The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 31, 1922, Section One, Page 10, Image 10

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Abandoned Dogs and Felines
Win Happy Homes.
Parisian Cafes and Vaudeville
I'rove Big Attractions at Year
End Entertainment.
Livestock not the kind the boys
"knew in France, but an altogether
different assortment featured last
night's Franco-American jubilee en
tertainment at the auditorium. The,
farewell entertainment for 1922 was
staged by Portland post of the
Iagion and Portland volture of La
Societe des 40 Homines et 8 Che
vaux, and they must have realized
a tidy little "nest egg" for the vet
erans of the world war, judging by
the abandon with which the "franc
notes" were thrown about.
But the livestock tnere was the
keynote. Some versatile veteran
conceived the idea that there were
too many homeless dogs and cats at
the city pound, and that regular
folk could be induced to pay for the
livestock, to the lasting benefit of
the legion, providing they could
take a chance. The result was that
several trucks were kept busy all
day yesterday bringing in an assort
ment of dogs and cats ordinary
and exceptional to their pens in
the basement of the auditorium,
whence they were taken, by their
lucky new foster-parents at fabu
lous prices, and everyone was
happy. However, before there is
any misunderstanding, let it be said
that dogs and cats were by no
' means the entire assortment, for
there were pigs and goats, and Dr.
Rockey of tlje entertainment com
mittee was vexed because there
were no cows to give away at
pound of flesh the pound of silver
Anyhow, something like 10,000
persons enjoyed 'the fast and furi
ous fun, and any "froggy" would
have been homesick had he aeon his
country reproduced. Of course the
mute key should be pressed In tell
ing of the many refinements of the
national crap game that were Intro
duced during the evening, but. take
it from anyone there, ample oppor-
tunity was given to wager, or, in
other words, some connivance
seemed to exist whereby games of
chance ran wide open and then
Games of Chance Thrive.
Out of secret repositories, some
of them in the closets' of "best fami-
. lies," same assorted paraphernalia
to court the goddess luck in the
form of roulette wheels, crap tables
with all the field and favorites
marked, and innumerable paddle
wheels.- The old apparatus, now al
most forgotten in these days when
men take a chance in dark rooms
and in secret, added a great deal to
the enjoyment of the evening.
But away from these American
... "frivols" and to France the danc
inS la la, eet was tres jaunte.
Somehow everyone who writes of
bokoo something or another is be
lieved to have plenty of French in
his makeup, but in a long period of
overseas fighting most of the front-
, line troops found that French was
napoo and that Anglais seemed to
fill the bill if not just aa well,
why, a little better.
Cafea Are Sensational.
But last night we again saw the
Cafe Fleur Sucre In all its glory,
with the other stellar estaminets
along the main drag, including the
Oafe des Apaches that proved to be
.. a whirlwind once it got into action.
Hot dawg! but those mademoiselles
could travel a few and they threw
it into high. And the soldats Amerl
caine did themselves proud.
The atmosphere, outside the miss
ing of the standard libation of the
vin twins rouge and blink was
homelike for the overseas men; so
much so that many of them hated to
leave. The prices for vin rouge, ac
cording to the menus, were "pour
soldat Francais 2 sous and pour sol
dat Americaine 10 francs," which
made things nice ail around. .
Anyhow, the legion men and their
friends and admirers managed to
pack the big structure from base
ment to dome all night long, and,
judging from the sounds of merri
ment, all present had enough good
time to last all through 1923.
Vaudeville Big Feature.
Three dancehalls were in opera
tion and the main auditorium was
used for a premier vaudeville show,
in which one of the best local talent
bills ever assembled did its level
best for the veterans.
Fit to be singled out for special
' mention were William Boone, with
his masterful military music on the
giant organ; la Parisienne Follies
' company, with its typical comedy
numbers: Katherine Laidlaw's danc
ing girls; the Portland Chamber of
Commerce double quartet and the
pageant of nations as presented un
der the direction of Josephine Dil
, Ion. - . . :
Vicinity of Idaville, Or. Makes
Shipments to Hawley Mills.
