8 - RATES FOB -CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING In order to eartf th mor than one-time rate, advertising mast ran in consecutive issnes. On time ...... 12c per line Two times (each Issue) ... .11c per line Three times (each issue).. .10c per line Seven times (each issue) . .. fcc per line One to six months, per month ,.2.50 per line Six to twelve months, uer month .... , .12.25 per line The above rates apply to all head ings, with the following exceptions Situations Wanted. Each insertion 9c per line .', Business Opportunity Headings. i Financial Headings. Help Wanted. Proposals Inv!td. Jxwt and Found. Special Notices, Personal, Funeral Notices. One time 15c per line Two times (each issue) . . .14a per line Three times (each issue) . .13c per line Seven times (each issue) . .12c per Una Ons month ...3per line NEW TODAY. Kates Per JUne. Daily. Sunday. Onetime .16c 20c Two times (per Issue) . . ,15c 19c Three times (per issue),. .14c 38c Seven times (per issue) . ..13c 17c One month, daily and Sunday. .. .$3.50 Count five words to the line. Vo ad taken for less than two lines. Ads run Sunday only charged at one-time rate. Advertisements (except "Personals' and "Situations Wanted") will he taken over the telephone if the ad vertiser is a subscriber to phone. The Oregonian will receive adver tising fry maii provided sufficient re mittance for definite number of issues Is sent. Acknowledgment will be for warded promptly. Advertisements are taken for The Daily Oregonian until 7:30 F. M.f for The Sunday Oregonian until 6 F, M. ha turd ay. FUNERAL THRECTORS, CREMATION Q PORTLAND CREMATORIUM. East 14th and Rybee. SeUwood 0967. MILLER & TRACE Y .. Perfect Funeral Service (or Lens. Independent Funeral Director.. Washington St., Bet. 20th and 21st Sts., West Side. Lady Assistant. Broadway 2681. J. P. FINLEY & SON MORTICIANS. PHONE MAIN 4322. MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH ST. . D. Kenworthy. R. S. Henderson. A. D. Kenworthy Co. CS04 92d St.. Lents. Automatic 618-21. HOLMAN & SON (Founded In 1854.) FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Third and Salmon Sts, Main 050T. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors -with all the privacy of a home. 16th and Everett Sts. Phones, Broadway 2133, Auto. 531-35. EAST SIDE FUNERAL DIRECTORS (F. S. DUNNING, INC.) "The Family S.ts the Price." 414 East Alder St. Phones, Eaat 0052. East 9774. SN00K & WHEALD0N Belmont at 35th. Tabor 1258. LERCH, UNDERTAKERS, East Eleventh and Hawthorne. Phone East 0781. C YEW EC UNDERTAKING CO.. ONlYILO Third and Clav, Main 4152. 1 B 7C1 I CD Pfl 592 Williams Ave. Hi III iLLLLII UVi Phone East 10S8. FLORISTS. 1 ion sra 354 Washington St, Main 0M9. Flowers for All Occasions Artistically Arranged. Rose, and Rare Orchids a Specialty, duality and Service' Since 1890. ATwater 0753 328 MORRISON ST. P0D 7709 Ottaiis(tirtehi Main 1854 311 Morrison Street Just the Best' Tonseth Floral Co. Finest Floral Arrangements for Fnnerals. 187 Washington, bet. 4th and 5th Sts. Phone Broadway 4527. Yamhill at Tenth. Smith's Flower Shop ' TOMMY IUKE. Portland's Progressive Florist. Floral De sign speclaismnj People's Floral Shop FLORAL DESIGNS A SPECIALTY. 249 Alder St., bet. 3d and 3d. Phone Brodaway 7126. EK1CKS0N Florist 203 Broadway at Taylor. Main 7379. CHAPPELL'S FLOWER SHOP 831 Morrison, N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 6119 MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS t66 4th St., Opp. Ctty Hall. NEU BROS. OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLE WOCflCS fl I QUALITY MEMORIALS 1 ! '6. THIRD & PINE STS. 1 HOKE E.743, .OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases of alleged cruelty to animals. Offices, room 153 Courthouse. Phone Main 038 From 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. The society has full charge of the city pound at its home, 635 Colum bia boulevard. Phone any time, Woodlawn 0764. Dogs for sale. Horse ambulance for sick or dis abled horses. Small animals pain lessly electrocuted when necessary and stray animals cared for. All dead animals, sows, horses, to picked, up., trnm-Tnj llmi 1 "l",nli i iHHiinfilTiifTin 3 PORTLAND BUSINESS . BULLETIN ACCORDION PLEATING. CUT. SEAM, HEM, machine-pleat, skirt, licit'ed. Eastern Novelty Mfg. Co., 854 Fifth street. ACCOUNTANTS. EXPERT accountant will open or close your hooks. Financial statements, in come tax returns, etc. Phone for ap pointment. Tabor 1487. ASSA1ERS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 2d Bt. Gold, silver, platinum bought. STEAM showers, tubs and swim, all Xor aoc. nealtn. 121 Fourth St. CELLULOID BUTTONS. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 387 Washington st. Broadway 3144. CHIROPODISTS. WILLIAM. Estelle. Florilla and DeWane Jeveney, the only scientiflo chiropo dists and arch specialists in city. Par lors, 302 Gerllnger bldg., southwest corner 2d and Alder sts. Main 1301. DR. O. O. FLETCHER Foot troubles scientifically corrected: lady assistant. 512 Morgan bldg. Main 8762. COLLECTIONS. NETH & CO.. Worcester bldg. Broadway a6. wo collections, no charge. DANCING. O.L1SKY DANCING ACADEMY Latest ballroom, fancy, oriental, Spanish, Egyptian, toe and many other dances taught. Children a specialty. Main 4614. Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison. Agnes Summers. RINGLER'S dancing school, best instruc tion, private and class daily. j3roaa way and Main. Auto. 618-39. DENTIST. DR. B. E. WRIGHT Third Floor Raleigh Bldg. Corner of Sixth and Washington Sts. Broadway 7219.' Automatic 2119. WITHOUT PAIN ?lWsaSS' Your "Teeth Sleen" While We Work. Above Majestic Theater, 8614 Wash, st. EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS. YOUR EYES EXAMINED FREE. lour glasses nttea by a specialist. Prices with I in reach of all. Dr. ' Harry Brown. 149 3d , near Morrison. WE SPECIALIZE in fitting eyeglasses; ivypioK. lories, also tne cheaper grades from $2.60 and up. Dr. George Rubensteln. optometrist. 226 Morrison. TRO VTOKKS. PHOENIX IRON WORKS. Engineers, founders. mechanics, boiiermakers, boiler and blacksmith .hop. Office and works. Hawthorn, avenue and East Third street. LAWYERS. E. W. EASTMAN, lawyer. 528 Chamber of Commerce bldg. MUSIC TEACHERS. OREGON Conservatory (schocl) of Music, 2d floor Russel bldg. (over the "Lion"). Entrance 165tt 4th st, cor, of Morrleoa. OPTOMETRISTS. OUR BUSINESS IS GLASSES AND FRIENDS. XfeMtajp Yes. thousands of friends whom we have fitted in the past 20 years. Come to experienced ODtomet- trists with your eye troubles. Our low rent attords you lowest prices. Consulta tion free. Dr. Chas. W. Goodman,- Dr. Samuel Goodman, associate optometrists. 209 Morrison. Main 2124. g WHY PAY MORE 7 Jif'fm'm Glasses in gold-filled frame., Jvi" fitted to your eyes with mod- - ern instruments, as low as $2.50; double vision glasses at a great saving;-glasses in all styles, satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. A. E. HurwiU, optom- etrist. za First st. PRINTING. PRINTING Lower prices, get our figures. Bdwy. 71)75. Phoenix bldg.. 5th. Oak. B W. RAI.TES Xr m First at Oak. Bdwy. 411. PATENTS. PATENTS Send sketch or model for preliminary examination. Booklet free. Highest references, best results, promptness assured. Watson E. Coleman, Patent Lawyer. 624 g St., Washington, D. C. PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C. WRIGHT, registered patent attor ney, 25 years; if invention really valu able see attorney. 601 Dekum bldg. PIPE REPAIRING. 19 PIPCQ Repairs by experts. n i niCO Pipe Shop, 272 Wash. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Broadway build ing, stomach, bowels, liver, Kidneys, bladder, rectal, prostate and female disorder;, without operation. SPECIALTY MANUFACTURING. METAL SPINNING, and specialty manufacturing, all kinds. Patents developed. Kauffman Manu facturing Co, 281-283 Hawthorne ave. East 3245. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 414 Glisan St. Bdwy. 128L DRATAGB. STORAGE. Four Warehouses on Terminal Tracks. Phone your want ads to The Oregonian, Main 7070. NEW TODAY. Auction! Auction! TUESDAY, JANUARY 2 1:30 P. M 28812 GRANT, WEST SIDE Tnke Sixteenth or S. Portland Car, bet Off at Grant. One 9x1.2 Axminster rug. ' One 9x12 Brussels. Four small rusts. Duofold davenport In genuine Spanish leather. Quarter-sawed oak dining table and six chairs to match with Span ish seats. One buffet. Two oak dressers. One two-post white enamel bed, sag springs and mattress. One single bed spring and mat tress. Two rockers. Five odd chairs. One sanitary couch and pad. One kitchen table. One gas plate, two-burner. Nineteen yards linoleum. One Opal Junior range. One sanitary bed. Dishes, cooking utensils, shades ana curtains. Many other, articles not listed. These goods nearly new, nice and clean. Tuesday, 1:30 P. jr. 288 Grant St, West Side. BELL AUCTION CO. E. L. BOUGHEY, AUCTIONEER. Call Us for Auction Sales, We Get Top Kates. Free Estimates. Telephone East 2617 or Walnut 6265, Parrish,Watkins&Co. Est. 1867. Prank E. Watkins, Manager, Member Portland Realty Board. Real Estate, Rental Loan and Fire & Automobile Insurance Agents Correspondence Solicited. 252 Stark St, Phone Bdwy. 7644. MORTGAGE LOANS Business properties 6. Residence loans low rates. Installment repay ments If desired. Loans promptly closed. A. H. Birrell-Gill Co. 816-210 Northwestern Bank Building FLUFF RUGS NORTHWEST RUG CO, East 3580. 188 E. Eighth St, NEW TODAY. Established 1892. STORE! CLOSED) MONDAY (NEW YEAR'S DAY.) , On this, our 80th anniversary, we wish you all a happy and prosper ous New Tear and thank you for your patronage during the past year. ON TUESDAY NEXT We shall sell the furnishings from Mrs. Coe's private home; also the part furnishings from another resi dence in Alameda. We have com bined these two lots Into one sale as an opener for the New Year, 1923. Comprising very pretty cane suite of three pieces in solid mahogany pianos, davenport table, rattan and fiber rockers, chairs, tables, etc., mahogany arm rockers and chairs, high-grade oak bookcase, library tables, Morris chair, paintings, Ohio electric vacuum cleane andirons, fire guard, Axminster rugs, 9x12, in taupe colors; other rugs in blue and up-to-date designs, folding screen, costly trass umbrella vase, brass jardiniere pots and vases, three Turkish rues, silver fern dishes, bedroom suites In walnut and mahog any, viz., oeus, aressers, cmnuiiieia, roekers and chairs; also enameled steel beds, oak and Ivory dressers, dressing table etc.; dining-room suite in Jacobean oak, viz table, buffet and chairs; also suito In golden oak, including china cabinet, dinner set, glassware, gas range, Buud water heater, tireless cooker and many other lots too numerous to mention. Come- in early before the sale and look the goods over. You will find them well worthy of vour attention. AUC