The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 15, 1895, Image 2

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County Official Paper.
Tkti Only Democratic Paper in Wash
ington County.
. The Argns Publishing Company.
-8lngle eopv rive cenu.
One yeur, $1.00.
8ix months () cents.
:Tlire montlis :I5 cents.
Entered at the Post-ofhce at Hillsboro, Second-clas mail matter.
. THURSDAY, AUG 15. 1895.
York to a London paper, to open PfiTTATTV 1V1?WQ
the Bntishere' eyes, f hlT'Deculiar f--VU U 1U I li Li V O
and forcible address was by ex-Governor
James E. Campbell, of Ohio,
and was a fitting tribute to Ameri
canism. Governor Campbell, be
ing a life long democrat, has the
true conception of international
rights, and his lucid statements
will open a new era of thought on
this important question.
: I'kkhatb in tl e annals iifcrimiiial
rispiuileme there has been no
ch iectiU'le as that farce now go
K on in the San Francisco temple
justice where Durrant is before
e Imr charged with the murder of
0 young women. Counsel for
.team! defendant vie with each
irr in interposing objections to
iposeil jurors, and teeks have
istd without filling the jury box.
1 man has read the newspaper
orts he is excluded, and as the
e is a peculiar one, they are fear
of allowing too ignorant a body
erve. Under the present state
ublic opinion it looks as though
rant should have been granted
lange of venue, and tried before
ry which would have brought
rdict on the evidence alone, that
lence coming from the witness
. The wy things have been
led on puts a severe criticism
he jury system of our land. j
Blacksmiths in general through
out the state will watch with inter
est the outcome of the sale of race
stock by the Sheriff in Portland, re
cently, for shoeing the animals.
The last legislature made a black
smith's bill for shoeing a prior lien
on the stock and gave the mechanic
60 days to attach and sell for his
hire. This was done the other day.
and the owner of the horses threat
ens to appeal. That it is a good law
will not be questioned, and it should
stand the test of the courts.
Autumn's toes are closely follow
ing the heels of summer and the
melancholy season will soon be
here. There perhaps is no season
so full of the retrospective as the
autumn months, when nature's
leaves commence to turn. The
harvest, the harbinger of the dreary
months, is about over, the days are
getting shorter, and Indian summer
will give us its hazy atmosphere for
a few weeks and then will come
the rain.
Thk "twin" of the Searchlight,
thinks The Argus should publish
the names of the populists who
etattd he threw his party at the last
k.neral Coxey has been nomi- campaign, or else makea retraction,
d for governor bv the nonulists! There is no need of doine either.
' -it
liio. This Coxey was the man
led a band of ragamuffins
uyh the country roads from
to Washington City last year,
i nature in its entirety was
ling for the maintenance of
Pleading for the poor, "weary
Hers," who followed him while
-ve himself a good fare at the
hotels along (lie route, he
d a national interest for
le, then finally dropped from
c notice. Since that memora
,ent lie has disowned his trust
utenant, Carl Browne, because
ote to wed the doughty gener
nughter without having a suf
jy to support her. This con
ely shows that Coxey is not
umor to divid e with his loss
ate friends, even when they
e members of his family.
The whole public knows just what
he is politically, and such a course
would be very incongruous, on eith
er proposition mentioned.
Owing to the many inquiries recently
to the effect, ttiut Verboort "consoth to
live," allow me to answer that Yertsxirt
ami vicinity liveth, and is flourishing
notwithstanding the smoky condition of
the atmosphere, and the heated oxygen
that comes sweeping down upon us "from
the blazing timlicr that abounds on the
surrounding mountains, and tilling the
i m.-j ueiow.
Harvest Is almost completed in this
section of the country. Wheat and oats
yield better than last venr, and the grain
:s more plump.
The now school house is completed
and will be ready for occupancy when
school re-opens September next."
J P Murphy of Portland is visiting
friends of this place for a few days.
