TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 10, 1933 STRONG AIR FORGE ASKED BY PERSHING ton in time of peace, would form j 27 infantry divisions, each to fur-1 nish a proportional strength in corps, army and general headquar ters units. Last War Lesson "For the organized reserves this contemplates a total of 33 infantry and cavalry division and nine groups of non-divisional units. These are allocated to geographical areas on the basis of density of population. "As one looks back upon our ex perience at the beginriing of the past year, it is easy to appreciate what a tremendous advantage this would Rive us were our forces again required to mobilize. A glance at the estimates involved in the ful fillment of this plan will also give assurance of the relatively insig nificant cost of the project, as com pared to the money wasted during the former mobilization. "Finally, the resulting mobiliza tion would be of a character that might well dismay the most stub born adversary and hence would in advance be of great weight in the maintenance of peaceful relations." Agents for Butterick Patterns "Tlie Store That Undersells Because It Sells for Cash" All Mail Orders Promptly Filled General Warns Country of Weak Defense. BE SURE TO DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING JUST AS EARLY IN THE DAY AS POSSIBLE ARMY HELD TOO SMALL Everything Arranged to Serve You Promptly at A Handsome Silk Umbrella Is an Ideal Gift Regular Strength of 150,000 Men and 13,000 Officers Advised Minimum for Safety. 7Hel& HRISTA4AS WASHINGTON, D. Dec. 9. America must be prepared to "take the Immediate aefensive" in the air in case of war, and to so expand its air strength that it eventually can assume its offensive, General Per shing declared today in his annual report as chief of staff of the army. "This Is the basis of our present defense policies with all our arms and should be considered a mini mum," the general of the armies continued. "A very important part in such a defensive would be the operations of an effective air serv ice." General Pershing said he desired to call attention to the condition of the air service today and the fact that there existed a "present short age of facilities and personnel for a completely balanced and adequate service of this vital component of defense." Air Influence Growing. "No man can estimate with pres ent certainty the value which can4 be ascribed in a few years to the possession of an adequate resource fulness in the air," he said. "It is certain, however, that the influence of air power will become increasing ly great and that the nation cannot afford to neglect this arm. "The air service which we de velop should be capable of offensive application. This does not mean that we must immediately build an air service that could take the of fensive against any great power or proup of powers. It does mean, however, that we should have a force that can take the immediate defensive, and that can, during a reasonable period of operations, ex pand to the strength required for en offensive.' The report said the reserve of air planes for such a policy and even facilities for personnel training were lacking, and that "industries and the. air ways of our country are not prepared for an emergency. Early Action Asked. "I earnestly hope, therefore," General Pershing added, "that early steps will be taken to bring about the effective co-operation of states with the agencies of the national provernment to the end that this vital need can be effectually filled." Discussing the development of the army and post war reorganizations, the general said he had "witnessed with approbation the accomplish ments of the present administration in attaining efficiency and economy of operation, and it has been a source of distinct pride to observe the response of our military per sonnel." He pointed out, however, that he regarded the army at its present strength of 12,000 officers and 125.000 men as "below the mini mum required for effective perform ance of our various missions." Army Cut Deplored. "It is. my conviction," he said, 'that our regular force is cut too much for safety and that a strength of at least 150,000 enlisted men and 13,000 officers should be perma nently fixed as the minimum." Outlining the plans of the depart ment for future mobilizations, Gen eral Pershing said: "In our general plan for emer gency mobilization, it is contem plated that in a major eventuality our regular army would expand from its limited peace strength to form nine infantry divisions; our national guard, also kept at a very low peace footing, would form IS Infantry divisions, and the organ izod reserves, always a mere skele MAN FORGETS TROUSERS Absent-Minded New Yorker Is Taken to Police Station. (By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.) NEW YORK, Dec. 9. Patrolman Goodyear Thursday night glanced into a doorway and saw a man in the hall who was fully dressed ex cept for one article of attire his trousers. Goodyear gave the man his rain coat and took him to the station house. There he said he was James Allen. His daughter, Mrs. Mary McGuire, later told the police her father is very absent-minded and strayed out without knowing he was only partly cfad. - : - For every purpose Edlefsen's have the right coal. Bdy. 0070. Adv. VICTOR Records Purchase Your Xmas Records Mail orders given prompt attention. 