TION ON TUESDAY NEXT AT 10 A. M. ON WEDNESDAY NEXT AT THE ST. JAMBS HOTEL, 345 FIRST STREET. Mr. Eastman, -who is quitting the hotel business, has favored us with instructions to sell the complete furnishings of the hotel (in all bi rooms), including seven housekeep ing suites, comprising brass and iron beds, springs, mattresses, pil lows, beddinar. dressers, chiffoniers. wardrobes, rockers, chairs, center tables, lounges, pictures, lace cur tains, shades, toilet ware, Brussels and velvet carpets in large sizes, several room-size rugs, hall carpets and runners, gas ranges, crockery, drop-leaf tables, heaters, kitchen treasures and many other good and useful lots to be found In a well conducted hotel. AUCTIONEER'S NOTE. This hotel is not a Junk shop, but a house full of good clean furniture, carpets, rugs, etc. Mr. Eastman has always been known as a keeper of a first-class, clean house. AUCTION TO START ON WEDNESDAY NEXT, JANUARY 3, AT 10 A. SI. NOTICE. If we get through with the above sale we shall hold our usual sale on Thursday. Watch for adv. in papers. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. After you have shopped downtown, come in and look over our f in& stock and get our prices. We have bar gains all the time, and what we carrv in stock are first-Clasa, up to-date goods. If you have the (ash this is where vour dollars count, as we sell for cash only, and that means a lot to you. NOTE If you are making changes or want to sell out, we are at your service, or we will pay you cash for your goods. Jau in ana see us or phone Main 3332. W. C. BAKER & W. H. DEAN. Furniture Dealers and Auctioneers, PHONE MAIN 3332. Yamhill and West Park Streets (PYTHIAN BUILDING.) Wilson's Auction House GENERAL AUCTIONEERS - AND APPRAISERS We will omit our regular Monday sale on account of New Year's day and wish all of our friends a HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAJt. AUCTION SALES On WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3, AT 10 A. M., we will sell a very good lot ot general nousenoia gooas, including beds, springs, mattresses, dressers, dining sets, rugs, carpets, linoleums, stoves, ranges, etc. This is a nice, clean lot of good furni ture and contains some exception ally good pieces. STORAGE AUCTION ON THURSDAY, JAN, 4, AT 10 A. M, We will sell for the OREGON TRANSFER CO., at their warehouse, EIGHTEENTH AND UPSHUR STS goods to satisfy unpaid storage charges. Including machinery, household goods, merchandise, etc. J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer, SPECIAL MERCHANDISE Tl ON FRIDAY, JAN. 5, AT 10 A. M. In our salesrooms, 169-171 SECOND ST., we will close out the balance of two v BANKRUPT STOCKS of MERCHANDISE, consisting mainly of dry goods, notions, ladies', men's and children's shoes, etc. These goods must positively be closed out at once. , PRIVATE SALE DEP'T We have the largest stock of good used furniture in Portland, and also several exceptional values in new pieces, including cane panel, and overstuffed sets, dining sets in period designs, etc We Solicit the Inspection of Our Stock by Prospective Fur niture Buyers. TERMS. We Are Pleased to Extend Credit to Responsible Parties. When You Wish to Sell Your House hold Goods, Call Main 1626. WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE 169-171 Second St., Near Morrison. Mortgage Loans ON CENTRAL BUSINESS PROPERTY Lowest Interest Rates. MAC MASTER, IRELAND & CO. S2S V. S. AT'I, BANK BLDG. FOB MORTGAGE LOANS See Ores'on Investment & Mtg Co, 210 Bxchange Building. B.oond and Stark Street REAL ESTATE. II LILT TO UN DURE." 35 ilAKE 19 23 a Year of Greater Service That's , Our New Year's Resolution Our Policy Is to build each EBDIMADB (res-ular-built or sectional) so well that it will make the owner of it a booster for EEDIMADB. That means turning each job out right. We -would rather not take a job if quality has to be sacriticed tor price. That's why y REDIMADES "Endure" P. S.: Good garages $50 up. Bedlmade Bldg-. Co., 31S E. 11th 2 Blocks So. of Hawthorne Ave. Phono East 5114. CHOICE INSIDE PROPERTY FOR MOST ATTRACTIVE BUYS IN THE BURNED AREA AND CLOSE-IN and IMPROVED INCOME-BEARING PROPERTY Call, Write or Get in Touch With A. E. BENNETT COMPANY A Real Estate Service Third Floor, Spexarth Bldg., ASTORIA, OR. $13,000.00 100x100, S. W. CORNER 17TH AND SAVIER. PRESENT INCOME 7 NET. THIS IS SOME BARGAIN. . $14,000.00 100x100, N. E. CORNER 21ST AND LOVEJOY. FINE APARTMENT SITE. W. S. Poindexter 207-8 Selling Bldg. YAMHILL AND TWELFTH Entire Half Block This is the largest close in property for aale. Price only $70,000, or will divide Into quarter blocks at $35,0fr( each. The most convincing Investment In the city. Donald G. Woodward 103 Second St. Bdwy. 7436. ASTORIA has burned e want new blood and cap. itaL Astoria will make a city now. The Hammond mill is roingf to build a new $1,000,000 plant. Work will start on the naval base the first of the year. Let me know whaf you want. I have everything, from a lot in the business district to 2500 acres in one tract. Write for what you want. SAM H. WEBB, Opposite Depot, Astoria, Oregon FARM BARGAINS WE SPECIALIZE ON Stock Ranches , Fruit Farms Grain Farms Dairy Farms SALE OR EXCHANGE See us or write your wants. R0BINS0N-SP00NER CO. 712 Couch Bldg. Broadway 6785 Phone your want ads to The Oweonlan. MalA 7GJAi - - v. r 1-L - - REAL ESTATE. FOR LEASE 80x100 FEET GROUND - FLOOR . AND - BASEMENT BRICK. BUILDING, On Union avenue, close in. Will make good lease, to responsible tenant. D. B. MAGKIE 219 Eschunge Bldg, 2d and Stark Sts. rnone 1 roadway WALTER Bnslne Bide, and Ground. If Mill LU Mr. Holmen. Bdwy. 6786. FREE LAND now open for develop ment, o acres or more, tnat win pro dace $3000 worth of bananas per acre the second year after planting. FREE to those having- bananas planted with in five years. Reliable companies will cars tor and market the bananas for one-third. For particulars address The Chamber of Commerce and Agricul ture. Boa: 89. Tuxtepec, Oaxaca. Mexico. LARGE modern building:, good manufac turing: or warehouse, close to Port land, to exchange for farm or good property. 