, and now the latter part of August they are in the glory of their season in the coast counties. The onion croo of Washington countv is affected by lice, which may materially reduce the yield. The grapes are a full average crop, and are reported to be in a most flourishing condition. 1 he truit outlook is good; prunes are now ripening; peaches are in the heieht of their- season-and are generally an ex cellent crop large shipments are being maae. lue pear and apples crops are re ported to De excellent, There appear to oe iewer insects tms year than usual, which fact is is evidently due to the great er care given orcnaras. The condition ot the hops remain prac tically unchanged from last week's re port. The burrs are growing, butowing to the dry weather the ends of of the long arms are drying up. The lice have not become more numerous, and the damage irom tnat source will oe ot small conse quence. Picking will begin about Sep tember 1st. COUNTY NEWS CENTERVILLE. Harvest is about over for this year, John and J B Delplanche have divided their farm and will now havn a rain nf tneir personal property and divide the proceeds, jonn intends going east. HermeiiH and Kudd'h thresher oncrine uaviuif given out, uiey went to rortiand Saturday to purchase a new one, Mrs G M Reynolds anrl hnrtwn vnnncrpr daughters, Edith and Elsie, are visiting relatives, jur ana airs aiicnaei wren, J Hi wnson Killed a larca hliip racer snake Sunday. It was fully eight feet long and as large around as a man's arm. The Chinese Pheasants are not as nlenti- tui around here as they were earlier in ine season, xnere is a great deal ot shoot ing going on and it should be stopped until the season opens, so (hut 'nil ,.un nave a snot at tne birds, Tne close season (s none tnei lata in ti.u fall as there are nlentv nf vimnr i.iniu that are not more than a week old. The sporting men of Portland are complain- "ii "" wjnsuii in not opened soon enough, but the trouble is it la tint lain enough. The season should not open un- v.i mo giaiu m nu cm, as inose fellows from town respeet neither fences, tres pass notices or standing grain, and the farmer cannot afford to emnlov a mn to patrol his farm anrl off his place so that he can save his crops w.i. Mciug waiujJBU UUU Kiujujcea down by men and (loirs in spun-h nf linlnnrl game birds. N H Scheie! el was around criiHrnr uln VERBOORT AND VICINITY. Farmers are verv busv liaulinir their n..l., IU I A " I. . 0 ... u"'j luicwicu grain tome various mills and warehouses. Rev Father DeRoo left M1 Arn ing td be present at the annual retreat of the Catholic clerev which occurs at Mt Angel. The retreat covers only the dio cese of Oregon and will hold one week. Joe Gleason, of Buxton, was among his friends of this place, Sunday last. School will be resumed thf Tat er tml of September. Students should begin at the commencement of the term. The fruit of this Place ia verv nHim. A . - J - Those that have large orchards say that the fruit trees are laden with more and better fruit than thev have been for sev uciii. csueciaiiv so wirn Mnnieannri tua.. erai years past. ( Born, to the wife of Henrv VaniW. garden, on Aug 19, a son. About thirty of Verboort's Peonle went to the St Marv Orphan Home tn assist with the exercises given by the children, on Thursday last. , Dr. Bailey of Hillsboro was in this vi cinity recently, attending to work per-i taming to bis profession, BEAVERTQN. David Purser and wife returned Tues