Mike Reiling and J Griner started on
toot tor Astoria Friday last, going by
the way of Vernonia.
The tire that is raging In the moun
tains has destroyed a number of build
ings and other property. Mr. Moore
of this place has a farm on which he
had a neat dwelling, burn and other
buildings, and a few acres prune-ticar-ing
trees. The tire came sweeping along
uuu uesiroyeu au.
William Iteiling had a narrow escape
Saturday last. His three horses hocnnie
frightened while cutting wheat and ran
away, throwing him in front of the bind
er, it being in full gear, and passed over
him, fortunately not iniurini? him nin.-li
save a few bruises that will heal soon.
The now residence of II Vandvke is
Hearing completion and will present a
nice appearance.
Someone, who had but little brain,
and rooms to let in the upper story,
recently passed through the northern
part of this vicinity and set tire to some
rubbish. In a few minutes more tire
was ascending large trees and shower
ing sparks which spread rapidly, threat
ening the whole of the prairie. The
neighbors all turned out and by two
o.cloek in the morning, the lire was un
der control. It may have been acci
dent or carelessness on the part of the
passerby, nevertheless it is indicative
that he has a very limited amount of
intelligence and it would be well for him
to submit to some good brain diet for
ter this chapter has lost one of its most
valuable uiembers-t-oue who was ever
tealous in the work of the order and de
voted to its welfare, and bv her loving
kindness and charitable deeds not only
to members of this chapter but to others
as well, she endeared herself to all.
Resolved, that this chapter tender its
heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved hus
band and children of deceased: and com
mend them, in this, thetrjireat affliction,
to Him who alone can bind up the brok
en heart and dry the orphan tears.
Resolved: that these resolutions be en
tered upon the records of this chapter
and that copy of the same be sent to the
family of our deceased sister, and to the
local papers for publication.
jL. A. HAU.RY.
i H. O. Ckanda
(Minnik Osmund,
Quarterly Teachers' Examination.
NOTICK is hereby given that for the
purpose of making an examination of
i ll fcK CiUXAt.K CV .
Tic free and unlimited roinnj? of
;i' vcr, tl.c product of American mines,
at the eld ratio of 16 of silver to i of
gold, i.i the only solution it and
remedy for the disturbed and unsatis
factory condition of trade, manufac
ture and general business of the coun
try. The surreptitious act of 1S73,
divorcing silver and gold in our mone
tary system, was a crime of untold
magnitude. It was the rankest kind
of class legislation in favor of the
wealthy against the producers of
wealth, and hostile to the prosperity
of the United States. It was an act
of treason because done at the instanci.
The death of Prof. Huxley loses
to the world of thought one of its
most intense and able promoters.
His was a noble, reasonable, justice
loving mind, and all mankind will
suffer for the loss.
ilst The Akgus is opposed
d(ictnjiejif.-''public oflice a
fimap," yet it is not unrea
y blind to tliegood which the
id commission has done. The
ucstion to consider is whether
the good it has done will bal
le salary it receives as a body.
I railroad commission, well
ed, is doubtless a good thing
er legal powers be warranted
A legislature is an expensive
wieldy body, and a commis
tild do much to lessen freight
asportation charges in gen
oughout the state if legal
ty were granted in no un
terms.' That the present
sion has done some good iff;
ly accredited by men who
imething about transporta
siness, but their earning the
dlowed is another question,
(n people look at the salaries
at the work accomplished,
SI'EBEnce recently made by
gonian, that Justice Jack-
recently died, was a cheap
rue, is characteristic of the
Isposition of that paper's
management. It has an
t any one politically oppos
vaunted policy is a rogue.
a democrat has not even
:it;zenpliip. If the Oregon
; ?d a little judgment in some
i-iio remarks about condi-
; I men its editorial columns
: as acceptable io the gener
: as its news reports. One
re a pointed opinion wheth-
n ell founded or not but
omes to insane comment
j nature, that is annthe
1 one which adorns itself
noral too obvious for fea
:eople to see without a
something wrong some
crest of England has nev
vakened as to the true
idea and acceptation of
it doctrine. All that the
aid, and all that inter
nd diplomatic relations
bus baerv futile. It has
r Fourth of July ora
1 wai cabled from New
What Pague Says.