1024 Board of Trade bldg. for sale Fiat and Apartment property. THE HOUSE OF A THOUSAND PROFITS. Nineteen hundred and twenty three greets you with OPPOK- TUN IT ST knocking. We ere of fering this apt. house lease at a price which we feel is exception ally low. Most important of all. th location is right, the price is right, and the outlook for 19i even better. The building Is of fireproof construction through out, contains 22 2-room apart ments, and 12 6-room apart ments, all beautifully furnished, , hardwood floors, elevator service and within seven minutes' walk . of the business district. Price $25,000. Terms to responsible party. Phone Bdwy. SERVICE. RELIABILITY. V COB A. McKENNA & CO., Established 1889. 208 Artisans Bldg. Bdwy. &t Oak. INCOME. - INCOME. SENTENCED FOR l.ISE. He -who buys this bargain is doomed to an income tor life. This east side, close-In apart ment house Is one o the nioet beautiful new apartment houses in town, of brick and cement construction, the building is ab solutely modern throughout. In come about $800 per month; 42 rooms; by meeting payments can own entire property at expira . tion of the life of an ordinary lease, and while doing it will show about 28 per cent return on your money. On street car line and within walking dis tance of town. Will stand strict est investigation. To respon sible parties, price, $5500, terms. SERVICE. REX.IABH.ITS. OOE A. McKENNA & CO., Established 1889. 208 Artisans Bldg. Bdwy. at Oak. APARTMENT HOUSE SITES. LADD ADDITION. We have . a wonderful apart ment or flat site on Ladd street. 4 block from Hawthorne, 40x 128, with paved alley. SEE THIS NOW. A REAL, APARTMENT HOUSE SITE. Sacrifice, K)0xl00, level lot on HAWTHORNE, close-in. This can't last. SERVICE. RELIABILITY. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. Established 1889. 08 Artisans Bid. Bdwy. at Oak. SANDY BOULEVARD. CONCRETE BUILDING 40x140. 2 stories and good basement; ideal place for factory, laundry, wholesale house, auto business, or any kind of business which will benefit by being located on main business thoroughfare. Price $24-.000. RITTER, LOWB : CO. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MORTGAGE FORECXiOSURE. , A REAL BARGAIN. J5O00 2-FAiULY FIrAT $5000. Close Inv east side, twoft-room flats, basement, fdreplaoe, etc.; lot 0x100. A bargain; see this. Can borrow $3800. Sunday, Tabor 0450. Week days Broad way. 6779. John H. Mariels, realtor. 31"7 Cham, of Com, bldg. WEST BROADWAY FLAT, $13,500. Elegant corner building containing 4 apartments of S rooms each and 8 large rooms on 3d floor. Income $169.50 per mo. Pays 12 net no leases. JL,et us snow you. RITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. PROPERTY SALE. 17-room house, lot 50x150, 8 2-room suites, 1 single housekeeping room, all completely and newly furnished, 2 room suite own use; Income $235 month. Price $15,000; terms. See Mra. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. WEST SIDE FLAT $10,500. Everett near 21st, two blocks from Washington L, four 6-room homes under one roof. Let ua show you. HITTER,. LOWE & CO., Realtors. 201-2-3-5'-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ATTENTION, BARGAIN' HUNTKRSl A FORECLOSURE BARGAIN. Close in, east side, 2-farraily flat building. Jot WxlOO; a -tittle repair on this property will mafce a liandeome profit for some one; now vacant; price $5il00. AN 164, Oregonian. . FLAT NEAR BROADWAY BRIDGE-. 4-5-room apts. ; income $1620 an nually. This la a well-constructed close-in building and a good invest ment. RITTER. LOWB & CO., Realtors. 201-2-3-S-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 75-ROOM apt. house, centrally located, furnishings gcod condition, big money maker. Price $19,000, $9000 cash; for full information address owner, O 151, Oregonian. ROSE CITY $7100. Two-family flat, 5 rooms each, cor ner lot, east front, Improvements in. Income $75; will take late model car on. my equity. Tabor 8333. ' MUST sell, leaving city, ne reasonable offer refused, 4, 5 and 6-room family flat, fine location, walking distance, good income. East 3833. WEST SIDE, Nob Hill 2-family f lat building and 80x100 lot. sjooo. cash Oregon Investment and Mtg. Co., 210 Exchange bldg., yd and stark sts: WANTED t-flat building on the west side. Will give in part payment 5- room bungalow, west side, ciear, and some cash. ownei Atwater lBSii. 65-ROOM brick hotel, bldg. and ground west side corr.er, omy ou,uuu, terms. Mr. Holmen, Bdwy. 0788. 7-ROOM apt., furnished, for sale, at 162 V, First st. Apply 222 Morrison st. For Sale Beach Property. FOR SALE Gearhart Beach cottage. 