IDAVILLE, Or., Dec. 30. (Spe
cial. ) PulD wond fnr TTQw,l..
jjaper mms at jjregon City has
created a new industry in this
vicinity that is giving employment
to a large number of men. Near
Idaville on the place of C. W. Pike
a man nursed Darby is superintend
ing th cutting of 1000 cords for
shipment on a ontract to the above
mills at Oregon City.
At Kockaway, a short distance
north of here, George Sutherlin has
a timber area from which he is tak
ing 2000 cords of the wood, also
for shipment under contract to the
Hawley paper mill.
Pullman College Raises Part of
Funds for Building.
PULLMAN, Wash.. Dec. 30. Hav
ing raised between $70,000 and $75.
000 by charging every student $10 a
year at the time of registration,
students at Washington State col
lege are at last hopeful that they
, are going to have a new gym
nasium. The board of regents of the State
college plans to petition the session
of the state legislature in January
for a sum equal to that raised by
the student body; providing that the
fund thus obtained be used in erect
ing a new gymnasium and women's
j : w V ' nCk
Numerous Dinners and Meetings
Are Being Arranged in Honor
of National Leader.
Alvin M. Owsley of Denton, Tex.,
the new national commander of the
American Legion, is expected In
Portland Friday afternoon in the
course of a tour of the weat. Sev
eral gatherings are being arranged
in his honor at which he will be the
principal speaker.
Mr. Owsley will arrive here from
Salem in time to attend a dinner at
the American Legion clubhouse Fri
day night at 6 o'clock. Following
this dinner he will give an address
to a mass meeting of Portland
legionnaires and citizens either at
the armory or at the Heilig theater.
On Saturday the visiting nationa'.
commander will be taken on a trip
out the Columbia river highway, if
weather will permit. He also will
visit the various hospitals in which
disabled veterans are housed here.
He is scheduled to give an address
on that day at a luncheon to be held
at the chamber of commerce at
noon. He will leave for Puget sound
cities that afternoon at 4 o'clock.
Mr. Owsley will arrive in Eugene
from the south Thursday afternoon
and will be entertained at dinner
there at the Osborne hotel that
night This will be followed by an
address which he will deliver at the
armory after which a reception for
him will be. held.
From Eugene he will go to Salem
arriving there at 9:40 o'clock in the
morning. He will be entertained at
the capital city by a luncheon at
which he will speak. The trip from
Salem to Portland will be made by
automobile if the weather will per
mit. State officials of the Ameri
can Legion will meet Mr. Owsley at
Eugene and accompany him on the
trip through the state.
A telegram received by Harry Nel
son, Oregon state adjutant of the
legion, announced that Lewis Swel
lenbach, Washington state legion
commander, Henry Wise, adjutant,
and C. D. Cunningham, past com
mander, will meet Mr. Owsley in
Portland and accompany him on the
trip to the sound.
St. Paul Residents Patrol Willam
ette for Donald Kirk.
Efforts to find the body of Donald
Kirk, 20-year-old youth of St. Paul
who was drowned in the Willamette
river near that place December 13,
have so far availed nothing and as
a result the father of the lad, R. E.
Kirk of St. Paul, has offered a re
ward of $250 for any information
which may lead to the recovery of
the body. Kirk was drowned while
on a hunting trip with three com
panions, although none of them was
with him at the time he is supposed
to have been thrown into the river
when the canoe in which he was
paddling was overturned in the
swollen river waters.
Diligent patroling of the river by
residents of the districts and search
ing parties have so far succeeded in
the recovery. of the overturned canoe
and the boy's gun, which was, found
within 35 feet of the bank in water
about 15 feet deep, but no trace of
the body has been found. Fearing
that the "body' might' havebeen car
ried far below where the accident
occurred, the father has now offered
the reward:- in- hope -that it- may be
recovered. Two boats have patroled
the river between St. Paul and Ore
gon City continuously since the day
of the drowning.