day evening from their trip. to che coast where Uu-y have spent 6 or 8 weeks and they both look greatly improved. J DeLetU is some what improved since our last writing. Mr Emery Eldrige and wife of Port land are iu town visiting relatives and friends. Otis Kellv recently had 2c hushels nf 0818 take.n om his granary in the dark- S fiS trees stripy of their I , . " oaut uure, ii iicse I things are not stopped some one is very liable to run up against the business end of 8 shotgun while prowling around, l.MKr.dh- hiAUj . J j.iunuay oi mis weeK. Mr Hughes has moved his residence from the old place, where he had the jrouuds nicely improved, to a new site, ne mile distant. He will at once start o improve the new location. Paul Schmidt, who recently purchased he smithy and tools of J Dei.etts. has een very busy putting things into shape d is now ready for any and all work which may present itself. . miss Bertha Morton was taken quite in mesciay dui is now resting easy. Threshing is about over in this vicin, it and the yield generally has been very guuu. me iarmers are well satisfied barring the low prices. FOREST GROVE. Mrs Irons of Portland came out Thurs day and is visiting Mrs Ed Friday. Mr and Mrs P.oe and Mrs Shannon and family went to the coast Monday, Mr C H Rowe returned Monday from Boston where he was in attendance on the supreme Lodge of Good Templars, A new bridge is being built to replace the Davis bridge on the road bevond the BUIUUUt W H Braden. formerly of the Nehlpm Journal, came to the city from Portland oaiuraay ano me next morning started un 1113 wneei ror XMenalem. President McClelland Dreached in the rirsi cong. v.nurcu in portland Sunday Stephen Tupoer formeriv a r.anton merchant is moving to Portland. Farmers report liehter crops of wheat uuu uais tnan last year. McNamer's stage brousrht in nine naa. sengers from Tillamook Friday. iur una airs rrank Harrison came over on Monday's stage from Tillamook. The Wiltrout schoolhouse Hi sfrirf ft, beyond Gales Creek, was burned in the forest fire and the term, which ends this week, is being completed in Mrs Dixon's nouse. ine teacher is Miss Cox of For est lirove. Mr Geo Bacon is takin? a vacation this wee irom driving tne Tillamook stage, Mr and Mrs Newell Mac rum return.,! luesday trom an outing trip at Netarts, Mr Bert Porter of Gaston, and Mr Will Fletcher of of Gales Creek were in tnwti ruesday. Miss Wagoner of Hillsboro. panted by tier friend, Miss Johns, of rortiana, visited tlielirove Monday. Mr A Forter of the Madison & Ouimhv m,"i "'-"ss1"' vaucj, was in tue urove w eunesday on business. General Thorp is preparing to move soon with his family to Portland, where n- nas been elected principal of the Wood lawn Grammar School. CORNELIUS. Jap Reeves and Georue Hancoclc were in Portland Tuesday 0:1 business. Mr ieniiett, of Forest Grove was in the city Wednesday. C M Johnson visited Wapato Wednes day. Mr Watson of Mountaindale was in the city Tuesday.. Mrs A B Lewis is on the sick list this week. Carroll McNutt, Ed James, F S fivers and Pate Wells started for the Netarts Monday morning. Miss Emma Jacquot came home Satur day evening to visit a week. Robt McNutt was in town Tuesday. A B Lewis is again on the streets. Nick Freeman's eyes are much better and he is once more seen on the streets. Miss Bertha Schoen, a daughter of F Schoen, who lives about two miles south of Cornelius, left yesterday evening for Portland to be gone about six months