10 rooms; corner lot, 75 ft. frontage on ocean; large closets; two Datns; Dig fireplace; double garage; completely furnished; all city conveniences. Apply to F. H. riaradon. Astoria, ur. For Sale Lots. ROSB CITY CAR. 11 LOTS FOR $2750, at the northwest corner of 70th and Sacramento sts. and overlooking the Rose City Park and golf links. This tract contains about 55,000 square feet, which is equal to about 11 lots 50x100 ft. The brush has been cut leaving the fir trees. Terms half cash, bal ance monthly. Call at our Rose City Park branch office. 45th and Sandy blvd. Auto. 826-10. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. LOTS $1 WEEKLY PAYMENTS. Cement walks, Alberta car; Kennedy school; build small house, save $250 to $40U. Why rent J ROGER W. CARY. 142 Vi 2d. Main 2O07. ALAMEDA VIEW LOT. Beautiful 60x129 Alameda Park view lot; price $2000, a bargain. Bdwy. 4620. FOR SALE Fine lot in Westmoreland, 20th and Bybee sts. Will take late model Ford car as part payment; terms on balance. Phone Oswego 791. ALAMEDA park, corner of 26th and Fremont St.; ail imp. in; only $izou. Bdwy. 4B0. ALAMEDA PARK. My 50x100 lot on Mason St.; all Imp, in; only- miwy. 4ttm y-ROOM house on west side, between 1'7'tai and 18th on Market st. Owner, No agents. Call E, 8094. ' &2X160 LOT, I-J CARA real buy: by 0wner $530; All imp. In Tabor frttfe BEAl ESTATE. For Sale Lots. . LOTS. EAST SIDE. E. 24th St., 100 feet north et Gkldmore st., facing west, 60x 100. Jrice $.50. E. 12th St., 150 feet south ot Knott et., facing west, 05x100. Price $1200. S. W. corner 22d and Stan ton, 80 feet on 22d st, 10O feet on Stanton, st. Price $2600. . N. W. corner 29th and Fre mont. 100 feet on 20th st., 115 feet on Fremont st. Price $2750. SOUTH PORTLAND. Corbett St.. -100 feet north ef Pendleton" st., facing east, two 60x100 lots. Price each $500. N. -E. corner Hood and Gaines, 60x100. Price $2000. S. W. corner Kelly and Ham ilton, 750O sq. ft. Pflce $1400. WAKEFIELD FRIES & CO.. 85 4th St. Bdwy. 2880. $15 DOWN $15 MONTH. PARKROSE. JUST OUTSIDE CITY. 2-ACRE TRACT. About one-third cleared, bal ance trees, no underbrush, no rocks or gravel. The eoil is a , rich silt loam, level, beautiful building site, low county tax, outside city limits, $15 includes interest 6 per cent. Parkrose branch office, open every day. Take Rose City Park-Parkrose car, go to end of carllne. Tabor 2904. ' i J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. SEE THIS LOT on 47th, Just south of Division, 50x100, level BUILD ING lot; all improvements in and paid;: $750. JUST EAST OF UNION, on Sumner, 50x100, level building lot with basement excavated, $900; improvements all in and paid. ' COE A. McKENNA & CO., Established 1889. 208 Artisans Bldg. Bdwy. at Oak. HOMEDALB AND ALAMEDA PARK. ADJOINING IRVINGTON. 150 lots fronting on Fremont, E. 19th E. 20th, E. 21st. E. 22d. E. 23d and E. 24th sts.: Regents drive and Ridge- wood ave.; all street Improvements will me completed in tne summer or Prices J6HM) and ud on easy terms. with second mortgage privilege. Both ot these additions are restricted for 20 years. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., 228 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. LOOK! BUILDERS! LOOK! Level 50x100 east facing lot, just north of Sandy, a real lot at a rea.1 bargain, all Improve ments in and paid. COB A. McKENNA & CO.. Established 1889. 208 Artisans Bldg. Bdwy. at Oak. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. BELOW THE HILL. $800 Choice building site, en E. 87th st. N., all improvements in and paid. Rose City Park branch office. 45th and Sandy blvd. Auto. 326-10. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. J1000, See these lots, close in, close J 89 in. V 5SO at to car: improvements all East and north facing: these will not last long, sea tnem at once. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. Established 1-889. 208 Artisans Bldg. Bdwy. at Oak. . TO CLOSE AN ESTATE AT ONE-HALF VALUE. Three lots on paved corner near Peninsula Park. One acre Powell Valley and Buckley Avenue, One lot College addition to St. Johns. Price for all $1500 cash. JOHN M. KROG CO., 412 Wilcox Bldg.' Bdwy 1.17,1. LAURELHURST, NEAR PARK. Level 50x160 lot on Oak St., east of the park, with paved alley in the rear. Here is a lot containing nearly acre, paved on both streets, for only $1700; on terms of $120 down and $20 monthly, including Interest, or will discount for cash. r HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., 228 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. ACRE LOTS on Columbia blvd. (paved), between East 29th and E. 33d ste. North. Con venient to cars. Rich soil, fine loca tion. Snap price, easy terms. - J. O. ELROD, Owner. 283 Stark St. Phone Bdwy. 1188. IRVINGTON'S BEST BLOCK Bounded by Stanton, lsKiyou m. i-otn ana 16th; beautifully landscaped and 16 ft. naved driveway keeps all garages off street. If you expect to make your home in Irvlngton toe sure to see this block. RITTER, LOWE & CO., Realtors. " 201-2-3-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 3 GOOD LEVEL LOTS. On California street, in South Port land: close to car and school; to close an eBtate, a price -of $950 for the three will be accepted and easy terms granted. E. M. BROWN, 1122 -N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 2422. IRVINGTON IMPROVED. LOT. 50x100. Garaore and full bearing fruit trets, located on Weidler St., just east of 21st. Only 1 block from Broadway car. low price lor quick saie. RITTER, IXWE & CO., Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. . ROSE CITY CORNER $950. Levei 50x100 corner lot; all imp. in and paid on both streets: $200 down; will take second mortgage for bal ance. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 228 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. DEAL WITH PRACTICAL BUILDERS. Reimers & Joluvettes business is better every month; our success means reasonably priced, well designed and better built homes; financial assistance given and soldiers bonus accepted. HellWOOd MURRAYMEAD LOTS. S500 AND UP. Lots in the district bounded by Har rison, urant. K. B4tn and m. zetn sts. Prices Soo and up on easy terms. HEXOiSRSON-BANKUS CO., 228 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. SMALL FACTORY SITE. Fronting 100 feet on Macadam street in South Portland manufacturing dis trict; price $1250, half cash and time on balance. E. M. BROWN, 1122 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 2421 ROSE CITY PARK $850. Level 50x100 lot on E. 62d st.. close to Sandy; all improvements in and paia. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 228 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. XMAS PRESENT FOR YOUR WIFE. Beautiful homeslte, lot 7. block 6, on Laurelhurst ave., bet. Imperial and Buena Vista aves., 2 blocks from car. Price $1250. Inquire owner. Bdwy. 7744. . ROSE CITY PARK $775. BELOW THE HILL. All improvements in and paid at this price. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 228 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754, ALAMEDA DRIVE, choice view'prop , erty, 80x100. all level, just north of No. 1235 Alameda drive, $2750. terms. Neuhausen & Co., Realtors, N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8078. East 0394. ACRE, PAVED ST., $900. North Mt. Tabor, $250 cash, easy monthly payments on balance. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 228 Henry Bldg.. Bdwy. 4754. CORNER 100x100, Grand ave.; factory site, garage, machine shop, foundry, laundry, etc. By owner, P. O. box 212, or phone Auto. 520-42 or Tabor 8452. LOT in Waverly, between 2th and 30th, on Brooklyn st., for sale or trade. What have you? Otto Gearing, Route 2, Silverton, Or. MUST be Bold at once and will sacrifice 3 well-located lots in Laurelhurst. ; Make offer. East 3S33. CHOICE 100x100 cor. or 50x100 inside, R. C, Alameda drive. Terms. Tabor 26T6. 4 LOTS, Delaware and Holmaa ilain 2673 t Tabo? 9439. , REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. CHOICB LOTS AT LOW PRICES. HAWTHORNE. $ 600 S2d St., f. E.. 100 ft. S. of Lin coln. 1000 Yamhill, fac. S.. 100 ft E. 23d. 1400 Larch, fac. E. 130 ft. S. of Harrison. 1400 34th st., fac. E., 114 ft. S. ot Grant, 85x100. LAURELHURST. 850 I3d, fac E.. 100 ft. S. of Lau relhurst ave. 1000 Ash. fac. N., BO ft. E. of 41st. 1100 Mult., fac N.. 90 ft. W. of 89th. 1150 Burnslde, fac N., 121 ft. W. of 44th. 1800 Ash, fac S.. 5th lot E. of 41st. WEST IRVINGTON. 1100 11th, fac. E.. 150 ft. S. of Stan ton. 300 16th, fac W., 150 ft. N. Brasee. 1800 9th, fac E-, 175 ft. N. of Knott, 75x100. " 2250 S. E. cor. 8th and Sisk'you, 75x100. OVERLOOK. 800 Maryland, fac E., 50 ft. S. of Skidmore. 850 Castle, fee. E. . 60 ft. S. of Skidmore. 1050 Overlook, fac N., 100 ft. S. of Alhambra. 1100 N. E. cor. Mass. and Overlook hlvd. 1250 S. W. cor. Maryland and Skid more. 1300 Wemme ave.. fac N.. 60 ft. W. of Overlook blvd. t . ALAMEDA 850 2flth, fac. W 100 ft. S. of Prescott. 850 Skidmore, fac. N., 105 ft. B. ot Glenn ave. 950 S. E. cor. Glenn ave. aid Pres cott. 2000 29th, fac. E.. 100 ft. N. of Skid more, 100x100. MONT A VILLA. 800 S. E. cor. 80th and Mult. 300 79th, fac. W., 151) ft. N. of Multnomah. 300 81st. fac. W.. 200 ft. N. Mult. 400 N. E. cor. 78th and Clackamas. 450 Everett, fac. S.. 50 ft. W. 71st. 600 N. W. cor. 70th and Flanders. . 050 Glisan. fac. N., 70 ft. E. of 65th. 750 S. E. cor. 65th and Glisan. 1000 S. E. cor. 63d and Glisan. We can arrange terms on rnese. EAST OF IRVINGTON. 650 Weidler. fac N., 50 ft. E. 29th. 900 10th, fac. W., 150 ft. S. of Klickitat. 1000 Schuyler, fac. S.. 99 ft. E. 28th. 1100 N. B. cor. 27th and Schuyler. 2400 tlst. fac. E., 130 ft. N. of Ala meda, 100x100. MAKE YOUR SELECTION NOW. W. I. GRIFFITH. SITTER, LOWE & CO.. REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $2575 S2850 $2750. $150 DOWN ROSE CITY CAR. No mortgage to assume, month ly payments only $35 per month, including all interest, 2 3-room bungalows and 1 4-room bunga low to select from, each with a garage; full 60x100 ft. lots. These are cozy little apartment bungalows, each with nice living room, Dutch kitchen with break fast nook, laundry tray under drain board, nice bath and bed room, cement sidewalks in front of property; also around house, gas floor furnace has been in stalled and " arrangements have . been made to purchase these on very easy payments or they will be removed if the purchaser so desires. See these places today. Call at our Rose City Park branch office, 45th and Sandy blvd. Auto. 326-10. J. L, HARTMAN COMPANY. BUILDERS AND INVESTORS. START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT. VISIT LADD'S ADDITION. Absolutely the best real estate values in Portland. THINK OF lTt About 20 minutes' walk to city hall. 2D MORTGAGE PRIVILEGE. Nice lota as low as $1000, with all i m prove me nta paid. Investi gate at once. REE MR. DEL.AHT7NTY. Ladd Estate Co., 240 Stark St. Bdwy. 6754. Eve. East 8492. PARKROSE. JUST OUTvSIDE CITY LIMITS. $50 DOWN $25 MONTH buy a half acre tract, south of Sandy blvd. This tract Ilea high and sightly with a number of email fir trees, only 4 blks. from car and school ; build a small house, own your own home and be happy. Price only 1850. PARKROSE BRANCH OFFICE open every day. Take Rose City Park-Parkrose car, go to end ot carllne. Tabor 2904. J. Xm HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. 