The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 15, 1895, Image 1

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VOL. 2.
NO. 21.
E.-Speaker Crisp's Views on
I, English Methods.
From What the American Saw, He
r refer. the Way Our Own Cou
greaa I Conducted.
Loudon, August H. One of the
must interested spectators of the open
ing of the house of common today was
Charles E. Crisp. Mr. Crisp was
present in the speaker's gallery at the
spaoiul invitation of William Court
Gully, who was re-elootod speaker of
the house of oommons today. Mr.
Crisp, in conversation, after the house
of commons adjourned, said:
"Before the house met Mr. Gully
showed me the paintings representing
the former speakers of the house of
oommous, and the comments which ho
made upon each of them were most in
torestiug. Mr. Gully also showed mo
the statues of great statusmon of the, and particularly called my at
tention to the fact that Pitt and Fox
faced eieh other. I took great delight
in studying the portraits of the de
ceased British statement, for I have
spent many hours studying the lives
of Pitt and Fox."
It is probable that a mutual friend
will nrrauge a meeting between Mr.
Crisp aud Mr. Gladstone, on the for
mer's return to London from his visit
to Paris.
Mr. Crisp wrote the following ao
couut of his impressious formed at the
opening of the house of commons to
day: "The opnning of parliament today
proved a great treat to me. Naturally
1 am interested in English forms aud
methods of legislation. One of the
most striking differences between our
methods and those in use here is that
the speaker is nonpartisan. The mem
bers of parliament are certainly a fine
looking body of men. To an Ameri
can, however, it lookod very odd to see
the members of the house sitting with
their hats on.
"After the adjournment, I called
upon the speaker, aud was escorted by
him to his official residence. I found
the speaker a most agreeable gentle
man. I also met Mr. Balfour, the
conservative leader, aud found him to
be a speudid type of the English
gentleman. When I was leaving the
parliament house, Mr. Balfour accom
panied me to the gate, where a large
crowd, was collected. When they saw
the conservative leader, they oheered
him most enthusiastically. As there
was no other business outside of the
election of speaker, I was unable to
learn much other legislative methods. I
am satisfied, however, from what I
did see, that I profer the methods of
our congress.
"After adjournment, Mr. Gully had
me osoorted to the floor of the house
and introduced ma to the members. 1
afterwards found myself in an ex
tremely haudsom ) room, whioh I sup
posed a part of the lobby of the house,
but Mr. Gully said it was the private
dining-room of his offloial resideuoe.
There we were joined by Senator Ca
bot Lodge and Henry White, ex-secretary
of the United States embassy.
We were escorted to the publio dining
room of the speaker, in whioh we were
introduced to his wife. Mrs. Gully
is a most affable lady. The room was
crowded with ladies, who were wait
ing to personally congratulate Mr.
Gully upon his re-election.
"After leaving the speaker's resi
dence, M. White took Senator Lodge
and myself to the house of commons,
where he introduced us to many of the
leaders. We were next taken to the
room of Mr. Balfour and introduced to
him. He is a man of much personal
magnetism, and impresses one immedi
ately as a striking intellectuality. Al
though he did not appear to be so, I
knew he was hurried, and so did not
think it the proper place or time to
broach the subject of bimetalism.
"As Mr. Gully had not been re
elected when I first saw him, he was
not in official dress. I made a remark
on this subject, and he said that to
morrow he would only be in half-dress
and wear a 'half wig,' as his election
would then only . be half approved,
Wednesday, however, his election will
have been fully approved, and he will
wear his full official attire. All
strikes me as extremely strange."
The Sealers In Behring Sea.
San Franoisoo, August 14. The
schooner Uranus brings news that the
sealers have reached Behring sea and
are in imminent danger of seizure by
the revenue cntters. This means a
great deal to owners of sealing ven
tures. The instructions under whioh
the cutters are boarding vessels this
year are to seize all seal skins. The
schooners are liable to seizure also, for
the international . regulations are bo
strict that vessels with guns for shoot
ing seals on board are not allowed in
Behring sea. The kst news from the
United States cutter Corwin, whioh
was received by those on the Uranus,
was that she was expected back by
Uuimak island the middle of July. All
these things indicate that the next
news received from Behring sea is
likely to be sensational in its nature.
