The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 31, 1922, SECTION THREE, Page 2, Image 36

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a her home on Willamette Heights,
s - Presldingr at the tea table were
I r Miss Suzanne Caswell and Miss
" . Helen Lawkins. Assisting about the
i rooms were MisSGeorgianna Mears,
Miss Elizabeth Boshke and Miss
I . Janet House,
f ,
' ; i Among the Mills college girls
' ! home for the holidays are Miss
; -s Stella Riggs, Miss Margaret Levin-
f ?- ''v son' M!ss Lo's Nitchy, Miss Ellza-
' - beth Godard, Miss Catherine Short,
' , " Miss Dorothy Overbeok, Miss Hyleh
I t t - Fraley, Miss Frances Friedenthal,
C 1 Mlss Mary Griffth, Miss Helen Ernst,
E ' M's Edith Ottenheimer and Miss
i " " Ruth Blanford.
: ' .-.
An attractive tea was given by
I Miss Frances Ford Thursday after
noon at her home on Portland
Heights. Presiding at the prettily
appointed tea tables were Miss Elo
ise Huggins, Miss Julia Groo, Miss
Virginia Fenton, Miss Virginia Car
Iman. . They were assisted by Miss
I Gladys Versteeg, Miss Marion Nor
man and Miss Margaret Spencer.
The Oregon council of the Na
tional Motion Picture league will
hold a luncheon Tuesday noon at the
Y. W. C A.
- - . 4'f- - '
- , ---- i 1
(Contlnnea From Flrt Page.)
Itstel -ssre ias Mollie Green and
her Bister, Miss Aull Green, Mrs.
John LaMond (Mayo Methot) and
Miss Jocelyn Burke.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gerke (Flor
ence Holmes) will be at home to
their friends this afternoon from 4
o'clock until 7.
Mr. and Mrs. William Ehrman
entertained with a dinner Tuesday
night at Hotel Portland, honoring
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Heller (Jean
ette Meier), who spent Christmas
In Portland, guests of Mrs. Heller's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Meier.
Covers were placed for Mr. and
Mrs. XJojd Frank Mr, and Mrs.
Allen Meier, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Slchel, Melville Meyer and the hosts.
Mr. and Mrs. Heller, who are en
route home from their wedding trip.
left for San Francisco Wednesday.
One of, the most brilliant affairs
of the season will be the New Year's
eve fancy dress ball at which Mr
and Mrs. Cicero Hunt Lewis will
entertain. Many dinners win pre
cede the affair. Among those en
tertaining will be Mr. and Mrs.
Cameron Squires, Mr. and Mrs,
Henry F. Chaney and Mrs Belle
Wood Greene-
Miss Ruth Bruere, an attractive
bride-elect, was the Inspiration for
a smart bridge tea Friday when
Miss Elolse Huggins entertained at
Catherine Henderson, who is at
tending the University of Oregon,
Is home for the holidays.
Mrs. Peter Y. McCarter of Van
couver, B. C, is visiting her sister,
Mrs. N. L. Brackett ef Irvington.
Miss Betty Mulkens has as her
house guest Miss Vera Grube, daugh
ter of Dr. E. G. Grube of Seattle.
Miss Grube will be in Portland
until after the holidays.
Miss Catherine Wilcox entertained
McAntlv with a. hridee luncheon.
Covers were placed for Mlna Miner,
Dorothy Dant, Janice Parker, Pau
lina nict Virctnla TJmbdenstock.
Helen Margaret Parker, Helen Tut-
hill, Frances Cornell, Harriett tsrey
man, Agnes Black, Maxlne Walkup
and Helen Carman.
Miss Maxlne Walkup entertained
with a luncheon Wednesday in
honor of Miss Mina Miner of Los
Angeles. Those present were
Frances Cornell, Katherine Wilcox,
Anne Roberts, Florence Campbell,
Gertrude Gray and Margaret Ran-
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Boss were
dinner hosts to ten guests at their
home on Christmas day, as has been
their custom for many years.
The table decorations were most
unique and a clever display of Mrs.
Boss' artistio ability.
The Portland Woman's club will
give a series of card parties for
the purpose of helping their build
ing fund and also for the purpose
of getting better acquainted among
themselves and with the friends of
the organization.