Preparations are now being made by
hopgrowers for the picking of their prod
uct, hence it was deemed that much time
ly information could be obtained by hav
ing the correspondents in the hop-producing
district, make a special report on
that product. The main facts gleaned
from these special reports are given in this
bulletin The hops of Oregon are nrinri.
pally grown in the Willamette valley, in
me tuunues oimanon, roiK, Clackamas,
Lane, Yamhill, Washington, Linn and
Benton; a few are grown in Multnomah
county. Some few are grown in Douglas
anu josepmne counties, in the South, and
a few in Wasco and Union counties, in
the east. The total product last year in
Oregon was 70,000 bales.
With the advance of the season, spec
ulation as 10 me maturity, quality and
yield of the hop, together with its prob
able defection by the hop louse, has be
come general. Out of several hundred
special hop reports received from as
many persons interested in the present
condition, and the future of the hop crop,
not one has reported the hop louse as
having entered the burr, though the in
variable tenor of each report is that the
hop louse is numerous in the yards.
There is a wide difference of opinion re
garding the probable yield, as must nec
essarily follow where the crop is grown
over a vast territory as in the case in Ore
gon. Flattering reports come from each
section in which the hop is grown. In
Washington county the outlook for yield
is cheerful and tne crop differs so much
that the date of commencement of pick
ing ranges from August 25 to September
8. At Dilly, Washington county, one
correspondent writes that the hops are
ripening so rapidly that hop picking will
likely commence about Augus.25, and
this is the earliest approximate date of
commencement. In Washington county
the lice are not so numerous as they were
during the season of 1894. One corres
pondent states that hops are in a supei ior
condition, with very few lice, while the
majority wish to emphasize the fact that
they are in good condition, and it is the
general opinion that the yield in Wash
ington county will largely exceed that of
1894. There is, however, an exception
coming from the correspondent at Sher
wood, stating that a two-thirds crop may
Our correspondent from Aurora, Clack
amas county, writes: "The burrs are
rapidly fprming and will all have formed
within a few days. Lice are numerous
in every yard, but no one can tell what
damage they may do until picking time
Comes, which will be about September 4.
No grower in the entire Butteville district
has sprayed." The correspondent at
Aurora expresses it as his opinion that
the yield in Oregon for the present sea
son will exceed that of the season of 1894
by about 10 per cent; this opinion is
counterbalanced by the crop correspond
ent at Gervais, Marion county, who is of
the impression that the crop will be about
10 per cent less than that of 1894. F. otn
a careful consideration of all the informat
ion on the subject it appears that the hop
is more extensively grown this year than
111 previous years. Notwithstanding the
fact that many acres were ploughed un
der that bore last year, the crop will be
.arger in acreage since a large acreage
of young hops, which was unproductive
last season are now bearing.
L D Lupien had a runaway Monday
but no serious damage.
E E Colestock was in Cnrm.liiw Tuna.
day on business.
Frank Giltner. of LaFavette. is in th
city looking for a business location.
There was a dunce at thn
Mulcow Monday eve. All had a pood
Marv Seidleman returned l, l,,.-f l,,.l
U G Hanna was in our city Tuesday of
this week.
Koch, the Hillshnrn lml, .her
through town Monday.
Mr Merrill threshed his grain last
Charley Cary of Independence, came
to Cornelius lust Friday on a short visit.
C M Johnson and wife went to Gas
ton last Saturday to attend a sale at
that place.
Mr and Mrs Nate Barret of Mountain
dale, visited with the family of Peter
Jacquot Friday.
A party of bridge builders passed
through Cornelius Monday euroute to
Cedar Canyon,
Bob McCumsey and daughter came
down Monday from LaFayette.
