I THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 31, 1922 11 TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. 28 ACRES, 8 miles southeast; mils to church, school snd store; rocked road; 7 acres cultivated, balance pas ture; spring water piped to fivo--oom house; other buildlngB; acre strawber ries, bearing fruit trees, $4000. Want clear house In limits Montavilta or lit. Scott for 12340 equity. CLOSE-IN 10 acre 12 miles south: rocked road, near hlghwav, 1 mile to station and high school; T acres cultivated,- no waste land; young orchard; 3-room hous, garage, woodshed, i'1050. Terms. Consider Portland house, same value. AT GRESHAM Two acres cul tivated; macadam road; 4 blocks to Gresham, new modern 4-room plas tered bungalow, lights, water, gas; 53500. Consider land without buildings, 6n good road, close to good town. MERCHANDISE STOCK FOR FARM I stock groceries, hardware, drugs, etc., in good, town: 15 miles out of Portland and some cash for small farm of 10 acres up, equipped. Oregon City district, only. AT BEAVERTON 13 acres, culti vated; rocked road, creek; good 6-ioom plastered bungalow, other bidgs. City conveniences, 2 good cows wita place. Clear. Consider house In Hawthorne district, Portland, to $5000. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. Realtor. Over 600 Small Places Near Portland. PRUNE RANCHES FOR CITY PROPERTY. 27 acres, 15 acres in prunes, balance other kinds of fruit and pasture, 4 room bungalow, city water, large barn, house furnished, on highway, large dryer, cost $9000. dries 720 bushels at a time. Price $10,000 47 acres, 15 acres in prunes, balance timber and pasture, 4-room plastered house, water piped to house from spring, 2 cows, 1 team, all implements. Price $7000: close to good town, about 35 miles from Portland. The best prune district in the state. Will sell on terms or exchange for Portland in come property. STEWART A MORRIS. 202 McKay Bldg. 60 ACRES. 30 acres under cultivation. 10 acres partly cleared, 10 acres timber, 7 room, double-constructed. plastered house with basement; concrete base ment: barn, room for 10 to 15 head of stock; chicken house for 300 chick ens, and other outbuildings; good well, fenced and cross-fenced, best of soil; 8n ideal place for dairying, hog rais tng and chickens; 40 minutes from Portland by auto, in Clackamas Co., paved and rock road. Value $10,500, incumbrance $3000; long time. Will trade for smaller place well improved, . In Oregon and nearer' to Portland, to $5000. balance cash or good security. V 103. Oregonlan. WHEAT RANCH FOR TRADE. 1240 acres, 1100 in cultivation, half In crop each year and balance summer fallowed; full set farm buildings, good well and gas pumping outfit, full equipment of stock and machinery. This is a good going place; price $43. 000; mortgage, $13,000, due in 7 years. Will consider valley farm or town Ttroperty in any coast town for part or all of $30,000 equity, LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 314 Chamber of Commerce. WANTS HOME IIP TO $4500 for 20-acre farm just off highway, 4 mile from town: 20 miles from Port land, near Hlllsboro. All in cultiva tion; good house, 1 acre strawberries. 1 acre loganberries, good orchard, 3 cows, 100 chickens, 1 pig, 1 horse, all farm implements snd plenty feed. Price $8000. No Incumbrance. Might consider small rooming house. JOHN M. KROG CO.. 412 'Wilcox Bldg. Bdwy. 13J5, BEAUTIFUL LARGE RESIDENCE. Close in east side, it would cost $25,000 to build this house alone and there is over half block of beauti ful grounds. Price for sll is only $25,000 and will trade for business property or take in close-in acreage as part pay. W. C. BKCKTELL. B33 N. W. Bank Bldg. SUBURBAN HOME FURNISHED. Modern bungalow on hi acre, just outside Portland city limits; 5 rooms and bath; large sleeping porch: elec tricity, city water, gas, block to car; 2 blocks to school, on highway; mail delivery. Price $4000. Will trade lor house closer In or will consider va. cant lots in good district. C. L. Bar ton, owner, Hood River, Or., care rnoemx utility Co. LOOK! WILL YOU TRADE what you have for what you want? Bring me your propositions, large or small, city or country. I will match them. E. A. Easley, 295 Montgomery street, corner Fifth. PARK YOUR CAR ALL DAY. WANTS PORTLAND PROPERTY. 52 acres near Oregon City, all in cultivation, running water on place, good buildings. Price $12,500; will consider flats or small apartments In i-ortiana ana assume. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 314 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 80V acres. 75 A. Plow land. KK timber, all level, good black land, in good dairying country; mile from state nignway and 2 miles from town. Country has excellent future. Write li. W. Ve JARDIN, Alsea, Or. CLEAR ' PROPERTY FOR MTG. ' PROPERTY. "Will give fine large apartment ulte clear, for good equity, worth $20,000 to io.uuu. W. C. BECKTELL. i33 N. W. Bank Bldg. "WE HAVE a dandy 42-room apt., Will iam and Mary furniture; good lease; cheap rent: will exchange for a place from $15,000 to $18,000 in 2 and 8 room apts. Must be clean and in good location. S. BORLAND, Realtor, . 300 Henry Bldg. 4th and Oak Sts. SALE OR EXCHANGE. $3500 equity in east side corner, two stores and two 5-room flats: price $1000, mortgage $3500: Income $78 mo., now leased; take part trade; might consider Spokane. W. G. Schulze, Hill yard. Wash. TO EXCHANGE 85 aores. all in cultiva tion. 40 acres bearing prunes, 2 miles from town: on paved highway.- livable set of buildings. Priced at $10,000; take city income property up to $8000. bal ance easy terms. IT. W. BENDY. McMTNNVTLLE, OR. WILL EXCHANGE. Our exchange department can match anything of merit; lots, houses, acre age, farms, timber or stocks of mer chandise. 712 Couch bldg. KUM1NSUN-WPQUNER CO. $25.000 18 ACRES In classy Chlcaso suburb, ripe for subdivision, 25 miles to loop, on paved highway. 200 trains daily; will trade for Oregon, Washing ton, California wheat, timber or apart menta. G 146, Oregonian. TRADE! TRAM! TRADE! We have a trade for you. Submit yours, RALPH HARRIS en 316 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 5654. VVIlJ, trade a lot close in, streets and walks In and paid, for heavy team horses, wagon, harness, cows, ma chinery, anything I can use on farm SEATTLE Good 8-room house, 3 corner lots: 120x150; marine view, walking distance; $8500; want improved ranch Address owner, Chas. B. Hayden, Sedro W ool ley. Wash. FOR SALE or trade. 5-room bungalow with acre lot, hdw. floors, nook, A-l plumbing; consider, lot or light car as part payment. Call owner. Automatic 648-89. 1 HAVE cash and 120 acres land; 20 s A. can be easily plowed; some tim- oer ana ceuar; will trade for 10 more acres cjose to Beaverton or r..iLiiu. r ureeron-.an. EXC. lt0 acres "class A-l" Canada wheat jw-nus; icsiaenoe acre lot, St. Paui, Minn. ah clear; unimproved: want B-olna- farm, stock, tools, crop, to operate same. Owners only. R 41, Oregonlan. 7S ACRES in Polk county. 65 acres un der cultivation, good barn and other buildings; price $8500; will trade for Portland home. E 120, Oregonlan. 8 ACRES, near Milwaukie. 