The first party of the series will
be given next Friday afternoon at
the new club house, 458 Taylor
street, and an invitation is extended
to all the members and their friends.
The chairman for the day will be
Mrs. R. 'L. Aldrich and she will be
assisted by Mesdames Thaxter Read,
John Coffey, E. C. Wegman, F. C.
Graham, J. B. Tanner and Alfred
A very pleasant and enjoyable
Christmas dinner was given by Mr.
and Mrs. Lucien Bracy at their resi
dence,81 East Thirtieth street North.
Plates were laid for 17 people. Those
present were: Sam Bracy, wife and
two children, Ed Bracy, wife and
one child, Theo. Roy, wife and two
children, Charles White and wife.,
I. E. Raber, - Mr. and Mrs. Lucien
Bracy and son Jack. Mr. and Mrs,
Archie Devoe and son Lloyd, friends
of the family, spent the evening
with them also. Dancing and cards
were the programme.
Honoring her cousin, Misa Flora
Watkins, Mrs. H. R. Kibler enter
tained. Saturday evening at her
home in Alameda. About 20 guests
were invited.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. McDonald en
tertained at the annual dinner party
for the reunion of the Z, Bryant
family in their home, 461 East Tenth
street North, on Christmas day.
Those present were: The host and
hostess. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. McDon
ald, and their son Charles McDonald
of San Francisco, CaL; Mr. and Mra
F. C. Whitten, Merritt Whitten, Gene
Whltten, Mildred Whitten, Mr. and
Mrs, U. S. Bryant, Mae Bryant, Flor
ence Bryant, Jack Bryant, Catherine
Bryant, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bryant
and Stanley Bryant.
Mrs. H. W. McDonald was elected
presiding officer for the next year
and J. C. Bryant, secretary.
An interesting social event of
Monday afternoon, January 15, at
the Benson hotel will be the large
benefit bridge tea for which the
mothers of Gamma Phi Beta soror
ity members will be hostesses, as
sisted by the Portland alumni chap
ter of Gamma Phi Beta. One hun
dred tables of bridge are being ar
ranged and tea will be served later
in the afternoon. Mrs. Rufus Hol
man is chairman of the committee,
assisted by Mrs. M. H. Schmeer, Mrs.
E. C. Cornell, Mrs. H. G. Colton and
Mrs. F. I. Gollehur and a committee
from the Portland alumni chapter,
Including Mrs. Lee 'Patterson, Mrs.
Caroline B. Unander, Mrs. Pat H.
Allen and Mrs. George T. Colton.
The wedding of Miss Watkins and
Mr. Douglas H. Hood was. solemn
Ized Thursday evening, December
27, at the Calvary Presbyterian
church. .
A beautiful tea was given Thurs
day afternoon by the Pi Beta Phi
alumnae at the home of Mrs. Dean
Vincent, when they entertained the
active members of Oregon Alpha
and Oregon Beta chapters and their
guests. The rooms were most at
tractive in their festive decorations
of poinsettias and red candles. Little
Miss Elizabeth Turner received the
guests at the door. In the receiv
ing line were, Mrs. Vincent, Miss
Margaret Winbieler. Mrs. George Pt.
Guthrie and Miss Mary Helen Ry
der. During the tea hours Miss" Hel
en Phiibrook played a piano solo
and Miss Bernice Altstock sang..
Presiding , at the tea" tables were
Mrs. Agnes Turner, Mrs. Frank L,
Knight, Mrs. Fletcher Linn and Mra
Burton Beck, assisted by Mrs. Har
old Broughton, Miss Eunice Cow
gill, Mrs. S. C. Aldrich, Miss Marion
Mitchell, Miss Lorna Meissner, Mist.
Elvira Thurlow, Miss Vera Prud
homme and Miss Mildred Stein
Miss Irene Sullivan left T).,,..
for Dencer, Colo., to Bnenfl
weeks as the guest of her sister
Mrs. W. C. Walsh.
The Misses - Jean PulHa m r,A
Phyllis Morelock are spending a few
days, in Astoria visiting friends.