Public Service . Commission An
swers Telephone Company.
The answer of the state public
service commission to the plea of
the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph
company for a permanent injunc
tion against the commission in the
matter bf rate reduction, was for
mally filed in federal court yester
day by H. M. Esterly, attorney-examiner
for the commission, It was
outlined in detail in The Oregonian
When the commission, early In
November, issued a drastic rate re
duction order the telephone company
applied to the federal courts for a
restraining order, asserting that en
forcement of the new rates would
practically mean confiscation of the
company's property. A temporary
order, restraining the commission
from putting the rates into effect,
was issued, effective until the suit,
the answer in which was filed yes
terday, is settled.
In the answer the commission de
nied that it was attempting to con
fiscate the company's property or
that any political influences were
responsible for the November rate
reduction order. The commission
denied the company's claim that the
corporation was managed efficiently
or economically and disagreed with
the company's attorneys on the
proper valuation of telephone prop
erty in the city. The "code ringing"
system was attacked as obsolete.
Several pages of the answer dealt
with the company's relations with
the American Telephone & Tele
graph company and the Western
Electric company.
Northern Willamette Valley Men
Form Hampshire Association.
GRESHAM, Or., Dec. 30. (Special.)
In order to promote, the Hamp
shire breed of swine, breeders from
the northern Willamette valley on
Wednesday night organized the Or
egon Hampshire Swine Breeders' as
sociation at a meeting held here in
the office of the county agricultural
Officers elected were as follows;
President, F. A. Welch, Gresham;
vice-president, J. W. Parker, Yam
hill; secretary and treasurer, L. H.
Stone, Fairview; directors Paul
Adams, Warren; W. J. Miller, Cor
bett, and Everett Lake, Gresham.
The value of the purebred hog as
a "mortgage lifter" was pointed out.
It also was stated that the public
demand is now for a meat type hog
in place of the lard animal.
Hillsboro Club Planned to Aid in
Civic Activities.
HILLSBORO. Or.. Dec 30 (SnA.
cial.) Prominent women of Hills
boro will be asked by the Hillsboro
club to meet in the club rooms
within a week and discuss the ad
visability of forminfir an nrirania
tion that -may work in harmony
witn tne ttmsooro club in promo
tion activities:
The authority and jurisdiction of
tne new organization will be lefl
entirely to the women, the object
oeing to worK along civic and so
cial lines.
The Klamath Falls high school male quartet, which sang at a number of the clubs in Portland the past
few days, besides appearing on the programme at the convention of the State Teachers' association, will leave
for the return trip to Klamath Falls tonight. The quartet has been accompanied on its trip to this city by
Miss Evelyn R. Applegate, director of music for the Klamath county high school at Klamath Falls.
Miss Applegate came to Portland for the convention of the State Teachers' association and gave a paper,
on "The Boy's Voice, Its Possibilities in High School." The quartet came along to demonstrate the paper, whch
it did with entire success. It also sang Thursday noon at the luncheon of the Progressive Business Men's
club at the Benson hotel. Friday noon at the luncheon of the Lions' club at the Multnomah hotel, and at the
Lincoln high school Friday.
The expenses of the trip to Portland was defrayed by the receipts from two concerts given by the boys
at, KlauMUn. Falls at the new Pine Tree theater.
Option Taken on Site at
Broadway and Yamhill.
Co-operative Corporation Aims to
Operate Structure on Non
Profit Basis.
Plans for the erection of a 12
story office building were brought
to light yesterday when it was
learned that an option had been
taken on the property now occupied
by the old Unitarian church at the
southwest corner of Broadway and
Yamhill street.
The total cost of the project, It
was announced, would be $906,000,
to be financed in a co-operative way
by the tenants.