R W McNutt and family went up to
Sod:i Springs last Sunday."
Gus Seidleman and family left for Iowa
last Tuesday.
Mr Lee came in fiom Portland Tues
day with a load of goods for our mer
chants here.
all persons who mav oiler thnmK .
tMstlum of a European syndicate and for bribe
tendent thereof will hold a public exami-1 DlOliey, "giving aid and comfort to
nation in the County court house at Hills- ro,lntrv. ..,;. Tr c1- , at 1 o'clock p m, on the ii Wednes-! country S enemies. 10 Shli.K
day in August, thp nth. Candidates for' the guilty parties, the well authent1
state paiwrs should present themselves on . ,, v , ... . ' ,
bridav, the Kith. Dated this :lst ,l.,v ,.f CatCU faTtS. Often DUDUshed. have !iec
County School Superintendent of Wash
ington county, Oregon. U-2
Koom 13, Morgan Block,
Local Agent Koynl Insurance Company.
Notary Public. . .
Loans, Collections,
General Kire Insurance and Loan Broker,
PhiBiiix Lodge No. 34, K. of P.
meets in Odd Fellow's hull mi
r day evening of each week.
pg. Montezuma Lodge No. 50, 1.0.
-$8(557 O. F. moets Wednesday even
z?m ings at 8 o'clock in their hall.
Tuality Lodge No. 6. A.F. & A.M.
meets every Saturday night on or
alter full moon of each month.
'Court Tualatin.N0.7974 A .O.F.ofA.
meets every Tuesday evening in
Oiid Fellows hall at 8 "o'clock.
Hillsboro Lodge No. 6i,A.O.U.W.,
feJ .neots every second and fourth Tuos
nay evening in the month.
on Encampment No. 24.
F. meets on second 11ml
Friday of each mouth.
Hillsboro Lodge No. 17, I. O.G. T.
fe-S.uoetsin their hall Saturday 8 p. m.
v-r J uvenile Temple, Sundays, at 3 p.m.
g Hillsboro Grange No. 73, P. of II.
meets 2nd ami 4th Saturdays at 12 m.
Hillsboro Rebekah Lodge No 54, I. O.
O. F., meets in Odd Fellows' Hali
1st, 3rd Saturday evening of oach month.
. 1 Washington County Rod anu
du,(juii Club meets in Morgan JS0ck
2u I 'iuursday of each month at 8 p. in.
Viola Ti nt, No IS, K O T ments in Odd
Fellows' i I ill 1 on Second and Fourth
Thursday evenings of each month. Vis
iting Kitisilit iMrdia'ly invited to attend.
X Washington
I. O. O, F.
fourth Frida
vigorously denied.
The Enquirer will continue to ex
pose this unpardonable crime until
right and justice are done the people
by the full restoration of silver to its
old companionship with gold. We
need the assistance of the people in
disseminating the truth, to which end
we invite all in your selection of pa
pers for the coming season to include
:ru' Enquirer, that costs only $1.00 a
ear. (Issued twice a week.)
Liberal commissions and cash re
wards given to club raisers. Sampk
copies free. Enquirer Company,
Cincinnati, 0.
; j . . ,
Newly Furnished
and Renovated.
. . . Classical, Scientific, Literary.
THE ACADEMY prepares for C-illciii' and fives a tlmiciutrli Eng
lish Education; tint best preparation for TViu'hinir or liusiiicss.
All fxpfiit-es very low. Hoard and rooms nt the Ladies'
Hull, tit to !f'4 per week, including electric licjil and heat.
The College Dormitory, under excellent nuiiui(;eineiit, fur
i.ishcb hoard and room at .t'2.2" per week. Hoard ami
room in private families, $2.50 and upwarda. Many Httt
tii'iits rent rooms and hoard themselves ut a tot .1 1 cost not
to exceed $ I.. V) per week. The fall term hepins Septem
ber 1 for full particular address,
thomas McClelland,
, Enrei-t drove, Oregon.
lllillt HlIU ') li'lfflMl lrnlil v l' ve seen a t;mst Steel dear
UUII I -HI) (l II (I gUH MamrY.I. by CouM Carriage Wagon C.
are best value for leist money;
Coast Carriages nd Hujigiw TJ -4 17c. 4U I
Dim dint on Prices but no
Discount on the Goods.
