The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 17, 1922, SECTION THREE, Page 3, Image 51

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Ross, Mrs. Charles E. Cochran, Mrs.
Rldney Rasmussen, Mrs. "W. J. Ball,
Mrs. Winthrop Hammond, Mrs. 3. H.
Dundore, Mrs. H. Sprouse, Mrs. A. H.
Wellesley club Mrs. J. B. Wittaxow,
Mrs. E. M. Little, Mrs. B. S. Tracey,
Mrs. Gertrude James, Miss Laura
Coterie club Mrs. C. M. KiKfrins, Mrs.
Winthrop Terry, Mrs. Leon Leforge, Mrs.
F. O. Miller, Mra Nellls Adams.
Portland Golf club Mrs. Jack Yates,
Mrs. C". N. Sampson. Mrs. Henry Shofner,
. Mrs. Richard Smith, Mrs. C. C. Win
termute, Mrs. C. V. Stater, Mrs. Rudolph
Wilhelm, Mrs. Lou Garrigus, Mrs. Matt
Lynch, Mrs. Ralph Meyers, Mrs. Ira
Powers. Mrs. Earl Ross, Mrs. H. B. New
land, Mrs. J. M. Meany, Mrs. T. T. Ash
ton. Mrs. Philip Dater, Mrs. Robert B.
Bain, Miss Mabel Weed, Mr3. C. L. Dick,
Miss Katherine Brandes. Mrs. B. J.
Hinchey, Mrs. E. R. Crebbs, Mrs. J. C.
Braly, Mrs. J. P. McCarthy, Miss Grace
Gearin, Mrs. C. B. Lynn, Mrs. Clayton A
Sharp, Mrs. James Nlcol.
Gamma Phi Beta sorority Mrs. Stan
ford Anderson, Mrs. George T. Colton,
Mrs..' Carlos Close, Mrs. Ada Kendall
Oobb, Miss Florence Kendall, Mrs. Lyle
c. ear, Mrs. Arthur C. Mehlin, Mrs.
Maurice R. Mann, Mrs. Arthur Means.
Mrs. Claud McColloch, Mrs. Charles C.
Petheran. Miss Katherine Stanfield. Mrs.
Harold E. Wheeler, Mrs. F. J. Whittle-
Bey, Mrs. Lee Patterson, Mrs. C. B. Unan
der, Miss Eloise White.
Business Women's club Miss Bertha
, B. McCarthy, Miss Lyda Albright. Miss
Ida M. Arneson, Miss Abbye Bland, Miss
Martha Case, Miss Bernice Coffman, Miss
Louise M. Hacker, Miss Frances Hanley,
Miss Elizabeth Mj Johnston, Miss Hen-
rietta Kagi, Misa Edna McGowan, Miss
tirayee Walsh.
Patton home Mrs. Richard Martin Jr.,
Mrs. Edgar Sensenich, Mrs. O. L. Price,
Mrs. D. H. Rand, Mrs. R. T. Brookings,
Mrs. Curtis Holcomb, Mrs. H. J. Hough-
ton, Mrs. Nettie Ludlam, Mrs. A. H. Mc
Gowan, Mrs. M. Schmeer. ,
At a luncheon in the gold room of
th Multnomah hotel Saturday, Miss
Ignore Thomas announced her en
gagement to John Gilbert Kiefaber
f this city. The table was decorated
v.ith roses and ferns.
Miss Thomas, who is the daugh
ter of Mrs. Frances Thomas of this
city, is a graduate of the College of
Isotre Dame, San Jose, Cal., a mem
ber of the Hunt club and for several
years has been studying voice un
der John Claire Monteith.
Mr. Kiefaber, who is assistant
manager of the Multnomah hotel, is
the son of John Frank Kiefaber of
Dayton, O., and a member of the
Sigma Chi fraternity and local civic
c'ub; he served overseas in the war
with the 69th coast artillery corps.
He was a student of the University
vt Michigan.
The wedding will be a social event
of the near future.
The Christmas college ball to be
Riven by the Women's league of
the University of Oregon will bene
fit directly some foreign student,
when the present plans of the for
eign scholarship fund, which is being
raised by degree, . mostly through
campus effort, will be spent in
1ringing some European student to
Kugene next year, it is hoped. The
Iflea of the women's league is not
only to aid this one student In ob
taining an education in an Ameri
can university, but by so doing to
bring into closer relationship with
the students of this country foreign
students in general.
