The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 17, 1922, SECTION THREE, Page 9, Image 57

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City Editor Jtain 7070, 5B0-95
Sunday Editor Main 7070, 80-93
Adrertislng Dept Main 7070. 500-95
Superintendent of Bldg..Maln 7070, 560-95
ORPHEUM (Broadway at Taylor )
Vaudeville, This afternoon and to
night. BAKER (Eleventh and Morrison) Lyric
Musical Comedy company, 2, T and
P. M.
HIPPODROME (Broadway at Yamhill)
Vaudeville and moving pictures, con
tinuous daily. 1:15 to H P. M.
PANT AGES (Broadway at Alder)
Vaudeville. Three shows daily. 2:30, 7
and 9 P. M.
Bible Classes to Close. The
meetings of the Portland union Bi
ble classes held In Calvary Presby
terian church will be discontinued
during the holidays, the closing ses
sion for this term being on Wednes
day afternoon at 2 o'clock. The
classes will not reopen until the
middle of January, as the first part
of the month is to be occupied with
a Bible conference which will begin
January 7 and continue for 10 days.
The teacher of the classes, Rev. B. B,
Sutcliffe, Is arranging for both lo
cal and outside speakers, and the
programme with the names of the
speakers and their subjects will be
announced in the near future. An
unusual opportunity is in store for
the people of Portland who are in
terested in Bible study, and a real
treat Is anticipated by the members
of the classes.
Landscape Architect "Wanted.
To fill one vacancy In the position
of landscape architect, bureau of
parks, the municipal civil service
board will hold an examination Fri
day, December 23,- in the council
chambers, city hall. So far only one
application for examination for the
position has been filed at the office
of the board in the city hall. The
position pays $150 a month and th
examination Is open to all registered
votera of the city or those who have
honorable discharges from the
United States army or navy. No
application will be received after
Wednesday, December 27.
Kbnnbi Club to Meet. A social
meeting of the Oregon State Kennel
club will be held In the new Red
men's hall at East Ninth and Haw
thorne avenue Tuesday night. The
club recently elected officers for the
ensuing year as follows: D. I.
Clough, president; Dr. J. H. Held,
vice-president; Mrs. M. F. Vance,
secretary, and Mrs. E. Hansen treas
urer. More than 100 dog fanciers
now belong to the organization and
preparations are being made for a
dog1 show to be held under the Amer
ican Kennel club rules at the audi
torium In March.
Bazaar Nets $400. The bazaar
held by the Westmoreland Commu
nity club at the Bohemian restau
rant December 9, netted $400, ac
cording to recent report of the club's
Bazaar committee. A large attend
ance of buyers crowded the booths
of Christmas specialties offered at
bargain prices, and enjoyed a short
musical programme given during
the evening. The proceeds reaUzed
will be contributed to the building
fund for the proposed new West
moreland Community club house.
Animal Hospital Opposed. City
Commissioner Barbur will recom
mend to the city council Wednesday
that the application of J. B. Baum
grartner to erect and maintain a
stucco mission-type building for use
as an animal hospital be denied. The
proposed hospital was to have been
erected on East Twenty-second
street, between Oregon and Pacific
streets. A vigorous protest was
made against the granting of the
Two Plats to Be Given. Two
one-act plays will be presented by
the Amaranth Dramatic society at
the Blessed Sacrament parish hall,
Maryland avenue and Blandena
street, tomorrow night. "Villain and
Victim" and " 'Op o' My Thumb" are
the titles of the plays, and able
casts have been selected for the
productions. The dramatic organiz
ation plans a number of plays to be
given during the winter.
John M. Fisher Is Sought. Ef
forts are being made by Miss Jessie
Fisher of 690 Michigan avenue. Buf
falo, N. Y., formerly of Spokane,
Wash., to learn the whereabouts of
her father, John M. Fisher. Mr.
Fisher was last heard of in Hood
River, Or., ten years ago, according
to a letter received from Miss Fisher
in Portland. He is an electrician.
Mr. Fisher formerly lived1 at Union
town, Pa.
Sellwood Team to DaKce. The
1923 Sellwood baseball team has
made plans for a benefit dance to
. be held in the Sellwood Oddfellows
hall Tuesday night. Proceeds of the
affair will be devoted to providing
outfits for the members of the team
for the coming baseball season. A
committee consisting of J. Baker,
Pete Brooks, J. Spidell and Fred
Stuben is in charge of the affair.
Pension to Be Proposed. An or
dinance granting a pension of $50 a
month to John Champe, 74 years of
age, will be presented to the city
council Wednesday. Champe has
been an employe of the public works
department for 17 years and has a
record as a conscientious worker.