Particulars of Williams Jiros., Hillsboro, Ore,
or M. M. D.i vis, Assignee Coast Carriage & Wagon Co., Corvallis, Ore,
Notarial Work and Conveyancing.
Koouis 0 Jt 7 Murium Mk llillslmro, Or.
A first-class tattle and
all accommodations
for the convenience
.. of guests. . . .
Cleaning and Repairing neat
ly done. Charges reasona
hie. Leave all orders tit
Schulmerich &. Son.
Miss Agness Ross Is visiting relatives
at Dallas.
Mrs Leo Smock of Dallas is visitine
the family of D B Emerick.
Mrs Estella Hanley is quite sick, r
Linklater was called to attend her last
S W Seely and family started to the
coast Sunday.
T J Wallun and W Morris startod for
Tillamook Tuesday.
Misses Flo and Mahle C'utts made a
business trip to Hillsboro Monday.
E C Miller is preparing his plums for
shipment and expects to realize a better
profit thereby.
The wife and daughter of Mr Gordon
living near here bound his entire crop
of grain, consisting of several acres, this
year. He hired a boy to cut it with a
cradle, thn old gentleman himself doing
the shocking.
rpo IIKXT. A nice little cuMiur i within
-Lone block ot the business part of town
at $7 per month : Kmjure at tnis "'ttieeor
oi'W. K. Tliornc,
Morgan & Bcrdan
Do a general freight mid express business
between Hillsboro and Portland.
l'ave orders at H l.'avt's hardware store
or ut Tun .Viku's otlicc.
w. ws
U.minH Union Itlock, Hillslwro.OT
Itociuis u mill 7 Central lllock,
Hillsboro, Or
In Morgan lllock,
Hillsboro, Oregon.
W. D. WOOD, M. D.
Oflice In Cheiielti! How. Rnsldenoa,
corner First and Main st roots, Hillsboro,
Dead Letter List.
The following is the list of letters re
maining in the HitlcWo m.i ....
G W Ganning,
J S Johnson, p c
Arthur Reeves.
All letters not called for hv Ancr -a
i8o, will be sent to the dead lott.r r'
fice. One cent will be charged on each
letter called for.
4 Marv A, Brown, P. M.
The Rev Wilson and family of Beaver
ton and the Rev Gabriel Sykes of Ore
gon City, left here on Monday in com
pany with some other parties, "for Tilla
mook. They will make the trip over
land and intend to remain several weeks.
W H Morton will move plants into his
hothouse about Sept 1st.
J DeLetts has sold his shop and tools
to a man from Portland who will take
possession and begin work at once.
J Knepper, who bought the farm of
Thos Tucker Jr, is doing considerable
improvement on the place. He has com
pleted a woodshed and will build a large
barn and remodel his house.'
Threshing is in full blast here, and
grain is turning out welt. The farmers
are quite well satisfied with the vield.
Our townsman who has been verv
poorly for some time was taken sudden
ly worse on Saturday after a severe fall,
and is now confined to his bed. His con
dition is very critical.
Mr O Young, formerly of this phce
but now of Portland, spent Sunday in
town, lieaverton seems to have some
particular attraction for our friend.
Miss Annie Ryan, wdo has been con-
nuea to her bed for a month with tvphoid
fever is now able to be about the "house,
and thinks life once more worth living.
Mrs Collins Sr, of Portland, with her
two granddaughters, has been visiting
at Mrs Kate Fanno's during the past
week Miss Esther was taken quite ill
Sunday morning but has improved so
she was able to return.
Leaves for Portland Sundays,
and Thursdays.