The dance, which is to be held at
the Multnomah hotel in Portland
December 26, is being anticipated by
not only the college folk, but all
Portland society. Including the
younger set in the preparatory and
high schools. The patrons and
patronesses for the affair, which
promises to be one of the biggest
cf the holiday season, are deeply
interested in its success. Both ball
rooms of the hotel, with the connect
ing tea room, will be used for the
occasion. Two five-piece orchestras
will furnish the music for the
This will be the third annual af
fair of its kind to be undertaken
by the university women. Georgia
Benson of Portland is chairman of
the committee. The list of patrons
and patronesses includes: Governor
and Mrs. Ben W. Olcott. President
and Mrs. P. L. Campbell, Dr. and
Mrs. John Straub, Dr. and Mrs. W.
J. Kerr, Mrs. E. E. DeCou, Mrs. G. T.
Gerlinger, Dr. and Mrs. Richard
Scholz, Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Torrey,
Dr. Richard Dillehunt, Bishop and
Mrs. Walter T. Sumner, Mrs. Pat
Allen, Mrs. Frank Beach, Mrs. P. W.
Blanchard, Mrs. F. S. Belcher, Miss
Alice Betts, Colonel and Mrs. W. H.
C. Bowen, Mrs. iLyle Brown, Mrs.
Jerry Bronaugh, Mrs. Frank Cham
bers, Mrs. Campbell Church, Mrs.
C. C. Colt. Mrs. Fletcher Linn, Mrs.
W. A. Montgomery, Mrs. R. W.
Neighbor, Mrs. W. F. Osburn, Mrs.
F. S. Parsons, Mrs. Edward B. Piper,
Mrs. Sanderson Reed, Mrs. Joseph
Kothchild, Mrs. Edward Swindells,
Miss Gertrude Talbot, Mrs. T. C.
Taylor, Mrs. Norman Coleman, Mrs.
A. W. Cooke, Mrs. Willis Duniway,
Mrs. J. O. Elrod, Mrs. Hicks Fenton,
Mrs. Ralph Fenton, Mrs. A. St. Clair
Gay, Mrs. George Gearhart, Mrs.
R. R. Giltner, Mrs. Herbert Gordon,
Mrs. Dean Hayes, Mrs. Solomon
Hirsch, Mrs. Hugh Hume, Mrs. B. F.
Irvine, Mrs. Philip Jackson, Mrs.
W. F. Jewett, Mrs. F. E. Judd, Mrs.
J. B. Kerr, Mrs. J. C. E. King, Mrs.
Frank Knight, Mrs. George Law
rence, Mrs. Joseph Teal, Mrs. W. L.
Thompson, Mrs. C. W. Twining, Mrs.
Caroline Unander, Mrs. J. C. Veazie,
Mis. Frank Warren Jr., Mrs. J. E.
Wheeler, Mrs. Ralph Wilbur, Mrs.
S. F. Wilson, Miss Bertha Toungi
Messages of sympathy are beine
extended to Mrs. Walter Gerke
(Florence Holmes), who has been
ill for several days.
Yesterday Mrs. E. C. Steinman
was the inspiration for a bridge tea
when Mrs. James A. Lyons enter
tained. Mr. and Mrs. Max Friedenthal
left yesterday for Los Angeles to
spend the holidays with their son
in-law and daughter. Miss Maxine
Friedenthal has been the house
guest of her sister for several
weeks. After Christmas Miss Fried
enthal will go to New Orleans.
One of the big holiday social
events this year will be the ninth
annual charity ball to be given by
the Portland alumni chapter of Chi
Omega at the Multnomah hotel
Wednesday evening, December 27.
On the committee completing ar
rangements for the affair are for
mer active members of the Chi
Omega chapters at Stanford uni
versity, University of California,
University of Washington, Univer
sity of Oregon and the Oregon Agri
cultural college.
