Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Govt Report i vvc. ABSOLUTELY PURE NAPOLEON'S ORIENTAL DREAMS. Ha Longed to Follow la tha Footsteps of Alexander the Great. Bonaparte was a child of the Mediter ranean. The light of its sparkling wa ters was ever in his eyes, and the fasci nation of its ancient civilizations was never absent from his dreams of glory. His proclamations ring with olassio al lusions; his festivals were adorned with classic ceremony. In iufancy he had known of Genoa, the tyrant of his is land, (is strong in the splendid commer cial enterprises which stretched east ward through the Levant and beyond into the farther orient In childhood he had fed his imagination on the histories of Alexander the Great and his conquest of oriental empires. In yonth he had thought to find an open door for his am bition when all others seemed closed by taking service with England to share the renown of those who were building ru her eastern empire. Disappointed in tins, he tnmed with the same lack of success to Russia, already England's ri val on the continent of Asia. It is perfectly comprehensible that throughout his early manhood his mind should have occasionally reverted to the same ideals. The conqueror of Italy and Austria might hope to realize them. Was he not master of the two great maritime commonwealths which had once shared all eastern trade between them? England's intrusion upon the Mediterranean basin was a never ceasing irritation to all the Latin powers. Her commercial prosperity and her mastery of the seas aggravated the exasperation of France as threatening even her equali ty in their ancient rivalry. From the days of the first crusade all Frenchmen had felt that leadership in the recon struction of Asia belonged to them by virtue of preoccupation. Ardent repub licans, moreover, saw France's mission incomplete in the liberalizing of the continent, and the department of marine nnder the directory stamped its paper with the motto, "Liberty of the Seas. " Imaginative forces, the revolution ary system and the national ambition all combined to create ubiquitous en thusiasm for the conquest of the Med iterranean. To this the temperament and training of Bonaparte were as the spark to the tinder. It was with willing ears that the directory heard his first suggestions about the Venetian isles and subsequently his plans for the capture of Malta, which was to be followed by a death blow to England's supremacy in tho seizure of Egypt and the dismem berment of Turkey. W. M. Sloane's "Life of Napoleon" in Century. A SPIDER FARM. A Simp Bottler Das Becrnited the Spider. Against Ilia Foe With Success. A sirup bottler has improved upon the prison lesson of Brace. He has taken the spider into partnership in the work iug of one of his most important depart ments. Flies, cockroaches and other in sects, attracted by his sweets, and en couraged by the genial atmosphere of his bottling room, used to interfere with his work, get into his bottles, steal his goods and "worry him to death." He has recruited the spider against his foes and vanquished them. Some 0,000 spi ders now make their home on the ceiling and walls of his bottling department Their webs are everywhere, and they be have themselves with great intelligence. Said the bottler to an interviewer: "These creatures know more than a great many people. Spiders do not care for sweet things, and never drop into my vats or get into my bottlea I never disturb them except to feed them occa sioually. They appear to know my call, and will come out and feed from my hand, or take a fly from my finger. "They shut themselves op during most of the winter mouths in the little nests yon see stuck like daubs of mad about the ceiling. When winter comes, I brush away the webs. They prefer to weave new ones every spring. "Each May they reappear ready to unravel the silken fabric- that is stored in their little bodies. It is just about then that the flies have hatched their first young. If the spiders appear earlier, the crop of flies would soon give out "I have been only running this spider farm for two years, but I find my little partners indispensabla They will not endure in the place a single fly or insect that is a plunderer of sweets and sir ups. "Pittsburg Dispatch. A Tattooed Snake, The sailors of the gulf of Mexico and the equatorial regions of the Atlantic ocean amuse themselves and also tum an occasional honest penny by capturing both large and small snakes of the va riety known as the lemon boa and cov ering their bodies with tattooed letters and designs. One of these living manu scripts was recently exhibited at Egyp tian hall, London, which had the whole of the third chapter of Genesis and some pieces from Punch