The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 22, 1895, Image 1

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VOL. 2.
NO. 22.
It Is Now Thought Twenty-
Five Are Dead.
Nu Far, However,
the Bodies of Eleven
Persons i.nve Been Taken
From the Debris.
Denver, August 21. A portion of
the Gumry hotel, tho scene of last
night's frightful disaster, in still stand
ing, u gaunt aud sinister ruin, threat
ening to crash down on those delving
iu tho ruins ut auy uioinout Search
for victims has boon ourriod ou with
tho utmost energy constantly since the
explosion occurred, uud it is boiug con
tinued tonight with tho aid of two
searchlights. Flumes broke out afresh
in tho wrookuge tonight and the lire
engines are agniu pouring forth water
still further iniiKHling the work of res
uuo. Tho list of dead and missing now
numbers twenty-live, making the dis
aster the worst thut has ever occurred
iu tho city. Up to 10:30 touight only
eight bodies hud boon recovered. They
Miiuager Greuier and his wife,
cluspud in euoh others arms; George
Dure, a Rook Isluud railroad con
tractor; Mrs. G. 0. Wolfe and daugh
ter; Fred Hubbold, Will Richards, the
clevutor uiuu, and E. F. MoCloskey, of
Colorado Springs, a wealthy owner of
Cripple Creek mines.
Amoug the missing is now Included
Elmer Pierce, the night engineer, who
is said to huve entered the hotel just
bofui j the explosion occurred. It is to
this man's carelessness that the disaster
is attributed.
Tho bodies of Peter Gumry and Gen
oral Adams are still in the ruins.
Judgo James Gliun, who was at first
supposed to have been in bis room at
the hotel, turns out to be at Holyoke,
Col., where ho was spending Sunday
with friouds. J. K. Calkins, wife and
baby, who were also thought for a
time to have been victims of the casu
alty, have beeu located in Highlands.
Mr. Calkins is a newspupermun from
Davenport, Iowa, city editor of the
Gazette. They registered at tho Gumry
on their arrival here but later went to
stuy with friends.
A vast throng surrounds the build
ing on every sido, pressing forward as
far as the ropes will allow. The police
ure constantly guarding against any
one stepping through the lines, on ac
count of tho great danger from the
stuuding walls.
As soon us the explosion occurred
every guest of the hotel was up. When
the lire department reaohed the scene
the windows were crowded with
huiiiau forms pleading for help to es
cape from their perilous positions. It
whs not thought at thut time, however,
thut the flumes would complete the
work of demolition. The guests were
very naturally alarmed at the explo
siou, but in answer to their frantic ap
peals they were assured that they were
porfcoily safe where they were ana in
deed it seemed so. Afterward when
tho fire broke out, all calculations were
upaut, and many who might have been
saved at once, had it been known that
fire was to follow, went to their awful
Htorles of the Rescue.
M. E. Letzon, a dairyman of this
city, was in the ruins ten hours before
he was rescued. His injuries are a
crushed arm, several contusions and
the shock to his nerves. Mr. Letzon
"I was more encased than pinioned,
as only my loft leg, there where you
see the bandages, und my right arm,
were held down by any weights. You
cannot have the faintest idea of my
feelings, as I lay there in the bottom
of the basement with the mass of rnins
on top of me and around me, hearing
the exoruciating cries of those dying
and in agony, and being almost over
coma by the shook and smoke, soaked
with water, and almost drowned, and
fearing thut the next moment I would
be burned alive."
Joe Muuul was found in the base
ment, dressed only in his underolothes
and oomplotely covered with ashes and
dirt. When he revived he said: "I
am a ciiiar maker from Cairo, Illinois.
I was unstairs in the back when I
heard an awful crash. I did not know
what it whs and sot out of bed and
hurried out. On going down stairs
must have lost iny way, for when
sot down on what I thought was the
ground floor, I fell into the basement
His injuries though severe are not
thought to be fatal.