The option was given by the
church on the payment of a nom
inal sum by R. R. Rankin,, attor
ney; William Bruce, architect, and
B. M. McClurei contractor and real
estate man of the firm of Robnett
& McClure. The latter, it was said,
was the organizer of the scheme
and would be the manager of the
building for a term of five years.
Price of Site $240,000.
The option taken provides for the
purchase of the site on February 1.
The price agreed on for the site, it
was announced, is $240,000.
It is proposed to make the owning
corporation, to be known as the
Portland Co-operative Office build
ing, a concern capitalized at $1,000.
000. The plan is to operate it on
a non-profit basis for the benefit
of the tenants.
The building to be erected, if the
scheme goes through, is to be
known as the Pioneer building. It
will have a ground floor space of
100x100 feet. The outside, accord
ing to the plan, would be polished
granite' ornamented with - terra
Radio Station Planned.
i A feature of the plan is the pro
posal to erect a huge radio station
on the roof of the building. This is
to provide for communication with
vessels at sea with the idea of ca
tering to steamship companies
which might want to take space in
the building.
It was announced by the backers
of the scheme that a number of
Portland concerns had already been
interested in the building plan and
would likely take an interest in the
project. .
The Alex C. Rae company has
been' made accountant for the com
pany and the United States National
bank has been named depository.
William P. Stone, Recent Grad
uate of Reed College, to Sail
for Europe January 2,
In the interest of a world-wide
survey of the narcotics traffic,
which is being fostered by promi
nent American newspapers, William
P. Stone, who was graduated last
June from Reed college and who
for a time was connected with Port
land newspapers, will sail January
2 for Europe, according to word re
ceived by Portland friends.
, While in the employ of Portland
papers last summer Stone became
interested in the drug problem. Dur
ing the past three months in New
York, his home, he has done con
siderable research work in the nar
cotics trade. He proposes to circuit
the world in the next two years,
gathering statistics on the produc
tion of opium and other drugs and
the attitude of various governments
toward the problem.
Stone plans to remain in England
until spring or early summer, then
to proceed to France and other con
tinental countries. "By fall," he
says, "I will work down to Con
stantinople to collect figures on the
extent of opium production in Tur
key and Persia, and from there ship
to India and China and finally to
the west coast of the United States "
While in New York Stone has
been connected with the Outing Pub
lishing company.
Library Dates Lectures.
The Library association of Port
land has arranged for a series of
" f,f " - "
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Structure which It la proposed to
lectures to be given In library hall
on Thursday nights during January
and February. The first lecture,
January 4, will be delivered by Dr.
Barry Cerf on "Wordsworth's Gos
pel of Nature." Professor G. B.
Noble will speak January 11 on
"European Diplomacy in the Near
East," and Dr. V. L. O. Chittick,
January 18, on "Recent Revolt
Against Provincial America." Jan
uary 25 and February 1 Dr. Edward
O. Slsson will lecture on "Evolution
and the Moral Life" and Evolution
and the Philosophy of Conduct." Dr.
Barry Cerf will speak February 8
on "Moliere: A Tercentenary Study,"
and Dr. R. K. Strong, February 15,
on "Relation of Chemistry to Indus
try, With Special Application to
Portland." These lectures will be
free. The public is invited to attend.
Mothers Will Learn How to Make
Repair Work Harmonize.
pad won't need to worry about
ventilated socks and "the chip of
the old block" will wear patches on
his pants that harmonize in color
and design with the original ma
terial, if mother joins the mothers'
class, to be opened Wednesday at
the Girls' Polytechnic school. Four
teenth and Morrison streets. This
class is designed especially for re
pairing and making over garments
for adults and children, linen darn
ing, etc.
Other classes to be started are in
dietetics, cooking, industrial art,
millinery and art metal work.
The classes meet every Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday evening
from 7:15 to 9:15 o'clock.
. . -
Tuberculin Tests Total 163.