tattooed upon hii back in indelible letters of various col ors. Thousands of these tattooed snakes are annually disposed of at Rio do Ja neiro. The buyers generally kill these snakes and either skin them or preserve the entire reptile in alcohol Such speci mens are highly prized by both Euro pean and North American collectors of curiosities. St Louis Republic Heathen and Heathen. Home Heathen Tell me, now, what is the greatest difficulty that your for eign missionaries have to contend with? Foreign Missionary Keeping our con verts from learning that we have so many heathen in the home churches. New York Tribune. The highest temperature ever known In London was recorded July IS, 1881, 95.5 degrees ; at Paris, 104, on Aug. 28, 1705; at Adelaide, Australia, January, 1841, 114; at Mourzuk, India, July 10, 1872, 133. The Housatonio in Connecticut was called by the Indians Wussiadenex, the "stream beyond the mountains. " Bulgaria was formerly Volgaria, so called iron the Volsol who inhabited it SPRY AT SIXTY. THE REMARKABLE VITALITY OF AN AGED CALIFORNIAN. Stand Today Unscathed by Disease -How He Conquered Rheumatism A Story Full of Interest. From the Eiamiuer, San Francisco, Cal.) There is at least one happy man in San Francisco today one man who can enjoy, despite the fact of his being sixty years of age and of corpulent build, the fnll and free use of all the powers of mind and body. James Keenan is a prominent liquor dealer at 250 Brannan street, and it is he who is now lauding those who have restored him from a bed of pain to his former youthful activity. Mr. Keenan had, to within a year ago, been blessed with the enjoyment of aloinst perfect health it was a year ago that Mr. Keenan first suffered the hand of disease to take hold upon him. At that time he was stricken down by an aggravated attack of rheumatism, which robbed him of the use of his lower limbs and of both his hanris. For fully six weeks he lay on his couch, a helpless victim of the dread disease, and all the time he Buffered intense pain in the affected portions of his body. He could not move himself upon his bed, and all that he ate had to be fed to him by those in attendance. He had about despaired of ever gaining release from the clutches of the frightful disease, when one morning his attention was drawn to an advertisement in a morn ing paper, of a remedy for rheuma tism. The story of what succeeded this casual glance at a medicine adver tisement can best be told in the words of Mr. Keenan himself, who, when asked for an explanation of his seem ingly miraculous cure, gave the fol lowing account: "It seemed to me that after all the weeks of terrible suffering that I had endured that there could not possibly be a relief. I had no faith in patent medicines, and when I saw in a paper the advertisement of Williams' Pink Pills I was induced to try them only in sheer desperation. I did not feel any relief until I began taking the sec ond box of the pille, but then the pain began gradually to leave me, my appe tite became better, and I could sleep soundly throughout the night without experiencing any of the jerking pains that had before kept me awake. I con tinued to take the pills and it was only a short time until the rheumatism had entirely left my hands, and I had so far recovered the use of my legs as to be able to walk about the house with out assistance. In about two weeks more I was entirely free from the dis ease, but I took two more boxes of the pills as a precaution against a return of the rheumatism. From the time that the last trace of the disease left me I had not felt the least sign of its return, and I can truthfully say that I now enjoy the free use of my limbs as ever I did before the rheumatism at tacked me. "I have taken the pains to recom mend Williams' Pink Pills to a num ber of my friends who are suffering from rheumatism. I think I know of no other remedy that will afford such quick and permanent relief from rheu matism as do Williams' Pink Pills, and I only hope that many others may be brought to see and feci the high cura tive powers that the pills possess." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain, in a condensed form, all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are also a specific for troubles peculiar to females, such as suppressions, irregularities and all forms of weakness. They bnild np the blood and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. In men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork or ex cesses of whatever nature. Pink Pills are sold in boxes (never in loose bulk) at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2. 