The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 31, 1922, SECTION TWO, Page 2, Image 18

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(mmnni m ninimn
latter trotted In 2:01 and with a fair
chance Alliewood the Great should
trot within three or four seconds of
that figure. He will be 11 in 1923.
This is the same age as Early
Dreams was In 1919 when McDon- '
aid made him a leader and gave him
a Tecord of 2:03 when he won
with him at Lexington.
Democfals First in AH but
. One of Major Sports. .
Honors In High School League In
Track, Baseball and Bas
ketball Captured..
Championship honors of 1922 in
the Portland high school league were
almost monopolized by Jefferson.
The Democrats won, four of the five
major sports. The football cham
pionship, which Jefferson did not
win, remained a deadlock with
Washington and Franklin tied for
first place and a post-season game
between the two schools resulted In
a 7-to-7 tie.
Except in tennis, which was a
walkaway for Jeffereon, that school's
three victories were hard fought and
well earned. Jefferson started its
winning rampage in basketball by
defeating Lincoln in the champion
ship game, 26 to 22. Lincoln had led
a few minutes before the end of each
half only to be overcome in the last
threa minutes of play. Jefferson
won all of its six basketball games
and was the only undefeated team.
Track Meet Won.
Of the olx men on that champion
ship team, only one, Mimnaugh, has
graduated. The other five Ander
son, Clark, Broughton, Hutchinson
and Westerman are playing on the
1923 quintet, although Clark may not
play regularly as he was badly
bruised in football. The quintet was
coached by Harold Quigley, who also
handled track and football. .
Jefferson's next victory was the
l.igh school track and field meet on
Multnomah field. Washington led
jntil the last two events the high
jump and the relay. The Colonials
practically had the meet stowed
away, as Wilkinson, who won the
1921 high jump, was almost conceded
first place. Then Wilkinson was
disqualified for hurdling and James
Shaver, a dark horse, won the high
jump for Jefferson. As the Demo
crats also won the relay, they topped
Washington by 4 points, 68 to 53.
Bnseball Team Victorious.
By defeating Lincoln in a post
season baseball game Jefferson won
its third consecutive championship.
The two teams were tied for first
place, each -having won four games
out of five. In a post-season contest
Jefferson won, 7 to 3. George White
coached the baseball nine.
Jefferson's final victory was in
tennis. The Democrats won the
boys' singles, boys' doubles and girls'
doubles. Betty Hatch of Lincoln
won the girls' singles championship.
This was the only tennis event not
taken by Jefferson. Isadore Wes
terman won the boys' championship;
l.lrglnia Lounsbury and Beatrice
Thipps the girls' doubles and Will
Wood and Richard Hoogs the boys'
The high school relay carnival, one
of the minor sports, was won by
Washington high, which scored 21
points. Benson was second with 18
and Jefferson third with 11. Vere
W indnagle is coaching Washington.
Possessor of Montrose Ringler
Trophy Has League Per
centage of .87 5.
Civic Clubs' Volleyball League Standing:!)
W. L. Pet.
.14 2 .875
.13 3 .812
.13 3 .812
.12 4 .7,10
. T fl .437
.6 10 .375
. 4 12 .240
. 8 13 .187
. 1 15 .083
Chamber of Commerce....
Ad club
Realty boai
Irions club
The team of the Chamber of Com
merce, 1922 champion of the Civic
Clubs' Volleyball league and pres
ent possessor of the Montrose RIng
ler trophy, is leading the Ad and
Multnomah clubs for 1923 honors by
one game. The Chamber of Com
merce has won 14 of 16 games for
a percentage of .875. The Multno
mah and Ad clubs have won 13 and
lost three games, for a percentage I
of .812.
The season continues into March.
The third of a series of five tour
naments will start Thursday on the
T. M. C. A. floor. This tournament
will be completed on Thursday, Jan
uary 18, on the same floor. After
the five tournaments have been
played the team heading the per
centage column gets temporary
possession of the trophy. However,
should the Chamber of Commerce
get the cup that way this year the
trophy would be In its permanent
possession because of having been
two years in succession.
Thursday's schedule follows:
City club walnst Progressives. Rotary
against Multnomah. Lions against Cham
ber of Commerce. Kiwanis against
Realty board. Rotary against Ad club,
Progressives against Multnomah, Realty
board against City club. Lions against
Multnomah. Kiwanis against Ad club.