R. E. Irwin, the night olerk, made
the following statement: ,
"I was standing at my oounter talk
. ins to Budd and Hawkins, the two
bartenders,- when suddenly I heard, a
terrific rodr, and instantly the roof
came down, and I was pinned beneath
a heavy beam, which held me so tight
that I oould not move my limbs. The
room began to fill with smoke, and
was unable to breathe. After giving
un all hope, I heard firemen above me,
and soon they had removed enough
timbers to allow me to drag myself out
and from there to the street. The en
gineer is a boy 17 years of age, Elmer
Loesoher. Ha-was drunk at the time
he went on duty. In fact, he either
was full all the time or was away from
the engine room. I oannot say how
muuy were in the hotel, I judge about
70. There are eleven now in the ruins,
inoluding General Adams."
Property Lois,
The total loss caused by the explosion
and fire is about $75,000. The Gumry
hotel wns worth about $25,000, and
had $8,000 worth of furniture. It it
a fnul wreck, but was insured for
126,000. The MoMann block, which
stands next to the Gumry, was also
heavily damaged. It is ownod by
Colonel E. F. Bishop, and was built in
1800. It is a four-story, pressed brick
front, and is occupied by the Lilly
blade Furniture Company. The whole
rear end of this block was rained. The
loss on the building is about $26,000,
for the building will have to be torn
down. This block is insured for $15,
000. The stock of Lillyblade, valued
at $30,000, is only partly lost .
Comnluliinan Hare
Order It Built.
a night to
Olympia, Wash., August 21. An
opinion was filed today in the supreme
court in the case of William Cochrane
and M. R. Maddocks, appellants, vs.
King county, respondent. The action
was brought by certain taxpayers of
the county for the purpose of restrain
ing the officers of the county from en
tering into a contract with Ritchie &
Rigby, contractors, for the erection of
a pool house. According to the allega
tions of the complaint, there was no
money on hand to pay for the work,
nor had the commissioners ever esti
mated the cost of the building, or sub
mitted the question of erection to the
people. In the opinion of the supreme
court, the act of the legislature of 181)0
providing that the county, by its su
pervisors, may incur indebtedness to
the extent of 11-2 per cent for general
purposes, without submission of the
question to vote, was intended to cover
the entire subject of incurring indebt
edness for general county purposes, and
the fact that the term "strictly county
purposes," in another has no effect on
the objects for which the indebtedness
is incurred. Under its provisions the
commissioners without vote may inour
indebtedness not exceeding 1 1-2 per
oeut for any proper oounty purpose,
and when approved by vote, may incur
indebtedness for a like purpose to the
extent of 6 per oeut of the valuation of
taxable property in the oounty.
Whether the officers of King oounty
were acting nnder the aot of 1888, or
1800, in either case they were author
ized, and the action of the superior
oourt in sustaining the demurrer to the
complaint was proper.
The Sunday Talk of Secretary Jack.
the Y. M. V. A.
San Franoisoo, August 21. Noel H.
Jacks, general socretary ot the Y. M.
C. A., has created something of a sen
sation by denouoing dancing. Mr.
Jacks is giving a series of Sunday
afternoon talks at the Y. M. C. A. on
"Popular Amusements." Last Sun
day he took exoeption to the theater,
and today he declared that the dauceieyjacbef ore goJt here by such an in
has sent thousands of people to ruin.
"I beg to again repeat my position on
this question," said he. "My position
is that theater-going, dancing and
curd-playing have the tendency of lur
ing men and women into evil; a ten
dency compensated by no possible
good, and it is destructive of spiritual
life among Christians. Now, as to the
dance. Among the different amuse
ments offered society today there is
none which creates more or has greater
influence than the danoe. I believe
all honest persons agree with me that
there is no amusement which has done
so much to lower the Btandard of
thouirht. conversation, action and liv
ing as the modern dance. I am against
it as a Christian man, because it leads
first to impure thought; second, to im
proper conversation; third, to immod
esty of aotion, and last, to immorality
of living.
