21 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. ! Hotels and Rooming Houses. i es. i LOCATORS REALTY CO.. 322-323 Ptttock Block. Broadway 7532. HOTEL RACUIFICE On account of death In family we have been in structed to sell at a reduction of $70utT less than price asked one month ago, 75 rooms, large lubby, corner, brick building, running waier, private baths. Brood furniture and all conditions right; reasonable rent and long lease; nets $800 month; located on Washington st If interested in an exceptionally good hotel buy you should investigate this one. ANOTHER FINE VALUE. 54-room hotel; brick bldg., steam heat. r. w. in ail rooms, very good furniture; rent $373. long: lease; doing overflow busi ness; net profits $000 month; stay in hotel and prove owner's statement; ex cellent west aide location; listed ex clusively with this office. SPECULATORS ATTENTION. Own r aav hp.II mv 45-room hotel without delay; r. w. in alt rooms. 30 private "baths, Northwest heat, high-class fur- niture, best downtown location ; rent and lease right: nets $400 month and j with only $1501) additional expense ; can fnerease income $150 per month i above present showing. ! APARTMENT HOUSE. 24 apts.; ideal location, completely furnished, reasonable rent; just the proposition for couple; $7000 will do. BUYERS NOTICE. The time to buy Is when people really want to sell. We have a number of just such proposi tions to offer in hotels, apt. houses and rooming" houses; also leases' without furniture; exchanges. ROOMING HOUSE. 11 rooms, with out exception the best furnished small house in Portland; ideal arrangement for renting rooms, single or in suites; rrnt $70 month; lease 2!4 years; don't waste your time unless you want high class furniture and have $1500 cash; will show income of $isr month be - aides - beautiful rooms for owner. 24-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. Mostly all twom west side; house full fend waiting list ; good furniture and lease; nets $105 and owner's apt. ; rent only $100; fine heating system; full price $4500, reasonable terms. CLOSE IN. 22 ROOMS, sleeping porch, all h. k.; 3-yr. lease; nets $170; dandy furniture price reduced from $4S00 to $3850; with, about $2000 cash, baL easy terms. 25 ROOMS on one floor; new furni ture, brick building, mostly 2-rm. apts.; rent $75, lease; nets $125; other busi ness compels quick sale; priced at rock bottom; $2100. with $1000 cash. 14 ROOMS AND GARAGE. Dandy furniture, large grounds, all h. k.; 2 yr. lease; rent $75; nets $110; owner called to Cal.; will sacrifice for $2300, with half cash; paid over $3000 for this, 8-ROOM FLAT, furnace heat. A-l furniture; rent $43.00, including water and garbage service; a fine place to keep few boarders if so desired; this will sell quickly at $700, with $o00 cash. LEADING COMMERCIAL HOTELS. MR. BLACKWELL, EXCLUSIVE AGENT. OFFICE AND RES, 187 12TH ST. 70-room modern commercial, leading hotel busy southern Idaho city; ca pacity business; new 5 or 10-year lease; owner retiring. 52-room modern brick, leading hotel best and busiest little city in Utah, on Yellowstone highway; big moneymaker, fine lease. 42-room modern coast hotel; fine place, new 5-year lease. 39-room brick hotel at depot, busy Idaho town; fine proposition; $2500 handles building, ground and furnish ings, balance easy. Particulars of above hotels at this office. If you wish to buy a hotel see me. My 28 years' clean, successful business record as hotel proprietor and agent gives me exclusive right in the handling of some of the finest hotels In the country. I can locate you in any state in the Union. MR. BLACK WELL, AGENT, 187 12TH. GOOD HOTEL BUY. $10,000 cash, small balance, monthly payments, will put you In a real transient hotel, now netting over $900 per month above all expenses. Strictly modern, brick and well fur nished; book open for inspection; long lease. I recommend this buy, fair or no fair. . RIERDON REALTY CO.. REALTORS, 630 Pittock Block. GOOD BUY. 8 rooms, good location, close in; tove' heat. Rent $45. Price $700. Small down pajmett. X 1 20. 12 rooms, h. k., close in, furnaco " heat; good furniture ana clean; room apt. for self. $7UO to handle. See Mrs. St-eck, with WM. A. HUGHES CORP., Ca- Couth Bids. Bdwy. 6S0S. BARGAIN BARGAIN. Ninety rooms, modern apartment, brick I ldg., lent only $2.:0 per month. With 4 years lease; $50OU will fcandlu. EAST SIDE APARTMENT. Forty-room apartment, good loca tion, always full, rent $125 per month with lease; $3850. cash or terms. Call Henry Oura. Phone 524-S5. 50 N. a od st. . SALE OR TRADE. 44-r. apt., in 2s, 3s nd 4s, reas. rent; absolutely modern; $300 cash will han , die or trade for modern home around $5000 or modern suburban home and acreage. Kid Southwick. I. E. SPENCER & CO.. - 517 Chamber of Commerce. " SOME BUY. Modern west side apartment, over 75 rooms, modern to the minute; hard wood floors, tiled baths, lease to '25, " nets $200 and apt. Price for all $5000 cash. J. W. TICE, REALTOR, 632 Morgan Bldg. Main 6601. - WILL TRADE. 11 rooms for housekeeping, first-class furniture, water most apts., rent $50, nets $80. Price $2200, for Portland property or close-In acreage. See Mrs. Keller, OEQ. T. MOORE CO.. MM" Yeon Bldg. MARY E. LENT COMPANY. 623-4-5 N. W. HANK BLDG.. EXCLUSIVE BROKERS OF HOTELS, APARTMENT HOUSES, ROOMING HOUSES AND LEASES. SIXTEEN YEARS IN THIS BUSI- NBSS IN PORTLAND. LITTLE BARGAIN. 21 rooms, tent $85, all housekeeping, water moct rooms, all full, nets $150. Price $3000, eauy terms, or trade tor city property and assume. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T.' MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. FOR QUICK SALE list your hotels, apartment or rooming houses with us; your interest will al ways be protected; we have cash buy ers waiting for your proposition. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOOR B CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg. DOWNTOWN HOTEL. ' 32-room hotel, ground floor lobby, new furniture, very best of location, 6-year lease, rent $250, nets $250. Price $10,000 ; good terms. J. W. TICE, REALTOR. ' 632 Morgan Bldg. Main 6601. ULD LADY SICK, has fine boarding ho tel, full, fine lease; close In and a won derful business; nearly 30 rms.. about $1000 handles. See my agent Monday. Bdwy, 6787. O. H. Skotheim Co., Couch bldg. . SACRIFICE BUY. Over 50 rooms, 38 rooms with bath, CloSe-In location, good furniture and carpets, nets over $600, good lease; $6000 cash will handle. J. W. TICE, REALTOR, 632 Morgan Bldg. M ain 6601. FOR SALE. BY OWNER. Modern rooming house, 26 rooms, ex cellent furniture and rugs, some pri vate baths, good Income In center of . college town. Address Mrs. Blanche Eaton, Bangs flats, Eugene. Or. 11 ROOMS, h. k.. furnished better than average, furnace, fine basement, con venient living quarters, walking dis tance, 1 block to car; rent $45; price $1250, terms. Owner's phone, East 3185. 171 E. 13th st. S. TRADE FOR HOME. Three-year lease and new furnishings 22-room apartment house, fine place. clears about $120 month; will trade for home See Mr. isiackweli, agent. 1S7 12th st. - APARTMENT HOUSE FOR SALE. $2000. $1000 down, 21 apts.. house full; furnace heat. See owner at 2W5 10th st. fW-"ROf)M h nurtmeiit house, lease and furniture, west side, fireproof bid?. If sold at once win tane 3.0000 iuu price. Mr. Holinan, 410 Chamber of Com. bldg. Bdwy. GT-Mi. 45 ROOMS close in on east side, brick building. 5-year lease income $S00 per mo. Take good income property, good residence $6000 or $7000. balance, easy V terma, 40. ooj. d lioimonx. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. lintels and Rooming H onset,, THOMSON & THOMSON KEALTOU3. tV.-rom modern brick hotel; wen lo rated and in the very haet condition; over 4-year le&se; X. W. heat; 20 private baths; gross income about $..'200; you will l:kt tins, if you havt $lo.oo0 to invest, phone us. Over 70-room modern transient ho tel, lease to 1027, rent $550, gross in come $1000 ; ground-floor lobby, oil burner, well furnished and in Al shape. Price $18,300. Terms. 05 rooms, ell strictly modern apts., lease to 1920, rent $300; nets over $500 and, own 4-rm. apt. ; elevator; all full. Price $12,000. Terms. 28 strictly modern apts. White Tem ple good lease, rent $400; nets about $riH) with a janitor; good furniture and carpets. $hoO0 will handle. 10 rooms, all H. K., rent $70; good furniture, elec, water in all suites but two; neia over $160 and own apt.; real good furnishings, - $1800 down. The brat little home and income can be handled with about $800; 3-year lease; rent $65; nets about $60 and your apt.; near Couch school. 21 rooms, all H. K. but 6: leae; rent $115; tic wntown location ; full very night. Stove heat, elec. Bargain at $250o. 11 rooms, all H. K.; rent $60: fur nace, elec, well located in White Temple; vry nice first-class furniture; good home ard income. Price $1250; $700 down. 24 rooms, all apts.; extra well fur nished; all on one floor; lease; rent $75 ; nets over $125 and your own apt. Price $i000 half cash. 8 rooms, all H K. but 1, rent $45 (Nob Hill) ; furnace heat; very well furnished; gross income $110 and own apt. This is a good buy ana can oe handled with little cash. 6 rooms and basement, rent $25; 3 H. K. suites and 3 rooms for own fam ily; stcve heat, elec. ; nico home and and some income. Real sacrifice for S'.Tch good stuff; $430. Many others listed. All prices, 020 Henrv bhlg. Bdwy. 480. $11,000 Takes 13 three-room apts.; all with private baths; 3 sleeping rooms; ek'g-antly furnished; brick bldg.; steam heat; good lease, reasonable rent; nets over $("00, terms. This is on place I can shew with pride. $5100 Buys dandy 19 rooms of brand new furniture; good lease; reasonable rent; c lose in on wett side. This place will sell on sight. See this at or.ee. $H00 Buys 6 rooms of very good fur niture; ren. only $30 per mo.; on the oast sid clcse in; on carline. This is a snap owing to illness. S. BORLAND, REALTOR, POO Henry Bldg.. 4th & Oak Stt. 112-ROOM apt., rent $5.50 per rm. ; long lease, finest west side location ; strictly modern brick corner, equipped with oil burner, auto, elevator, tiled baths, etc.; finished throughout in ivory or white enamel. One of the highest-class places in town; clears $S50 per month. $12,000 will handle. YATES. 245 Fourth st- IN COLLEGE TOWN. Fine confectionery and light lunch, fully equipped,, all modern fixtures, dishes and silver, 5 living rooms and bath, enjoys fine trade, gross income $17H0, rent $65, 3-year lease. Price $12,000; $4C0o cash, or will trade for apartment house furniture and lease, or Portland property. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. $500 DOWN. 17 rooms on Wash. St., lease; netting $100 per month. Fix up and turn again. Price $1200. NOB HILL. 20 rooms, h. k., walking distance; netting $100; lease. Only $1250 to handle. Small balance. See Newton with WM. A. HUGHES CORP., 505 Couch. Pldg. Bdwy. 6SQ8. CI.KAR 400. MONTHLY. In a 42-room country town hotel (the only one), in good small highway and R. R. town in eastern oregon; have $5000 invested, will sacrifice for cash or trade for home In Portland or large town. SIMMS, 610 HENRY BLDG. SACRIFICE SALE. On account of illness, 20 rooms, al! in housekeeping apts., newly furnished, rent $75, lease, net profit $150 to $200 month. Price $2500; $700 cash will handle.- See Mrs. Keller. ClfZO. T. MOORKCO., 1007- Yeon Bldg. NEW APARTMENT HOUSE TO LEASE 17 apartments, all with batha, elec tric rangee, breakfast nooks, hot water heat, all with bath, best of location, 5-year lease. ' possession January 1, J. W. TICE, REALTOR, 632 Morgan Bldg. Main 6601. SPLENDID APARTMENT HOUSE. 18 apartmeV.ts, 5 2-room apts., 1 4 room, 12 3-room apts., all with private baths, completely and well furnished, rent $225, lease to 1020, net profit $325. price $11,000. . ,$60Q0 down. Se Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. UNUSUAL Magn-ifioent corner house, near White -Temple, modern: 20 rms. in apts., elegant furniture, refined, clean, exclusive; - lease secured; full house; good net, ideal home, listed at special prioe; terms. Bdwy. 6787. O. H. Skotheim Co., Couch bldg. DOWNTOWN residential hotel, 42 rooms, private baths, clears $350 to $400 per month. Northwest heat, $5000 handles, balance easy. Will call for you with car if Inter ested. Jean Des Breau. Bdwy. 6911. I. E. SPENCER & CO.. 517 Chamber of Commerce Bldg NOB HILL DISTRICT. 10 rooms, rent $60, brand new furni ture, furnace heat, mostly housekeep ing, ret profit $85 month. 3 rooms own use. Price J 1350. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOOFE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. BEST hotel buy in the city, close in, west side brick, about 70 rooms; will net $700 per month; rent and lease are right and priced to sell. Full par ticulars see SUMMERVILLE REALTY CO.. 605 Couch Bin's: 22-ROOM SACRIFICE. Close in, w. s., all h. k.; nets $135 and your apts.; gross $240r rent $H0; newly tinted ; other business compells me to sell my equity of $1500 for $1200 cash or part trade for light car. Full price $2270. Owner Atw. 0401. ON 14TH STREET. 14 rooms completely furnished for housekeeping. 2-room apts.. 2 bathn, rnt $75. net profit $100. Price $1800, $1000 down. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. HOTEL TO LEASE. Five-year lease on a 52-room modern hotel, Washington street location, sev eral baths, reasonable rent. J. W. TICE, REALTOR, 632 Morgan Bldg. Main 6601. WILL TRADE. -Equity $3000 in 8-room bouse. Nob Hill district, rent $50, for good grocery or ccnfectionei y store equal value. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. TRADE. Have you lease and furnishings, hotel or apartment house, to trade for 320 acres, all under cultivation, east ern Washington? . L. H. O'Neil, New Perkins hoLel, room 521. ON BROADWAY. 1 1 rooms, rent $50, furnace heat, good furniture, water all rooms, keep 5 rooms own use. Price $S00. $350 down See Mrs. Keller, OKO T. MOORE CO.. M07 Yeon Bldg. 10-YEAR lease on new building. There will be over 50 strictly modern apart ments, every up-to-date convenience; $7500 deposit on lease at 6 per cent. Another about double of the above; no agents. O 135. Oregonian. ATTENTION. Before buying consult our list of Apartment hGuses and hotele; we handle the best in the city. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T MQMRICQ. 107 Yeon BUIg BEAUTIFUL PLAi'E. -16 rooms. 2 garages, elegantly fur nished, good lease, right on Broadway, net about $150. $2000 down. See Mrs. Keller. OEQ. T. MOOPR CO.. 1007 Veon Bldg. FOR SALE Rooming house, 11 sleeping rooms, office, bath, kitchen and store room; nicely furnished; netting better tVan $150; $1500; some terms. Phone 726 or write Centra! Rooms. Albany. Or. SNAP. 9-room house Nob Hill district, ail new furniture, price $800, eaay terms. See Mrs. Keller. P.RO. T. Mooow ro in07 tpoi Bide SPECIAL. 1 am going to sacrifice my place of 9 rooms, new.ly furnished. for $750; terms, about $400 leas than what it cost me. My agent at 391 Yamhill. FOR SALE 32 roomj, furnished com plete; rent $65. Pricu $1250; $800 will handle. 927 Chehalls ave.. Chehalis. Wash. BUY. SELL or exchange. Phone Main 1643. 1219 iviortnwestern Bank bide, Financial ajd obtained on approved deals nanaien tnrougn tms orrice. ONLY $550 for eight rooms, h. k.. $300 rash: Nob Hill ; best bargain today, Bdwy. 6787. Monday. Pressing con ditions. Call today. Tabor 4221. FOR SALE: 11 h, It, rooms by owner, 30 X. 9th eL BUSINESS -OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. ROOMING HOUSE BXRGAI-W 21 rooms, located on one of main streets in Vancouver. 3 year lease, rent $30 the first year, $40 the last 2 years; all furniture in good condition; housekeeping apartments for landlady; owing to other busi ness owner will sell this property at $500, . terms. - - - COLUMBIA INVESTMENT CO., 407 MAIN STREET. VANCOUVER. WASH. 10 ROOMS, H. K., Nob Hill. $1450. In come, $120. Dandy home; terms. 8 rooms, extra fine furniture, $1100. Winter's fuel. $650 cash. Hoyt st. 11 rooms, lovely location, terms. $1250. 8 rooms, flat, attractive place. $1300. 17 rooms. White Temple, clears $150. $2500. 25 rooms, H. K., always full, down town; makes $150 month. $1000 cash. $2300. 6 rooms, income $65 besides family use 3. $300 cash. Price $700. 12 rooms, clears $100 month. $1200, terms. All single H. K. Lease. Bdwy. 7672. McFARLANP. 208 Failing Bldg. - 54-ROOM hotel in heart of town, strictly modern, brick corner; Northwestern heat, elevator, IS baths, phones in all rooms; won derfully furnished and extra -clean; big profit guaranteed, owing to sickness, must sacri- , fice; best offer takes It. YATES. 245 Fourth st. WHITE TEMPLE FORCED SALE. 22 rooms, 2 sleeping porches, fine furniture including a piano, 5 fire places; this place will net $175 per month; price has been cut from $5000 to $3800. including $200 on lease; will give good terms. Be sure and see this. See McCauley, HILTON ft DANIEL CO., 270 Stark St. Bdwy. 7800. WE3T SIDE BUSINESS DISTRICT. 27 2 and 3-room apts.. long lease, low rent, hardwood floors and all modern conveniences; exceptionally well-furnished and as clean as a pin. Price $18,000, easy terms. YATES. 245 4tb at. 19-ROOM housekeeping apartments in ones and twos, netting $125 per month; $1500 will handle; no vacan cies; a real bargain; rent only $50. $650 full price for nicely furnished 8-room housekeeping apartments ; all your expenses paiu and . 00 a month to place in the bank. GOKEY & WESCH, 327 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6706. 10 ROOMS $795. Bargain hunters, here you are. I sold this for $2000 and took mtg. back; is paid down to $795; have taken it over and have no use for same; will sell on easy terms, located close to Lin- onln hifh nrhnnl. larrn vard. 1 years' transferable lease. Fix this up, sell It and double your money. Peters, of course, 15 N. 6th st. , HOTffiL FOR LEASE. 35-room furnished hotel, full of roomers; this is a money-maker and will give a 5-year lease at cheap rent sickness forces owner to let go. See McCauley, HILTON ft DANIEL CO., 270 Stark St. Bdwy. 7800. . S2oft nnwN BUYS a Ta.I rnnminflr house: 11 rooms good furniture, lease, rent $50; income $100 monthly. Full price only $800; easy terms. We recommend and guarantee this place. ARTHUR L. SCOTT CO.. 330 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 3008, 4-YEAR LEASE. $2500 FULL PRICE $2500. HALF CASH. 17 outside h. k. rooms, all new fur niture and ruga, drapes and bedding. House sets alone right downtown on corner. Now showing large Income, See me Monday, 387 Yamhill. FIRST TIME EVER OFFERED Strictly . modern little apt. house, beautifully furnished, wjth high-class furnishings; splendid lease; price $2000 less than furniture cost; nets $130 month; terms to suit. , BRUCE GODDARD, 501-2 COUCH BLDG. Hotel and Koomlng Hoasew Wanted, I WANT rooming house -of 12 to 20 rooms on west side, showing a good net Income; give location and price in first letter; owners only. BD 145. Ore gon i an. HAVE you an apartment house with good income that $1250 cash will handle. I am In the market and mean business; no agents. AG 101, Oregonlan. IF YOU want to sell your rooming house, see me. I have several buyers waiting. Mam 3669. H. W. Garland, 260 Taylor st. WANTED Apartment house, west side, about 12 rooms, will give Chalmers 6 touring car first payment. Phone Bdwy. 2!2. WANTED Good country hotel. Oregon or Washington; owners only. State par ticulars. AN 137. Oregonian. WANT to buy rooming: house, 10 or 12 moms; must be reasonable. Broadway 366. WANTED Up-to-date hotel and aprt. salesman with car. Nicol. 602 Couch bldg. WANT 8 to 20 H. K. rooms, have auto and cash; from owners. F 144, Ore gonlan. ' ROOMING house wanted. 15 to 20 rm?., that about $600 cash will handle; own ers only. AR 135. Oregonian. v TRANSIENT hotel, good 6-year lease. 6th street, $20,000, terms: willl stand close investigation. H 135, Oregonian. WANT location meat market, with not much opposition. AN 151, Oregonian, LOST AND FOUND. LOST Lady's black pocketbook, con taining a lady's and gentleman's watch, also a bank book with name Mrs. A. M. Little, Phone East 9215; gentleman's watch valued ns a keepsake. Reward. LOST 1 steel couch, between Second and Pine sts. and 16th. and East Ank- eny sts. Phone C. O. Pick. Broadway 05fl6. Reward. PA RTY who picked up black muff on Glisan st. please leave at Portland Plumbing & Heating Co 867 Sandy blvd. LOST Liberal reward offered to party finding brown leather suitcase con taining lady's apparel. Tabor 5223. tox 587, route 1. LOST Dec. 16. on Ivan or Division, bet. 26th. 15th. a red silk bag containing keys. $3 In change and gas bill. Sell wood 3444. Reward. LOST Brown taffeta bag containing money and black tortoise rimmed glasses. In Meier & Frank's telephone booth. Reward. Main 4521. LOST At Hawthorne bridge, 6 P. M.. Dec. 15, suitcase marked E. B. C. Ad dress book inside valuable to owner; reward. Phone Tabor 8088. LOST In Lents district, brown cocker spaniel dog, answers name "Brownie." La Grande license 239 on collar. Re ward. Phone Sellwood 2978. LOST Several keys on ring between Electric bldg. and Fifth and Salmon. 520 Electric bldg., reward. . LOST Irish setter, female, license No. l2; reward lor dog or information leading to recovery. Walnut 4966. LOST In Lipman & Wolfe's Wednesday, black . purse containing cash. East 05S8. LOST Large miniature brooch, gold y Reward. East 5733. JjOST Small gray purse containing U. ' of O. gold seal ring, uncut stones and currency. Hrtwy. HHP. Reward. LOST A. T, O. fraternity pin, set with diamonds, initials J. A. R. on back. Tabor 5073. - LOST Vicinity of Estacada or Sandy, gray mare, bearing brand ."Z 1" on left shoulder; reward. 686 E. 16th st. LOST La Taufca pearls in or near Or pheum theater Monday. Sellwood 4047. Reward. LOST Two laundry bundles, near Broad way and Flint sts. Reward.. Broadway 3170. ' LOST At auditorium. Masonic 32d de gree charm: liberal reward if returned to 45 N. 6th st. Bdwy. 2168. LOST Aabout Tuesday, the 5th. a fur neckpiece made of two small mink skins. Phon Tabor 0019. Reward. LOST String of pearls, Mount Tabor car or 5th and Morrison. Reward Tabor 7379. LOST Watch fob with initials C. L.. on Williams ave. Finder call Wal. 456. ' LOST Mortgage papers and gold glqs3s. 581 3d st. LOST Large wire-haired male Airedale. 114 E. 20th N. East 5515. LOST White Shrine pin set, with pearls. Call Walnut 5439. LOST Psi Omega fraternity pin set with opals; reward. Main 1654. or E. 2582. LOST Thursday eve en in, one oaten t leather pump ian main litnl. LOST Male Afredale.