Rotary against Realty board. Progres
sives aganlst Chamber of Commerce, City
club against Ad club, Kiwanis against
Multnomah, Chamber of Commerce
against City club. Progressives against
Realty board. Rotary against Chamber
of Commerce, Multnomah against City
club. Lions against Ad club.
Injuries to Hugh McQuillan May
Cripple Arm for Good.
NEW YORK, Dec. 30. Hugh Mc
Quillan, star pitcher, for whom the
Giants paid the Boston Braves $75,000
last season, may never be able to
pitch again. .
Details of a serious injury to his
arm and side, received in an auto
mobile accident last October, were
learned when McQuillan sued Miss
Mildred Taylor, daughter of a broker
and a prominent society girl, for
510,000 damages.
As the second plaintiff In the case
is Mrs. Margaret Farley, his mother-in-law,
who was injured at the same
The plaintiffs seek damages on the
allegation that Miss Taylor was re
sponsible for a collision on the Jeri
cho turnpike which resulted in their
McQuillan has been tinder medi
cal treatment since then and his arm
is responding slowly. The Giant of
fice said today it would be impossi
ble to tell until spring if he will
be able to use his arm.
If' ui llj fe:
KIDS S'W J J&P, ' ' " ' ' ' " " ' ' -
Tne Title wwhw
Time comes
30-Mile .Course Covered lin 43
Minutes 1 7 2-5 Seconds for
Second Victorious Heat.
SAN PEDRO, Cal., Dec. 30. Miss
America I, piloted by Garfield A.
Wood of Detroit, today won the
second heat of a three-day racing
programme for speed boats being
held here under the auspices of the
California Yacht club and the Los
Angeles Athletic Club Motor Boat
Racing association, covering the 30
mile triangular course in 42 minutes
17 2-5 seconds.
Hie Miss Detroit VI, piloted by
Charles F. Chapman, was close be
hind the winner, finishing second
m 42 minutes, 18 4-5 seconds. The
Mystery, with F. E. and F. A; Gar
butt at the wheel, took third place
in 43 minutes, 26 4-5 seconds, and
the Hurricane II won fourth honors,
piloted by Lewis Dixon, time 46 min
utes 6 seconds.
The four boats finished in ex
actly the same order as they did
in yesterday's heat, but made much
slower time on account of rough
The fastest lap was negotiated
by Miss Detroit, which covered the
three-mile leg in 4 minutes, 3
seconds, or an average speed of 44.4
miles an hour. This was exactly one
minute slower than the fastest lap
yesterday, when the Miss America
finished the final three miles in
3 minutes, 3 seconds, an aver
age speed of 59 miles an hour.
Having won- two heats out of
three, the Miss America is expected
to have no difficulty taking first
place in tomorrow's final heat.
Manager of St. Ijouis Browns Has
Work Already Cut Out.
ST. LOUIS, Dec. SO.-While the
St. Louis Browns finished only a
game behind New Tork last season.
Title-holder Tired of Honors and Expresses Desire to Lose Crown
and Get Away Front Troubles.
T'S tough to be a world's cham- j
pion. Jack Dempsey told me so.
I repeated Jack's remark to
Christy Mathewson aftd wise old
Christy smiled and said:
"You tell Jack for me to think it
over. He may be tired of all the
attention that comes to a champion,
but when he doesn't get it any more
he'll miss it. Tell Jack for me he'll
miss it when that time comes. The
world will seem different. Tell him
that for me."
I told Dempsey, and Jack was
partly convinced, but not entirely.
"Sure," he said, "there's fun in
being a champion for some people.
But see what it's got me. Before
I was champion I could box every
week if I wanted to. No boxing com
missions picked on my opponents
and said they couldn't go with me
because I was too good.
"Any fellow who fights his way
up is entitled to a chance to win the
title. Suppose they hadn't let Willard
fight me because he was a champion
and too big and too good for every
body! I was the outsider then. Lots
of 'em thought I didn't have a
chance. Some young fellow is likely
to come along, If they'll let him. and
clip me just the way I clipped
Willard. I'm not so good that I
can't be knocked out"
Here Dempsey made a startling
statement. Startling because It was
such a contrast to the expressed am
bitions of our old friend Benny
Leonard, and of Johnny Kilbane and
a lot of other ring champions who
love the old title and think that it
should have been turned over to
them with the clause, "until death
do us part" in the articles.
