The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 31, 1922, Section One, Image 1

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    72 Pages
Seven Sections
Section One
Pages ! to 16
Entered at Portland (Oresron
Postoffiee a Second-claw Matter.
REACH 150,000 IN" 1923.
12 Secret Indictments
Are Reported.
Dismissal Held Evidence Job
Is Completed.
Stricter Enforcement of Laws on
Speeding and Dance Hall.
Regulations Is Urged.
Ia the final report made yesterday
y the Multnomah county grand,
Jury, which had been held on duty
for three months, there were 21 true
tills. One not true bill was returned
and eight open indictments. Twelve
secret indictments were returned.
Precedent was established in hold
ing this set of grand jurors over
two extra months, tl was- admitted
that they were being continued on
the job for the purpose of sifting
down the facts pertaining to the de
funct State Bank of Portland. They
went into this matter during the
first month's work. When October
ended they were retained for an
other month. The same thing oc
curred at the end of November.
Probe Thought Completed. ,
The explanation volunteered was
that they had become familiar with
affairs of the bank case and should
be kept on the case until it had been
(Sifted to. a conclusion. From these
facts it is taken for granted that
examination into affairs of the de
funct financial instituton has been
completed and that some of the se
cret indictments returned yesterday
have connection with the bank mat
ter. Arrests growing out of such
indictments should naturally follow
in a day or two. - -
Charges and counter-charges have
been made by bank officers against
each other, and by others against
the officers, since the institution
closed its doors last February. Sev
eral suits other than those by Frank
C. Bramwell, state superintendent
of banks, and having to do with
liquidation of the bank, have found
their way into court. In general, the
suits have been concerned largely
with representations made with ref
erence to the condition of the bank
when the old People's bank was
merged with it, the transfers of
capital stock connected with the
merger and the nature of loans
made by directors of the State bank.
Banks Merced in 1921.
The State bank, which closed its
doors February 15, 1922, embraced
the old bank of that name and also
the People's bank, the two having
been merged on October 1, 1921. The
latter bank had been organized in
April of 1920, while the State bank
was formed in 1917.
Officers of the People's bank
when the merger was effected were:
E. T. Gruwell, president; W. Q. Buf-
fington, vice-president; Hugh C.
Gruwell, cashier.
After the consolidation of the two
banks, officers of the State bank
were: Leroy D.. Walker, president
Anthon Eckern, vice-president"; Con
rad P. Olson, vice-president; E. T.
Gruwell, vice-president; Hugh C.
Gruwell, cashier; H. O. Voget and
S. H. Slocum, assistant cashiers.
Conrad P. Olson Files Snit.
The most important of the suits
growing out of conduct of the bank
was that filed May 29, 1922, by Con
rad P. Olson, who had bought a con
trolling interest in the institution
shortly before It collapsed and had
been elected as its president Olson
filed suit against Walker and Eck
ern, seeking to recover $100,000 he
had paid for stock in acquiring con
trol of the bank. He alleged fraud
ulent representations with regard to
the condition of the bank, particu-
(Concluded on Page 2. Column 1.)
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Rain, With Strong Southerly Gale,
Predicted for Today by
Weather Bureau.
Storm warnings were Issued at
4 P. M. yesterday for all north
Pacific seaports, and southwest sea
ports from Eureka to Cape Mendo
cino. At 6 P. M. a 70-mile gale from
the south, with the barometer still
falling, was reported by the United
States weather bureau's office at
North Head. The wind had been
30 miles an hour at 5 P. M. Rain
was falling, with a precipitation of
.52 of an inch recorded for the 24
hours previous to 5 P. M.
Rain today, with strong south
erly gales, was the prediction for
Portland and vicinity. The same
prediction was made for all Ore
gon and Washington. The total
rainfall in Portland for the 24 hours
preceding 6 P. M. was .45 of an inch,
bringing thei total rainfall since
September 1 to 17.85 inches. The
normal fall for that period is 19.11
There was no sunshine in Port
land yesterday, according to the1
weather bureau, although Old Bol
could have been on the job for 8
hours and 41 minutes. The maxi
mum temperature was 48 above and
the minimum 44 above. Despite the
rain the Willamette dropped .7 of
a foot.
