r "t -"I- V- V-,': THE SUNDAY OREO OXTAN, PORTLAND, DECEMBER IT, 1922 -T Sherman, llayd'Co. Uir Sugg estions istmas OME with lis to music land! Soon it will be Christmas the time of year f for the. giving of great iov. Soon it will be New Year- -the time for annual reflection and high resolve. Here you shall find means for giving joy indeed. -n.u v-iu.idu.iicu Micui uiuig nu lairer guij uiu icw x col iiu iuicj. icauiuuuii, uicui the providing of music for your household. So resolve to make this Christmas a mMfcrCtouTias and the forthcoming New Year a mitfitf year. - VICTROLASThete are many styles of Victrolas, at a great va riety of prices, from little instru' ments at $25 up to the handsom est period models. There is a very wide choice of Victrolas at from $100 to $250 particularly, includ ing both the familiar "upright" models and the popular "hori zon? or console models. VICTOR WQORDS Why not give Victor records this Christmas as you would give books or candy? Like books,they store up pleasure and education for use at any time. Unlike many other gifts, they are enduring; and the pleasure they give can be shared with many others at the same time. Victor records are from 75c up and include vo . cal and instrumental renderings ftmidansinthe world. PIANOLAS What a world of music the word "Pianola"opens . up! How many countless thou sands can enjoy piano music of their ownmaking, whose fingers . never received the training to play! A prominent music critic once said that, marvelous as the pianola is, the sight of a little girl playing the keyboard with her own fingers is to him a mar vel still greater, and always will be. And that is right and proper. Let the little ones learn to play ( the piano if they will so much the more pleasure for them inr later years. But meanwhile there t are thousands who cannot play, personsyoungandold for them the Pianola is a joy indeed! Come in and let : 'us show you the array of Pianolas on our floor, and dis cover what fun it is to have mu sic instantly. DUO-MT VmOS-JOutot the Pianola has grown the mar velous Duo-Art piano. It not only plays all standard player rolls it not only may be played by the fingers, as with any other instrument but it also plays rolls that the masters themselves created. These masters are a unit in declaring that the Duo-Art, playing their rolls, constitutes their playing, exa&ly as if they were before your very eyes. So come in and let us tell you more about the Duo-Art piano, which comes in the Steinway pianoforte ndalso in the Weber, Aeolian, Steck, Wheelock and Stroud. STEINWAY PIANOS Mer . all, there is but one Steinway! Steinways are priced at from $925 up. Your Steinway may be obtained for as little as one-tenth down, and the balance over( a broad period.- t "PIANO BENCHES Mahog any, ebony, walnut, oak, with a compartment for sheet music.,,' $14.50 up. . CERTAIN OTHER PIANOS We carry other pianos as well splendidinstmments,atawide ' range of prices. There is the Aid rich at $445, an excellent piano . very modestly priced. There is the wonderful little Strohber, at $3 50 just the piano to delight the heart of a little girl; or to fit in a . small corner in a bungalow or apartment There are many other good pianos carried here. PLAYER PIANOS We catty a-number of excellent player in struments, prices from $395 up. PLAYEROLLSHete is an other present ideal at Christmas a few rolls, chosen and given exa&ly as you would give popu lar or standard books: They range in price from 7501.50. The Duo- Art rolls are from $1 .2 5 to $5.00. Do you know that we can cut player rolls to order? The cost is nominal usually $3.00 per roll. PLAYER ROLL AND SHEET MUSIC CABINETS Some thing that is really needed, where there is a pianola or player piano to care properly for player rolls. Cabinets from $22.50 upward. ; PLAY-O-LITES AND PIANO LAMPS-Also bench pads and Kleer-Note pumps. Convenient terms cordially extended. Or why not solve it with a Musical Merchandise Ofder? An order on Sherman,Clay& Co. for high class musical merchandise of any description' is redeemable at any of the Sherman, Clay & Co. stores oh the Coast. : ': ;:i Sheman,pay & Go. ' ; : 7 r ' 5 ' . ' : - Sixth and Morrison Streets 1 PORTLAND ' Opposite Postoffice SEATTLE - TACOMA - SPOKANE 11