Impeding Provincial Flaherlei.
Vancouver, B. C, August 14. Pro
fessor Prince, of the Dominion fisheries
department, is now here on offloial
business. Besides inspecting the sal
mon fisheries, he will endeavor to de
termine the migrations of the halibut.
He is also considering the advisability
of introducing Eastern oysters and lob'
tr into Paciflo water.
An Invention Intended to Put an
to Murine Warfare.
Oakland, Cal., August 14. Charles
F. McDvrmott is perfecting an electric
submarine torpedo, the invention of
Dr. Gross, of Chicago, which he says
will ultimately put an end to marine
warfare. With his torpedo, ho says, a
few men could keep off the combined
navies of the world. The torpedo will
be completed within a week. It will
then be taken to Goat island, where a
secret experiment will be made. An
old iron hulk is to be floated and the
torpedo will be seut dowu below the
surface of the water on its errand of
destruction. Mr. MoDermott is con
fident that the new invention will in
stautly shutter and sink the hulk.
He says that no warship, however
strong aud formidable, nun survive a
slioek from his torpedo.
About the first of September a publio
exhibition will be given. By the use
of electricity, with combinations of
powerful explosives, Mr. MoDermott
says he can destroy the stauuehest of
Dr. Gross, the inventor, recently
manufactured aud patented a new ex
plosive more powerful than dynamite.
He made arrangements to sell it to
China to be used in tho war with Ja
pan. With his explosive he crossud
the Pacific, but bis secret had been di
vulged and the Japanese government
notified tho authorities at Washington,
who enjoined hira from making fur
ther negotiations with tho Chinese.
This same explosive is to be used in
the torpedo.
An Appeal From the foreign Itealdeiita
at Tien Tain.
Tien Tsiu, August 14. A meeting
of foreign residents of this city was
held here today. It was decided to
communicate by cable the necessity of
immediate iutevontion in China upon
behalf of the United States aud British
governments, and the following tele
gram was addressed to the Associated
"The foroigu community of Tien
Tsin express their sympathy with the
friends of the Ku Cheng victims. They
consider tho Chinese officials guilty,
aud the British aud Americans blame
the continued apathy of their govern
ments for tho situation. They regard
England's demands for an inquiry into
the Ku Cheng massacre to be useless,
for, as before, the officials will buy in
noceut heads as substitutes for the uc
tual criminals; they protest that the
Cze Chuen commission implicated the
officials of that province. England aud
America must scud an ultimatum
threatening., reprisals... Diplomacy, is
useless, we implore attention.
(Signed), "Dickinson, Chairman."
Who Dlokluaon la.
New York, August 14. At the
office of the Hong Kong & Shanghai
Banking corporation today it was
stated that the chairman of the meet
ing which cabled an appeal to tho
United States throngh the Associated
Press regarding the recent massacres in
China, is probably W. W. Dickin
son, chairman of the municipal council
of Tien Tsiu, and a partner in the firm
of Collins & Co., well-known mer
The Inillun Trouble. In Yucatan.
1 San Cristobal, Mex., August 14.
Couriers have arrived here bringing
information from the seat of the In
dian war in Yucatan. The advices
state that the Indians made a Btaud
and are preparing to make an attempt to
drive the government troops out of the
territory to which the Indians lay
claim. The Indians are armed with
improved rifles. The government
forces on the frontier are being con
stantly augmented. They are being
sent to Yucatan by shiploads from all
parts of Mexico, and there is every
prospect of a terrible war. Several
skirmishes have already occurred be
tween the Indians and the troops.
Northern Salmon I'aek.
Victoria, B. C, August 14. The
steamer Danube, from the north, re
ports that the pack of the Northern
British Columbia canneries is complete
for the season, with the exception of
about 5,000 oases. Sixteen canneries
have put up 174,000 cases against ISO,
000 cases put up last year by twelve
canneries. The season has been satis
factory everywhere, except on Rivers
inlet, where the pack is 10,000 cases
The run of salmon on Fraser river
Sunday night was the best of the sea
son, and the canneries obtained more
fish than they oould can. Some boats
caught 800 fish, the average being 250.
