THE SUNDAY OEEGONIAX. FOKTLAND. DECEMBEK 10, W22 FOB BET. Furnished Apartments. STJCLWYN APARTMENTS. . HIGH CLASS. e very handsomest furnished apsrt s la the city; 1 to 4 rooms and ing porches, very artistic in Chl rugm. ivory willow and antique iture, pongee hangings, lovely lamp; a uome in every respect refined surroundings. Al service. of heat, maid service if reauired. e rooms and suites for refined elora; references required. 166 St. cor. of 22d and Washington. adway 5830. WESCOTT JnOURT. New lrvinston Apts. l-arje liTinsr room, balcony, dining 'a. becroom. outside kitchen and i, eiec range, idw. floors, tastily iBhed in mahnzanv. - 8th and filer, block south of Broadway. N, sunny furnished 2 or 3-room -nent suite; built-in conveniences, Iry tubs, eas ranee, private en- ee and toilet; light and fully fur- a; waiKing distance. zot nan- E. 3642. ATTEXTTOX! hy tire yourself out looking for ty houses and flats when you can oiean nice a or 3-room apts.. rything furnished, for $20 month? i at N. 21st st. iPAETMENTS. furniture and lease. Irner brick. Nob Hill, one of best an nouse m city. Good net income. . Hunt. SOfl Hpnrv hide. Bdwv. 128. - iLHElM APTS. iJOTH & E. ALDER. 'yne lovely front corner 3-room aDart- l---nt. beautifully furnished, hardwood i 'Oris, eiectric range, ivory woodwork. nncwasner and mangier. PAKKHURST APARTMENTS. 2Uth-Northrup. Remodeled; all new furniture; 8 4- ! 'Oiii ants. Pormlar nrir-.ea. Phone iMwy. U79. iHli EVERETT. Bdwv 83S0- U4 Rwprtt heti 20th Ind Eiia ets Furnished 3-rm. apt., ail utside rooms, with or without sleeping orch ; modern; walking distance. FIFTH AND COLUMBIA STS. Pta.; French doors and balconies, per- jo-iicul m.iiu transient. Atwater a NGSBURY APTS 1Kfl Vit ve.. 23d fnd Wash. High class apt. house, 3- f in. luru. apts. with 2 disappearing heds; newlv nanerprt and decorated. 'all Main 8X83. - jKOOM furnished apartment, all out- -ide rooms, brick buiidmg, good heat. ent only 540. Washington High apart nents, 14 th and E. Stark st. Phone iOast 8636. 'CELY furnished -roorn aot.. with I bath, kitchenette and 2 closets, 1 block to 3 carlines. $30 per mouth. adult3 iny. walnut J4su. ROOMS and private bath, wash trays I and dressing room, nwly furnished witn uoor lamp, $32.a0. i -i-;f hi. (ith st., cor. Mil!. TTRACT1VE 2-room apt. in fine home. weii heated, well furnished, electricity, phone included, garagfe if needed; $33. HI 5 E. 66th N. CUM ttKliANU A P A r T M E X T S. 3 room furnished apartment, all outside rooms, walking distance; dults only. W. Park and Columbia MONTuOMER f A PA It T .VI E N T a . Modern two-room, hardwood floors, elevator, electric washer, lights and pnone; walKlng. 380 3d Aiam tt4B9. 'URN1SIIED front apt., 3 rooms, pri vate bath and phone, steam heat; talking diHtance. McKinley apts., 429 East Morrison. HAMMERSLEY COURT. 250 ll'TH ST. One tliree-room furnished apt., pri vatu bath. $45. THE STANFIELD. Nice cor. 2-room apt., steam heat, light phone, laundry facilities. $27. Main 7302. AVALON APTS. 3-room furnished apartment, bath, phone, heat, $45 a month; adults. East I 3-ROOM nicely furnished, suitable for 3 or 4 people. Knt $40, includes heat, light and gas. Walking distance, 207 Union ave. N. ' I NEWLY furnished apts. arid sleeping rooms, not ard cold water; must bts seen to be appreciated. 711 and 71.5 Johnson. Mair. 4997. 2-ItOO.M furnished apt., private bath and tiepatme. Harrison Court, 3th and Harrison. Main 5148. 3 ROOMS a.iul bam, steam heal, also sie-ptng room. 334 Montgomery, cor. Park. Main 3341. l! ROOMS and porcn; laundry conven iences; hat, phone and light at St a weeK. IQii E. Hith E. 8ll3t. - TO REXTClose in, nice fur. I'.-rm, apt" with private bath; garage if preferred. 1 10 E. uth at Aider. NICELY furriiahfd apt.. 4 rooms and sun room. If you see it you will like it. , Sell. 2fl(i0. CAR AMOUNT. Sublet 3 mo., 15th; 2-rm. furn. apt. East 51-27. NICELY furnished 3-ronm apt., must ht st'n to b appreciated. Atwat.;r 1073. Ultli and North run sts. lOM modern apt., h. w. heat, good furniture. For sale cheap. 355 Chap man jt .. apt. 4. t . C , rr. 3 LARGE rouiiu, pantry, lower floor, fur nished for housekeeping. 583 Commer- ciat. near Emanuel hospital. fTMfl'iJ TJTT T A DTJ 4 and 5-r., fine view, front, most de- iUNNYCREST, $L'S.50 3 rooms, private bath, newly furn., redecorated, steam heat. Atwater 374S. ISti t-herman. 3 LARtiE. lovely, warm rooms, pri vate baih and hail; heat, hot water. Main 3iO,i BUENA VISTA 434 HARRISON. Verv attractive 3-room cor. apt. Mai n 1052. SERENE COURTS APARTMENTS. , Cor. E. 1st and Multnomah, 2 and 3 rm, mod apts. East 1426. UP-TO-DATE housekeeping rooms,heat. gas and liglits furnished. 721 E Ash. Call E. 0234. KING ALBEKT APaHi.V1E. fj. Two rooms, kitchen, tile bath and dressing room: elevator. Main 0339. FRONT apt-, large, lovely rooms, 2 beds, heat, lights, phone included in rent, ih mo. aim 12ttl st. 3 or 4-room, clean. light apts.; fire- LARGE, modern apt., in private home; never rented before; reas. 181 E. ltith East 0!'72. -ROOM turnished apt.? light, heat, tele phone and bath; Rose City car; close in. Phone East 1 77. 232 12X11 THE WADSWORTH. 2-room modern apt.. Dec. 15: $35. View Monday. CHOICE, well furnished, clean 5-rm. apt. My homo. "Walking distance; reason able, k. nsr8. UUO 2-room fur. apts.. 10 minutes' walk from town, all modern conveniences. Main 5154.' DES1RALLE 3-room furnished apt. for rent, on ground floor. East 1371. 529 CLEAN, completely furn.. 2-room apt., light, phone, heat. 160 E. 16th st. East 8it54. CLASSIC APTS. Two and 3-room fur nished apts., strictly modern, 6t2 Glisan. MOORE APTS. 5 E. 10th. Newly furnished, two-room, bath, apt new building, ?S7.50. East 1507. ALTON I A APTS., 19th and Marshall 2. 3 and 4-rm. apts., large, light, airy. unfurnished or furnished. Bdwy. 1412. JULIANA APTS., 4.1 TRTX1TV PI aCC FUR. 2 AND 3-ROOM A P T S. HAD DON HALL, UTH AND HALL. 3 rnis, kiftrhenette. bath, h. w. firs., r private balconies. 535 up. Atw. 1160. ALICE COURT. E. 8th, Burnside W;k- ing dL-Wanre; 2 and 3-rm. apts., 2 beds fireplace, private tel. and bath. E. 3M5iJ. NICELY furn. rooms, hot andPcoTd va- ter, heal and light; rent reasonable. LIGHT, clean 3-rm. apt., good furniture, reasonabie.S30 Thurman, near 23th st. 2-HM FUR. modern apt. $30 Including ..." . "ug- jq-" y. nitu. SUPERIOR APTS. $25, $:!0 and $45 with g- rilciL:! 0 111 gy- .new. clean.A ut. 313 7 CAR'LOIS APTS. 2-rm. mod. fum. apt - rea.--onab;e. VAX 14th st . " ' 3-ROOM front pt., 1 room ?rd kitchen ette. 32S XUn,nearBroadway. BENSON APTS., 203 N. 2UThT 3-room furnished apartmen-. ONE :ov..-iy apartment with kitchenette walking distance. 309 llth st. ' SAN MARCO. E. bTH & COUCH 3-KM JlOD. APTS. WK. OR MTH. E." 199,1 IDAHO APTS.. 3t9 6th st. Furn.she 3and 4:rooin apts. tromjii'o to $My VfNT -ic irl, to share apt. with girl' empioy call Ea.t 2846, apt. Su3. THE CHELTENHAM. 255 N. MlthJ-TuT apt. Bdwy. 365S. UNION AVE. ana KKIingsworth. fu-a. apt.. $24.50. complete; concrete bid. 2 AND 3-ROOM APTS. Pea boo y apti. 409 19th st. N. Broadway 1546. 2TrM BASEMENT apt., f"re lights and phone, 530. 110 N. 21st. Pdwy 414,1 NICE cae and two-room apt.. wa:kin distance. 117 N. -iSth. VANTBD Girl to share an apt. with girl employed. East 7559. jfTiOOM apt., furnished and heated i3 Atwater JKlS. THOMPSON APTS. 3-room fur! &p, strictly modern. Walnut 2206. .MCELY lurnlslied 3-room apt. 3i- tithat. FOB RENT. Famished Apartments. BEAUTIFUL, newty iurnished 3-room apt.; large glass-inclosed sun room, j new hardwood floors,- new gas range, j new drapes, wicker furniture; all out- side rooms; very desirable; adults. 395 '. n;ast lotn st. . juast ei.. i NICELY furnished 3 rooms; ao dres sing room and sleeping porch; steam heat. 427 Rodney ave. Phone East 7817. Lniurntslied Apartmeata. THE (NEW) PARAMOUNT APARTMENTS. 