12 TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, FORTLAND, DECEMBER 31, 1922 FOR SAI.K. I)ok, Rabbits, Birds and Pet Stock. MAYNO KENNELS & KATTERY. Want Persian kittens to fill their holiday orders. Give de scription, price, pedigree first ietter. At stud: Tiny Boy, fox terrier; Chubby, biaok Persian; Red Boots, orange tabby. Pets boarded. Kittens for sale. 94 E. 64th N. Auto. 57th to Kkidmore. Tel. Garfield U041. ORE WOOD KENNELS. Two male Boston terriers in the toy clars. Sensation Pilot II and Sinclair's Citipn at atnrl Th, ennnl of HJ1V ot the Boston in Oregon as to blood or as I to producers of niga-ciass puppies. Grown dogs and puppies for sale. Small doKS boarded. MRS. WM. J. SMITH, ISO E. 80tk St. Tabor 3156. AIREDALE puppies from registered sire. No. 332708 A. K. C. dam. No. 29fS8 A. K. C. ; beautifully marked airedale terrier males, $25. females $20. age 7 weeks; also 1 fine stud. No. 205870. Duke Raven Leitrim, a real compan ion, hunter or house guard: well broken and very intelligent; price Slot). W. D. Maxon. owner. 1240 Royal Court st. Tel. Tabor 6046. HIGH-CLASS St. Andreasberg roilers. full of musical pep, none better $10. to $13. Genuine roller females, $3; 30iid gflccn. $5.. Phone East 6S74 or call at 0S7 Multnomah St. Jib'LTNO"MAH COCKER KENNELS, BOX 121, MULTNOMAH. OR. Fine pedigreed stock, parti-color and red. all from champions. Fanciers looking for breeding stock can find no better tlian this blood line. Puppies for sal e. Correspondence a pleasure. WILDWOOD KENNELS. 6110 SKth St. S. E.. Portland, Or. We have one of the best line-bred, color-bred, registered black Persian studs at service In Oregon. Give us a call. House pets boarded. Grown fox terriers for sale. Automatic 623-47. BOSTON TERRIERS. Two classy males; best registered stock, seven weeks old, strong and healthy. Pedigree furnished. 633 E. tilth ?t. North. Tabor 0728. SUNBEAM KATTERY. At stud: Sunburst. Dai Light Ned. Black Prince. Kittens tor sale. A. K. C. Airedale puppies, champion stock. 3633 S2d St.. cor. 37th ave. Auto. 012-04. PHONE SELL. 2005. REGISTERED. WAH-KEE-NA COCKER KENNELS. BLACKS, REDS. PARTI-COLORS. QUALITY PUPS FOR SALE. l:i E. 8th St. S Portland. Or. AT STUD, Airedale terrier "Hightone Boy," A. K. C. No. 353418. Stylish young diig, just about perfect in every respect. W. H. Dinwiddle, R. 6, Box 175, Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE OR TRADE For automatic rifle, a registered pointer 5 months old, sire "Chief Wapato," dam "Olym pia Jane," best of breeding. O. H. rlartson, Olympla, wash. THOROUGHBRED English pointer. 1 yr. old and three puppies whelped Dec. 28: master is sick, cause for sale. Phone Auto. 624-4K. PEDIGREED toy Boston bull pups, male and female. Must sell, leaving city. Price $35 each. 1097 Garfield ave. Walnut 1576. ORANGE green spotted and pure yel low German canaries $8 and up; fe males $1. Mrs. George Townsend, 414 Division st. ' AIREDALES, 1 pedigreed male, $25; a bargain; 1 female, $o; 1 splendid watchdog, $16. Portland Dog and Oat Fnospital, 13th and Couch. Dti. M. HOWES, veterinarian, dog and cat hospital; lady attendant, dogi washed aud dry cleaned; b'.ankets made to order. Phone Taoor C56rf. MUST Bell my English brindle pit bull dog, 7 months old, female, very good marks, from blooded stock. Tabor 5392. . CHRISTMAS present Beautiful im ported German rollers, $8 and up. 180 Madison, near Front FOR SALE OR TRADE Tame black bear; also bear and cat dogs for sale. Jack Ekatrand, Aberdeen, Wash. ANDREASBURG roller singers, also im ported singers, females. 390 Shaver, V'nlnut 3652. FOR SALE Beautiful male Scotch collie. 5 months old. 311 Sacramento st. Phone East 6447. SMALL female Boston, 13 months old, and male puppy 8 weeks old. Pedi greed. Phone Sell. 2888 mornings. AIREDALE and bull terrier puppies $5 and $10. W. H. Dlnwiddie. Rt. 6. Box 175, Vancouver, Wash. THOROUGHBRED collie puppies for sale cheap. Broadway 8460. 6809 85th st. 3. E. WANTED Albino rabbits for breeding purposes. Department of Zoology, University of Oregon, Eugene, Or. POLICE PUPS. Genuine registered police pups, fine tock, each. K 158, Oregonian. iiOSTON BULL puppy, male, pedigreed, a beauty; S months old. 424 E. 38th street North. FOR SALE OR TRADE Money-making high-grade fur-bearing rabbits. Also self-cleaning hutches. East 4077. ST. ANDREASBURG roller, males and females. No. 90 E. 68th N. Tabor 5219. BOSTON toy puppies, females $20, males fzu. Automatic B33-t;o. , AMERICAN singers, guaranteed, $4 and up. 186 Madison, near Front. BX. ANDREASBERG rollers, singers, fe males. 227 H Wash, st. Bdwy. 7221. BOSTON TERRIER PUPPIES Best pedigreed stock. Walnut 7520. LLEWELLYN setter pups for sale. Auto. IRISH TERRIERS, out of Red Ray. by jsnnaian a. is.. U. qogs. 'labor 4409 GREAT DANE at stud. 989-L, ancou ver. Wash. IWANTED Well-bred collie pup. Ad- dress Oliver J. Smith, Welser, Idaho, IRISH terrier, $10. Inquire 1141 E. loth St. N,, or phone Walnut 4692. SHEPHERD Good watch dog. Prescott, cor. Clarnle, Parkrose. BIRDS for sale, dandy singers. Call Hon- day. Tabor 4676. jBoats, Launches and Marine Equipment. GREAT sacrifice for quick sale, owner leaving city, houseboat home with every modern convenience of a city home, - completely furnished or other wise. No. 6 Oregon Yacht Club, Sell- wood 2571. iiODERN houseboat, completely furn., 4 rms. with bath. R. Wolfe, B'uitou boat yard. fc'OR SALE Trolling boat, 37xl0i, sutt able for cruising; will take real estate part payment. Empire 1276. , t'OR SALE New barge, properly con structed for lumber and gravel work. Phone Empire 1641. Numery Stock. Bulbs and Flowers. FREE FOR FLOWER LOVERS. The interesting booklet, "How to Make the Flower Garden Attractive and Productive," describing care, ar rangement and marketing of all bul bous plants. This booklet will be sent tree with every order of gladioli, the best summer cut flower. I will send prepaid a fine collection of mixed col ors 12 for 30c; 25 for 55c; 50 for $1. Order now, as my supply of bulbs Is limited and prices will go up. R. Wallentgoed, B. B. T. Farm. Belllng ham. Waah. No stamps accepted- Kegs and Barrels. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and whits oak. Western Cooperage Co., 308 N. 14th st, near Pettygrove. Phone Aut 519-19. Fruits and Vegetables. HIGHLAND potatoes delivered sack lots 90c. Tabor 0576. $1 . 