"Members of police departments al
most universally agree that three-
fourths of women and girls led into
lives of sin took their first step down
ward through the publio dance. And
yet, in the face of this testimony,
Christian parents, praying for the souls
and lives of their sons and daughters,
send them to danong school to be
tanght manners, and gracefulness, and
that they may be able to appear well
in society. Give to me for my child
ren the careful Chirstian training of a
good home, rather than the mannerisms
of sooiety or social life, taught In the
dancing sohooL "
Will Leave the Country.
Seattle, August 21. Ah How, We
Chow and Lee Jim, three Chinese
miners from the Methow, who wer,e
recently ordered deported, but given
the option of remaining provided they
paid the costs of hearing on appeal to
the United States court, will probably
choose the first alternative. It was'
learned today that the costs amount to
$742, whioh, in the eyes of a Chinese
laborer, is an immense sum. The Chi
nese have been given nntil Monday to
furnish the money, but it is thought
they will fail. They attempted to
register at Spokane before the time ex
pired, but through ignorance of the
place, failed to find the collector's
office. The case has been pending
since June 80.
In Favor of the Trust.
New York, August 21. Judge
O'Brien, in the supreme oourt today,
signed an order denying an application
for an injunction restraining the reor
ganization committee of the Distilling
& Cattle-Feeding Company (whisky
trust), from using the funds on deposit
with the Mercantile Trust Company
for the purohase of property of the
whisky trust under the reorganization
New York City's Tax Bat.
New York, August 21. The finanoe
committee of the board of aldermen
met today and prepared the report of
the tax rate for the year, fixing it at
1.92, an inorease of 18 points over the
rate of last sear. The total amount
required for the year is $88,740,000.
Still Raging Throughout the
Sound Country.
All dame Driven From the Hill to the
Water Courses, and Deer Are
Almost Domesticated.
Seattle, August 20. Settlers along
Lake Burnish report that there is an
unbroken line of forest fires from Bel
fust to the lake, destroying large as
well as small timber, and rendering
the atmosphere almost suffocating. All
game is being driven from the hills to
the lukos und water courses, and deer
are almost domesticated. A settler
last week met two cougars near his
bouse. As he was unarmed, be had
to give them the road. Mothers dare
not let their children get out of their.
sight, and there is much alarm
throughout the community.
The Smoke In California.
San Francisco, August 20. The city
was overcast yesterday with a bluish
haze mixed with fog. Most people
thought it was just plain fog, but
Weather Observer Hammon says it
was smoke from the forest firest around
Puget sound. North winds have been
blowing up thore for days, and the
smoke from the big smudges in the
Coast mountains has been carried di
rectly southward. This course carried
it out to sea from where the coast line
bends to the east. For days the
north winds spun out a lengthening
banner from the smoky mass on the
Sound, and it was trailed over the sea
for hundreds of miles. Day before
yesterday a northwest wind which fol
lowed the coast line struck Point
Reyes, and in this the great pennant of
smoke floated near the California
shore. The northwest wind struck the
hills south of the Golden Gate and was
deflected through the gap, as usual.
So the northwest wind became south
west wind about the city, and so it
ripped an edge from the long pennant
of smoke at sea and dragged it into the
That is the peculiar way in whioh
smoke from Puget sound reached San
Francisco yesterday. It is not an un
usual thing for smoke to travel that
distance from widespread forest fires,
for smoke from Minnesota forests has
been oarried southward beyond St
Louis, but it is rarely that smoke from
Washington dims the sunshine of Cen
tral California, and it is not known
that the winds, the sea and the hills
genious process of spinning.
The Ex-Tamiuany Boss Would Say Lit
tle to the Interviewer.
London, August 20. A representa
tive of the Press found Richard Croker
at Newmarket today, and accompanied
him back to London, seeking to secure
from him an interview on politioal
affairs in New York. No amount of
persuasion, however, oould induce him
to talk about James G. Martin's as
sumption of the leadership of Tarn
"I have nothing to say," was his re
peated reply.
He showed surprise, however, at the
news, and finally observed:
' ' Whoever takes the Tammany leader
ship now has a big job on his hands."