SILVERTON, Or,, Dec. 30. (Spe
cial.) The Silverton Community
club reports, which have been com
pleted for 1922, show that under the
auspices of the club tuberculin tests
have been made for 163 farmers in
the Silverton community. These
farmers own a total of 1300 head of
cattle, out of which, only seven re
acted to the test. The club was
formed from a commercial club in
order to include the farmers amojig
its members, as Silverton is es
sentially a farming community. The
club now has a comparatively large
enrollment of agriculturists.
Sumpter Smelter to Resume.
A report that the Sumpter smelter
will resume operations some time in
January was brought to Portland
yesterday by F. B. Stafford, eastern
Oregon mining man. The reopening
of the smelter will mean mueh to
the mining industry of the state, Mr.
Stafford said, as, at present, Oregon
ore must be sent to Tacoma or Salt
operate on co-operative basis would
Portland Mail Shows $13,000 to
Have Been Used and Check
Is Not Yet Completed.
That millions of Christmas seals
have been used on holiday letters
and packages throughout the state
is evidenced by the returns that are
daily reaching the office . of the
Oregon Tuberculosis association.
Recent state returns are as follows:
The Dalles, $236.96; Baker, $229.10;
Heppner, $25; Grass Valley, $26.11;
Mosier, $27; Halsey, $16; Scio, $15;
Cecil, $15. The rural schools
throughout the state are making a
fine showing, incomplete returns
being $422.18.
The Portland mail sale, has passed
the $13,000 mark and checks con
tinue to arrive daily. The booth
sale was an unqualified success,
more women's organizations partici
pating in this phase of the cam
paign than ever before. A total of
$3385.26 was raised through the
penny sales at; booths. This work
was directed by Mrs. Alexander
The public schools of Portland
participated in the sale of the seals
as never before and for the first
time in the history of the sale, the
parochial schools also took part.
The Couch school carried off the
honors with sales totaling $383;
next was Rose City Park with
$278.72. Returns have been made
from other schools, many of them
incomplete, as follows: Ainsworth,
$24.03; Alameda, $48.24; Albina
Homestead, $35.69; Arleta, $70.39;
Beach, $27.48; Beaumont, $32.92;
Brooklyn, $21.20; Buckman, $175.66;
Chapman, $54.41; Creston, $64.27;
Davis, $4.45; Duniway, $6.95; Fail
ing, $140.67; Fernwood, $60; Frank
lin High, $28.32; Girls' Polytechnic,
$12.99; Glencoe, $91.57; Gregory
Heights, $15; Highland, $40; Holla
day, $136.64; Errol Heights, $5;
Hudson, $9.32; Irvington, $97.86;
Joseph Kellogg, $16.84; Kennedy,
$41.40; Kerns, $49.24; Ladd, $161.11;
Lents, $54.20; Lincoln high school,
$111.46; Open Air, $38.74; Monta-
vtlla, $34.55: Mount Tabor, $60.04;
Peninsula, $39.29; Richmond, $121;
Sabin, $20; Sellwood, $32.50; Shat
tuck, $168.38; Shaver. $18.56; Sit
ton, $14.13; Sunnyside, $110.10;
Stephens, $13; Thompson, $54.13;
Vernon, $91.48; Washington high,
$56.28; Wlllbridge, $10.91; Wood
mere, $21.80; Woodstock, $46.17:
Williams, $64.68; Holy Rosary, $6;
Sisters of St. Marks, $5.
Man Accused of Non-Support and
Transporting Girl.
Inconstancy in love and the fact
that he transferred his affections
from his lawful wife and his six
minor children led to the arrest
yesterday of Walter S. Ford, dpver
of a stage between Seattle and San
Francisco, on charges of white
slavery. Muriel Day, Portland girl
and alleged victim, was also taken
According to department of jus
tice operatives. Ford left his family
in destitute circumstances in Los
Angeles about a year ago. They
are being supported by charity. A
warrant has been issued in that city
for the man's arrest on a charge of
Several months ago. the officials
say, Ford met Miss Day, transported
her to San Francisco, lived with her
in that city, then brought her back
to Portland and lived with her as
her husband in a downtown hotel.