"I don't want to retire with the
championship when I'm through,'
said Jack.
"I want to be socked out of it
when my time comes.
"I want some young fellow to
come .along and knock me for a
"I don't Want to be known as the
undefeated retired champion of the
"I'm going to fight and defend
my title as long as I can. but when
I'm through let the next fellow have
his chance, and I'll wish him luck;
"When I'm through I want to be
Manager Lee Fohl has his work cut
out if he is to do as well in 1923.
What about Shocker? Will the
ace of the Browns' staff have an
other big year?
Then there is "Shucks" Pruett,
the young collegian, who was such
a great help to Fohl. Was he a
flash, or will he improve with the
year's experience?
Can Ray Kolp come through in
such an impressive manner as he
did in 1922? Kolp hasn't a great
deal of stuff, but is a smart pitcher.
Will Van Gilder, the enigma of
the staff, really do the fine work
he is Capable of?
Pitching wins pennants, and
Fohl's staff is a very uncertain one.
Charles H. Bcntley Is Stricken at
Stanford Contest.
Charles H. Bentley, vice-president
of the California Packing corpora
tion and director of the Alaska
Packers' association and the Cali
fornia Fruit Canners' association,
dropped dead at the football game
at Stanford university today. He
had been a sufferer from heart dis
ease for several months, according
to relatives here.
Bentley was 62 years old and a
brother of Robert J. Bentley, presi-.
dent of the California Packing cor
poration. He was a graduate of
the University of California and
first became identified with the
fruit canning industry in Sacra
mento and Visalia. In 1899 he was
named general manager of the Cali
fornia Fruit Canners' association
and in 1916 went to the California
Packing corporation as general
sales manager.
Bentley was an ex-president of
the San Francisco chamber of com
merce and was one of the chief
aides to Herbert C. Hoover during
the war. He is survived by his
widow, the former Florence Beal
Hush of Fruitvale, Cal., a son,
Wilder, 21, a student at Yale uni
versity, who was with his father to
day, and a daughter.
Sports Taught by Mail.
Wisconsin university will teach
sports by mall. The courses' will
cover football, baseball and track
athletics. .
all through, and the sooner I'm set
tled down quietly somewhere on an
orange ranch or something, and peo
ple forget I ever was a champion,
the better it will suit me.
'Migosh!" said I. "Wouldn't you
be contented to have somebody beat
you on points?"
Jack grinned. '
"Well, that might do," he con
ceded, "but 'I've socked a lot of 'em
and there's no reason I shouldn't get
it in turn. A knockout doesn't hurt
just cuts it short. I'd be satisfied
to lose the title on points, sometime,
if it was decisive enough so nobody
would try to resurrect me five or six
years afterward and make me fight
again on the ground that I'm not
through. When I'm through which
won't be for a few years yet, I hope,
nobody's going to drag me back to
make a show of myself. Not for any
amount of money." ' -
"Listen," said Dempsey. "I didn't
always feel this way about it. I had
a wonderful time working up to
Willard and beating him. I wasn't
so sure I could beat him, and it was
the most exciting moment in my life
when he went down the first time.
For a while after that, being cham
pion was immense. I sure loved It.
Then I began falling in with a new
kind of "friends." Mostly I hardly
knew them, but they introduced
themselves to me and just Joined my
party. I've begun to get wise to
them enough so that I can pick out
my real friends from the bunch, but
I sure have some funny experiences
with the rest of them. .
"You know I kept my hotel apart
ment when I went to the woods
hunting a while ago. What do you
think happened? Why, when I came
back I got a bill for six men. The
hotel charges according to the num
ber of the people in the rooms. Six
fellows who had just hung around
and met me in the lobby moved In
when I left. You ought to have seen
the place when I returned. I had a
couple of dozen good ties, some good
shirts, and a lot of other clothes
there. Every one of my shirts,
collars and ties were gone and most
of my clothes and shoes.
"These birds would just say they
were 'with the Dempsey party' and
go up to my rooms and sleep there
and take what they wanted. - They
left a few old dirty shirts of their
own when they took mine. That
was about all they did leave. . They
even took my tooth brushes and
things. And listen that wasn't all.
They ate their meals in the dining
room downstairs for a couple of
weeks and charged them to my ac
count. And I didn't even know those
birds by name!"
Dempsey began to' smile. Then he
broke into a laugh.