One of the most enlovahl
of the week was the annual Oregon
Agricultural college dance given at
ma iuunnoman notel Wednesday
night, when students, alumni, fac
ulty and friends of the college
united in giving to the high school
seniors of Portland an evening of
music and dancing.
tne seven Serenade m .nk.
tra of Corvallis students, produced
some special features foi. tho
caslon and proved an unending source
""""m ana aengnt to the party
ji.b ium, wno tnronged the as
sembly ballroom.
Miss Josephine Goldstaub of Port
!,m1 i, aenlor a th college, danced
The Dance of the Crystal Gazer
as a feature of the evening.
The greater commfttAA r.9
dents, represented by Ralph Wes
tering of Portland and Wayne K.
7tK i"eroy, wash., together
with Claude Palmer and Henry
Meisenborn oT Portland, acting for
ouege ciub, were di.
rectly In charge of the arrange-
.w, tu nave oeen one
i ..uo inuai. successful entertain-
uuulo vi xuo uuiiaay season.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hart . left
4.i.uxouftjr tor British Columbia.
Miss Catherine Caldwell, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Caldwell
was hostess at a bridge tea at her
home In Irvington. The house was
attractive with its yuletide decora
tions. Miss Virginia Leihy received
the cards. Presiding at the tea
table were Mrs. Henry Dickson and
mrs. ;agar E. Piper. A bevy of
juuus Bins assisiea aoout the room.
Miss Marguerite Thompson, daugh
ter ui air. ana mrs. James R. C.
Thompson, and Myron Pare Hoefler.
son of Mr. and Mrs. .H. R. Hoefler
of San Francisco, were married De
cember 23 at the home of the bride's
sister, Mrs. 'William F. Kaiser. Dr.
Harold L. Bowman performed the
ceremony in the presence of rela
tives and a few friends. Miss Mary
buiiock piayea the wedding march
and Mrs. George . Buehler sang "At
Dawning," accompanied by Mis
Bullock,: The bride was attended by
Mtirie Christensen. Raymond Hoef
ler was best man. Mr. and Mrs.
Hoefler left December 29 for San
Francisco, where they will make
their home. ' ' ' :
- A large dinner party will be given
by Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Squires
preceding the New Year's "Story
Book Ball" to be given by Mr. and
Mrs. Cicero Hunt Lewis, which be
gins at midnight. Mr. and Mrs.
Squires' guests will be Mr. and Mrs.
Hamilton F. Corbett, Mr. and Mrs.
Varnell D. C. Beach, Mr. and Mrs.
Holt W. Cookingham, Mr. and Mrs.
Kurt H. Koehler, Mr. and Mrs.
D. W. L. MacGregor, Mr. and Mrs.
Guy W. Talbot, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney
V. W, Peters, Mr. and Mrs. Ferdi
nand C. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. An
toine G. Labbe, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
E. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest G.
Swigert, Mr, and Mrs. John Doran
of Spokane, Prescott Cookingham
and Alfred Clark. .
One of the most brilliant affairs
of the year was the New Year's
dinner dance at the Waverley Coun
try .club. Several hundred guests
attended the party. A no-host
party, which was enjoyed by 22
guests, included Dr. and Mrs. George
Norman Pease, Mr. and Mrs. Homer
V. Carpenter, Mr. and Mrs. Brock-
days with her from Oakland, CaL
The Curry home was tastefully dec
orated with baskets of gold and
rose chrysanthemums. Those invit
ed to meet Mrs. Knight were: Mrs:
David Bostford, Mrs. Leslie Allen,
Mrs. Malcom Baker, Mrs. Jack Allen,
Mrs. Oscar Loomis, Mrs. Harry Hop
kins, Mrs. J. Ligget, Mrs. Hugh Mc
Cready, Mrs. Otto Mauthe, Mrs.
Henri Labbe, Mrs. Earling Sound,
Mrs. Shermerhorne, Mrs. James
Meany and Mrs. Carl Neppache.
Worth .Wilson Caldwell, newspa
perman and writer of Belllngham,
Wash, spent the Christmas holidays
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. . W.
W. Caldwell, at tbarfamily home on
Larrabee street, returning north the
middle of this week.