Proceeds of the ball are to be
filmed nvpr tn tha mnthor'a non-
sion fund, which the organization
has been contrihiitinp- tn mnnthiv
for the past year. The alumni chap
ter nere nas taKen an active in
terest in charity and social service
worn in i-oruana ana among the
creditable acts performed Is the
establishment nf a mill? atotinn t
one of the Portland grammar
suuuuis ana tne operation of a
5-cent lunchroom for three succes
sive years in another Portland
school. i
Social service wnrir ia
prime objects of the fraternity and
throughout the nnnntrv -an cnir4nhla-
record has been made through the
13 "L me active ana alumni
chapters. Free libraries and lunch
rooms in tenement district,, t v,
larger cities have been established,
Dinn ana inrant mortality statis
tics and records form on im,t.. t
part of their work in many eastern
.tn ouc oi tne southern
states the fraternity has complete
ui. an social service
Several features have been ar
ranged for the dance and a num
ber of dinner and supper parties
Ly prominent Portland society folk
are being planned.
The Tillicums fnfoi'otnnj -
. ..wijicu wim a
Christmas dance last night. The
iicai uaiice win oe January 6. Mrs
Andrew Porter will act as hostess
for tonight
Dr. and Mrs. O. Miller Babbitt will
entertain with a dinner preceding
Tillicum dance. Mr. and Mrs O W
Mielke will also give a dinner pre
ceding the dance.
The Assembly club gave an attrac
tive dance at the Laurelhurst club
Friday evening. The patrons and
patronesses for the affair were Mr
and Mrs. R. H. Camp, Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Masters, Mr. and Mrs Guy
Johnson and Mrs. John Kelly, Mr
and Mrs. James A. C. Tait, Dr. and
Mrs. Clifford Moore.
Many art lovers called Wednes
day afternoon at the Multnomah
hotel, when Mr. and Mrs. Anthony
Euwer entertained with an exhibi
tion tea. Presiding at the tea table
Aia att-q Matt Mirinii fiall and Mrs.
H. C. Wortman. Assisting about
the rooms were Mrs. George Guth-
erie, Mrs. M. Donaia spencer ana
Miss Irene Daly.
Sara Truax Albert will give a
dramatic impersonation for the ben
efit of the Peoples Institute on Fri
day, January 5, at the Portland
Woman's club building.
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Bailey were
dinner hosts preceding the subscrip
tion dance.
Miss Cornelia Cook entertained
with a dinner before the subscrip
tion riania ttm irnasta were Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Lang, Mr. and Mrs.
Maurice B. Crumpacker, Mrs. Mary
Scarborough, Gus Wagman and
Wade Pipes. .
A charming afternoon tea was
given last Sunday for Mrs. Sara
Truax Albert, whose dramatic im
personations have been much en
joyed by Portland society folk,
when Mrs. Lucius Allen Lewis en
tertained. Presiding at the attrac
tive tea table was Mrs. Helen Ladd
Mrs. Sara Truax Albert will be
the motif for a delightful buffet
supper this evening, at which Mr.
and Mrs. Edwin Sealey Parsons and
Mr. and Mrs. M. Donald Spencer will
be hosts at the Spencer residence on
Cornell road. The giftsts will- include
about .10 DeoDle who have been
actively Interested in these imper
. V
Society is anticipating a series of
plays which will be produced, under
the direction of Mrs. Dent Mowre.y,
December 29, by. the dramatic sec
tion of the Arts and Crafts society
at the Portland Woman's building.
"The Shepherd In the Distance," a
pantomime by Holland Hudson, and
"Abraham and Isaac," a 15th cen
tury miracle, will be presented. Be
tween the plays Christmas carols
and a monks' chorus, composed by
Dent Mowrey, will be sung.
Miss Georgianna Gerlinger will
entertain the members of the sub-
debutantes with a tea at her home
Christmas afternoon.
TJmpqua chapter, Daughters of the
American Revolution, were enter
tained last Monday evening by Mrs.
F. H. Churchill and Mrs: D. E. Hen
nigh at the home of the former. The
Churchill home was decorated with
chrysanthemums and the national
colors occupied a prominent place.
After the business meeting Mrs.
W. A. Smick gave an historical
sketch of Douglas county. Mrs.