Four of his sons volunteered for
service during the world war and
ell served overseas.
Lodge Plans Benefit. Members
of the social club of the Sellwood
Eastern Star lodge are planning a
benefit entertainment 'for the chil
dren's home In Corvallis. The affair
will be held at the Masonic hall.
East Fifteenth street and Spokane
avenue, Wednesday night, and an
unusual programme has been pre
pared by the committee in charge.
Christmas Spendino Monet. Look
around the house and you'll find a
number of articles you have no fur
ther use for that are the very things
others are looking for to give for
Christmas. A want-ad under The
Oregonian's new heading "Christmas
Gifts" will dispose of them quickly
and put Cnristma spending money
In your pocket. Adv,
Ambassador Apartments. Sixth
and Madison, now ready for occu
pancy. Very desirable and exclu
sive four, five and six room apart
ments, strictly modern, with elec
tric stoves, shower baths, refriger
ating service, etc.. 100 and up. Kef
erer.ce required. Adv.
Kennel Club to Entertain. The
Oregon State Kennel club will hold
a box social next Tuesday night at
the Redman's hall. Ninth and Haw
thorne. The public is invited. The
club is completing plans for a spe
cial show the second week in March.
Ladies: La Gran Marca Cigars are
a gift which HE will appreciate and
enjoy very much. For sale at all
dealers and at the factory store. 72
6th St., near Oak. Adv.
Dr. Isabel Sedgwick, new resi
dence phone. East S053; office, Pan
ama bldg., Bdwy. Z350. Adv.
. Perfection Plaster .Vall Board,
cheapest and best. Cress & Co
96-98 Front St Adv.
Car of Yakima Spuds, 35c sack.
McKinley Mitchell, 202 Stark. Au
tomatic 621-31. Adv.
Victor Health Exercises.
Hovenden Piano Co., 146 Park
Kemmerer Coal; Carbon Coal Co.,
mine agents. East 1188. Adv.
Hear Victor Records at Hovenden
Piano Co., 146 Park Adv.
Dr. Marie Equi has returned. La
fayette building Adv.
Knights Templar Elect. Officers
for the coming year were elected by
Oregon Commandery, Knights Templar.-last
Thursdayl as follows: Em
inent commander, A. H. Trego; gen
eralissimo, L. R. Elder; Captain-general,
R. E. Fulton; senior warden,
L. L. Scott: Junior warden, C. E.
Mlnsinger; prelate, E. C. Bronaugh;
treasurer, A. M. Brown; recorder,
C. F. Wiegand; warder, L. A. Jacob
son; standard bearer, J. T. Hotch
klss; sword bearer, W. L. Cornell;
captain of guard, A. Findlay; first
guard, J. F. Oswald; second guard,
J. C. Jones; sentinel, P. P. Kilbourne.
The Installation of the officers will
take place at 10 o'clock Christmas
Reward Offered rt Knights of
Columbus. The Knights of Colum
bus of St. Paul, Oregon, offer a re
ward of $100 for the recovery of
the body of Donald Kirk, who was
drowned In the Willamette river,
December 1L at St, Paul, Oregon,
and $25 for the recovery of his
canoe. Notify S. J. Smith, St. Paul,
Oregon, or P. J. Hanley, 364 Taylor
St. Telephone Broadway 0727 or
0729. Adv.
Irish Envoys at Labor Temple, 4th
and Jefferson sts., 8 o'clock this eve
ning. Adv.
Eczema treat " free. 705 Swetlaal
Elopement Six Weeks Ago Fol
lowed by Action Brought
, by Colorado Woman.
CHICAGO, Dec. lo. Captain
Charles Pike, a physician attached
to the United States marine hospital
here, was held Friday in the Lake
county jail at Crown Point, Ind.,
awaiting a hearing on a charge of
bigamy, after having been taken
from his bride of six weeks Thurs
day night
The bigamy charge was preferred
by a woman who said she was Mrs.
Marjorle Pike of Colorado, who was
accompanied by an attorney, and
Louis Helle of Chicago, also an at
torney and father of Pike's bride,
who was said to be in a- hysterical
condition at her apartment here.
The case is said to be the out
growth of Attorney Heile's opposi
tion to his daughter's marriage, to
Pike. The latter Is said to have
told Mr. Heile and the young women
before the marriage that he had a
"common law" wife at Philadelphia
and to have said that he investi
gated and learned the woman bad
no legal claims upon him under
Pennsylvania law.