243 East Broadway. 3 Blocks From Bridge. ' Strictly First-Class. One choice 3-room unfurnished, on top floor, 63; 2 beds ivory finish woodwork, oak floors, tile hath, break fast nook, large dressing room, elevator and cleaning service; adults only; ref erences required. Phone East 5SS8. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 594 Laurel St., cor. Vista ave.. Just completed, 4 or 5-room. the only first class family apt. in city;' French doors, hardwood floors, electric raftes. all papered, bedrooms, showers baths, E. T. C. reference. Main O'BRIEN'S APARTMENTS. For rent, one four-room apartment, modern with gas heat; close to car, adjoins Waverley golf links and over looks "Willamette river. - Call 18U9 East Dth. Phone Sellwood 1030. ARBOR COURT APTS. 2i5 14th Street. Under new management, 3 rooms and bath, unfurnished; finished in white ivory; excellent heat and service; adults only; references. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Fine 5-room ant.; steam heat, wood fireplace, tile bath, janitor service: no children ; references. F. E. BOWMAN & CC, 210 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6007. O'BRIEN APTS., 1809 E. 9th, SsIIwood"; modern, close to excellent car service, adjoins Waverley golf links and com mands beautiful view of upper Willam ette river. Phone Sellwood 1030. CECELIA APTS., 22D AND GLISAN. Front 3-room unfur. apt., old ivory woodwork, double door between rms., outside k-tchen; very desirable: $50. Atwater 1S04. S. W. COR E. 16th and Hancock. Irving tan, o-r. steam hear, apt., ivory finish, h. w. fl. imported tapestry paper, eiec wash, mach-., jan. serv. East 1369. HOYT GLISAN APTS. 800 E. Hoyt; new, modern, steam heat, electric, ranges, hdw. floors, 3-room cor, apts. East 7327. IONIAN COURT, lth and Couch sts.; 4-rm., modern front corner apt.; 1 block from Washington st.. west side. Bdwy. 27H1. HIGH-CLASS apL, cor. 17th and Tilla mook; a large rms., vac cleaner, wash. m?.ch., fireplace, tile bath, steam heat. janitor service. Atwater 0oo4. NEW APT.; 3 rooms, dressing room, tile bath, hardwood floors, 2 wall beds, electric range, steam heat ; rent $53. 25th and E. Main. East6918. 4 ROOMS, very desirable and modern, like new; adults; very reasonable; open afternoons. 373 East 16th North Urvington). Tabor 0!M)4. ONE of the musl beautiful and attractive new 3-room apt.; 2 bedrooms: strictiy modern; 579. Phone Main 8272. STEVENS APTS., 6 oiAside sunny rooms. Sleeping porches. Hot water heat, fire- place. Call Main 9358. NEW 2-ROOM apt., east side, close . in ; private bath; $25, including heat. Tel ephone Main 1!K7. THIS MARLBOROUGH. Five-room apt., very large light rms., newly decorated. Main 751ft, 5-ROOM modern apartment, walking dis- . tance. heat, water and garbage haul ing furnished. 504 Couch st. UNFURNISHED apts. forrent.72Vms. ba,th walking distance. E 129, Ore- gon ia n. 5-ROOM apartment, ' hardwood floors, built-ins. fireplace, sleeping porch, fur nace. laundry. 54K' East 7th st. N. IMPERIAL ARMS APTS.. llth and Clay; 4-room apt., $63 and $70; hdw. floors and eiectric ranges. VERY attractive 4-.ioom apt.; large dressing room; private bath; newly renovated. 514 Kan-cock. East 220; THE AMERICAN Modern 4 and j-:a apartments. Bdwy. 3360. JAEGER APTS., 701 WASH. ST 3 - room unfurnished apartmen t ALTER APTS. 6 out. ml?., tile bnth. shower, 21st and Overton. Rdwy. I'tSO. 4-RM. MODERN apt. Irving apts.. 2Jst and Irving. Main9239. 3- A.OOM front apt., modern. Buck apts., H)7 A. 21st st. 3-ROOM apt. hotel and bath: Thurman St.. near 2th. Atwater 4761. J UST finished, 2 and 3-room apts., up o date, rlast iL'tn ana Hawtnorne ave. Furnished or TTrifurnlshed' Apartments. UPSHUR APARTMENTS. 406 N. 26th. Main 5497. Furn. and unfurn. 2, 3 and 4-rm. apts. Every thing new. ' ETNA 3 rooms, dressing room, hard wood floors, white enameled, electric washer and mangle. East 5782. MERLIN One large 4-room apt,., strictly modem up to date; 2 dressing rooms, bath. Atwater 0426. HIGHLAND COURT APTS. ATW. 31S1. Furnished and Unfurnished Apts. 2 AND 3-room apts., furnished and ua furnished. Rex Arms. Eat 66S0. Flatb. ROOMS iiO Madison st $35 5 rooms -fifitf ': Madison st , 35 5 room 773 Wilson st 25 .1 rooms 773': Wilson st 2." rooniK 666 Kearney st 55 5 rooms iM4 E. Morrison st 30 METZGER-PARKER COMPANY, Realtors, 203 Oak St. Bdwy. 5355. 4 ROOMS, sleeping porch, very desirable and modern, like new. hardwood; good neighborhood; very reasonable; adults; open afternoons. 373 East 16th North (Irvington). Phone Tabor 0904. MODERN 5-rm. upper flat, gas range, water heater, water furnished. 549 Gantenbein ave., near Russell and William ave. F,aft 5042. 5-ROOM flat. 53514 Montgomery st good condition: rent $30. HENRY W. GODDARD. REALTOR. 24:1 Stark St. Bdwy. 7831. ATTRACTIVE 5-room flat, west side, furnace and fireplace, reasonable rent. Call Atwater 16"! after 1 P. M. Satur day or all day Sunday. FLAT for rent, 7S0 Glisan st., 5 rooms, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors ; rent only $35.60. Donald Woodward, 102 2d st. Bdwy. 7436. NEW, modern 4-room bungalow and breakfast nook, all built-ins, full ce ment basement, iiticroved street. $28 ppr mont h. Auto. 628-71. CONVENI K.VT, up-to-date, 5-room flat, $32.50. 52S Columbia M. No small children. Call Clemenson Drug Co.. 200 Morrison st FOR RENT Unl'urnishtd. $30, 5-room modern fiat. 540 Second st. City Ga rage. Bdwy. 0840. VERY desirable 6-room flat; 393 16th st. Second house south of Montgomery; $45. Strong & Co.. 606 Cham, of Com. SPANISH mission style, fireplace, fur nace, 5 rooms,, sleeping porch. 243 East 13th. 4 ROOMS, lower, with bath, water heater: close In; adults; 1 blk. to S. S. car Tabor 8650. 1RVJNGTON 5-room lower corner flat, fircDlcce. hardwood floors, white kitch en, linoleum: adults only. East 4206. . nisiitd. light, water, garbage free. Call 470 Vancouver ave. '' 3-ROOM fiat, with bath and basement. $15 per month. Atwater 4441. 1033 CorhpU ;:r. 6-RM MODERN flat with sleeping porcn. fireplace, bath, water, furnace. Phone E. 25H9. 18TH AND EAST ASH Modern 5-room upper, very desirable; nicely located ; fireplace, furnace, balcony; adu'.ts, ref. $3 3-ROOM lower flat, water, gas for bath free; walking distance. 621 Over ton. west side. East 1904. MODERN 4-room flat, ivory woodwork, breakfast. -hook. 101 E. 33d. Tabor 17S6. $18 4 RMS.. 2d floor, bath, newly tinted and papered, ready Dec. 15. 707 Savier. ELEGANT 3-room flat, ivory finish, furnace, fireplace, garage. Sell. 00S 3. 4-ROOM modern unfurn. flat, $25760. 393 U Frmom. 5-ROOM fiat, furnace, fireplace. 701 Everett, near 21et. 7 ROOMS and sleeping porch: rent 35. 733H Kearney st. Key at 145-N. 2 2d. li-RM uoper flat. W. S., nicely located. 23d nri't. Johnson. Atwater 1458. 6-ROOM upper flat no children. Inquire 426 Sixth st MODERN 5-room flat, good location, ch?e to street car. SpII. 0573, 6-ROOM t'.in. bath. gas. east side. SIS. 60 month. Bdwy. 7 129. Bdwy. 4794. Wl--T SIDE Modern 6 rooms. 591 WaMneton. close In town; reasonable FORT LAND HEIGHTS 3-room Hat, modern, view, near car. Main 3879. Dr.SlRAPLE 4-room flat, close :n. on 'as-, side. $30. Phone Atw. 0203. 3-RM. FURN. flat with heat light. wa'"i, phone: adults omy. Walnut 26!ft. FIVE rooms, sepi"g porch. East 14th ad Pine. East 35io. 5-ROOM lower flat, rent 20. 2855 Clinton "t. W.-R. cnr. close to S. P. shop?. BROOKLYN" district, desirable' 7-room upper flnt. Bdwy. M57. 3-ROOM unfurnished fia-t. $38. Tabor 0194. 4 LIGHT, clean rooms, bath, garage, all modern conveniences, Garfield 5940. FOR RENT. UNFURNISHED H. K. rooms and flats, newly renovated. Stephenson court, comer lth and Mill. UXFURXISHED"5-room modern .flat, 12S B. lflfth. Phone E?t 03S8. FnrnUihed Flats. 