Surprised the Outlaws.
Eufalia, I. T., August 14. The out
laws who were expected here today
rode into town a few minutes after
noon. Deputy Marshal Johnson en
countered them alone, and leveled his
Winchester and held them in place
until Deputy Weeks, of Hanoook, Ok
lahoma, and his posse came up. The
gang was completely surprised, and
was disarmed. Those composing the
gang are charged with all crimes,
from horsestealing to murder. Offioer
Grant Johnson will take them to Fort
Smith to answer for reoent depreda
tions in the Creek nation, after which
they will be tried by the Oklahoma
Cabinet Crisis In Japan.
Tokio. Ausrust 14.--There is a cabi
net crisis. Count Ito, the prime min
ister, was created a marquis without
knowledge. Feeling he has been
placed in a false position, he refused
promotion, while certain of his col
leagues remaining uuhouored. He left
the capital and will not return until
the qnestion is settled. Count Yama
gata, the war minister, declines the
title of marquis tor similar purposes.
A Bulletin From the Agricul
tural Department.
Total Trade of the Dominion Una In
orruacd Twenty-One I'cr Cent
In Ten Yeara.
Washington, August 13. The ex
tent of the competition of Canada with
the United States iu foreign markets is
pointed out in a bulletin, to be issued
by the secretary of agriuulture in a
few days. The bulletin is tho fourth
of the world's market series iu course
of publication by the department, and
embodies the reports of thirty of our
consuls iu tho Dominion. It shows
that tho total export of Cauada in
creased from $Si),000,000 iu 1885 to
1118,000,000 in 1MU4, or 1)3 per cent;
tho imports from if 110,000,000 to
123,000,000, or 13 per cent; and tho
total trade from $108,000,000 to 241,.
000,000, or 21 per cent during the same
period. Tho largest proportional in
crease was iu 1802, when the value of
the total trade exceeded that of the
preceding year about 1 1 per cent.
From 1888 to 1801, inclusive, tho trade
of Canada with the United States ex
ceeded that of any other country, but
since then the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Ireland has taken
the first rank, with the United States
An important fact is that a largo
share of the agricultural products go
ing abroad from Cumuliau seaports
aro cereals and flour in transit from
tho United States. Of $27,000,000 of
such products shipped last year, $1),
000,000 wus Amerieau merchandise.
Of late years increased attention has
been given by the government of Cau
ada to dairy interests, eucourging tho
dairy associations throughout the conn
try, and passing strict sanitary laws
regulatiug tho manufacture of cheese
and butter. No adulterations can be
used, and the importation, manufac
ture and sale of oleomargarine and
other similar substances is prohibited.
Through tho quantity of butter export
ed decreased from 10,500,000 pounds
in 1888 to 5,600,000 in 1801, nearly 50
per cent, tho value declined only from
if 1, 700,000 to $1,100,000.' This indi
cates improvement iu tho quality of
butter exported.
The statistics of tho fishing industry
and tho forest products show that the
value of tho former iu 1804 was $30,
000,000, and tho latter over $80,000,
000 "Iu wood pulp, in 18U4,--
United States alone imported from the
Dominion $300,010.
No One Ahle to Unlock the Doora of
the t ella.
Lebanon, Iiid., August 13. A mob
of forty men went to the Spriugttuld
jail about 1 o'clock this morning and
demanded the keys of tho cells of Mat
thew Lewis aud James Hay, who as
saulted Mrs. Shields recently. Tho
jailer, seeing resistance was useless,
handed over tho keys, and the mob
proceeded to busiuess. Everybody in
tho mob wus drunk, and none of thom
seemod to bo able to unlock the jail
door. After working about tho locks
and bolts without result, they secured
sledghammers and tried to break down
tho doors. They proved too strong for
them, however, uud ufter two hours'
hard work they abundonod the job.
They thou emptied their revolvers into'
the cells ot the jail, but no one wus
hit. Returning the koys to the jailer,
they said they would bo back tonight
and loft. Tho mob was mado up of
men from Washington aud Marion
counties. Tho two negroes will be
confined at Louisville until the excite
ment is oven
Nebraska's Prison contract.