An elopement of the couple to
Crown Point followed and they were
married there. Their marriage was
the result of a romance which be
gan when Miss Frances Heile was
a Red Cross nurse and met the army
Mrs. Pike charged that the In
diana officers used force in arrest
ing him In front of the apartment
building where they lived, and that
one of them struck her when she
attempted to assist her husband.
Allies Said to Have Told Turks
That District Is Part of
British Mandate.
LAUSANNE, Dec 16. (By the
Associated Press.) The rich Mosul
oil fields in Mesopotamia suddenly
jumped to the fore Friday as a big
issue in the near east peace confer
ence. It was reported that the
entente nations have informed the
Turks that the vilayet of Mosul can
not be considered as detached from
the Arab realm in Irak.
This would mean that the allies
have declined to admit the Turkish
contention that Mosul is within the
confines of Turkey proper and con
sequently that Turkey alone has a
right to dispose of the Mosul oil
By insisting that Mosul lies within
Irak, which is part of Mesopotamia,
the allies, it was asserted, will de
clare that It comes under the British
mandate, since Mesopotamia was
assigned to Great Britain under
formal mandate. It was further re
ported that Great Britain and
France have reached an agreement
over the Mosul oil question. A
prominent official from Irak arrived
in Lausanne a few days ago and
announced that his country would
insist on sovereignty over Mosul.
According to another version of
the situation current tonight Great
Britain and Turkey have reached an
agreement outside the peace confer
ence regarding Mosul, whereby Tur
key Is to have sovereignty over the
region and England the oil con
cessions.' Commerce Safe Deposit Vaults.
81 Third St Private Dozes. Adv.
Phone your want ads to The
Oreeonian, Main 7070.
Comfortable Insured
Carriers Running at
Frequent Intervals
CAM. (stages To Mt. Ansel and Silver
ton. Camas Stage Co. To Camas, Washougal,
Kelso, Chhalis and Olympla, Wash.
Columbia Stages To Astoria, St. Helens
Rainier, Seaside, Multnomah Falls,
Hood River and The Dalles.
Gresham Stage Co. To Gresham.
JS'ewberr-Mc.Hinnville Stages To New
berg and McMtnnvtile.
Portliind-Salem-Albany Stage Line To
Salem, Albany, Corvallis and KLugene.
Portland-Tillamook Stage Line To Sher
idan and Tillamook.
Reliance Mt. Hood Stages To Sandy and
Vancouver Stage Line To Vancouver
West Portland and Multnomah Stages
To West Portland and Multnomah sta
tion. Information, Tickets and Waiting Boom
Park and Yamhill Sts. Phone Main 3811.
St. George's School
A Boarding and Day .
School for Girls
1249 Rockland Ave.,
Victoria, B. C.
From kindergarten to matricu
lation. Staff of fully qualified
English ladies. Established for
fifteen years, during which time
an excellent moral tone and high
standard of work have been
built up." Apply for terms, etc, to
Hn. W. W. Softie, Principal.
Special Sunday Dinner
Served in the Gold Room 5 :00 to 9 :00 P. M.
' Anchovy Canape
Fruit Cocktail
Celery Mixed Pickles
Ripe Olives
Cream of Chicken a la Reine Consomme Julienne
Filet of Salmon, Thousand Island Sauce
Parisienne Potatoes ''
Sweetbread Patties With Mushrooms " .
Half Broiled Spring Chicken With Bacon on Toast
Roast Prime Ribs of Beef au jus
Creamed Green Peas Browned Sweet Potatoes
Asparagus Mayonnaise
French Cream Pie Apple Pie With New York Cheese
Chestnut Sundae
Coffee Tea Milk
Dinner-Dancing in the Gold Room 6 :00 to 8 :00 P. M.
Supper-Dancing in the Arcadian Grill 9:30 to 12:00
Friday and Saturday Evenings.
Saturday Evening, December 30th
Special Supp er D ancing Favors S ouvenirs
Make your reservations early.
President Harding Says Charges
of Government Laxity Nothing
but "Abominable Libel."
' WASHINGTON, Dec. 16. The care
and rehabilitation of disabled world
war veterans was discussed at some
length by President Harding and his
cabinet Friday, it was said at the
White House.
The president was said to have
told the cabinet of a visit yesterday
from a man who demanded "why the
government isn't serving more ef
fectively in the care of disabled
veterans" and charged that 70,000
men were clamoring for admission
to hospitals.
The case was discussed by the
president, who characterized the
charges, it is understood, as "an
abominable libel nothing else." -
At the present time, the chief ex
ecutive was said to have asserted,
there are 8000 empty beds in gov
ernment hospitals awaiting those
who will seek them.
Florida Man Seeking Brother In
. "Washington Territory."