50, and may be had of all druggists, or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. New Treatment For Barns, A Paris medical man of resources and alternatives had in hand a case of severe and extensive burning, caused by boil ing water. So deep was the injury that the healing process was greatly delayed. The patient's family objected to skin grafting, which seemed to be the only way to accelerate the process of recov ery, and the doctor, as an experiment, applied the internal membrane of the hen's egg the white film with which everybody is familiar. The injury must have progressed beyond the suppurative stage and shown signs of healthy heal ing. A freshly laid egg is broken and the membrane immediately cnt into narrow strips and laid carefully across the raw surface, then antiseptic dress ings are applied with carbolio solutions, and the whole is covered by tin foil In a number of cases this procedure has been eminently satisfactory. New York Ledger. The Quarter Came Back. "Excuse me, sir," said a Woodward avenue car conductor ton passenger rid ing on the platform with him the other morning, "but can yon change a quar ter?" "Is it a plugged quarter?" cautiously asked the passenger. "Yes, sir; plugged in two place. " "Get it about a week ago?" "Yes, sir." "From me?" "Yes, sir." "No, I can't change it I carried that old coin around abont three months and offered it tq at least 50 conductors be fore yon took it, and having finally worked it off I can't take it back. - If you want to borrow two tens and a five, all. right, but I can't take plugged quar terscan't possibly do it, even , to oblige. ' 'Detroit Fiee Fran. HUMAN SUFFERING. wine-tenths or It Is Vseleat and Could Be Avoided. Go through a crowd of people, pre ferably city people; examine the tired, anxious, wasted faces ; remember your life and the lives of the men whom yon have known intimately; recall the vio lent deaths, the suicides of which yon have heard, and ask yourself the reason of all this death, suffering and despair. And you will see, however strange it may appear, that tho cause of nine-tenths of human suffering is the present life of the world; that this suffering is nseless; that it could be avoided, and that the majority of men are martyrs to worldly ideas. Recently on a rainy Sunday I crossed the market near the tower of Sonkharev in a street car. For a third of a mile the car made its way through a dense crowd that closed in again behind us. From morning till evening these thousands of men, most of them hungry and in rags, jostle each other in the mud, dispute, deceive and hate each other. The same thing goes on in the markets of Moscow and other cities. These men will pass their evenings in the wine shops and afterward will seek their holes and cor ners. Sunday is thoir best day. Monday they begin again their accursed exist ence. Think of the existence of these men, of the sitnation which they abandon and of that which they choose. Consider the labor to which they give themselves, and yon will see that they are martyrs All have left their fields, their houses, their fathers and brothers, often their wives and children. They have renounc ed everything and come to the city in order to acquire that which the world considers necessary. All of them are there, from the operative, the coachman and the seamstress to the wealthy mer chant, the office holder and the wives of all of them, to say nothing of the tens of thousands of unfortunates who have lost everything and live on scraps and brandy in the free lodging houses. Go through this crowd; watch poor and rich alike ; look for a man who says that he is satisfied and believes that he possesses what the world deems necessa ry. You will not find one in a thousand. Count Tolstoi. BOTH PAPERS WERE USEFUL Tho Fortunate Result of a Tennessee Jus tice Mixing; HI Documents. Bill Wright was a justice of the peace, and also an absentminded man, whose wife was as able an orator as Xantippo. Bill used to serve all his processes himself and to save time would sign the marriage certificates in blank and deliv er a number to the parson. One day Bill had a process to serve away up in the mountains on a semibar barous recluse, who was sued for dam ages for some disdeeds, and Bill thought he would deliver a few of the certifi cates to the parson. So, sticking both packages of papers in the same pocket, he mounted his horse and rode off. Reaching the minister's, he stopped and chatted awhile, and, after deliver ing his papers, he started off again and took the road to the mountains. The parson had a wedding that day, one of the parties being a notorious horse thief from an adjoining county. When the ceremony was over, the parson se lected a certificate from the bundle and unrolled it sufficiently to sign his noma On handing it to the man the latter opened it, and