Mr. Croker was then asked about
the oourse of the board of police com
missioners in New York, and in reply
'It would not be fair to criticise
them at this distance, but, judging
from the amount of space New York
correspondents of the London papers
are giving them, they must be raising
A prominent New York Democrat
Who is here says James G. Martin's re'
lations with Bourke Cookran are too
intimate to suit Croker.
Colorado's Crops.
Denver, August 20. The News will
tomorrow publish reports from all
parts of Colorado showing the condi
tion of crops. Generally, the condi
tion is extremely favorable, the only
drawbaok, if any, being-too much rain.
In the San Luis valley the great grain
fields are whitening for the harvest,
and the crop will be the largest ever
gathered. From Rifle, on the Grande
river, in the western part of the state.
the vield of alfalfa, oats, wheat and
barley is reported as unusually large.
while potatoes were never better, and
fruit trees, except pears, are beginning
to ground. Rooky Fort reports orops
in the southeastern part of the state as
remarkably large. The production of
corn will exceed all records. Almost
as inuoh can be said for wheat, oats,
fruit and melons. The only dismal
reports of the state oome from Jules'
burg, in the extreme northeastern oor-
ner, where only potatoes and hay have
done well.
Better Business at Manchester.
Manchester, August 20. A better
business was done this week, a firmer
ootton market helping, for China cloths
are engaged mostly to the end of the
year,- The Indian demand is also en
larging. The smaller markets are fol
lowing the advance reluctantly. Yarns
are 8-16d dearer, but there is a laok of
activity in them. Some business was
done for Japan. Home manufacturers
are buying little beyond their aotual
needs. Spinners are working mostly
at a loss, and some machinery is stop
Yesterday the Anniversary of the Battle
of Urarelotte.
Berlin, August 20. There has been
splendid weather today, which is the
26th anniversary of the buttle of Grav
elotte, and which had so great an in
fluence on the Franco-Prussian war.
The annivesary was signalized here by
the laying of the fonndution-stone of
the monument of the Late Emperor
William I by his grandson, William
II, in the presence of many German
sovereigns and other dignitaries.
The proceedings opened at 8 o clock
this morning. The colors and stand
ards of the various regiments, crowned
with oak leaves, were brought on the
ground, and a richly decorated imper
ial standard displayed in the center of
the group. All the houses in the neigh
borhood were tastefully decorated, the
windows and balconies showing
streams of bunting, while the streets
were crowded with gaily attired spec
tators. At 9 o'clock a flourish of
trumpets announced the arrival of Em
peror William, who was received by
Chancellor von Hohenlohe. The em
peror deposited under the foundation
stone of the monument to his grand
father a memorial document, in which
he referred to the enthusiastic uprising
of the German nation under his grand
father, Emperor William the Great
who had restored the Germans to their
ardently desired unity and had suc
ceeded in securing for the newly arisen
empire its proper weight in the system
of states. The emperor then read
aloud from the document to be deposit
ed in the foundation stone:
The self-sacrificing record of the
German princes, the wise counsel and
energetic support of Von Bismarck, the
consummate strategy and genius of
Von Moltke, the unequaled courage
and ability of the commanders of the
army, and before all that of Crown
Prince Frederick William, the devoted
fidelity of the Field Marshal von Roon
and the discipline of the people, ren
dered success certain. But also in the
direction of works of peace, the emper
or was untiring to his last breath in
active futherance of the welfare of the
working classes. The statue of Will
iam the Great should form a testimony
of the inextinguishable gratitude of
the princes and people of Germany."
At this point Count von Lerchfeld,
the Bavarian envoy plenipotentiary,
handed Emperor William a trowel, re
questisng that his majesty would lay
the foundation of a memorial which
would remind Germany of the greatest
period of her history, and which the
entire nation desired to erect to the
founder of the German empire.
Great Improvement Shown In the Net
Earnings for the Fiscal Year.
New York, August 20. Greatly im
proved net railway earnings are shown
in a carefully prepared special report
to Bradstreet's, an abstract of which
is as follows:
The gross earnings of 145 railroad
oompanies for the first six months of
1895 aggregate $349,099,773, a gain
of 8.6 per cent over the corresponding
period of 1894, which in turn, showed
decrease from 1893 of 16.4 per cent.