Lincoln, Neb., August 13. Coutrac
tor Dorgan has loft the state prison for
good, taking with him his personal
property. His $33,408.90 warrant,
however, still remains in the hands o'f
State Auditor Moore. Dorgan sooured
the penitentiary contract from Bank
Wrecker Meaner, when that worthy
went to tho Sioux Fulls penitentiary
for steuliug $1,000,000 from the Capi
tal National bank. The state purchased
his interest, but his creditors purchased
the warrant. The land commissioners
said the affairs at the penitentiary
were in good shape so far as he knew
He was inclined to believe that from
now on the various officials would be
obliged to depend on the board of pub'
lio lauds and buildings for the sinews
of war in the line of food and olothing
supplies. This revives the old question
of how muoh, if any, of the state's ap
propriation of $101,000 for the two
year's oan be used in the maintenance
of the prison. Warden Leidilgh may
possibly solve the problem by making
the institution self-sustaining.
A Lost Art Discovered
Pittsburg, August 18. George
Crowley, Cornelius Shay and John
Ryan, iron woken have found the
lost art of welding copper to iron or
steel. They show several samples of
the metals perfectly welded. The last
record history gives of these metals
having been welded was in 500 B. C.
The value of the discovery oomos in the
fact that oopper offers greater resist
ance to tho aotion of salt water than
any other metal.
The Carnegie Company has offered
the men a fixed price for the secret.
shop has been fitted up for the men at
tho Homestead plant, where tomorrow
the men propose to weld a plate of
copper to an. ingot of niokel steel armor
plate. The Carnegie oompany hopoB
to be able to cover all armor plates for
the big battleships.
Mexleo Itoea Not I.Ike an Aliened
tervlew With Milliliter Uniiaoni.
City of Mexico, August 13. Much
interest is felt hero regarding tho truth
of the alleged interview with United
States Minister Hansom telegraphed
from Washington to tho St. Louis
Globo-Doinoorat, in whioh Ransom is
quoted as saying that tho new extradi
tion treaty will he required in order to
prevent embezzlers from the United
States escaping extradition by using
money among Mexican authorities. If
Hansom is correctly reported, he will
probably bo regarded hero as "persona
nou grata," the alleged utterance be
ing a direct attack on tho highest func
tionaries, for whom, while here, Han
som oxpressed highest esteem. It is
believed hero that tho minister was
misrepresented. Mr. Gray, just be
fore his death, was reported by all
American journals as declaring that
Guatemala was right iu her contention
with Mexico, uu utterance that natur
ally gave offense here, but Gray died
before there was opportunity for an ex
Groat apprehension is felt in all tho
west uoiiHt ports regarding tho contin
ued ravages of yollow fever in Central
American seaports. All vessels recently
arriving from Central America have
been treated as suspicious, principally
those from Aoajutla uud Ooos.
The Amerieau Security Company, of
New York, has opened a branch here,
according to the terms of a liberal
charter recently granted. Tho com
pany will insure government employes
aud government bonds for contractors,
besides doing privato business.
Duo cause has been found for hold-
n g Lundstxirt, tho alleged lover of
m ma Thorn, tho manner of whoso
death is iu dispute.
Two persons of the twenty-two in
ured iu the Tehauntepoo railway acci
dent have died. Tho road is new, and
tho track not altogether iu good condi
Talk of Settlement In the I.oiul Conrta,
anil Alan of Force.
Omaha, August 18. Thero now ap
pears to bo a fair prospect that tho flro
and police board mnddlo will ho ami
cably settled iu this city, as suggested
by Governor Holcombo at tho very in
ception of tho trouble.
Tho injunction caso decided yester
day settled none of tho issues involved,
and in passing upon tho petition fur
an injunction tho judge intimated that
the proper procedure would be for the
claimants under tl)o Churchill-Hussell
uppointment to bring quo warranto
proceedings against the old board. The
iiuiaout incumUt)i4Jiive always claim
od that they wore ready aud anxious to
join issues on tho right to tho office in
legal proceeding. While no agree
ment to this effeot has yot boon arrived
at, one possibly may bo reachod within
twenty-four hours.
Another story which is given cro-
deuce iu many quarters is that tho A.