E. B. Stewart read an account of
the recent meeting of the American
Legion at New Orleans. Mrs. George
E. Houck, the regent, told of her
visit last month to the Daughters
of the American Revolution con
tinental memorial hall in Wash
ington, D. C. Following the pro
gramme refreshments were served
by the hostesses. I
. m
An event of social significance
will be a testimonial and "silver
shower for the benefit of the Wil
son foundation fund, which will be
held on the 66th anniversary of
Woodrow Wilson's birthday, Decem
ber 28, in the parlors of the Hotel
Portland at 8 P. M.. This day will
bo celebrated in most all of the
large cities of the nation. The
Portland gathering will be unusu
ally brilliant in its arrangement.
J. Ross Fargo anl Miss Nina
Dressel will entertain with a series
of selected songs. A small group
of the Whitney Boys' chorus will
smg a special arrangement of the
Holy City and other carols, re
flecting the yuletide season. "Open
House will be kept. Tributes will
s paid the ex-president by repre
sentative men and women in all
walks of life.
The visitors will be received by
Messrs. and Mesdames J. N. Teal,
xx- a. van JJuzer, Oswald West, Miss
Helen west, Harvey G. Stark
weather, C S. Jackson, Dr. C. J.
Smith, Dr. J. W. Morrow, Bert E.
Haney, Elton Watkins, F. C. Whit-
ten, George A. Lovejoy, Fred Vogler,
Richard W. Montague! C. L. Mc
Kenna, D. Chambers, Lotus L. Lang-
ley, Will Moore, Dr. E. H. Hedlund,
George F. Alexander, W. S. tTRen,
The Gift of Lasting Beauty
No gift greater appreciated than jewelry, the
gift of a lifetime, 'to be handed down genera
tion to generation.
Every article in our stock of latest design
and highest quality yet moderately priced.
Watches Earrings
Wrist Watches Caff Links .
Diamonds Silverware
Rings Mesh Bags
Mountings Novelties
Phone Main 5852
Extra Special
J. D. Mann, Mesdames J. Coulsen
Hare and L. K. Pastrouich and
Frederick V. Holman.
The patrons and patronesses for
the Kappa Kappa Gamma alumni !
dance which will be given December
27 at the Portland Woman's build
ing will be Mr. and Mrs. George T. j
Gerlinger, Mr. and Mrs. Louis G.
Acton, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. FlegeL Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph A Strowbridge, Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Montgomery, Judge
and Mrs. Robert Tucker, Judge and
Mrs. Walter Evans, Mr. and Mrs.
Earl C Bronaugh and Mr. and Mrs.
A. C. Gage.
The Rose City Dancing club will
give a Christmas party next Thurs
day evening at Christensen's halL A
special programme is being ar
ranged by the committee, consisting
of William J. Hofmann, Robert
Krohn, Frank J. McCarthy and Wal
ter H. Evans.
Miss Edith Pierce, daughter of the
Governor-elect and Mrs. Walter M.
Pierce of La Grande, was the guest
of honor at a number of social func
tions held in Salem during the
Thanksgiving holidays.
Miss Pierce is a member of the
freshman class at the University of
Oregon, and spent her Thanksgiving
vacation in Salem as a guest of Miss
Margaret Goodin, a daughter cf Mr.
and Mrs. R. B. Goodin, the former of
whom Is secretary of the state
board of control.
In addition to being entertained
by Miss Goodin, the visitor was a
guest at a dinner served at the
home of Mrs. Dan Frye, and a dance
held under the auspices of the stu
dent body of the Salem high school.
Miss Pierce expects to complete
a year's course at the university and
is looking anxiously aheaa to tne
arrival of her parents in Salem. She
then will be able to spena tne weeK
ends her.e.
Ttifl Trvora. and Lillian An- AnturlillnAll With U llinp.heon
yesterday, honoring" Miss Myrtle
MacLean, onae-eiect. xneir guests
were: Mesdames T. A. Garbade.
A Ti.'inft Av7n Hfflrls Thnmaa
H. Banfield, Arthur Rudeen, Larry
Cunningnam ana ,rJari Zimmerman,
Myrtle MacLean, Edna Cobb, mima
Wnv MiMrAr Pe-e-. T.niian Ander
son, Dorothy Anderson and Elvera
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kahles and
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wagner were
hosts to an attractive :dinner party
Saturday evening at the Portland
hotel. Covers were laid for 16. The
guests were W. W. Banks, Paul
French, Frank W. Whitely, M. R.