The net earningss of the same roads
for this year aggregate $102,767,786,
gain over last year of 8. 1 per cent,
and following a decrease of 1894 from
1893 of 18.8 per cent
Divided into groups, a striking uni
formity is noted in the increases and de
creases in the gross and net. Of the
126 railroad systems comprising 145
roads, which make up the appended
table, two-thirds show decreases. The
figures show the percentage of increase
or decrease. Those marked with an
asterisk indicate a deorease:
Gr'ss. Net.
Granger .....7.7 3 4
rrniiK lines.. o.s .i
Central Western 9.8 2.0
Ea-tern 12.4 23 2
Coal 5.3 1.0
Southern .l.4 7.1
Southwestern 2.8 16.0
Pad ic 9.1
Total increase 8.3 23.0
There are some decreases in gross
earnings this year from last, notably
the Southern and granger roads, but
there are also notably large increases
in nealry all the other groups, where
last year the dead level of decrease was
without relief. When the net earnings
figures this year are considered, the
showing is still better. The decrease
in the grangers and Southwestern
roads is still notable, but the gains
showed in the other group of roads are
sufficient to more than counterbalance
this falling-off , and the result is a very
satisfactory gain over a year ago.
That Benedictine Brewery,
Washington, August 20. It is un
derstood that Monsignore Satolli is
giving his attention : to the question
raised by the petition to him for the
suppression of the brewery conducted
by the Benedictine monks at Beatty,
Pa. , with a view to harmonizing the
difference so as to placate the com
plaints, and at the same time not deal
harshly with the ecclesiasts who con
duot the brewery. He is giving atten
tion to the petition not only from the
point of view of the petitioners, but
also considers the fact that the monks
are' native Germans, who oannot see
the harm in drinking beer made after
the manner pursued in the Fatherland.
The effort will be made to settle the
dispute without any formal decision.
A Dastardly Crime.
Guthrie, O. T., August 20. Daniel
R. Brown, a merohant, from the Semi
nole reservation, brings information of
a dastardly orime oommitted near Ar
beoh. A gang of Creek Indians and
negroes and several white outlaws
raided Samuel Norfod's store, and after
completely gutting the place, assaulted
and otherwise mistreated five women
in the neighborhood, two of whom will
Happenings of Interest in the
Progressive Northwest
A Budget of Items Gathered From
All Parts of Oregon, Wash
ington and Idaho.
It is said that 20,000 trout are an
nually caught from Trout Lake in
Klickitat county, Wash.
A good many Whatcom, Wash.
ladies have been made quite ill by the
heat and smoke from the near-by forest
The Whatcom county, Wash., bank
has paid a dividend of 3 per cent, ag
gregating $6,000. The bank failed
early in the year. Another dividend
will soon follow.
A controversy is raging in the valley
papers as to the champion hicoougher.
George W. Harris, of Albany, Or., ap
pears to be entitled to the belt, with a
record of nine days and nights.
The Gold Beach, Or., Gazette is be
ing moved across the river to Wedder
burn, Mr. Hume's new town. The
building is put on wheels and rolled
onto a scow, then towed across.
The next session of the Wallowa
county, Or. , circuit court begins Sep
tember 16. The docket is unusually
long, and includes several criminal
cases. J our prisoners are in jail, and
others out on bonds.
TheG. A. R. of Port Townsend,
Wash., proposes to have an encamp
ment at the grounds of the abandoned
military station in September, and G.
A., R. posts throughout the state are to
be invited to participate.
The proposed soldiers' and sailors'
encampment, to be held at Old Port
Townsend, Wash., the week of Sep
tember 3, seems to be a "go". Several
organizations of Western Washington
have proimsed to attend.
State Senator D. E. Lesch, of the
Yakima and Kittitas district, who is
manager of the famous Moxee farm, on
which 130 acres are planted in hops,
says the hop crop in Yakima valley,
Wash., promises better than last year,
but growers are discouraged at the
prospective low prices.