visiting relatives. J Keim, who has been to the coast for the past few weeks, returned fast Satur day. Quite a number have left the city dur ing the week for the seashore. R A Clark has started up his chopper and will chop qn Wednesdays and Sat- uruayq. , Jim Palmer left Cornelius today tor vuaicm w ViH ins pareutB, LATE NEWS. The Chinese are making it very uncomfortable for missionaries in the JMowery kingdom. England is now afraid that the UiutjBjl Mtates will eventually gain militiilry control of the Central American states. If Encland will just consider the Monroe Doctrine sue will discover that as far that nation acquiring any territory in mat Beciion is concerned, thin w on of John Bull holds four aces. lhe purchasers of the Orwm.i Pacific road have already 'spent in improvement, sometlnnu like $7S 00(), and the people in the territory contiguous look forward to an east ern extension of th. line. Thev uco ttunk the company will build to nugene in the near future. I l OV...I . . j. Ut layior, at one nine a very prommest minister at The Dalles, nas oeen placed under arrest and taken east to answer serious charg- ittvior eoni acres oi sand dunes winch are more than worthless, to cueiem people on his represent. Uon that North Dalles was to he n great city. Now the church people Irom whom he received mnrtav nr charging him with getting 'lucre uy iaie pretense. The Maryland populists are bad ly divided. Fred Merril, the bicycle dealer of rortiand, has lieen Bued for divorce. His wife asks for division of piop erty and alimony..-.'' It is reported that the Qregonian will soon devote one column of its Sunday edition to the gonial whirl of Portland's colored people, SRI Hi' lACInS OKI OF THE IHK CHRONIOLB nnu with the mw "wipaKr in thi uitl SUM. THK OHKOXICLK ha. no .emu on the Pmcl ""l ' '' " Hl.ll.ty. tuterprin and n.w TUh UIKuNlCLK8 Tt!(rwllc KaporU n Mmt and mint iMluuut, Ita ixxml Na Um (u 0 iHrlM. aud Ita Editorials tnm tht wieM iwna In too country. TIIK CH KOMCUS h iay, bato. aud alwayt n"l and caui.kn of tlio peupl at MNUooublnailuiia, clique, ourpontttout. or on !"" of any kind. 11 will fee Inalauoiiittal to wwjrtblu Mainl la aoUuna. Emm MM iiwi nun) 110 I THE DAILY ONLY 6.70 A YEAR The Veekly Chronicle tub Greatest Weekly in the Country. TltU WRKKLY CHailXIPLr;. Ih mnM hHI lant Mill complet Wi-i-kly- N(-9iper In lh r rid. Mrtnln rvmlailr 7i)c,ilum oroluhl ;m f Svr I .ittrutunt aid 0tiur.l rnfomiiiliiial tlw-mnwiillh-out Afrtiuitur! Pepnrtimii. $1.50 Fi Inelmti'Ht potiute) ic at.) wn ( th UnIM SUirt, 1 'aiiniU au4 Mm lea SAMPLE COPIES SENT FREE. Do You Want Any OF Till GSEAT PREMIUMS The Weakly Chronicle ? READ THE LIST: rull Prloa. '-irtlnir'HirUaiiil Wwklya.iH rear U 71 -m'tIiu- Mm-Ii'ip nirt Weekly one year.... M 00 Winile i'-r U-ralllx-r UIHu mid Weekly one y,u ...... 14 M rnr.nl iliile, '."J-caMlier, and Weekly in yw.r ....i... 4 90 i.tnl 11.nl Weekly one yeiir... 9 W 'Inn hi' iIih UnltiMl Mitten. CatiftdA ami M(-'Cf. rt'l Weekly une year 9 00 -,.c-ki,i Ai::, jini '" -i-kiy s. uiniitlm. . 88 iiir-- nml Wi.,-kly tliri-e m-iittlM.... . 71 -Mir hIhiv Knto. Ineluile the Prepay jinn t "nts en li I'uiier. AUDItKx M. II. fi- YOXTNI3-. l-niunetnr M, F. t hron Icle, a AN ritASU.-MX), CAL Ihfi Circulation of tliet'HRONICLB U eipiul to that of ALL THE 0THE1 n KrHiiriaeo Morninir PaiMri (-onv 1 . Uaken, Hanry C. Payne, Henry C. Roiimc, Uecievera rvn ORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. R U Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegant Dining Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars T. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTrl fj FABQO GRANOrOIIKf CR00K8TON WINNIPEO HELENA md BUTTE TO IHICAOO ASHINQTON PHILADELPHIA NEW VORK " S08T0N AND ALL POINTS EAST nd SOUTH For iuformntion, time cards, maps and i' kctH, call on or write K. D. CHARLTON, Asst. Cenl. Pass Agent PORTLAND. OR. 255 Morrison Street. DR. S. T BOWSER, VETERINARY SURGEON. Rim Wnr Bones, Spavins and Nasal Catarrh liifiliiS?! -B w a II I! I IT xpy RBnr.-.ti(TcrTOti cottaw wittitu Xone block 1. f the buxmess ptirt of lown at 7 )-er mouth: Kuqure at this- "the or oI'VV. K. Thome. Morgan & Bcrdan EXPRESSMEN. Do a troner.il freight ami express business butWMMi Uiltsuoro and Vorlluml. Leave oriH-nt ut U Cave's hardwiire store or at I iik A nut's otllco. Uiivi's for Portland SanduyM. Tuesduys and 1 hui-sduys. ANDERSON ft TUPPER, (Suoc.,jr to It Mfiid) EXPRESS! Makes rcKiilai- trips to I'ortlmul 011 Mondays, Wednesday, and Friduvs, re turiiiug on Tuesdays, TliurNiluvHiiiid Nal urdnys. All business, entrusted to hi 111 will be promptly ami novl'iilly utuunloil to. Freight and express riitmrt-nsoimble. Lcuve orders with him, or ut Ledford's, or ut Tiik A 110 1' s. rpO UKST.--A lart) cotlagv with time X lots in Kortli side mldition ut $a per ii.iinfi. 4-.114UUV iti inis oiiice, GEORGE R. BAGLEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LA W. Itoom 13, Morguii Block, HILLSBORO, OREGON. Local Agent Koyul IiiNurunce Coni)any Notary Public. . . Loans, Collections, FIRE . . AND . . ACCIDENT : INSURANCE. : J. I. KNIGHT. General Fire Insurance unci Loan Broker, HILLSBORO, OREGON, Cor. 2d & Wash'too S ') J. NORTHRUP, Newly Furnished and Renovated. A first-class table and all accommodations for the convenience of guests. . . , f; I TAILORING AND REPAIR J SHOP. Cleaning and Repairing neat ly aone. uiarges reasona ble. Leave all orders at Schulmerich & Son. . . Sheriff's Sale on Foreclosure. BY VIUTUE OP AN EXECUTION, decree and order of sale, issued out of me i ircuii court oi tne state of Oregon, for Washington county, in favor of A. 0. Hall hihI against JuliiiE. tioudie, Flora E. Cults nml Thos. If. Tongue, fur the sum of $ii;.! i, costs, and for the fiinhor mini of $1878.0-'i, United States gold coin, with in tertst thereon at the rate of eight ( 8 )per cent. -r aiiiiiiiii, from the 30th day of Ju ly, tWft. and IfoO.OO attornev's fee, and r,! the lurtlier sum of 1250.00 United States gold uoin with inturst thereon at the rate ol (right tW per cent, per annum from the 29i h day of August, layj, and for the costs and excuses of sale and of snid writ. Niiw, therefore, by virtue and in iiursu iinwol said judgement, decree and order of sale twill, mi Monday the 23rd day of Sep tember, IS1I5, ut the south door of the Court House, in Hillsboro, WasliliiL'tnii Cninitv Oregon, at the hour of 10:00o'(:loiik,"A. St., of said day. sell at public, auction to the iiitriiexi UKiuer tor cash, tlie follow viug-dc- Ncnoeu real pioiiertv, to-witi All ot that part of the North half of the Donation i.and eluiiii of Joseph Hin- in section eleven tin in Township two (2) South Range two (2) west ol the W ll lillietta Mer iilimi tl.ul lies on the right hand of the center of ine xuumuii river, sum norm null ot said Donation liaud cluim being the part of sam ijoiiiiiion t,uii(l claim, set off to said Mariah