Whitehead and Frank McCarthy.
Messages of congratulation are
being received by Mr. and Mrs. Wal
lace H. Martin of Chicago, on the
birth of a daughter, Nancy, born No
vember 30. She is a granddaughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Martyn.
Misa Sallie Stuart was hostess for
an attractive dinner Tuesday eve
ning at Hotel Portland. Covers
were placed for Judge and Mrs.
Martin Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs.
Edgar W. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. James
A. Coon, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bo-
quist, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Tldball,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Noe, Wendell
Keigh Phillips and the hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Nordby were
hosts Monday evening at Hotel
Portland for a beautifully appointed
dinner of ten covers. Mrs. Coleman,
H. Wheeler, who will leave eoon for
an extended visit abroad, was the
inspiration for the occasion. Fol
lowing the dinner the party at
tended the Orpheum.
Mr. ana Mrs. O. F. Andrae an
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, Gertrude Eloise Andrae.
to Eric E. Hopson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. E. G. Hopson. Miss Andrae is
a Delta Zeta from the Omega chap
ter, and Mr. Hopson is a graduate of
the University of Washington and a
member of the Sigma Phi Upsilon
fraternity. The date for the wed
ding will be set later.
Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Jacobsen (Ethel
Kissel) are now residing in their
new home in Alameda.
At a recent luncheon Mrs. Emmett
Rathbun announced the wedding
date of Miss Georgine Gelsler and
Morris Morgan. The date chosen
was February 9.
Covers were placed for nine of
Miss Geisler's intimate friends, in
cluding Mrs. Edgar Garbade, Mrs.
Leonard Shaver, Mrs. Frank Holmes
1 (Margaret Hamblin), Mrs. Donald
Byrd, Miss Ruth Englehorn, Miss
Esther McCulloch and Miss Hilma
Miss Gelsler Is a graduate of the
(ContinuPd on Page 4.)
Felts with
Comfy Sole
$2.00 and $2.75
Men s Socks
Large assortment. Now
$ Pairs for $2.50
Women s
Comfy Felts
With Comfy sole.' Pink,
Ecru, Taupe, Old Rose,
Light Blue and Copen
hagen, all $20
A Box of
Silk Hose
Makes a Very Acceptable
Christmas Gift. Special
Christmas values, $1.75, $2,
$250, $30
Heather Hose
$1.50 to $3.75
Knight Shoe Co.
Morrison, Near Broadway
The Gift Shop of Portland
Make somebody's Xmas a happy one with a dis
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shop. Better quality curios and novelties in Mirrors,
Vases, Bowls, Plates, Book Ends, Candlesticks, Tea
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Stands, etc; something to fit every purse.
Opposite Public Library
180-A Tenth Street Tel. Main 1265
I & J? f 4
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il I,
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te- 'i . v.
temfrrtwfrforfrth iff .iw&flaBahniffWffulfflranTf tumI
Per moil
Being: entirely free from borax, the
hair la left soft, lnatrona and with a
natural appearing wave,
GUARANTEED to onccessf till j- wave
without the allghteat discoloration.
The one process that will really sat
isfy yon.
350 Plttocfei Blk.
Marinello Approved Shop.
Btfwy. 8528
It's the Useful Gift That
One Enjoys Long After Christmas
and there is a satisfaction in choosing a Useful Gift
one that renews itself constantly through the year
and inspires kind thoughts of the giver!
EMPORIUM Values Make
. Practical Gifts Inexpensive!
MJpe . 1
lt's Pleasant to Do One's
Christmas Shopping Leisurely
i f
Avoiding the jostle and crush of the great crowds
enjoying the comfort of individual attention choos
ing gifts that carry the impression of having been
discriminatingly selected!
Shop Comfortably
Shop at The EMPORIUM
" Jr
From the Women's Store of
Practical Gifts
There is scarcely an article in this store which is not sugges
tive of a gift for some woman. So thoughtfully has this mer
chandise been assembled that you will find here a solution to all
your gift difficulties ! ' . .