- 4 -mo. oldr "Glf ford. 604 Clackamas" on eoMar. E. 4073'. i LOST Young Airedale das, on west side; 1 very short tali. Reward. Main 6073. LOST AND FOUND. THE FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power company, Lee; 14, 1022: 12 umbrellas, 3 lunch boxes,, watch, 2 pins, 1 suitcase, sweater, 2 pair and 3 single gloves, 4 books, 7 packages, thermos bottle, rain coat, thimble, 1 earring, school tickets, kni.ted helm.t, 1 pair scissors. On Dec. 15: 5 um brellas, 1 lunch box, 3 purses, 2 foun tain pens, 3 suitcases, 3 handbags, 1 pair and 1 single glove, 3 books. 7 packages. - pair glasses, nail file., bucket and sack, hat, 1 single rubber, 2 boards, shopping bag. Owners may obtain same upon proper identification at First and Alder-street station. LOST By Mttle girl, on St. Johns car arriving 5th and Washington between 9 and 10 A. M. Saturday, one small J brown handbag containing about $o and 3 car tickets. Finder please bring to 432 Washington bldg. LOST TUESDAY A. M' LARGE AME THYST RING; 6 DIAMONDS iN SET TING; ALSO SMALL ONYX RING, PEARL CENTER; VERY LIBERAL . REWARD. BDWY. 6027. 312Va WASH. ST.. ROOM 6. LOST Between 1st and 3d. on north side of street, brown bill fold containing currency, identification cards; reward offered. ' Kindly re-turn to J. C. Sand man. Tabor. S.'WW. LOST German police dog. black and tan. about 3 yrs. old; long hair type with stiff ears. Notify Portland Wool en mills' or Edward A. "Thompson. Re ward. WILL the party who picked up a pack age at Meier & J"rank s containing o yards of Bilk, shirting Friday afternoon please call Earl 422?? .No questions asked. ' LOST A bunch of keys on Front st.. bet. Wash, and Alder. T. t'. A. cnecK on ring. Call Main 0535 week days. LOST Six New Year's Eve midnight how tickets to the Hippodrome. Phone Tabor 1248. Reward. FINANCIAL. FIRST MORTGAGE! LOANS RESIDENCES. APARTMENTS, BUSINESS PROPERTIES. Three or five-year loans; money con ditions are now most favorable to bor rowers; ail applications acted upon promptly; loans closed without delay. t MORTGAGE GUARANTEE! CO.. Affiliated With TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY. TitU and Trust Bid. , Bdwy. 6565. RESIDENCE LOANS AT 0. Ai Portland resident loan correspond ents for the New York L. s Insurance company, we are able to offer the best form of residence mortgage loan ob tainable. All loans appraised and closed lo cally. NO DELAYS. - We are also tn a position to' handle mortgage loans on inside business prop erties and apartment house. , THE DKVEREAUX MORTGAGE CO, O round Floor, Wella-Fargo Bldg. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTO MORTGAGES CASHED. BUILDING CONTRACTS CASHED. FINANCE APARTMENT HOUSES; FURNITURE AND FURNISHING9. YOU BUY OR SELL PROPERTY, WE CASH UP THE MORTGAGE. SECOND MORTGAGE ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 207 SELLING BLDG. MORTGAGE LOANS. NO COMMISSIONS. Small monthly payments; privilege ta pay more or loan may be paid la full at any time. -..i L. M. PHILLIPS A CO., 289 Stark St. Bdwy. 0228. 25 SAFE INVESTMENT. Manufacturing concern needs $5000 to $15,000 cash, which will double the present working force of 40 men. Fac tory has modern machinery, 60x500 ft. floor space. Orders are too great for present capital. Full investigation so licited. $10,000 gets a directorship if desired. McFARLANP, 208 Failing Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. LARGE AND SMALL LOWEST PREVAILING RATES. UNLIMITED FUNDS. STRAIGHT OR INSTALLMENT PAYMENTS. You will like our service and we solicit your business. . . MORTGAGE BOND CO., Portland. Or. 3108 Wilcox Bldg. Bdwy. 3826. HONEY TO LOAN on real estate or col lateral security; contracts and chattel mortgages bought, 407 Con. Sec. bldg. Pbone Broadway 1385. Fidelity Secur ity Corporation. C. W. Pallett, treas urer and manager. WE BUY tirst and second mortgagee and , sellers' contracts. F. . Bowman & Co., 210 Cham. Com, bldg. WE BUY 1st and 2d reai estate mort . gages or sellers' contracts anywhere. H. E. Noble & Son. Lumbermens bidg. LOANS and securities. Broadway 6KU0. Lee Davenport. 612 Buchanan bldg. WE LOAN money on automobiles. G Tan ning & Treece. 102 N. Broadway. BUY notes, contracts mortgages. F. H. Lewis. 262 Stark st. Ry. Exch'. bldg. SELLERS' contracts and second mort gages purchased. 810 Spalding bidg. WE LOAN money on automobiles. Gran- nlng & Treece, 102 N. Broadway. , $4074O0 DIVIDE $1000. $lo6; $2500. $4000. $5000. Bnton.- East 7504. ' Stocks nad Bonds. TWO SHARES each of King's dehy drated stock. Make me an otter.; Care (i 143, Oregonian. Money to Loan on Real Estate. MY COMPANY wishes to place limited number 01 Jnans on Portland residence property. We offer especially attrac tive loan. ' On the othr hand we are ultra discriminating and want only good homes in good residence sections. We offer 10 yrs. at 6 per cent, prepay ment privileges. .No commission. Call Main 0458 Sunday or evenings. Week days Main 0186. Ask tor Mr. Bradley, loan department. $500. TO $J0OO, PRIVATE money for lm . mediate loan. Lowest rates. Or wiii . cash small mtg.. or seller's contract St'e .A. K. Hill. 426 Lumbermens bltH. $2000 TO $5000 TO LOAN on ;;ood resi dences; will allow you to repay after one year; lowest rate of interest. Call Boubel. Main 1168. LOANS placed promptly on residences in good districts at low rate of interest. Boubel. ' Main 1168. - MONEY available tor good residence loans or good valley farm - property jit low rate of interest Boubel, Main 1168. HAVE $;000 to loan on a good home in a restricted district. AC 147, 'Oregonian.- " $2000, $3000 AND UP to loan at low rate of interest. A. H. Akerson, 104 2d st. Broadway 554ft. $U0. J4O0. $5n. ;5U. $1000 AND CP. - Low rates, quick action. Fred W Ger man Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. SEE ORtGON 1NV. & MTG. CO., 210 EX CH BLDG.. 2D AND STRK. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 7 per cent. Salomoii ar Co., 307 Ry. Exciu Blag. $4500 FOR residence loan. Mrs. Kabie, East 2684. $3000 TO $10,000 first-class security. 201 McKay. Lawson. Broadway 7429. $1000 TO $10,000 TO LOAN." my . own money. C 83. Oregonian - - . MONEY to loan on improved real-estate. C. A. Wagner Co.. 230 Stark st. $2000 TO LOAN oa improved city. Bdwy. o549. 101 2d st. FINANCIAL. Money to Loaii on Real Estate. RESIDENCE LOANS AT 6. Five-year period with repayment privilege of $100 or any multiple thereof on. interest dates. INSTALLMENT LOANS. , 6 PER CENT. 5 or 12 years; will loan 60 per cent of the value of your home; only sinali monthly payment recjuired with in terest; y6u may pay more or all ot principal on first of any month; m penalty. BUSINESS PROPERTY LOANS. ftVfr PER CENT. Five-year period with -repayment privileges. NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS. BBICE MORTGAGE CO. . Portland Mortgage Correspondent Tbe Prudential Insurance Co. ; of America. 