2- 1'uTATOES Fine graded Burbanks $1 HitUIV. EJitKl 0.113. FOR SALE. Radio Equiuin eut. GREAT (REDUCTION IN RADIO PARTS AND SETS. SEE WINDOW, OAK ST.. CORNER 4TH. SALE STARTS JANUARY 3. -iJrtio HOW IS YOUR RADIO" Buy a magnavox and enjoy your radio; only $45; $15 down. $5 month Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. DETECTOR and two-step audio peanut tube set. with tubes, phones and all; a bargain; must sell before Tuesday tvening. R. D. Wylle. Venable hotel. FOK SALE OR TRADE Radio set. 2 stages, amplification tubes, batteries Want photo apparatus or lathe. Ta bor 5018. FOR SALE Loud speaker, like new, cost $4i, will take $25, end disman tling set. Tabor 5714. FOR SALE Radio magnavox. like new, half price. Empire 0772. FOR SALE New loose cutler and singie allde tuning coil. Cheap. Walnut 4245. Coal and Wo-Wl, Vv'jnisiN orderinff coal ask for Utah King. It's the Utah coal with more heat and less ash. East 8984. OLD GROWTH cordwood. $7.50 a cord. Main 6010. HEAVY oak and first-growth fir j ,sa ie. Call Tabor 5933. DRY country slab, inside block and cord wood. Mam 2tt. DRY FIRST-GROWTH cordwood, $7.50 a enrd. Call Auto. 525-65. i'OR BEST old-growth dry fir and good i coal, CH Mwbc-vW fcilwood, G3J.4.. i FOR SALE. Coal and Wooct $4.50 PER LOAD 4.50. IN 2-LOAD LOTS. 16-Inch fir block and slab, partly dry. for furnace or heater. HEAVY 12-1N. SLAB, 6.50 PER LOAD. ' $14.50 PER TON $14.50. BEST GRADE ROCK SPRINGS COAL. Delivered from car to your bin. OREGON FUEL CO. Walnut 4102. $4.50 LOAD IN 2-LOAD LOTS. 16-inch block and slab mixed, partly dry; fine for furnace or heater. COAL !0 PER TON COAL. Good Washington lump coal deliv ered direct from car to your bin. . BEST OLD-GROWTH FIR. $8.50. Dry short wood, prompt delivery. NATIONAL FUEL CO.. East 1490. HOLMAN FUEL CO. Largest supply dry elabwood and Mocks in city; S. & H. green stamps for cash; green short wood from $3.50 up., Coal, cut fuel. 4-foot slabwood. 'Bdwy. 6353. nth and Stark sts BLOCK and slab, $4.50 single load, $8 double load; planer wood, $5.50 a load. Seasoned wood, runs partly inside wood, $6 a load: block wood, $3.50. NORTH PORTLAND FUEL CO.. 320 E. Taylor. East 9682. DRY 12 and 6-inch heavy country slab wood, $7 a load. Heavy 16-inch block and slab wood mixed. Best in Port land, full 1V4 cords, $8.10. Sumner woodyard. Atwater 2855. DRY WRECKING WOOD. Mixed light and heavy, cut 16-lnch lengths; yard E. 47th and O.-W. R. & N. viaduct. Phone Tabor 0930. Elerath Wrecking Co. $4.50 PER LOAD $4.50. In two-load lots; singles. $1; near two cords in double load: all kinds dry wood and coal. Phone Walnut 4310. Sunset Wood Co. NICE 16-in. slab. $4, anywhere ; nice box, $5; best heavy seasoned 12-16-in. block, slab, $5.50; heavy 4-ft. slab; zones. Paul Fuel. Sellwood 1769. FIRST growth fir, cut 16-in., 2 cords or more, ?9 full cord; 4-foot, 2 cords or more, $7.75. PEACOCK FUEL CO., MAIN" 6194. . ALCO COAL CO. Al wreckage wood 12.7-.0 load. Lin coln coal $10 per ton. Blue Seal $13.50, Rock Springs $14.50. Call East 7787; FIRST growth cordwood, No. 1, $8.75; No. 2, $7.75; country slab, $6; short wood, dry, 12 and 16-inch; good inside block and planer wood. Main 6241. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. No. 1 dry cut cordwood, tie blocks, dry country slab, ash. Phone East 1759. FINE for your furnace or heater; big loads of block and slab mixed; one load, $5; 2 loads, $1). Walnut 1380. HEAVY BLOCK and Blab mixed; runs partly dry and about half inside wood; immediate delivery. Walnut 2019; NO. 1 NEW-CUT old growth cordwood. Special prices in 2-cord lots or more. Central Fuel Co. Main 1606. DRY BOX wood, ideal kindling. $3.75; block and slab mixed, $5 per load. Call Walnut 3649. ' ', COAL COAL COAL. Utah King, that's the coal for heat. Ask about it. East 8984. FOR BONE DRY wood call Long's Transfer & Wood Co.; small or large order delivered. East 3487. BONE dry block and slab wood, single load so.:), aoubie load J12. Atw. 2884. THE VALLEY FUEL YARD. 8376. 12-IN. AND 16-IN. fir In small lots; west side. South of Morrison. 522-15. MORE heat for the money, Utan coal. ia ton; i tonB, 125, delivered. 1C. 8984. UTAH KING COAL. EAST 8984. BUY your coal and wood from Schultz. walnut OH12. Prompt delivery. , SPECIAL bargain on Utah coal, $13 per ton; tons, yis. fiast 898i. DRY block and slab, $5 a single load; S8.QO double. Broadway 2545. VICTORY lump coal, $9.50 per ton, de livered. Hiast 8984. KING coal; east and southeast Portland deliveries. Aut. 619-84. UTAH coal, $13 per ton, delivered. 8084. East HEAVY planer wood, dry, big load, $6.50. 28th and Holladay. East 7921. FOR WOODSAWING call Main 8124. Go any place. Work and prices right. WOODSAWING. PHONE EAST 7939. 4-FOOT heavy block and slab, 1 cord or carload. East 9682. DRY BOX WOOD. MAIN 6538. FOR DRY fir, slab or oak wood call Walnut 3113. KEM MERER, Rock Springs or Castle tiate coai. uail walnut 3113. DRY CORDWOOD, ash wood, Utah and itoca springs coal, sio. East 7921. WOOD SAWING. MAIN 3465. DRY, heavy country slab, $6.50 in 2-cord lots or over. Tabor 7517. DRY BOX WOOD. MAIN' 653S. GOOD old growth fir $7.50 per cord; prompt delivery. Main 7853. Machinery. NEW AND USED BOILERS AND ENGINES. BUTT STRAP BOILERS. V 872x18. 150 pounds. 1 72x16. 125 pounds. 1 60x16. 125 pounds. 1 Lyons BOO. 150 pounds. 1 54x14, 125 pounds. 2 612 Sterlings, 160 pounds. 2 850 Atles, 160 pounds. LAP SEAM BOILERS. 1 60x16, 100 pounds. 2 54x16, 100 pounds. 1 42x10, 100 pounds, 1 175 h. p. firebox, 130 pounds. 1 30 h. p. firebox. 115 pounds. 1 25 h. p. firebox, 100 pounds. Upright boilers, all sixes. ENGINES. 118x24 H. S. G. engine. 1 18x24 Corliss engine. 1 12x16 Exe engine. 1 8x9 Erie engine. 1 6x8 Erie engine. 2 Upright 6x6 engines. PUMPS. 1 Gardner deep well 6-in. 1 Worthington 7xl0xl0(4. 1 Worthington. 7"x4xl0. 1 Worthing, 6x4x6. 1 Smith & Vale vacuum, 8x5x10. HOISTS, ALL SIZES. Valve boxes and fittings. New boilers of all sizes. GET OUR PRICES BEFORE BUYING, WILLAMETTE EQUIPMENT CO. 817-20 Gasco Bldg. . MAIN 6813. MAIN 602L WILLAMETTE EQUIPMENT COMPANY, 617-18-19-20 GASCO BLDG. ' PORTLAND, OREGON. MAIN 5813. 602L Exclusive 'agents for Novo Engines, Pumps, Compressors Adams Adjustable Leaning Wheel Sheldon Barrel Type Concrete Mixers, Spears-Wells Elevating Loaders and toaa x-ianers. Northwest Crawler Cranes, Lines and Shovels. Drag Ransome concrete mixers and pavers. FOR SALE. 1P.L Wks. 6-saw lath machine. 1 P..I. Wks. 3-saw lath bolter. ' Practically new, low price. 1 15 to 20-M. used sawmill. 1 new 54-ft.byl6-in. New A. S. M. tu bular boiler, 125 lbs. working pres sure. 1 150-175 S. & P. second-hand marine firebox boiler. New sawmills, engines, mill supplies, C. L. Best tracklayer, tractors, new and used steam feeds. WESTERN FARQUHAR MACHIN ERY CO.. 220-22 East Water Street. Telephone East 1856. MACHINERY FOR SALE. 10 2100-gaiion heavy steei plate tanks, just the tank for underground storage of gasoline or crude oil. One used 34x18 Frost side crank engine; call on us for anything in r ew or used sawmill or wood-working ma chinery. PACIFIC EQUIPMENT CO . 