P. A. board will meet tomorrow, ap
point a police foroo and demand pos
session of the office aud books, and, if
refused, to attempt to take possession
by foroe. Tho present police foroo is
prepared to resist any attempt of this
kind. In caso tho newly appointed
pollco forco cannot obtain possession
of the city jail, it counts upon securing
recognition from tho police judge and
setting up a littlo jail of its own. it is
moro likely, however, that tho pro.
posal for a settlement will bo adopted,
Kattlo With Trampa.
Ashtabula, O. , August 13. Six men
had a desperate battle in a box cur be
tween Erie, Pa., and this place, last
night Three stonecutters, H. G.
Eastly, James Smith and Johu Mein
hart, boarded the train at Erie to come
to Ashtabula. At a water tank three
tramps entered tho car. When the
train had got under way again, two of
the tramps drew revolvers and asked
them to hand over what money they
had. Smith had a revolver and showed
fight. In an instant a battle between
him and the two tramps was in prog
ress. Eastly was shot through the
groin, Smith roceievod a wound in the
neck and one of the tramps had a bul
let through his nook. On arrival of
tho train hore tho wounded men were
oared for. The tramp, who gave his
name as John Cuddy, of Waterbury,
Conn., is in a critical condition.
, Mayor Sutro'a Oiler.
San Franoisoo, August 13. Adolph
Sutro, mayor of San Franoisoo, has
offered the state university regents
thirteen acres of laud within the city
limits, on which to erect buildings for
the affiliated colleges of the university
In addition to this, he will deed to
trustees of the oity thirteen acres ad
joining as a site for the Sutro library
of over 20,000 rare volumes. The library
and property are to be held in trust for
the oity, and the library will be free to
all, irrespective of raoe or color. The
gift, whioh has not yet been aooeptod,
is valued at $1,500,000, and will be
worth $2,000,000 when the contem
plated improvements are made. Mayor
Sutro is said to own one-tenth of the
total real estate in San Franoisoo city
and oounty most of it, however, is un
improved. The Prohibition Kemoved. '
Colon, August 18. The govern
ments of Nicaragua and Costa Rica
have notified steamship agents that
the prohibition against the landing of
priests and nuns has boon removed, and
free entry has been aooorded to all ex
oept Chinamen.
Will or Mrs. Talmage.
Brooklyn, N. Y., August 12. The
will of Mrs. T. Dewitt Talmage was
filed for probate today. She leaves
some $166,000, of which $30,000 is
real and $136,000 personal property.
Her husband is the tola legatee.
Happenings of Interest in the
Progressive Northwest.
A lludget of Itema Uathered From
All I'arta or Oregon, Waah
lugton and Idaho.
Tacoma has a ladies' cycling club,
with u membership of twenty-five.
Seattle has raised in cush and pro
visions more thau $1,000 for the relief
of Spraguo, Wash.
The total taxable property of Spo
kane oounty, Wash., less exemptions,
is valued ut $21,732,053.
The Spokane Chronicle says thut tho
small white butterfly is damaging the
pine forests in that vicinity.
There is talk of annexing Fidalgo
island to San Juan county, Wash. , and
making Anucortes the county seat
Douglas, county, Wash., is agitating
for a permanent exhibit of its re
sources aud products at Watervillo.
Humor has it that the raft builders
will build another raft at Stella,
Wash., uud also one in Coos Bay, Or.
Prairie chicken shooting is said to
be excellent iu Eastern Oregon now,
and hunters come buck laden with tho
Ex-Governor L. K. Church, of
Washington, has beeu appointed re
ceiver ol tho 1'uget Sound National
bank at Everett.
Frank Pattou, of Astoria, has made
a proposition to tho people of Nehulem
to rebuild tho saw mill thero, if a
sufficient subsidy is raised.
Sheephcrders report that the grass on
tho Camp Watson mountains, iu Ore
gon, is very poor, aud thut some sheep
men hnvo been compelled to drive their
sheep out.
C. B. Johnson was sentenced by
Judge Buck at Spokaue to six years iu
tho penitentiary. Johnson wus arrest
ed four days beforo his sentence and
pleaded guilty.