NEWPORT, Or., Deo. SO. (Spe
cial.) By far the most terrific wind
and rain storm of the season struck
Newport at 5 o'clock today. Boat
traffic was tied up here. The L. C.
Smith is in the Siletz harbor and
the Roamer is also bar-bound at
Waldport. The lights were extin
guished, leaving Newport in dark
ness. ASTORIA. Or.. Dec. 30. (Special.)
Astoria was visited today by one
of the heaviest rain storms of the
season. 'There was no wind, but
the steady downpour of rain con
tinued practically all day and was
still in progress tonight.
Many Persons Hope 1923 Pay
days Will Match Unusual Record.
That time promised in the prov
erb, when every day will be Sun
day, appears to be coming closer.
At any rats the year 1922 seems to
have brought It nearer by reason of
the fact that it held 53 Sundays, in
the belief of amateur calendar stu
dents, an event almost unprece
dented. It has been many years, at
least, since there was such an oc
currence. The year just closing opened Sun
day and its last day was Sunday.
This is how it happened to crowd in
53 rest days in 12 months. It is
said that even this arrangement
could be improved upon and many
are hoping that 53 paydays will be
provided by 1923.
Effigy of God to Be Burned in
Moscow Christmas.
(Copjrig-ht, 1622. by the Chicago Tribune.)
(Chicago Tribune Foreign News Service.)
MOSCOW, Dec 30. Not contented
with the anti-Christmas , campaign
on Christmas day, the league of
communist youth and communist
university students have arranged
a still greater anti-Christmas dem
onstration for January 6, which is
Christmas according to the Gregor
ian calendar, and therefore the day
worshipped by Russia's devout.
Here the limit of the anti-Christmas
campaign will be reached when
an effigy labeled "Almighty God"
will be paraded and burned in the
public square.
Occasional Showers Scheduled for
Pacific Coast States. ,
WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 30.
The weather outlook for the week
beginning Monday follows:
Pacific states Occasional rain;
temperature near normal.
State Lawmakepibbil
ize Weeyfice.
Pierce Sure of Support; Also
. Some Opposition.
Republican Legislators Disposed
to Back Governor In Meas
ures for State Benefit.
One week from today the 30 sen
ators and 60 representatives of the
Oregon legislature will mobilize, at
Salem, preparatory to starting the
session Monday morning, January
8. Just how soon the fireworks will
start Is not certain, but those who
observe and participate In matters
political forecast one of the most
lively and exciting 40-day sessions
in recent years.
There is no organization fight in
sight, for K. K. Kutoll, representa
tive from Multnomah, has about 45
pledged votes for speaker of the
house, and Jay H. , Upton has 16
pledged votes for president of the
senate. All these pledges are signed
on th dotted line. Among the sup
porters of B. ti. Eddy there is still
some hope that something may hap
pen to compass the defeat of Sen
ator Upton and bring about the elec
tion as president of Senator Eddy,
but there is, apparently, no good
ground on which to base the hope.
Support Assured Fierce.
Ben W. Olcott will deliver his
farewell address on the opening day
and t Walter M. Pierce will deliver
his inaugural message and, Oregon
having changed governors, the ses
sion will proceed. As governor, Mr.
Pierce will have the loyal support
of the house organization, headed
by Mr. Kubli, and he will have the
backing of the senate machine, cap
tained, by Senator Upton. In the
house, George A. Lovejoy, democrat,
and in the senate, W. H. Strayer,
democrat, will be the official spokes
men for Mr. Pierce, democratic gov
ernor. -
The full extent of the Pierce pro
gramme is not yet revealed to the
public but so far as known it meets,
practically, with the good wishes of
the republican majority. There will
be measures behind which the gov
ernor will throw his influence, which
will meet with strong opposition,
but in the main the governor need
expect no antagonism from the re
publican camp. There is no desire
to place the governor in a hole and.
by the same token, republican lead
ers in the legislature have no in
tention of permitting the governor
to "pass the buck" by sending up
sky-rocket bills for spectacular ef
feet and then, when these bills fail
to pass, charge the legislature with
failure to back him up.