53 First St.. Broadway 7342. FOR SALE Waterwheel, low head and 1 high head. McCormick wheei, hori zontal encased. J. R. Wheoler, Win chester, Or. GOODELL-PRATT bench lathe with three chucks and all pulleys, belting and shafting, nearly new, for sale c h eap. Tabor 5392. FOK KALE 10-tnn. 4-wheei Orton SLein brenner locomotive crane. Jones Lum ber Co.. 29X Fourth at,, Pan.lnd Or, FOR SALE. Machinery. ,FOR SALE OR RENT. MOTORS. Direct Current, Single Phase, Three Phase, All Siaes. AIR COMPRESSORS. 2 85' Portable, gas driven. 2 130' Portable, gas driven. 1 150' American, steam. 1 150' locomotive type, steam. Belted Type. 2 2-stage, garage size. 4x6 Fairbanks-Morse. Kx8 Fairbanks-Morse. 10x10 Chicago pneumatic. 12x10 Chicago pneumatic. 12x12 Chicago pneumatic. 14x8 Blaisdell. HOISTS. Belt, Steam and Electric Driven. MISCELANEOUS. Air Receivers. Gas Engines. ' Generators. Pumps. Concrete Mixers. SPECIALS. 1 No. 55 Mill Exhauster. 1 20" back-geared drill. Positive Blowers. 1 Automatic circular saw rummer, . 1 New 15 h. p. Fooa gas engine. Crushed roek chutes. Installation and Motor Repairs. B. E. DAVIS ELECTRIC CO., 75 Front St., Cor. Oak. Auto.- 525-40. MACHINERY. hit verv facility for movlag, hoisting and erecting machinery and boilers, any size or weignt. nulinlM TRANSFER COMPANY. 13th and Glisan. . Broadway 1281. Miscellaneous. CHEAP FOR CASH. Shelving for grocery or accessory store. p can boiler and appliances. Vulcanizing equipment, molds. nlatc Ate 5-gallon stroke gas pump, 320-gallon tank. , ,, S 100-gallon oil tanks equipped fully for gravity or air presser. 8 Vz -foot plate-glass showcase. 10-drawer cash register. FLETCHER & JONES, 6th St., Pine to Ankeny sts. Mi. ilUUlJ Lilljljl, gWU-aiftCU truiw-, will bloom, this season, white, very fragrant, 4 for $1; gladioli, holly, the florists' favorite, or a mixture of five colors, $2 per lou. jap ina, wmi-o, nM,,i nhpasnnifi eve. daffodil, yel- low. doiihle. S2 Dar 100 P. P. E. C Strong, Boring, Or., R. F. D. No. 2. TWK TJTTTl. SWOP QUITS. Entire stock of fine furs MUST be sold by Mar. 1. FURS, SKINS, FIX TURES can be bought 60c on $1. Tv- O. RR1NKR MGR.. 45 Morrison St., Bet. 10th and 11th. SPECIAL PHONOGRAPH DANCING A TT A r.H M V. NT. SM nor lolid-nlsvin TeiephO.IOgraph, nun hn hpnrrt V. mile. Onlv $125. Easy terms. Fits any phonograph. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 3oO Alder. PHONOGRAPH, AEOLION-VOCALION CAHINRT STYLE. GRADUOLA AND . SELF-STOPPING ATTACHMENT, 15 RECORDS, PLAYS AN i KduuniA PERFECT CONDITION, COST $150, WILL TAKE $65. SELLWOOD 2946. A DEPENDABLE PLACE TO TRADE. Miller's Big Little Jewelry Store. Bells for Less Gifts That Last. Next Door to Majestic Theater. 'WASHINGTON ST., NEAR PARK. Your -"Favorite Organization" Votes. WHAT SHALL I GIVE FOR NEW YEAR'S? A record gift certifies te solves the question. Let us take care oi you. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Aider, ALL KINDS of carpenter tools, 50 rolls 2-ply and 3-ply roofing paper, 10,000 sq. ft. sheet iron suitable for roofs or fireproof ing walls. 301 1st St., room 54. Atwater 3635. PLAYER PIANO. A most magnificent walnut case, Farrand player. Just like new, Cost about $800, only $525. " Terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. PRE-INVENTORY SALE. Showcases, wall cases, scales, cash registers, safes, check writers, desks and many other store fixtures; big re duction. 128 First St., near Alder. CHEVROLET DELIVERY BARGAIN. 1020 Chevrolet delivery, fine shape. Price only $235; $75 down, $12.50 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. FOR SALE Stove that baked the loaf of bread' that won electric range in recent Oregonian baking contest; com bination wood and gas; nearly new; $75. Tabor 1633. NEW 16-gauge ribbed-barrel Remington pump shotgun and leather case, half price, or trade. What have you? 128 First st. ' WEBER PIANO. Real (map in fine Weber piano, only S275. Terms to suit you. See it. Hvatt Talking Machine o., 3.r)0 Alder. FOR SALE CALORIC FIKELKBSS COOKER; W1CKKK 1JJMSK. A,u FLOOR LAMP; DISHES; CURTAINS AiND RUG. EAST 34115. COMPTOMETER. $850 Comptometer, like new. only $175. Easy terms. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co.. 350 Aldel BAKERS, ATTENTION! Blodgett 5-shelf gas oven, large cur ing rack, bargain. 6040 Foster road. Auto 624-24. BURROUGHS adding machine, 15 bank, 8,dds 2 separate columns at once; per fect condition; $100 cash. Broadway 7165. 121 Front St. WHITE rotary sewing machine, very latest (new); leaving city, win sacri fice for $30. 717 E. 46th st. North. Phone 334-64. KINGSBURY PIANO. Mahogany case, splendid tone, only $225. Easy terms. Hyett Talking M- chlne Co., 3o0 Alder. MY PRIVATE collection of 5000 Indian relics, minerals, coins, shells, fossils, for sale at once, cheap for cash. Phone Empire 0377. BO 133, Oregonian. STEINWAY PIANO, $75. Splendid toned Steinway square, only $75; $25 down, $5 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder TYPEWRITER AND DETACHABLE DESK STAND, L. C. SMITH NO. 5. IF YOU WANT A -REAL SNAP, PHONE BDWY. 6128 RIGHT NOW. REMINGTON typewriter No. 10, ill fine condition $28 Todd's protectograph check writer.. 18 Tabcr 0254. PATHE ELECTRIC. $175 Pathe electric only $60. Easy terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., S50 Alder. $40 NEW brown lady's coat, beaver col tar, cost $75, worn once, size 44. At water 2003 Tuesday P. M. MULTIGRAPH, fully equipped, electric or hand power, nearly new, less than half price. Bdwy. 4Sbi. ONE-PIECE serge dress, lady's blue serge suit and other things, reasonable. Walnut oi:jo. can oeiore v a. jm. PERFECT diamond for cash, or will consider lot and difference. Y 162, Oregonian. 2 STANDARD colony brooders. 500 and 1000 calx, $15 apiece. 183 Columbia. W. S. LADY'S new dresa, bust 38, wool, plum shade, at cost. Call 670 Glisan after Jan. 1. LADY'S black Gerona coat, size 42. new, paid $48 ; sell for $21. Phone East 3101. BEAUTIFUL fur coat, cost $550; new, for $135. Garfield 6350. 6-VOLT storage battery, good condition, cheap. Phone Main 1041. FOR SALE cheap, range and gas plate. 348 E. 37th st. S. MAHAL Wilton velvet rug, 9x12, like new. Phone Garfield 5918. FOK SALE A child's bed in good con dition. RUUD water heater, 6-hole Buck range and 30-gallon boiler cheap. E. 4852. MIRRORS RE-SILVERED, 40c SQ. FT. Work guar. J. Falvre, E. 2948. PIANOLA, $5; oil heater, $2; 3-hole fireless cooker, $10. 