ITifSllTO occur in iiui New York, Chicago Events to Be Greatest Ever. SURPRISES ARE IN STORE Nearly 100 Makes of Autos to Be Shown at Grand Central Palace and Coliseum. NEW YORK, N. T., Dec. 16. As a result of intensive activity during the past few weeks, preparations for the 23d National Automobile shows are making: great headway. Reports from the factory districts early this month are to the effect that work on the 1923 models to be displayed at the exhibition are com pleted and that all arrangements have been made to ship the cars to New York. " Complete co-operation among manufacturers, dealers and the show management has been a big factor In arranging the prelim inaries for the, big exhibition of motor cars. With 81 different makes of auto mobiles and more thani300 accessory manufacturers listed as exhibitors, the National Automobile shows of New York and Chicago will be the biggest automobile exhibitions ever presented in this country. The New York show will be held January 6 to 13, and the Chicago ex position in the Coliseum and First Regiment armory will be held Jan uary 27 to February 3. Both dis plays are under the direction of the National Automobile chamber of commerce. The Grand Central pal ace will again house the New York show in its entirety. Accessories to Be Displayed. One of the features of the Na tional show this year is the wonder ful array of accessories. The total number of devices, big and little, that go to help the motorist to not only run his car, but also in many instances to add to its appearance, breaks all records. Undoubtedly there will be many new things 'on view, but like car builders, the ac cessory manufacturers keep their plans under cover until the show opens. For the show the four floors of the palace that will beoccupied con tain 200,000 square feet of space, as each floor is equal to a city square block in area. For the morst part, the cars will occupy the two lower floors, but it has been found neces sary because of the great demand for space, to put several of the cars on the third floor. Bigger, brighter, more interesting than ever is the promise that is held out for the 1923 show. It's the same- promise that was made for the Bhow of a decade ago, and every other annual display before and slnco. And strangely enough the yearly display invariably has lived up to the optimistic predictions of its sponsors. Since the far-gone days in the early part, of the cen tury no National Automobile show has ever failed to provide a wealth of entertainment not only for the man who drove a car, hut equally o for the man who hopd to. Right now a full house is assured. It has always been so; it probably always will be. The annual review is an assured success because its appeal Is as wide as the country itself. The visitor to the show of 1923 may go with the consciousness that he Is for the first time paying;.; homage to the world's greatest in dustry The production of motor cars and their accessories has gradually crept up from the modest figures of early years until at the present time, the industry has gone Into a leading place in the country's commercial standing. Surprises May Be Given. Whether or not the coming expo sition will disclose anything revo lutionary or radical will remain a Bccret until the doors of the palace are thrown open on January 6. In every factory throughout the coun try for months past the brains of the automotive Industry have been engaged in the design and produc tion of models for 1923. Away from the drop forges, the whirring wheels, and from all the distractions of a noisy plant, the designers have evolved ideas of refinements that will mark the cars to be shown. It is conceded that the coming dis play will be dominated by the closed types of cars. More and more the motorist is evincing his desire for the acme of travel typified by the limousine, the sedan, the coupe and the various combinations of these three standard types put out with more or less whimsical names. Pro tection from the weather when pro tection is needed, explains the great and growing popularity of the closed car, taken in conjunction with Improved body design which in balmy weather permits of all the advantages of an open model. Each year has ' brought greater luxury of interior fittings and up holstery, to such a pronounced de gree that even the lowest priced cars have needed to make no apol ogy for their lack of riding comfort It is safe to assume that the models in the palace show will demonstrate superiority over all previous efforts in- this line. The , accessory makers confine their new products to no particular time of the year, but most important ones are usually reserved for the National show. Many hundreds of accessory exhibitors are already listed, and the motorist will find a Journey among the displaysquite as fascinating and informative as in previous years. And he is certain to find some surprises. Trade Is Confident. The automotive industry faces the coming year with extreme optimism and confidence. For this industry, at least, the period of reconstruc tion has practically ended. Despite their universal utility, motor cars were the first to react to the condi tions