There nro 150 children of school ago
on tho Warm Springs, Or., reserva
tion, but the school building will ac
commodate but sixty. A new build
ing is being erected.
Tho grasshoppers are reported to
have done damage to orops iu some in
stances in tho upper portion of tho val
ley ubovo Ashland, Or., particularly
where tho harvusting was delayed.
The Monte Cristo, Wash., school
district has voted to issue $7,000 worth
of tweuty-your school bouds. This
district is tho largest in Snohomish
Most of tho wouion out camping at
the Tollgato aud Saling's camp, in
Walla Walla oounty, Wash., have
adopted bloomers as a costume for fish
ing, hunting uud camp duties.
It. D. Shutt, teacher at tho Choha
lis Iudiun school, near Yute City,
Wash., was suvod from drowning iu
the Chehalis river lust Saturday by
some of the Indians iu the vicinity.
In a few days the cable from the
mainland to Tillamook rook light
house will be luid. A foroe of men
aud ouo of the lighthouse tenders are
busy with the work of making con
nections. Unsubstantiated charges, that will
probably be investigated, have been
made of improper oouduct on the part
of thoso charged with the manage
ment of the House of the Good Shep
herd in Seattle.
The farmers around Oaksdale,
Wash., are preparing to make an or
ganized fight against the Chinese
thistle. They olaim the weed is brought
by threshors from Walla Walla, and
Northern Oregon counties.
This season seems to be particularly
favorable to figs in Southern Oregon,
A tree in General J. M. MuCaU's lot
in Ashland has a fuir crop of ripe and
green fruit, the ripe ones being as per
fectely matured as if grown in Su
matra, says the Tidings.
Mrs. Ethel Pitts, in her suit for di
vorce . from Henry Pitts, brought in
Tacoma, alleges that while living at
Kulama, July 31, 1801, Pitts compelled
her to aocompuny him before a justice
of the peace and marry him against
her will, ho telling her the replies to
the questions asked in the ceremony,
Pitts is a negro.
The Ollala postoffloe was robbed
some time ago, aud a reward of $100
was offered for the capture of the rob'
hers. The postmuster, W. R. Wells,
arrested two men, Dean and Miller,
who turned out to be the guilty parties.
The government, however, refuses to
pay the reward, olaiming that the law
does not apply to a postmaster who
captures the robbers of his own office.
The Gold Beaoh, Or., Gazette re
lates that Charley Bailey and Dave
Frame, while fishing two weeks ago,
saw a very brilliant meteor, which
reached the earth just west of Doyle's
house, on the north side of the river,
The aerolite showed a very white
light as it descended, and when near
the ground it exploded with a loud re
port, emitting a blue flame. The par
tides fell just west of Doyle's house,
aud close to the oounty road.
In the year 1862 a man by the name
of John Chapman located a quarter
seotion of land where the oity of
Union, Or., now Btunds, says the Re
publican, and in the following year he
employed Dave Thompson, now the
Portland banker, but then a surveyor,
to lay it out in town lots. It being at
that period in the history of our ooun
try in whioh those questions whioh led
up to the civil war were being warmly
discussed, Mr. Chapman, in deference
to his patriotism and loyalty to his
eountry, named hli new town Union.
Ilualneaa Continues to He Very Active
for Midsummer.
Now York, August 12. R. G. Duu
& Co. say in the Weekly Review of
Business continues unusually active
for midsummer, uud though there is a
perceptible rekixutiou, thero are no
signs of reuction. The one change of
great importance which the past week
has brought is the amicable settlement
between coul miners and employers iu
Pennsylvania, Ohio aud Indiana. It
is said about 100,000 men will have
their wages increased after October 1
by this adjustment, aud while the en
largement of purchasing power is of
oonsequeuce it seems even more im
portant thut a chronic case of contro
versy has boon removed by the new
agreement as to company stores. There
is no important change in crop pros
pects and at this time no news is emi
nently good news.