State Welfare Paramount, -
Not one republican legislator thus
far interviewed has expressed a
wish to play politics and each has
declared he will support the gov
ernor in any legislation of state
On the surface, there is a good
working organization in house and
senate, but it should be borne in
mind that the minority is strong
in each branch or the legislature.
Many of the veterans of the house,
some of them skilled legislators,
have not agreed to vote for Mr.
Kubll for speaker, and there are
14 of the 30 senators who have not
gone into the Upton camp. If these
minorities are organized it will be
a nip-and-tuck contest on test-vote
measures throughout the session.
Among the pledges for Mr. Kubll
are a number of representatives
who are with him for speaker, but
who may bolt his organization when
(Concluded oh Page 5, Column 4.
Body Found on Dirty Cot Three
Weeks After Demise; Bank
Book Shows $97,000.
(By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.)
CHICAGO. Dec 30. Mrs. Maude
Fuller Delius, eldest daughter of the
late Melville W. Fuller, ex-chlef jus
tice of the United States supreme
court, was found dead on a dirty cot
in a rear room of her little three-
room flat at 5445 Harper avenue,
this afternoon. She died approxi
mately three weeks ago, the police
As there were no marks of vio
lence on the body, Coroner Wolff,
who conducted a personal examina
tion, said he believed that the wo
man had died either from an Over
dose of drugs, of which she was said
to be an addict, or had drunk or
some poison. An analysis of the
contents of her stomach was or
dered by the coroner.
The room where the body was
found was in confusion. The furni
ture, of an age long gone by, was
in disorder and scraps of torn let
ters were scattered about on the
floor. The woman's wedding ring
was found clasped In her hand when
the police removed the body.
Although the place in which she
lived spoke loudly of poverty, it
was .learned from neighbors and
friends of the dead woman that
she was worth more than $250,
000. . A bank book among her effects
showed a cash balance of $97,000 in
a local bank. She was also said to
have . owned considerable property
In and about Chicago.
Mrs. Delius was about ,65 years
of age. She .had lived in Harper
avenue for more than 20 years.
William H. Delius, her - husband,
committed suicide by shooting him
self in the head during a fit of de
spondency in the home 18 years ago.
In her youth Mrs. Delius was one
of the most popular society leaders
in Chicago, it was said. Her fath
er's home in Hyde Park was the
center of much of the social ac
tivity of the day. When Judge
Fuller was appointed to the su
preme bench the young woman
spent much of her time in Wash
ington and other eastern cities.
Upon her marriage to Mr. Delius,
who was then chief contracting
agent for the Chicago & Northwest
ern railroad, the couple went to live
in Harper avenue. A few years later
came the death of Mr. Delius.
Before her husband was hardly
buried, friends of the woman no
ticed that a change had come over
her. She kept inside and had little
or no social intercourse with her
friends and relatives.
As the years went on her seclu
sion became more profound until at
last she was regarded as being
"queer." She dressed, even to the
tims of her death, in the same styles
that were prevalent at the time of
her husband's death. She shut her
self up in her room and went out
only to her meals, which she took
at a little restaurant nearby.
Then came the rumors that she
had become a drug addict There
was no light in the little flat. While
the rest of the world was asleep,
she would be heard walking up and
down the floor. Four weeks ago
she failed to appear at all. Noth
ing was thought of it until today
the police were called and, break
ing in the door, found her dead in
the back room.
Others Taken Into Gendarmerie
Under Compromise.
(Chicago Tribune Foreign News Service.
Copyright, 1922. by the Chicago Tribune.)
PEKIN, Dec. 30. A compromise
has been reached at Tsingtad where
by 300 bandits have been taken into
the Kiaochow gendarmerie, the rest
receiving $100,000 in cash on their
promise of disbandment.
Jflewadomski Sentenced to Die for
. Killing Polish President.
WARSAW, Dec. 30. (By' the As
sociated Press. -Nlewadomski Was
sentenced to death today for -the
assassination of President Naruto-
The trial began this morning, just
two weeks after the assassination
Year's Permits Gain 15,798; Fees
Aggregate $3,340,420; Total
for 1921 $2,335,000.