(Succeoor to C K Mead)
Makes regular trips to Portland on
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, re-
iiiriiing on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat
urdays. All business entrusted to him
will lie promptly and carefully attended
to. Freight and express rates reasonable.
Leave orders with him, or ut Ledford's,
or at Thk Auoits.
Sealed Proposals for Wood.
SKA LRU proposals for furnishing 80
curds of tlrst-class tir wood will be re
ceived at the orllce of the Shrievalty, at
me i ouuiy couri House in HillsOoro,
Washington County, Oregon, until August
10, 1H92. Said wood to be delivered at the
Court House on or before the 15th duy of
oupiemoer, im. tl. I. iOBii, Htierin.
rhoa, P. Oakes, Henry C. Payne,
Henry C. Itouso, Ueciever
TO RENT. A large cottage with three
lots in North Bide addition at f5 per
month, Enquirs utthb office.
These resolutions were arinntod l, T.
alatin Chapter No. 31 O. E. S. August 13.
Whereas: It has pleased the All Wise
Father to remove from our midt our be
loved Sister and faithful conductress.
!Lfa TMM 1;.. .
And, Whereas: The intimate rtot,v.,
neiu uy our deceased sister with the mem
bers of this chanter render it nrnnpr thaf
we place on record our appreciation of
uci services in me lauiitul discharge of
the duties of her office and the emulation
of the virtues of our order in her daily
life. 3
Therefore, be it resolved: that while we
bow with humble submission to the will
of the Most High, we do not the less
mourn for our sister who has been called
from her labor and suffering to rest and
happiness. ' .;
Resolved: that in the death of our 913. J
Sleeping Cars
Fino Clothes
Do not make a man. But tbey
go a long way towards keeping
a man's respect for bimself and
that of others for him.
It Doesn't
Cost Any More
To drese neatly than it does to
go with an ill-fitting coat or
baggy trousers.
All You Have
To do is to deal with a first
class firm- like.
Schulmerich & Son,
Notice for Publication.
LAM) Omt'K AT OllKHON OlTV, Oll.l
Auk. 8, ls."i.(
Vf OT1CJ4 is hereby nivon thut'the follow
ll inu-iifnied nuttier has filed notice of
his intention to make ti mil proof in sup
iiort of bis cluim, and that said proof will
be made before the Countv Clerk of Wash
ington county, at Hillsboro, Or., on Sept.
1. I SOB, viz:
Daniel Pattou,
H. K. Xo. 7641, for the N K Sec 21 T 8 X
K 5 W.
He names tho following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence 1111011 mid
uuiuvaiiou 01 asm lauo, viz:
'. Goodwin, of Olenwood,
J. F. Goodwin. "
Willis L. Trowc. "
James 8. Stephenson, 11
20-0 Koiieht A. Mim.eb, Kegister.
Ollice ut Residence Knst of Court House.
fiOI.D CItoW.V mid 15 It I IX 1 1-: work a
specialty. ALL WOKK (niiri'iiti'ed.
it. Minis I and 2 Moru-au ISlock.
Oi'Fick llot'it.s: From N a, m. to-l, i, i.
Ncxt Door Hrynii-I.sidlaw Co.)
Main Street, HillNboro.
A Alio line of Toilet Articles, Itriishes,
('ninlis, IVrfuincM, Patent Medicliun
iind spts'iid attention Riven
to (utility mid Accuracy.
t. A. BAILEY, M.D. T.l. BAILBV, R.R.M.D.
Physicians, Surgeons and Accouchers.