Whoat has declined a fraction with
very scanty transactions, the extremely
small Western receipts influencing the
market for the present more thau the
restricted exports. The concerted
withholding of wheat by Western
farmers, if continued, would doubtless
affect the price in the end, but it bos
already stopped Atlantic exports al
most entirely. The Western farmers
may find reason to regret that they did
not ship their wheat at the proper
time. It tends to lower prices with
more encouragiug prospects, and the
expectation of a heavy corn crop affects
prices of provisions as might be ex
pected. The industries oontinuo to make
progress and higher prices for iron aud
steel products prove that the supply
has not yet outrun the demand. Bes
semer iron is a shade weaker, but grey
forge has advanced about 00 cents, and
finished products are remarkably firm.
Lake oopper has advanced to 12c. Tin
has declined about a quarter of a cent
ud is quoted at $14.20. Lead is a
trifle stronger at $3. 53. The anthra
cite coal market is completely demor
alized, and prices have again yielded a
little to about the lowest ever known.
Sales of wool are not as much .in
flated by speculation as they were dur
ing the first half of July, but they still
exceed tho usual consumption in the
manufacture, umouuting at the three
ihiof miukets to 6,259,300 pounds.
Prices are very firm. Some staple cot
ton goods have again advanced in
price and the market is unusually
strong for the season.
Failures for the week were 225 in
tho United .States against 264 last year,
and 43 in Cauada against 54 lust year.
Improvements That Superintendent Gil
bert Thinks Should lie Made.
Salem, Or., August 12. Superin
tendent A. N. Gilbert, of the state peni
tentiary, has been credited with saying
that the prison was in a very bud con
dition. Today he was seen aud showed
your correspondent over the peniten
tiary. In makiug the rounds of the
institution he called attention to the
repairs aud changes he considered neo
essaryj to wooden window panes; to
worn and rickety steps and stairways;
to old and unsightly walks; to the
newly-built flume that was contrasted
with tho old, which, Mr. Gilbert said,
had rotted from allowing dirt to bank
up against the timbers; to an old
tumble-down shed that covered the
pump eugine; to the unkempt condi
tion of the engine; to the neglected
appearance of everything in the me-
ohauiaal depurtement. In the kitchen,
Mr. Gilbert said: "This is simply
terrible. It is the most rotten, dirty
arrangement I ever saw for a state in
stitution. This kitchen is in the base
ment, under the ohapel, the center of
the building, aud steam and odors find
their way to every oell."
"What changes would you suggest in
the arrangement of the kitchen?" was
asked the superintendent.
'There should be another oil to the
building for a kitchen and dining
room for the convicts. This would do
away with feeding oonviots in the cell,
aud the nausea of a kitchen under the
In the hospital the superintendent
pointed out leaks in the walls and roof.
"And this window frame corresponds
with the general dilapidation," he
said, as he pulled off a pieoe of timber
from the frame, exposing a deserted
bumble-bee's nest. The superintend
en tmnKS a new neatiug system is
needed, and that the grounds should
be properly drained.
In answer to what course he would
pursue in the management of the in
stitutiion, Superintendent Gilbert said
he would either have to make a deficit,
or ourtail other expenses. The latter,
he explained, was being done by sup
plying about half the discharged con
viots with the suits they bring, instead
of purchasing new ones at $15 each,
and by saving the $5 heretofore given
released oonviots.
The Suit Settled.
Duluth, August 12. John D. Rooke
feller has settled the $600,000 suit, in
whioh William and John MoKinley,
oi mis oity, are plaintiffs, and in
whioh he was charged with robbinir
them of their mining property by
means of fraud and false representa
tions by .agreeing to pay over about
$200,000. The exact amount cannot
be learned.
Survivors or the White.
Port Townsend, Wash., August 7.
Six survivors of the lost sealing
schooner White, whioh was lost last
spring in Alaska, arrived today. All
the survivors are horribly mutilated
having lost either fingers, toes, arms or
feet. They are bound to their homes
In San Franoisoo.
Died Yesterday at His Home
Near Nashville.
The First Man Appointed to the Su
preme Bench by a 1'realdent Klevt.
ed by the Opposite Party.
Nashville, August 10. Tho Hon.
Howell Edmunds Jackson, associate
justice of the supremo court of tho
United States, died at his residence at
West Meade, six miles west of this
city, this afternoon in tho 04th year of
his uge, of consumption.