SALEM, Or., Dec. 20. A total of
42,100 applications for 1923 motor
vehicle licenses had been received
at the offices of the secretary of
state tonight Of these applications
more than 900 were received over
the counter in the state department
today. It was estimated by the sec
retary of state that more than
150,000 licenses for motor vehicles
will be issued during the year 1923.
On the last working day of the
year, 1921, a total of 64,071 appli
cations for 1922 motor vehicle li
censes had been received at the state
department. Motor vehicle licenses
for the year 1922 aggregated 134,413,
or a gain of 15,798 over the year
The secretary of state announced
tonight that motor vehicle owners
who have applied for their licenses
and have not received them will not
be molested by the traffic offioers.
Owners of cars who have not made
application for licenses and persist
in operating their machines after
midnight Sunday will be subject to
arrest and prosecution.
Because of the usual eleventh-
hour congestion in the motor vehicle
department it may be more than a
week before some of the operators
whose applications are now on file
receive their plates.
More than 100 persons in quest of
1923 licenses were lined up in the
halls of the capitct building when
the state department opened for
business this morning. The appli
cants increased in number a3 the
day progressed and it was neces
sary to keep a force of employes
at work during the noon hour.
Clerks remained on duty until 6
o'clock tonight.
Motor vehicle fees for the year
1922 aggregated $3,340,420.58, as
against $2,335,000 for the year 1921.
Tax Commissioner to Succeed
Frank K. Lovell Chosen.
SALEM, Or., Dec. 30. (Special.)
Earl L. Fisher tonight was elected
state tax commissioner to succeed
Frank K. Lovell, who has resigned
because of ill-health. Mr. Fisher
was elected for a four-year term.
starting January 1, 1923. ,
Mr.. Fisher has served as deputy
state tax commissioner for the last
three years. Prior to coming to
Salem he served as county assessor
of Linn county for two terms.
Mr. Fisher's election was an
nounced by the state tax commis
sion, which is composed of the gov
ernor, secretary of state and state
treasurer. ' .
Actress Says She Is Ready for
Performance Wednesday. "
PARIS, Dec. 30. (By the Asso
ciated Press) Whether Sarah Bern
hardt, who announced yesterday
that she would return to the stage
Wednesday, can persuade her physi
cians that' she is ready for the open
ing performance of "Un Suject de
Roman" seems problematical.
Doctors and friends believe it may
be necessary to keep her from the
theater awhile longer.
"If I rested too long, I shouldn't
live," she asserted. She said she
had promised Sacha Guitry, author
of her new play, that she would be
ready to act Wednesday.
President to Spend New Year's
Day Quietly.
WASHINGTON, D. d Dec. 30.
There will be no New Tear's day
reception at the White House Mon
day. The traditional "open house'
to New Year visitors, discontinued
by President Wilson and revived by
President Harding last year, had to
be abandoned on account of Mrs.
Harding s illness.
The president will spend the day
quietly with his wife, who is con
valescing slowly. A few intimate
friends probably will call during the
day -and Mrs. Harding is expected
to preside at New Year's dinner In
the state dining room.
Mrs. McCormick and Ed
win Krenn Trailed.
Mysterious Auto Party Goes
Only to Opera.
Guards at Hotel Evaded Twice;
Arrest for Parking Car Fol
' lows Shopping Tour.
CHICAGO, Dec. 30. (By the As
sociated Press.) Newspaper men
keeping vigil aDout the Lakeshore
mansion of Mrs. Edith Rockefeller
McCormick watching for .symptoms
that her rumored marriage to Edwin
Krenn, young Swiss architect was
about to take place, passed a busy
but fruitless day.
Early in the morning newspaper
men and women and photographers
surrounded the house at every van
tage point with additional details
stationed across the street to cover
Mr. Krenn's hotel.
At 10:30 their watchful waiting
had its first Jolt when the hotel
guard discovered it had lost Mr.