caused by the high cost of ma terials and labor during the war period. -Car prices have been stabilized, even though slowly. The industry Is lust closing a year that has been amazing in the volume of produc tion and sales, and there is every indication that the coming year will Btart and end in a blaze of glory. Not only are general conditions in dicative of continued prosperity, but there is every evidence that the public is in a frame of mind to ac cept the modern car as the highest expression of design tnat may oe expected for some time to come. , The following makes of cars will be exhibited at the shows: American, Anderson, Apperson, Au burn, Roamer, Rotary Six, Bulck, Cadil lac, Case, Chalmers. Chandler, Chevrolet, Cleveland. Climber, Cole, Columbia, Hat field, Courier, Crawford, Dagmar, Davis, Detroit-Electric, Dotlsre Bros., Dorris, Port, Durant, Earl, Elgin, Elcar, Essex, Franklin, Gardner, Gray, H. C. S., Hand-loy-Knigat, Haynes, Hudson. Hupmobile, GIRL USHERS ENJOY PEERLESS PLACED AT THEIR DISPOSAL BY W. R. DELAY. s ; HANDSOME SEDAN AND GIRLS OF THE PEOPLES THEATER WHO MADE USE OF IT LAST WEEK. Marion Davies, star inthe photoplay, "When Knighthood Was in Flower," which was a big drawing card at the Peoples theater for three weeks, drives a Peerless automobile and is an, ardgut booster for the new Peerless, one of which she recently purchased. So it was a fitting thing that W. R. Delay, head of the W. R. Delay Motor company. Peerless and Velie distributors, should last week place one of the new 1923 Peerless sedans at the disposal of the Peoples force. The photograph shows the car in front of the theater and the girl ushers in costumes similar to one used by Miss Davies in the picture. Jordan, King, Kissel, Lafayette, Lexing ton, Liberty, fcincoln. Locomobile, Mc Farlan, Maxwell, Mercer, Milburn Elec tric, Mitchell, Moon, Nash, National, No ma, Marmon. Oakland, fcsmobile, Pack ard, Paige & Jewett, Paterson, Peerless, Pierce-Arrow, Pilot, Premier, Rauch & Lang, Reo, Rickenbacker, R. & V. Knight, Sayers. Stanley, Star, Steams, Stephens, Studebaker, Stutz. Velle, West cott. Wills Sainte Claire, Willys-Knight, Ambassador MOST DRIVERS ARE CAREFUL Senator Arthur Capper Speaks Good 'Word for Motorists. WASHINGTON, D. C, Deft. 16. Tribute to the high standing which motorists of the United States en joy in their respective communities is paid by Senator Arthur Capper of Kansas in a communication re ceived from him by the National Motorists' association. Senator Capper's letter Is as fol lows: Mr. Raymond Beck, field secretary. Na tional Motorists' association, Edmonds building Washington, D. C. Dear Mr. Beck: Answering your In quiry of the. 19th instant, will say that tbe owners of motor cars are representa tive of the highest type of our citizen ship. I do not know of-ny other class of citizens who are more considerate of the rights of others. It is true that there are motor acci dents, sometimes resulting in serious In Jury or loss of life, but I am confident that a very great majority of such cases may be traced to a comparatively email number 01 careless drivers; and certainly the lack of care on the part of the few should not be permitted to reflect on the conduct of the great army of motor ists generally. Taking into account the millions 'of automobiles now operated, I think the comparatively few accidents speak well for the care and Judgment exercised by drivers. Very respectfully, (Signed) ARTHUR CAPPER. Savage Trade Character Is Movie Actor. Seven-Tear-Old Indian Boy Plays Double Role. LOS ANGELES, Dec 16. Not many youngsters are privileged to play Important roles in both the worlds of industry and of entertain ment. Such a distinction, however, is vouchsafed to a full-blooded In dian boy, known as Little Heap to an army of people throughout the west because of his affiliation with Savage Tire publicity as a trade character. Little Heap is 7 years old and is the son of M. J. Thunderface, a vet teran among Indian motion picture actors. Thunderface has played im portant roles in numerous promi nent productions and has supported many distinguished stars. Little Heap is much in demand at the stu dios to play Juvenile parts that re quire the combination of typical In dian features with an appealing boyish personality. His real name is Joseph Thunderface, but since his adoption by the Spreckels "Savage" Tire company he has taken the name of Little Heap Thunderface, and by such is known at all of the motion picture studios where he works. The personnel of the Savage or ganization swears by Little Heap as their good-luck mascot, for his adop tion was coincident with the intro duction of the nowpopular Savage cord. CHART SHOWS EXPANSION 10,000.000 1 - f- ; iX5W,4 1 i i r I in " " :::lff: ; 2.445.U; : i,oi2 f " ; 9,000.000 8.000. 