TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX,. TOBTLAND, DECEMBER 17. 1D23 E the last week to select from oar complete and superb collection of URGES FEDERAL fiiD A Real Christmas Sale! just six more days to do your buying! , f Astoria Harbor Improvement Project Recommended. COLONEL ID COST WILL BE $1,250,000 Army Board FaTors Governments' liuilding Bulkheads and Fill Ing Streets With Sand. ASTORIA, Or., Dec. 16. (Special.) Recommendations that the United States government assist in the re construction of the 'devastated dis trict of Astoria, by inaugurating a harbor improvement project, the estimated cost of which will be $1,250,000, were made by Colonel Anderson, head of the special army board, detailed to investigate the conditions resulting from the recent conflagration. Colonel Anderson tolegraphed his report this after noon to the adjutant-general of the army at Washington, and to General Morton, commanding officer of the !Hh corps area, stationed at the Pre sidio, Cal. Colonel Anderso.i was joined last night by Major H. J. Wild and Lieu tenant H. M. Kerrick, of the 6th en gineers, stationed at Camp Lew's, who comprise the other members of the special board. Government Aid .Urged. After examining the ruins. Colo nel Anderson held a consultation with a special committee of the general relief board, consisting of Major W. S. Gilbert, Frank Patton and G. C. Fulton and formulated his report, which recommends that the government build bulkheads or re taining walls along the streets and fill the streets- by pumping sand from the harbor, also that it re store the sewage, water, police and fire wiring systems of the devas tated district. Colonel Anderson left tonight for Vancouver barracks, having been tendered the hearty thanks of the general relief committee for his prompt action and his encouraging report and recommendations. ' Major Wild and Lieutenant Ker rick have been in conference all day with R. A. McClanathan, city engineer, Lars Bergsvik. water de partment engineer, and R. R. Bart lett, port engineer, preparing en gineering data in connection with the project, all of which is being forwarded to the war department in Washington for its guidance. Loot Located at Warrenton. The sheriff's office has located at Warrenton a number of blankets, bolts of cloth, ladies' dresses and umbrellas, valued at approximately $250, loot which was picked up by boys during the conflagration. Tne property was recovered, but no ar rests have been made. A large force of men have begun laying planking on the sand fill along Commercial street so that a main thoroughfare will pe opened through the city and the work of .iua.,iii0 n. n Lilt; ucuijo vail yiu" ceed more rapidly. The epnpra! rplipf rnrnmittw ad journed its sessions this afternoon until Tuesday morning. The en tire committee will leave for Port- liind "MrvnriMV mnrnino' fn uttonrl n conference with members-elect of the legislature State Highways Advocated. Members of the Clatsop county court and legislative delegation, left this afternoon for St. Helens, where they. are to meet with members of the county courts and legislative delegations of Washington and Co lumbia counties to formulate plans to have the inside road from Port land to Astoria via the Nehal-em valley designated as a state high way. Th Clatsop county court apd the legislative delegations from these counties will go to Portland Monday to attend the conference there of legislators-elect from various parts or, tne state, the local relief com mittee and delegations from various commercial bodies of Portland. This proposed conference is to de cide on united action for legislation to be enacted at the coming session of the legislature, authorizing the state nignway commission to con struct ' a state highway through -veLuna. There can be no gifts more joyously received, more treasured for their worth and beauty, more perfect in conveying deep and lasting friendship, than some article of jewelry or silverware from this great treasure store. Every item, from those costing thousands of dollars to the dainty, inex pensive gift, is of finest craftsmanship. The purchaser will find here the fullest values obtainable prices that best harmonize with one's means. Diamonds of Unusual Brilliancy and Cutting Are Featured in Our Christmas Gift Assemblage We are exclusive agents for the Tiffany Studios , art gifts, Tiffany Favrile Glass and Patek 'Philippe & Co. watches the finest made. Many other gifts of superior quality will be found here exclusively. IT "Gifts That Last" FOR WOMEN . New Hand Bags Tiffany Desk Sets Finger Watches Perfume Containers Overnight Bags .Picture Frames Week-end Bags Bedroom Clocks Opera Glasses Smoking Sets Butterfly Jewelry Mesh Bags Sewing Sets Lorgnettes Vanity Cases . , Hairpins I FOR MEN Military Brushes ' Picture Frames