Krenn. Five minutes of agitated
hunting and he was found four
blocks away strolling down the
avenue. Reporters and photogra
phers fell into line and the proces
sion moved on. At his radio shop,
his first business venture in Amer
ica, Mr. Krenn stopped for a con
ference with Adolph Dato, his Swiss
Pair Go to Manson.
ThA r-nnference over, they bundled
h ahnn'a hnnks' under their arms
and departed for the McCormick
mansion, where the entire newspa
per guard mobilized and stood at
They did not have long to wait.
Rhnrtlv. two uniformed footmen un
rolled the red party carpet down the
steps and erected over it a gauy
striped awning. A bulletin was
dispatched to the newspaper offices.
Photographers climbed nearby trees
in search of better vantage points.
Next a limousine arrived and a
fashionably gowned guest, who
looked as though she might be the
advance guard of a waiting party,
tripped up the steps. Social editors
peering through the iron fence, said
it was Mrs. Martin B. Pike.
Another Car Arrtevs.
A second car arrived. Miss Har
riett Monroe, poet and editor of a
poetry magazine, followed up the
red carpeted steps.
A lone wait. Two o'clock came
and passed, then three empty cars
appeared and Mrs. McCormick, ac
comDanied by several friends, came
down the steps and all were
whisked away while reporters raced
for a nearby taxicab fleet The
chase ended when Mrs. McCormick
was discovered entertaining her
friands in her box at the opera,
watching Feodor Chaliapin, the
Russian basso, wield his broom in
the Brocken scene of Mefistofele.
While breathless reporters heaved
a sigh of relief, the hotel guard was
discovering it had misplaced Mr.
wronn nraln. Four minutes later he
was found stepping into his coupe.
Motor Cops Trail Swiss.
Motor mounted cops trailed the
elusive Swiss Into the ' loop. He
parked and went shopping for two
phonograph records, walked a bit
and admired the store windows, then
returned to his car, where an irate
traffic rjoliceman was waiting witn
a slip directing Mr. Krenn to appear
in oourt Tuesday ana explain a vio
lation of the traffic laws.
Next the chase led back to the
Radio shop. A short wait and the
calvacade, containing Mr. Krenn's
mmA snd ha.lf a. dnzen ta.Yip.ahn r.
turned to the hotel, when Mr. Krenn
(Concluded on Page 2. Column 2.)
Diplomat Will Depart for Home
January 25 and Later Retire
From Public Service.
TOKIO, Dec SO. (By the- Asso
ciated Press.) Charles B. Warren,
United States ambassador to Japan,
will depart for America on the
President Cleveland January 25, and,
after necessary conferences with
President Harding and Secretary
Hughes, will present his resigna
tion, he announced today.
In announcing his intention of re
signing his post, Ambassador War
ren said:
"I came to Japan when the rela
tions between this country and the
United States constituted a potential
danger. I am going away now that
distrust and dangerous suspicion
have disappeared from both coun
tries. We are justified in believing
that the present cordial relations
will long continue."
The ambassador declared that the
accomplishments of the Washing
ton conference "created a new feel
ing of stability in far eastern
"I came to assist in a task which
has been accomplished," he contin
ued. "There is no element of sur
prise in my returning to the United
States to resign, for when I ac
cepted the mission from President
Harding and Secretary Hughes, it
was understood that I had no de
sire to remain in the diplomatic
service under normal conditions.
"The time has arrived when I
feel free to return home and resign.
I am deeply appreciative of the
treatment accorded me by the Jap
anese and I desire to express the
most kindly sentiments to our great
number of new friends in Japan who
had overwhelmed us with thought
ful kindness. Full expression of
my appreciation will be reserved for
other occasions before our depart
ure." Ambassador Warren said that
upon his return to the United States
he hoped to be able in making
"things better understood In Amer
ica." The Warrens will give a
number of farewell ' dinners. Din
ners in their honor are to be given
by Foreign Minister Uchida, other
Japanese notables and American or
ganizations in Japan.
Ambassador Warren was appoint
ed to- his post in June, 1921,
WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 30. A
statement from a White House
spokesman was to the effect that
the administration felt that Mr.