103 First, room 12. DIAMOND, Vz carat, reasonable for cash. 601 Swetland bldg. MULTIGRAPH, extra equipment, $40. Bdwy. 7549. 312 Stark st. GENUINE Fitch fur scarf, cost $150, sacrifice $40, Seliwood 1529. FUMED oak buffet, excellent condition, $20. Tabor 8004. LARGE black lynx fur, good condition, very cheap. Tabor 2960. FOR SALE Vulcan 3-burner gas range, $8. Walnut 7163. TWO gas heaters for .sale cheap. Tabor 2230. GAS range, four burners, two ovens, $15. East Onus, li mast iitn st. NEW 10-foot butcher's showcase, bar gain. 128 First, near Alder. BARGAIN Computing scale, also floor scale. Newman, 128 first, near Alder. FOR SALE Canadian gray wolf fur. 65 N. 22 d St. Main 603 . DIAMOND A perfect 1-karat a.1 half FOB SALE. Miscellaneous. SALE OF R. R, FREIGHT. , SHIP SALVAGE AND SAMPLES. SALE OPENS TUESDAY MORNING 8:30 A. M. A REAL CLEANUP SALE. The entire year the steamship com panies and R. R. companies send us goods for disposal. We sell all we can and remit. But there are always left overs, which must be cleansVl up. The oompanies close their books in January just the same as any other business houses. The orders are, clean up at any price; we want everything off the SO HERB GOES. $3 AND $4 MEN'S HATS AT $1.48. ' These hats were shipped a little too late to the Pacific Coast Hat Co. and were refused. They are all dark col ors; lots of finest beavers and felts; up to date. UNION BALL-BEARING ADJUST ABLE SKATES AT $1.55. Just 100 pair of these skates In the lot, a shipment supposed to be here before holidays, but came a little too lato and was refused. HEAVY WOOL SOX AT 20c. One bale of 200 dozen also refused. GRAY CASH M ERR MEN'S SOX AT 20c. There isn't a place on earth where you can buy sox like these for less than 35c. 40c Men's silk lisle sox $1.29, a box of 6 pair. . Men's $1.25 silk sox. pure thread, at B8c Men's $1 silk, sox, at 50c. i MEN'S PANTS SALE. We are going to sell lots of pants, folks. When we get orders to sell we are going to do it. MEN'S CORDUROY OR MOLE SKIN PANTS AT $2.50. How do you like this for price. They come in -black and brown. SOME MORE PANTS AT $2.25 AND S2.95. I tell you, people, il's really a shame to sell 'em for this rice, but what do we care. BIB OVERALLS OR JUMPERS AT 65c. Another boat shipment. We do things here with a smile. - They are good alls or lumpers are used for one thing. It doesn't matter whether they are made here or in Europe. Price is what you are after. LADIES' RUBBERS AT 25c. ' Why pay 65c when you can buy at 25c; sizes 3 to 4 only. All you want. DON'T SKIP A SINGLE ITEM. LADIES' RAINCOATS AT $1. Just 50 In the lot. You need not think just because we are 'seling them for $1 that they aren t any good, xney are a dandy coat. Men's reclaimed government rain coats at .$1.48 Men's $10 dress raincoats, at ....$5.00 Men's $16 mohair raincoats, at.... $7.25 We will during this sale sell whole sale and retail. LADIES' WOOL SWEATERS AT $1.50. Yes, they are strictly all wool; oniy three dozen in the lot. MEN'S OVERCOAT SALE. We sold thousands of overcoats, sold them from $15 to $20 cheaper than the other fellow. WTiile we are cleaning up we are going to throw them also In the pot. $12.50 FOR $25 RAYNSTER OVERCOAT. These coats are all wool and crav enetted; $25 is cheap for them. They are made by the u, S. Rubber co. $22.50 FOR $50 KENYON OVERCOATS. Over 100.000 tablets at 7c They range in price from 10c to 35, $2.25 for riding pants, tne $d.oo Kind. WOOLEN AND WORSTED SAMPLE GLOVES AT 35c A PAIR. These gloves are for ladies, children. Misses; and also fine mittens, in this lot. They range in value from 75c to $1.50. $4.95 FOR BOYS' MACKINAWS. They are surely a wonderful coat; you save two bones. $2.50 FOR SAMPLE QUILTS. We are going to sell all quilts and blankets. They simply have got to go. Wrapping twin in 2-lb. cones, at 80c cone $5 guaranteed nickel-plated hair .clippers at , $1.50 $5 Elskelstlna Swedish guaranteed razors 95c 25c tire patch, the best made, selling at 10c, 3 for 25c , HERE (JOES MEN'S UNDERWEAR. We are facing an advance in all un derwear, but we don't care a rap. We're going to sell! orders are orders. Chalmers' $2.50 union suits, heavy cotton $1.39 Springtex wool mixed union suits, large sizes, only $1.95 All wool, 100 per cent union suits $4'.28 Lightweight cashmere $2.50 union . suits $1.33 B. V. D. underwear. In seperate pieces 35c Men's hip rubber boots, at $4.50 70c a jar for 5-lb. glass preserves. Think of it. 5-lb. glass jar logan berry preserves for 70c; the regular price is $2.50 a glass. LADIES' HOSIERY SALE. $1 ailk fiber "hose, in colors white or gray 33c 35o blk. cotton hosiery, at 19o 60c ladies' out-size stockings, 32c 3 for 95c 27c a pair for 40c children's stockings. . SPECIAL 5-LB. CAN ROYAL BAKING POWDER $1.73. WOOLEN SWEATERS. We are going to sell $5 wool jackets '. $3.50 $4 wool jackets . 2.45 $5 slip-over sweaters ...$2.85 MEN'S SAMPLE SHOHJ SALE. $7 chrome shoes, 8-in. high. Good year welt $4.79 All 7 and 7.oO dress sample shoes at $4.90 Men s brogans. a good work shoe. at .$1.00 16-iri high-top, $14 shoe, at 7$9.85 EXTRA TOWEL VALUES. $1.65 a dozen for 18x38 hack towels. They can't be bought at wholesale at this price. GOODS ORDERED SOLD BY S.. P. & S. R. R. 150 doz. 25c rubber collars at ....10c 1000 pieces of stamped goods, at . . 10c Children's caps or bonnets, at 15c 54-in. wide artisto cloth ....40c a yd, 45-tn. wide white window shade cloth 20c a yd $15 coaster wagons, slightly smoked $5.50 $12 wagons, slightly smoked ...... .$4 We have lots of toys, games and dolls that must be sold out. Paint, Acme, cans soiled, ..40c a quart Gallons, Acme, at ....,.$1.50 a gallon Shingle stain, at 69c a gallon 5-gallon cans Acme paint, at $7.50 can 1 lot hats, slightly damaged 50e We are going to sell lots of goods this week. WISHING YOU ALL A HAPPY NEW YEAR. Start the year right, begin to save, and most of you readers who have visited this store know . what saving means. Our rules will be the same as last year. Everything must be as repre sented or your money back. If you buy shoes here they must give satisfaction or a new pair free. Mail orders' will be filled same day received. 15 ROLLS. 1000-SHEET FINEST TOILET TISSUE PAPER. $1. We sell toilet paper or paper tow els in case lots. CONSOLIDATED SALES CO., Wholesale and Retail Salvage Dealers. 226-228 Clay St, Bet. 1st and 2d. PIPE STOPPED T FROZEN T "Desolvo" cleans sewer drain pipes in 20 minutes; generates 280 degrees heat; pour It in, out Bhe goes; 75c postpaid. Write today. FLEMING PLUMBING SUPPLY HOUSE. 292 "Washington St., Portland, Or. HAVE YOU EVER TRIED HYATT'S? We offer you every possible service, rourtev and 'treatment consistent wth modern merchandising. W carry full stock of records aJid machines for Victrola. Edison, Co-lumbia or Bruns wick. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Alder. CARPET cleaning ; 9x12 rugs steam cleaned, 51.20; mattresses made over; feathers -renovated; fluff rues woven. Pioneer Mattress & Carpet Cleaning works, una m. Lincoln st. Tabor 7902. ELECTRIC fixtures at wholesale; 1-light chain, 70c; 3-light fixtures, $3.75; porch lights, auc. we do electric wiring. Keuanie Electric. 043 union ave. N Garfield 9413. ALEXANDER HAMILTON INSTITUTE course. 24 volumes, toitether with busi ness talks and lectures; new; big dis count if taken at once. AE 153, Or- gonian. . WHY RENT A PHONOGRAPH ? When for $5 a month you caa buv any new Victor, Edison, Columbia or Brunswick up to J120 at Hyatt Talk ing Machine Co., 350 Alder. WE WILL dispose 20 used sewing ma chines, all dropheads and guaranteed in good sewing order, as we need the room, ror teio. ua aa, near Yamhill. TWO YOUNG bearing English walnut trees for sale, inquire 5 1 in. 22d . ALASKA mink, cape, $55. Broadway X&VA. , . FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. V. BARDE & SONS. INC., 240-4 Front St. ' Portland, Or. Main 0663. GUARANTEED MONEY SAVERS. STEEL ANGLES, PLATES. SHAPES, STEEL BARS. GET OUR PRICES. ROOFING. New, galvanized, corrugated; 8 and 9-foot lengths. SAVE MONEY BUY NOW. TRANSMISSION. Pulleys, boxes, hangers, shafting, gears. pinions. BEE BARDE BEFORE BUYING. BELTING. Rubber and leather. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE. LOGGERS' EQUIPMENT. WIRE ROPE, any size, any quantity. Skookum blocks, "the block that makes togging easy. Axes, ' peavles, sledges, wedges.. Falling, bucking and drag SAWS. BARDE'S PRICES ARE RIGHT. BARDE'S BIG BARGAINS. PUMPS. 6x5ix6 Blake pumps, new $110 6x5x6 Gardner pumps, new 110 6x7x6 Blake pumps, new 185 10x6x12 Buffalo pumps, new 210 10-in. American circulating double suction centrifugal pumps 325 4x2x4 Dow duplex pumps, new 75 8x2x3 Worthington pumps 45 3x'tx8 Worthington pumps 50 3x2x3 Gardner pump 45 3x2x3 Snow pumps 45 3x2x3 Fairbanks-Morse pumps.... .45 Single-acting feed pumps, --lnch suction 15 4- ln. centrifugal pumps (new). 85 5- in. centrifugal pump (new) 110 3x5 Typhoon belt-driven pumps 50 Double-action deck pumps 22.50 Double-action deck pumps 17.60 . 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON PURCHASE OF, TWO OR MORE. 100-ft. Presto tanks $80 200-ft. Presto tanks 60 Guaranteed by Presto-Lite Co. JUST RECEIVED LARGE LOT OF CHAIN HOISTS, TO 30 TONS CAPACITY. RECEIVED A BIG SHIPMENT OP BENCH VISES. GET BARDE'S PRICES. BARDE'S BARGAINS SAVE TOO MONEY. Just Purchased T5.000 NEW DRILLS AND REAMERS. All sizes. Anticipate your and save money. MISCELLANEOUS, Gasoline engines. Boilers (vertical and horizontal). Steel ianks. air receivers, 300 to 1500 gallons. Motors 8 H. P. to 250 H. P. MACHINE TOOLS. Lathes Shapers Planers Key seaters Milling machines Boring mills . Grinders (electric and belt drive) Punchea Punches and shears (vertical and horizontal) 'Air hoists Ingersoll and Dake. - Locomotive cranes, etc. WRITS, WIRE OR PHONE YOUR ORDERS. M. BARDE & SONS, INC.. HOUSE OF A MILLION BARGAINS. ELECTRIC FIXTURES. Buy them from the factory show room and save one-third; all styles; finest selections; come in and see: you are under no obligations to buy; STANLEY LUTZ, 207 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 4253. SEWING MACHINES. Latest drophead Singers, Whites, New Homes, $18 to $30; all other makes of dropheads, $12 to $22. ALL STRICTLY GUARANTEED. RENT ALS, $3 PER MONTH. WE REPAIR ALL MAKES. Singer Store, 193 4th. at Taylor. Main 6833. IT'S A FACT. Just think It only -takes $5 month ly to buy a fine Victor, Columbia, Brunswick or - Edison phonograph. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 3."0 Alder. 60 SLIGHTLY used White, New Home, Singer sewing machines for sate or rent; liberal terms on sale. E. S. Steen, 152 Grand ave., at Belmont. Phone East 2350. OFFICE FURNITURE LINOLEUM. Wonderful bargains in either new or used equipment. We rent office furni ture. D. C. Wax, 24-26 N. 5th. Bdwy. 2739. FOR SALE BARGAIN PRICED. Two new cast-iron coal stoves suit able for warehouse, store, or camp house. Never used. 104 1st, near otarK. rnone ijqwy, 735 BASSINETTE, new, never been used, wh tte enameled, wheels rubber tired, trimmed in light blue silk and pand de spiel; cost $65; any reasonable offer will be accepted. 660 FlanderB. apt. 1. DALTON ADDING MACHINE. Dalton adding machine, totals to $9,9!9,999,99; cost $150; price $S., $20 down. $7.50 a month.' Hyatt Talking Machinp Co., 350 Alder. SAFES, SCALES, CASH REGISTERS, FIXTURES, bought, sold, exchanged. PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO.. 4B-4S Front St. Bdwy. 1960. PURE home-made cider, 50c gal; appleti aoc, i.jo; line large aned prunes, 10 lbs. $1. 1635 E, Davis or Tabor 6983. We deliver. FOR SALE 1 Vulcan gas stove, 3 burn ers, aiso Kaaiant Tire heater for a fireplace; both in good condition. Call 103 E. 84th -st. N. WALNUT trees, prunes, filberts, peaches. apples, grapes, gooseoerries, roses, shrubbery. Woodstock Nurserv Co. Automatic 610-96. LYON & HEALY ORGAN. Fine-toned parlor organ, oniy $5 down, $5 a month. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co., 350 Alder. KODAKS. We buy. sell,, rent and exchange kodaks. Sandy, 124 Broad way. STURGIS, gray reed reversible baby car- iitt.se, rwu wiiuiuuir; aiso suiKy. oar gain. 2sp Margin st. IRON bed, mattress, springs and pad. gooa. conauion; can Atwater 0611 ruesaay or weanesaay. FOR SALE Steel blue diamond, weight -v-wi K.ma.L. x-nce jdu; private party. Phone Bdwy. 3943. FINE Edison cylinder horn machine. cusl umy f 10, o aown, j:; a mo. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. F. H. SAYLOR, Pioneer Book Co., 228 wasmngton st.. ouys ana sells SCHOOL and other BOOKS. Fiction exchan ged. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean. Sec ond ana Morrison. IDEAL FIRELESS COOKER and stand complete, UKe new, $m cash. Will Traae. Main zzy 1 J. O. BOTltWELL ART SHOP Choice oil paintings at special prices. Holly wreatns. 4"3 Kurnside. E. 9896. PORTABLE ELECTRICS. Greyhound, New Home electric, with motor, ior hh da, near yamhill CASH REGISTERS and computing scales Dougnt, soi a, exenangea ana repaired, 226 Stark st. Bdwy. 7534. GRAY wicker sulky, like new, sell for fe .price, a pi. u, zou in. utn st. GRAY human hair switch reabonabie; sanitation guaranteed, mast s i 6 1 . FOR SALE Lady's suit (new), size 44, cheap. 134 Porter st. DRESS SUITS bought, sold or rented at Bareii -srit ciotnmg ster. fll Third, LICENSED electrician can " save you money on wiring ana supplies. Sell. 58. SEVERAL used rugs and carpets for sale cneap. iota m. Lincoln. FOR SALE Two young bearing English walnut trees, aio ortn zza st. - FERTILIZER. Rotted cow manure delivered. Wai. 6233. RUGS washed on your floor. Hamilton Beach carpet washer. East 4045. GOOD CAKES MADE TO ORDER. PHONE EAST 2672. GOOD drophead Singer sewing machine, $12. East 3769. 562 Williams ave. LADY'S coat, never worn, paid $72.50; will sell very reasonable. Tabor 1S0I. FERTILIZERS Cow or horse manure, A-lwattr 1&0S. . , .. . .A FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. ZIDELL-STEINBERQ CO.. 209 Front St.. Portland. Or. one Atwater 1332. ' PIPE. PIPE. PIPE. We have on hand a very lai (?e ptock of new and second-hand black, and galvan ized pipe in sizes from inch to 13 inches. We are offering all of our pipe at a great reduction. . It will pay you to get our quotations. SPECIAL ON PLUMBING. ALL NEW HIGH-GRADE EN AMEL.WARE. 5-in. bath tub complete with all fixtures, at $30 each. -"0x30 sink at $6.25 each. 20x3f sink back at $4.ft0 each. 20x30 one-piece sink with back. $11.00 each. Low tank, white enamel toilet, all complete, $20.95 each. Two-part cement laundry tray, $7.SP each. All kinds plumbing fittings and other fixtures at the same pro portionate low rate. COME IN AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. 1000 WHEELBARROWS. Slightly used, at a give-away price. 10,000 ft. new and slightly-used radiation at a great saving. 600 dozen new 1 Mt 34 -inch peavies of a very high grade, at at great sacrifice price. We have a few good lathes. In different sizes, for sale at a low price. Take advantage of our weekly specials now, while the oppor tunity is here. GAME TRAPPERS TAKE NOTICE. 300 dozen new Victor and New house game traps, No. 0 iind 1 only, at a very special price. Several No. 15 boar traps at $7.50 each. ZIDELL-STEINBERQ CO., The House of Service. 209 Front St., Phone At. 1332. Portland, Or. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. All kinds of plumbing supplies. 3 pieces for bathroom $60.00 5-ft bathtub $3.50 Toilet $19.00 See us before you buy. Estimates furnished free. All work guaranteed. ; PIPE! PIPE! PIPE! New and second-hand from to 10-lnch. Below wholesale price. PORTLAND PIPE SHOP Main 6325. 269-71 Front Street. HOW MUCH IS TOUR DIAMOND WORTH A TEAR FROM TODAT? We buy our diamonds through our loan and . brokerage department for cash. We buy bargains and sell bar gains, In many instances the price is below the wholesale. Diamonds bought from us have a 75 per cent loan value in our loan department, which is con ducted for the convenience of our patrons. Written guarantee with all uiamonus. ZELL BROS A PO.. The leading diamond brokers in the city. L'Sd Washington, near Fourth. JUST THINK Suits or overcoats in our exchange department from $3 to S22.50. Some of these suits cost as high as SiO. We have taken thee suits in on new ones the same 'as a i:ian trades m his auto on a new one. If we can fit you you get a bargain, joy, tne taitor, 4th st. JEWELRY FIXTURES. Wall cases, floor cases, safe, street clock. National cash reelster. electric regulator, cabinet and material, cabinet ana glasses; must be sold by January 10. Martineaux & Miller, corner Russell and Williams avenue. BARGAINS in used phonographs, every one guaranteed, every one a bargain. will reproduce as eood as new. Ma chines all nationally known makes. $12.50, $18. $2S.50. 172 3d, near Yam hill. IS YOUR PIANO SILENT: Let us exchange fine new Victrola. Edison. Brunswick or Columbia for your piano. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. LADIES BARGAIN CHANCES! Some pretty evening gowns, after noon dresses, other choice apparel very cheap, close in, private party. Bdwy. 8138. 1 LARGE cabinet electric phonograph, new and fully guaranteed, worth $250; will titke $H5; see this one before you buy; this is a pick-up. 4864 Wash ington st. Phone 530-50. SAXOPHONE. Fine Buescher saxuphono, lik'j new; cost $165; price $120; $25 down. $7.50 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. - ' BUY here and save money. Some slight ly used baby carnages and go-carts, beautifully upholstered, latest style, like new. Peters' Baby Carriage Store, 470 Union ave. N. East 2211. BOX COUCH, chiffonier, dining room table, 4 -chairs, a coal range, rocker, rug 9x12 ft... good condition. Bdwy, 4H54. FOR SALE Complete equipment, large sized cafeteria, including bake ovens, ice machine, motors and Lang range. Phone Atwater 1940. RADIANTFIRE gas heater, floor clock, uDhoisterer s sundries, auto bed, old books. Call Sunday and Monday mornings. 375 Hawthorne ave. EDISOIT. Like new. Edison Chippendale. Cost T,ew $295 now only $225. Easy terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. SODA crackers, 10 lbs. for $1; new 30x ". tire, $6. 1379 Albma ave., cor. Portland blvd. WOOD or coal range with water coil, in good condition, 535. Can be seen at 106 Union ave. Phone East 1676. BICYCLE frames nd accessories dirt cheap, by piece or take the lot; . also douhle-bar bicycle. 48 E. 8th N. VACUUM cleaner, almost new. Mr. Hol- man, 416 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 6786. LADIES' solitaire dfamond ring, nearly -carat, at a great sacrifice. 688 E. 21st st. Sellwood 4161. DUFOLD Davenport, "leather." with mattress, $4o. is&tf 4ota st. 'la bor 7465. ART GOODS, including pottery, metal. pictures, etc., also fixtures for sale at cost. 392 ?V Morrison st. . FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. Genuine Elk tooth, finely mounted; a beauty. Phone Main 8182. COAL tar, 25c a gallon, 5-gallon can; 150-gallon lot, 20c a gallon. 6040 Fos ter road. Auto. 624-24. A 3-STRAND silver gray hair switch. 1 yard long, braided: win sell all or separate. Call Tabor 8267. EDISON DIAMOND DISC. Large fiflze, only $175. Easy terms. Hyat t Talking Machine Co., S50 Alder. GARLAND gas rane, side oven with broiler, pertect conciuon; price $10. 592 Hancock st. - VICTOR talking machine with horn; good condition; $10. Owner. Sellwood 1225. - WILTON rug, 9x12, nearly new. a bar gain; also German roller singer. At water 3817. FOR SALE 1 Clean Sweep electric car pet sweeper. $20. 486 Washington. Phone 530-50. KING slide trombone and case cheap. Take late standard-make typewriter or phonograph. Tabor two::. ELECTRIC flatiron and cord, good con dition, $2. 7519 55th ave. S. E. Auto. 645-60. - 'BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE." 20 vols, or exchange for good typewriter. Bdwy. SINGER machine and a 2-hole gas plate, cheap. AE 174. Oregonian. CHILD'S crib with springs and mat tress. $4. Automatic 325-70. CHICKEN, rabbit fertilizer, $3 a yard, phnne Walnut 1235. " SET of brown marten furs, brand new, Auto. 317-58. NEW $25 OVERCOAT, never worn, for $15. Phone Kast mure, PAINTER'S 50-foot falls for sale. Sny der, Broadway 1333. MAN'S bicycle for sale: everything new except tires. h;ast oiSw. COMPLETE course of Haanle's master key of success, cneap. walnut osui STOVE and two rugs. Call East 6288 between 8 and 1 P. M. Sunday. IVORY reed sulky, good condition, $10. Auto. ZSTSi. GAS RANGE Good condition; Tnbor 9574. 1556 E. Everett. cheap. LLOYD baby carriage for sale. quire 38ft 11th st.. apt. 32. MRS. JAMES, hemstitching. 208 X. 23d, between L.fve3oy ann Kearney. LADY'S diamond ring at a sacrifice. 43 ft 12UI aw & i FOB SALE. Miscellaneous. PIPE! PIPE! PIPB1 We have the largest stock of 'new and used pipe in the city; sizes ranging from -inch to 12 Inches, black and galvanized. Our stock must be reduced. Low est prices on application. Have good stock of used soil pipe and fittings at reduced prices; also large stock of used conduit pipe. WE NOW HAVE ON HAND A COMPLETE STOCK OF STEEL ANVILS FROM 80 TO 400 POUNDS. BUILDERS, CONTRACTORS. . ATTENTION I We have 600.0d0 good, clean 2d hand red bricks, which we are offering at very low price, also several thousand bats suitable for cesspools, etc. ELECTRIC WIRE. Have a large stock of in sulated wire, 8, 10, 12 and 14 gauge, single and double. Big saving at our low prices. Havp in stock 15 tons of 8, 10. 12 galvanized wire. Very low prices. ROOFING. ROOFING. Now have stock of good second-hand corrugated rooting in 6, 7, 8, and 9-foot lengths. Wire, write or phone orders. Stop that leaky roof with. GUARD roofing. We have a fresh stock from factory and are in a position to sell you a roll or a -carload. Call, write or tele- graph for our very low price. HOSE! HOSE! From to 6-inch. STRUCTURAL IRON AND STEEL OF ALL KINDS. Have large stock steel plates, shapes, bars and drift bolts. A pound or a carload cut to size. Crosscut saws, new and slight ly used, 40 to 60 cents per foot. Logging blocks, trip blocks, Tommy Moore blocks, high-lead blocks, etc. 75.000 feet cable, all kinds, all sizes, new and slightly used. All kinds gears, castings, pul leys, shafting, boxes and con veyor chains. BELTING. Belting, new and slightly used, rubber and leather, all plies, at very low prices. We also have belting from 15 feet and up at a bargain price. MACHINERY. Tanks, punches, shears, blow ers, chain hoists, air compres sors, pumps and all kinds of ma chinery and machinery supplies. Have a new stock of wood and steel blocks singles, dou bles and triplets. These blocks are suitable fori loggers, contrac tors and ship outfitters. Attrac tive prices on application. BLACKSMITH AND ROAD CONTRACTORS' TOOLS OF ALL KINDS. A We make a specialty of rent- -Ing tools and equipment of all kinds. MACHINISTS' AND BLACK SMITH'S VICES, ETC. JACKS. House-moving, hydraulic log ging, etc.. slightly used, at very reasonable prices. We rent all kinds of house moving and hydraulic Jacks at a very low rental figure. All kinds of pipe wrenches and chain tongs. 2000 emery stones, all sizes and grades, all new. at less than half price. We have a complete stock of air tools. This lot includes: ALL AIR TOOLS OF EVERY KIND AND ALL AIR TOOL PARTS FROM G. M. STANDI FER STEEL SHIPYARD. VAN COUVER. ' BUILDERS. SMOKESTACKS, ALL SIZES. Tool steel, all grades and sizes. ALASKA JUNK CO.. 201 FRONT STREET. Independent of any other firm bearing the same name. OFFICE. MAIN 4110. WAREHOUSE. MAIN 2632. YOUR TEETH SLEEP WHILE WE WORK. By our latest reliable method your dental work can be done without pain; absolutely harmless and no after ef fects ; satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. A. W. Keene, Dr. E. J. Kiesendahl, Above Majestic theater, 351 Wash. HORNLESS EDISON AND 100 RECORDS, $65. Tost think! Hornless Edison, dia mond point reproducer and 100 like new Indestructible cylinder records, only $65. $10 down, $5 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co. 350 Alder. FARMERS We can fix any make or break in a phonograph. It may need cleaning and oiling; do it wuile you shop. Prices right. Bdwy. 8527, 407 Bu- hanan bldg. PHONOGRAPHS REPAIRED. 14 years experience behind the Ore gon Phonograph Co. Call on us for prices. We call for, repair ajid deliver. Bdwy. 8527. 407 Buchanan bldg. HEAVY duty Hobart cake machine, Na tional cash register. 214-h. d. D. C. motors, gal. -stroke Bowser pump, 12 counter stools. All in first-clasa con dltion. BP 153, Oregonian. LADIES Let the Vogue sell your misfit. siigntiy usea ciotmng on commission some wonderful bargains. Vogue, 4th floor, 403 Alisky bldg., near Morrison street. AUTO TIRES. Will exchange new Victrola, Bruns wick, Columbia or Edison for auto tires. Hyatt Talking Machine Co. 350 Alder. BARGAINS In used sewing machines, all dropheads and all guaranteed, White, Singers, New Home, Frees, $18.50, $22.50, $27. 172 3d, near Yamhill. HOT-WATER tanks $5; guar.; tanks, gas water heaters repairea; plumbing con tractors; estimates given. East Side Welding Shop, fr'3 Adams st. E. 8516. BEAUTIFUL tricolette dress, never worn, less than half cash. Other bar gains in ladies' used wearing apparel. Atwater 3908. COLUMBIA bicycle. Has special saddle, handle bars and cord tires. Nearly new. Will sell for $40. Phona Main 7070, house 33. HOW IS YOUR RADIO? Buy a magnavox and enjoy your radio; only $45; $15 down, $5 month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 35J Alder. BAGS AND SUITCASES FOR LESS. 18-inch leather lined cow hide bags, $7.50. Baggage Shop, 288 3d st. FOR SALE Pair black suede oxfords, ;Vi-A, $5; pair silver dancing slipper, -A, $5. Main 8579. . $17.50 FOR PERMANENT waving your whole head; $9 for half head. Phone Bdwy. 6902. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. STOCK of toys, notions, stationery and school supplies; close out price. Write Thompson's Corner, Chehalis, Wash. BEAUTIFUL black Alaska lynx, never been worn, $60. 389 Wheeler St., near ' Broadway $100 HORN disc phonograph ana cabi net, $20; $7.50 down, $2.50 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. FOR SALE at bargain, floor and wall cases Owner leaving town. Main 16S3. 266 Third. SAFE Heavy wall fireproof, cheap. 142, Oregonian. FOR R ENT Electrio vacuum cleaners, 75c per day, delivered. Tabor 8531. GUARANTEED rebuilt batteries for ALL cars. $10 to $15. Broadway 4492. kri()'D-HAND tents and covers for sale. FOR SALE. M iscrilaneouN. DOLAN WRECKING & CONST. COMPANY. 460 Belmont St. East 6110. Portland. Or. LUMBER LUMBER. Save 50 on All Building Requirements. BO0.000 ft. lumber, all dimen sions. Timbers. $10 per M and up. 2x4, 2x6, 2x8, 2x10, 2x12. $10 to $18 per M ft. 100.004) ft. of new V rustic, $20 per M. 200,000 ft. flooring and celling, $20 and up. Star A Star singles, $4.50. Standard. $2 per M. Good 2d hd. lath. $2 50 per M. No. 1 lath, $5 per M. BLUMBING DEPARTMENT. Carload slightly damaged bath tubs, toilets, sinks, lavatories at a great paving. Carload pipe, -in., black, 6Vic ft-; 1-in. black, 9c ft. 6-in. gate valves, good as new, $10 each. Wall radiators, 40c ft. In 5-ft. sections. 1-piece wash sinks, 18x60-fru, $10 each. Urinals from $1 to $2. Toilet seats, $1.60 to $3 each. Shower baths from $4 up. Shower heads, $2 each. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT. 200 kegs nails, $8 each. Carload window glass, $3.CO base up. First grade plaster wallboard, sizes from 4x6 to 4x12, at $45 per M. ft. Inside door locks from 60c up. Front sets, $2.25 up. 8Hx3fe butts, aoc pr. Roofing paper, 1-ply, $1.85. 2-p'y, $1.70. 3-ply, $2 per rolL 8000 doors, all patterns, from $1 up. French doors, glazed, 10 Whta, $6 each. French doors, glazed, IB Wrhts, $8.50 to $12 each. 4-light and 6-Hght saah from $1 up. Double run 2-llght wlndowm, $1.25 up. Garage doors, $10 to $15 pair. Complete stock of everything in building line. Call and inspect our stock or mail us a list of yonr requirements. Satisfaction guaranteed. DOLAN WRECKING & C0N3T. COMPANY, 490 Belmont St. East 6110l Portland, Or. J. LEVE ESTATE, 189-191 Front St.. Between Tatnt a and Taylor Sts., Portland, Or. Phone Main 5198. Loggers, Contractors. Millmen nJ Woodsmen. We wish you all a very happy anfl prosperous New Year and then you for the continued patronage you gave us during th& past year. During the coming year when in need of anything in new or second-hand cable, tools, rubber belting, shifting pulleys, peavies and hundreds of other supplies, see us first as we cf.rry a very large assortment at all times at prices that defy competition. J. LEVE ESTATE. Front Street's Lowest Price Supply House. 189-191 Front St., Between Yamhill and Taylor Sts., Portland, or. A DEPENDABLE -PLACE TO TRADE. Miller's Big Little Jewelry Store. Sells for Lesfi Gifts That Last. Next Door to Majestic Theater. WASHINGTON ST., NEAR PARK. Your "Favorite Organization" Votes. DOORS, windows, cupboard doors, flour bins, sash for sleeping porches, mold ings, millwork, glass roofing, hotbed sash. See our odd stock of sash and doors for prices. D. B. Scully Co., down town lumber store. 171 FRONT ST., bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Main 4213. THE ELECTRIC SHOP. We specialize on repairing electrlo ranges. heaters. motors, sweepers, vibrators, Irons, toasters, mixers or anything electrical. Vases, statues, etc., electrified and refinished. 486 Washington st. Phone 530-50. THE FUR SHOP QUITS. Entire stock of fine furs MUST be sold by MAR. 1. FURS. SKINS, FIX TURES can be bought 50c on $1. K. C. REINER. Mgr. 405 Morrison. Between Tenth and Eleventh WRITE for new catalogue of eleotrlo fixtures and supplies ; newest designs, lowest prices; off the press In a few days, STANLEY LUTZ, 200 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. SEWING machines, new and second hand, sold for less ; no agents em ployed; complete line of parts for all makes, machines repaired and rented. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 3d Sk, Near Taylor. Main 9431. PHONOGRAPH RECORDS POSTPAID. W prepay postage on all orders for records, Edison, Victor, Columbia or Brunswick. Send for catalogs. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., &5Q Alder. FOR SALE Edison office dictating ma chine. Price $25. Cost $100. ' Call 104 1st, near Stark. Phone Bdwy. 73H3. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. New wagon - scale. 10-ton capacity, never used Railway Equipment Co., 104 1st. near Stark. 1 IARGE combination range, for gas, wood or coal; finished in blue enamel. Will sacrifice for cash, $100. Must be sold Sunday. Walnut 871)1. DIAMOND ring. 3-stone. average half carat each, flawless blue-white. Call 352 Clifton st., corner Park. Phone Main 6447. WALL TENT, 12x15, and fly, stoei auto camp bed, 2-hole oil stove and elec tric sewing machine for sale cheap. L 118. Oregonian. NETZOW PIANO SNAP. Beautiful - toned genuine Netsow piano, only $200; easy terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder CLOSING out entire stock of beauty par lor equipment, chairs, dryers, vibrators, etc. Portland Cutlery Co., 86 Sixth st. BUY, SELL, RENT OR TRADE Shotguns-or Rifles. NEWMAN. 128 1ST., NEAR ALP3R. A GRAY overcoat, almost new. large size, cost $40. sold half price. AC 174, Oregonian. SINGER electric sewing machli; will sell cheap 'for cash or trade for 31x4 cord tires. R 154, Oregonian. DUNTLEY electric vacuum cleaner, com plete with attachments, $30. Bdwy. 36.V. WINCHESTER new condition; 7055. 16, 1912, hammwrless ; bargain, $39.50. Tabor LADIES' GOOD LOOKING CLOTHES, used bargains. Come and look. Tabor 2S25. AUTO knitter duplex head, perfect con dition, cost $65. take $30. 424 1st St., apt. 5. . HAVE $250 cash register; will sell for $100. Closset & Co.. 128 North 12th. Broadw ay 0044. WOODSAW, almost new; Ford chain drive truck, $425 cash. K 161, Ore gonian CHINESE rug. 12x15, linen bedspread, tea cloths, napkins, beads and Mah Jongg sets. Tabor 7048. DROPHEAD White sewing machine, $25; gas and electric fixtures and shade b low cost. 553 Morrison st. . SAFETY RAZOR BLADES sharpened by expert, 30-35c dozen. 247 3, Alder, neftr Second. BEAUTIFUL diamond rinr,. over V4 kt: sacrifice. Room 410 Wdllard hotel, afternoons. PURE HONEY 60-lb. tins. 12c per ' pound. 691 E. 80th st. N., south of Sandy. HAND-PAINTED china, community knives, forks, spoons (new), pictures. 171 Green ave. Main S&34. GOOD heater stove end adjustable Tbrra. 95 E. 63d st. N. Tabor 2770. USED GAS HEATERS. REDUCED RATES. 275 SALMON ST. FOR SALE Electric washing machine. Phone East 6819. BABY bassinette on wheels, silk floss mattress, $6. Tabor 9188. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machines, showcases. 43 1st, near Ash. ORIENTAL, indestructible pearls, $3