Smoking Sets Cigar Boxes Bill Folds Coin Purses Cuff Links Dress Sets Scarf Pins Memo Pads Flasks Traveling Clocks Fountain Pens Ink Stands Desk Sets Suitcases FOR CHILDREN Add-a-Pearl Bib Holders Sterling Spoons Baby-Pushers Porringers Silver Mugs Combs and Brushes Baby Sets Soap Boxes Rattles Baby Jewelry Rings Bracelets Pins Lockets Hairpins JEwtunts - SivrKBBUrrm -OrnciAK Wasbuigtoji St. ax Bask Pobtx.ard.Or2. Oar sales force will be ever at your service to assist in the selection of ap propriate articles. Mail, orders given prompt attention. ASTORIA TO OFFER THANKS Committee of Ten to Visit Port land Tomorrow. Astoria win personally express thanks to Portland for its work of relief since the disastrous fire over whelmed the port at the mouth of the Columbia. The entire general executive committee of ten. charged with the handling of emergency af fairs at Astoria, will visit Portland tomorrow. The ten will be guests of the Chamber of Commerce at luncheon, and while in the city will meet with members of the legisla ture on steps for permanent rehabil itation so far as highway plans are concerned. The Chamber of Commerce com mittee at work for aid for Astoria was cheered yesterday when W. D. B. Dodson, general manager of the chamber, received a telegram from Senator McNary advising that he had obtained a favorable committee report, and that the senate had passed the McNary resolution pro viding for relief of sufferers from fire in Astoria. The amount to be expended was eliminated. Senator McNary said, that being left, in ac cordance with senate rules, to the secretary of war. The amount to be expended will be carried later in a deficiency bill. Senator McNary advised. Senator McNary also telegraphed Mr. Dodson that Admiral Coontz had informed him yesterday that the de stroyer Yarborough; now on duty in Astoria harbor, has been placed under orders of the commandant of the 13th naval base for continued service there until the emergency shall have passed. Backing up Senator McNary's ef forts are others of the Oregon del egation at Washington. Representa tives MeArthur and Hawliey advised Mr. Dodson in telegrams yesterday they are actively supporting the movement Senator McNary has started. They informed the chamber that the war department has started an investigation of conditions at Astoria to learn the extent of fed eral aid that will be necessary. Meanwhile the chamber continued its' own drive for relief funds for Astoria with success. The following subscriptions were announced yes terday: Name.. Amount. Meier & Frank company $3,000 "KBJ" SO Albert Monson Lydia Varley 5 Alice Varley 5 M. C. Kurtzenacker ............. r Dr. J. P. Dickson nO Portland Seed company loo Lipman. Wolfe & Co ,r00 Foundation Company M0 Frederick V. Holman 25 F. S. Harmon & Co ISO Andrew P. Wilson 5 L. Saldern 10 E. K. Wood Mortgage company. . . 50 Oregon Typewriter company 20 S. A. and B. C. Brown 300 Portland Lodge of B'nai B'rith.... 250 Atiyeh Bros,, T0 Toubin company 10 William D. Wheelwright 100 Simmons company 300 M. Barde & Sons 25 John C. Baird 30 Carl Spuhn 20 R. Koehler 20 D. C. Wax Office Equipment house lo A. C. Rose 5 Oregon City Manufacturing Co.... 250 Hlrsch-Weis company 250 Wigglna Company, Inc. 100 been subscribed. Of that amount the Tillamook Creamery association, representing the cheese associations of the county, subscribed J500. The mayor notified the relief committee at Astoria by wire that the $2000 would be forwarded immediately. Total ?5,763 previously reported, 4Z,niu.44. ' Grand total, J48.684.44. Among previous gifts to the As torian relief fund but not reported in earlier lists was $150 given by O. A. Ritan and $50 by Mrs. Cora E. Wheeler. RELIEF MEASURE ADOPTED Senate Acts Promptly and Sends Resolution to House. THE OREGONIANNEWS BUREAU, Washington, D.f-C. Bee. 16. Relief for the Astoria fire sufferers is provided in a resolution adopted the senate this afternoon. The meas ure was offered by Senator McNary. Immediately following its enact ment the resolution was hurried over to the house, where it is hoped the final approval of congress will be given. Following the senate form in such cases, the resolution makes no ap propriation, but authorizes the sec retary of war to proceed with the relief work, to include subsistence, medical supplies, hospitalization and temporary housing, the cost to be reported back to congress. The amount so expended by the secre tary of war will then be included in a deficiency appropriation bill. GUARD SERVES 12,000 MEALS Largest Number Fed at Astoria In One Day 2143. SALEM, Or., Dec. 16. (Specialr) More than 12.000 meals were served by the Oregon national guard detachment at Astoria dur- ing the last week. Last Saturday, immediately after the fire, 619 were fed. Sunday the total jumped to 1743. Wednesday was the