THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX. PORTLAND. DECEMBER 17, 1922 Lloyd Carver, Fred Barron. Harold Kogera. C. Clair Hunt, Hubert C. I'ortmlller, C. P. Boutyette, William Ilvoder, Dr. Loren G. Caian, Dr. Frank O. Mihnos. Dr. William Cole, Ir. Harold Feese, Eric R. Nordin, Kelson C. Davidson. Fred Feese. Don Huston, Acie McCIain, Virgle Kose, Cleve Olson, Dale Breakey, Koy T. fitickels, Joe Parker, Menzo Mattice, Dalton Blake, J. Julian Leslie, Will iam Jenkins, Fred S. Shandley, George "Hoffman, Leslie Schwering, llaymond Douglas, Merril Gibson, Floyd Scott, Max Moon and Peter A. Sweeney. With the holidays ahead and a spirit of Yuletide in the air, P.eed students enjoyed a pre-vacation v.-eek end brimful of significant so cial, musical and dramatic events. The happiest event of all was the Christmas dinner for the Reed com r., unity which preceded the annual Christmas concert of the Reed chorus Thursday night. Around a massive Christmas tree brightly dec c rated and glittering in vari-colored lights, which stood in the middle of l lie Reed commons, tables were grouped for more than 300 diners. Miss Verda McCallum and Miss Hazel Pearcy were instrumental in arranging the dinner. , A community dance was held in the men's social room Friday nigrht preceding the presentation of Mo lira's "A Doctor in Spite of Him self" in the chapel by the Drama c ub. The informal party was well attended by visitors and alumni. Seniors who are majoring in eco nomics were hosts to Dr. and Mrs. Clement Akcrman and Professor and Mrs. A. A. Friedrich of the eco i.omics department at a delightful dinner party Wednesday evening in the Japanese room of the Commons. Those attending were Dr. and Mrs. Akerman, Mr. and Mrs. Friedrich, Mfcss Nancy Gavin, Harold Brownson, William Helms, Clifford Johnson nd August Belch. A special dinner party honoring Jr. and Mrs. J. McMasters of Camas, Wash., given'by a group of intimate student friends of the couple was one sidelight of the community din ner Thursday night Covers were laid for 10. In addition to the guests -f honor, those present were Miss Beatrice Olsen, Miss Margaret Mc Gowan, Miss Julia Opp, Miss Ger trude' Opp, Miss Nancy Gavin, Miss Helen Pippy, Miss Ruth Chambers, Miss Alice Johnson, Harold Brown Ion, Herman Kehrli, Victor Reld, Clifford Johnson, Forest Foster, An ton Llndstrom, William Helms. Among other dinner parties was that held in the Commons by the freshman class Friday night and that "held Wednesday by Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Friedrich at their home, rear the campus. Guests at the lat ter dinner were Miss Alice Abbott, Miss Alice Lathrop, Miss Frances Earbey, Miss Margaret Westgate, Miss Rachel Cronquist, Miss Bar bara Trumbull and C. Bachman. COTTAGE GROVE, Or., Dec. 16. (Special.) Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Mor ris celebrated their golden wedding anniversary December 12 at their home on North, P street. A number of friends and neighbors called! Valuable presents were received by the couple as well as letters of con gratulation from more distant friends. Relatives present were JJrs. Stella V. Fouts and children, Lucile and esi Davidson, of Cottage Grove; Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Morris and son Maxwell of Eugene: Dr. and. Mrs. E. W. Smith and daughter Carol, lately of Los Angeles; Mrs. Owen D Palmer of Portland, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Morris. Others who came to celebrate the occasion were Mr. and Mrs I. B. Morris, Mrs. Hubbard, Mrs. L. E. Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Abbott and daughter Leone of Cottage Grove, and Mrs. William Becholdt and oaugnier Jbols of Bonanza. MEDFORD, Or., Dec. 16. (Spe cial.) Miss Catherine Duel, promi nent member of the younger set of this city, and Ned Vilas, overseas veteran and also prominent young orchardist near this city, were mar ried Thursday morning at St. Mark's Protestant Episcopal church, by Rev. William B. Hammond, in the presence of a few of their Intimate fr'ends. They left shortly after by automobile to spend their honey moon in California. Miss Gertrude Wood and Miss Helen rilkington will entertain Tuesday evening, December 26, in the Arcadian gardens. PIONEER COUPLE OF THE DALLES CELEBRATES GOLDEN WEDDING. ft a "'Sy " w if ft V X "V - Jf THE DALLES, Or., Dec. 16. (Special.) Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Schmidt, pioneer residents of The Dalles, celebrated their &0th wedding anniversary December 9 with a reception to their friends during the after noon and evening. Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt have lived in The Dalles for 48 years. They met when Mr. Schmidt came from Pommern, Germany, in August, 1867, and settled at Bellevue, Iowa, the birthplace of Lena Tackman, who became Mrs. Schmidt in 1872. For 16 years after their arrival in Oregon, Mr. Schmidt leased and operated the first flouring mills of this city. He afterward engaged in the general grain and merchandise business. He was county assessor for several years, and during the Lewis and Clark exposition in Portland Mr. Schmidt represented The Dalles as superintendent of the Wasco county exhibit. He also bought a large tract of land within The Dalles, platting it into what was known as the extension to Trevitt's addition. " Mr. Schmidt has retired from business and he and Mrs. Schmidt are enjoying life in the home which they built in 1878, at 415 Third street. exemplified the floor work efficient ly at Mount Hood circle, No. 151, last Tuesday evening. Minnie Hiner, grand guardian, and Grand Manager Mardall were present. One candidate was initiated in the secret work of the order. Miss Genevieve Gilbert sang two solos, accompanied by Mrs. A. Wineburger, who also played for little Agnes Peters, who danced two number. Nearly 90 neighbors were present. Refreshments were served. Mrs. R. P. Graham was surprised Tuesday afternoon by a tfumber of her women friends of 20 years ago, who played in a "500" club together. The surprise was arranged by Mrs. A. L. Hassler. An enjoyable time was passed talking over old times and renewing acquaintances and playing bridge. A delicious luncheon was served. Those present were: Mrs. A. L. Hassler, Mrs. N. J. Crain, Mrs. George P. Henderson, Mrs. T. J. Murphy, Mrs. O. M. Plummer, Mrs. J. H. Richmond and Mrs. W. H. Servers. EVENTS OF THE WEEK. One of the notable events of the social Beason was the "hi jinks" party given by the Alpha Beta Theta and Gamma Sigma societies of the Oregon State College of Chiropractic at the Portland hotel Saturday eve ning, December 10. A splendid pro gramme was furnished by the fol lowing well-known artists: Vocal solos, Mrs. Mary Gordon Forbes, so prano; reading, Mrs. Ross Elliott; vocal, Miss Nellie Wehoeffer, con tralto; reading. Miss Margaret Getty; vocal, H. E. Smith, bari tone; vocal, Mrs. Mary Price, so prano. Mrs. Mary Holder William son -was the accompanist for the evening. Games, cards and dancing were in dulged in up to a late hour, when all joined hands and sang the col lege song. Over a hundred couples attended. This is the beginning of a number of social events to be held by the societies of this college. The Neighbors of Woodcraft dis trict officers, captain and drill team COMING EVENTS. The Portland Soccer Football asso ciation will hold its annual concert and dance in the Maccabees' hall, 386 Washington street, Saturday, night. Robert M. Rankin, secretary of the association, is in charge of. the dance. A vaudeville programme will be one of the features of the entertainment. " A raask ball will be given on Fri day, December 29, at 8 P. M. at the Oddfellows' hall. Seventeenth and Alberta streets, by Vernon Rebekah lodge. - The annual Christmas party and children's entertainment of Colum bia No. 1, Degree of Honor Protec tive association, will be held Decem ber 18 in East Side Business Men's hall. Grand avenue and East Alder street. Members and friends are invited to attend. The Sellwood O. E. S. Social club will give an entertainment in the Masonic hall, Thirteenth and Spo kane, Wednesday evening. The pro ceeds will go to the children's homo at Corvallis. The Portland Health club will give its annua! Christmas party Decem ber 18 in the Maccabee hall, Selling Hirsch building. A programme of music and readings will be pre sented by some of the best talent of the city, and by the club members All members and friends are in vited. Cathedral court, Catholic Order of Foresters, will entertain their mem bers and friends with a holiday dance to be held Friday evening December 29, at Cathedral hall, cor ner Seventeenth and Couch streets. The patronesses for the affair are: Mrs. T. S. Hogan, Mrs. E. H. Deery, Mrs. J. O'Brien, Mrs. J. V. Murphy and Mrs. J. J. Flaherty. Tickets can be obtained from members. An invitation is extended to all members of the various state or ganizations, all former residents and all who desire an enjoyable eve ning to participate with the mem bers of the Montana club at the Portland Social Turn Verein hall. Thirteenth and Madison streets, at 8 o'clock Thursday evenjng. Sup per will be at 11 P. M., and cards and dancing at 8:30 P. M. sharp. Officers are: George L. MacGibbon, president; Mrs. M. F Sloper, vice president ivMiss M. C. Church, secre tary; Miss B. M. Taylor, treasurer; O. T.' Lees, J. E. Bevan, D. George W. King, O. E. Walter and J. L. Cahill, directors. palms and greens, the marriage of Inez A. Howell to Peter J. Schabert was solemnized at the home of her sister, Mrs. W. P. Schuman, Wednes day evening, December 6, at 8:30, The ceremony was performed by Dr. William T. McElveen. Preceding the ceremony Miss Kose Muller sang "I Love Tou Truly." The wedding march was played by Mrs. A. C. Harms. The bride, who entered with her father, wore a gown of gold cerepe and carried a bouquet of pale pink bride's roses. Mrs. E. A. Freeman, sister of the bride groom, and Mrs. W. B. Schuman were bridesmaids. Mrs. Freeman wore blue and gold taffeta and Mrs. Schuman wore pink taffeta. Both carried pink carnations. Arthur Beckman was best man. Nadlne Schuman and Loraine Free man were flowers girls, wearing yellow and blue taffeta. Following the ceremony a recep tion was held with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lewis, parents of the bride. receiving. At the bridal party Miss Gertrude Schabert and Mrs. Arthur Beckman cut the ices. Mrs. A. C. Harms presided at the coffee urn. SOCIETY PERSONALS. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Oates are spending a few days and are regis tered at the Nortonla hotel. Mr. Oates operates one of the finest swimming natatoriums on the Pacific coast at Seaside. Arthur M. Lewis of San Francisco is in Portland for the holidays, visit ing relatives and friends. Mr. Lewis expects to be located here after the first of the year. He is in the-insurance business. Mrs. C. W. Niemeyer of Edmonton, Alta., is in Portland for a visit with her sisters, Mrs. Ralph Harris and Mrs. A. J. Lenon. She will go to Salem to pass the holidays with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Lis ton. - Delightful visitors who are spend ing two or three months here are Mrs. William Watson Reid and her daughter Mrs. J.- Douglas Carrick of Carlisle, England Both have visited Portland before, and Mrs Carrick, who is remembered as Miss Jessie Reid, spent a year on the coast with her sister, Miss Helen, who no lives in Burma, the wife of J. Lesl'e McCallum, a prominent official for the English government. As such Mrs. McCallum had a lead ing part in enterta'ning the prince of Slam and also the prince of Wales on their recent visits to Burma. Mrs. Reid is a charming conver sationalist and is equally at home in discussing British politics, the war, Burmese customs and other diversi fied subjects. Both she and Mrs. Carrick are greatly traveled and have spent years in Burma- They are house guests of Mrs. ' Reid's brother, J. Thorburn Ross, and are visiting other relatives in McMinn ville and Astoria; and here In the city many friends, new and old, are entertaining them in many interest ing ways. Among these social events, Mr. and Mrs. Ross gathered 20 about their big round table in a delightful family party in honor oT their guests on Thanksgiving day. FRATERNAIi NOTES. A very successful rally was held at Pythian temple by the members of the Woman's Benefit association (Concluded on Page 7.) WEDDINGS. Schabert-Howell. Before an altar banked with mokrg' JHenu If you will cut this out as a memo randum when purchasing holiday cigars, you will be assured receiving the leading standard brands. Carabana 10c . - "CORONA ROYALES" Box of 10 91.00 Box of 25.. $2.50 Carabana 2 for 25c "DE LUXE" Box Of 10 1.25 Box of 25... .JjJS.OO La Gran Marca 10c Straight Box Of 10..,,..... Sl.OO Box of 25 $2.50 In-B-Tween 2 for 25c ' "SENIORS" Box of 10, 1.25 Box of 25 $3.0O In-B-Tween 10c Size Box of 25 .$2.00 In-B-Tween 5c "Juniors" Box of 25 f 1.25 Mark Hopkins 2 for 15c 1NVINCIBLES Box of 25 $1.85 La Marca 5c Smokers Box of 10 50( Distributors of Mason Ehrman & Co. "THE NATION'S FINEST CIGARS" Portland, Seatd Spokane. YA, ...... Viaji-A.,.. .art; $10 for the Set OF 3 FIXTUHES PICTURED BELOW ThlM stock will un. tfoubterily be exhanatetl In feTT days, ao It be hooves yon to harry. Cut to 35c Remrmber A Quality . iri Counts Of SI B 5" SOLID BRASS fittings and heavily braaa plated chain lined on these fixtures. These sets are re served for home owners aad build ers only and will not be sold to dealers. Remember Quality Counts Tou Will Find Here the Moat Complete aad Flaest Selection STANLEY LUTZ 200-8-5-7 Chamber of Commerce Building, Second Floor. Third and Stark Broadway 4253. Musical Instrument Sale Now Going On 20 to 50 S Per cent W iil . Late Records. Late Music. . . . .3 for $1. .8 for $2. 