5-RoOM strictly modern lower flat, all in ivory enamel, combination range, best of furniture, fruit and wood base ment, near Mt. Tabor school and car. Everything to the minute. Phone Broadway 4ft40. - NICELY furnished upper flat, two bed roras, Iiving-dinin room, bath, kitch en, furnace or stove; gas water heater, $40. 4244 Stanton. East 1&6S. AM GOING south, will rent my well furnished lower floor of nice home; close in, to couple, after December 15. Piano, sewing machine; $40. Eagt 6228. FLAT Corner, lower flat, walking distance, extra good buy in furniture; you should see this fiat; splendid ar- rmsement. 595 Davis st. Bdwv. 3646, WELL-FURNISHED, clean, mod. 5-rm. flat, large porches overlooking river; garage. 349 E. Glisan. near E. 3d. 10S7 HAWTHORNE. Modern furnished flat, neat, cosy, furnace heat, buiit-lns; close In. NEATLY fur. 4-r. flat, built-ins, con - venient to Dental college; cheap. E. 8014. FOR RENT Three furnished flats, new ly remodeled, located East 37th and ; Harrison. Call at 1092 East Harrison. " RMS. 1ST FLOOR, VERY NICE, J4?. 3 rr-'s., upper flat, $25. E. Yamhill. Tabsr car. 1178 Belmont. Tab. 6931. 3-ROOM furn. flat, walking distance, nice view, . telephone, water $32.50. 'AfiU1 lKth St., south of Montgomery. FURNISHED . flat. near Union, 428 Knott; 4 rooms, closets bath; clean; move in. Bdwy. . 5622. FURNITURE FOR SALE. , In four-room flat, can be rented if desired. Call E. 6S43.. $ 3-3 4 - RO M furni shed, p r i va te bath, garage. Adults. 689 E. Alder st. East 782. $35 DELIGHTFUL furnished home flat.' - 4 rooms, bath. .34514 Weidler st. 7-ROOM furnished flat, new; 561 Ev erett st. Bdwy. 8012. 4-ROOM, modern, fur., open 10 to 5. 616 Commercial st. Atwater 2812. NICELY furnished 4-room flat with bath. S25. East 3970. -ROOM FLAT; adults; references re quired. 84 E. 16th st. 6-ROOM furnished flat. . lSoa 16th st. near Yamhill. 4-ROOM furnished flat, 203 Hooker at $25. Main 6839. 4-ROOM, lower furnished flat; heat fur nished. 30 E. 15th st. MODERN, furnished 5-room flat, fire- place, furnace. $50. East S0b'9. NICELY furn. corner flat, 5 rms. and batli Walking distance.- E. 0238. 6-ROOM furnished flat. IShhk lth st. near Yamhill. MODERN 3-room flat, nicely fur., walk ing distance. 552 Mill st. i -ROOM furnished flat, close in, mod ern. Aiinaisey. Kast ii49'.i. AHGE lighi 3-room furnished flat. 104 18th. near Washington. 3 koOMS furnished, near S. P. chops. ! Haig st.. cor. E. 2Kh South. FiVE-ROOM upper flat, clean and close n : very reasonable. East 6145. FURNISHED1 4-room flat for rent. Call Tabor 5777. 1292 East Yamhill st. Housekeeping Rooms. 2 RMS., NEWLY FURN.. PHONE, HEAT, ' LIGHT. BATH, ETC.; FUR N I S H ED ; a LSO 1 LARGE H. K. ROOM; THESE ARE EXCEPTION ALLY CLEAN. 429 3D ST.. COR. OF COLLEGE. $12 PER MONTH; 2-room su.te. water and light furnished: stove heat: near O.-W. R, & N. shop. 521V, Delay st., corner Russell. No objection to chil dren. TWO FURNISHED rooms. 1 H. K" and 1 sleeping; good heat, light and phone, pl. nty of hot water, good laundry priv ileges. Reasonable. 245. N. 23d. Main 1ti.)6. FRONT 2-room h. k. ; heat, light, bath, phone, quiet, walking distance, 1 block to car; extra sleeping room or h. k.; reasonable. East 3185. 171 E. 13h at. S. BACHELORS rooms nd apartments our specialty, singles, $3 to $10; apts. suit able 2 or 3 adults; $10 to $18; large lobby, well heated. The Vaughn, N 19th and Vaughn. CLOSE-IN, west side, large, clean, warm h. k. room, $22.50. Smaller room, nice fnr one person, $12.30. Broadway 4046. 631 Hoyt. 1 LARGE. BRIGHT H. K. ROOM; FREE LIGHT; PHONE, BATH, ETC; VERY CLEAN; $:i.75 PER WK., OR $15 PER MO. KH7 E. ASH. TWO UNFURNISHED rooms with use of equipped kitchen, ground floor. $10. 321 Marguerite. Sundays and evenings. Broadway 3330. Days, Tabor 3323. BEAUTIFUL, large, clean h. k. room with kitchen privileges ; prefer lady employed or working couple. 362 E. F i r s t N FOUR furnished H. K- rooms and bath, together with store. 184 Gib-bs st.; rent J25. Apply Louis Gevurtz, 183 r irsr street. COSY, clean; modern H. K. roowi; good heat, big clothe closet. Melrose Aptji., 29-3 10th st. . 1 JI. K. R(TOM $10 month, -2 rooms $15; gas and phone. 163 N. 16th. Bdwy. 5 P.M. THE BEAVER 12th and Marenall Fur nished h. k. rooms, $15 up, including' not water, eiec. ngnt, laundry room. ! OR 3 H. K. APTS. for rent, very rea sonable, at 392 East Burhside and 2 FURN. housekeeping rooms; also one sleeping; - furnace heat, close m. o33 r lamifrs. near jtitn. jjflwy. 8343 PLEASANT 2-room apt., also single housekeeping room, in good location. 305 12th st. 2, 3 OR 5 GOOD furnished or unfur nished H. K. rooms. Bdwy. 4414 or 100 -. l rtn. I'fte. a p. TWO-ROOM suite for H. K., in very clean home; $22 a month. Broadway ',l'1 irii3s st., oiock irom carlme. H. K. ROOM, well furnished, steam- heat, -hot. water nt all times. 335 Montgom ery, cor. Broadway. OR 3 H. K. rooms, clean, electric lights and bath; good car service. 389 it 1 aim ave. .ogn. Kast 6000 . HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms for i em jiit;p. iutft st. Inquire landlady. CHOICE 3 rooms, housekeeping; rent i-ueap, waiair.g distance. 567 Van yuver ave. Phone East 0551. ONE SINGLE housekeeping room; steam heat and clean; reasonable. 401 10th, apt. E. Main 240. ATTRACTIVE housekeeping rooms, 1 block from library. 409 Salmon. 2-KOOM apartments, lights and fuel furn--hed, laundry and bath. 246 -tuwll St. $-J4 TWO newly-tinted furn. H. K. rms., near Bdwy. bridge. 281 Larrabee. E. 1M LARGE well furnished front 2-room apt. reasonable, 693 E. Madison, E, ONE large ,h. k. room, reasonable, 1 block off Washington, near 21st. 695 TWO 2-room furn. H. K. apartments, clean and outside rooms, modern, rea- wname. !. oin st. Atwater 2R05. L.A rid hi, nice.y furnished room and kitchenette; also single room; modern conveniences. 3iil loth st. ONE nice h. k. room. large pantry, for uat ueioi ur coupie, i a month. 430 Jefferson. 1 AND 2-ROOM housekeeping apart ments, furnace heat. 569 Commercial. LOVELY furnished housekeeping apt. hot and cold water: close in. 321 6th. LARGE warm room and kitchenette, siu- gie room s. soo Flanders st. 3-ROOM furnished apartment 20 month 561 Overton st. 3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, whole uoor: iui f.t-, call 329 Salmon. STEAM-HEATED h. k. rooms, h. and" Zl ' ' w weeK. in itft st. CIXSE IN, 2 nicely "furn. front rooms. 2S Harrison. Main 2426. CLEAN, outside 2-room apt. 271 Mor- :-RoOM apt., furnace, hot and coid wa ter. 494 Taylor. 4GI E. MORRISON, cor. E. 8th 1 and room iur. n. k. apts., reasonable. 2 CLEAN, cheertul housekeeping rooms. TWO large lovely rooms, iarm, running .. . Vl o auuus. jjo l-rn st H. K. ROOMS for bacheTbrs, reasonable. 2 AND 3 H. K. ROOMS,' heat, hot and cold water. 53 Nqt-. 21st st. tu Tin st. CLEAN housekeeping room tor gentle- mau um. mm jenerson, near 15th. ONE attractive room and" kitchenette 16 St. Clair st.. corner Washington. 3-ROOM furnished housekeeping apart j ment, $6 wppRiy. 3n 14th. DENVER APTS., 208 Wash. at. H K. mnm?. slnp-l and double, j,1.".1. up. 23 --ROOM suite; fireplace, porch; owa -Pt'lT'CP, w vorneit. .Main 8it-H. J15 WELL furnished, eiec, gas, hot water, phone. 544 Pett3'grcve. TWO -unfurnished H. K. rooms in mod- NICE, clean, comfortable housekeeping ....... tv,. ..n limn. . mm. newly fmiihed. 41 E. Morrison tl FOR KENT. Housekeeping Rooms. BEAUTIFUL room, spotlessly clean, white enameled, wicker furniture, gas plate, hot water; suitable for women employed; easy walking distance; one block from Grand ave.; price $20. -ila East Couch. ' TWO comfortable H. K. rooms in new , modern private home. Private en trances and bath; suitable for young couple. Reasonable. Main 19. Houwekeepin" Rooms in Private Family. WARM steam-heated 2-rm. apartment, beautiful residence, on Broadway; ma hogany furniture, new bedding, laun dry. 334 Montgomery. Main 5162. FRONT sleeping room, suitable for one or two; light, bath, heat, walking dis tance, $15. mo. 604 Holly st.. Ladd's addition BEAUTIFULLY furnished room in west side bungalow, with privileges of cook ing own meals; good car service. Call Atwater 39Si. $21 THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, electric lights. 634 Sandy blvd, near E. 16th. Phone E. 00 til or E. 6894. NEWLY furnished h. k. rooms in ivory, to couple employed or -2 girls; also sleeping room; '20 min. walk to busi ness diat. 690 Love joy. Main 4421. THREE well-furnished h. k. rooms on ground floor, near car line, free light, phone and water; no objection, to baby. 291 East 39th St. FOR RENT Lovely 9-room. furnished home, sun porch overlooking river, fireplace, piano and Victrola. Phone Walnut 6S36. CLEAN h. k. rooms, bath, furnace heat, electricity, nice gas range, sta tionary tubs, large garage, close in, private family. Sellwood 142t. FOR RENT lively roorm steam heat; close in, reasonable. Bdwy. 3928. Ga rage if wanted. 3 NEATLY furnished h. k. rooms, light, phone, water free; fine location; walk ing distance. 654 Ash. East 1614. $18 FLRN1SHED room, use of kitchen and bath, heat. light, gas for water included. 833 Clinton st. AV.-R. car. LIGHT h. k.. sleeping rooms, $3-50 wk., including light, heat-, gas, walking dis tance. 689 Glisan, near 21st. . ALSO 2-room apt., nicely furnished, gas, agnt, neat tumished. 616 Quimoy St., between 19th and20th. Bdw y. 8509. 1 LARGE, well-furnished, pleasant H. K. room, witn Kitcnenette; 3 diocks irom Bro adwn y brl d ge. 402 Ross st . UNFURNISHED large, light, outside h. k. room, close, central location. 221 12th ft., corner Salmon. i ROOMS furniM-tted for housekeeping; also 1 furnished room suitable foi 2, 50 F. la st. Broadway goQ4. YOUNG iady -wishes to share her house keeping room with some working lady; in a Teal home. phOine East 6152. 3 BFAUTIFUL, warm front - 100m, kitchenette: elegant home. 940 Cor bet t. Main 8940. $2( TWO large front rooms, bath, hot water, ngnts, gar. free. ieS Hiast sal mon. COZY, Warm H. K. apt., suitable for 2, mo. eacn. luverytping inciudea. 415 W. Broadway. TWO-ROOM housekeeping suite, also single housekeeping rooms. 393 Grand ave. S. East 02O. TWO-ROOM apt., good furnace heat. 175 North 17th. CLEAN furnished housekeeping room. lurnace heat, 428 Ma. st. FRONT ROOM, light h. k., gas, bath. 555 Front st. Auto. 522-15. FRONT rooms and alcove, suitable for 4. 424 Third. Main SS30. 2 LARGE, modern It. k. apts., heat, light and phone. Atwater 2.'.;J.9. lRilNGfON Nicely furnished front room : cooking privileges. East 8S1 4. NICE front room; heat, Lgnt and phone, it mo. ow anil, near j-ttn. TWO H. K. rooms, private bath, private ramiiy, (J k. luth st. A., corner iavis. 2 OR 3-ROOM apartments, heat, light and bath. Tabor 3581. NICE furnished h. k. rooms, $20 nib. Adults. 604 Front, corner Mead". 2 OR 3 LOVtsitji fur, h. k. room. $1C per month. 5S6 Pettygrove. FURNISHED housekeeping room, close in. pwst side. Enst 5S18. 36 Pacific. 'i'BREE furnished h. k. rooms, bath, on ground floor, $18 month. fii2 Front. 2 OR 3 LOVELY furnished housekeeping rooms, ih a month, o&o I'ettygrovt) $20 COMFORTABLE room, full kitchen use, reliable party. W . S. Main 0254. Houses. SUNN YS ID 3, six-room, modern, new ly decorated throughout. lovely white kitchen and bath, new Mueller fur nace, half black to SS and MT cars; with or without garage. 107S Belmont. ALAMEDA BUNGALOW. Five rooms, strictly modern, garage and till ; rent $60 per month. Broad way 3626. 8-ROOM modern residence; furnace, fireplace and sleeping porch, all com plete, ready to occupy. 68S 43d st. N. Tabor 2MS. i-ROOM house, west wide, ideal for room and board; right on carlines: reason able. Call Main 5094 Sunday and mornings. GOOD 7-room house, 492 Mill st. ; fire places, furnace, etc.; rent. $50. HENRY W. GODDARD. REALTOR, 243 Stark St. Bdwy. 7831. 5-ROOM modern -house for rent, garage and fruit trees. 124 S. Olympia st., St. Johns. Rent $25. Call East 959S or Empire 1562. GOOD 7-room house, basement and chicken house, Portsmouth district, $25 month. Call Sunday or after. 834 Strong street. Ffaird lane, between Ryan Piaffe and Multnomah station. Gas, water and electricity. Ak for Sundstrom's place. MODERN 8 rooms and sleeping porch, beautiful view and grounds. Inquire 1618 E. Main st.. og phone Tabor 7071. 4-ROOM house, acre ground.' 3 blocks from electric station. Oak Grove". Phone Broadway 1226. -ROOM modern bungalow; heat light, gas. close to car. Phcne 14-J. Oak Grove FURNITURE moving. ?2.50- per hour; 2 men; padded vans; local, long distance autos. Day or night. East &Q47. FURNITURE moving, $2.50 per hr.; 2 men; padded vans; local, long distance autos. Day or night. East 5047. NEAT 4-room bungalow, water paid; $22.50. Charles Hauck, 411 Chamber of Commerce. 6-RM. HOUSE in good condition with garage, cheap. Inquire 543 E. 17th, I blk. from R. M. car. 6-ROOM, new, thoroughly modern, with garage. $45 per month. 327 Dekum ave. Call Walnut 4374 Sunday or evenings. 6-ROOM modern house, west side, for rent; all conveniences, - fireplace, etc.; Nob Hill., Bdwy. 2474. SIX-ROOM hourfe on Mt. Scott car line, near 77th st.; $30 month. Owner, 627 Board of Trade bldg. NEW 7-ROOM modern and garage. 1273 Kelly st. Rent $40. Owner on prem ises. . " CORNER house, modern, 9-room. 23d and Irving sts.; low rent. Goldsmith & Co. Bdwy. 6012. 7 ROOMS, all modern, sleeping porch, garage, $40. Sellwood 0238. 855 E. NEW 4-room house. Bath, basement. 84th st. and 70th ave. S. E.; $22.50. Fhone 2i-ro. 6-R)OM modern housed $30 pei- mo! Move right in. See owner, 6915 42d ave. a. E. HAWTHORNE AVE. house. 6 rooms. $35: also new flat for rent. Tabor 0878. or Main 9012. 9-ROOM mod. house for rent, furnace, fireplace, walking distance, some fur niture to buy. 574 E. Taylor. East 9044. NEW modern 8-room house. Colonial Heights, 2 blocks to Hawthorne corner, Vj block to Murraymead car. East Sflfil. 6-ROOM house. Wood lawn carli-ne, $25. Bdwy. 5549. 104 Second st. 7-ROOM house, newly renovated, with garage. $:;0. Call 42S San Raf ae st. $45 ELEGANT home, 7 rooms, fireplace, furnace, built-ins. 415 Halsev. 6-ROOM house. Inquire 352 East llth st. Phone East 8105. 3? OR PENT Modern 5-room house with garage. Mi in 4976. - $15. SEMI-MOD. 3-rm. cottage, sleeping porc h. ph one. Oak Gro ve 136-R. FOR RENT, Dec. S5, five-room house. 1113 E. Alder. $40. FOR RENT 8-room house. Call Walnut ' 1677. nil Webster st. FOR RENT 8-room house. Call "Walnut 1677. 511 Webster st. MODERN 6-room house, furnace, $40. Walnut 7500. FOR RENT, unfurnished 4-room house. 804 Minnesota ave. at the rear. $25 6-ROOM house, in good condition. 50 Coiu-h ft. Tbor 69R. MODERN tt-room house. H E. 68th st., Mount Tabor. Broadway 2920. 5-RM. "home, good order, new linoleum; $32.50; garage. $6. 642 E. Salmon St. 5-ROOM, modern bungalow, near car; $25 per month. Main 1852. FOR RENT 5-room cottage. Inquire 41 Harrison St. MODERN 5-room bungalow - with ga rage, at 409 Beach st.. $30. East 69S0. $20 t-ROOM modern bungalow, pretty grounds, uoscn station. Kast oozit. 3-ROOM house for rent or sale. Mult nomah station. Call East 21 19. MODERN 5-room house, good location; $30 per month. Inquire 644 E. fia I mo n. $i5 MODER.. four-room bungalow, all built-ins, garage, uaraeia 3223. FOR RENT. Houses. 311 EAST BOTH ST. Lovely fi-room home with double garage, interior fin ished in white, fireplace, furnace, futt . cement basement, gas range nd dra peries on windows, only $50. 601 Arden Place 9-room modern house, beautiful view, furn see, 2 fire places., range in kitchen, very reason able rent. 41 ETZGER -PARKER COMPANY. Realtors. 269 Oak St. Broadway 5355. EIGHT-ROOM house at llth and East Grant. Six-room cottage at llth and East Clay. , Five-room modern bungalow 43d and . East Alder sts., two blocks from Sunny aide car. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. . Realtors. - - 212 Corbett bldg. MOVE THE SE-CUKITY WAY, - Extraordinary Service. For the Ordinary Price. PACKING, MOVING. STORAGB. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANS. CO. 4th at Pine st.. opp Multnomah Hotel. rnone tsawv. 3710. 5 ROOMS 391 E. Yamhill st $15 6 rooms All it. ftnth i nn 9 rooms 601 Arden road 60 10 rooms 484 E. Washington st... 25 METZGER-PARKER COMPANY, Realtors, 26fl Oak St. Bdwy. 5355. 8-ROOM ' house, furnished or unfur nished; owner leaving for California. 315 East Glenn ave. Telephone Ta bor 0634. MT. TABOR. 6 rooms, beautiful view, all conveni ences; large grounds with garage; in terior finished in white; fireplace, fur nace, gas range, draperies on windows. Apply 260 Oak st. Bdwy. 5355. MODERN oroom house on Improved street, in A-l condition ; large base ment; will rent or lease to respon sible party at $23 per month. Owner, 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park St., cor. Washington. t 7 ROOMS and sleeping porch, furnace hea t, hardwood floors ; house in A-l condition; large grounds and fruit trees;, rent $45. Hawthorne ave.. near 39h. Phone Main 6119. PORTLAND HEIGHTS bungalow. 555 Hawthorne terrace, 5 rms., very large livingj-m., magnificent view, rent $40. Sea-ffr 541 Montgomery drive and Elm st. Main 4342. LAURELHURST 5-room, new. modern, garage, tj cords wood, draperies, lease, $65. 8 rooms, 2 baths, double garage, new. it:aae, no. Owner, Tabor 6386. 6-ROOM modern house, newly tinted, uouoie. iioors, uutcn Kiicnen, out it-in conveniences; garage; fruit; on paved st.; cluse to school and car line. Call HAWTHORNE district; cozy 5-room bungalow, strictly modern ; furnace, fireplace, fcardwood floors, all con veniences ; ready for occupancy. 966 E. Grant. Call Tabor 6076. COSY 6-ROOM (sleeping porch) CO LONIAL HOUSE, corner 16th and Sandy blvd., prominent location, only $37.50 per month. Bdwy. 6012, Gold smith & "Co. 5-ROOM bungalow, fireplace, buiit-in bookcases, buffet, breakfast nook, large attic, full basement, laundry trays, garage, garden plot; adults only. 177 E. 82d st. Tabor 2786. MOST modern, up-to-date bungalow. Rose City Park, 6 rooms, garage; gas furnace; corner lot; will rent to re sponsible parties, $34 monthly. M 128, Qregonian. LAURELHURST lO-rm. modern house, with double garage; newly decorated and verv desirable : on car line. Ref erences required. Room 305, Concord ' Dldg. Hdwy. 1244. - WILL lease for one yr. after Jan. 1, my new Dutch colonial home in Alameda, J17y: 7 rms. den and breaktast rm. ; adults; references. Auto. 327-40. 902 Fremont. NEW. MODERN. 5-room house, gas, electric light. Bull Run water at sta tion, Inquire at store, Evergreen sta., Oregon City carline. Phone Milwaukie HH-J. . MODERN tt-room bungalow, garage, fur nace, hardwood floors, $55; references required. 495 E. 51st st.. near Sandy. Tabor 224 CLEAN, warm 5-room house, bath, gas, eteciriciiy, large porcnes; ui-v flowers and all kinds of fruit. 829 E. Sherman. Rent $30. Sell. 0530. WILL, lease 1 year $65 psr mo. or sell fine modern 6 or 7-room house, Ladd's add., close in; garage; large lot, shrub bery and roses. ''Kast 5574. CALL BROAD WAS" 0580 KOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO. LIGHT POWER HEAT. Washington at Tenth Street. C-ROOM house with fuAace, near car line and school. Rent $30. 449 E. Lincoln corner 8th. Phone E. 3863. or Auto. 321-34. . 0 ROOM house, hardwood floors, fire place, built-in conveniences, newly tinted: 1 block off Kenton car line. $ 3 5 . Walnut 0454 . - FOR RENT 5-room house, good con dition, bath, linoleum, shades, on Williams ave.; close in, $25 month. Mr. Smith, Hrtwy. l"Q. 5-ROOM blouse, partially furnished, fuel in. 3 stoves connected up; $20 month. 1270 Boston ave, Phone Sunday and evenings. Walnut 2866. 7 ROOMS. H. W. floors, furnace, fire place, si. porch, garage. 950 Hancock; $60. Bdwy. 3873. Key 994 Hancock. FOR RE NT 5-room house and attic. Close to school and S. P. shops, $25 a month. 632 East 24th. Woodstock car. G ROOMS, modern, completely refin-ished-inside and out. 30th, near Broad way. 40. Main 5619. MODERN 5-room cottage, furnished, reasonably Butler, 334 2d ave., , west Seaside. 6-ROOM cottage in good condition, $25 60. with water. 631 Gautenbein ave. Eas- 3819. TWO NEW. modern bungalows, $22.50 and $15 ; near Morris. Bdwy. 4080, . room 362. FOR RENT 6-rm. modern house at Mt. Tabor. Call E. 3138. 7-ROCM modern house, garage. 3519 62d tt. S. E. Auto. 612-62. CUT RATES ON FT"T V f TURK MOVING FIREPROOF STOR. 16 DAYS FREE! LONG DIST. HAULING. BDWY. 2443. 6-ROOM modern house. 3410 55th st., just off, Powell, near Franklin high and crrn'dR SChonls. $20. tu.. HE .V.'' i-i oo:ii fiUUbe .j , uci.iiu , tt rew. 1 painted Rnd. tini?ij. if) j)r iim Pho-ic Tabor jOOft. NO. 1195 E. LINCOLN. 5 rooms, bath, fireplace, $40; paved street.' Tabor 7884. w Mi moving. City or country, get the best at lowest prices. Green Trans fer Co. Main 1261. 202 Aider St. FURNITURE moving, large and amai: vans, $2 per hr., 2 men; local and long distance hauling. Walnut 4959 WEST SIDE, Mod., clean. 6-rm. house. 393 N 24th, near Thurman. Phone Atwater 4336. SUNNYSIDE 6-room strictly modern house, newly renovated throughout. 1066 E. Yamhill, nr. 35th. FREE 30 days' storage, filling up, fire proof warehouse; piano moving a spe cial ty.MadiganBroaBdwy. 3315 MODERN 7-room house. Dutch kitchen, buffet, wash trays, etc. 4012 E. 47th St.. $25. Main 6091 or Tabor 3224. 4--RM NEW bungalow, Portsmouth dfst. 1285 Willamette blvd. Inquire 297 "Mo.uoe. Est 7962. WEST SIDE Modern 6-room house, large, light rooms, thoroughly cleaned; easy walking d istance. 610 Morthrup. 6-R. HOUSE, electric lights and gas; suitable for one or two families, with or without garage. 655 Borthwick st. 7-ROOM house, west side, Willamette Heights, $70 per month. Rumiuell & Rummeii. 274 Stark st. 3-ROOM house on Willamette at Roethe, $15; partly fum., garage. Cali Oak Grove 124-R. ONE HOUSE large enough for 2 famif ies, $30 ; one family $25 ; east side ; close in. astotu. 6-ROOS house, steam heat, furnished. 793 E. Main; rent $55, East 6918. 6-ROOM house and garage. 653 Kerby st. and Monroe. Main 5395. Main 5282. MODERN new house, near S. P. shops. 841 -iast si. ae.iwooa aoti. FURNITURE MOVED, 2 a roam, any part o city; padded vans. WI. 5108 TO RENT our home see Frank L. He- Gr:re. Abingtop bldg. 6 ROOMS, modern, newly renovated. $40. East 19th and Stark. East 0348. 6-ROOM house, modern, clean, close in; East 1390. 385 Grand ave. South. WILL rent new modern 5-rm. bungalow for room and board. AK 108, Oregonian 96 ItAWTHORNE modern 6-rm. houa oak floors, furnace. 3 bedrooms. fi ROOMS, nefrly decorated; H. W. floors; garage; fine location. 703 Dekum bldg. 5-ROOM cottage, 469 E. Couch; newly papered ana tinted. i k. tn JV MODERN 6-rm. house, near school. $25 mo. 94 E. 45th, cor. Wash. At. 33S3. 6-ROOM lower flat. 306 Eugene at. ?30. inquire m i jnonroe. 4-ROOM, modern house. 1105 Kelly at. S. Phone. Sellwood 2873. 3S0 EAST 8TH, cor, E. Harrison Large house, 6 rooms and Bleeping porch. MOD. 4-rm. house, garage. 8503 50th ave. S. E.. near Lents school. 6-ROOM house at 1529 E. Glisan; on carline. Call Auto. 334-13. FOR RENT Unfurnished 5-room house, closa in. Atwater 2451. FOR RENT. Houses. . FOR RENT. targe, attractive 8-room housa on corner in Piedmont district; one block from car. This house is modern In every respect, in ducting a billiard room and ga rage. Price $S0 per month. COE A McKENNA & CO 208 Artisans Bldg. Bdwy. 7312 Established 1889. SALE or rent; leaving city; rnadern bun galow, 5 rooms with attic, hardwood floors, built-ins, furnace, cement base ment, garage, four blocks to Wood stock car; sell on terms or rent rea sonable to right party. 1119 Wood stock ave. Sell. 1104. ALAMEDA PARK. ) 7 rooms, sleeping porcn. iirepiace, hardwood floors, white enamel through- . out, cooler, excellent furnace, gas heater, gas stove, garage. $65. . Call Mrs. Moreland, East 2445, mornings, or East 4044, evenings. WEHVE the following houses for rent: 5-roim house, $20; 7-room flat, $35; 5-ro-m Upper flat, $30: 5-room upper flat, $35; 5-room lower flat; $35. S, BORLAND. Realtor. 300 Henry Bldg. Broadway 1566. HOUSE to rent, only 30 minutes out, six rooms and sleeping porch; partly fur jiished; will rent as it stands or sell furniture and rent unfurnished. FREIMAN & STEVENS, 403 N. W. Bank Bldg. PORTLAND HTS., partly furnished house, modern, bath, city water, elec tricity, fine view of mountains and valley ; large garden, fruit and ber ries; near carline and municipal golf nks; references. Main soti. 6-ROOM house, modern house, large grounds; garage; Murrymead district; rent $50. HENRY W. GODDARD. REALTOR, 243 Stark St, Bdwy. 7831. $40 7-ROOM, modern bungalow. East 52d and Sherman, near Franklin high. $.M) Fine 6-room. modern Laurel hurst home. 256 E. 33d N. C. De Young Co.. 810 Spalding bldg. 6-ROOM modern home, large enclosed sleeping porch, reasonable rent to de sirable tenant; must be seen to be ap preciated. See owner. 747 E. Burnside, 5-ROOM cottage, $12.50. 556 North 23d St., near Nicolal. 7-room house, $25. 905 Front et. SALOMON & CO.. 307 Railway Exchange Bldg. Furnished House. STRICTLY modern bungalow, 4 rooms and bath. Dutch kitchen, hdw. floors, fuli basement, wash trays, garage; on carline. 20 minutes out; no children. $45. Cal! Tabor 8392. WILL share modern bungalow with couple, or mother and daughter, or two sisters, that will keep house clean; rent reasonable. Call Sunday only, Tabor 1472 ' 6-ROOM well-furnished house, full ce ment basement, furnace, gas stove and range, stationary tubs; walking dis tance. . near car. 126 E. 18th. East 5260. $42.50. 5 ROOMS, attic, modern bungalow, nice ly furnished, piano, phonograph, elec tric washing machine; garage. Corner 76th and Halsey sts. Tabor 7340. Rent $4o. 5 ACRES, 3-room house, partly fur nished: barn, poultry house; close in; good orchard; on S. P. electric; cheap rent. Tabor 7341. 7-ROOM modern home, 39th. near Bel mont;' hardwiod floors, fireplace, fur nace, nice yard, suitable for two fam ilies, OaH Bdwy. 7332 after 11 A. M. $50 5-ROOM, well-furnished house. Lau relhurst dist.; piano, hot-water fur nace, gas and wood ranges; adults. East 2263. ATTRACTIVE 3-room stone bungalow, 10 miles out on Oregon City paved road, $15 per month; garage available if desired. 728 Morgan bldg. MODERN 6-room furnished house, -near Mt. Scott car; two blocks school; 6647 82d st.' S. E. $27.50. Water furnished. Owner at house Sunday, 9 to 4. HAVE client wishing to rent for 6 mos. 7-room furnished Laurelhurst bunga low; rent $65. Mrs. Harry Price Palmer. E. - 3207. FOR RENT Nice 6-room house, modern imp., partly furnished; near two car lines, or sell at sacrifice. See owner Sunday. 606 East Ninth st. South. I0-ROGM house, large living room, sun room 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, ivory enamel finish. Tab it 6285 COUPI K to share modern home; use of kitchenette,, sleeping anl living rooms; on carline; garage. Walnut 5102. NICE, modern, four-room furnished cot tage, fine neighborhood, reasonable to - couple with good reference. AH 138, Oregonian. ROSE CITY 5-room modern bungalow, iurnisnea, n. w. num, ni-in., mi nace, breakfast nook and attic; lease tor 6 mos, or longer, t iv a. itn FURNISHED modern bupgalow, 987 E Main, corner 3,3d St., or 609 Royal building. - v ENTIRE lower floor, 4 rooms, nicely furnished, close in. 11 East 10th St. N., bet. Ankny and Burnside. COMFORTABLY furnished 5-room house, semi-modern; very reasonable to de sirable tenant; Alberta. Atwater 2854. MODERN furnished six rooms, furnace, fireplace. Call Monday and after. Ta bor 1871. FOR RENT 2-room cottage, furnished, large woodshed, well, garage, near school. $12 a month. Atwater 2117. WILL lease for six months, my home at Jennings Lodge, partly furnished. piano. Oak Grove 16 K. IRVINGTON homes, $5 and $150; 6 months or longer. East 7760. East 0894. - MODERN 5-room cottage, piano, also 3 room apartment, newly .cleaned. 514 S E. 21st st. - Ji-ROOM modern furnished duplex house. 475 E. 10th st., corner Division, $25. East S23--. Close in. NICELY -furnished 5-room modern bun- galow at 1226 E. 14th N.. $33. Auto. 514-15. LITTLE furnished bungalow and garage at 708 E. 48th st N.f Rose City Parjt, $45. Atwater 2146. 5-ROOM modern furnished duplex house, 309 E. 9th. bet. Clay and Market, . $30. East 5235. Close in. NICE 4-room furnished cottage. In fine neighborhood, near Lawrelhurst; city reference required. BC 137. Oregonian. 6-ROOM modern house, completely fur nished, close la, near East Broadway. 249 Dupont. m 5-ROOM bungalow for rent, furnished; situated at 6517 88th st. Phone Auto. HI 4-24. - MODERN bungalow, furnace, fireplace, 2 beds; $45. References required., WaL 1294. PARTLY furnished house to rent, rea sonable; close to school and car. Tabor 3046. FOR RENT Furnished house, piano; bargain right partyj good location, 10 East 15th st. . FOR RENT Six-room strictly modern furnished house, Hawthorne district; garage. Price $65 Call Tabor 7000. 3-ROOM cozy cottage, H block Alberta car, close to Union ave.; adults. WaL 4649. . . WELL furnished modern corner bunga low, flat, fireplace, furnace. Haw thorne district. Auto. 616-73. NICELY fur. 7-room. strictly modern bungalow, Laurelhurst, $65. Tabor 108, $25 WILL SHARE 5-room furnished bungalow with couple. AK 114, Ore gonian. FURNISHED 5-room bungalow, with ga rage: adults only. 293 East 48th st. Bdwy. 0491 6-ROOM bungalow, nicely furnished, fire place, furnace; 4i90 Tiliamook St., near mtn. FURN. 6-room house, 1 block from car, lights, water, gas; rent $35. 1007 E. 30th N. '. COSY modern 3-room furnished house, garage, $25. Call Sunday. 6603 55th ave. S. E. 5-ROOM furnished bungalow with ga- rage, 1 hiocg to car. Auto. B3-S3. SCENIC LODGE COTTAGES. . 524 Heights Terrace. FURNISHED 5-room house for rent. Call Sellwood 35iu. FURNISHED house, modern 3-room house. Auto. 641-51. with garage. 5-ROOM furnished house. $25, half block C A rlnln n..Vlinl AfliS n ft- MODERN 5-room furnished house, rent $40. Ill N. 14th st. 6-ROOM house, piano, sewing machine; reasonable. Call Walnut 2194. 8-ROOM house, -furnished. 636 E. 3Sth st. North. Phone owner. Tabor 3832. UP-TO-DATE 9-room home in Irvington. Phone Tabor 5582. 3 ROOMS, bath, gas,jilec-, garage, $20. 79th near Powell. Auto. 540-72. HAWTHORNE dist., completely furn. 7 room house, furcace. 305 Glenn ave. $45 WELL furn. 5-rm. house, with or without garage. Tabor 1227. MODERN 6-rm. house, near school. 35 mo. 94 E. 45th, cor. Wash. At. 3386. 5-RM. MOD. bungalow, partially furn. Eva Irvinwood. Auto. 324-91. WELL furnished 5-room bungalow, rea sonable. 1012 E. Grant Tabor 7003. 5-ROOM bungalow, partly furnished. 1250 Montana ave. 6-ROOM furnished home in Irvington, reasonable. East 6479, FOR HFNT. A'ttrnlshed nouses. ENGLISH MANOR HOME. ROSE CITY PARK. Imposing and picturesque, something of ihe associated charm of a manor house; un usually rare, with its terraced garden, arched pergola draped with wisteria: three-quarters acre of ground, facing six streets, overlooking the whole city. From a large reception hall you enter through French doors to living room. 18x2$, separated from the dining room, 10x20, by an arch, t From their windows, 9x12. you have a splendid view. Large li brary, Luxemberg kitchen with' Pullman breakfast room, 3 bed rooms in white, every one .a sleeping porch: the view from every window $s a framed pic ture; , Rector heating system, costing $20VO: maid's quarters; completely furnished throughout; i baby grand piano, electric wash er, vacuum cleaner and all other modern electrical appliances: 2 garages; $135 month. 