his eye grew wild as he read instead of a marriage certificate a warrant of arrest, signed by both the justice of the peace and by the parson. He feared some trap, so surrendered himself to custody. When the justice reached the moun tain side, he took out the paper to read it and immediately saw its natnre, but, maintaining his self possession, he re cited the form of summons, which he fortunately remembered. He then returned and found the horse thief in jail and went and saw the par son, remarking, with his own matri monial felicity in mind, that both pa pers had unintentionally served the ends of justica University Courier. Why He Wanted It Printed. Compositors are supposed to be able to decipher jll kinds of handwriting, even that of euitors and ministers. On this point Mr. Robert Clark, the Edinburgh printer, used to tell a story! Professor Lindsay Alexander came into our office one Friday with the man uscript of a sermon. "You must let me have proofs of this tomorrow," he said. I told him the time was too short He must give us a few days longer. "No," he said. "I mnst preach this sermon tomorrow. It is a special ser mon. I wrote it ten years ago, and now I can't make out a word of it" Youth's Companion. Altogether Too Honest. Hotel Clerk That lawyer stopping with us is the most honest man I ever beard of. Landlord Why? Clerk He sits up in a chair and sleeps at night Landlord What's that got to do with it? Clerk He says after his day's work is over he doesn't think he ought to lie in bed. Detroit Free Press. The First Safety Lamp. The first claim as an inventor of a safety lamp for use in mines was made by Dr. Clanuy of Newcastle, who, in 1813, contrived a ponderous and compli cated machine, requiring a boy to work it This apparatus never became popu lar. It was found to be too unwieldy. Beallstie, Critio Has that painting of yours, "At Work in the Fields," received any favorable comments? Artist A rather seedy looking man stopped to look at it today, and he said it made him tired. Bight He Was. "Now," began the orator, "in con sidering the money question, let us avoid false issues." "Right you air," shouted Mr. Fall wheat "I thort I was buyin 3,000of 'em once, and it turned ont to be saw dust "Indianapolis Journal Man is the merriest, the most joyous of all the species of creation. Above and below him all are serious. Addison. The Catawissa river, in Pennsylvania, was named from an Indian word that means "getting fat " A I'loral I rb-ctlre of Long Ago. In early times the Dutch farmers of the np river farms of New York had an ingenious wny of recovering pockot knives that might have been dropped or mislaid while plowing or gardening was going on. Cutlery was not as cheap then and abundant as in these days ; so the farmers took the thrifty precaution of keeping two or three sunflower seeds in thoir kuifo handles. Theu if the knives fell uikiu broken ground mid could not be readily found, tho owners would wait until the seeds sprouted, nud an isolated sunflower stalk or blossom in field or patch would signalize tho possibility of a missing article's being at its root True, the owuer did not always realise the result of the scheme, because a pass ing boy who understood the token often "got there" before the planter. New York Tribuua A Small Boy's Good Memory. One of the dentists of this city has a precocious child of about 4 summers The bright little fellow keeps his father and mother wide awake during the whole day by his wit and keenness. When the child was about 3 years of ago, his parents visited Niagara falls. Baby weut along. The uther day a friend of the family was at the house, and she spoke of Niagara. The4-ycar-old quick ly spoke up that he had been thera His niothor told him that he certainly cor id not remember it, but the child said that he could. His mother asking him what it looked like, Johnuio replied, "It looks like n great big ocean goiug awful fast " Albany Journal Perfection of the Bicycle. The mechanical strength of a cycle needs little comment when a 30 inch wheel weighing 30 ounces sustains with out permanent distortion the weight of four men standing on its side, with sup ports at four points only nnder the rim and nothing under the hub. A cycle weighiug less than nine ponuds will carry a man weighing IliO to 175 pounds, and even a 24 pound machiue carries a .greater load with safety than any other vehicle. How to Keep Lemons Fresh, It is not generally known that lemons may be easily nud almost indefinitely preserved under glass. Some, one year, were purchased on the Fourth of July, and, by way of experiment, each one was pnt under an inverted goblet Thus kept from the air, they were finally re moved, on Christmas day, in perfect condition and