Hinton, wife of suid Joseph Hin ton, as her half of said Donation Iiimd claim, the Dart of said Dmmtinn claim, hereby conveyed containing One Hlliiftrmi h'iflv V,n ..,! u...... iu. I dredths (155.48) acres. Also all the Do nation Land claim of Thomas D. Hum phreys aud Elizabeth Ann Hn his wife, ii) Section eleven (It) Township tWO t'l) South linniru tun ( W.,mI ,,f tl. Willamette Meridian, that lies on the right hand of the center of said Tualatin river, containing sixteen (1(1) acres, more or loss, all of said lands being In Wash ington County, Oregon, to satisfy the hereinbefore named sums, and for the costs and expenses of said side. - Said property will bo sold subject to re demption as per statute of Oregon, Witness niy hand this 21st day of Aug ust, 1895. H. P. FOUD, bhenft of Washington County, Oregon, By W, 1). IlKAUKoKli, Deputy. Notice for Publication. I.anii Omen at Orkoon City, Ob.i N- - Aug. 3, 18!W.f OTICE is hereby given that the follow-ing-nanied settler has tiled notice of ins niwiitioii 10 mitKe ti mil proof in iiui liort of his olaiin, and that said proof will be made before the Countv Clerk of Wash ington county, at Hillsboro, Or., on 8eut, 1H, l5, viz: Daniel Patton, H. E. No. 7ttU, for the N E Sec 21 T 8 N 115 W. He names the followim; witnessea t,, prove his continuous residence upon and uiLivutioii 01 nuiu muu, via: N. Goodwin, of tilenwood, Oregon, J. F. Goodwin, .'.? Willis Trowe, " 1' James 8. Htephenson, 11 20-6 IfoBKRT A. illei, Register. Notice for Publication. Lanb OrricK at Obkoos City, Ob.i ' Aug. 6, IKttt.l ATOTICE Is herebv iriven that the foil, lu ll : lug-named settler has tiled notice of him intention to make tinal proof in sup port of his claim, aud that said proof will De maae Deiore tne Hegistcr and Receiver V. 8. Land Office at Oregon City, Or 0 :1 September 20, 1805, via: William 8. Gordon, HK No. 8473, for the BE Scot, T 3 N He nuiiies the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: A. V. Brown, of Forest Grove, Oregon. Henry Huber, " Buxton, " F. M. McDauicI, . .. H. H. Kibby, '20-6 . Robert A. MiLLKit, Register Notice For Pablication. Lasd Ornr at Orkoon City, Ob.i ' Aug.3,1805.f Y OTIKE is hereby given that the follow ll ing-named settlerhas filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of Ilia Alain. n . . i .K ...Ml 1... ...d inllll, aiiu KlJOb DU1U JIUUI Wilt Ue made before the Register and Receiver U. 8. Land Ollice. at Oreiron Citv. Orimnn un oufibcmuer it, iaK)t via: Jacob Conrad, If. E. No. 7!iC4 for the W S W See. 12, T 2 N R 2 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of said laud, viz: J.S.Keller, of Portland, Oregon. O.N. Prowl,-" Holbrook. -f G. (5. Prick, " C. M. Waltman, " " .2W Rohfrt A. Mii.i rk, Register.' .... ... U.. 4. tang - " ' PACIFIC DHIVERSITY T1IREC COLLEGE COURSES ... Classical, Scientific, Literary. rpiIE ACAD1CMY prepares for College and (fives a thorough Eng lish Kducation; the best preparation for Teaching or Business. All expenses very low. Board and rooms at the Ladies' Hall, W to U per week, including tlectric light and hetit. The College Dormitory, under excellent tniintigpnieiit, fur nishes board and room at $2.25 );er week. Board and room in private families. $2.50 and upwards. Many stu dents rent rooms and board themselves at a total cost not to exceed $l.o(l per week. The fall lerm begins yeptein. ber 18. For full particulars address. i?V Don't , !ky ii IFap Coast Carriages and Ihiggies tJv