1210-1217 Yeon Bids- Main 3308. THE "DISAPPEARING MORTGAGE" has become thoroughly established In use In Portland by careful borrowers. You repay us $10 each month on each $1000 borrowed, including prin cipal and interest therein. You hav permission to pay any more at any time without penalty. Before you real ise it the debt is paid. CENTRAL BUSINESS PROPERTY, fi PER CENT. . Other residence loans 6 per cent. Being sole Portland loan correspond ent for different eastern financial In stitutions and having a large number of private investment accounts, we give unparalleled montage loan facilities as aiuce 1907. f EDWARD E. GOUDKY COMPANY, , United States Bank Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. I to 15 Years. LARGE OR SMALL. DWELLINGS APAttiMENTS FLATS BUSINESS PKOPERIES. Low Interest Kates Prompt Service. INSTALLMENTS OR STRAIGHT. Unlimited Funds immediately PORTLAND TKLsf COMPANY OF OREGON. SiTtn ana Alorrison. OWN YOUR OWN HOME BY MAYING LIKE RENT. THE BEST and easiest method of paying a lean 10 our monthly payment pian. $32 26 per month for 36 months, or $23.36 per month for 48 months, or 21.2 per montn iur 60 months, or i.r;o per month for 84 months, or (15.71 per month for 96 months, pays a loan of $1000 and interest. Other amounts in same proportion. ' City loans on improved property or for improvement purposes, no com mi sf-ion a. Repayment privilege EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. Svl-303 Stark St.. Portland.' Or. MOKTGAGE LOANS. ANY AMOUNT. STRAIGHT (3 TO 5 YEARS). INSTALLMENT (5 TO 15 YEARS). Second mtge. and sellers' contracts bought and bold. We are prepared to assist you in lmancing your home. Mr. Martin, loan department. COE A. McKENNA & CO., Established IcSU: Artisans Blug. Bdwy. 7522. PLENTY MONEY on hand for SMALL MORTGAGE LOANS City and Suburban. We buy small contracts and equities; We n ake small bunding loaD. GORDON MORTGAGE CO.. 631 Ctiam. of Com. Bldg. Bdwy.. 6370. ..'MORTGAGE LOANS. LARGE OR fa MALL. CURRENT. KATES NO DELAY. DWELLINGS APARTMENTS. FLATS BUSINESS PROPERTIES. INSTALLMENTS OR STRAIGHT UNLIMITED FUNDS AVAILABLE, W. S. POINDEXTER, 207-8 SELLING BLDG. Main 1800. MORTGAGE LOANS. MONTBLV PAYMEN'I PLAN. No Commission Charged. Pay for your home likJ oi tiers pay rem. Also straight mortgages If desired. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 82 Fourth St Broadway 6464. I, THE undersigned, have this 15th day of December, li2J, bought cigar stand including stock and fixtures now lo cated in the lobby of the Alder hotel, and will not be responsible for bills contracted prior to this date, by Sol. M. Rose. . Fred A. Shenker. MORTGAGE LOANS on real estate security, any amount from $500 up on improved city or farm property. THJri LAWRENCE CO.. " 212 Corbett LAd g. . . Ijdain 60 1 5. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette valley larms; no delays. DKVEREAUX MOR1GAGE CO., Ground Fioor. Welis-Fargo Bldg. WE -HAVE- money available for good , resaence loans; also insurance money for business ptoperty at lowest avail able rates. . JViOKTOAGE BOND. CO., Broadway 2U21. Wilcox Bldg. 6 PER CENT money; under oankers' reserva system 6 per cent loans may be seemed on city or farm property to - buy. build, improve or pay indebted ness. Bankers Reserve Ueposit Co., 1648 Calitornia St- Denver, Colu. MORTGAGE LOANS. In any amount at lower rates on city or country property prompt and help ful service. PAGET & PAGET REALTORS, 283 Starg St., Nr. 4th. Bdwy. 3794. SEE US TODAY We loan money on city property, 6 ; long time, short time; monthly payments, pay as you can; sums to suit; contracts, second mort gages bought. 725 Gasco bldg.. 5th and Aiuer sts. CELLARS-MUl:TON CO. HAVE $soo to loan on improved city property. Also other amounts. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry B:dg. H.VE $1000 M500, $3000, $5000 to loan at t per ceqt on irnprovea security vro-npt reliable service. A. H. BiRRELL-GILL CO.. T16 N. W. tiank Bldg. Marshall 4114. MONEY to loan in any amount at lowest rates of interest on city improved property. First mortgages bougnt and uoia. McClure & Sciunauch Co., 300 Railway Ex.ch.an ge bldg MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved farms and cit property; favorable repaying privileges; no commission or delay. The OtiEGON MORTGAGE CO., L'iD.. 3U1 Piatt bldg. Main 6371. MORTGAGE LOANS. Resilience, and City Property. oft ana 1. per cent. IAION ABSTRACT CO., : Ground Floor, Henry Bldg. $50,000 TO LOAN in amounts to suit; - building loans a specialty; loans quk-k- ly , closed. C. J. Johnson, 313 'Henry bldg. WE HAVE funds lor first mortgage loans on Willamette valley farms; no delay; no red tape, no publicity. Willamette V alley Mo rtgage Loan Co.,' Aurora. Or. $3500 TO LOAN fcn improved city prop erty. OMick action wanted... H. W. Os borne & Co.. 4-"i2 Chamber, of tiom merfH. - . $15ou VU A't 1 per cent to ioan on mipuiovcd city property; must be first class security. Jonn It. Downes, 302 Dfkum bids. ' - LADY wants to borrow $100 on solitaire diamond rings tor by uays trom private party only at good interest. j re gonian. t BJ 3 31, MOiiiUAGE LOANS, city, farm or sub urban property; BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY Broadway 7407. WILLIAM G. BECK. 215 Failing Bldg. 8HORX-T1MJ second mortgage loans to rcsivnsioit. home owners. AtdLTNOMAH FINANCE CO.. 822 Gasco Building. PAY your Mortgage by installments. 6 in. on ne principal after each pay 11 ent; no com.; repayment privilege any sum a ny time. Walnut 0412. MuNEl loaned on real estate security at guui& raies of mieresL.. Otto & HdirA' son Realty Co., 413 Cham, of Com. ' HAVE $10,000 to loan on income prop erty iu Portland or good valley farm. Boubel. .Main 110a. $1500. $30t,o TO LOAN on Portland real estate, first mortgage. N 147, Ore gonian. MORTGAGE LOANS. -Any - amount' at low rate." prompt service. Akerson, 104 2d,st., Bdy. 564u. $200, $H50, 3o0, $500 and up; contracts .and 2d mortgages bought. C. C. Mur ton. 612 Worcester bidg. Tel. 511-23. MONEY to loan on improved real estate. Trust Department, the United States Natloral Bank: . y - CAbH 101 mortgages and sellers' con tracts. F. E. Bowman & Co., 210 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 6007. 1000. $2000, $3000. $4000. $5000. We are loaning our own money. F. H- DESHON, 1004-7 Spalding Bldg. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan on KealKstate. f LOANS at current rates on well-improved farms and city property. Baxter, Spalding bldg; Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries bEAL&D liius will be received at the on ice of the undersigned, 4ul Court house, ' Portland, Oregon, until 5 P. M. December 20, tor lignting fix tures for the Administration building, Portland, Oregon, bids will bo opened at a meeting oi the board to be held in room 304 Courtnoube at 7 P. M. the same day. Speculations may be obtained at the ortice of the Superintendent of Properties, old Failing scnool. First and Porter streets, Portland, Oregon. A certmea cnecK tor ten per cent (10) of the amount of the proposal, payable to clerk of School District No. 1, must accompany each bid. The board of directors reserves tne right to reject any or all bids. (Signed) R. E. FULTON, School Cierk, Dated December 16, 1922. DO YOU NEED MONEY T AT LEGAL RATES Qti 1CK. 6EKVICE7 LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES, FURNITURE), ' PI ANOS. ViCT KOLAS, REAL EsTATB, BONDS. ETC. Wffi ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. (Licensed.) S06-307 Dekum Bidg. Bdwy. S857. S. W. Corner Third and Washington. CHRISTMAS MONEY. WB LOAN MONEY to salaried and working men on their personal notes. Rates, reasonable. NO MORTGAG3 NO INDORSE! R. NO PUBLICITY NO SECURITY. .Call and investigate our modern money-lending methods. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, Licensed. 218 Failing Bldg. S. B. cor. Third and Washington sts. 88 YEARS IN BUSINESS. DAN MARX & CO., 815 Washington St., near 6th b.; established over 38 years; only high-class jewelry store in city with ioan department In connection; ' private roou for ladies; . business . strictly confidential; under state super vision; ai. artie'es held one year; do business wita an old-established firm. MONEY TO LOAN ON DIAMOND3. The finest jewelry store in the city, with loan department in connection; 2 private offices; business strictly confi dential. ZLLL BROS. A CO., 283 Washington St., near 4th. Government Licensed and Bonded Brokers. MONEY TO LOAN. Money loaned on household goods or merchandise placed in storage with us at regular bank rates. fiGUKIT7 STOR. & TRANSFER CO.. Fourth and Pine Streets. - Opposite Multnomah Hotel. ' Phoae Broadway 3715. MONEY to loan; diamonds, jewelry, etc.; legal rate; articles held 1 year. Vine Jewelry, corner 81 and Wasnlngton. AUTO and other short-time loans. Mult uomah Finance Co., 822 Gasco hldg. Loans Wanted. - LOANS WANTED. $2500 On west side income, well in sured. Value. $8000. $2000 On west side improved, good income, z-'a ana ivearney. vaiue, $10,000. $2000 On new bungalow. B. 33d and uiaasione. vaiue $1200 On bungalow on hard street. E. 6th st., near viaduct. Value, S2800. ' $1000 On 6-room, Borthwick & Rus sell; walking distance to west side. - See C. V. Hawk, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. . Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171. PAGET & PAGET. Clients want the following first morteaee loans. . - $2500 at 7 per cent, on good house and other buildings, with 6 acres under cultivation, in Oswego; plenty of value. $5500 at 7 per cent, on very fine Lau relhurst home; owner's value $15,000. -PAGET & PAGET. Main 6230. 283 Stark St. $800 LOAN WANTED. First mortgage on $2500 resi dence property; S yeans 7 f per cent; no brokerage. CROSSLEY & ABBOTT, 2S3 Stark St. Bdwy. 1188. LOANS WANTED. . Want $6000 on '100x150-ft. lot, 18 room good frame building, cement basement, 5 fireplaces, -3 batha, etrictly modern. See . H. A. DRYER, 283 Stark St., 2d Floor Gordon Bldg. HAVE contract $1800, payable $."iO per . month, balance due 3 years. Security new bungalow ; buyer well satisfied ; moral risk good; will discount heavily for Quick sale; need money badly. East 5548 Sundty. Auto. 637-65 weekdays. WE CAN- loan you money on preferred first mortgages. Irvlngton. Laurelhurst, Alameda, Rose' City Park; larger amounts on business properties. Street- Lawhead Co., 4iit is. w. Bank biag. Main 2434. ; WANTED A loan of $5000. Will give first mortgage on Willamette valley farm worth $12,000 and assign second mortga-ges on city property for $3500. S 140, Oregonian. FOR SALE $:t750 first mortgage, 8 per cent, on income property; A-l mort gage. Must have money. For quick action will discount. Bdwy. 2030. 1043 Chamber of Commerce bldg. HAVE a client with $880lmortgage con tract on 5-room house, drawing 7 per cent and payable $20 a mo. and In terest; will discount 10 per cent. J. B. Holbrook, 214-215 Panama bide. WANTED $1500 building loan on four lots. Mllwaukie Heights, for 3 , years at 8 per cent. O 127, Ore- gonian. ; WANTED $H00 on small houne and 6 lots in Milwaukie Heights, at 10 per cent for one year. Harry Paulson, Mil waukie, Or.;- R. 1. WANT $2000 loan on improved 320-acre wheat ranch; 83 acres in winter wheat. Call at 311 Mohawk bldg. weekdays, or phone Main 0012. . WANT $S50, 3 years, on suburban honit on pavement;- well worth $2000. D. McChesney, 626 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 2505. ' $550. $750 AND $1000 wanted at ,8 per cent for first mortgage loans on Port land houseg. Fred W. German Co., 7:i2 Cham, of Com. WILL sell $827' real estate payable $22:50 a month, including 6 per cent . interest at a dlscout of $150. Fred W. ., German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. $4000 7 PER CENT, 3 or 5 years; high class Portland residence. METZGER-PARKER CO., 260 Oak St. Bdwy. 5355. WE NEED a loan of $2000 to $2500; will pay good interest rate and give first mortgage on property valued $6000. Y 13'; tregonian! - - WANTED $600, 3 years, oh good 4-room houe. 50x100 lot, worth $1500. A. H. '"Akerson, 104 2d st. Broadway 5540. $5000 b PER CENT, business property value $15,000, insurance $12,000. 201 McKay. $3000 8 .,3 YRS. on improved farm near Portland: value $8000. Ritter, lowe & Co., 201 Board of Trade bldg. WANT $14,000 on lease In business prop erty, income $325 per month. N 141, Oregonian. FOR SALE 112.000 note, amply secured, bearing 8 pr cent; liberal discount. P '143. Oresronian. WANTED Loan of $900, also $1300, on new tiUburban homes. 7 per cent, 3-year straight. Owner. Main 0953. $2500 "FOR 3 or 5 years, good west side real estate, security. Taggart, 1102 Spalding bldg. , WANT $1500 for 5 years at 7 per cent on 1'nion avenue home, close in, from private party. 412 Macleay bldg. WANT $4000 at S per cent. 3 years, from private partyl no commission, on good business pro'perty. P. O. box 35M. FIRST mortgage on real estate: valued three times amount of note: discount 10 oer cent. N. 144. Oregonian. WANTED From private party, $3000, 3 years, 7!. on $K000 home. Garden Home. Whiteside. East 7760. WANT to borrow $2700. second mortgage on $24,000 residence property, first " mortgage $7s00. AB 132, Oregonian. $1800 WANTED on $H000 business prop erty. N 137. Oregonian. - WANTED $1000 to $5060. Ample secur ity. 8 per cent. Wilson. 827 Gasco bldg SEE OREGON IX V. ryrn tt " n A MTG CO.. vn ?TARK L. CANNOT plan until, you are ready. All "iy love. - WANT $2500 to $3000, good security; no com mi si ion. N 120. Oregonla n. $1000 WANTED on close-in 7-room houp. g"d eeuritv. Bdwy. 6651. CAN LVE $1800 fet once on nice 6-room himeaT'. B 144. Oregonian . $2500--7 uN CLOSE IN improved east side, property. East 6329. $14O0 8 ON NEW modern bungalow, Alameda 'district. East 6320. "VV" Sent gram care of Union office to Ml L. Please call for It. ".W" PERSONAL. DOLLY NORTON. MANICURIST. 405 BUCHANAN BLDG. WaNTEu To adopt a little ehild, good home, kind care. X 144. Oregonian. SWEDISH massage -in- your own .home; ladies only. Hiss Poulgon. Wal. 5343, LOS ANGELES, leave Tuesday, room tor three. Main 7400, PERSONAL GET WELL FREE. ' FREE. FREE. Every day from 10 A M. to 5 P. M.. and evenings from 6 to S, and Sundays from 10 to 12. THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS WHO HAVE FAILED to get relief in any other way are in vited to investigate Chiropractic meth ods, which are permanently curing hundreds every day. THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIANS will thoroughly examine you. make a complete diagnosis of your case and direct your treatments WITHOUT ANY COST TO YOU WHATEVER, CHIROPRACTIC is the safe, sane, sure and modern science of curing and preventing disease. CHIROPRACTIC wPl permanently cure 85 per cent of 'l diseases. CHIROPRACTIC removes the causa health returns. The above service is all free to you at the college building and may be had in private. PRIVATE TREATMENTS may also be had in .college building by members of tb faculty, either lady or men prac titioners. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, 125 Grand Ave. N., cor. Hoyt, Tel. East 8919. , GET WELju KEEP WELL. The misery -of rheumatism, neuritis, neuralgia, colds, etc. resulting from auto-intoxication or self poisoning. My body-cleansing treatments embrace only those methods that science and expet ience have proven successf uL They produce a better circulation, bet ter organic functioning and better ellm lnaticn. which are the important factors of physical balance and health. They keep a well person welt. The largest, cleanest and best-equipped hydro pathic Institute on the coast. Con sultation free. BROWN'S HYDROPATHIC INSTITUTE. Stevens Bldg. Downstairs. Main 8630. Over Eight Years Same Location. INFORMATION wanted of herself or of the children or grandchildren of Catherine or Kate Walsh or Kate Law less, daughter of Elizabeth Walsh or Lawless, or of Catherine Brickley or Walsh of Brooklyn. New York; sup posed to have married in Brooklyn about 1878 or earlier and moved west; probably married a second time: mar riage names unknown; connected with the Brickley family of Brooklyn, Long Island ; originally from Ireland ; rela tives on mother's side named Brickley; Inheritance waiting. , communicate at once with William I. Norris, attorney-at-Iaw, 8 East Lexington st., Baltimore, Maryland. INFORMATION is desired for location of Walter Scott Burford. last heard of Portland, Or., five years ago. Father dying. Reward of $25 offered for whereabouts. Description: Blue eyes, thick" brown hair, age 40, weight 240 lbs., height 5 feet 9 inches, tatoo marks on arms and chest. Apply Mrs. Grace Matheny, 20 W. 37th st., Los Angeles. California. SAN FRANCISCO, $17.50. BY PICKWICK TWIN-SIX PACKARD. '7 A. M. TUES., THURS. and SAT. t WONDERFUL TRIP. PHONE OR WRITE FOR DESCRIPTIVE FOLDER. PICKWICK STAGE OFFICE, 122 THIRD STREET. PHONE BROADWAY 0026. ANY READER of this paper suffering from goitre (big neck) can get positive information on how to cure it at home without the least trouble or discom fort. There is a pleasant surprise in store for you if you will write. No charge whatsoever. Tell others, It will help us all. Address Dr. Rock, Box X 737, Milwaukee, Wis. YOUR TEETH SLEEP WHILE WE WORK. B our latest reliable method your dental work can be done without pais. - Absolutely harmless and no after effects; satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. A. W. Keene, Dr. E J. KiesendahL Above Majbatlc Theater. 315 Vg Wash. FOR LADIES EXCLUSIVELY. DR. RUTH OLSEN BROWN. M. D., LATE OF LAFAYETTE MINERAL SPRINGS, wishes her old and new patients in need of massage, medical, gymnastics and steam cabinet baths to know she is now located at 205 Pittock block, f In connection with the Bonnie Dee Beauty Shoppe. Bdwy. 6643. JAZZ piano playing. Beginners. 10 les- sons guaranteed. Popular songs imme diately. Advanced, short course for business piano playing. Hours 12 to 8 r. m. rractlce rooms. Jazz Parker, 614-15-36-12 Eilers bidg.. Wash, at at Fourth. PILES PERMANENT RELIEF". Legal guaranty given ; no need of knife; no pain; continue work. Ask to see GLE-O-NiS PILE TREATMENT at all STOUT-LYONS DRUG STORES, ftd at Morrison. Bdwy. at Stark, Washing ton at 11th. Washington near Fifth. AN OLD soldier who has been exposed to ail kinds of weather says: "Anyone suxtering irom rheumatism. lumbago. nturiti or any kind of kidney trouble win ulu great rener by mixing two ounces oaigrene ana 4 ounces olive oil, take 3 times a day after meals." DR. GOLDIE BANNYER, 42 Ella St. I wish ta announce to my friends and pa tients 1 have moved m) office to 310- J17 Bush & Lane bldg. Open for busi ness in new location, Monday, Dec. 18, LADIES, TAKARA, ANTISEPTIC POWDERS, a soothing, cleansing, healing germi cide and invigorating douche, a great aid to l em ale disorders; 50c and $1. PORTLAND HOTEL PHARMACY, MADAM CURTIS school of beauty cul ture at 402 Allsky bldg., apart from , her beauty shoD. 147 H 3d sL. Allakv bidg. lobby, wlit re arrangements can oe maae lor enrollment; course guar anteed. Phone Main 2150. NETTIE BENSON, N. D. Nervous and chronic diseases treated by new meth ods; traction for weak backs; electric snd steam baths, showers, violet ray. manipulations and sinusoidal treat- menta Bdwy. t700. 50o Raleigh bldg.. LADIES, If you are sick, nervous, run down, thin or too fat, try nature's way; become normal, healthy beings. Dr. Laura Plpin, naturopath, 7u8 Dekucp oldg. Broadway 1037. SALESMA'n, leaving Portland, 7 A. M., Dec. 23, for Seattle in Ford sedan, will - take one passenger free. Leave Seat tle for Portland December 31. Box 7S2, Eugene, Or. MEDICATED mineral vapor baths. Colds, rheumatism quickly 'relieved. Magnetic massage, electric treatments; nurse. Dr. G. I. Swartz, SOS Broad way bids. SCIENTIFIC treatments for colds, rheu ' matism; mineral baths; nurse attend ant. Office 217 Grant Hotel, 451 Wash Ington st.; 11 to 8. Broadway 2460. LEARN beauty culture; Join class; eve ning school; we know how. School 16 - years old. Full course $40. Phone Broadway 6062. 400 Dekum bldg. $1 GETS both feet fixed up at Dr . Eaton's chiropodist and arch spec, who doetn't hurt you; 8 years here; exam. free. Blue Mouse bldg., 11th and Wash. NEW IN PORTLAND. Vader Pack treatment for blood and acid germs; an absolute cure, no fail ures. 500-12 Raleigh bldg. MISS WALLACE, late Vancouver, B. C, chiropodist and manicurist. Face and scalp massage, 422 hs Washington St., apt. 22. No phone calls. PHYSICIAN and wife, assistant, (practi cal nurse), will take full charge of maternity cases at their private rest home. Reasonable. Main 3625. TEACHER (lady), going to Los An geles Monday, will take charge of invalid or child for part fare. Sell wood 2760. . DK. SACitY, chiropodist and manicurist, will be at 302 Raleigh bldg., the 10th. Call Broadway 6833 mornings for ap pointments. WE SPECIALIZE with Radiant Lamp treatments for colds and headaches Naturopathic Physician. 700 Dekum. 512-4 1. GOITRE, enlarged glands. Cure yourself A. R. Strachan. R. 5. Hillsboro, Or. No Hgents or representatives. DR. LOUISE NETZEL, naturopath treat ments. 546 Columbia st. Main 5508. Open Sundays. $17.50 FOR permanent waving your whole head; $! for half head. Phone Bdwy.- 6002. Sanitary Beauty parlors. ELECTRIC treatments, drugless methods masiiage. Dr. Alexander, 1332 Belmont. Tabor i.vjw. NATUROPATHIC physician treats chron ic diseases. Nurse attendant. 417 Swet- land blag- HAIR, moles, pimples removed (dipiomas Boston. Chicago and state medical hoard). Oi pruauwav Plug. Mam 5109. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts, re : 10-needIe method trio 1 -o. Josie Finley, 514 Bush & Lane. M. 3 e 8. FEVBET & HANEBUT. leading wig and toupe makers; permanent marcel and water wavno. .mci. Mam uS4a COLLEGE student. 26. will drive car to . -Frisco about 23d for transportation or share expenses. Hayes. Kast 22U". PILES can be permanently cured witb- out operation Call or write Dr. Dean. Second and Morrison atreets. VITAL science treatments, magnetic and vibratory. Room 615 Panama bids Bdwy. 0555. STUDY MASSAGE AND HiDROTHER APY Portland School of Massage Inc 414-15 Stock Exch. bldg. Main' 272i WHY SUFFER? Try electric hydrf therapy treatments. Dr. Elna Sorea ton. 508 Panama bldg MRS. SUMMERS' remedies for women. 669 Third.-. Main 8470, mornings. PERSONAL. WHY TAKE CHANCES. Cost of treatment returned if I fail to cure Neuritis and Rheumatism by new drugless method. Ir. Sherman, 348 Columbia st. Atwater S155. YOUNG people here, away from home, who have no Christmas dinner Invita tion, are invited to Riiure hospitality . of young people's Sunday school class. See or write Mr. Harris. 