"China Jim," the venerable "dad
dy" of the Chinese oolony at Gold
Beach, Or. , left on the schooner Ber
wick Tuesday, bound for China. He
is over 70 years of age, and has been
away from China just forty-four years.
With tears streaming down his cheeks,
he said he was going back to die in his
native land.
The machinery for the new salmon
cannery for the Siletz has been pur
chased in Astoria, and the materials
for the buildings, along with the ma
chinery, will be loaded on the steam
schooner and taken to the Suez in a
few days. The cannery will furnish
employment to many of the Indians
who would not work at any other em
ployment. , '
Oscar Tom, of Alsea, Or., the king
beeraiser of Benton oounty, has thirty'
three stands of bees, and the honey
produced is as fine as is made. Mr,
Tom is also a grower of goats, and hat
a band of 260 of them. His band this
season averaged 4 1-2 pounds, and the
wool shipped netted him 30 cents per
pound, or $1.35 per head. He feeds
his goats but little, and besides clear
ing up his land they improve the pas
ture and range.
The Pacific Coast Elevator Com
pany is making extensive improve
ments upon its buildings throughout
Whitman oounty, Wash., They are
also building some new structures.
They recently completed a 150x40-foot
addition to the Guy elevator, from
which little town there is a large
amount of grain shipped. The Pull
man ele-ator has been renovated and
put into shape for handling a large
amount of grain this season. At Glenn
wood there is being constructed a 120x
40-foot addition. In fact every eleva
tor in the oounty has been put in read
iness to handle a big amount of grain,
and an enormous crop is expected.
To go South a as missionary vessel
is the object of a small craft which
lies at a Seattle wharf. The boat is to
receive general repairs, and carry a
crew of Christian workers, who will
aot upon the plan of the old steamer
Evangel, which cruised the Sound, her
owuers holding meetings and spread
ing the gospel among the loggers and
millmen of early days, Charles Fri
ars is in charge of the present expedi
tion, and with his wife, will go down
on the Mexican coast and carry sup
plies for the missiouries, besides him'
self doing whatever is in nis power to
teach Christian principles among the
people of the Paoiflo islands. The ves'
sel has no name, and the owner has no
special creed of Christianity.
Judge Eakin, of Union, Or., of the
circuit oourt, has issued an order tern'
porarily enjoining the Oradell Canal
Company, the Peoples' Irrigation Com
pany, City of La Grand and a number
of private oitizens from using the wa
ters of Grand Ronde river in the west'
ern part of the valley. The order was
issued at the instance of the Island
City Mercantile & Milling Company,
which claims to have enjoyed the first
and exclusive right to the use of the
waters of the river for the past thirty
years, and it is further olaimed that at
the ordinary season of the year, there
are 25,000 inches of water in the
stream, but owing to the water being
diverted by various defendants to the
suit, the water is entirely gone, de
priving the plaintiff of itB use for it-
rigation purposes and for operating the
Mercantile & Milling Company'! flour
mill at Island City, Or.
Kitreme to Which It Was Carried
Rlchfleld Springs.
i New York, August 19. A special to
the Herald from Richfield Springst Nt
cent apyoaiauvo ui jiiiss spates, who
was not known to the committee, con
sisting of the leaders of society. As
the music fell into a minor key and the
strains of "Au Claire de la Lune"
echoed plaintively down the hall, the
unknown uttered a piercing shriek and
fell full length on the ballroom floor.
In an instant all was confusion and her
apparently lifeless body was borne
away. lit. flor was oalled and diag
nosed the case as catalepsy. Inquiry,
however, developed the fact that the
girl was the victim of hypnotic sugges
tion; that she had never read Trilby;
had never been to a ball before, and
actually had never waltzed before in
her life. She was introduced to Storr
Kellen, her escort, by a young man
whose name is not given because crim
inal proceedings are to be instituted
against him. He hypnotized the girl
early in the evening, drove her to the
hotel in a closed carriage and borrowed
the finery in which she was dressed.