000 7.000.000 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000.000 3.000,0 00 2,000.000 1,000,000 I". S. fisnrea show increase In country from nearly Eero in 15 years. . iftiliii -MtMtSt Si CONPO SYSTEM PUT IN LOCAL WILLARp STATIOX IX. STALLS NEW PLANT. Constant Potential Method Made Use of in Latest Equipment for Recharging.' Installation of the new Conpo system for recharging storage bat teries for automobiles was com pleted last week by the Portland Storage Battery .company,, local Willard battery . agents, the com pany being the first to install this new method in the city of Portland. The Conpo system is declared to charge batteries much more rapidly and more evenly and efficiently than the old systems which have been used. The system was recently indorsed by the Willard company, after Investigation covering a period of several months, and Willard agents throughout the country are Installing them. The new charging system works on what is known as the constant potential method. To the layman this may be described as a system whereby when a battery is nearly exhausted the charge flows in rap idly, gradually decreasing as the battery approaches a fully charged state. When the battery becomes fully charged it automaticallj ceases to take on any further charge. " j The method is ot a new one, but is new in its adaptation to low voltage batteries, silch as automo bile batteries. For years railway' train batteries, telephone plant bat teries and other batteries of indus trial plants have been charged by this method. About three montli3 ago the Wil lard company at Cleveland-, O, com pleted exhaustive tests of the Conpo constant potential system, and gave the system unqualified indorsement. As soon as news of this indorsement was received by R. P. Bowman, manager?of the Portland Storage Battery company, he placed an order for one of the systems, spending several thousand dollars In its in stallation. The equipment was not received until about 10 days ago and it was the middle of last week before it was ready for operation. . The Conpo system is a great time saver over the old methods, accord ing to Mr. Bowman, who states that a recharge can now be made in from six to eight hours, where for merly it took nearer 48 hours. A more efficient recharge is made, it is claimed, and danger of overcharg ing is eliminated entirely. The first system has been in stalled at the main station at Ninth and Everett streets, while another system has been ordered for the Willard station at East Twelfth street and Hawthorne avenue. TRY-OUT HIGHLY PLEASING But Cop Was. Around and Driver Thinks it Over in Jail. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec 16. Ralph Arnot, vice -president of the Hassler Pacific company, coast distributors OF AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY. YEARS number of motor cars 'In this 1D07 to 10,448,632 by 1922, only THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN. PORTLAND, DECE3IBER 17, of Hassler shock absorbers, pur chased a new Ford coupe. - He in stalled Hassler shock absorbers and a Rucksteiil two-speed axle. After that came tHe try-out, with Arnot whizzing down" Van Ness avenue, highly elated over the efficiency of both shock absorbers and axle. - An interested spectator of the demonstration was Officer Perry, who trailed the coupe on a motor cycle. When he had seen enough he irew alongside to tell Arnot that the demonstration was a huge suc cess, and together they went to the Bush street police station to report. Judge McAtee was informed of the demonstration by Officer Perry- and he decided that Arnot should be a guest of the city at the county jail for 48 hours room and board free. Arnot told the judge that in his enthusiasm over the performance he forgot about the speedometer, and the Judge set aside 4S,hours for him to remember about' speedometers and EpAed laws. Ashland Camp Praised by Eastern Article. Grounds Declared as Near Per fect as Can Be. ASHLAND, Or., Dec 16. (Spe cial.) Pratses of the Pacific coast auto tourist parks in general and f the local camp in, particular are sung by Robert I.. Snadjr In a special article written recently for the, Cleveland- Plaindealer. After telling of the thousands of tourists who spent the summer on the main transcontinental highways. the comparatively smooth pikes of the middle west, the winding passes of the Rockies and the broad boule vards of Oregon, California and Washington, Snadjr states that this is only the beginning, and that the following years , will see such a heglra as Mohammed never dreamed of and beside which the wander ings of Asiatic of Goths and Van dals and Huns are but as the mov ing of urban families from one house to another. "It was only a few years ago that the pioneers among the modern vagabonds were wont to pull up wearily Just outside a town at the end of a ljng day's run, unpack and prepare for the night," writes Mr. Snadjr. "But now! Take the camp at Ash land, Or., for instance; generally conceded' by automobile .tourists to be as nearly perfect as an auto camp can be. Instead of designating a barren piece of land on the outskirts of town, Ashland placed its camp in Builders of Oakland have made it their ideal to pro duce the finest light-six intheworld. The choice of Rem; as Oakland's start ing, lighting, and ignition system is, therefore, thor oughly sound and logical. fflr START'NG LIGHTING IGNITION SYSTEMS (Oakland) ' 1 ' The Eight Coupe For those who prefer an Eight this car combines the luxury of Oldsrnobile closed car craftsmanship with the smoothness and flexibility of the most powerful motor of in size in the United States. It is the lowest priced Fight on the market .H875 f. o. b. Laming the very'center of its prettiest park. There are tents and cabins available at a very nominal fee, a fee that was Imposed, oddly enough, because the campers did not avail them selves of the privilege when offered a roof for nothing. Those who wish to erect their own tent are escorted by the superintendent of the camp to a site under great trees, carefully cleared, and usually surrounded by undergrowth dense enough to in sure privacy. 'Gas has been piped Into the park so that the women members of the party can cook their meals once more on a stove. Water is avail able everywhere, and a huge spring on the grounds acts as an admirable ice box for milk, watermelons, meat and what-not. Grocery and butcher wagons come direct to the park. At night lectures of various kinds and concerts are given. Motion pictures are also shown. Moreover, Ashland has a feature unique among auto camps.. It has free iithla, soda ana sulphur springs, all bubbling un, within a few feet of each other." L The Remy generator, through its distinctive thermostatic control, automatically regulates the flow of current into the battery. When de mand is small the generator supplies current accordingly eliminating entirely any possi bility of battery over-charging. On the other hand, when a heavy or extraordinary amount of electricity is required the Remy generator sees to" it that such current is ever present. Attthoriztd Remy Serrice and genuine Remy parts may be secured from United Motors Serv - ice Branches and Authorized Distributors . REMY ELECTRIC COMPANY ANDERSON, INDIANA ' Remy Equipment is a sign of quality in a Motor Car or Truck. These Dealers can tell you why . . PORTLAND NORTHWEST OAKLAND CO. PARK 0 COUCH STa ' 1922 An Ideal Christmas Gift - The Oldsrnobile Four Cdupe A Christmas gift for the entire family the Oldsrnobile Four Coupe! Here is a useful gift whiph will be appreciated every day of 1 the year. . It is a dependable, powerful and comfortable closed car at the lowest price quoted by Oldsrnobile in eighteen years Powered with the famous Four engine and splendidly appointed," it provides ideal transportation for four grown-up people. The unusually, complete equipment includes comfortable auxiliary seat, parcel compartment inside, large luggage space in rear, walnut finish instrument board, drum head lights and cowl lights, windshield visor and wiper, cowl ventilator, door locks, heater, dome light and walnut steering wheel. Come in and let us explain our plan which will deliver this rich gift to your home Christmas morning. There are fourteen Oldsrnobile body types in Fours and Eights with. j price range from 955 to 2025 OLDS MOTOR WORKS LANSING, MICHIGAN Division of General Motors Corporation Oldsrnobile Co. of Oregon Broadway at Couch Streets. .Broadway 227a. A PRODUCT OF Petting Part? Technique Undergoing Change. Dangn of Old Method Reduced - by Girl Doing; Driving. SPOKANE, Wash., Deo. 16. Con siderable publicity given here about to the prevalence and danger of "petting parties" conducted in speeding autos on highways has re sulted in a change in "technique." according to Lloyd Crowe, assistant in charge of the tourist bureau. . The original style, in which the man drove with one hand., is passe now, Crowe says. It was a relic of the old buggy days. The new style is for the girl to drive, leaving the party of the sec ond part entirely free-handed. And the accident rate isn't much higher, either. How about a new car? O GENERAL MOTORS Associated Only With the Best PjTUTZ, always, has been accorded a place I ' among cars of admitted merit, just as it has been recognized for the distinction it gives those who can claim its ownership. Aside from its remarkable performability, ther is a certain fascination about it that no other l) car quite approaches. The feel of the wheel the conscious mastery of every emergency the assurance of speed and power that enable it to set the pace and hold it give an added thrill to travel in a Stutz. ' And in the enclosed as well as in the open cart this wealth of ability is yours in a Stutz. Touring Car ... $2640 Roadster ..... $2450 Sportster ..... $2790 Coupe ...... $3490 All Price f o.b. Indianapolis STUTZ MOTOR CAR COMPANY of AMERICA, In. Indianapoiitf Indiana. U. S. A. Autorest Motor Sales Co. Tenth and Salmon Streets Phone Main 3237 j3 The k-vj X? -jjei i vne Every Motorist Wants One i i REMEMBER: This is the sensationally popular new Spot light that is superior to all others because of its patented, revolutionary features. Points like a pistol, from WITHIN the car; the handle only 4 inches from your hand! That's why this windshield light has made the clamped-on kind out-of-date! So insist on Clyraer, and DELIGHT THE RECIPIENT! $13.50 Installed Before or After Christmas! All Automobile and Accessory Dealers Wolff -Heyburn Co. b Mnth and Gllsan DISTRIBUTORS 5 E AU gtmdn Stutxctmbat this rmbUm and an buik exclusively by ch Scuta Motor Car Compaag f America, Inc. Make Stutz Your Xmas Present Gift Appreciated! windshield SpoiligM Phone BdTTT. 0126 L 0