316 Chamber of Commerce bl-dg. WANT $800 by responsible people on 40 ituiea nrir.faieu mr.u ; paia water ri?nt; some improvements; good road; prop erty worth $2500; pay S. semi-an-nualy. .John Ferguson, Geriinger bldg. Main 85211. MEDICATED mineral vapor baths; colds, rheumatism quickly relieved; magnetic massage, electric treatments; nurse. Dr. C. J. Swartz, &uS Broaaway building. STOP smoking or chewing tobacco, no will power required, nothing taken in ternallv. guaranteed remp.lv svn yearly, improved health. Write Ecotiu- my I.ahoratories. A4. Alameda. Cal. JAZZ ORCHESTRA. We specialize on dances and house party entertainments. Phone East 02itl. Ask for Ruggles. DR. 1SHAM. licensed by Perm, and Wash, state boards, formerly of Seattle, Wash., now located 647 Morgan bide. Main 60S1. SPECIAL chicken ,nd baked ham din ner, prices very reasonable, at restau rant, 465 Jefferson, between 13th and Hth streets. REFINED lady leaving for im$ Angers after Christmas, will care fur child or semi-invalid, reasonable; references. East 3 165. 1 PILES and prostate troubles, painless drugless treatments. Dr. IVnny, 1020' Belmont. Tabor 462:1. STEAM bath for bad colds, naturopathic manipulations; nurse assistant; Sun days to 4 P. M. 322 FHedner bldg. ROOMS for beauty parlor of drugiess physician, partly furnished, best lo cation in city. AB 140. Oregonian. TEACH yourself tox trot, simple danco patterns, guarantee. Oliver, 483 East Uth ft. North. P. E. LA MAR Write, important. M3 Walnut St.. room 2U5. Martha La Mar, Kansas City. Mo. HOLIDAY OFFERING. Nestle permanent waving at reduced rates. Broadway 6156. V. ANSWER or silence not understood; mighty lonesome; hope return soon. FACE massage, scalp treatment manicuring. 614 Buchanan bl d g. ECZEMA Free treatments. 705 Swet land bldg. Hours 10 to 12 A. M. ALCOHOL massage, steam tub baths. Miss Fox, 147 11th st eve, and Sun. LUMBAGO and other ailments treaLed, &61 Going st. Walnut 0628. tRIMEDA BALM, formerly Balm ot X lgs. o'' - j". i o mornings. DOESN'T Tom, Dick or Harry pay youf See Vlereck. collectors. Dekum bldg. IF YOU have a cancer see Dr. J. Smith, 403 Fliedner bldg. Bdwy. 2730. FOR NICE steam, tub, shower bath, body massage, call Bdwy. 8514. WILL drive or go as passenger to Loa A n geles this week. Phone Walnut 5504. TUB BATH, shower and massage. 411 Fiieaner Diag. uawy. 3tns. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. , Sealed proposals for toe construction of roaabed, pnuges and culverts tot approximately eigat aud one-naif (8) nmes of rtiraad in Cowlitz county. Washington, will be received by the Lonsview, Portland & Northern rail way company at its offices at Kelao, Washington, up to 2 o'clock, P. M January 1, 1123, when they will ba opened and read, such eight and one hall (Hi nines being . regarded by the company as the first unit of con templated construction expected Ax total twenty-six (,26) miles, contract expected ta oe let early in 1V23. Drawings, , specifications, and form of proposal, contract and bond are on xua in the otfice ot the chief en gineer, ielso, Washington, ana may pe inspected oy prospective bidders, or same will be f urnisned to 111 teres ted parties on ueposit ot ten dollars (X10 whicn, will be reiunded upon return oX papers m good condition. Bids must be maue on proposal forms to oe lurmsned by the com pany and 1x1 toe manner designated tnerein, same to oe inclosed in sealed envelops bearing tne name and ad aress ut the bidder and to be nutrKsd "Bid xor railroad construction." The principal quantities involved vie approximately j iollows: 153,)&o cuuiu yaroji common excava tion. iij,3Q0 cubic yards loose rock, excava tion. 5a, 300 cubic yards solid rock excava tion. 1122,660 cubic yards embankment ooriow. o4tt,710 station yards overhaul t24 linear leet lb-inch, concrete col vert pipe. o72 linear feet 24-inch concrete cul rert pipe. 60 linea.' feet 80-inch concrete cul vert pipe. tttto linear feet 36-inch concrete cul vert pipe. 70 linear feet 42-inch concrete uU vert pipe. - - - ' 43, boo linear feet piling. 614,500 feet B. M. lumber for trestles. Each proposal must be accompanied by a certaied checic payable to the Longview, Portland ft Northern Kail way company for hot less than five ) per cent of the total amount ot tne bid as a guarantee that con tract will be entered into if awarded. The person or persons, it any, to whom the contract is awarded, wiii be re quired to file a bond in a sum not less than 50 per cent of the tocaL amount bid, with good and Buificient sureties, to guarantee the iaitntul per luimance ot the contract. Special attention of the bidder la cauea to 'intormation for Bidders" mciuued in the proposal forms. 'ihe rignt is reserved to reject any auu all bids. LONGVlii W-PORTLAND ft &OB.THEKN RY. COMPANY.". , By Wesley Vanuercook. Title Chief Entiin eer I WILL receive sealed bids for a certain stock of merchandise, consisting pnn- cipally of groceries of the inventory value of $4140.84, together with fix tures at $1857.50, total $5998.34, lo cated at The Dalles, Or., up lo 125 o'clock noon of Tuesday, December 19, 1922. Terms cash and a certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each offer submitted. The sale is subject to the approval of the court. The inventory ma be seen at my office and t be merchandise may be inspected at The Dalles. Dated at Portland, Or., December . 11, 1922. R. I j. SABIN. 740 Morgan bldg. SEALED bids will be received at the of fice of the undersigned, 401 Courthouse. Portland. Or., until 5 P. M., December 20, 1922, for a bookkeeping adding machine. Bids will be opened at a meeting of the board to be held tn Room 304. Courthouse, at 7 P. M. the ' same day. A certified check for ten per cent (10) of the amount of the proposai, payable to school clerk of school dis trict No. 1, must accompany each proposal. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. (Signed), R. E. Fulton, school clerk. Dated De cember 14. 1 922. Miscellaneoa. . PROPOSALS INVITED. In the district court of the UulW States for the district of Oregon. In the matter of the estate of Sam Ka mi ro, bankrupt. The undersigned will receive sealer bids at the office of A. M. Cannon, referee, '805 Title & Trust building. Portland, Oregon, up to Friday, De cember 22, lit22, at 12 o'clock noon. . for stock of ladies to wear coats, suit and dresses. Inventory value $7277.15; office fixtures and equipment, $496. Bids must be accompanied by certi fied check to amount of 10 per cent of bit. The court reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen at my offi'-, 515 Consolidated Securities building. Portland. Oregon, and stock inspected upon appointment. H. W. SITTON. Trustee in Bankruptcy. A STOCK, of battery manufacturing sup plies and equipment, batteries, acces sories and automobile and miscellane ous equipment and tools. formerly property of the Thor Battery com pany, located at 347 Union avenue North, Portland, Oregon, will be sold In the offices of the Thor Battery company, 347 Union avenue North, Portland, Oregon, Monday, at 11 A. December 18, 1922. Open bids will be received on the same. Delivery to be made on date of sale for cash only. Inventory may be seen at 641 Pittock block and stock may be inspected at time of iale. (Signed) O. A. Cote. Aucttorteer.-- SEALED bids will be received up to 11 A. M. Tuesday. December 19th for a stock .of general merchandise and fix tures located at Ridgefield. Washing ton, of an inventoried value of $15, 47514, Inventory of which may be seen at our office and stock inspected by appointment. All bids must be. ac companied by 10 per cent of the amount of bid. The rijrht is reserved to reject any or all bids. O. A Cote. 641 Pittock block, Portland. Or. - WILL NOT be responsible for labor or material, 1164 E. Pine, after date, with- out owner's authority. H. H. KLAHN.