. J
"That may be funny once in
while, but when it happens all the
time I don't get the joke," he
"I'll tell you a funnier one. When
I was on the Pacific coast with
vaudeville show a while back we
stayed for a week at a town in
Washington. There was a fellow In
another part of the show who was
quitting at the end of the week. "He
didn't have anything to do with my
party. When we were leaving for
the next place I went to settle up
my hotel bill for the week and there
was one item on it that didn't
check up.
" 'What's this?" I asked.
" 'Why,' the clerk said, 'that's Mr.
'a bill. He said to have it
charged to your party when he left
last night, and he had us buy him
a first-class ticket and berths to
New York city on your account.'
" 'He wasn't in my party. I don't
even know him, and I won't pay it,'
1 said.
" 'You'll have to pay it, or we'll
sue you for it,' the hotel manager
"Did I pay it? Well, I did that
time. If I didn't, and the hotel
sued me, a story would go all over
the country that I was beating my
hotel bills. As a champion I couldn't
afford It. But you bet I let them
know who I'm going to pay for.
since then. ;
"Still there are hundreds of guys
trying every scheme in the world to
horn into the money I'm supposed to
have. I've made some big purses,
but' far apart, and my expenses are
heavy, traveling around with a staff
of trainers and all that. They try to
get close to me and sell me bum
stock oil wells, mines, anything.
It s got so I have to watch every
step I take. If I bumped into some
body on the street they'd bring a
fake damage suit. I can't take a
chance driving a car. Any business
I do I figure out myself, and my
Brother handles it for me.
"Gee, I don't know but that I'll
be glad when somebody does come
along and sock me for a ten (count,
because once I'm beaten Tm through
me for a quiet life. Then I'll soon
know my real friends. It'll be worth
taking a sock on the chin for."
At this Dempsey suddenly chased
the look of gloom from his features
and began to chuckle. ..
"Say," he chortled, "there's one
ioc oi leuows i never nave any
doubt about, though. The kids are
all my friends my best friends.
Yeah, every one of them. Whenever
I see a bunch of kids waiting to eet
a look at me and call me 'Jack' or
'Champ' I feel like getting down in
tne crowa ana putting my arms
around the whole lot of 'em. They
haven't grown up yet and they're
honest and on the level. They like
me. Kids always do. And I like
"I'm never so happy as when I
get into a gymnasium with a lot of
newsboys and other kids and box
with about a dozen of them. Gee!
Kids like that! They never forget
having the gloves on with a cham
pion. It's great stuff for them. I
tell 'em to cut loose and sock me as
hard as they can, and I'm mighty
careful not to hurt them and they
have all the fun in the world. On
the level, I wouldn't miss working
out with a bunch of kids now and
then. It sort of makes a fellow for
get the other kind of people. Kids
are great!"
"With this in mind," said I. "per
haps you won't be in such a hurry
to nave someone sock you out of the
"Well, perhaps not," grinned Jack.
"I'd hate to disappoint a lot of kid
friends of mine."
College Favors Linemen Captains,
Princeton football leaders run
consistently to linemen, Snlvely,
the new leader, is a guard, and so
were Captains Dickenson and Mc-
Graw. Callahan and Keck were,
also. Many of the Tiger leaders of
the past played on the line. Trench
ard was an end; so were Langdon
Lea and Garry Cochran. Hillebrand
was a tackle, and Bill Edwards
guard. Pell. was a tackle, and John
de Witt a guard. Davis, Cooney
Hart, Ballin and Wifcon were all
Smith Trying His Best.
William Smith, owner of the In
dianapolis ball club, is bent on giv
ing the fans a winner if possible.
His latest move, a good one, was
to get Carmen Hill, the bespectacled
righthander, from John McGraw.
Hill went to the Giants, near the
close of the A. A. season. He won
16 out of 27 for the Indians.
Batter With Average Near .400
Held to Be One of Best in
American Association, f
ST. LOUIS, Dec. 30. Sherwood
Magee offers another contribution
to the book of stories in which
Joe Cantlllon figures as the hero.
"The most dangerous hitter in the
American association," said Sherry,
"is Jay Kirke. He always hits
from .360 to .400. He hits every
thing bad balls, good balls, curves,
fasts and slows.
"What to pitch to Kirke is a seri
ous matter for a pitcher in the
American association, and at our
skull sessions much of the time
was devoted to talking on this
"One timet in a game, Kirke was
playing against us and his team
started to score runs. Three runs
were scored and the bases were full
with two out when Kirke stepped to
the plate. Cantlllon immediately
signed his pitcher to come in and
waved to a veteran left-hander in
the bull pen to go in. At the
same time there had been warming
up in the bull pen a kid left-hander
6 feet 2 inches tall and weighing
200 pounds, named Cy Williams.
"Williams rushed in to the bench
and shouted at Joe: 'Let me go in;
I know how to pitch to Kirke."
"Acting on an impulse, Joe said,
'All right, go in and pitch.' Then
he waved the veteran southpaw
"Williams went to the tee, took a
long wind-up and burned the ball
three feet over Kirke's head. It
was, the king of all wild pitches and
two runs crossed.
"Joe stood up and yelled for Will
iams to come In. When he stepped
down into the dugout Joe said, in
the most serious vein: 'Boy, let's
shake hands. You are the first
pitcher I ever saw that knows how
to pitch to Kirke." .
Camerons and Macleays to Play
for Title Today.
Portland Seccer League Standings.
G. W. L. Pts.
Camerons 12 10 2 20
Macleays 12 10 a 20
Kerns 12 8 9 6
Honeyman 12 1 11 2
A post-season game between the
Camerons and the Macleays for the
championship of the Portland soccer
league will be played at 2:15 o clock
this afternoon in the Franklin high
school bowl. Although the ground
is muddy, the managers have decided
to play regardless of weather.
For three years the Macleays have
finished in second place. This is the
first time the Camerons have been
in the running. Manager Bennett of
the Camerons has strengthened
Pennsylvania's Troubles Prove Chief Problem of Football Is Balanc
ing of Offense and Defense in Coaching.
PROBLEMS of football are many,
but the chief one is balancing
the defense and offense. Gen
erally speaking, the eastern teams
are strong on defense. They de
velop It oh the theory that a team
will not be beaten if its goal line
remains uncrossed. In fact, most
of the winning football systems in
the east have been wedded to de
fense first and all the time. They
build defense first and then perfect
the offense. As a result tney do
not always show to advantage in
early season games. Sometimes a
cog slips. Usually they have tight
battles to pull through If the op
position is strong.
One of the oddities of football is
the failure of Helsman at Penn
sylvania the last two seasons. No
coach ever apparently developed
greater attacking power than this
mentor did while at Georgia Tech.
But at Pennsylvania for two sea
sons Heisman's teams have not
been able to get going.
There is a tale back of all this.
Heisman's old Tech teams were
powerful on offense because they
worked on the theory that many
touchdowns won games. Defense
was overlooked. In fact, defense
has been grossly neglected in south
ern football until recently.
As a result Heisman's old teams
were able to run wild against most
opponents. But when Tech at
tempted invasions of the north,
meeting teams like Pitt and Penn
State, the widely-heralded offense
of the Golden" Tornado was crum
bled by the superior defensive play
of these elevens. The result was
demoralizing, for it Is an axiom
of football that once you have
stopped the attack of an eleven It
Is not so difficult to counter-attack
At Pennsylvania Helsman began
by neglecting defense. His whole
idea was to attack with quick shifts.
The fundamentals of play were neg
lected In an effort to score. The
result was never in doubt. Penn's
elevens, coached in offense only and
lacking the ability to charge and
tackle, crumbled before most oppo
nents. It Is claimed that Helsman
has profited by the lessons of these
years, but whether he can think and
work along different lines than his
The two contestants have played
each other four times. The Macleays
won the first two games, but dropped
the next two. Each team has scored
five goals on its opponent.
Donald Harris will referee and
Edward Mitchleson will be head
linesman. H. H. Langford, president
of the league, will assist the ref
eree. Should there be a tie at the
end of the regular playing time, the
elevens will play an extra half hour.
RAY'JS $100
Ineligibility Depends on Whether
' Payment Is Accepted.
CHICAGO, Dec. 30. Joie Ray, dis
tance runner for the Illinois Athletic
club, suspended from amateur com
petition because of an excessive ex
pense account, must pay a ?100 fine
by midnight tomorrow to escape
danger of being forever barred from
amateur athletics.
A check for that amount has been
sent to the National Amateur Ath
letic union officers at New York by
the Illinois Athletic club, but
whether it will be accepted was not
known here today. The club made
its aid in the nature of a loan.
Should the check be accepted, Ray's
ineligibility wonM end Monday.
Players to Prepare for Tennis
Season on American Courts.
NEW YORK, Dec 30-The first
note in international tennis play for
1923 was sounded today in announce
ment by the United States Lawn
Tennis association that Ichlya Ku
magae and Seeichiro Kaehio, Japa
nese stars who have gained fame in
this country In past seasons, will
return soon to prepare for the com
ing season on American courts.
Several younger Japanese players
of promise will . accompany Kuma-
gae and Kashio and play in most
of the important tournaments to
gain experience which is expected to
fit them eventually for Davis cup
Merchandise Shoot to Be Held.
ROSEBURG, Or., Dec. 30. (Spe
cial.) A merchandise shoot will be
held January 14 by the Roseburg
Rod and Gun club. This new or
ganization has been holding weekly
shoots and much interest is being
shown. Turkey shoots drew marks
men from many points in this part
of the state and some high scores
were made. Although the club has
been organized only a short time, it
already has a large membership.
Rainier Beats Benson Tech.
RAINIER, Or, Dec. 30. (Special.)
Rainier basketball team last night
defeated Benson Polytechnic school
of Portland by a score of 34 to 23.
Holloway was the star for Rainier.
Rainier players are all seasoned
men and do splendid team-work.
They contemplate a trip through
the Willamette valley later in the
whole football experience
taught him to do is doubtful.
Balancing offense and defense Is
the chief problem of football. It
is a fact that both cannot be de
veloped to a high point at the open
ing of a season. One must be sacri
ficed temporarily while the other is
perfected. Eastern teams attempt
easy schedules for the first few
games in order to get by with de
fense. That accomplished, the stress
is placed on attack and all effort
concentrated to that end. Harvard
In early October Is not the Harvard
which strikes Yale and Princeton
In November. The former is a de
fensive team. The latter Is, in ad
dition, an attacking team.
The coach has his choice at the
beginning of each season. But that
team which piles up large scores in
early October is not always the
winner in the November classics.
Ind-eed, the eleven which comes
more slowly and is soundly schooled
in fundamental football and defense
Is likely to strike its stride at the
right time when the big games are
Great football teams, those which
go in fine style all through a sea
son, are composed of players who
are brainy and who have had much
experience in former years under
the same coach. Such teams get
into their stride early. They have
a defense to start with and can be
gin work early on attack. This is
because the principles of defense
are somewhat simple. It is mostly
a matter of aggressiveness and
quick thinking. The player who has
had experience knows what to do
and how to do it and how to change
and tackle. He is soon ready for of
fensive instruction and can quickly
be co-ordinated with his fellow
players Into the machine. Offen
sive football is machine-like almost
entirely. Each man has a part to
play and must play it and then add
a bit more to bring about the final
punch victory.
Every squad presents its own
problems, to be sure. But the main
Idea Is to strike the proper balance
between defense and offense as early
as possible. Ample veteran material
permits this to be done at far
earlier stage than does new mate
rial, no matter how skilled In play.
his eleven
Eastern Cities Drop Out of
Grand Circuit.
Programme to Be Opened Second
Week in January With Big
Meeting In Toledo.
LOUISVILLE, Ky.. Dec. 30. (Spe
cial.) Within a month the racing
associations will be busy selecting
dates and announcing race pro
grammes for 1923. The grand cir
cuit will lead off with a meeting at
Toledo the second week in January.
At this conclave the dates will be
fixed and an effort made to patch
up the eastern end of the circuit.
At present ' it is rather weak, as
both Philadelphia and Poughkeep
sie have decided to drop out,, while
C. W. Leonard has stated that he
will not finance another meeting at
If the horsemen in Boston and vi
cinity put their shoulders to the
wheel they cankeep up their end.
Goshen is also talked of as a stop
ping place for a week. If others
cannot be found to nil the open
dates the inaugural meeting will
have to be moved back from the
first week in July to the third or
fourth, where It was before each of
the Ohio tracks asked for two meet
ings. For the first time in years the
mile tracks can announce a free-
for-all trot and get plenty of racing
material to All it. As Nedda will not
be started in competition and there
is nothing in the light harness bri
gade to race with Peter Manning,
the horses eligible, to classes of 2:05
or better present an array of racing
material that never has been dupli
cated. Good Hones Ont.
Any grand circuit track -can afford
to offer a $5000 or even a $10,000
event for such horses as Lee Worthy,
Peter the Brewer, Czar Worthy, the
Great Volo, Grayworthy, Peter Earl,
Great Brltton, Bill Sharen, Escotillo
and the Great Rose. Periscope and
Jeanette Rankin can also be added,
even If their time allowance makes
them eligible to the 2:06 class In
1923, while It Is never advisable to
overlook E. Colorado, even if he can
start off as a 2:07 trotter next year.
Lee Worthy and Peter Earl cannot
fail to prove important factors In
the 1923 campaign. The speed which
both of them showed in the futuri
ties was as fast as trotters go and
both of them will be raced. Czar
Worthy, Peter the Brewer and Great
Brltton are a formidable trio. Mur
phy considered Czar Worthy a sec
ond Peter Manning. While he did
well in the fastest company he only
showed his true form, in two races
at Columbus and In the $10,000 event
at Syracuse.
Brewer Great Card.
Peter the Brewer Is what the plain
every-day folk call a good horse.
Like Grayworthy he won the Char
ter Oak purse and the Transylvania.
If the pair ever meet there will be
a track full of people to see them.
Both of them have marks below 2:03
and both of them acted as If they
could go faster than the tab that
was handed them by the timers.
The Great Volo's flight of speed
in the Walnut Hall cup gave him a
free-for-all rating, while the man
ner in which Great Brltton handled
his fields until he reached Lexing
ton placed him in the first flight of
trotters. In her first two races the
Great Rose looked like a star. Sick
ness put her on the sideline for a
few weeks, but she never recovered
her July form.
The Orange county circuit will
duplicate its 1922 offering next year.
It is also reported that one or two
towns are considering joining Endl
cott, Monroe, Goshen and Middle
town, la 1909, when Rensselaer
Weston revitalized the Goshen meet
ings. It Is very doubtful if he ever
dreamed of the revival of racing In
that locality on the present scale.
He lived to see Monroe and Middle-
town get into line, but he never
thought that there was a chance of
the mile course near the village
competing for racing honors with
the "historic track."
Circuit Pays Well.
The tenth series of the Bay State
circuit promises to be almost a
duplicate of the one which preceded
it Since It was organized in 1914
this circuit has paid out $553,275 at
96 meetings and is going strong.
Scouts are now scouring the coun
try to find racing material to dupli
cate the showing of Iskander,
Colonel Bldwell, Binworth, John R.
Hall, Trumpet, James Albert, Mary
O'Connor, Dan Hedgewood and oth
era which led their fields on the trip
from Combination park to the clos
ing dates in August at either Woon-
socket or Norwich.
During the past few seasons
Maine and the maritime provinces
have become an important factor in
supplying a superior brand of sum
mer racing. The Aroostook and New
Brunswick tracks keep the horses
busy from the last week in June
until the fairs attract the attention
of those who control racing mate
rial. With John R. Braden, Roy
Grattan and Jackson Grattan as
free-for-all stars the track man
agers were always sure of an over
flow attendance when these battlers
met. No one ever saw a better
series of races than were put up by
them. With Dan Hedgewood and
another possible starter added the
down easters will have a free-for-all
each week that will not only
keep the grandstand buzzing, but
also bring in many a dollar at the
Ohio Tracks Good.
The Ohio half-mile tracks sup
plied a good brand of racing in 1922.
This will be duplicated next season
by the members of the Lake Erie
and Ohio circuit. They keep the sulky
wheels humming until the Ohio fair
circuit gets under way in August.
The most peculiar feature in con
nection with the outlook for 1923 is
the dearth of known fast material
for the classes on the mile tracks
from 2:10 up. Last winter the woods
were full of highly tried trotters.
This winter Bunter is the fastest
and best nfannered in sight. In his
futurity engagements this Belwin
colt showed that he could trot in
2:04. Aside from him, Taurlda, Elea
nor Guy, Eleanor Worthy, Worthy
Son, Peter Pf aff, Silvie Brooke, Edith
Worthy and Bisa Dillon look like
the best They are not all, however,
as If Belle-at-Law will do for the
mile tracks there should be an open
ing somewhere on the big line for
the horses that have been battling
with Alliewood the Great. Mr.
Ackerman kept "old ironside" years
ago instead of Lu Princeton. The
Crack Polo Players to Play Games
on Pacific Coast.
resenting Schofield barracks of
Honolulu, a crack army polo team
Is coming to the mainland next
month to engage in tournaments
with some of the leading Pacific
coast aggregations, according to re
ports received from the islands.
Each of the five Schofield players
has been prominent in the ' turf
game for several years and two of
the players have engaged in inter
national events.
Members of the team are Lieutenant-Colonel
Browne, 11th field
artillery; Major John Milliken, gen
eral staff; Captain Carlos Brewer,
eighth field artillery; captain Jo
seph Swing, 11th artillery, and Lieu- '
tenant Frederick Sharp, A, D. C.
Colonel Browne, who will head
the Hawaiian team, has been active
In polo since 1901, when he played
on the Fort Riley team in Kansas.
In 1906 he captained the four which
won the national handicap matohes,
defeating St Louis in the finals.
During the war he played In France
with the fifth army corps team and
at one time he was a member of
the American legation team at
Tennis Players of AH Europe In
. vited to Event.
ROME, Dec. 30. Italian tennis
circles are awaiting with interest
the replies of allied tennis federa
tions to Invitations extended to
them by the Italian Lawn Tennis
federation to send teams to partici
pate in the International hard
court tournament to be held in
Rome next May.
The reply of Germany already has
been received and is in the affirma
tive. Kleinroth, .who is playing in
his best form just now, will captain
the German team. He is regarded
by many experts as the best singles
player in Europe at the present
time. Count Salm of Austria is ex
pected to lead the Austrians.
The feeling here is that Belgium,
England and France will not enter,
but that Spain will send over its
Davis cup team, the Alonzo broth
ers, Flaquer and Count de Gomar.
University Wrestlers to Open Sea
son on January 20.
gene, Dec. 30. (Special.) The Ore
gon wrestling team will open the
season at Portland January 20
against the bone crushers of North
Pacific Dental college.
The varsity wrestling schedule.
has six meets listed. The Oregon
grapplers take on- North Pacific
Dental college at Portland, January
20; the University of Washington
at Seattle, January 26; the Oregon
Aggies at Eugene, February 3; the
North Pacific dentists at Eugene,
February 16; the Oregon Aggies at
Corvallls, March 3; winding up the
season against the wrestlers from
Washington State college in Eu-arene-
March 8.
Four Deer Hunters Fined.
THE DALLES, Or., Dec 30. (Spe
cial.) The first conviction in Wasco
county under the new state law,
making it an offense merely to hunt
deer out of season, regardless of
whether or not any venison is found
In the possession of the offenders,
was obtained today in the local Jus
tice court. Fines of $25 each, were
paid by Ernest M. Confer, O. D.
Bothwell, Howard Nye and Ray
Kaylor, all residents of the southern
part of the county. The arrest was
made by W. O. Hadley, district game
warden, and Joseph Graham, as
sisted United States forest ranger,
the latter stationed at Wapanltia.
Many complaints have been made
about out-of-season hunting in
Wasco county, and the forest service
is co-operating with the state game
commission in an effort to stop the
practice, according to Hadley.
Navy Schedules Announced.
ANNAPOLIS, Md. The athletlo
board of the United States naval
academy announced the schedules
for 1923 In rowing, swimming, box
ing, wrestling and gymnastics. The
feature event of the crew will be
the triangular race between Har
vard, Princeton and Navy, to be
raced at Princeton May 8. The box
ing team will meet a Canadian
squad composed of students from
Toronto, McGill and Queen's uni
versities. Dempsey Willing for Match. 1
Dempsey, heavyweight champion
pugilist, said today he had not been
informed that articles had been
signed for a mixed bout between
Ed (Strangler) Lewis, champion
wrestler, and himself, as announced
in San Francisco, but declared he
was ready for the match. Negotia
tions for the bout, Dempsey said,
were in the bands of his manager.
Jack Kearns.
Toledo, 0., vs Corvailis
New Years Day
Tickets Dec. 30, 31, Jan. 1( Limit
Jan. 3.
Daily trains leave Tenth and Hojt
Stsk, 6:30, 8i30. 10i45 A. M., 2i05, 4:45
P. M.l Jefferson' and First Sts IS
minutes later. Returning, leave Cor
vailis 8:24 A. M., 12il0, 3:42, 4:10
and 6i25 P. M.