Ford was held in lieu of $3000 bail.
The girl, who was taken with him
as a material witness for the gov
ernment, was released on $500 bail
supplied by relatives.
Said to Be Whiter and Cheaper
Light Than Fleet ric or Gas.
WASHINGTON. Patents have been
granted by the Government to a
lighting engineer by the name of
Johnson on a new lamp for burn
ing ordinary kerosene oil. This
lamp produces a vapor from the oil
which makes a blue flame that in
candesces a mantle, and thus creates
a very strong, soft,- pure white
light. As it consumes only 6 oil
mixed with 94 air, it is exceeding
ly economical. Said to be very sim
ple to operate, odorless, noiseless
and dangerless.
V. C. Johnson. P. O. Box 38, Port
land, Or. He also wants local dis
tributors and has a very unique
selling plan to offer agents. He is
even offering to give one free to
the first used in each locality who
will help Introduce this new light.
Celebrations of All Kinds to
Mark Entry of 1923.
Theaters Arrange Midnight Mat
inees and Many Parties Are
Planned ; Quiet Enjoined.
In the flamboyant method of the
circus, Portland's New Year's ob
servance might be advertised as
"Two Nights Great New. Year's
Celebration Two Nights." For the
celebration proper started last night
and will be brought to a close with
a "bang" when little Mr. 1923 is
ushered lit at midnight tonight with
all the time-honored pomp and cere
While last night's prelude could
hardly be termed a "wet" celebra
tion, it is equally true that "strictly
dry" would not apply. "Pint size
hip pockets of many of the revelers
were not empty and there was con
siderable "spiking" done in restau
rants by men and women, too
who know no more about a railroad
than can be learned from the in
terior of a Pullman car.
Police Extra Vigilant.
All members of the day police
shifts in addition to the regular
night force were on duty last night
under special orders from Chief of
Police Jenkins to prevent rowdy
ism and flagrant violations of the
prohibition law. Tonight the regu
lar night force will be aided by 20
detectives and patrolmen of the day
force. Federal prohibition officers
were out en masse last night and
will continue on duty among the
revelers tonight.
All "clean" merrymaking and
head-splittin.g' noises which Mr.
1923's reception committee could de
vise were permitted last night. But
tonight "keep holy the sabbath
day" Chief Jenkins has ordered.
Midnight matinees at the theaters,
"watch" parties in churches and
homes, will feature tonight's cele
bration. Special New Year's day
services have been planned by some
of the churches, while others will
repeat Christmas programmes.
Mill Whistles to Blow.
Watchmen at sawmills and other
manufacturing plants were instruct
ed to blow whisttes and sirens to
night, not last night, under penalty
of arrest.
Carnival features predominate in
programmes r announced by nine
downtown theaters for tonight. All
programmes will start between 11
and 11:30 o'clock, the fun-making
reaching the climax at midnight.
The entertainments at the various
theaters follow:
Orpheum Roscoe Alls and company
in "A Conglomeration of Melody and
Jazz;" Bert Pitzgibbon, the original
Daffy Dil; Wilfred Clarke in "Now
What?" the Keliors, novelty entertain
ers; Jack Hanley, a distinct novelty;
Eddie Miller in a series of semi-classical
songs; El Rey sisters, a dance revue;
special music.
Pantages The Spectacular Septette;
Exposition Jubilee Four; Howard and
Jean Chase; Ryan and Ryan, the jesters
in the land of illusion: Alexander Cher
neyoff; special festivities in charge of
Howard Chase. '
Hippodrome Greased pole climbing
contest; tug of war, Portland fire de
partment and police teams; society
bathing girls' costume contest; four
round boxing bout; masked society sin
ger; Lloyd Copen's rube jazz band; Hulu
Hula dancers; wedding reception to Mr.
and Mrs. Emil Lohkamp; carnival.