SPOKANE, Wash., Dec. 16. That
the "wild west" of storybook fame
stiU exists, in the minds of Ameri
can citizens who have never been
west of the Rocky Mountains has
been further demonstrated by the
receipt here of a letter from Edwin
Terry of Miami, Fla.
Terry's letter, address . to the
"Mayor of Spokane Falls, Wash
ington Territory," reads:
"I am writing you concerning my
brother. Do you know anything
about him or his family? It is nearly
20 years since I heard he had a
horse ranch out there somewhere
and there is a email legacy in his
favor, and I would like to find
him or his family. His name is
Portland and the North
west's finest hostelry.
Rates $2.50 and Up
Splendid grill and fa-'
ciiities'for entertaining
private parties.
Portland. Oregon
Ob Geary St, Jnsl oft Union Square,
in midst of best stores, cafes, theatres.
Good accommodations at very moderate
rates. Best known meals in the United
States, Breakfast, 60c, 60c, 75c;
Lunch, 66c, Sundays, 75c; Dinner,
$1.26, Sundays, tl.BO. Municipal car
passes doors. Stewart Bus meets trains
and steamers. It Is advisable to make
reservations la advance.
i r;"tntiiinf Tfjteiiriiltiii
t.iiilliiitlill Ihiili'iljl
Salted Nuts H
C. D. Terry or Christopher Duncan
Terry. Information will be grate
fully or thankfully received.
(Signed) "EDWIN TERRY,
Miami, Fla."
After stating that he Intended to
tell Mr. Terry of Florida that the
Indians were too active this win
ter to permit of searching the plains
of eastern Washington for the lost
relative, Arthur Meehan, secretary
to Mayor Claries A. Fleming, saiij
seriously that he would like to learn
of C. D. Terry's whereabouts.
First Date Anniversary of Benja
min Franklin's Birthday.
CHICAGO, Dec. 16. For the ob
servance of national thrift week,
January 17 to 23 next, beginning
on the anniversary, of Benjamin
Franklin's birthday, the American
Library association has compiled a
list of "Books and Thrift" for spe
cial use of libraries.
At the meeting of the association
in Detroit, a resolution was adopt
ed "that this association join in the
effort of other organizations for a
nation-wide - recognition of Ben
jamin Franklin's birthday, January
17 of each year, althdugh no public
holiday is desirable," and recom
mended that the 200th anniversary
of the beginning of his career as a
publisher be given special attention
during 1923.
Library Council Meets In Chicago.
CHICAGO, Dec. 16. The midwin
ter meetings of the council, execu
tive board, editorial committee and
committee, on education of the
American Library association will
be held here December 28-30. in
connection with meetings of univer
Fine Stationery
Fountain Pens
Eversharp Pencils
Photo Albums
Tourist Tablets
Engraving '
Fifth and Oak
Gifts for Women
Portland Rose Sachet Bags,' cased, a beautiful
Portland souvenir, $2 to $5,
Sterling Silver Brush, Comb and Mirror sets,
3 to 14 pieces, with long "Frenchy" handles.
Deagan Dinner Chimes, $7.50 up.
Add-A-Pearl Necklaces, $5, $10, $15, $25 to
$100 ; also loose Add-A-Pearls. '
Imitation Pearl Necklaces of guaranteed qual
ity, 16 to 40 inches, $10 up.
Genuine Crystal, Amethyst, Amber, Lapis and
' Jet Necklaces, gem pieces just received.
La Vallieres, Bracelets and Brooches.
Jeweled Hair Ornaments and Hat Pins.
Jeweled Earrings of newest design.
Sautoirs and Lockets
Rings with various stone settings.
Umbrellas with handles of newest design,
$7.50 up.
Diamond Jewelry
Solitaire and Platinum Din
ner Rings.
Platinum-top Bar Pins as low
as $9.50.
Handy Pins to match Bar
Pin6, $5.00.
Lorgnons, diamond mounted.
Brooches, Bracelets and
Cuff Links, diamond studded.
$100 Diamond
a popular gift
sity, college and normal school
librarians and librarians of large
publio libraries. The sessions will
be devoted to meetings of the Indi
vidual groups. It is also announced
that .the Biographical Society of
America, which usually meets at
the same time, will meet this year
in New Haven, Conn., December 29.
Alleged Nephew of Harrlman In
. Jail on Vagrancy Charge.
SPQIvANB, Wash., Dec. 16. A too
vivid imagination proved the un
doing of James E. Dooley.' apred 23,
HOW often, have you said, "Never again, next year
I'll do my Christmas shopping early"? we all
have and yet 'it turns out the same every year.