6-room house valu-s $3000: want home in Portland, close in. Phone owner, Milwaukie Sl-Y. 117 ACRES, on hlgnway, modern house, nil m crop; take residence to $10.0o0: small farm or larger farm to $30,000 . W. C. Menold. Cornelius. Or. 6-ROOM house on half acre ground, nice orchard, San Francisco, $4000. Ex change Portland property. R 116, Ore gonian. AJRE YOU looking for. a 40-acre farm? Call Hi Cook ave.; . a bargain for casn: will accept close-in lots or home: M-A car. WANT PORTLAND BUNGALOW in ex change for only drug store in eastern Oregon town; price $4000. AV 624, Uregonian. "WANT to trade my equity in a lot on K. 10th St., near Fremont, for 1 or 2 rt on Row City car line or outside eHy limits considered, Garfield SfllKi CLOSE-IN acreage, clear, tor incoms property: will assume to $150,000 - uoraon Mort. Co.. 630 Cham, of Com. $000 EQUITY restricted Losnseles lot for like in Portland or good car. BD 156. Oregonlan. WEST SIDE flats to exchange for resi dence to $10,000 or will sell on small cash payment. Call Main 5456. WILL trade equity in strictly-modern Laurelhurst homo for Seattle borne. Tabor Olli TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. RITTER, LOWE CO. WANT HOUSE OR SMALL FARM for country store, well located, near Portland, 1 acre of ground, store build ing with living rooms, large warehouse, stock of merchandise, gas and oil fill ing station, H4-ton truck, feed grind ing outfit. A good going business for $6500. WANT 5-ROOM HOUSE for suburban home on Oregon City line, close in. One acre of ground, all in cultivation, running stream with pono, fruit, berries, garden, 4-room house, barn, shed. Price $3500, clear. WANT 5 TO 10 ACRES improved or partly improved in the Tualatin valley. Have a neat 5-room bungalow, close in valued $3000. A beautiful view lot, west side, near Westover Terrace, value $1000. First mortgage, well secured, - for $000. Will trade ail or part. . W ANT PORTLAND LOT. Have a now 5-room bungalow, ga rage and shed on 100x100 lot in Ore gon City, close to school. Value $2000. It is good rental property. WANT A BETTER HOUSE. . Have a good 7-room house in Mult nomah Addition, valued at $3000, and pome cash, for a 6 or 6-room house or bur.galow, well located. WANT HOUSE OR SUBURBAN for 47j5 acres in Douglas county on Pacific- highway and only mile from good town. Personally Inspected and have pictures. See this place for delightful farm home. Mclr.res Exchange Dept. BITTER, LOWE & CO., Realtors. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Where trades are made. PORTLAND PROPERTY FOR TRADE. Attractive flats, six separate apart ments, each with private bath, furnace, etc.; pays $2200 a year, after paying expenses. Price $20,000; will consider house or small farm as part payment. Small apartment house, with 8 fur nished 3-room apartments', each with private bath; good steady rental prop erty. Price $22,600: consider acreage or houses as part pay. 8-story apartment house on good corner, paying $4300 a year, after pay ing all expenses. Price $40,000: con sider part trade, some cash, mortgage for balance. West side apartment bouse, corner, 100x100, 46 apartments, very substan tial income. Price $05,000; will consider farm or other property to half. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 314 Chamber of Commerce. WANT OTHER PROPERTY. 42 acres near McMlnnville, 32 acres cleared and cultivated, balance stand ing timber, mostly white oak; nice creek running through place. Beauti ful 7-room plastered house with sleep ing porch, bathroom, full cement base ment and laundry trays. Modern dairy barn for ten cows, silo , 2 chicken houses, hog house and other outbuild ings; all well painted and taken care of. Price $12,000, incumbrance $5600. Would exchange for city property and assume. JOHN M. KROG CO.. 412 Wilcox Bldg. Bdwy. 1375. CITY HOME IN THE COUNTRY. 80 acres, all kinds of fruit, running water, private pipe line, water piped to all buildings, new 7-room modern house, basement, furnace., bathroom, 3-story bfrn. chicken house, county road through place, right at R. R. station; 44 miles from Portland. You could not put the improvements on the place for less than $8000. Price $0500; will give terms or trade for city property. STEWART & MORRIS, 202 McKay Bldg. FINE 10-ACRE PLACE. Close to Portland, on O. E. R. R., few blocks from high and grade schools; 4-room house, ele-ctric lights and gas. cam. chicken house, brooder house: 2 acres loganberries, J6 acre strawberries, some truck land : all can re irrigated from creek: fine horse, cow, chn-kena. tucks, furniture, tools, hry and machinery. Price $G-j00. Will take house in Portland. LUEDDEMANN CO.. S14 Chamber of Commerce. BIG FARM BARGAIN. 120 acres, near Gresham. 35 in cul tivation, more easily cleared, good set buildlr.gs, splendid family orchard, on first-class road, farms in this locality have sold for $300 per acre. The price of this one is only $150 per acre, in cluding stock and equipment, or will trade for city property. W. C. BECKTELL. 933 N. W. Bank Bldg. WANTS BRICK APARTMENT HOUSE. Client has one of finest farms in the "Willamette valley, all in cultivation, very fine buildings, . with modern plumbing and electrio lights. Price $40,000. clear of debt. This is a money-maker; will trade for brick apart ment house in Portland and pay sub stantial amerence. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 814 Chamber of Commerce. TRADE FOR ROOMING HOUSE. 5-room bungalow and 1 acre, in cluding household goods. 25 chickens, firewood and implements. Price $4000. Incumbrance $1400. Would accept rooming bouse and assume II neces sary. JOHN M. KROG CO., 412 "Wilcox, Bldg. Bdwy. 1375, BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW HOME AND INCOME, $5500. 5 attractive rooms, bath, fireplace. furnace and complete apartment 2 rooms, bath and alcove: income $62.50. Exchange for modern Rose City or Hawthorne bungalow. Walnut (229. GOOD 6-room house, lot 68 2-3xllO-ft. 14 bearing fruit trees, lots of flowers and small fruit, block to car, Peninsular, close to school: value $2S00. mortgage $900. want 60 to SO acres, stock and equipped, not over 40 miles- south or Portland, pay some cash. AK 171. uregonian. WANT to buy small apartment or flat building on west side and offer as first payment a brand new 7-room nouse ana 2 acres or land on E. 38th and Alberta sts. Oregon Investment & Mtg. Co., 210 Exchange bldg., 2d and Mark sts. HAVE several pieces of improved prop erty that I will trade in any amount up to $25,000. Want an improved farm or other property in one or two pieces. Alight assume. 6ee owner at the Waverly Realty Co., 817 Clinton. ?IIWOOd S1H2. WE HAVE a dandy apartment house. good lease, good- furniture, private oaths in all apts.; will exchange for a good 5 or 6-room house up to around $rsoo. Must Be in good district. S. BORLAND, Realtor, 300 Henry Bldg. 4th and Oak Sts, $5000 EQUITY in 7-room modern house. renting for $S5. and 2 splendid business lots. Cascade, Montana, one of the oldest settled sections In state, rich grain and stock section; exchange for merchandise stock or Portland prop erty, av on. uregonian. FOR SALE or trade, homestead relin quishment, 9 miles 8. E. of Estacada, 1H ml. to school, mail route. Will take small house and lot or house equity. Call or write H. E. D.. 1750 Druid st.. Portland. GLOBE garatre. at 60-52 North 20th. equipped, all modern machinery, lOOx 100 floor space, fine location; will sell on easy terms or exchange for other property. See It and make offer at once. cobb. 5M5 Cham, of Com. ACRES. Tlgard, $4500:'-house, barn. colony chicken house, 75 bearing fruit trees, berries, etc., best of soil, good graned scnooi, tor moaern o or 7-room house vicinity Franklin high. B 114, Ore (toman. GOOD east side apartment house to trade for west side apartment site or smaller unincumbered property to $18,000. or will sell on small cash payment, call Main 5450. WTLTj TRADE my equity in lot worth $600 on 65th street. 