Foreign Consuls Protest Against Its
Shipment From Chicago.
Chicago, August 19. Horsemeat
has been and is being sold on the
drainage oanul to laborers. This meat
has come from diseased and broken
down animals unfit for labor, and pur
chased by men engaged in the nefar
ious traffic at $1.60 to $2 per horse.
This sale has been without the knowl
edge of the sanitary inspector of the
canal, Dr. Martin, who said the sale of
horsemeat on the canal had never oome
to his knowledge. So serious has the
situation become on the canal, and the
exportation of large quantities of it as
canned goods to foreing countries, that
complaint was made by foreign con
suls today to Dr. P. W. Reilly, of the
city health department Charles Hen
rotin, consul for Belgium, and Dr. B.
Bopp, consul for Germany, were the
foreing representatives who called on
Dr. Reilly today. They laid before
him the facts which they had collected
in regard to the canning of horsemeat
for exportation to nations of Europe.
The French oonsul has intimated that
if the authorities do not act, his gov'
eminent would take steps whioh might
seriously affect the legitimate ship-
ments of dressed and canned meat from
this country.
limiting tou's Guatemala Road.
San Francisco, August 17. Ricardo
H. F. Von Winckler, who is superin
tending the construction of C. P.
Huntington's new railroad lines in
Guatemala, arrived in this city on the
steamship Colon. He says Huntington
is putting a great deal of money into
the new road and that it is rapidly de
veloping into an immensely valuable'
property, as it is pushed through the
heart of the richest coffee and cane
section of Guatemala. He says 600
men are working on the road. The
new line is completed from a point on
the Guatemala Central road nine miles
below Escuintla to Santa Lucia, and
is now building to Paulun, with pros
pects that it will be extended through
the mountains to Metzatlango as rapid
ly as the work can be pushed. Over
twenty miles of the road is now in op
eration. France aud Brasil's Differences.
New York, August 19. The Herald
correspondent in Rio Janeiro tele
graphs that the French charge d'af
faires and the Brazilian minister of
foreign affairs have signed a protocol
agreeing to submit the question of the
ownership of the territory of Amapa to
arbitration, with the king of Sweden
as referee. Each country is to be al
lowed until April, 1896, to submit its
-claims. The inquiry into the impris
onment of Brazilians and the trials of
the late governor of French Guiana
and the commander of the gunboat
Bengali will be suspended pending the
decision of the king of Sweden, after
which they will be subjects for diplo
inatio negotiations.
Paper Suppressed and Editor Banished
Guthrie, O. T., August 17. The
Wah Shah She News, published at
Pawhuska, Osage nation, was sup'
pressed today by Colonel H. B. Free'
man, acting agent of the Osage nation,
aud its editor, J. i. Palmer, was ban
ished from the nation. The News al
leged that Freeman was heaping all
kinds of indignities on the Indians,
and Freeman obtained from Com
missioner Browning an order giving
him power to suppress the News and
banish Editor Palmer. The excitement
is intense and threats are made to tar
and feather Freeman. United States
Commissioner F. Leahy protested
against Freeman's actions, and Free
man has tried to have him banished,
but without suocess.
Cuban Agents in Mexico.
' City of Mexioo, August 20. Cuban
revolutionary agents are reported to be
enlisting retired officers from the Mex
ioan army, and announoed today that
a number of veterans officers have em
barked for the seat of war. There
no oouDt oi zealous activity among
Cuban agents here. Advices from
Central America are of the same tenor,
and men are volunteering there for On
ban semee.
Missionaries in Asia Minor in
Serious Danger.
Is Because of the Armenian Cam
paign Against Their Compatriots
Suspected of Being spies.
Constantinople, August 17. Anxi
ety prevails here for the American mis
sionaries at Marsovan, a small town
twenty-four miles northwest of Ama
sia, in the vilayet of Sivas, Asia
Minor, on account of the Armenian
campaign against those of their com
patriots who are thought to be spies.