That need not bother you in the least, for you can shop
leisurely at KILHAM'S, where experienced salesmen
will help you solve your Christmas problems. -
Desk Sets
Desk Lamps
Desk Pads
Game Sets
Smoking Sets
" Office Furniture Suggestions
At this time of the year there would be nothing
better than a filing cabinet and system for his
office, or he may need a desk, chair, costumer,
et cetera.
, We have
I a
The Gift That Will Bring
a Smile of Satisfaction
on Christmas Morning
Jewelry the Gift of Love
Gifts in Silver
Tea Sets, high-grade silver
plate, 3 pieces, $18.50; 4
pieces, $30.00,
Candlesticks, new colonial
shapes, sterling silver, pair
Vases, sterling silver, glass
centers, $3.50.
Manicure Tray, Dutch Sil
ver Reproductions, $3.75.
Table Silverware, all pieces
in newest designs.
Special Attention
Store Will Be Open Evenings
Jaeger Bros.
Portland's Only HALLMARK Store
131-133 Sixth Street, OREGONIAN BUILDING
PARIS ADDRESS, No. 8 Rue Lafayette
here last week. Not only had Dooley
been "kidding" himself that he was
a nephew of the late E. H. Harrl
man, railroad magnate, but he be
came so strongly convinced of his
identity that he told others about
it. Now Dooley is spending a four
months' sentence in the county jail
on a state vagrancy charge.
Testimony at Dooley's trial on the
vagrancy charge brought out that
he was in the habit of dropping
into a prominent local hotel -ven-ings
and entertaining girls he met
there with stories of his Immense
wealth. He further told the jjoung
ladies that he would be obliged to
leave Spokane shortly to accom
pany Louis Hill, Great Northern
president, on a trip In the latter's
private car. As a matter of fact,
Leather Goods
Waste Baskets
Memo Books
Date Books
Diaries, etc.
Seats and
Stamps .
Bdwy. 6081
Gifts for Men
Men's Evening Dress Sets (5 pieces) $4.50 up.
Waldemar Watch Chains, gold filled, $4.00 up ;
in solid gold, $7.00 up. -Cuff
Links in very "snappy" designs, $2.50 up.
Smoking Sets, bronze or silver, $1.00, $1.75
and $2.00.
Cigarette and Cigar Boxes, $3.75.
Humidors, $9.00, $12.50, $14.00 and up.
Card and Poker Sets, $5.00 to $40.00.
Canes in all styles.
Signet Rings and Scarf Pins.
Tie Holders and Key Chains. ,
Match Boxes, Pocket Knives, Pencils.
Eyeglass Cases, silver.
Card Cases and Wallets.
Clocks and Watches
Normandy Mantel Chime
Clocks, tambour shape,
Boudoir and Desk Clocks,
$5.00 up.
Snappy thin model Waltham
Clocks, $27.50 up.
Watches the newest thin
models for gentlemen in
Gruens, Elgins, Walthams,
Hamilton-Illinois, etc.
Wrist Watches in new rect
angular shapes, for ladies.
Given Mail Orders
for Entire Week Beginning
Dooley was spending his day3 work
ing in the Great Northern shops at
Hillyard, a suburb, at $3.50 a day.
, Dooley was charged with vagrancy
on the statements of Jean McCoy,
a girl just completing ,a four
months' sentence in- the city jail
for shoplifting. She told police that
$ tmz
Hazelwood Candy
for Christmas
Dainty Gift Packages in a. variety of sizes and
shapes, including Grass Baskets, Myrtlewood
Leather and Hand-Painted Satin Boxes filled with
a tempting assortment of finest candies.
Prices Range from $1 to $20 Per Package
Candy Canes 5tf. lOf, 25, 500 and $1.00
' And a complete assortment of pure, wholesome candies
for the children.
A Delightful Christmas
Rich Hazelwood Old English Fruit Cake 75c to
$1.25 per lb.
We have Hazelwood Fruit Cake tins in three
sizes, Vi, 3 and 5-lb. tins.
A Hazelwood Fruit Cake packed in one of these
attractive boxes, which keeps the fruit cake fresh
and moist, makes a most attractive and appropriate
Christmas gift
Parcel Post Orders Given Prompt and
Careful Attention.
b The Hazelwood 3
388 Washington Street
Broadway Hazelwood
127 Broadway &
We Absorb
the War Tax
a saving to
Dooley made her acquaintance In
Tacoma, brought her to Spokane
ind lived on her earnings until her
arrest. i
S. & H. green stamps ror cash.
Holman Fuel Co., coal and wood,
Broadway 633", 660-21 Adv.
' .-1- ft-Sf v..
iu. wij