The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 31, 1922, Magazine Section, Page 8, Image 68

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A YARDSTICK that will measure
your brain power! An "Instru
ment" that can compute your In
tellectual force as accurately as the
horse-power of a motor car or the caliber
of a rifle!
Science believes it has found it in the
Binet-Simon-Terman intelligence scale,
which is being developed and which al
ready is bringing surprising results in
many American schools and courts.
The scale, briefly, is a set of question
naires for every age, beginning at the
age of three, and going up, year by year,
through 16, to the test for a "superior
It is the exact opposite of such tests
as the famous Edison questionnaire. The
Edison test showed only how much ac
quired information a man had. The
Binet test is designed not to get at the
individual's fund of information, but to
measure his powers of perception and
his abstract reasoning power.
The result, worked out by a mathe
matical formula in which age is the sec
ond equation, gives the Individual's in
telligence quotient, or "I. Q.," as it is
called in the technical scientific Jargon.
If you are 10 years old and have the
intelligence of a 10-year-old, you have
a "normal I. Q.'? If you are 10 and have
the intelligence of 6 years you are a
"Low I. Q." If you are 10 and have the
, intelligence of a 12-year-old, or a 15-year-old,
you have a "High I. Q."
By the practical application of these
tests in public schools, it has been dis
covered that age alone is not a sufficient
tey to proper grading. It has been dis
covered that mental age by no means
always corresponds to physical age, and
in many scientifically administered pub
lic schools children are graded by their
intelligence quotients rather than by
their size and age.
It is possible also, in many cases, to
take a child of 12 or 14 years, and de
termine with -great accuracy whether
there is any use for him to study for a
learned profession or whether he would
be a sure predestined failure in it and
would be better off by learning a trade
or vice versa. It may find an exceed-
icgly brilliant mind perhaps entirely
unsuspected by parents and teachers
in the child of parents who were manual
laborers, and point the way to his
achieving brilliant success in intellectual
Applied In the children's courts, and
in courts for adults, too, It Is often dis-
covered that an individual delinquent has
a mind far retarded behind his physical
age thus entirely changing the issue of
his moral responsibility and the disposi
tion to be made of his case.
It is impossible to give all, or even a
majority of the tests, on this page. They
fill a book. But some typical ones for
various ages may be given.
Here are some you can try on your
3-year-old baby if you have one:
Point, successively, to your nose, eyes,
mouth, hair, and ask him to name each.
Say "What is this?"
Show him, successively, a key, a penny,
t, closed knife, a watch, a pencil, and ask
the same question.
Show him the picture of the interior
of a Dutch home which is reproduced on
this page, and say, "Tell me what you
see In this picture?" If there Is no re
sponse say, "Show me the cat." Say, -"Show
me the table." Repeat these
questions, pointing to simple objects in
the picture. Ho should be able to point
out and name at least three things in
response to the first question, if he is
encouraged and it is repeated.
Say, "What is your name?"
Say, "Are you a little hoy or little
girl?" .
Say, "Can you say, 'Mamma'?" Say,
"Now say, 'Nice kitty.' " Say, "Now say,
'I have a dog.'" The child Bhould be
cbel to repeat a simple sentence of six
to several syllables.
If the child gets three-fourths or more
of the questions correct, it is of average
intelligence. If It misses many of them
it is backward. If it answers them all
correctly, it promises to be of superior
mind. The methods of scoring are much
more complicated, but that is the gen
eral Idea.
One of the tests of a child of 4 is to
stow him a simply drawn square, a cross,
a triangle, etc., and ask him to reproduce
Uvea, wWle looking at them, one at a
time, with a pencil. His lines will be
wobbly and irregular, but he should get
the essential outline.
One of the tests for a 5-year-olS is to
show him the line of drawings of pretty
and ugly faces, also reproduced on this
page, and ask him to point out the pretty
rnd the ugly tnes. He should also be
able to execute three orders; put keys on
chair, bring yon a box, shut a door.
A child of 6 should be able to tell you
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This diagram-code alphabet is a test
for the superior adult. After studying
the diagram for five minutes can yoa
read the lines below il without refer
ring back to diagram?
what features are missing in the "miss
ing feature" drawing reproduced on ihis
page. He should tell his right from his
left hand, count 13 pennies, distinguish
between pennies, nickles and dimes. He
. should be able to tell you what he will
do if it is raining when he starts to
school; if he suddenly finds the house
on fire; if he is going some place and
misses his car.
A child of 8 should be able to count
up to 20. He should be able to tell you
the proper thing to do if he has broken
something that belongs to someone else;
ii he is on his way to school and notices
that he is in danger of being tardy; if a
playmate hits him without meaning to
do it. He should be able to tell in what
way the following things are alike; wood
and coal; apple and peach; iron and sil
ver; ship and automobile. He should be
able to tell you in his own words what
the following things are and "what they
do": balloon, tiger, football, soldier.
A child of 9 should be able to work the
baseball test. Show him a simply drawn
circle, with an opening in it, like the one
reproduced on this page. Tell him it is
a ball field, , surrounded by a circular
fence, with a gate in it. There is grass
all over it. A ball has been lost. He
doesn't know how or from what direc-
(Continued From Page 3.)
He had no use for it. And he wasn't the 1
kind of old guy you could talk to. Irish
thought he must have had a hard time in
his life.
Ah, well, he was entitled to a good
time now. Let him have his own way.
Irish could always make money. It
didn't matter so much, after all, did it?
The only thing that hurt him was that
he would 1 never draw the Stars and
Stripes through the green Irish tights.
And he could have if he'd had only
six. months.
Irish was aware now as he answered
the bell that his bolt was shot. The high
pitch of concentration had gone. With
the dropping of the Italian, and the Ital
ian's escape, he had reached the high
point of his fighting, and now must go
down. His punch would be heavy still,
but it would lack the terrific speed,' the "
speed of shock, that carries a knockout.
And the effect of the cumulation of
blows from the Italian sharpshooter was
beginning to tell. Through the bruises
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Samuel Rzeschewski, 10-year-old
Polish-Jewish wizard, could
easily meet some of the tests
for a superior adult, yet he
might "fall down" like any
other child on some of the tests
for a boy of his own age.
Below A 6-year-old child, should te
able to tell you what features or parts
are missing from these, pictures. ,-
tion. He is to go in and hunt for it. Ask
him how he will hunt for it to make sure
of finding it. Ask him to take a pencil
and trace the way he would hunt. Only
two answers, drawn with the pencil, are
-correct. Either back and forth in par
allel lines until the field is covered; or
better still, in a series of concentric
circles until the field is covered. He
By Bonn Byrne
on his body and neck and the puffiness
of his face, energy was flowing out of
him like water from some pierced vessel.
Into ten rounds of whirlpool fighting
he had foolishly put everything, gambled
energy and hands and brain.
And he sensed with a great sinking of
his heart that Chip was drawing ahead
of him now, drawing away from him in
the contest, with the inevitableness of the
winner drawing away from the beaten
man, forging ahead while the other plods
hopelessly on. .' . ,.- With the quick
telepathy of the ring ' the Italian knew
Irish had ' cracked, that he was gone. ,
And now the energy he had saved by
making his man come to him . he could
use, he must use. For that knockdown
in the tenth was a high score of points
against. him. -And he was afraid of a
draw. He would have to fight Irish
again. ' Not again! He must knock him
out. -
Four times the gong crashed, the end
and opening of a round, and the end and
opening of another round. Dully Irish
CuriousBW Authentic
Scientific wrain Wests to Try on
Yourself to Learn Just How
Intelligent and Sharp-Witted
A 5-year-old child should be able to
tea which of these figures are pretty
' and which are ugly.
should be able to give date of week,
month and year. He should be able to
make simple change.
A child of 12 should be able to give
correct explanations, in his own words,
of the meaning of: pity, revenge, charity,
envy. Justice. He should be able to ar
range correctly the following sentences,
shown him in plain capital printed let
ters, one at a time: "For the started
&u we country early at hour"; "To asked
paper my teacher correct I my"; "A de
fends dog good his bravely master." He,
should be able to describe the "stormy
meaning" of the picture of a woman cry
ing and a man leaving her at bottom left
of this page. Satisfactory answers would
fce: ,' "The man has to go away for a long
time, maybe to war, and Bhe is crying
because she is afraid he won't return."
Or, "He has proposed and she rejected
him, and she is crying because she hated
went to his corner. The splash of water
in his face did not revive him, nor the '
current from the whipping towels, nor
the slapping of his legs.
"Don't let him knock you out, Irish.
Hold him. Only two more rounds. Don't
let him knock you out." Maher's fierce
whisper hit at his ear drums. So it was
as bad as that, hey?
"Hold on to him, kid. Don't fight him.
Hold him.'" , ,
The bell rang. They pushed him to
his seat. Wearily he moved toward the
center of the ring. .
"Look out!" some one called.
The Italian had sprung from his cor
ner with the spring of a cat. And Irish
felt surprlsedly that he had been struck
with two terrific hammers on the Jaw.
And as he. wondered who had hit him
his knees buckled surprisingly and he
was on his hands and knees on the floor.
And he heard someone say: ". . .
three . . .. four . . . ." He strug
gled to his feet. Somewhere Maher was
shouting: "Take .the count, Irish."
Irish dully wondered what he meant.
And now Chip was in front of him,
concentrated, poised. And once more
the hammer crashed on the Jaw. And
he tumbled toJthe boards on his side.
You Actually
A 3-year-old chitd 'Should be able to
pick out and name three simple ob
jects in this picture.
to disappoint him." Or any plausible
imaginary story that really fits the pic
ture. .
A child of 14 should be able to give a
logical answer to the following:
"My neighbor has been having queer
visitors. First a doctor came 'o his
house, then a lawyer, then a preacher or
priest. What do you think happened
The test for an average adult and a
16-year-old boy or girl is the same. He
should be able to supply the morals of
fables and symbolic stories, not too com
plicated. He should be able to explain
the real difference between the following
abstract things: laziness; poverty and
misery; character and reputation. He
should be able to repeat, backward, six
figures which are given him once orally,
at- 4-7-1-9-5-2. Before they are given,
in measured tones, he should be told
v-hat is expected of him. He should be
able to repeat with absolute accuracy in
every word a simple, intelligible sentence,
slowly spoken to him, of 28 words in
The "superior adult" should be able to
repeat backward eight figures, slowly
given him orally, as 7-2-5-3-4-6-9-6. He
should study, for less than five minutes,
the diagram eode alphabet illustrated on
this page, and then, without copying it
eff, but carrying the whole thing in his
head, he should be able to write and read
sentences in the code.
The tests here given, for the various
He was very dull, very dazed. For a
while he knew nothing. And then he
understood; the referee pumping his
hand up and down and the roar of the
. "Eight!"
As he moved he felt the ropes," and
blindly he groped for them, pulling him
self to his feet somehow. About him
the din surged. The referee stepped
back. The Italian was pawing at the
referee's arm, protesting. Irish under
stood. Chip wanted tho fight stopped;
didn't want to hit him any more. Ah,
he was a good kid. Chip was.
And then the ring slithered under
neath him; the hand grasping the rope
grew lifeless, let go, and the lights went
out for him, and Irish crashed forward
on his face.
And Ice was at the back of his neck,
and the lights were up, and the crowds
were milling and Chip was shaking his
hand. -
."You fine fellow, Irish;, you good
kid!" , . . ,
"You're all right, too, Guinea!"
, " 'Sail right, Irish." -,
" 'Sail right, Chip." .
"He's all right, Chip is," Irish said, as
he watched him go across the ring.
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A 4-year-old child should be able to
draw some of these simple figures,
beginning with the cross, square and
ages, are only few of many. If you are
interested in getting them all, any big
library or bookstore will supply you a
text book. Even in complete form, they
are not always absolutely conclusive.
An individual who misses a lot of them
may turn out to be a genius instead of an
idiot. But in the great majority of cases
they are believed to give accurate results.
Professor Forest A. Kingsbury of the
University 'of Chicago's psychology de
partment, however, is not keen about the
Binet test. He says that psychological
tests might hide real genius. "The A
riu3 subject may be the laziest in the
sroup, whereas the fellow who thinks the
Russian debacle is a vaudeville act may
be diligent, ambitious and kind to his
folks," he says. "Psychology has suf
fered from exploiters and faddists. Un
fortunately, no general test has been de
vised to measure7 the ability of an adult.
We can only make vague classifications."
' Maher put his dressing gown around
him, helped him to his feet. A great
burst of cheering weltered In the gar
den. "Do you hear the hand Chip's getting,
Danny? I'm glad of It. He's a good
lad. I'm glad they're cheering him."
"Him hell!" Maher bawled. "They're
cheering you."
The old man looked at the battered
face above the blue serge suit.
"Well," he said, "it must have been
the grand fight entirely!"
"It was a great fight," Irish grinned,
"and a good man won.'1
"Meaning yourself?",
"No, meaning the Guinea."
"So you were beat, eh?" the old man
Jeered. "I never thought you were much
good at It."
"Ah, I don't know." And Irish grinned
again. - ' . r .-.
"Tell me," the old man snapped, "did
you bring me the Advocate?"
"I did." And Irish handed it over.
" 'Tls a wonder you remembered it,"
the old man snarled. "And the fine lac
ing you're after taking!"
And Irish grinned again. Wasn't he a
queer, grumpy old man!
(Copyright, 1322, by Donn Byrne.). .