1388 Wis teria ave. Phone Garfield 3326. OWNER leaving Portland next week, will lease until April 1. very desirable, nicely furnished bungalow ; electric range, auto matic hot water heater, double garage, 1-00-100 ground, low rent to acceptable tenant (adults) ; references required-. Main 5073- PORTLAND HEIGHTS Furnished 5 room modern bungalow, close to car line, large living room, fireplace, piano, etc., attractive . dining room, modern kitchen, built-in features, electric range, 2 bedrooms, connecting bath, full cement basement; hot-air furnace, garage. $75 per month : occupancy rt,cuuer ju i-o a hi, uregonisn, HAVE the following furnished houss for rent: 9-room house, $lu0; 7-room house, $100; 1 2-room house, elegartly furnished, $200; 3-roim flat, S. BORLAND. TtAnttnr 300 Penry Bldg. . Broadway 1566. NICE clean furnished 2-room basement suite built-in conveniences, sink, wood ana gas range, private entrance, elec tric light and , fuel furnished; reason able. . cozy and warm. Inquire at Stamp ator. 94 N. 16th st., corner Flanders. 8-ROOM house, furnished or unfur nished; owner leaving for California. 315 East Glenn ave. Telephone Ta- PORTLAND HEIGHTS. " Nice furnished bungalow, 5 min utes from car line, fireplace, modern . bath, oiectricity, gas, city water, fuel in. Reasonable to responsible party. MODERN bungalow, completely fur nished except linen : fireplace, hard wood floors, piano, laundry conveni ences; adults only; Hawthorne dis trict; references exchanged. Tabor 38Q4 or Broadway 0593. IRVINGTON ELEGANT HOME; never before rented; cost without furniture over $18,000; will rent to desirable tenants, $125; not completely furnished. Neuhausen & Co., N. W. Bank Bids. Main S078. BEAUTIFULLY furnished home in Lau relhurst. modern, three bedrooms, best of furniture, baby grand piano, electric phonograph, reading lamps, garage, fuel supplied, $135. References. Tabor 4569. FURNISHED HOUSE. Large 9-room house, Portland Hts., gas furnace, hot water, excellent ser vants', plainly but amply furnished; garage: $200. Automatic 527-60. FOR RENT Furnished home of 4 rooms, city lights, water and gas. at Dosch station, on red electric, on good road, SIS to responsible people, no children. Phone Main 2588. FURNISHED 4-room cottage, garage. 1 acre land; Ash Dalo station, Oregon City car. Sunday till 4 P. M. Daily all week. Block past, brown house. ' $200 DOWN, $25 month ives family Xmas gift of 6-room house, furniture, half acre. Main 3182. move in today. Houses for Kent Furniture for Sale. COMPLETE furnishings of my bunga low for $16!; 4 rooms and kitchenette; bungalow for rent. 1184 Omaha ave, half block from St. Johns car. Walnut 747S. SPLENDID furniture of five-room cot tage at bargain; house modern and clean; can let one or two rooms to make rent; some terms. Call before 3 or Monday. 40S College. i-KUUM modern cottage, $2i per montn, 4 rooms oi turniture for sale, good income: a sacrifice; downtown district; immediate possession. Phone Atwater FURNITURE of 5 rooms, fine condition; must have cash as leaving city. 5 room lower flat for rent, possession Tec. 28. 253 E. 17th St. East 8557. WANT- to sell my furniture; house for rent. 11 rooms, very reasonable; lost my wife. Call Bdwy. 3010 from 5 to 8 o'clock. NOB HILL Beautiful furniture for sale, complete, at a bargain; big modern 6-roo-n house, rent reasonable. Main 1209- no dealers. 10-ROOM house, good furniture. $400 $500 mortgage to be placed first of year; rent $; in good district. Call Bdwy. 5668. 55 N. 20th. i-ROOM house for rent. furn.. for sale. $25 down. $15 a month; walking dis tance. East 746f. 6-ROOM house and sleeping porch for rent, some furniture for sale very cheap. Bdwy. 7947. HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale; 10 rooms, east side, suitable for sublet' ting or boarders Atwater 2265. 5 ROOMS of furniture for Bale. 852 E. 9th .st. N. 8-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale; reasonable. 654 E. Ash. E. 1614. Stores and Business Places. FOR RENT. Nice unfurnished ground floor room, SO ft. square, adjoining lobby in mod ern 78-room hotel, suitable for dining room, restaurant, lunch counter or bil liard room, lunch counter and barber shop. Phone Mgr., Eaat 0171. 5-YEAR LEASE. Store 'at 144 2d st., bet. Alder and Morrison sts., west side. Mr. Burke. DEKUM & JORDAN. 323-4 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 2249. BUILDING, suitable for store or work shop, for rent; rent $28; 5 rooms up stairs, 2 rooms downstairs, now rented, furniture for 7 rooms for sale cheap. AO 149. Oregonian. - STORE, No. 203 Jefferson St., brick bldg.. close to S. P. and O. E. Ry. depots; reasonable rent. A. H Birrell Gill Co., N. W. Bank bldg. Atwater 4114. TWO STORES in new bldg. at 112 Union iNortu; want meat maraet ror one store and other i good location for most any line business, See owner on prem ises. ' r GROCERY, tailor and general store Io , cations; -new brick bldg., near Good Samaritan hospital, 23d and Northrup; car terminus and intersection. Bdwy. 4430. TWO FINE LOFTS FOR RENT. Suitable for manufacturing, good lo cation, fine light; reasonable rent. Cal Main 2382 for further partlcu lars. AUTO repair shop, central west side, 25x80 feet, skylights; rent $100. J. F. Staver. Macleay bldg. FOR RENT Store, with living rooms and single Btore room. Inquire 121 Monroe st. STORE for rent, Gerlinger bldg., next to lobby T. Meienberg, 509 Gerlinger bldg. . STORE in new brick building 20x60, for confectiosery; good east side buwness district. Inquire 120 Killingsworth. FOR RENT- Store room. 5utj5, . cornr Glisan and Park. Inquire Park Ko:i S.0i Glisan. MODERN store. 184 Gibbs. Four fur nished living rooms, and bath in rear. Rent $25. Apply Louis Gevurtz, 185 1st. FURNITURE 7 rms. and port, garage, rent $35, inc. $51. Take $400-or trade. Bdwy. 4219. BUILDING nnder construction, corner; low rent, - good lease; fine west side location. AG 132, Oregonian. STORE for rent, downtown location. Ap ply Optician, 226 Morrtson st. FOR RENT Restaurant fuiiy equipped. Might sell fixtures. Atwater 0400. FOR DESIRABLE space in fireproof warehouse phone Broadway 3715. STORE for rent, living rm. in rear, $17 pgr mo, 180 Russell st. East 1594. STORE room for baj-ber shop, must be chenn 'rent. . Bdwv. 2729. CORNER store for rent. Union ave. and Fremont. Walnut 0671. STORE for Tent, reasonable, good loca tion. 580 Union ave. N. Bdwy. 6800. Offices. DESK space and phone service reason- able. tiB wenry Ding. OFFICES for rent. Fliedner bldg., 10th and Washington st. FURNISHED room with main line phone. 433 Cham, of Commerce bldg. WELL furnished outside office cheap. AG 104. Oregonian. FOR RENT DESK AND SPACE. OREGON BLDG. FURNISHED office, including phone, $20. Calls cared for. Atwater P310. WH HAVE a few desirable 3 and 3- room suites. Apply 303 Swetland bids. FOR RENT. Offices. REDUCE YOUR OVERHEAD. Well-lighted and heated offices, 'single or en suite, central office build ing iik financial section of city: low rents.. See Donald G. Woodward. agent. 104 Second 9t.. corner Sta rk I HAVE 2 fine rooms, located at corner of Broadway and Williams ave.. fitted up for any kind of use, make good lo cation for tailor. Rent $25 per month Phone East 8490. OFFICE room, chiropractor and niassaga tables steam and shower baths, recep tion room with other doctors. Maia 6761. 310 Bush & La ne bldg. FRONT OFFICE: modern conveniences; Railway Exchange building. Apply room 312. FINE offices, suites fir single; also fur nished office, reasonable rent. Stocfc B x c h an ge, 3d a nd Y amhill s t s. FINE RETAIL SHOPS on Jefferson atT. bet. 12th and 13th. Simms, 610 Henry bldg. ; . PRIVATE office with use of the wait ing r. om in a nice suite In Northwest ern iank bid g. Phon, Main 8560. STUDIOS for rent, with or without pi anos. Apply Eilers Music bldg., 287 Washington L . OFFICE for rent, corner location. 301 Hawthorne ave. DESK room with telephone and steno- graphlc service. Phone Broadway 8715. DESK room for rent. 614 Henry bldg. Phone Bdwy. 13L 3-ROOM plastered house, imp. pad, sac rifice $875. Bdwy. 7429, Bdwy. 4794. . M iscellaneouK. LODGE HALL for rent, daytime and MomiBT evenings. Auditorium hall, 208 TMrd st. Bl'SINKSS OPPORTUNITIES. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY offered to an energetic man in a clean, legitimate, profitable established busi ness. Associate must leave, other busi ness necessitates immediate attention. Experience not necessary If you are congenial, s business is easy to learn. Can get an equal half interest In busi ness and profits for a small investment of $850. Payment of $00 down, re mainder in small monthly payments out of the profits of the business. If $75 per week and up will interest, you in addition to learning a good business call for further information at . 633 Morgan bldg. ' MANUFACTURER of Ford necessity, of which there are 8,000,000 replacements per year, will consider giving state and county rights to financially responsible dealers or individuals; item is patented and has many improvements over com petitors; it is properly produced and priced and is repeating wherever sold. Eclipse Specialty Mfg. Co.. 200 N. Jef ferson. Chicago. III. ANYONE with $5000 who is on the square and wishes a hair interest in a good, clean, live automobile business, doing $125,000 yearly, call- Carleton liojel, city, room 318, between ft A. M. and X P. M 2 P, M. to 5 P. M.. 6 P. M. to 9 P, M. Will put the money back into the business. Need some capital to keep credit -good. Will be here until W'ednesday. AN INVESTMENT where security is the first consideration and good returns next ; company manufacturing essen tial business necessity; 10 years' ex perience; has just buiit new plant and installed latest machinery; is fully financed but has stock to $5000 unsold; invites most rigid examination by any who might be interested; no agents. K 131. Oregonian. WANTED Truck driver to buy my truck for steady contract hauling in Portland; good pay, yeaT-around -work; will stand strict investigation ; $1000 down, balance long, easy terms; will be with you all the time; good reason for selling. This is by far one of the best trucking propositions In late years. Sunday and evenings, walnut BEAUTY parlor, excellent fixtures, with one of the 4eat locations In city; estab lished trade. Will be old very reason able by owner. Business on a well paying "ba-sts. $500 will handle. Call Bdwy. 471T DISTRIBUTOR, exclusive territory, sell steel specialties, household articles, to dealers, agenis'and canvassers; oppor tunity for live party to build steady business. Cheney, 500 N. Dearborn at., Chicago, 111., CLOTHING and furnishing store for eale; going business, standard lines, county seat, seaport town, about 15,000 popu lation; stock about $7000; good reason for selling. Address AV 461, Oregonian. SHOE REPAIR shop, moiiey . making, must sell account of ill health; average business $600 monthly. Also smaller shopT average $250. Investigate. J 12G, Oregonian. RESTAURANT. Half Interest for sale, want live wire to buy half interest in restaurant and cigar stand. Call at 311 Mohawk bldg. " GOOD-PAYING restaurant, income $30 to $40 a day; low rent with lease, good location. Call and see me; owing to ill ness will have to sell. 64 6th st. Bdwy. 2085. FOR SALE Cheap, up-to-date grocery and delicatessen store with 6 living rooms and garage, good location, long lease and cheap rent. Phone Main 5224. ' BLACKSMITH shop and body works; a real buy; established 15 years. If you are lCoking for a bargain you can't beat this. 711 Vancouver ave. Phone Wal nut 2869. FRUIT and grocery store for sale, doing good business excellent location, on maid at. of Corvallis; price $1100. This is a snap. Write or Bee owner, V. A. Ragsdale. 105 N. 2d st., Corvallis Or. FULLY equipped shoe repair shop in coast town, can be had at a bargain if sold this week, start in equipment will run over $1000. Apply Breyman Leather Co., 2d and Oak. RESTAURANT $550. Located In Industrial district east side; owner not restaurant man; rent of place $21.50. SIMMS. 610 HENRY BLDG. HOTEL DINING ROOM. Feeding hundreds dally. If you have $1500 cash and know a good thing, WP'M clinir it Ti tn-Vit in PnrHin TU FarUnd, 208 Failing Bldg. PARTNER wanted who will take work ing Interest in business, paying 50 per cent on Investment. Books open for inspection to right party,- H 104, Ofegonian. STAGE line with garage in connection for sale or trade; owner sick and can't handle; must have some cash. Address 219 North Commercial st., Salem, Or. OLD-ESTABLISHED grocery doing good business, and living room. Price $4000, will take auto or part trade. Salmon, Lents 631-57. MERCHANTS. ATTENTION Stock of . gent's furnishing goo4s, shoes, etc., at discount;- also register, floor cases and other fixtures. AV 457, Oregonian. $300 SECURES interest In well estab lished business; no experience necessary If you are willing and clean cut. 8 133, Oregonian. BEAUTY parlor; $500 cash wilt handle; ground floor, best location In Port land. Must sell, as am leaving city. Answer 702 Spalding bldg. LANDS In New Mexico being sold for taxes. If you want to make a good investment write to box 516 Tacumcari, New Mexico. AGENTS Here Is one article on the market that sells; customers are wait ing for it; free sample; not sold to stores. W. H. Schenck, Caldwell. Ida. CAPITAL seekers, put your project be fore 560 live brokers; coat trifling- un der my system; details free. Amster Leonard. 1st Natl. Bank bldg., Chicago. DISTRIBUTORS New fast-selling auto matic temperature regulating auto de vice; big money; write today. General Necessities Co., Milwaukee, Wis. WHO WANTS 300 per cent on an in vestment of $500 or $1000; absolutely legitimate; local manufacturing con cern. Phone Jennings, Nortonia hotel. AITTfl PATVTTVn T4 RTVITjRSIIIP Young man with ability to learn can clear over $150 mo., this will interest von. Cal! 501 McKay bldg. PARTNER wanted in a restaurant and cigar? stand doing a dandy businescr; partner to look after cigar stand and act as cashier. 511 Lumbermen s bldg. CLEANING Dyeing shop, wesft side, Hoffman press, two furnished living rooms. Owner leaving city, will take te Ford part payment, uawy. ob7u. RESTAURANT, good-paying business in big payroll district; sickness compels sale. Terms. Walnut 2916. PARTNER I have the business; $1000 cash required; large profits. J 127, Oregonian. RESTAURANT, lunch counter, nice trade, good location, 2-year lease. $800, terms. it a wy. vtw.. jvicf ariana, railing: oiug. PARTNER wanted for mechandlse, lady or gentleman. 422 Chamber of Com merce bldg. 885 E. Yamhill on Sunday. FOR CASH sale, job printing business, some regular work. Price $1250. AH 131, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS restaurant to trade for bungalow; must sell or trade on account of sickness. BC 130, Oregonian. BEAUTY parlor for ale on Washington sL fniiv eauiDDed. reasonable. Atwa- ter 28S6. after Sunday. MUST sacrifice confectionery and lunch room; doing good business. Call Ta bor 2984. 10-ROOM light h. k. apt.; all modern; for sale. $700; small payment down, bal. to suit. 255 Fifth st. Main 5237. TO LEASE Building on Union ave.. 25x 100, suita'bie for factory. Owner, Wal nut 0230 PUBLIC stenographer office for sale. . good location; only one In tfh build ing-; good opportunity. K 103, Oregonaa