Justice Jucksou has been in failing
houlth for the past four years, but it
has been only in the past eight or nine
mouths that the progress of the disease
begun to cause bis family aud friends
uneasiness. Lust year he went on a
lengthy trip to the Far West, iu search
of health. Later he went to Thomas
ville, Teun., where it was hoped that
the mild and bracing climate would
restore his once vigorous constitution.
The trip did him little good, and after
a time he was brought home.
At his home Judge Jackson seemed
to improve slightly, until he went to
Washington to sit in the second hear
ing of the income tax case. He stood
the trip fairly well, but after his re
turn home appeared to lose strength
rapidly. Nevertheless, Judge Jackson
never took to his bed until lust
Wednesday week. Since that time his
family and friends feared tbut the end
was near, and his death today was not
Judge Jackson was twico married,
the first time to Miss Sophia Mallory,
daughter of David B. Mallory, a
banker of Memphis, who died in 1673.
To this nnion were born three child
ren, Henry, William R. and Howell
E. Jackson. Henry Jackson is at pres
ent soliciting freight agent of the
Southern railway, with headquarters
at Atlanta. William R. Jackson is dis
trict attorney of the Chesapeake &
Ohio, at Cincinnati. Howell K Jack
son is manager of the Jackson cotton
mills, at Jackson, Tenn.
In 1876 Judge Jackson married Miss
Mary E. Harding, daughter of General
William G. Harding. Of this union
three children survive, Misses Eliza
beth and Louise Jucksou, and Harding
A. Jucksou. . With the exception of
Miss Elizabeth Jaeksou and Willi im
R. Jackson, jr., who are in Europe,
the children were at his bedside when
he died.
Howell Edmunds Jackson enjoyed
the distinction of being the first man
appointed to the supreme bench of the
United States by a president elected by
the opposition party and apparently
without regard to political considera
tions as such. It is true thut prece
dents for such aotion are cited, but
they are apparent rather than real.
President Washington's administration
was meant to be nonpartisan, and his
experience with Chief Justice John Jay
and other judges was in keeping witu
the general design. President Jack
son's administration was confessedly a
time when parties were reforming on
new lines, and similarly all other al
leged exceptions are found to be moro
apparent than real.
The selection of Jndge Jackson
stands out boldly as a real exception.
It clearly indicates that President Har
rison fully appreciated thut new issues
were hereafter to divide the parties,
and the appointment, therefore, mark
ed a great epoch in American political
Judge Jackson had been a lawyer
ever since he was old enough for ad
mission to the bar, and a judge during
most or nis adult lire. Even in the
heat and fury of the civil war, he was
a judge rather than a partisan. He
served with rare ability in the civil
service of the Confederate government,
and when the Democratic party of
Tennessee divided on the question of
the state debt, he took high ground in
favor of paying dollar for dollar ac
cording to the original contract.
The New York Police Force.
London, August 12. The Times
this morning publishes an editorial on
the split in the New York polioe force,
in which it says:
'It is greatly to be feared that Colo
nel Grant's action will stir all the old
forces of oorruption and misgovern-
ment to renewed efforts. It is onlv
too probable that the mischief done by
his indiscretions cannot be uudoue.
Tammany will strain every nerve at .
the autumn election, and will perhaps
succeed, as it has succeeded aftev pre
vious disasters. Its success would be
a publio calamity."
That lteported Anaconda Mine Sale.
New York, August 10. James B.
Haggin, one of the owners of the Ana
oonda mine, said today with consider
able emphasis: "There is not an atom
of truth in any statement to the effect
that the Rothschilds are negotiating
for the purohase of the Anaconda mine.
There has been no approaoh of anv
kind toward such negotiations." Wal
ter Lutgen, a partner of August Bel
mont, and Rothschild's agent in this
country, also deniod the report.
Had Been Killed by Indians.
Waukeemiss, O. T., August 9. The
three skeletons found west of here
three weeks ago have proved to be the
remains of two Fowler boys and their
brother-in-law, who were killed by In
dians in 1875. The remains were
identified by an ankle brace whioh was
found near the remains. Relatives of
the Fowlers are wealthy residents of,'
Canton, O., to which place the remains 1
will U takan for burial.