as juicy as ever. NEW WAT EAST-NO DUST. Go East from Portland, Pendleton, Walla Walla via O. R. & N. to Spokane and Great Northern Kailwav to Montana, Dakotas, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Chicago, Omaha, St Louis, East and South. Rock ballast track; line scenery; new equipment; Oreat North ern Palace Sleepers and Diners; Family Tourist Cars; Bullet-Library Cars. Write O. C. Donovan, General Agent, Portland, Oregon, or F. I. Whitney. G. P. A T. A., St. Paul, Minn., for printed matter and in formation about rates, routes, eto. DO OC EXPECT To Become a Mother? If so, then permit us to say tnat Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription is indeed a true "Mother's Friend," FOR IT MAKES Childbirth Easy bv Brenarine the system for parturition, thus assisting Na ture and shortening "Labor." The painful ordeal of childbirth Is robbed of its terrors, and the dangers thereof greatly lessened, to both mother and child. The period of confinement is also shortened, the mother strengthened and an abundant secretion of nourishment for the child promoted. Send twenty-one (ai) cents for The Peo- f tie's Medical Adviser, looo pages, over 300 Uustrations, giving all particulars. Sev eral chapters of this great family doctor book are devoted to the consideration of diseases peculiar to women with sugges tions as to successful home treatment of same. Address, World's Dispensary Medi cal Association, Buffalo, N. Y, BEFORE I could get relief from a most hor rible blood dis ease I had spent hundreds of dollars trying various remedies and physi cians, none of which did me any good. My finger nails came off and my hair came out, leaving me perfectly bald. I then went to HOT SPRINGS H opine to be cured bv this celebrated treatment, but very soon became disgusted and decided to try S.S.S. The effect was truly wonderful. I commenced to recover at once, and after I had taken twelve bot ties I was entirely cured cured by S.S.S. when the world renowned Hot Springs had failed. WM. S. LOOMIS, Shreveoort, La. Our Book on UK Dlseate in d Its Treatment nulled free to any address. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga, A5K YOUR DRUG01ST FOR IT 15 The best Nursing Nothers.Infants CHILDREN JOHN CARLE SONS, New York. My ion wat afflicted with catarrh, I induced him to try Ely' 1 Cream Balm and the ditagreeahle catarrhal smell all left him. Heap- pean at well at any one. I . C. Olmstead, Areola, III CATARRH KI.Y'S CREAM OAJjM Opens and cleanse the Nssal Passages, Allays Pam and Inflamma tion, Heals the Sores, Protects the Membrane from colds, Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. The Balm Is quickly absorbed and gives relief at once. A particle Is applied Into each nostril, anil Is agreeable. Piice, 60 cents at Druggists' or bj mall. BLY BROTHERS, 66 Warren Street, New York. N. P. N. U. No. 610-8. F. N. U. No. 687 51 nn rilflfg WHIM 111 HSf Ull 8. I Beet Cough Byrup. Tastes Goud. TJw intima noia ny arnggtsta. HA- I (ft (ft (ft S Vv Vv sV aV 1 M V 1 l 7 MALARIA I l&mMmW&i II Three doe onlv. Try It. ufasj uu r n u n SMALL BsTOtNNtXO Make arreat endings sometime. Ailments that we are ant to cousliter trivial often grow, through Bevleot, Into atrocious maladies, dan jrerous iu themselves and productive ol others. It Is the disregard of the earlier Ittdlcatlous of HI health which leads to the establishment of 1 11 sorts of maladWa on a chrnnio bsie. More over, there are certain disorders turldeul to the season, such a malaria and rheumatism, aitatimt which It Is alwava desirable to (ortily the system alter esposure to the conditions which produce them. Cold, damn and miasma are surely counteracted by Hosteller's Stomach Hitter. Alter you have Incurred risk Irom these Influences, a wineitlassftil or two of Hos teller's K:mnch Hitlers directly afterward should be swallowed. Kur malaria, dyspepsia, liver onmiilxliit, kidney and bladder trouble, nervotisuesa and debility It Is the mul de servedly popular of remedies and preventives. A wiueglassiul before meals promotes appetite. Teacher II your father waa to hear of yrttr had conduct. It would make his hair turn gray. Hobby 1 beg your psrdon.slr; my father hau t any hair led. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE Ct'ltED Hy local applications, as they oannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure Deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness ia caused ;by an inflamed condition of the mucous lininit ol the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it ia entirely olosed Deafness ia the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its nor mal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine oases out of ten are caused hy catarrh, which is nothing but an In flamed condition of the mucous surfaces. ' We will give Una Hundred Dollars for any cafe ot Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured hy Hairs Catarrh Cure. Send fr circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. stssT-Sold by Druggists, 75o. Piso's Cure Is the mediotne to break up children's Coughs and CoIJs.