A splendid possibility for Christmas
Gifts, since they've become all-year
Wool Slipons $2.75. to. $8.50
Brushed Wool Slip
ons $3.95 to $8.50
New Navajo Slipons $7.50
Brushed Wool Sweater Coats..$8.50
Fiber Silk and Wool
Slipons ....T....$5.95 to $7.50
! Her Choice
Soft wools and bright-colored
fiber silks I
Angora Shoulder
Shawls ..$5.95 to $8.95
Fiber Silk Scarfs $1.95 to $4.75
Wool Scarfs $2.75 to $5.95
there can be no
more appreciated
-the most delightful "friend-to-friend"
gift that .one can suggest!
Special values suggest early choice!
,s; . Combinations
Crepe de Chine and Radium.
$2.89 to $6.45
Crepe de Chine, Radium Silks
$4.95 to $19.50
Vests Step-ins
Crepe de Chine, Radium, Satin
$3.65 to $5.50
"LUXITE" Glovesilks
Vests $2.95 to $3.25
Bloomers ..$3.95 to $4.45
Gift Blouses
offer unlimited possibilities as gifts for
those ivhom you particularly wish to
please f
Exquisite Beaded
Blouses $8.95 to $19.50
Lovely Costume
Blouses $12.95 to $29.50
Clever Tailored
Blouses $5.00 to $12.50
Smart new Jacquettes $5.00
are given a prominent position on
Fashion's list they make splen
did gift?!
Jersey Silk $2.95 to $8.95.
Taffeta ' $3.75 to $5.95
Radium and satin. .$4.95 to $5.95
Outsizes ,....$5.50 to $8.95
Princess slips $4.95 to $6.95
Jersey bloomers. . .$2.50 to $5.95.
Tvill solve many a gift difficulty.
Assortments are splendidly complete!
"Gloria Silks" $3.95 & $4.45
Wooden Crook
Handles ...."....$3.95 to $8.95
Colored Silks, spe
cial $4.85 & $5.95
Heavy Silks, special. $6.95
High-grade Um- '
brellas $13.95 to $19.50
in miniature boxes convey a bright
450 to $1.50
Plumy Fans
hf In pastel tints mounted on tortoise
. shell sticks.
. ustnea .of xo $is:.ou
iJ, Cocque'
Specially Priced
Gift Boxes
1 No.
1 No.
J No.
680 Silk Faced $1.
Three pairs $3.
590 Pure thread silk $1.
Three pairs in box $3,
580 Extra stretch top $ 1 .
2200 Full fashioned, pure thread
silk, pair .$2
Three pairs in box $6
2400 Full fashioned, all silk
from hem to toe $3
Three pairs in box. .. . . . .$9.
3190 Full fashioned, hand em
broidered clock $3.
Three pairs in box $10.
15 1
35 I
.75 1
.25 1
.25 I
00 1
50 I
00 I
I Women's Wool HOLEPROOF
I No. 1591 Silk and wool, Persian
clock I.... $1.85
1 No. 1680 Silk and wool, extra stretch
1 top, drop stitch $2.25
No. 1592 Silk and wool, embroid-
1 ered clock... $2.75 1
1 Lisle Hose 400 and 500 a pair
Silk Hose 750 to $1.65 a pair
I Children's HOLEPROOF
Lisle Hose ...400 to 750 a pair 1
English rib 500 to 750 a pair
Each Silk Pair in
a Gift Folder . .
124-128 SIXTH ST.
. Lovely Gift Hose
Chiffon Hose sheer and
beautiful $3.25''
Mohawk openwork effect,
slipper heel '....$3.65
Kayser lace stripe, slipper
heel $3.95
Kayser spider-web lace $4.50
Kayser Italian silk, embroid
ered clock $3.95
Kayser marvel stripe, all silk $2.95
The Gift of
is the most delightful way to remem
ber the feminine members of your
family. ..
.Wraps Frocks
Suits Topcoats
Fur Coats
at Half Price
Our entire stocks of fur coats
HALF PRICE! A reasonable de
posit will hold your choice.
Plush Coats
Decisive reductions on rich plush
Children's Furs
atHdlf Price
Every child's fur set; muff and
neckpiece is now half price. A gift i,
I any little girl will adore!
Formerly $2.95 to $21.50 ' c v
HALF PRICE $1.48 to $10.75 3
----- ----- mt