Otllce in Hlllahorn Phurmnnv Pnul
deuce soutn-west comor Haselino mid ' Preil Wilcox,
uiniiiu, au cans promptly attended day I 20-U
or night. '
Notice for Publication,
L.iMi lititi i; at VlHKii'iN City, OR.I
Aii);. A, ISH'u
ND I'lt K is hereby (liven that the follow.
iiiK-iiained m-lllcr lia lilt-d nntl ;c ol
his intention to make Dual proof in sup.
ort ol his claim, and thill mi id proof will
lie made hrforu the Count)' Clerk of Wash
ington county at llillshoru, OreKoii, oil
Sep'-at, IMk, viz:
William Tolke,
H. K. No. 77'ili, for the S u S V, v.. N W
J; M. K H W Scc W T;i S. IH W.
lie iniiiii's the fiillnwiiiir wittiessus to
prove his couliiuioiis resilience iin nnd
cultivation of Mvid hunt , viz:
Williiini M. Stephens, of lluxtoi!, Droiton.
Clatk Whiti lier, ' '
.1. V, Nixton, "
lleiinan Hunger, "
-V-U HoiiKlir A. Mti.t.KU, Iti'iflster.
Notice for Publication.
Iianii tirrii k at drkiiii.n City. h. i
All. .), H!f. f
V"TH K l hereby Ki vim tlnii the folhiw-liiMiauit-il
wilier tins lilnl uniirc of
hi" intention (,i niaku linal pnnil in suii.
poll nl claini. llinl that Niiil proof will
lie inailii liefore I lie Comity Clerk of Wiish
i ' 1 K t countv at llillslioiii, Or-k-011 oit
.Sept. .0, I.S',1,), viz;
.1. K. Pariiiley,
H. K. Xo.7tH, for llie .N W 'i Hw IS. T
lie names the following witnesses to
prove his ot'ittiniiniM resilience upon and
ciiUivalloii ol Haul lanil, viz:
(lenruc Scltneuler, ol Orcnville, Uri-Kon.
John Wasienacker, '
Kdwaril Mizun,
Surgpon Southern Pacino Hailroad Co.
Consultation in French or English. Oillce
anil iiisi itiice south of Main near 3d St..
Hillsboro, Or.
Conveyanclnif and fine map work a
Lindsay Block, two doom north ot the
Poto"'ce. ttecondit., HilUboro, Or.
Hie ,
Sleeping Cars
FAR 00
Notice for Publication.
La mi Okkick at Ohkoon City, On.i
Auk. , I W.
XTOITCK is hereby jo'ven that the follow
iy ing-nanied settler has liled notice of
D. . I his intention to make hnal proof in sup-
Ililnu OarS 1 Port of his claim, and that said proof will
L be made before the Register and Iteeeivir
V. S. Land Ollice nt Oregon City, Ore., on
September 20, IH95, vi.: .
William S. Gordon,
H. K. No. 8473, for the 8 15 yt Sec 1, T 8 N
li 5 W.
He names the following witnesses to
prove nis eoiirniuoiis resilience upon and
cultivation of said land, viz:
A. V. Brown, of Forest Grove, Oregon.
Henry Hither, " Huxton, "
P. M, McDaniel, "
H.H. Kibby, ' "
20-6 kohkkt A. Miller, Register
K. MrNKIL, Rccc ver.
....Gives the choice of. ...
Northern By.
. AJv'II
- Pacific By.
lioiiKHT A. Mii.i.m, llegister.
Notice for Publication.
Land Ohu k at oukiion Vt. Ou.
Aug. ft, lstlft 1
NO'l'lf'K is hnmh Riven that I lie following-named
settler Ims tiled notice of
his intention to make linal prisifin suii
liort ol'liiNclaiin. and that i-aid proof will
be untile belore tint Countv Clerk of Wash,
ingtou coiinly, at Hillsljuro, Oregon, oi
Sept. 21, 1.SD5, viz:
William TliiiMon,
H. K. No. Mil, lor the N X R y., 1 -8
K M ec. ait T N, It 4 W. .
He naiueii the following witnesses to
prove his continuous resilience upon and
cultivation of said land, viz:
Arthur Knox, of Huxton, Oregon.
K. 10. Mucker, "
II. T. Kiixioii, "
C. A. l'etei-son, " "
ItoiiKNT A Miixtu, Kegisler.
Notice for Publication.