c-,4 s-vm tr-k 1 are heot value for least 11101117; D"5 t Oil HtcLYlll Discount on Prices but no Discount 011 the Goods. Particulars of Williams liros., Hillsboro, Ore., or M. M. Davis, Assignee Const Carriage & Wagon Co., Corvallis, Ore, SMITH & BOWMAN, ATTORNE YS-AT. LAW, Notarial Work and Conveyancing. Rooms 0 A 7 Morgan Wk., Hillsboro, Ore. S. B. HUSTON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, a NO NOTARY PUBLIC. Room 8 Union Hlock, Hllliboro.Or. BARRETT & ADAMS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Itooius 8 mid 7 Central Bloek, Uillaboro, Or T. H. TONGUE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, in MorKau block, Hillsboro, Ortgon. W. D.W0OD, M. D. PHtSICIAN AND SURGEON, Oftlce In Cheuette Row. Rmddenoa. oornor Firat aud Main streets, HllUboro, Oregon. S. T. LINRLATER, M. B.C. M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OlUee at ltesldenco East of Court House. C. B. BROWN, niCNTIST, u HIM-SnoitO, OREGON. UOLIl CROWNml URIIMiE work a speilnlty. ALL WORK Giiarenteed. Rooirm 1 unil a Morgiui illock. Officio HoiniH: From 8 a M. to 4. p. M. F. A. BAIMST, M.D. r. t, BAILT, a8.M.D. DRS. F. A. AND F. J. BAILEY, Physicians, Surgeons and Accouchers. Offloe In Hillsboro Pharmacy. RchI dence soutn-wmt corner Uiuellne ami oeoond. All calls promptly attended day or night. JAMES PHILLIPPI TAMIESIK, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Sureoon Southern Pacific Hailrond Co. Consultation ia French or English. Office and residence south of Main near 3d St.. Uillsboj-q, Or. WILKES BROS. ABSTRACTORS and SURVEYORS. Conveyancing and line map work a specialty. Lindsay Block, two doors north of the postofflos. Second st Hillsboro. Or. E. McNKIL, Rece ver. TO THE E A ST ....Gives the choice of.,.. TWO TRA NS C ON TIN EN TA I ROUTE S 'at SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS AND DENVER OMAHA AND KANSAS'CITY ST PAUL LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES Ocean Steamen Leave Portland Everv Five. Dayg - FOR..,:, SAN FRANCISCO For full details call on or address: W H HURLEURT, Gen'l Pass Agent Portland, Oregon Administrator's Notice. "VTotice Is hereby given that the under sipiieilhas been duly appointed ad ministrator of the estate nf W M ll, deceased, by the County Court of Wash- ington county. Oieeon. and has dulv quatinea as such aumiu lstratur. All i&v. sons having claims airninsl hereby notified to present the same to me at the law office of 8. B. Huston, in HIiIh boro, with proper vouchers within six months from this date. ' Hated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this loth duv of"'?, 1805.-; "It.-'I'.-PiiMy.-Administrator of the estate of W. M. Dud- i i ry, deceased, jgj ColAlowUJo thomas McClelland, forest drove, Oregon. Until yon have seen a Coast Steel Gear Mtinu'ftl. by Coast Carringe it Wagon Co. w DELTA DRUG STORE (Next Door Bryan-I.aidlaw Co.) Main Street, Hillsboro. , Ann line of Toilet Article, Rrushei, I'oiiilw, I'oiftiincH, Fatont Modlelnes and nperial uttention given to (Inulity and Accuntoy. Notice for Publication. I.anii Orra-ic at Omtu'iN City, Oh.I Aug. s, im.f VTOTU'K is herebv given that the lollow XI iiig-iiamed aeitler has Hied notice of his intention to make Dual proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Wash ington county at Hillsboro, Oregon, on Sept. ao, m, vi: William Tolke, H. K. No. 772U, for the HUH 10 i, W V S K , 8 K S W M Wee M T8 N, It 4 W. He mimes the