largest day of the week, when 8142 people were served. The cold weather has caused an Increased demand for woolen army blankets from the Natiital guard stores shipped to Astoria. More than 900 blankets and several hun dred cots were issued the latter part of the week. . The Salem Kiwanis club today sent $106 to Astoria to be used for the relief of fire victims there. A telegram also was cent to Presi dent Harding, urging ongress to appropriate $3,000,000 for the relief of the stricken city. AUTO PERMITS FALL OFF 1923 License Receipts Decrease Slightly From Last Year. ' OLTMPIA, ,Wash., Dec. 16. (Spe cial.) Automobile license receipts to December 15, this year, covering the two weeks' receipts for 1923 licenses, were slightly less than the corresponding period last year, State Treasurer Babcock announced to day. Receipts this year totaled There is a legitimate offer of 300 on a $500 in vestment here in Portland; 10 days only. Address BF 127, Oregonian $184,356.40, as compared with $188, 032.05 last year. The decrease is attributed to cold weather and snow slowing rip applications. As 1922 plates are useless after December 31, a rush of applications is ex pected during the next two weeks. Up to noon today the license de partment had mailed approximately 8300 sets of 1923 plates, being held back by lack of applications. Next week it is expected to hit the maxi mum of .20,000 sets per week, which will be continued until the demand is met- ' r Regularly priced $6.95 and $7.50 $ 4 95 (3 for $14.50) For variety for quality for Real Econ omy my Sale of Silk Shirts is without equal. Come in tomorrow and make your selections they're selling fast! Regularly priced $3.50 and $4.00 3 in a box) Fiber silk stripe madras and Russian cords sold 3 in a Box only! You have your choice from a great variety of stripes, checks and plain colorings, A most un usual offer! Regularly priced $27.50 to $35 Regularly priced ") $37.50 to $50.00 19 85 $ 29 85 A gift that is truly different, and one that is bound to please the man who discrimi nates. Dark, rich colorings, in almost every conceivable design, handsomely finished. Regularly Priced $L50 Newspaper Manager Resigns. OLYMPIA, Wash., Dec' 16. (Spe cial.) I. L. Lester, general manager of the Daily Record and Morning Olympian for the last eight years, today announced his resignation. Mr. Lester will go to Hoquiam January 1 as generaj manager of the- Daily Washingtonian, Repre-semtaJiveoJinMnjnLprieai. Phone East 3403 ARCHITECT Guaranteed Estimates Milo S. Farwell 80 E. 12th St. N. isilk Jtectoear 95c Heavy cut silk, ties in Persian designs, flower and brocaded effects. This excep tionally low price by no means suggests cheapness; their quality proves their Real Value. Merchandise Gift Orders Issued in Any Amount! BEN SELLING AT FOURTH Portland's Leading Clothier for Over Half a Century raaOPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMASs Tillamook Relief Fund $2000. TILLAMOOK, Or., Dec. 16. (Spe cial.) A committee having in charge soliciting money for relief of the sufferers at Astoria reported to Mayor Moulton that J2000 had The Appreciated Gift A, Linoleum or Cork Tile Floor for Any Room Some Small Remnants at Half Price Some Others Greatly Reduced Cork Floor Products Co. Broadway at Taylor gifts for men bear ing the label of this exclusive store, al though they cost no more, carry, added value. ISP enjoy sichel service, competent salesmen to assist you in your selection. gifts at 50c handkerchiefs hosiery garters gifts at $1 " fine neckties belts hosiery suspenders scarf pins knit gloves handkerchiefs scarf pins cuff buttons . keytainers gifts at $2 neckwear silk and wool hose shirts ladies' onyx hose box initialed hdkfs. ash trays belts gift certificates issued silk robes $20 to $150 gifts at $2.50 and $3 , mufflers silver belt buckles gloves . t -knit neckwear ladies' hose shirts pajamas gifts at $4 and $5 flasks mufflers dinner jacket jewelry fine gloves golf hose shirts terry robes box of men's hose gifts at $7.50 to $15 silk pajamas silk shirts flasks knit and tuxedo vests fur-lined gauntlets smoking jackets robes imported golf coats many exclusive gifts too numerous to mention, including silk robes, ash trays, umbrellas for men and women, ladies' onyx hose, bags and suit cases, and dunnhill pipes. , ' ' ,'' ' . ' ". m men's furnishers and hatters exclusive but not expensive 380 Washington street southwest corner west park '"' 1 ' ..-.is; s SPECIAL XMAS OFFER Places in Your Home any size, style or finish of the Genuine Victor Victrola The balance extended over a long period of time r- M5 MTEEEST Everything Pertaining to Masie It 4oea make a difference where yon buy your PIiemegntfc Wholesale Manufacturers Retail Broadway at Alder . Bush & Lane Building OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMASi