. THE SUNDAY OREGONIATf . PORTLAND. , DECEMBER 31, 1922 WEST INTERESTED I CABINET POST Harding to Be Seen About Secretary of Interior. FALL EXPECTED TO QUIT Herbert Hoover or Representative Mondell Considered as Best 1 for Successor. THEOREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, "Washington, D. C, Deo. 30. Fol lowing the publication today by the Washington Post of a positive statement that Secretary of the In terior Fall is to resign before March 4, western members of congress be gan to take a deep interest in the appointment of a successor. Some of the persons mentioned as possible successors to Secretary Fall are not at all satisfactory to the west and plans are in the making by which the president is soon to know the wishes of tha west. If President Harding chooses to shift Herbert Hoover from secretary of commerce to secretary of interior, all well and good, but, otherwise, the west desires to be consulted be fore any appointment is made. An under-surface fight has been going on in congress for several months against measures designed to de velop the west. , Eastern Papers in Attack. Eastern newspapers, especially some of the New York papers, have given expression to this subter ranean opposition. An example of this antagonism to the west has cropped out In the form of attacks on the Smith-McNary reclamation bilL The favorable method of men tioning it is to stigmatize it as a "western conspiracy to loot the treasury." Foremost among the candidates mentioned to succeed Secretary Fall is Carml Thompson of Ohio, one-time assistant secre tary of the interior and admittedly a very high-minded man. Western ers are asking, however, why any one but a western man should be appointed to this cabinet position, which is given up almost entirely to the administration of publio business west of the Mississippi river. At the time of Secretary Fall's appointment, as a westerner him self, it was declared he understood the west at the beginning and would do everything within his power to speed the development of the section. His going will create many regrets, and western, members of congress will fight to force the selection of a secretary of the in terior who has been educated to "western needs. Reprvxentattve Mondell Considered. As matters stand today, the west In congress will back Representa tive Mondell of Wyoming, majority leader of the house, who a few months ago was charged with being an obstacle to reclamation legisla tion. About that time, however, something happened which obvious ly caused Mr. Mondell to reconsider his attitude, and since then western members of congress have forgot. Being strong with the administra tion, it is calculated that he wtll male the most formidable candi date upon which the west can unite and once in office will exert the influence essential to the advance ment of the west. Representative McArthur of Ore gon will probably head a delegation which plans to call on the president some time next week to state the position of the west relative to the filling of any vacancy at the head of the interior department. AUTOISTS LAUD McNARY Senator Favors Rap at Maryland for License Policy. THEOREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Washington, D. C, Dec. 30. Senator McNary sprung into extreme popu larity in Washington today, when local newspapers published a state ment from him that he would sup port an amendment to the agricul tural appropriation bill denying fed eral aid for road building in any state which does not recognize licenses for motor vehicles granted by the District of Columbia or any other state. The more than 95,000 automobile owners in the District of Columbia are compelled, besides paying for district licenses, to also carry on their cars license tags from the state of Maryland, making some thing more than a double tax on them because of the extraordinarily high license fee charged by the neighboring state. Senator McNary is in charge of the agricultural ap propriation bill. GRAND JURY ENDS JOB (Concluded on Page 2. Column 1.) larly as to collectibility, of many of Its notes. Walker and Eckern wer also Jointly sued by J. W. Coughlin. This suit, filed Apr'l 24, sought return of 11,000 Coughlin had paid for stock in the bank and the cancella tion of a note for $4000 representing an unpaid balance on that stock. He alleged the directors had been guilty of methods of high finance in making loans, many of which were said to be risky. Kckern Sued by It it an. On June 8, Eckern was sued by O. A. Ritan for J12.750. Ritan al leged that Eckern had mlsreprf sented the condition of the bank in inducing him to exchange 100 shares of stock in the Bond & Securities company for 85 shares of bank stock. Coughlln's suit alleged that there had been juggling and shifting of paper between the bank and loan companies controlled by the defend ants. Answers were filed by the defend ants m all these suits but none of theni nas gone to trial. Loans made by the bark directors were carefully analyzed after Bram well tck charge of liquidation, of the institution and a number of those for large amounts were found unsound, according to reports made from time to time. Much publicity for Illustration, centered about a loan of $75,000 to the Petersburg i.umoer company in Alaska. War on Anto Speeders TTrgred. In a special report accompanying tne indictments the grand Jury rec ommended more stringent enforce ment of automobile speeding ordi nances and suggested warning to dance iall managers against permit- ting unchaperoned minor girls- to frequent their establishments. A reason for the warning with reference to careless automobile driving may be seen in the fact that the grand jury indicted two men for involuntary manslaughter for deaths alleged to have been caused by their cars. Matt Bauletich was indictSd on this charge for the death of Minnie Phillips, November 11, and Charles F. Bennett for the death of Mary E. Berry on November 7. In each instance it is charged that the women were run down and fatally injured by cars driven by the in dicted men. Woman Indicted for Murder. Mrs. Dorothy Feles was indicted for murder in the first degree for the death of her little son, James, which she is allej-eu to have caused by turning on the gas. A little daughter was also suffocated by gas, but the Jurors returned an in dictment for only the one fatality. Mrs. Feles, believed to have been mentally irresponsible at the time, turned on the gas tn her home the night of December 12. It seemingly was her purpose to kill herself as well as the children, but she recov ered. Indictments on statutory grounds were returned against three men: John C. Lane, James Lewis and James Wiegand. Two true bills were returned agpinst both Lewis and Wiegand.- The date of the al leged affair in which the men en gaged was November 14. They were subsequently arrested. The - special report of the grand jury after giving a resume of the cases' handled contained these rec ommendations: That a cottage be built for the segregation of the children at the CAUTION Wrappers of the New Year's Edition of The Morn ing Oregonian issued MONDAY, JAN. 1, - will bear this label: New Year's Edition Price will be 5 cents a copy; postage, 6 cents In the United States and possessions. All other foreign postage will be 12 oents, Frazer detention home; that a thor ough investigation be made of the management and moral influence of Plantation Inn; that the managers of all public dance halls be warned against permitting attendance of young girls unchaperoned who are under age, and that all automobile ordinances be more strictly en forced, especially relating to speed ing. It concluded with commendation of District Attorney Myers and his deputies for the efficient manner in which they had handled all cases and gave thanks for courtesies ex tended. SOCIETY FOLK INDICTED LIQUOR AT GOTHAM PARTY CAUSES TROUBLE. Four Members of La Montague Family Said to Have Taken Intoxicants to Club. NEW YORK. Dec 30.-5nvestiga- i tion by a federal grand jury into a bachelors' dinner at the fashionable Racquet and Tennis club on Park avenue at which liquor was alleged to have flowed freely has brought indictment of 13 men, including four members- of the La Montagne family, prominent in society. Two indictments were returned charging conspiracy to violate the Volstead and' Internal revenue acts, through which approximately 30,000 gallons of assorted liquors were al leged to have been sold Illegally. Some of those indicted also were charged with having forged liquor permits and other papers. Federal Judge Knox received the Indictments on a day on which two other juries one in the court of general. sessions in New York, and the other in Brooklyn had handed up presentments urging repeal of the state prohibition enforcement act on the ground that it was inef fective and wasteful of public funds. The principal defendants, accord ing to United States Attorney Hay- vard, were Montaigue La Montagne and his three younger brothers. Rene, William and Morgan. Rene has long been in the public eye as one of the foremost American polo players, having several times ap peared. in international competition. While prohibition entorcement was occupying the attention of various New York courts, prohibition agents who were said to have given Broad way the driest Christmas ever in its history were planning to usher in the new year just as aridly. Aided at sea by gales wnlcn nave dashed several rum craft on the rocks, dry agents ashore were ob taining scores of injunctions des tined to close various cabarets as public nuisances. Director Appleby of the ary navy admitted several big ships were hov ering off the harbor, but calculated that their chancer of transferring their cargo to smaller craft in the rough sea were decidedly slim. ' WHIPPING POST IS USED Delaware Prisoners Punished In Ancient Method. WTT.MTNOTON. Del.. Dec. 30. Five prisoners convicted this week for various crimes were punished at the ancient whipping post in the pnnntv workhouse today. Stripped to the bare back in tneir cells, the prisoners were wrapped, in blankets while being taken to the post in the prison yard. CUPID'S VIGIL IS FARCE (Continued Prom Flrt Page.) went up to his suite. There a much flustered Mr. Dato, who had been waiting in his employer's room, burst into voluble French. He was battled. Some of the newspaper guard who had remained to watch the hotel suite volunteered explanations. Cor respondents seeking a private Inter view had hit on the expedient of sticking notes under his door, but watchful rivals promptly fished them out again.. Mr. Dato. waiting within, had been vainly trying to catch one of the elusive envelopes as it appeared and disappeared. Therefore he was puzzled and voluble. Mrs. McCormlck haB been fre to marry since Thursday, when one year had elapsed since her divorce of Harold McCormlck, the harvester magnate who last summer married Uana Walska,-opera singer, in Paris. BRITISH OUTLINE REPARATIONS PLAN Limit of English Concessions Is Included. STATEMENT . IS ISSUED Evasion by Germany Is Opposed, but Nation Disagrees With France on How to Collect. LONDON, Dec. 30. (By the Asso ciated Press.) Since the adjourn ment of the allied premiers' meeting here on December 11 in order to avoid an open break between Great Britain and France on the subject of reparations, there has been a flood of rumors and reports con cerning the solution of the dead lock that Prime Minister Bonar Law was likely to propose when the allied representatives resumed their discussions In Paris.. " Only today, however, was an authoritative statement forthcoming from official clr.cles. This was to the effect that the British premier would go to Paris next Monday, armed with a new plan for a final and complete settlement of the whole question of Germany's war obligations. Immediately after the London breakdown, Downing street's hopes were that the French attitude would change, but the last fortnight has shown the trend. of French official opinion to be away from, instead of toward the--British, with the result that Mr. Bonar Law yesterday pre sented to his cabinet that which it is stated comprises the utmost limit of British concessions. Plan Is Outlined. In. its broad principles the plan is said to be as follows: ' First Any reparations programme agreed upon in Paris must be a final one which will put a definite end to tha . wrangling of the last three years and give an opportunity for the general economic recon struction of Europe. (Second A moratorium for Ger many is essential for a period of from two to four years in which time Germany must balance her hudsfet. Ktflhiii tha maiir un dergo general financial reform un- uer auieo, supervision nut not under allied receivership. third, Reduction of the repara tions total to approximately 2.800,- 000.000. whioh if nnt f ,-...,.., after Germany is given a fair chance to make good her ebligations, will be obtained by an ascending scale of economic penalties. Paris Reports Discounted. British official circles discount re ports from Paris that the French have formed definite, unchangeable plans to be enforced against the Germans beginning January 15. ii is scateo that Premier Poincare is likely to be surprised to find Mr. Bonar Law in full svmpathy with him against the German tactl of evasion and non-fulfillment of pledges, the only differences of opinion being In the method of nb taming reparations jjayments, the British remaining as unconvinced aa ever tnat the French plans for con trol or tne German sources of pro duction will result in anything but social and economic . upheavals in the districts taken over. The speech of the American km- retary of state last night is taken Dy tne British as full support of their stand and. while his recom mendation for a non-nolitlcal board of experts to fix the reparations total is not new, the British con sider that his statement places .trance in an isolated position. Mussolini Absence Jiot Vital. The absence of Premier Mussolini of Italy is not likely to affect the Paris conference, according to the British view. It is recalled that SIgnor Mussolini also announced that it would be impossible for him to attend the London meeting, Jjut uittL lie urnveu on lime. As leader of the fascistl move ment, Signor Mussolini presents a picturesque figure and attracts popular attention, but it is pointed out that the presence of the Belgian premier, M. Theunis, is far more essential, for In Paris, as during the recent London conversation and the conference here last August, Belgium is expected to take the role of mediator, seizing upon every point likely to bring France and Great Britain Into accord. British officialdom is unwilling to consider the possibility of a deadlock at Paris, for such a result would be regarded as disastrous. The allied representatives must agree among themselves for, it is pointed out, there is no hope of assistance from America. Debt Funding- Held I n. The British debt funding commis sion is not expected to obtain defi nite results which could possibly have a beneficial effect upon the Paris negotiations . by January 15, when the temporary moratorium for Germany .ends and the original rep arations schedule of 1921, Involving the payment of 100,000,000 annually mmmmmwmm. ixm&tr! ssafe again is effective, not mentioning the overdue payments which would bring Germany's present indebted ness to Great Britain Alone to a total of 158,000,000. Should no agreement be reached in Paris by January 15 and should Premier Poincare give the word for his troops to escort French customs officials and engineers Into the Ruhr district, Great Britain would not. be likely to protest against this action, but, it is thought, would re tire to the position of isolation she occupied a cenury ago and prepare as best she could to combat the chaotic economic conditions on the continent, "which she believes would be certain to follow any coercive action against Germany. British Officials Insistent. At the same time British officials are as insistent as the French that the entente will not be endangered, even should worst come to worst in Paris, for It is stated that the two governments realize. that tho bonds which hold their peoples together are not based upon the technicali ties of reparations, but upon their common suffering in the common cause during the great war. After the fighting ended in 1918, It waa the habit of speakers throughout Great Britain to picture these common allied bonds by ref erences to the thousands of English graves In France. This favorite illustration of allied relations has now progressed an other step and, as Mr. i Bonar Law told the house of commons during his reparations speech on December 14, the war memorials which feature the village commons and the streets of towns and cities throughout the empire are perpetual reminders of that English - French friendship which must endure. , BERLIN'S PROPOSALS READY Proposals Not to Be Made to Al lies Unless Solicited. BERLIN, Dec. 30. (By the Asso ciated Press.) Germany's new rep arations proposals are being held In readiness-, awaiting summons from Paris, which up to a late hour today had not arrived; nor had it been even formally suggested that such proposals would be welcomed by the allied premiers when they gather for their reparations discussions Tuesday. Official quarters indicated tonight thp.t, although the government was holding Karl Bergmann, the finan cial expert, ready for an immediate trip to Paris, Chancellor Cuno would not impose, his programme on the conference unsolicited. The propos als are the outcome of three weeks' confidential consultations ending late FridaV between the government and industrial leaders. The indus trialists pledged4 their support, al though the programme is under stood to have impressed them as ex ceeding Germany's present economic capacity. The most rigid secrecy has been observed in regard to the details for fear the proposals might be sabo taged in advance, as it was put in official quarters. Gossip in politi cal circles is that the programme will indicate the maximum of Ger many's capacity, although payment of the ultimate sum specified will be made contingent on a foreign loan, the interest payments and amortization to be guaranteed by the German industrial .financial and commercial world. Popular guesses as to the amount of Germany's offer range from 20, 000,000,000 to 50,000,000,000 marks, contingent, upon certain reserva tions relative to the penalties here tofore Imposed, including continu ance of occupation of Rhine terri tory. It is understood the' programme will strive to bring the whole prob lem of reparations to a final head and is capable of being put into ac tion immediately. Germany Held Evading Payment. PARIS, Dec. 30. (By the Asso ciated Press.) France has made an intensive study of the reparations question for the last four years, and is convinced that Germany does not want to restore her financial stability if such a step means pay ment in full of a reasonable war indemnity. Such is the authoritative, though unofficial, comment on the speech of the American secretary of state at New Haven last night. POLYGAMISJJGETS YEAR Louis Hollweg Pleads Guilty and Is Sent to Penitentiary. SALEM, Or., Dec. 30. (Special.) Louis Hollweg, accused of polygamy, pleaded guilty before Judge Kelly in the circuit court here today and was sentenced to serve a term of one year in the penitentiary. Records in the case showed that Hollweg, before obtaining a divorce from Gertrude Hollweg, married one Mary Black. Hollweg was taken to the penitentiary immedi ately following passing of sentence. He will be assigned to work in the yard. William Clement, charged with forgery, pleaded not guilty, while Lewis Mathews, accused of larceny, admitted his sHiue. He will be sentenced Monday. RUM CARGOES LANDED (Continued From First Page.) forces will be directed especially in those parts of the city where the lights shine brightest. - Those gaudily decorated resorts along Broadway and near by, where one had been able to pay cover charge, buy ginger ale, "fill in" from hip pocket flasks and grow very dizzy- with jazz bands, are to be the main objectives of tho jaw enforcers. Beiid Man Sought Here. Rudolph Lee of Bend, Or., believed to be in this city but whose exact whereabouts was not known last night, is wanted by his wife in Bend, who is seriously ill. Such Is the statement issued by the officers of the Portland lodge of Elks, in an effort to locate Lee. Chang Shao-Tseng Cabinet Quits. PEKIN, Dec. 30. The cabinet of which General Chang Shao-Tseng was premier, resigned today. Only yesterday the senate voted approval of General Chang, who was ap pointed premier December 19, with the consent of parliament. S. & H. green stamps for cash. Holman Fuel Co., coal and wood. Bros-dway 6353, 560-21 Adv SUITS OVER LIQUOR DECLARED INVALID' Government Attacks Appeal of Foreign Ship Lines. CONSENT IS NOT GIVEN Brief Insists on Right to Prevent Americans From Carrying In toxicants Even as Stores. WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 30. The federal government, challenging the jurisdiction of the supreme court to consider the appeals brought by foreign steamship companies from the prohibition ruling of Judge Hand at New York and insisting that the authority of congress ex tends to control over Intoxicating liquors on American ships on the high seas; today filed with the court two briefs which will be used as the basis for its arguments next week when the appeals are reached. With regard to the proceedings instituted by the foreign lines, the government declared it had not con sented to. be sued and that suit against it could not be sustained without its consent. It also ques tioned the right of the foreign com panies to bring appeals, insisting that they had other remedies at law open to them, and had not presented a cause for action. Sea Stores Not Exempt. The appeal of the American lines were not challenged on the ground of Jurisdiction, but the government insisted if congress could prohibit American ships from including in toxicating liquors in their cargoes, it could also prohibit them from hav ing such liquor in the sea stores for use by passengers while on the high seas. There Is no distinction in law between the cargo and sea -stores, the brief held, so far as exercise of authority by the United States is concerned. In its brief dealing with foreign ships, the government declared that any difficulty the" foreign steamship companies might experience in ob taining adequate crews by the bar ring of intoxicating liquors In Amer ican ports could be readily obviated by the payment of higher wages. It was Insisted thatN the prohibition against bringing liquor within the territorial Jurisdiction of the United States deprives the companies of no rights under existing treaties. .Smuggling Opening Seen. If the position of the foreign steamships was correct, the govern ment asserted, it would mean that any ship could carry liquor within the territorial waters of the United States. A large and profitable busi ness has been carried on by ves sels of foreign register bringing liquor into the country contrary to law, the government asserted, charg ing that former rulings of the treas ury department had actually been used as a cloak for smuggling. Should the foreign steamships win their contention there would be a great increase of these operations, the brief added. The International merchant ma rine would be materially injured, the government stated, should the foreign ships be permitted to bring liquor into this country and thus continue their sales on the high seas while the American ships are dry. The dictionaries were used to es tablish the government's contention on the issue as to the meaning of prohibition of use of, liquor for "beverage purposes,", the conclu sion being set forth that "the vicious thing of drinking intoxicants for preasure, refreshment or from habit." TAX LEGISLATION LEADS WISCONSIN SOLONS CONSIDER SCRTAX ON LANDS. For First Time in 18 Years Blaine-La Follette Forces AVill Control State. MADISON, Wis., Dec. 30. Repeal of the secrecy clause to the state in come tax law and of the provision which permits personal property tax to be offset against the income tax, a programme of financing high way development and. a law author izing a surtax on all land values over $10,000, are among the meas ures to be submitted to the Wiscon sin legislature which meets . Janu ary 10. Tax legislation heads the list or L.C Smith No. 8..... $45 Royal No. 10. 50 Noiseless 45 Oliver No. 9. . . . . .$27.50 Smith-Premier No. 10 ....$30.00 Monarch No. 3 $40.00 and a complete line of late Model UNDERWOODS Rebuilt and FULLY GUARANTEED Machines sent anywhere on Pacific Coast for examination TERMS $S MONTHLY IF DESIRED LATE MODELS RENTED 3 MONTHS, $7.50 AND UP Send for illustrated price list or call and inspect our stock. Retail Department WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. 321-WASHINGTON ST. Phone Broadnay 74S1. Stores San Francisco. Seattle, L.O& Angeles, bait uiKe City. l : -I administration proposals. Besides I supporting repeal of the foregoing clauses. Governor Blaine plans to strengthen the tax commission pow- i ers to investigate income tax re ports of individuals and corpora-, tions. For the first time in 18 years the Blaine-La Follette forces will control the state. The surtax measure is aimedi at ; large, unimproved land holdings. The highway department is back of the proposal for taxes of gasoline, j license fees . and motor cars and I trucks to contribute approximately I J10,000,000 toward highway develop- ; ment and maintenance. The plan has been approved by the majority ! of counties. ' Twenty-seven measures will be sponsored by organized labor, fous of which attack the power of -state courts. These are laws to prevent judges issuing injunctions In labor disputes, to curb the power of fed eral courts to hold laws unconstitu tional, amendments to the state con stitution which would give the legislature authority to validate laws held unconstitutional by the supreme court, and provision for the recall of judges by popular vote. The wet and dry issue will come in for discussion with the anti- saloon league already predicting a referendum as the result of the session. The socialists have ad vanced a programme which calls for abolition of the national guard and the state senate. Other subjects ex pected to be introduced are rural credits, reforestation and regulation of motor buss transportation through the railroad rate commis sion. , INMATES TO BE FETED State Institutions to Have Din ners and Programmes. SALEM, Or., Dec. 30 (Special.) Special dinners, musical and literary programmes and social hours will feature the observance of New Tear's day at the various state institutions. At the penitentiary a vaudeville performance will be staged in the morning ' under the direction Of Frank Bllgh, manager of a local theater. A special dinner will be served at noon. In the afternoon the convicts will be given the free dom of the yards. New Year's dinner at the Oregon state hospital here will be served at noon, followed by a moving pic ture show in the auditorium of the Institution. Other institutions which have arranged special programmes for the holiday include the state home for the feeble-minded, state school for the blind, tuberculosis hospital, state training school for boys, In dustrial school for girls and the state school for the blind. C0UE ROUTS MAL DE MER Doctor Enjoys Trip No Matter How Vessel Rolls. (Copyright by the New York World. Pub lished by Arrangement.) ON BOARD S. S. MAJESTIC, Dec 30. 'Special via Wireless.) Dr. Emile Coue, auto-suggestion master, is one of the few passengers on board the ship eating heartily and enjoying life. Since leaving Cherbourg Thursday night -the Majestic has been rolling and pitching unpleasantly. Before sailing Dr. Coue told friends that he would be perfectly well no matter what the weather. He is eager to expound his system to America. Noted Engineer Dead. ' SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 30. Henry H. Lynch. 72, one of the engineers associated with Ferdinand De Les seps ip the first attempt to build the Panama canal and chief engl- 0 Watch the Old Year Out and the New Year In at SWETLAND'S MUSIC BY Hawaiian Orchestra 10 P. M. to 1 A. M. Special Sunday DINNER Served 5 to 8 P. SI, $1 .00 At Our Uptown Store Broadway and Morrison - SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. ELNORA FAT FLECK, Teacher of Ballet, Oriental, Toe and Character Dancing. Baby Work a Specialty. Now Teaching at Murlark Hall. DANCING TAUGHT All new steps and popular dances guaranteed in g 4-hour lessons. Ladies $2. Gentlemen $5. DOWNEY'S BEAUTIFUL ACADEMIES (Formerly De Honey's) MIKLAKK HALL 23d and Washington 8ta. Main 5521. COTILLION HALL 14th and Burnslda. Il.lwv. 2002. Private Lessons. All Hoars, Either Hall. CLASS MliRLABH. Every Tuesday and Friday Evenings, a 1:30 to 11:80, Plenty of desirable partners. No Embarrassment. what the people are dancing, then visit our ecnool ana oe cunvincea luai it is the most practical academy on the coast. Orchestra Music New Year's Eve DANCE TONIGHT BROADWAY HALL Entertainment 10 to 12 Dancing 12 to 2:30 Fleming's 10-Piece Orchestra Without your patronage business would have been less pleasant and prosperous, for all of which Edwards desire to extend their most sincere and hearty And may this new year to you bring unbounded happiness and prosperity Anticipating a continuance of cordial business relations Announcements of The January Furniture Sale Bargains shall appear in the New Year's Edition of this paper tomorrow morning. In observance of the holiday this store will remain closed all day Monday. i L,U iiZS Ty. neer of the Peninsular ..Railroad company, with headquarters in San i ose, Cal., died at his home here today. Lynch's first work in Cali fornia was connected with the re-' claiming: of delta lands on the Sac- J ramento river. Douglas Pomona Grange Elects. ROSEBURG, Or., Dec. 30. (Spe cial.) The Douglas county Pomona grange held its regular election of officers here today. D. R. Busenbark was chosen master. G. W. feurt. lHAZELWOOD.M HAZELWOOD New Year's Dinner Sunday and Monday Table d'Hote Turkey Dinner $1.25 New Year's Plate Dinner 90 tMiiiiimnmmtimmiimtiuimimii.i Music at the Washington-St. Hazelwood, 6 to 8, 9:30 to 11:30 P.M. New Year's Day, 5 to 8, 9:30 to 11:30 iiiiiiiiiiiitiitHiiiiiniittimiiiiiiiiiitnn LET YOUR NEW YEAPv'S GREETING BE A BOX OF HAZELWOOD CANDY A HAZELWOOD FRUIT CAKE ntmiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiniiitmiiiiiii THE HAZELWOOD 388 Washington St. BROADWAY HAZELWOOD 127 Broadway il!ll!i!!!il!lliyill!!!!!!!ll!!l!!l!!!II!l!il!lll)III!ll!llllll!IIII!!lll!!!IIIIillillii!!rrH i ! . : . i V' I m BACKWARD CHILDREN POOR eyesight will make children backward in school. It affects their work, their health and their success. Do not allow your child to suffer through neg . lected eyesight. At the slightest indication of ' trouble let us make the examination that will tell. Our Own Complete Lens Grinding Plant on the Premises SAVE YOUR EYES Portland's Largest, Most Modern, Best Equipped, Exclusive Optical Establishment 201-211 Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison Since 1908 CHAS. A. RUSCO, President and Gen. Manager nut Term, toerrf? overseer; Mrs. C. H. Bailey, secre tary, and John Alexander, treasurer. W. R. Burt, R. A. Busenbark and C. H. Bailey was appointed as an exe cutive and legislative committee to keep in touch with the legislative committee of the state grange dur ing the coming session of the legis lature and keep the members in formed regarding measures afiect jiig the organiaztion and Its members. Phone your want ads to The Oreconlan, Main 707(1. fmr or EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS 1 i t