An Armenian priest, suspected of spy
ing, was recently murdered at Scutari,
just opposite Constantinople, by the
incensed Armenians, as a result of
whioh many Armenians in Scutari and
other suburbs of Constantinople have
been imprisoned.
Thirteen students of the American
college were expelled last year because
their fathers were thought to have
been mixed up in the Armenian move
ment, suspicion having fallen on the
college, and among the list of persona
condemned by the Armenian committee
are five professors of the college, two
being Americans. The governor is do
ing his utmost to investigate the mat
ter, and to prevent an outbreak or dis
Details have been received of the at
tack on the American missionary
school at Tarsus, and the maltreat
ment of students and threats made
against the missionaries, which waa
mentioned in a press dispatch August
9. It is learned about twenty Mus
sulmans attaoked and beat a srevant
of the Rev. Mr. Christie, director of
the college at Tarsus. Some of his
scholars at Namroun, a summer resi
dence near Tarsus, the night of Thurs
day, August 11, also threatened to kill
Mr. Christie.
Consuls Are Endeavoring to
Its Exportation. .
Chicago, August 16. It now ap
pears that the horse-meat packing
house, a mile from the southwestern
portion of this city, may possibly be
the cause of international complica
tions. Richard Martin, owner of the
packing-house, and who ships quanti
ties of the meat to Paris, Antwerp and
Berlin for food, is to receive some dis
tinguished visitors. It is probable that
tomorrow M. Veilhomme, the French
consul; Charles Henrotin, the Belgian
consul, and F. Bopp, the vice-German
oonsul, accompanied by a city meat in-'"
specter and one or two policemen, will
call on Mr. Martin to see if he is ship
ping diseased horse meat to their re
spective countries as has been reported.
They have no thought of attempting to
interfere with Martin's business, but
only of warning the authorities abroad
against receiving it Consul Veil
bolmme said:
"This is a subject in which my gov
ernment feels a deep interest It will
be inconvenient for me to go so far aa
to inspect Martin's premises, but under
the circumstances I shall surely do so.
I am surprised that there is no law in
this country by which to take hold of
him, but the least I can do is to ascer
tain the facts and put the authorities
in France on their guard. I think it
might be well for the three consuls
most nearly interested to go down to
gether." Bicycle Railroad In California.
San Francisco, August 17. San
Franoisoo and Santa Cms will soon be
connected by a bioyole railroad, and
articles of incorporation of the Shore
Line Bicycle Railroad Company have
been filed. It is said . that a number
of Eastern capitalists are behind the
project. The promoters of the road
are said to have constructed a similar
line on Long Island. The Westing
house Electrical Manufacturing Com
pany and the Baldwin looomotive
works are also said to be interested in
the road, which its promoters hope
eventually to extend to Los Angeler.
The distance to Santa Cruz is ninety
miles, and the company expects to run
trains at the rate of 100 miles an hour.
A Gigantic Tobacco Combine.
New York, August 17. The World
says: Representatives of the National
Cigarette & Cigar Company, John T.
Drummond, Colonel Wetmore and Mr.
McAllister, who represent the Drum
mond Tobacco Company, Liggett &
Meyers, and other big Western manu
facturers of plug tobacco, are holding
a meeting m this city. Negotiations
are going on at the present time with
a view of forming a gigantic combine.
It is proposed to unite the different in
terests and go into the market prepared
to supply the jobbers and dealers with
all the staple articles of the tobacco
-'' Trouble In the Hireling Estate.
San Franoisoo, August 17. The
affairs of F. W. Kreling & Sons, furni
ture manufacturers, are said to be in
volved.. The firm was attached for
$2,000 today by the First National
bank. The trouble ia in connection
with the probate proceedings over the
estate of the late William Kreling,
senior member of the firm. ' , '
Bleu Find of Lead Ore.
Madison, Wis., August 17. Mike
Moran and Chris Simons have discov
ered what promises to be a very rich
find of lead ore one and one-half miles
west of Verona, this oounty. A shaft
ia to be rank at onoe, and mlalnf will
be begun aa soon aa possible. v
m "