Warren had performed an impor
ant task in cementing friendly re
lations between Japan and the
United States and that if he felt
he had done all consistent with the
personal sacrifices entailed in re
taining the post, he would be per
mitted to retire at his pleasure.
His residence is in Detroit, where
he has an extensive law practice.
Marriag License Record at Van
couver Is Broken.
VANCOUVER, Wash., Dec. 80.
(Special.) Twenty-five marriage
licenses were issued here today,
breaking the pre-New Year's record
for the last five years. Last year
on December 31, 17 licenses were
Issued; in 1920, 15; in 1919, 21, and
in 1918, which was the peak year of
the marriage industry here, only
eight. -
Many of today's couples were
middle-aged. Licenses were Issued
to two minor girls, Fern Bliler, 16,
of Vancouver, and Ruby Ticheoor,
17, of Portland. They married Buehl
Jordan, 21, of Independence, Or.,
and William A. Justus, 21, of Port
land. Miss Bliler' s mother and Miss
Tichenor's father accompanied them
and gave their consent to the wed
Harding Praises Activities of
Knights of Columbus.
NEW YORK, Dec. 30. President
Harding praised the Knights of
Columbus in their work for the war
veterans in a New Year's message
received today.
A New Year's greeting also was
received from Cardinal Mercier.
Cargoes Worth $7,000-
000 Put Ashore Safely.
State Agents Sent Ashore
by Bogus Order.
Prohibition Chief Vainly Tells
Officers to Go Back to Sea
and Resume Watch.
NEW YORK. Dec. 30. With the
sub-chaser Hansen, "federal dry
ftavy" of the port of New York tied
up at the Battery with engines dis
abled, the narrows was left un
guarded tonight long enough for 15
rum runners to slip into port with
nearly 37,000,000 worth of liquor for
New Year's, the police department
was advised.
The 15 little vessels were believed
by prohibition officials to have on
board at least 60,000 cases of liquor.
They represent only a part of the
fleet of rum-laden craft which since
a few days before Christmas had
been laying outside the three-mile
limit, awaiting opportunity to run
the gauntlet into the city.
Federal Prohibition Zone Chief
Appleby was amazed when he
learned that the Hansen, flagship
of his "dry fleet," was tied up at her
"I thought she was out patrolling
the narrows," he explained.
Mysterious Order Received,
Appleby immediately got in touch
with Captain John H. Dysart, com
mander of the Hansen. It developed
that a mysterious order had been
received, on the Hansen to have her
engines repaired, but the authority
for the order could not be learned.
The rum chaser then went to her
dock and her engines were taken
All this followed discovery In the
crew's quarters on the Hansen today
of 20 cases of liquor, alleged to have
been part of a cargo of 70 cases
seized on the schooner Linnie Bell
several days ago.
When Appleby told Captain Dy
sart that since the Hansen had been
docked under her own .power, she
should put to sea at once to watch
the liquor-smuggling craft, he was
informed the engine was dismantled.
Besides, said Captain Dysart, the re
moval of members of his crew in
connection'with the 20 cases had left
him too short-handed to start on
Police Patrols Out.
With the Hansen out of the way,
Appleby tonight endeavored to press
every available small boat Into serv
ice to head off the blockade runners
He said the Narrows were guarded
by police patrols and the coast guard
men also were vigilant.
Piers in the North and East rivers
and along the Brooklyn and Staten
Island waterfronts were under sharp
watch of customs men, he said, and,
while the dry navy's smaller craft
would not be able to compete with
the smugglers in the outer bay, they
would be able to give a lively chase
in the harbor. , ,
Appleby said he did not believe
there were now more than two or
three large liquor vessels off the
three-mile limit within striking dis
tance. There had been 10 or 15 re-'
ported between Cape May, N. J., and
Boston before the storm, but he was
satisfied, he said, that some of these
oraft had goife to the bottom of the
sea. .
A jail cell for New Year cele
brants who boldly imbibe of cheer
ing spirits in the public places of
New York is the threat of State
Prohibition Enforcement Director
Yellowley, who today announced his
agents, co-operating with the police
department, would enforce the law.
The efforts of the enforcement
(Concluded on FtLge 2. Column 4.)