-Mbs. M. O. Blunt, Sprague, Wash., March 8, 18!H. . ARE YOU 8ICKT Send foroiroularsnf Radam's MicrobolKUler, 160 Murrisou St., Porllaud, Or. Thy Oermia for breakfast. Wakes the Weak Strong Hood'sSarsaparillatonesand strengthens the digestive organs, creates an appetite, and gives refreshing sleep. Remember Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the one True Blood Purifier. Rnnrlo Di l le the alter dinner pill and OOQ S flllS fnmllv cathartic. !. TO THE SICK Radam's Microbe Killer Is the only known remedy that will destroy the Microbe In the Blood without injury to the system. Millions of people testify to Its wou derf ul cures. BY REMOVING THE CAUHK 1T CUKES ALL HUMAN 1)18BAHK8. Prlee, S3 per Jar. SI per Bottle Advice free. Write for circulars. Radam's Microbe Killer Company 1330 Mat kit St., tan Francises, Csl. 360 Hurrlaon Street PORTLAND, OR. Orders ailed to any part of the country by express. QUICKEN RilSiKQ pays If you use the Petalua Incubators Brooder Make money while others art watting t tin e by old nrocetse.. Catalog tells all about it, and describes every ariicieneeaeaior mi poultry business, The "ERIE" wheel. Prettiest model. We are Pacific Coast Agents. Bicycle cata logue.mallcd free.gives full description , prices, etc. aoknts wanted PETALDMA IHCUBAfOl C0.,Petaluma,Cal. Branch Hocsb, 131 8 Main St., Los Angelea. Walter Baker i Co. Limned, Taa Lsrssat Msasrsstsnra of PURE, HIGH CRADB C0C0A8andCH0C0LATE8 On thla ContlncBt, nava tasaW4 HIGHEST AWARD8 from tht mat Industrial and Food EXPOSITIONS IN EUROPE AND AMERICA. Caution: JftJ,Si It of tha Ubcliand wrtpptri on our Sarxji, connimrriinouia nrara at our plat of manufaeturs, 'namalT, Dorcfcastr Maws Is prlnwd on aacb paclUa SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE. WALTER BAKER ft CO. LTD. DORCHESTER, MAS FRAZER caxl BEST IN THE WORLD. 4lsSisrii Its wearing qualities are unsurpassed, actually outlasting two boxes of any other brand. Fret from Animal Oils. OUT TUB OKNUINE. FOR SALE BY OREGON AND WASHINGTON MKRCHANTS-TJ and Dealers generally. A SUHE CURE FOR PILES Itching Pitas known bj molMtiira like perapirntl oilouh intenno itching when warm. 9 his form and Blind, Bleed iug or Protruding Piles yield at ouce la DR. BO-SAN-KO'8 PILE REMEDY, Chlch wts directly on parts affected, abwrbttumor ,y Itching, effecting ft permnnnit enre. Price tVlo. Diaffgisu or muH l)t, llueaako I'liUsula Ptv SHEEP-DIP LITTLE'S Mixes JAMES UIDUW sVI f.4. Jl r SEB. it wm 1 1st l"a II I Af I a M M m II IwllUUllYL Antifermentine Preserves all kinds of Fruit without cooking, and retains their natural flavor. "A FIR FACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BAR CAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES APOLIO ONO BNJOYQ Both the method end results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts foully yet promptly on the Kidneys, aver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the tasto and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale In 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIB SYRUP CO. SH FRANCISCO, CtL. LOUISVILLE. HY. MEW 10KK. K.t, DR. GUNN'S IMPROVED LIVER PILLS A MILD PHYSIC. ONK PltX FOH A IMISF A momnuntaf the bowals ssch dsjr is nuonissrr ins rjetlts, Tllsse DU supply wnst lus syaiia isum w nsks It. rwilar. Tbej our llaadsoh, briallUn lbs Ens, snd ol w tha OomploilOD IwtMr than ooanwUra Ttier twtther trip nor swksn. To eonrlm r"a. ws will mail Minpis ln,or rnu noi fiw vno. nun, "wr bars, ' UOdANKO MiU. CO.. Plulauolpbla. ft, HERCULES Engines CAS and 0A8OLINI -NOTED FOE SIMPLICITY, STRENGTH, ECONOMY -AND- SUPERIOR WORKMANSHIP In Every Detail. These engines are acknowledged bjr export on ilneers to be worthy of hla-hest commendation for simplicity, hixh-grade material anil snperloi workmanship. Taey develop the fnll actna' horse power, and mu without an Electric Hpark Battery; the system of Ignition Is simple, lnei pensive and reliable. For pumping outfits for Irrigating purpose) no better engine can be found on thePaciflt Coast. For hoisting outfits for mines they have me with hlihest approval. i For Intermittent power their economy Is ttc EHQMi MANUFACTURED BY PALMER I REY TYPE FOUNDRY, Cor. Front and Alder Bts., PORTLAND, - OREGON. H Bend for catalogue. MRS. WINSLOW S FOR CHILDREN TEETHINQ Fsr sals r all !ras-it. Its t'eata a bottle. POWDER DIP THE BEST MADE I with cold water. Reliable and safe. 111, PoiW, Or, aiirsan. 