Liberty Keata' funfest; 15 minutes
in Hawaii; Signor Charles' posing glad
iators;' Liberty burlesque fashion revue;
Arvidson's Ace orchestra; Manhattan
Trio; balloon drop and New Year's
festival; amateur acts; noisemakers'
Rlvoll Frank Burns' minstrels: film
comedy; special music; feature picture,
"The World's a Stage;" festive carnival.
Blue Mouse "Tess of the Storm Coun
try;" midnight spectacle; special music;
carnival features.
Baker Comedy specialties: T,yric com-
Capacity machinex, 20O lh BOO
lbs 1000 Urn., 2000 lbs., 3000 lb.
These machines excel any ma
chine manufactured in workman
ship, economy of operation and
serviceo rendered.
Require no attention. No belts.
No visible flywheel. No fouling
of gas. Occupy very small apace.
Perfect automatic control.
Particularly adapted for home,
meat markets, etc.
Consultation free.
Bell Ice Machine and
Refrigerator Co.
63 East 8th St., Near Oak
Phone Easit 8972.
TheSame Gas
Heats the Water
while cooking or
baking on the
Lang Range
From $84.00 Up
See It Demonstrated
RADIO-Below Wholesale Prices
Jan. First and Second Only
Everything from parts to com
plete sets with Victrola Cabinet
and Magnavox, must be sold.
$20.00 for a 3-Stage Amplifier
is sample price.
Remember, Monday and Tuewdaj
only at 333 Mohnwlt Bldg.,
Third and Morrison. .
Any reader who suffers from Piles no
matter how iong standing can be quickly
cured without risking a penny through
the remarkable discovery of W. R. Darl
ington, 534 Kuro Bldg., Kansas City, Mo.
Don't send a penny just write Mr.
Darlineton and he will send you a regu
lar 10-day Treatment absolutely free. If
It cures send 2.00. Otherwise you owe
nothing. Adv.
pany in "Just a Minute;" chorus . girls'
antics: special music
Majestic Harold Lloyd in "Dr. Jack;"
features, "Looking Backward;" novelty
surprises; noisemakers' carnival; special
Circl(j Hott Gibson In "Ridin' Wild;"
screen comedies; music.
V". M. C. A. to Have Open House.
Frying eggs by wireless will be
among the interesting demonstra
tions to be given by the Portland
Young Men's Christian association
tomorrow as a feature of the an
nual New Year's day open house
and reception which, it was indi
cated yesterday, will be attended by
several thousand Portland, citizens.
A number of out-of-the-city visitors
also are expected.
The open house will open at 2:30
o'clock with a concert in the lobby.
Vaudeville stunts will be presented
shortly afterward. The egg-fryins
demonstration is scheduled for 4
o'clock on the main floor of the
association building. "Greased light
ning" also will be shown. All de
partments of the association are to
be in continuous operation.
Stunts and stereopticon pictures
depicting activities of Y. M. C. A.
summer camp at Spirit Lake will
be features in the evening in the
boys' division. Ping pong and bil
liard tournaments will be witnessed.
A "boyology" will be shown on the
second floor.
Games to Be Included.
The young men's division will en
tertain the visitors with music and
will show exhibits of a diversity of
activities, athletic, social and. re
ligious. Volleyball, basketball and other
games and gymnasium class exhi
bitions will be open to the public
on the second floor. Y. M. C. A.
swimmers will give exhibitions of
fancy diving, lifesaving, competitive
swimming, strength testing, X-rays
and insulator testing. A balloon
race and "king of the castle" stunt
are added features.
The Oregon Institute of Tech
nology, the local association school,
will open its entire facilities to the
public. Chemical, physical and bi
ological phenomena will be shown.
An automotive school exhibit will
be placed in the hall.
Entertainment features will be re
ppated at night, beginning at 7:30.
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