Much entertaining Is bein? done
for members of the Oregon State I
Teachers' association, attending the
convention here this week. Several
groups attended the Hotel Portland
dinner and supper dances Wednes
day night. Last night a banquet
was given in the grille room of Ho
tel Portland and was attended by
more than 200 guests.
Mrs. D. L. Dougherty entertained
delightfully with a bridge luncheon
Wednesday, honoring Mrs. Thomas
sconces gave a charm to the yule
tide setting. The bride was at
tractive in a gown of ivory-toned
Roumanian crepe, her court train
of satin was trimmed with touches
of rare old lace. Her veil was ar
ranged from a wreath of orange
blossoms, and she carried orchids
and Ophelia roses.
The matron of honor, Mrs. Earl
Zimmerman, wore a stunning French
model of tiger lily gold brocade
and carried a shower bouquet of
orchid sweet peas. Four brides
maids carried gold shepherd crooks,
crowned with red tapers and holly,
forming an aisle for the wedding
party. They were Miss El Vera
Anderson, in pink georgette; Miss
Mildred Pegg, in tangerine: Mrs.
Arthur Rudeen, in apricot, and Mrs.
Edgar Garbade, in blue. Wilson E.
Schiffer was the best man. The
ushers were Clarke Webster, Edgar
Garbade, Earl Zimmerman, Lanou
Matta, Frank Streibig and Dr. Ar
thur Rossman.
A reception followed the cere
mony. The dining room" was dec
rated with Christmas holly and
polnsettla. Presiding in the dining
room were Mesdames M. L. Kline,
E. E. Larrimore, D. M. Slocum and
J. C. Boyer.
A holiday dinner and dance was
given Thursday evening by Mr. and
MrB. John W. Kelly of Laurelhurst.
Those attending were Mr. and Mrs.
George Forrest Alexander, Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur H. Conover, Mr. and
Mrs. William M. Davis, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles p. Duffy. Dr. and Mrs. Fred
Meilish. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mur- -ray,
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Poor
man, Mr. and Mrs. David Sutar, Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph A. Watson and the
host and hostess.
p m
After passing the summer in. New
York, Mrs. Goodman Bettman re
turned home the early part of last
week and Is domiciled at the Nor
tonla hotel.
Laurelhurst club's Woman's Pro
gressive unit will meet for luncheon
at 1 o'clock Tuesday at the club
house. .
Coming as a surprise to their
friends was the wedding Christmas
day of Beatrice Gaylord and Emer
son P. Merrick, at the home of the
bride's father. A. H. Gaylord, In Til
lamook, Or. ,
The bride wore a gown of geor
gette and canton crepe and carried
a shower bouquet of bride's roses
and lilies of the valley. Her only
attendant was her sister, Mrs. R. G.
well Stater, Mr. and Mrs. Robert waison oi louisvuie, ivy., wno is i
Rankin, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Griffin, j Jne house guest of Mrs. James
Mr. and Mrs. C: A. Hart. Mr. and : anarum. Among mose present
Mrs. Omar C. Spencer, Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Givens, Mr. and Mrs. Homer D.
The members of the Portland
Heights club will give a subscrip
tion dance at the Multnomah hotel
January 15.
Mr.v and Mrs, Reade M. Ireland
entertained at dinner before the
Roberson dance. Their guests were,
Mr. and Mrs. William MacMaster,
Mr. and Mrs. Crosby H. Shevlin, Mr.
and Mrs. Norman N. Rupp, MIbs Isa
bella Gauld, Miss Louise Linthicum,
Aubrey Watsek and Edwin Shevlin.
Mrs. Fred H. Green was a "hostess
for a delightful buffet supper also
preceding the dance given by Mr.
and Mrs. W. B. Roberson. Her
guests were Mr. and Mrs. David T.
Honeyman, Mr. and Mrs. Jordan V.
Zan, Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Chaney,
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Davis Jr., Mr.
and Mrs. D. W. L. MacGregor, Dr.
and Mrs. James C. Zan, Mr. and
Mrs. Ersklne Wood, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Andre, Mr. and Mrs. Cam
eron squires, Air. and -Mrs. Thomas
Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hawley
Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Morris H.