75 00 Open Evenings Formerly McDougall Music Co. 129 Tenth Street Bet. Alder and Wash. Sts. TjQuuiiuuumiuuuuuuuij Furs and Individual Style Shops Broadway at Morrison Gauntlets of imported kid, of almost caressing soft ness, with the beaded back and cuff, with the striped cuff, the clown cuff, the lily cuff, the barred cuff or the bracelet cuff 2-clasp kid gloves in all col ors and every smart style Gauntlets priced 2.65 - 7.50 2-clasp gloves 1.85 to" 3.50 STREET FLOOR Pull-over woolen sweaters in firm close weaves ; in smart, (n a t u r a 1 brushed wool, in the colorful "Dab dab" patterns, priced 5.95. Masculine brushed wool buttoned sweaters, worn beltless, priced from 7.95. ; Silk scarfs A colorful lot of wide, fringed silk scarfs, with Ro man striped ends, is very specially priced 8.95. - STREET FLOOR Remarkable for its sturdy quality is a lot of ' silk Jersey petticoats, spe cially priced 3.95. Slender skirts in radium crepe, with embroidered scalloped finish or a saw tooth hem formed of hem stitching, in any lovely color you could name 5.75. Negligees and house robes There is warmth, charm and color in our choice of robes and negligees for gifts ; as you will agree, once you've seen them ! Changeable satin breakfast. robes 6.95 Crepe de chine negligees, from. 15.00 Padded satin lounging robes 13.85 Warm corduroy robes unlined.. 4.50 to 5.95 . lined at ...... 5.95 to 10.50 STREET FLOOR Garters Slippers Silver lace, bits of ost- Black quilted satin rich, silk buds, shirred gives firmness to chic satin ribbons combine little mules with perky to exquisite effect in French heels; or slip delightful negligee gar- pers lined with rose, ters. The price range blue or violet, is 125 to. 3.95. Males, priced 3 0. Slippers, priced 4.95., Brassieres Glovesilk Lace of a firmness that Vests that finish their belies its delicate ap- bodice tops with filet or pearance fashions a Irish edging, flesh and number of practical orchid, 2.45. brassieres that fit well Bloomers, with knee over the top of the rufflc finished with lowest of corsets. These lace, at 395. sell for ISO: Vests with filet or Irish Satin brassieres, with insertion, topped with eyelet embroidery, sell lace, at 395. for 330. The bloomers, 495. STREET FLOOR Write HarrietLee for Christmas suggestions! ESTABLISHED 1864 A special holiday price tags a select group of stone mar ten scarfs 1- skin scarfs ..39.50 2- skin scarfs... 77.50 Foxes in all the newer dyes of beige, platinum and blue, variously priced from 75.00 to 110.00. There is no choicer gift than the Liebes quality fur I STREET FLOOR Overblouses in flat crepe, satin and crepe de chine brilliant-hued or deeply colored an ideal assort ment : Matelasse jacquettes priced from 10.00. Beaded ,verblouses priced from 10.00. Printed crepes from 10.00. Embroidered types priced from 10.00. Tailored blouses Faultlessly tailored of sturdy tub. silks, with Peggy neck or shawl collar, excel lent models are priced from 8.50. STREET FLOOR Nightgowns of soft silks, priced from 4.95 to 19.50. Sets of silk chemise and drawers, priced from 4.95 to 6.95 the garment. Envelope chemises in silk, priced from 3.50 to 19.50 a truly exquisite array ! 1 "UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIllllinilIIIII!IIIIIII!IIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIimil' I YOU'LL FIND THE ANSWER I TO THE CHRISTMAS V 1 QUESTION IN THE ' 1 "CHRISTMAS GIFTS", 1 columns of the Want-A'd section E Gifts for the home.. E Useful presents for the busi- ness man. 5 Toys and playthings for the E kids. E Home-made articles and fancy 5 j . work. And many other most accept- E E able gifts. " : E Also Christmas trees, holly, E Oregon grape, mistletoe, etc. E I Just preceding the , I "For Sale Miscellaneous" heading E iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiMMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiii &CZ 0jffi 5s 3S$ 2t Jjii 1 Here Are Gifts I Of Year-Round Usefulness S I Pens and Pencils j S In Attractive Gift Sets . 9 . w I Kodaks ' 1 5? Everything to Go With Them SJ $ ' I Christmas Cards Finest Stock in Portland I Pike & O'Neill I j 343 V2 Washington Street I I.Vf nriflVK M3 ft it I II AltM r I W K. 'jj