25 MIME DO YOU FEEL BAD? DOES YOUK LACK ache? Does every step seem a burden? You need MOORE'S REVEALED REMEDY. )Q WELL-KNOWN BEER (IN KEGS OR BOTTLES) Second to none- TliT IT., J No matter where from. ORTL AND, OR. COLUMBUS TOOK A TUMBLE. It Waa tha taat Pay ef it CalfrVrrnla Valr, and Ue Was All Broke Up. Truth crtidhcd to .ewih Will rise again, but thoro is no such hops for the tatue of Columbus at the fair. It lay on the ground lu the grand court recent ly almttortxl to a thuiibund pieces. Co lumbus cumo off his perch about 10 o'clock in the forunoon, mid as he watt Iuiko anil iMTtly he struck tho ground with a dull thud. His right log clung to tho imdiutnl, the imlioutious tAyiug that thut limb hud bwu pnlliiaTtho frauturo being Committed at the knee. Columbus wuro no whinkurs at the ex position, but the wind was itttructod to him nt vert linlcss. It sought to lift the long l'x ks thut hung over his shoulders, ami in this effort it toppled their big owner from hix ooniinuniling eluvutiou iu tho vttlley of the court leoplo who uro nffuctod by coincidences did not fuil to commeut on his pussing way ou the day thut was pruoticully tho lust of the ' fair. Ho hud soen tho glories of the exposition come and go, and some persons imagined that tiio memories ho cherished overcame him ita if ho wcro an auimfcto being. Tho knowledge that tho fair was over nud that ho wits to 1)0 taken away to some obscure nud strange place broke him all up, they BitiiL Ho had been ailing for severul day. Wheu it was evident by the in clination of his head that ho was unbal anced, measures were taken to keep him from injuring himsolf, but ho finally broke from the rocs thut restruiuod him, mid tho tall of t'tesur was nothing iu comparison to his. The statue was umdo of a sort of piaster and was part ly hollow, being devoid of lungs mid other internal organs. Sun Francisco Chronicle. Novel tlratiiid Fur a Suit For Damages. Lawyors ore over roatly with now methods of procedure anil novel grounds for uetion, but there is mi Englishman who has just made himself prominent in his profession as a deviser of aunitiuu basis for a suit for damages. Ho has entered suit against a news paper asking tlamages nud an injunction on the ground thut his practice has been injured by tho newspaper withholding his uamo iu cases where ho has boon successful and publishing it only in cases which he has lost Eminent coun sel have been retained ou both sides, and tho action will be bitterly contested. New York Herald. Mlied the liable. Among tho curiosities of typography a prominent place must be given to the recent achievement of a Chicago paiwr iu tho mixing up of hondlines iu a most startling manner. First there is an ar ticle with this caption: THE CONDOR Of THE ANDK8. Albert Sraton llfiy uf Kentucky bears That Distinction. Ill another column ou tho same page of tho paper in tiuuHtiou is this an nouncement: TAU.KST MAN IN CONatlErtH. Soars Far Alx.vo the Eaula and Keacliee a Ileltchtnr Ml Mi Ira. Buffalo Commercial. What Senator Hill Nalil. With the cclioof his defense of Presi dent Cleveland still ringing iu tho ears of his colleagues, Henutor Hill walked Into tlio cloakroom and dropped into nil easy chair to eliat with Senator Smith. Presently a pngo uppcarud, currying a unto inclosed in a largo squuro euvolopo addressed to Seuutor Hill. "Ah!" said Mr. Hiuith, with a tone of inquiry, "an invitation to diuo with tho president tonight?" , , c. l. riiti . i i . . tsat Doinitur tin, iookdii up irom me uowT with a twiuklo iu his eye. "Not at this itago of thu game, "said ho. Wash ington Post learning- From the Fly. A Russian investigator sends to mak ers of flying machines information which he gained by obsoiving tho ordi nary house fly. This Insoct, he says, bents its wiugs 80 times por second and travels 40 miles an hour. COLUMBIAN PRIZE WIMEHS. OONOVER PIANOS CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGANS WKFtl QIVHN Highest Award9 At the World's Exposition for excellent manufacture, quality. uniformity and volume of tone, elasticity of touch, artistic cases, materials and workman ship of highest grade. ATALOOUia ON APPLIOATldN FBW. CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN CO. OHIOAQO. ILL. UBBEST MANUFACTURERS OF tilOS HHP QRBiNS III THE WOBIB. Caveats, lad Trada-Muin nkr.t.i m.A .11 PuJ nr. Business conauctsa for bsaavbav Bmwm. aaa w. csasscur. patent ia leu time than those 1 Esad model, drawing or photo., with deserip-i tloa. We sdrias. if n....M. . (, of "r is. nor ati. tut patent Is secured. ' A ht,VHo o Obtaia Patents," with cast yf asmsln th. U. 8. aad fsrsifn countrissl mm me, Aoarsss, C.A.8NOW&CO. fl. PATVMV Anias UJai.u..uaa B a WW ' f