8 blocks north of Sandy, for first payment on small, . modern house about $2000. BD 163 oregonian. WANTED to trade house and lot In Portland for land In Columbia countv. Address Clatskanie, Or., route 1, box 1 iVf. I WILL trade you clear property for your equities, any size. W. C. BECKTELL. (133 N. W. Bank Bldg. 160 ACRES sugar pine and white cedar timber carrying a'bout 4 Mil. feet. lor exchange tor city noma. 210 Ex change bldg.. -'a and stark sts. CITY income residence property, value $11,000, for improved farm to same value or less, write cwner, M 119, uregonian. FOR SALE or trade by owner, $600 equity In 3 lots Ladd Addition. What have your rnone isast CLOSE-IN west side income property to traae lor rancn; close to Portland up to si.""". it i.ti. uregonian. PROPERTY EXCHANGE SPECIALIST. A. UUKDUN KUKS. J Broadway 5173. 624 Henry Bldg. HAVE city property, 60x100 feet, to trade for 7-passenger automoDiie. . L, 169, Oregonlan. 5 ACRES of land: will trade for lot value $1000. Dr. Onstad, 401 Morgan DIOg. FOR SALE Or will trade for smaller house, e-room oungaiow in piedmont, new, good shape. K 161. oregonlan. FOR SALE or trade, my equity in 5 room bungalow or lot. 6820 Powell valley road, owner. WANT timber for improved property, jaorgan, ;i naiiway axen, mag. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. B E C K'S SELECT EXCHANGES. $16,000 Highly improved, stocked and equipped Multnomah county 80-acre dairy and general purpose farm; want a'part ment tease, flats or apart ment house to $20,000. $20,000 Fine extra well located four 5-room flat building, big rental; want residence up to full value. $33,000 Want apartment site for $26,500 equity In beautiful 8-flat building or $30,000 equity -In $35,000 apartment house. $65,000 Down-town business building, rent $4600; take $80,0(0 In trade, balance easy terms, long time. $100,000 Wash.-8t. business building. nets 6 per cent; take vp to $80,000 in clear city prop erties. $123,000 Clear modern brick apart ment house clearing over $10,000 net. Want close-in aoreage to full value. $130,000 Three well-located close-in modern apartment houses showing big inoome; want large apartment house to $175,000. $175,000 Extra fine modern brick apartment paying $141,500 net. Want clese-in acreage to $150,000. $550,000 Extra well located down town office building showing big Income; want clear trade to $250,000; prefer ranch property. $750,000 Scattered, clear, close-In city properties, one owner ship; will assume on large Income property. Many Other Select Properties Listed. OTIS C. BECK, 525 Henry Building. 22,180 ACRES, $500,000. Best stock and grain ranch in southern Alberta, Canada; good buildings, stocked and equipped, $135,000. balance terms; owner .will guarantee ranch to pay out; might consider Income property ' in any good town on the coast as part payment. 116 ACRES. IRRIGATED. Money-maker, southern Idaho, good buildings, stocked and equipped. well -. located, near good town, $20,000; mortgage $10,000. runs long time; will trade equity for small place on the coast. WANT TRADES OF ALL KINDS. LAND AND SECURI TIES FOR MERCHANDISE. ATKINSON & PORTER, 705 Main St.. Vancouver, Wash, Phone 838. FOR SALE by owner; I have acquired through, an estate 12 40-acre tracts all adjoining heavily-grassed prairie land in "Hardin wiimtv South 7- f kota. The anil Is black loam with porous olay sub-soil, with no timber, stone or gravel, lignite coal can be had at $2 per ton two miles from land, 1H miles to school, 4 miles to Brateburg. Will sell all or any one tract at $800 each, $300 cash, bal. 5 yrs., 6 per cent, warranty deed and abstract with each purchase. Will consider clear property for half 'or all and carry back mortgage on any difference for 5 yrs. at 6 per cent interest. Owner over 79 years old and has no use for the land. P. J. Morita, 8142. Foster blvd., Portland, Or. WB HAVE property west of the mountains to trade for east of the mountains, also other trades. Give us a description of what you have and let us find you a trade. ATKINSON PORTER. 705 Main St., Vancouver. Wash, INCOME PROPERTY. Make $50 a month besides your rent. $7500 Fine 10-room modern house, paved street, best location in city; ga rage, full basement, everything com plete; separate apartment downstairs: can make $50 a month besides your own rent; will accept good small house, good location, as part payment up to $2500, balance easy terms. Phone Bowy. 2!iB7 or Tabor 3655. Sundays ana even 1 n gs. BRICK HOTEL BUILDING. FURNISHED. $20,000. Brick hotel building and furnish ings in good valley town, doing bus! ness netting $200 per month. This is a ii-story building with about 40 rooms. Owner will exchange $15,500 equity for small ranch stocked and equipped, or will consider city home as part pay ment. No junk considered. 1043 Cham- per or commerce bldg. Bdwy. 2030. $5000 IN SUBURBAN village. 4 acrest ail m,proved, good new 8-room modern house, built by owner for home,- near high and grammar schools; cow, horse, chickens, wagon, buggy, plow, etc., all with place. Will accept Portland house same value. ALEXANDER, 617 Chamber of Commerce. 0 AftRES, Beaverton, Or,, with 5-room modern bungalow, fireplace, electric lights and water system, good barn, chicken house, team of horses and farm Implements, fruit trees. Price $9500. Will exchange for city property. H. D. GARLOCK, REALTOR, ROSE CITY REALTY CO., 863 SANDY BLVD. EAST 0661. EVENINGS TABOR 6442. If You Want to BUY, . SELL . Or EXCHANGE FARM PROPERTY. It Wilt Pay You to Deal With ARCH T. PEN WARDEN. FARM LAND SPECIALIST, 709 Lewis Bldg.. Portland. BEAVERTON DISTRICT. 21 acres, fine soil, all in cultiva tion, on fine road, 10 miles from Port land, close to school end electric line; 5-room house, cement basement, good, barn; about 2 acres in orchard. Price $3000. Will take house to $4500. LUEDDEMANN CO.. S14 Chamber of Commerce $5600 FINE new 6-room modern house. hardwood floors, fireplace, breakfast nook, full cement basement, furnace. garage, concrete elrlveway, excellent iwBunn; close to car; accept lot up to $800 or $1000 in good location as part payment, balance easy terms. Phone Bdwy. 2997 or Tabor 3655. Sun days and evenings. FOUNDATION FOR MODERN FOR TUNE. LUMBER AND FUEL. Fine location nar Portland for port Rble mill and little homes; living stream, some 8UO0 cords and 4,000,000 ' saw timber the net profit; investigate. Owner, elderly, wants develop prop erty in part, bal. easy payment, D 163, Oregonlan. WANT a home in Portlard in exchange tor a une ov-acre larm Tocarea on one of Minnesota's beautiful lakes, acces sible to good markets and located on fine road. The wonderful lake shore property alone will net $7000 to the rignt man. price $50u. Owner, Will lam a. Moore, isauit centre, Minn. FOR EXCHANGE 1183 acres in famous aimona district, Paso Robles, Cali fornia, for Portland or vicinitv: two complete sets of buildings; now under lease tor grain rarming; excellent grape and orchard possibilities with out irrigation, clear. Inquire 421 N. W. nanK pmg. Main H5n&. $4500 FINE new modern 6-room house, hardwood floors, fireplace, full base ment. built-ins, close in, good loca tion: accept lot UO to $1000 as part fiayment, balanoe easy terms; prefer ot In Rose City or adjacent. Phone Bdwy. 2997 or Tabor 3655. Sundays and evenings. . FLAT BUILDING. $20,000. INCOME $211 PER MONTH Walking distance; free and clear; owner will take clear house as first paymsnt. Broadway 2030. 1043 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. WILL exchange strUrtly modern brick apartment bldjg., value $200,000. for timber or etock ranch trp to half or two-third value; good term on bal ance. AddTess P. O. Box rt!77. Port--land. Or. TRADE FOR GOOD USED STANDARD CAR 2 ACRES NEAR CITY LIMITS, WEST LINNTON, VALUE $1000; NO INCUMBRANCES; Y 138, OREGO NIAN. FOR SALE or trade for city house, fi acre traot. modern buildings, ISO fruit trees 11 years old, 2 acres berries; 6 Mocks from street car, 1 block from electrio station. 5027 92d St. S. E. WILL TRADE $1000 equity in a 5-room house and lot 50x300, in Roseburg, Or., for Portland property. 450 E. 46th at. S. Tabor 2259. FOR SALE of trade, $500 equity in. 4 room modern house, $250, or will take a Ford balance, contract $25 per montn, a-nciuaing interest. Auto. tKia-33 LARGE modern building, good manufac turing or warehouse, close to Port land, to exchange for farm or good nrnperry. i're Hoard OT Trade bldg. VViLL trade lot 50x120 at North Fair Oaks, San Mateo county, California, for lot or ngnt car, asw k. istnet. Si BUNGALOW or vacant lots for 5 im proved acres. Call East 7347. 4) ACRES Improved near Estacada want bungalow up to $6000. East 734 7. 10 ACRES in exchange for good building TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. $65,000. 770-ACRE VALLEY RANCH. This ranch is located a short dis tance south of Eugene, facing on & good macadam Toad. About 60O acres of the very best valley soil; no "white land" with just the right amount of drainage. Balance is open pasture and timber on hill. This ranch has been owned and operated for many years by a cattleman as a stock ranch, so that it is no run-down-and-out ranch. He is getting too old to operate it and will sell same on terms; 9T will take In exchange either income prop erty, smaller valley ranch or good wheat land, in part or full payment. Buildings on ranch are good. 1043 CHAM. OF COM. BLDG. Broadway 2030. BEST BARGAIN IN TOWN. Lovely modern house In one of the best districts in Portland. Also a very desirable apartment house site. Will trade for good lease and furniture ox a first-class apartmeht house. Will assume mortgage, W 174, Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. DICTAPHONES 1 transcribing and 1 dictating machine. Want to exchange for large flat-top desk, typewriter or other office furniture for full value. W. H. Buoy, 283 Stark st. THE CLASSIEST sport model Stutz car at a sacrifice; will consider a diamond for full or part payment, or what have you A 110, uregonian. WILL TRADE NEW PHONOGRAPH FOR LUMBER. BRICK OR OTHER BUILDING MATERIAL. AUTO. 637-65. WANTED to trade, a coal-burning brooder stove, nearly new, 1200-chick size; cost $33; for a rifle or shotgun. Robert R.- Laughlln. McMlnnville, Or. ELECTRIC motor, Boehm system flute, fine old violin. J, W. Wiseman, room 8, 14(1 V4 First St., WILL TRADE my $750 player piano for diamond or. what have you? K 162, Oregonian. . WANT Carpentering and plastering in exchange for small gasoline engine. Auto 63B-2D. ONE ACRE, house, chicken run; near car; want light truck or car; no junk. Walnut 0011. WANT trunk, will swap refrigerator or ladles' writing desk or buy. 772 Mississippi ave. SILK oriental couch cover to exchange for 33x4 tire. 1307 E. Madison. A DIAMOND FOR UPRIGHT PHONE TABOR 8064. WILL trade piano as first payment on small apt house. Tabor 870H. LARGE living room. Inquire Wiseman, 149 First St. TRADE Reo bug for furniture, wood or what have you ? Tabor 5050. "WANT man to plaster and finish house In exchange for lots. 4518 77th st. S. E. MAHOGANY piano and furniture In trade for Ford sedan. Tabor 8186. FOR 8 A I.E. Horses Vehicles, Livestock. SHIPMENT of horses from Baker county, eastern Oregon; this stock weighs from 1200 to 1800 lbs.; all fat and in good condition to commence work; I would be pleased to show them to any purchaser. New and 2d-hand harnesses at re duced prices; collars of all sizes. G. K. Howltt. Columbia Stables. Front and Columbia sts. 12 HKAD of horses and mares, weight from 1150 to 1750 pounds, aged 4 to 6 years, all are In good shape ana gooa workers, harness for all stock; farm wogans; also several single rigs; all stock and vehicles priced very reason able to make room for carload of east ern Oregon horses to arrive soon. KEYSTONE STABLES, 381 Water St., Cor, Montgomery. REGISTERED white shorthorn bull, age 3 years, very gentle; also gooa team mares, age 7 and 8 years, weight 2850 pounds, true and sound. C. A. Doane, Route 1, Aurora, Or. Between Liberal and Maxburg. SPAN of low down blocky built chunks, weight 2450 lbs., voung and sound. closely matched, good color, with new heavy farm harness; price $215. 381 Water at., cor. Montgomery. FOR SALE Nice family cow, freeh with calf, $75. 1 standard bred combina tion horse, safe for lady to ride, guar anteed sound. Portland Lumber Co. barn, foot of Harrison st. 10 HEAD first-class horses and mares 5 to 7 years old, weighing from 1400 lbs. to 1850 lbs.; will sell at bargain to make room for new load. L. Glass, 234 Front st.. foot Main st. UNDERSIGNED raise and sell the best milch goats. Have one attested nine quart milker. Ferd N. Dietzel, Port land. Or.. 999 E. 10th St. N. Frank Saalfeld, Salem, Or., Route 2. HEAVY work team, weight 8400 lbs., with nearly new harness; priced rea sonable. Have no further use for them, 1087 Francis ave. Woodstock car to SRth. Sellwood 1212, WILL trade a lot, close in; streets and walks in and paid, tor neavy team horses, wagon, harness, cows, ma chinery; anything l oan use on farm. P 26, oregonlan, TEAM geldings. 7 years old. weight 3200 IbB., gooa set neavy Siamese, iienj new; 8S4 Mitchell wagon: will be sold cheap for cash. 284 Front St.. foot of Main st. 1200-POUND horse, single harness and buggy; all in good condition; extra nice work horse, $66. 381 Water St., corner of Montgomery. FARM MARES, wagon and harness. $li5, or trade for fresh cows. C. l!nson, Jennings Lodge, Ashdale station, Ore- gon City car. TEAM of black Percherons, weight 8400 lbs-.; ages 4 and 6. and ready for hard work; bargain for cash. 381 Water St., corner Montgomery. WANTED Team, weighing 1300 or 1400 pounds, harness and wagon; must be reasonable or part down. N 15l, Ore gonlan FARM implements, new and second hand, special prices, P. E. Esbenshade, 860-366 East Morrison St. 6 GOOD, young, blocky teams with har ness, cheap. Corner 50th and Powell. Mt. Steel ; KEYSTONE STABLES, horses for sale, hire or sold on commission; wagons, harness. 881 Water st. W. 8. At. 3515. COUPLE sets good heavy farm harness, taken for debt, sell cheap. 380 San Rafael. ' $45 BUYS fine young milch cow, Hoi steln and Jersey. No place to keep her. 4228 41st ave. Ask for Mrs. Richmond. CROWN STABLES. Horsea for sale, or hire; wagons and harness. 285 Front st. Main 9109. $50 VERY choice thoroughbred Jersey bull calf. E A. Fearing, Jennings Lodge, VETERINARIAN. DR. HOWES. TABOR 6566. BARGAIN Team horses and 2 cows, sell or trade for Ford. Tabor 7619. OOOD, reliable pair bay mares, $3200; corner 50th and Powell. Mr. Steel. DEAD animals taken quickly. Milwaukie 69-J. FIVE good teams and harness. Cor. 50th st. and Powell V. Chas. Steel. WAGONS for sale. Alblna Fuel Co. Phone Bdwy. 8000. TWO fresh cows, Holsteln and Jersey. H. J. Campbell, Tigard, Or. HORSES, harness, wagons of ail kinds. 240 E. 6th st. . : JERSEY cow, just fresh. T. B. tested. 240 E. 8th st. FRESH Jersey cow and calf. 1967 East Stark, cor. 78th. Call this A. M. YOUNG COW for sale. Tabor 4107 Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. PIANO, modern "case, almost new, and cabinet talking macnine witn records. One or both, bargains. Phone J. M. Howard. BUY. SELL OR TRADE Phonographs and Records. NEWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE, 128 lBt, near Alder. Bdwy. 7161. EDISON. Like new Edison Chippendale. Cost n-ew $295, now oniy $220. Hiasy terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. ON ACCOUNT of leaving town must sell my brand new mahogany phonograph for half price. Call alter 10 A, M. at 461 8th. ARTISTIC high-grade piano, mahogany. fine condition; will please finished musician; bargain price for cash. Wal nut 1428. FINE Edison cvlinder horn machine cost $75; only $15; $o down, $2 a mo. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Alder. $600 HOBART M. CABLE, just like a brand new one; only usea z montns; half price. 312 Worcester bldg. $600 SMITH & BARNES piano, plain mah., $215. Terms. 312 Worcester bldg. GOOD Italian bass violin. Call 618 Thur msn. Atwater 1718. $000 W. W. KIMBALL, piano, only $165; terms. 312 Worcester bldg. FOR RENT Sweet-tone piano. Empire Transfer, 345-11. Bdwy. 0155. $700 EMERSON piano, plain mah., only $235. Terms. 312 Worcester bldg. EMERSON piano. Walnut case, splen did condition. $200. Automatic. 619-60. YORK mellaphone, alto and case. $15; fine condition. Empire 0273. $850 HENRY F. MILLER piano. Make an offer. Terms. 312 Worcester bldg. $000 MAH. piano for sale cheap by pri- vate party; lerms. cast o-rt; 4 PIANOS, uprights, $80 to $115 each. 812 Worcester bldg. LATE model Conn cornet and trombone. bargain. .Newman, 128 1st, near Aider, FOB SALE. Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. $10 CASH, $5, iti OR MORE MONTHLY, ouya a $410 piano, usea, tor iti, ana 1822 model for $295, or a $675 player piano, used, for $395, and 1922 model for $405, $15 cash, $8 and $10 monthly, during the world's largest factory clearance sale right here in Portland at Schwan Piano Co., 101 10th st. Viz.: $475 Estey & Co., upright $265 $900 Steinway & Sons, upright 385 $575 Emerson upright, mahogany... 293 $750 Weller player, mahogany 395 $900 Thompson player, mahogany.. 493 Security Storage Co., closing out: $275 Bard & Co.. upright, cash $ 75 f375 Haller ss Davis, upright, cash 165 659 Bmigalow player piano 345 $275 Pianola player piano, wal 35 Including 85 player rolls. $100 Shoeninger organ, walnut....! 25 $115 A. B. Chase organ, walnut 38 1TJ3 Tenth St.. cor. Stark 8t. USED PHONOGRAPHS. $295 Edison, oak case, late model. $225 $275 Vlctrola. oak case 175 $275 Vlctrola, oak case, fumed .. . 17 $200 Edison, oak case - 125 $175 Brunswick, oak case 125 $200 Mandel, man. case 100 $200 Packard, man. case 100 $125 Vlctrola, mah. case 75 $150 Widdicomb, mah. case 85 and many small table machines from $15. $23, $30 and $50; terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6th Street. PHONOGRAPH SALE. $32.50 Columbia, $20, $5 cash, $2 men. $60 Scnora. $30, $5 cash, $2 monthly. $125 Columbia, $75, $5 Cash, $3 mon'ly. $165 Stradivara, $85, $5 cash, $4 month. $150 Vlctrola, $1157 $5 cash, $4 mon'ly. $260 Brunswick. $135. $5 cash. $5 mo. Schwan Piano Co.. cor. 10th and Starit Pay as little as when renting, $10 cash and $5 to $7 a month. Wheelcck, upright, mahogany $185 Haselton Bros., upright, mahogany 475 Kimha.lL unriffht. large 345 Cabie & Co., upright, walnut 265 Bmiib A Co . Iinriirht. mahogany.... 245 Kimball, upright, ebony 265 L Chickering & sons Lipman. Wolfe & Co.. 8th ini Wash. BIG JANUARY PIANO SALBS. About 50 pianos, grand, player and upright pianos, many fine makes. Must raise iota of money. Come and make an offer on your favorite make. Lota of new ones, too. Terms. Brokerage Co.. 3i2 Worcester bldg. HAVE YOU EVER TRIED HYATT'S? We offer you every possible service, courtesy audi treatment consistent with modern merchandising. We carry full stock of records and machines for Victrola, Edison, Columbia or Bruns wick. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 3o0 Alder. ' CORNETS. Your choice of silver cornets with gold bell in fine cases; Buescher, Conn, Wurlltzer, Bruns and others; only $40; terms. O. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 ttth Street. HORNLESS EDISON AND 100 RECORDS, $95. Just think! Hornless Edison, ai& monii point reproducer and 100 like new Indestructible cylinder recorda only $85, $10 down, $5 a month, Hyatt Taimng wacnine o., 0'" Ami. SPECIAL PHONOGRAPH DANCING ATTACHMENT. See our loud-talking Telephonogmph. Can be heardi mile. Only $125. Ea.sy terms. Fits any phonograph. Hyatt Talking Machine Co..S50 Aldr. SAXOPHONES, Martin C me!., sliver, gold bell, used as demonstrators; 8 at $118.75; 4 at $125; these are real bargains; terms. , G. F. JOHNBON PIANO CO., 149 6th Street. D ALTON ADDING MACHINE. Dalton Adding Machine totals to $9,699,999.99; cost $150; price $85; $20 down, $7.50 a month. Hyatt Talk- ing Machine Co. 350 Aide: $800 GENUINE B. Shoniger player piano, only usea a monms; uwn-i muni have money; only $326; most wonder ful snap in Portland. 812 Worcester bldg. WHAT SHALL I GI"vE FOR NEW YKAK'ST A record gift certificate solves the question. Let us taKe care oi you. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. ARsnt.llTRI.V new high-class mahog- hov case Chickering player piano; cost $1600: will sell at sacrifice; leaving city; cash or terms if necessary. At- water 5566. Apt. 16. SAXOPHONE. Fine Buescher saxophone, like new; cost $165; price $120.; $25 down, $7.50 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 3?o Ainer. WE WILL take, in exchange your old piano on your choice or anonograpu, G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6th Street. GRAND piano only $500, equal to a new one and looks like new; would cost you about $1000 up town. Some snap. 312 Worcester piag. KINGSBURY PIANO. Mahogany case, splendid tone, only $225. Easy terms. Hyatt Talking Ma- chlne CO., ao Aiaer. flUV IHluuun, ....... ..... ords worth $33. Machine in firsr-clasa condition, will sen tor oniy caau. Call Atwater 0484. T.vnM JU HEAI.T ORGAN, Fine-toned parlor organ, only $3 down and $5 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 300 Alder. ISV.V. ITS for rermira on all kinds Of mu sical instruments; our prices are ngnt. G. F. JOHNSON PiAMU CVJ., 149 6th Street. nmrpTOMETER. $3-50 Comptometer, like new, only $175. Easy terms. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co., 3&U- Aiaer. BREWSTER piano, mah. case. fine condition; only S2,r; terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6th Street. PIANO tuning and phonograph repair- ine anv make: all worK guaranteea, Seiberllng-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st. Bdwy. 6576. ONE MAH. Period style . phonograph priced to sell quicK; hu, terms. ' O. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 8th Street. AUTO TIRES. Will exchange new Vlctrola, Bruns wick, Columbia or Edison for auto tires. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. BENT a grand piano, rent applies on purchase if you so aeciae. aonmer, Kranlch & Bach. Packard and others. Harold B. Gilbert. 107. west parlt. NF.TZOW PIANO SNAP. Beautiful-toned genuine Netiow pi ano; only $200; easy terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Aider. A NICE CHRISTMAS GIFT. $165 mahogany phonograph (large size), with 15 late aouoie-aisc recoras, will sen for 590 casn. Main 0041 PATHE "ELECTRIC. $175 Paths electric only $60. Easy terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. I PAY cash for used pianos. Harold S. Gilbert, 107 west parK. piauos re paired, rented, sold. Sohmer repre sentative. $600 FINE Hallet & Davis upright piano, $115. on easy terms. 312 Worcester bldg. $1000 STEINWAY piano Only $410. Just compare witn a new one . uptown, terms. 312 Worcester blag. FOR TRAD3 Mahogany player piano with music ior "ord seaan . .Empire Transfer, uawy. oiso. GRAND PIANO, new Kurtzman ; make me an offer: can be seen Sunday and Monday, 1167 Rodney ave. PHONOGRAPH repairing, springs 20o and up; parts, supplies. 546 Washing ton. near litn. A BARGAIN. One $675 player piano, three months oin. at a real price, uau list 1384. Sinn HORN disc phonoeranh anu cahi net $20: $7.50 down. $2.50 a mnnth. Hyatt Talking Machine .Co.. 350 Alder. FOR SALE Shoninger player piano in first-class condition; bargain. Bdwy. 2881. PLAYER-PIANO, 88-note. in first-class condition; win sen cheap for cash, Tabor 8447. C MELODY Conn saxophone, price $00. Inquire Floyd Clay, lOOOifc Union ave. North. C5-NOTE player rolls, best selections. 10c each. Harold S. Gilbert, 107 West Park, across from Rivoli theater exit. BARGAIN. Model S00 Vlctroia, cost $20 sac rifice $175. Slightly used. Bdw" 1662 $200 EDISON diamond disc cabinet phonograph including 50 selections, only $100 128 First, near Alder. GENUINE MARTIN GUITAR. Make Of offer, or will trade on phonograph. Bdwy. 8138. EDISON DIAMOND DISC. Large size, only $175. Easy terms. HyattTalklng Machine Co., 350 Alder. $85 $5-DOWN, (5 per month buys $125 phonograph with 12 records. Empire Transfer, Bdwy. 0155. " $925 STEINWAY piano, -enly $250; up-T-ight. medium size. 312 Worcester bldg. $2.50 RENTS phono, witn late records. Empire Transfer, uin. aowy. ui.ia. $150 LATB Victrola and records. Only $85. 312 Worcester bldg. CELLO, good tone, perfect condition. $75. Call Main 6979. $500 GILBERT piano, late mahogany, $175; terms. 312 Worcester bldg. PIANO for rent, $3 per month, Bdwy. 2555. 148 13th St. $600 J. & C. FISCHER piano, fine mah.. $240: terms. 812 Worcester bldg. UPRIGHT piano cheap 614-80. Call Automatic TUN PIANOS, $100 to $200 each. Many fine makes; terms. 312 Worcester bidg. FOR SALE. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. WH7 BEVT & PHnNOftRAtli? When for $5 a month you can buy any new Victor, Edison, Columbia or Brunswick up to $125 at Hyatt Talk- lng Aiacnme to., aim Aiaer. TS vniTR piano SILENT? Let us exchange fine new Victrola, Edison, Brunswick or Columbia for your piano. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. PLAYER PIANO. A most magnificent walnut case, Frrand player. Just like new. Cost about $8oO, only $525. Terms. Hyatt railclng Macnme uo, aau aiqct. PHONX5GRAPH RECORDS POSTPAID. We prepay postage on all orders for records, Edison. Victor. Columbia or Brunswick. Send for catalogs. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. IT'S A FACT. Just think! It only takes $S monthly to buy a fine Victor, Columbia, Bruns wick or Edison phonograph. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 -Alder. WEBER- PIANO. Real snap in fine "Wleber piano, only $275. Terms to suit you. See it! Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. SAXOPHONE. CONN ALTO SAXOPHONE, SILVER FINISH. WITH CASE. $75. ALLEN. WALNUT 15C6. STEINWAY PIANO, $75. Splendid toned Steinway square, only $75; $25 down. $5 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 3.10 Ala MAHOGANY phonograph, new. used one week; will sell reasonably. Apt. 11. 148 East 80th St. FOR SALE Fine piano. E. Main St. Furniture for Sale. AUCTION! AUCTION! Tuesday, January 2, 1:80 P. M. 5RSU Grant, west side. Take 16th or S. Portland car get off at Grant. 1 9x12 Axmlnster rug. 1 9x12 Brussels. A at-nnll rues. Duofold davenport In genuine Span ish leather, quarter sawed oak dining table and six chairs to match with Spanish seats. 1 buffet. 2 Attic rlresBprs. 1 two-post white enamel beds, sag springs and mattress. 1 single bedsprlng and mattress. 2 rockers. 5 odd chairs. ' 1 sanitary couch and pad. 1 kitchen table. 1 gas plate, 2-burner. 19 yards of linoleum. 1 Opal Junior range. 1 sanltarv bed. Dishes, cooking utensils, shades and curtains. Many other articles not listed. These goods nearly new, nice and clean. TUESDAY. 1:80 P. M. 28814 Grant St., West Side. BELL AUCTION CO.. B. L. Boughey, Auctioneer. Call as for auction sales. We get top rates. Free estimates. Telephone Bast 2617 or Walnut 6265. AFTER the holidays people are short o: cash so 1 will sen to suit your pocaci book; chairs $8 up, kitchen treasures $8.50 up, tables $1. no drawers; with drawers, si.ou; large crio tironi, steei springs, drop side, $5.50; heaters, half price; stoves. Universal range (water coll), $18; wardrobe $6, rockers $2.50 up. beds $1.50 up; lots of other goods cheap for cash. 384 E. Washington, between Union and Grand. 'Afternoons or before 9:45 A. M. tt ROOMS of furniture, all or by the piece, overstufled davenport and chair, Wilton and Axmlnster rugs, floorlamp, Sonora victrola, cedar chest, mahogany and wicker chairs and rockers, dining set, tea wagon, ivory bedroom furni ture. Garland combination range, all high-grade., 535 hi Everett St.. cor. 16th. Flat for rent. Bdwy. 4861. JUST ARRIVED. ALL FLAT-TOP DESKS. QUARTERED OAK SANITARY STYLE. FROM CAMP LEWIS, AT HALF FORMER PRICES. Also large quantity barrack chairs. 92 BROADWAY, NEAR STARK. ' STORAGE SALE. Goods sacrificed for storage and loan charges, consisting of furniture, house hold goods, sewing- machines, dishes, pianos, phonographs, vacuum cleaners, stoves, tables, etc SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. 4th at Pine St. Opp. Multnomah hotel. BEAUTIFUL dining room set, very fine living room set, mahogany aavenport table, mahogany wing-back fireside chairs, ivory bed set, brass bed. rattan floor lamp, reading lamp, lovely fire set. birds, dandy singers, vacuum sweeper. Call after Monday. Tabor 4676. - PRIVATE PARTY, vl-plece mohair living room set, $150; 5-piece ivory bedroom set. $150; 7 plece mahogany dining room set, $150. This furniture very llle used. Am kaving town. Tel. Walnut 1027. 857 E. 7th St. N. QUARTER sawed oak dining room table and chairs. 2 Ivory beds, triple mirror dressing table, dresser, congoleum rug. radiantfires and iron bed: will' sell as whole or by piece. i2049 E. Couch, M-V car. Tabor 1435. call Sunday. FUMED solid oak dining set. 6 leather seat chairs, $30; $27 perfect ivory triple-plate dressing table. $16; $100 red mohair drapes, $25 pr., elegant for pouch covers; 2 enamel lavatories, $4 each. 567 Taylor. FOR SALE Range and heater (nearly new), sewing machine, round table and 8 chairs, center and kitchen table, buffet, davenport, rocker. 2 carpets, 1 day bed and 1 brass bed and springs. 478 Union ave. ,V . BRIDGE BEACH STEEL RANGE, 18-lnch oven with high warming closet. 3-Plate gas attached: almost new. Very reasonable. 1130 B. Fland, ers. or phone Tabor 8896. DON'T sacrifice your furniture if going east or to California; we can save you money on your freight in our through cars, fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer & Baggage Co.. 245 Pine st. BUCK'S gas range, high oven, $30; bed complete witn puiows. i; oaK ex tension table, dishes and cooking -uten slls $13: rug, $8: $60 to party taking all. Atwater 3790 at 430 12th St. FOR SALE Very nice furniture of 5 rooms, bargain "for $350 cash. 547 Powell St.. near 12th. Brooklyn car. FOR SALE Dining room table, six chairs, aiso bedsteads; all In dark oak finish. 251 Cornell Road. Phone Main 8576. . OAK DINING ROOM SET. 54-Inch table, 6 chairs, large buffet, China closet. $75. Phone Main 1479. 3 BEDROOM sets, velvet rugs, wara- robe and sewing machine, china closet. rocking chair, stair carpet. Phone Walnut 1S77. 980 E. 21st St. N. FULL line of good second-hand furniture, also heating and cook stoves at 63 N. 3d et Bdjv-y. 0186. Pacific Hardware & r , rnuure uo. A SOLID oak davenport: colonial velvet .rug, 9x12; flrst-clae condition, reason able price. 660 E. B7t'h st N. Tabor 62N8. , 8-PIECE-antique mahogany parlor suit, very massive, worth $1500: will sac rifice; see it and make offer. Bdwy. Hfll. PAV Ivorv iron bed. nonsag steel springs, felt mattress, all for $35; portable oven, giass door, temperature indicator. $4. 204 aoutn proaaway. NEW AND second-hand furniture, ail kinds cooking utensils, etc.. oougnt ana sold. Oki Furniture Store. 209 Second St.. near Salmon. Main 4107. HIGH-CLASS furniture for sale at 625 E. 17th St. N. East 5142. 1 9x12 RUG, 2 iron beds, springs, mat tresses, 1 cot and mattress, 1 gas heater. I43Vfc lltn st. FURNITURE of 5 rooms for sale. 4H5 E. Washington, corner 6th st. ; reason able. NEW BED and dresser, also household goods, make me an offer. 655 Flan ders, room H. $160 WILL buy beautiful mahogany din ing suite, including tea cart, buffet, H chairs, table. Main 1324. FURNITURE of 6-room house for- sale; must sell today, all or by piece; come and get it. 583 Montgomery st. 1 WHITE enameled breakfast room set. consisting of ,4 hardwood chairs and table. Tabor 1021, MUST sell my $350 overstuffed 3-piece front room set; for quick sale. $125 takes it. 103.1 Schuyler st. FURNITURE 6-room house, terms to re liable party; house rent $27.50 to pur chaser. 492 53; Ankeny. DINING table, walnut, 4 cane back "hairs-, cheao. Atwater 3548. LIVING room, bedroom and East 9789. 733 East Ash St. FOR SALE Slightly used furniture six rooms. 781 Savler St. PRACTICALLY new furniture for sale cheap. 1110 E. 19th N. LIBRARY TABLE FOR SALE, $33 TAHUK 2 INS, ACORN gas range, almost new, cheap. Inquire 384 Benton. . FINE oak buffet and oak rocker cheap. 402 Hemlock st Bell. 186. FOB SALE. Furniture for Sale. FIRE SALE OP FURNITURE, CARPETS. ETC. The $70,000 stock of Cohn Broe. fx Director recently damaged by water when the Ben Hur hotel was destroyed and 3 lives lost, this stock was removed to 105 107 12th St., bet. Washington and Stark, and is now on saie at 25 to 60 cents on the dollar. Most of the goods are in first class condition and cannot be told from new. Below we list a few of the items at bargain, prices: OVERSTUFFED FURNITURE. ' Beg. $100 velour daven port, now $ 60.09 Beg. $225 mohair daven port, now 103.00 Reg. $100 tapestry daven port, now 44.00 Reg-. $195 S-pieoe mahogany and cane sat, for only.... 73.00 Beg. $65 upholstered bed davenport 86,00 DINING ROOM FURNITURE. William and Mary tables from $lfiup Queen Ann mh. or walr-ut tables from $17.50 up .Walnut buffets to match. $17.50 op Walnut china closets from ,.,$21.80 up Walnut or xtiahog. dining chairs, half price. BEDROOM FURNITURE. 4-plece walnut suite, com plete $87.50 Ivory dressers from 11.75 up Walnut dressers from.... 18.50 up Mahog. dressers from 15.00tip Ivory chiffoniers from.... 7.00 up Ivory dressing tables, triple mirror 10.00 Prmmons steel beds, springs, mattreeses. pillows snd comfort ers, etc, at 25o to 50c on the $. 9x12 Wilton rags from $32.40 up 8-8x10-8 Wilton rugs from 28.75 tip x9 Wilton rugs from,... 19.75 tip 9x12 Axmlnster rugs from 21.60 up 8-3x10-6 Axmmster rugs from 18.75 up 6x9 Axmlrster rugs from. 10.60 up 9x12 velvet rugs from.... 17.85 up Pxl2 Brussels rugs from.. 7.00 up 8x10 Brussels rugs from.. 12.50 up 9x4 2 ra g rugs 7.00 8x10 rag rugs 5,75 6x9 grass rugs 1.25 27x54-!n. rues from 80c tip Brussels stair carpet 45c yd. Wool velvet carpet 1.15 yd. ' Pro-llnoloum at K8c yd. German linoleum at 62c yd. Inlaid linoleum at 98c yd. Beg. $42.50 gate-leg ta bles, mahogany ...... .$15.00 Reg. $40.00 mah. and wal. tea wagons 35.00 up Mahogany or walnut spin net desks 35.00 up Piano lamps, shades complete 75c up Mahogany tables 8.75 up " Mahogany davenport ta bles 30.00 up Unfinished breakfast ta bles 1.50 Windsor mahogany or walnut chairs 4.00 up Wicker, mahogany and oak chairs and rockers, pedestals and a thousand, other .pieces too numerous to mention at prices unheard of before. y 105-107 12TH ST., ' Bet. Washington and Stark. Sale Starts Tuesday Morning 9 A. M. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL. The beginning of the new year. If you need any furniture, rugs, linoleum, stoves and ranges, please make our store your headquarters and be as sured that you save considerable money if you trade with us. 40-pound felted mattress, rolled edge, fancy covering, at only..$ 7.00 2-inch post steel bed. ivory iinish n.va Coil springs from 10.50 36x72 window shades, green or cream color 69 "Air-tight heaters, No. 18 2.50 Oak dining table and 4 oak chairs to match, only 28.00 9x12 grass rugs to close out St.. 7.00 8x10 grass rugs to close out 6.00 Stoves greatly reduced. Heaters greatly reduced. Also everything contained In our 4 story building goeB on sale at special Inducements. Come early and make your selection FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO., 174 First St. Look for the 4-Story Building. N. E. Cor. Yamhill. OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS FOR LESS. Iron beds $ 1.75 Chair l.OO Rockers 2.50 Bed springs 1.50 Extension tables . . .'. 7 50 Mattresses .............. 2.50 Dresser 9.00 Solid oak leather seat din ing chairs 8.95 Coal or wood range 17.50 9x12 grass rug 0.00 OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS FOR LESS.-166-168 First St. 75 Feet South of Morrison. WATCH FOR OUR BIG SALE beginning Jan. 2. Absolutely, the biggest sale In the history of this store. Everything in the stock reduced. Prices that you have not seen since before the war. Furniture, carpets, rugs, stoves, etc., from 30 to 40 per cent off. GEVURT2Z "FURNITURE CO., . Easy Terms. No. Interest. 185 First St. Between Yamhill and 'Taylor. HERE IS A CLEARANCE SALE SPECIAL WORTH WHILE. Egg shell finished ivory dresser with large French plate mirror, 2 large drawers and 2 top draw ers, hardwood construction. Vhls is a reg. $29.75 value offersd at the extremely low price of $18.95 and even at this low price we offer it on terms of $1 down snd $1 per week. Better hurry, supply is limited. MISH FURNITURE CO . 188-190 First. St. SPANISH leather upholstered Morris chair for sale, excellent condition snd price reasonable. Phone Auto. 619-12. CHINESE RUGS. S3 4th St., opp. Multnomah hotel. FOB SALE. Furniture for Sale. A. i 8. GBVTJRTZ FURNITURE STORE. 165-167 1st. near Morrison St. A. very fine, slightly used oak Vlctrola phonograph with record cabinet, also 60 good records, for... $48.50 Alcazar combination range for wood, coal, gas. slightly used, with whits splasher, for 47.50 Mahogany finished Lamp Sticks, double sockets... 7.95 Mahogany finished 4-pleos bedroom set. consisting of Dresser, Vanity Dress er, Chiffonier and Bed 124.50 , S-pc. Ivory bedroom set. Chiffonier. Dresser and Dressing Table 64.20 A good oak Buffet, slight ly used, in perfect shape 39.50 Slightly used steel Ranges in good shape and con dition, up from 1B.0W A large fine line of : used fur niture In good condition at a very low price. Call ana see us before buying, as we can save you money. . We also extend to you the use of our credit system and we charge No Interest on same. A S. GEVTTRTZ FURNITURE STORE. 165-167 1st, near Morrison. COMPLETE living room set, genuine leather folding davenport. 2 leather rockers, 1 solid oak library ts.ble and 1 Simmons bed. Must be so.d, ioo complete. 893 College st., near 10th. Atwater 1872. Call after 30 A. M. Office Furniture. FOR A FEW days before we Invoice we will sell our new desks, tables, chairs and files at prices oeiow tnose oi ui equipment elsewhere. We buy. sell and rent office furniture. D. C. Wax. 24-26 N. 5th. Bdwy. 2739, . TWO FLAT-TOP desks, typewriter desk. typewriter, adding macnine, nuns Inet, two good 9x12 rugs, two rooms for rent. Apply to manager, Henry building. 5-FOOT oak roll-top desk, check Titer. typewriter; bargain. iNeuiiu. First, near Alder. SOLID oak office desk and chair. You can make a good buy. i"i r. amin WANTED Three large arm oak office chairs. Broaoway n.oo. -u,p. OFFICE furniture, high-grade fixtures. including 8 desks, pqwy. nvj. Typewriters. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale. rent, exenange: we are exclusive um trlbutors of Corona portable, $60, com plete with carrying case; supplies and repairs for all makes; OREGON TYPEWRITER CO., 94 Fifth st. Bdwy. 7189. ALL MAKES GUARANTEED REBUILT 35 per cent to 7U per cent oeiow ; facturer's price: TERMS $5 monthly if desired; LATE MODELS RENTED 3 months. $7.50 up. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 821 Washington St. Bdwy. 7481. REBUILT GUARANTEED TT PE WRIT ERS, ail manes; laoii ruijiBrtio. 124 4m St. WA. c r. REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell supplies. Type writer Insp. CO.. 31 Biarn, o'iwj. REBUILTS. 2d-hand rentals, cut rates.. P. D. C. CO., 24" vasn. nu"f. ,uv- $3 RENTS Underwood. Remington. Bm- pire Transier. n.t nm. inj. 1 ROYAL typewriter, excellent condi- Ition. Call Atw. aim). NOISELESS, late moael. good as new; sacrifice tor casn. laoor in. Poultry. GET EGGS ALL WINTER and plenty of them. Keep your flock on the job right through the colder months as thousands of other poultrymen are doing with a good egg-making ration and Pratt's Poultry Regulator. You'll get the eggs when prices are way up and that means making good money from your birds. Now's the time to begin using Pratt s. "Your money back If YOU are not satisfied." Sold by dealers everywhere. GET EGGGS ALL WINTER. and plenty of them. Keep your flock on the Job right through the colder months as thousands of other poultrymen are doing, with a good egg-making ration and Pratt's Poultry Regulator. You'll get the eggs when prices are way up and that means making good money from your birds. Now's the time to begin using Pratt s. "Your money back if YOU are not satisfied." Sold by dealers everywhere. LOOK OUT FOR ROUP . Don't take chances with any cold in your flock stop it before It can de velop into an epidemic and cause you untold loss. Quarantine affected birds at once and give them, as well as the rest of the flock. Pratt's Roup Reme dy. By promptly adding it to the drinking water it may save yoa hours of labor and dollars of loss. J"? money back if YOU are not satisfied. Sold by dealers every wnere. BUY-YOUR baby chicks from the White hatchery, member of the Sonoma County Fartn bureau accredited hatch eries. All flocks approved by farm bureau Inspector. We handle ac credited "A" grade chicks and AA grade for the poultryman who wants something better. Write us at once for Information, prices, etc. White Hatch ery, petaluma. cat. 180 TANCRED strain White Leghorns for sale; about 50 pullets, balance year-old hens; these Leghorns were selected from a large flock for breed ing purposes, but we are moving, so must Bell; price $1 each, or $160 takes the flock; four coal-burning brooder stoves. $15 each. Laughlln Bros., McMinnvllle. Or. BABY CHICKS. BABY CHICKS. HI-GRADE CHICKS FOR LESS. White Leghorns, R. I. Reds, Mln orcas, Ancooas, Barred Rocks. White Rocks. Postal secures free catalog. Write today. 4 C. N. NEEDHAM, SALEM, OR. BABY CHICKS and hatching eggs. Dr. Dugannea trapnested White Leghorns and J. M. McCaleb's pure Hollywood stock: also the best O. A. C. Barred Plymouth Rock baby chirks. Cata logue on request. Mark A. Webster, Corvallls, Or. . FOR SALE 14 Mammoth Pekln ducks. 10 ducks. 4 drakes: this flock was selected for breeding purposes, but we are moving, so must sell; ducks $2 each, drakes $3 each, or $25 takes the entire flock. Laughlln Bros., McMlnn ville, Or. 100 TANCRED Imperial Hoganizeil breeders, bred to lay; buy now ior strong earlv chicks; 25 young hens and cockerels, $35. R. 3. box 596, Portland. BAB'S CHICKS Heavy-laying strain; atiir eariv: guarantee full count. eafe arrival within 72 hours of Los . in ti.,.i,..v nqft. n S. AngeieS. f "wee, ua.uu.ij, m-v Spr.ng St., Loi Angeles. RARY CHIX. "Oregon's Best at Reasonable Prices." Leghorns, Reds. Anconas, Black Min orca, Barred Rock, White Rocks. C N. NEEDHAM. SALEM, OR. INCUBATORS My poultry piant de stroyed by fire. Will sell six Master incubators cheap. . Good as new, J. R.. Stipe. llOS1 Hawthorne aw., Portland. LAYING White Leghorn pullets and young hens, $1 each. J. R. McGuire, M7 Oregon street. LIGHT BRAHMA cockerels, fine birds. See them; $5, no C. O. D. s. uo wu- liams ave. i FOR SALE Rhode Island Ked cockerels. R74 Clinton st. Sell. 1040. R. 1. RED hens, good layers, acct. mov Inr. Bdwy. 4219. YOUNG Rhode Island rooster for sale, $,'i. Phone 615-7 1. NEW $25 BROODER, take $20, Call 1545 Fremont st., cor. 6m h. FOR SALE 11 buff leghorn hens. 1 yr. old. Bdwy. 3195. R. I. RED pulieta, new incubator, two runs, Cheao. 570 E. Main. Dogs. Rabbits. Birds nnd Pet Stock. THOROUGHBRED male St. Bernard dog for sale, 2 years old. R. "Wolfe, Ful ton boat yard. oT ANDREASBERG roller and Harts mountain pedigreed stock; $5 each. Woodlawn 6614. FOR SALE One fox and blood hound bitch by -tt. A. wood, aiayger, or. BEAUTIFUL St. Andreasberg roller, $8; .females $1.00. East 7403. THOROUGHBRED toy fox terrier pups. 3809 East 65th St. B. li. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Airedale pup pies. 160 East, 47th st. N. Tabor 4Mi. ANDRSASBERG rollers, fine songstirM For rBl rollers call East 4tvv. SMALL English collie. 9 wee-irs, cut, playmate for child, $7.50. Tabor 4502. 6 FLEMISH giant does, large and well bred. $2.50 each. 5517 42d ave. S. K. FEMALE cocker spaniel, coal black, cheap. Call Main 2845 or 310 6th st. s. FOR SALE or trade, 1 shepherd pup 1 months old. East 6478. FOR SALE SHEPHERD PUPS. 681 E. MOR RISO'N. PHONE E. 5374. . SPITZ pups for sale, cheap., 3522. 53d street Southeast. t