50x100 $(i0o. $10 CASH. $10 A MONTH. On i!3d st, juat where the Irvlngton and Roae City Park districts mertr. 1 block from the late purchase by thA school district for the new high school and the late purchase by the city of the adjoining property for a park. A most desirable location for a home. Your small payments will hardly be missed audi it la hard to save for a home ny other way. when you have . the lot paid for it t no trouble to nave a House built without any cash Daymen t. FRED F. HUNTRESS, Exclusive A git, iH.Hr Jienry riug, Htrwy, 04 i , $noo bow, ON SANDY BLVD. PARKROSE. JUST OUTSIDE CITY. $500, $50 down and $20 ppr mo. buys a beautiful lot, right on the blvd. No restrictions, build a store if you want to. Tarkrose branch office, end of Parkrose car line. Take Rof City Park-Parkrose car. Tabor 2004. ,t J L. HARTMAN COMPANY. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. See Mrs. Brooke for your homo site and. you will not make a mistake. In business on Portland Heights almost 14 ye-ans and never had a dissatisfied customer. MAIN 4342. CALL MORNTNGS. y BARGAINS. Lots In ALBERTA, wide walks, curb, water, 60 feet from sewer. $350, 50x100 ; owner forced to sell. If you want a lot SEE US. COE A. McKENNA & CO., Established 1889. 20S Artisans Bldg. Bdwy. et Oak. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS. $1850 All imp. paid, which Includes 500 ft. of paved sts.; situated between 2 paved sts.; level building site, beau tiful, artistic view, on the car line and near the park. J. G. RAINEY. 537-18 Abington Blg, Bdwy, 6269. SEE ME. I have 2 lots in Irvington, also house on Alameda drive, lot 75x100, free and clear. Will trade for cloee-ln east side property or home or income property on west side. Call Bdwy. 593L ALAMEDA PARK $900. . 50x100 lot on E. 24th st., between Fremont and Regents drive; below the hill; all imp. in and paid. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., 228 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. SNAP Beautiful homeslte in Laurel hurst, lot 7, block 5, on Laurelhurst ave.,- bet. Imperial and Buena Vista aves.; two blocks from car; $2500 lot for sale by owner for $1250. Phone Bdwy. 7744. ALAMEDA PARK. Beautiful lot; best price, best loca tion in this district. W. M. Umbden stock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Broad- way loos. IRVINGTON LOTS BEST BARGAINS. ALL SIZES. ALL PRICES, BEFORE BUYING SEE NEUHAUSEN & CO., N. W. Bank Bldg. BEST buy in Westmoreland, 100x100, on southeast corner of East 19 th and Knapp. All improvements paid. Owner, F. M. Phelps. Tabor 8761. NEAR lst and Eaat Glisan st., 50x100. price only J250, terms. W. M. UMBDENSTOCK A CO 10. Oreffoa Bldg, .. Bdwy, 1658, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. HAPPY NEW YEAR. Why not when you can buy a lot on 13 down, start the new year right by buying a homeslte in a close-in restricted residen tial district, where one glance will convince you that the value is in the property and that the neighborhood is one in which you would be proud to own a home. TERMS $3 DOWN, $2 PER WEEK, Including interest at 6 per cent. Price $380 and up. Come out to our branch office, 83d and Bryce ave. Take Broadway car, get off at Bryce . ave., walk 4 blocks east. Phone Garfield 9212. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber ef Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034. PARKROSE. JUST OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS. $20 DOWN $15 MONTH. 100x100 ft, only 2 blocks from car, south of Sandy blvd., all city conveniences, land all cleared, fine garden soil, outside city, no restrictions, 3 blks. to grade and high school. Price $775. PARKROSE BRANCH OFFICE open every day. Take Roso City Park-Parkrose car, to to end of carllne. Tabor 2904. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. LOTS! LOTS! LOTS! For real bargain lots In any district in Portland, we have Them. Call us. COE A. Mc KENNA & CO.. Broadway. 7522. . 203 Artisans bldg. LAURELHURST LOT $950. 75x120, with all imp. in and paid; here is nearly M acre for only $950, on easy . terms. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., 223 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. $1150 BARGAIN Laurelhurst lot on Hazelfern, block to car. Terms. Sun day call Tabor 7485. R. SOMERVILLE. MAIN 8781. For Bale Houses. SALEM House, 11 rooms and bath, in fine repair, front all fitted for store, with shelving, counters and show cases, large corner lot 75x150, right on Commercial St., ideal for home, room ing house or business; price $4200. $1700 cash. Apply 484 Court St., Sa lem. Or., or AH 173, Oregonian. WAVERLEY-RICHMOND D1ST. 5-rm. modern bungalow, completely furn,, including fine piano, on paved st., no leina or mortgage. If you buy my equity the balance is payable at $20 a mo. at 6 per cent interest; to tal price $4500. Waverley Realty Co., 817 Clinton. Sell. 8192. HOME WANTED. We have party with good, clear home, valued at $6500 and he will put in $8000 cash on a good home, well located ; must have at least 4 bedrocms and 100x100 grounds. CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO., 275 Oak St., Phone Bdwy. 600fl. LAURELHURST. BY OWNER. 6-rosm English Colonial bungalow: new, ail built-ins, tile mantel, drain board and bath; recess tub, furnace, garage; choice Ideation, near 80th St., $7000; terms. Agents need not answer. Tabor 7596. LAURELHURST BARGAIN. y $7400 9-room bungalow, modern, large rooms, oak floors, fireplace, fur nace, buffet, 5 bedrooms with built in closets, old Ivory and enamel fin ish, full basement, trays, fruit and store rooms; garage; reduced from $0000. Owner. Tabor 4595. NIFTY 5-room bungalow, built-in ef- iects, gas, fireplace, large porches, corner lot, garage. Price $3750; small cash payment ; easy terms, property free from mortgage; might consider choice lot as part payment. Bdwy. 8063. 509 Ch. of Com, bldg. REAL HOME BUY. Strictly modern 7 -room home with garage; good residence district: $6000. Clear title; any reasonable terms or owner will accept smalt bungalow part payment. See A. K, Hill, 426 Lum bermens bldg. GOING away, will sell my $lo0 equity at bJg discount ir taken at once on cosy new 4-room bungalow, bath, nice electrio fixtures ; garage, balance can be paid at $25 per month, including In terest See this today. 821G 36th ave. S. E. BARGAIN Rose City bungalow, must ne soia immediately, at a great sacri fice; 5 rooms, hardwood floors, built ins, Dutch kitchen, basement and trays. All best condition. Will be at home Sunday until 4 P. M,, or week days call Bdwy, 8241. IRVINGTON. Why not see me? Price la rlg'ht, bet location, new bungalow, hdwd. floors, fireplace. built-Ins, Dutch kitchen, bitakfast nook, furnace, ga rage. You can use your vacant lot as part payment. Bdwy. 5931. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. Have bought farm and will sacrifice modern, up-to-date, 5-room bungalow with furnace and attic, on paved street and car line ; completely furnished, ready to move in; $5250; unfurnished $4800. Phone Walnut 2340. $100 DOWN. BALANCE $25 PER MONTH. 4-room house, bath, toilet, wood shed, chicken houses, all on 3 full lot sj of Al garden soil; 3 blocks to car, 7o fare; $2100. 1043 Cham. Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 2030. SUNNYSIDE. A real snap; good 5-room cottage with large lot, 50x100, fruit, 2 blocks Belmont st., close in; $2400, $800 down if terms wanted. H. H. Staub, 1027 Belmont st., Monday Tabor 0219. HERE is the best buy that ever was on the market; 6-room complete bunga low, David st. Garage. Best loca tion. 51 Sherman. Fruit and berries. All this for $3350. Must hav money. St. Johns car. IDEAL HOME. "We own splendid lot In Alameda park; will build just the style home you want on easy terms. W. M. Umb denstock & Co., Hom Builders, 210 Orp?on bldg.. Bdwy. 1658. SPLENDID HOMECORNER LOT. Here, folks! 7 rooms, garage, choice corner lot, nicely improved, close to car; very nice all through; ready tf move into. To move quick, will sell at $3950. Good terms. Aut. 623-17. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. $4000. Fireplace, hardwood floors, naverl street, $1000 cash. Maryland ave,. 3 blocks car. ROGER W. CARY. 1434 Second. Main 2007. ONLY $150 DOWN. $2600 Fine modern 4-room hous bath, buffet and kitchen, cement base ment; corner lot, close lo car; balance like rent. Phone Bdwy. 2907 or Tabor 3655, Sundays and evenings. WEST SIDE Walking distance: 9-room modern house and lot. all completely furnished and good; a snap; $5000; terms; $1600 cash. bal. like rent; rooms well arranged to rent out. H. W. Garland. 260 Taylor st. WEST SIDE. 6-room -modern house on Harrison near Broadway; price $5500. JOHN SINGER, 420 Chamber of Commerre Bldg. FOR SALE by owner, 5-room house, 2 blocks Union ave. car; close in on paved street; all improvements in and paid; $2800, $400 cash, $15 per month and interest. Phone Walnut 893 2. HOSE CITY BUNGALOW. $4600. $1000 cash; 5 . rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace: close to car. ROGER W. CART. 1424 Second. Main 2007. 1923 BARGAIN at 615 Leo ave., 6-rm., partly furnished, move right In. near Sellwood oa', paved street, lots of fruit: only $2500; $1000 cash. Harry M. tlurr, owner, seuwyoq JVsti. HOUSE BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITY. NEAR SANDY. Swell location; price is right. Auto. 834-14. $1450 J325 DOWN, 15 per month. 6 per cent Interest, cozy 4-room house on carline, 20 minutes from town: street improvements -paid. Tabor 4333. IRVINGTON. NEW, MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGA LOW AND GARAGE. COR. SCHUY LER AND 82D ST. OWNER. HOUSE BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITY. 5-room bungalow, none better; pood buy, also good-bye; bargain, terms. Address H 157. Oregonian. 8-ROOM modern house. Lombard and Dwight ats: $4000. or trade for small er house. Empire 0273. IRVINGTON HOME Choice location, all oak floors, ivory finish, garage. Neuhausen & Co.. Main 8078, East 03U4, $4500--LARGB 8-room modern bungalow on E. 10th st. N.. atone front. . fire place. furnace. Owner. East 2305. NO. 991 E. HOYT. Laurelhurst, near 33d, fine 6-rm. house, modern in everv respect; $tiOO0; terms. At. 0648. AT BUILDER cost from owner, ne R. C. bungalow, 51st st. N., AWmeda Drive. Terms. Tabor 2676. . 6-ROQM house for sale, including pets and heater. 564 Commercial." 3437. ' - $500 DOWN on 4-room bungalow vvit parage, 882 E. 15 th W N