following witnesses lu prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vln: William M. Stephens, ot 'Huston, Oregon. Clark Wbitcher, " J. W. Saxton, " " Herman Hunger, " 11 20-0 lloHitiiT A. Mai.r.R, Register, Notice for Publication. Land Orru at Orkuom City. Or. Aug. ft, IM15. f NOTICE is hereby given that tliu fullow-iiig-iiuined sottler has lilt-d notice of hi" inteiitiiin to make fuml prunf in anu ixirt of hi. claim, and that said proof w ill be made bvloru Hie County Clerk or Wash ington comity ut HIIIhInim. llrvon. on ISejit.LO, lK, viz: J. K. Pannley, H. K.7iHI, fur lhe s W i -8ec 1M. T He names the following witnesses to prove hit eontiiiuuus residence upon and cultivation ol Hiiid laud, viz: George riehtivider, of Oreunville, Oregon. John Wustenavkei', " " Edward .Mizen, Fred Wilcox, 20-0 ltnHKtiT A, Mn.i m, Register. Notice for Publication. I.ANU OH'U'K AT OSKIION C'TV, Ob. Aug. ft, IHM TOTICE Is hereby given tlmt the follow i.1 iiiK-named settler bus II leil nntii-a ,,(' his liilentioii to make linul nroof in sup port of his ctiiim.und that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Wash ington county, at Hillsboro, Oregon, on Hept. 21. 181)5, viz: William Tliuraton, H. E. No. H441, for the NUNKK, W 8 E Sec 2X 1! !l N, 114 ft. ' He names the following witnesses to prove his com inuous residence upon and cultivation of said linul, viz: Arthur Knox, of Buxton, Oregon, K. E. Htucker, H. T. Iluxtoii, " o C. A. leterson, " atWI RoiiKirr A. Mili.eu, Register. Notice for Publication. Land Omen at Orkuon Citv, Or. I Nr , , , Aug. 6, 10U5.1 OTICE is hereby given that the follow -, ing-iiiuned settler lias (lied notice of his intention to make linul proof In sup. port ot his claim, mid that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Wash ington county, at Hillsboro, Oregon on .September 21, 1MB, viz: ' Arthur Knox, 1L ENo.7r)42, for the N W 4 Hue. 27, T He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence uimn ami cultivation or said laud, viz: William Thurston, of Buxton, Orogon. E. E. Htucker, " H.T.Buxton, ," C. A, Peterson, " " 20-6 Robirt A. Mii.lsr, Register, Notice for Publication. Lamd Orricif at Orkoon Citt, Or.1 -&t.vit- i u i Aug.fi, 1HU5.C TOl ICE is hereby given that lhe follow 11 ing-named sottfer has tiled notice of his Intention to make linul proor in sun port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before tbe Comity Clerk of Wash ington county, at Hillsboro, Oregon, on September 21, 1)5, vis: Fred Wilcox, u KwNo' m' for tl"i 8 w y Hw-a T 2 N He names the following witnrsses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: ' Edward Mizen, of Greenville, Oregon, .lames E. I'unnley, i George 8clnielder, " i John Wastenacker, " 20-6 RoiiKH'r A.Mm.i.kh, Register, Notice for Publication. I-anu Okkicic at Okjkion City, Ob.i ...bih couiiiy at Hillsboro, Oregon on September 21, 1H6, vis: Henry B. Holleubeck, J'- No. for the E U s W u and W ' m E feec. 22 T 8 N Range 4 W. ' ,.mv.h!,.meMtie '"""w'1' witnesses to J,ni h. 5 0o,'tlll",," residence upon hv cultivation of said land, vis , a a. h. v! voir ""' of lill?t0"' 0rTtu J)hi Harms, ; n ' ,, . ... Carl Grifner, " o 20-0 RobkbtA, MtiitiSR RegUte. I,,,- ... . r ...v. vi N0HCE is hereby given thai "lit! Ifollow M. i "X:'.""""'1 "l,t,tlB' hHS liled notice of his Intention t to make linul proof in suiw A llrr ft- lbMix r iort hi ots claim, and that said i)rnr wfl bo made tiofore tbe County Clerk of Wash