Whitehouse, Mrs. Josephine An
drews, Mrs. Mary Tongue Lombard,
Miss Margaret Dillingham, Fred
erick L. Warren, Ellis Bragg, Jack
Brown and James MialL
A dinner of 12 covers was given
Wednesday night before the Rober
son dance by Mr. and Mrs. George
T. Gerllnger. - Covers were placed
for Mr. tmd Mrs. Clark D. Simonds,
Mr. and Mrs. J. V. G. Posey, Mr. and
Mrs. James C. Gilllson, Dr. and Mrs.
J. B. Bilderback, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward H. Gearry and the hosts.
Mr. and Mrs. Roderick L. Macleay
entertained as their guests at din
ner preceding the Roberson dance
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Hindman.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Barnes'
guests at dinner were Mr. and Mrs.
Guy W. Talbot, Mr. and Mrs. Ferdi
nand C. Smith, Mrs. Angel K.
Murphy, Dr. William Huntington,
Alfred Clark and Page Shindler.
A dinner of 25 covers was given
by Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Rossiter
Hines before the Roberson dance.
Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. C. F,
Adams, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Rober
son, Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Nichols,
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Mcpherson,
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mackay, Mr. and
Mrs. Kurt H. Koehler, Mr. and Mrs.
Alma D. Katz, Dr. and Mrs. George
A. Marshall, Mr, and Mrs. Spencer
Biddle, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Branch
Riley, Mr. and Mrs. Donald W.
Green and John D. Hull of Seattle.
Mrs. Thurman E. Curry entertained
at bridge Thursday afternoon at her
attractive home in Irvington for her
sister and daughter, Mrs. Clarence
G. Knight and Miss Elizabeth
Knight, who are wpe'nding the holi-
were Mrs. S. Guild, Mrs. Charles
Rose, Mrs. W. McCalum, Mrs. Y. C.
Hampton, Mrs. James Lahdrum,
Mrs. Jack Fletcher, Mrs. Bailey,
Mrs. Clipper, Mrs. N. Kuhl, Mrs.
Curtis Gilbreath and Mrs. Watson.
Honors fell to Mrs. Gilbreath.
At a Christmas party given at the
home of Captain and Mrs. Charles
Jennings at Coronado December 23
other former Portland residents
present were: Mrs. and Mrs. Eugene
D. White, Mr. and Mrs. A. King, Mrs.
Loleatta Labowitch, Mrs. Muther
and Mrs. Polly Gardner.
The home of Dr. and Mrs. F. E.
Moore was the ecene of a pretty
wedding Wednesday evening, when
Miss Myrtle MacLean became the
bride of Walter S. Garrett Jr. Rev.
Oswald W. Taylor officiated. Miss
Katherine Chapman MacDonald sang
Because, Miss Floy Rossman
played the wedding march. -
The ceremony was performed be
fore an alter of banked holly and
Christmas greenery and red roses.
Myriads of red candles In silver
We extend the
and wish for you
a happy and most
prosperous NEW
Our semi-annual sale
will be continued'
throughout the coming
week. The entire stock,
of handsome models, is
extremely reduced.
' Wishes ,
' Everyone Everywhere
May peace, happiness and
prosperity be yours for
PSfe tlJuL 11 J Z-SWETT CO. 1 HI JL JJ i
To All Our Good
Our Sincere Wishes for
a Happy New Year
a New Year of health, happiness
and prosperity
See our advertisements in
Monday evening; and Tuesday Ore
gonian full particulars of our '
January Clearance Sale
Morrison St between 4ft 5
We Srow ourovhTlokers
Greatest farithi
1 finest Qualifu
Ladies' Tnilors and Dresamaken.
606-7 Brondnay Bnildine.
Phone Atwater 94SS.
Special Reductions on
Coats and Suits
447 Alder St. 410V& Washington St.
Suite 512-13 Bush & Lane Bldg.
,.iulu'.MjlllJ.liJMiiimyiil I II T
if t3S- 3 , , j
if rli
350 Pittock BIk.
"Look YourBese.
MarcePs Permoil
Permanent Wave
Inecto Hair Dye
Scalp Treatments Marcelling
Facial Massage Hairdressing
I Eiectrolysis Manicuring
"Happy New Year to AW
Broadway 8528