Land Oi-fh k at Ohkoon City, Oh.j
NOTICE is hereby given that the follow.
. , ing-iiained settler has tiled notice of
Ins intention to make final proof in sup
port of his claim, mid that said proof will
be made before the Countv Clerk of Wash
ington county, at Hillsboro, Cieeo.. i,u
September i; !),, vi.:
Artliui' Knox,
i,vKoN.Jii,:i' f,,r the N w x " w. v
.1 Ii , H 4 W,
Ho mimes the following witnesses to.
prove Ins continuous residence upon ami
ciiltiviition of said land, viz:
William Thurston, of liuxton, Oregon.
L. K. Htucker, ..
11. T. liuxton, " 1. .
C. A. I'cterson, " i
Notice For Publication,
Land Omcic at Ohkoon City. Oh.i
Allir. s imua f
lyjOlICE is hereby given that the follow
i.1 ing-nanied settler has filed notirnof hiu
iiilention to make final proof in support of
ion iMium. nun huh saiu proot will be
made before the Kegister and Receiver
U. 8. Land Oflice, at Oregon City, Oregon,
on .September 14, 1805, viz :
Jacob Conrad,
1 I IN K W
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
nllWilmlL.n . .. I J I . .
For Infoniiittioii, time cards, mans and
tickets, call on or writ cultivation of said land, viz
4. D. CHABLTON. Asst. Geol. Pass AgenJ HoiK
456 Morrison Street. . atMJ RoimnT A. Miller, Register,
Ocean Steamers
Leave Portland Every Five Days
For full details cull 011 or address:
Qen'l Puss Agent Portland, Oregon.
Administrator'i Notice,
Ty otice is hereby given that the under-
-Li sigiieo nas oeen 111 v iinno i , t.-.l ,.,4.
Roiikkt A. Millicb, Register.
Notice for Publication.
Lamd Okkick at Orkmon City, Oh.i
N . . , Aug. ft, im.i
O IK L is hereby given llial the follow-ing-imiiieil
settler has tiled notieii of
his iiiteiitiijii to make ft 1 ml nrciof in sup
port of his claim, and that naid proof will
be made belore the County Clerk of Wash
ington county, nt Hillsboro, Oregon, nit
Hepte-inuer 21, IMlft, viz:
Fred Wileox,
h1''0' 7!K'7' r,,r Uu' H w W ''' T 2
K V .
He naiiioH the following witnesses u
jiroye hiscontinuous residenco iukiii and
cultivation of said land, viz:
Kdward Miiten. of (Ireenville, Oregon
James H. Harmlcy, 1. ,
George Hchneiiler, "
John Wiisteiiacker, ' " ' .
-'0 0 Roimrr A. M illkh. Register.
niinistrator of the estnte of W Ar
deceased, bv the Countv Cmirt. l,t w..-
i'lpton county, Oregon, and has duly
sons having claims against said estate are
hereby notified to present the same to me
at the law oflice of S. II. Huston, in Hills
boro, with proiier vouchers within six
months from this date.
Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 10th day
of July 18tt . V. Purdy.
Administrator of the estate orW, M. l)ud-
ney, deceased. kkj
Notice for Publication.
Land Okkick at Oukiion City, Ob.I
A l, K lU(,-.7
NOTICE is hereby given that the follow-ng-iiiiiiied
settler has filed notice of
his intention 1 to make final nroof in
portoi nislain,, U that said proof will
be made blc the County Clerk' of Was -ington
eoiiiry. at Hillsboro, Oregon ,m
Scptoinber 21, ISlfl, viz:
Ht'iiry B. Hollcubcck,
wL 1m tho 15 'A W X and W
XAK'A teec. 22 T 3 N Range 4 WT
He names the following witnesso to
prove h i s continuous residence " ,ut
cultivation of said land, viz.
A li SP 'wolf ""' "f Bf? t0"' 0rptjnl'
John Harms, ' ' u
Carl Orifner, "
2M,. Itiijiwf A. Milieu Register.