85099 88138 74436 35412 Noel (Holy Night) By lol lancon Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht. By. Schumann-Heink Adeste Fideles By John McCormack While Shepherds Watched.. ..By Victor Oratorio Chorus It Came Upon the Midnight Clear ..By Victor Oratorio Chorus 35679 Santa Claus Gives Away His Toys.. By Gilbert Girard Santa Claus Tells About His Toy Shop..By Gilbert Girard 35566 Scrooge Part I "Marley'a Ghost". .Wm. Sterling Battis Scrooge Part II "The Ghost of Xmas Past".... Wm. Sterling Battis " DANCE NUMBERS 18966 Lovely Lucerne, Waltz .The Great White Way Orch. Romany Love, Fox Trot.... ..Paul Whiteman and Orch. 18945 Zenda, Fox Trot Zez Confrey and Orch. When the Leaves Come Tumbling Down, Fox Trot Clyde Doerr and Orch. 18960 Blowing Bubbles All Day Long. Fox Trot ..Paul Whiteman and Orch. Just A-s Long As You Have Me. Fox Trot ..Paul Whiteman and Orch. 18964 You Gave Me Your Heart, Fox Trot The Great White Way Orch. Tomorrow, Fox Trot The Great White Way Orch. G. F. Johnson Piano Co. 140 th St., Bet. MorriHon and Alder. IV7I 3 Good eyesight, a keen mind and a healthy body are the equipment for a happy existence. Without good vision you fall short of real efficiency. f$ You will find that our glasses are the best and cheapest in the end. 1 Our scientific examination of your eyes, the care and judgment we use in designing your glasses are what induce our customers to send their friends to us for help. I Our own complete lens-grinding plant on the premises.. SAVE YOUR EYES T EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS Portland's Largest, Most Modern, Best Equipped, Exclusive Optical Establishment 201 to 211 CORBETT BLDG., Fifth and Morrison Since 1908 ( HAS, A. Rl SCO, President and General Manaeer Dry Slab Wood and Block Wood Green Slab Wood and Block Wood C o UNION FUEL CO. 500 NORTH FRONT ST. Deliveries to All Part of the City. PHONISSl BROADWAY 3030 S13-6L, The Xmas Store of Friendly Service and Right Prices! NOW! with Christmas in the very near future everyone devotes their time and energies to. Gift Shopping. Our everv move these davs is actuated by a desire to simplifythe tasks of Gift Shoppers; hence this page will serve you as a reliable guide to your Christmas purchases. Everywhere in the store, in the merchandise, in the displays, in the service of the salespeople, one finds the true spirit of Christmas casting about the rays of cheeriness. Every offer ing, no matter how trivial or important, bears a definite mark of quality, representing in each instance the maximum of value for your money. To shop here now means to avoid the crowds of late shoppers, and to secure special advantage in selection. Here is a list of timely offerings: A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD YOUR PURCHASE FOR FUTURE DELIVERY IF DESIRED Laces for the Holidays Wonderful Variety of Widths and Patterns Judge the Values by These Special Offerings Camisole Laces at 20c, 39c and 75c Those beautiful beading top laces so popular for making camisoles and other holiday sewing they come in white, cream and colors. 2 to 4 Inch Laces at 10c a Yard Both imported and domestic laces linen and cotton Cluny filet crochet and Florentine patterns. Linen Laces at 25c and 35c Yard Handsome Cluny patterns in white and ecru 3J2 to 412-inch widths es pecially adapted for centerpieces, ta ble runners and other purposes. Spanish Laces for Bertha Collars 75c to $1.95 Yard Widths from 6 to 12 inches in heavy quality Spanish laces so much in demand for the making 'of bertha col lars. "They come in black,,, brown, navy, jade, white, sapphire, champagne, etc. beautiful new goods. METAL LACES FOR BERTHA COLLARS AT $1.00 TO $2.95 YD. Gift Handkerchiefs -Pongee Handkerchief s 25c, 50c ALSO AT 35c OR 3 FOR $1.00 Very pretty and acceptable gifts one or more of these fine imported pongee silk handkerchiefs they come in the proper' size for women in styles with hand-drawn thread embroidered in colors in neat corner patterns, etc. at prices you'll be pleased to pay. Dainty Vestee Sets at 95c Dozens and dozens of pretty styles in the extremely popular vestee sets with roll or Buster collar all are well made of fine quality nets combined with dainty val, venise and real filet and Irish laces. OTHER ATTRACTIVE GIFTS IN WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. In Surprising Values and Un Unlimited Assortments Linen Handkerchiefs ' With Colored Embroidered Initial AT 39c OR 2 FOR 75c A wonderful value in women's fine sheer Swiss and Irish linen Handkerchiefs, shown with hand-embroidered initial in plain and fancy script Handkerchiefs made to sell regularly at just about double this special sale price. Pretty Ready-Tied Hair Bows at 69c Each A gift that never fails to delight the little girl made of fine quality ribbon of wide width and full IV2 yards to each bow they come in pretty plaids, checks and stripes. Celluloid Bag Tops at 98c ( Ribbon Garters at 75c to $1.50 The popular shapes and styles in shell and demi-shell bag tops the strong, durable' sort of pleasing appearance. An extensive showing of women's round garters made of fine ribbons combined with dainty laces or rose buds all wanted colors. Christmas Purchasers, Attention! HERE IS A MOST UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL Crepe De Chine and Fine Satin Envelope Chemise at $2.95 JUST ABOUT ONE-HALF ACTUAL VALUE A royal gift for your intimate friends and a wonderful saving if purchasing for personal wear. Because of the unusual beauty of these fine Crepe de Chine and Satin Envelope Chemise we were prompted to purchase a greater stock than we have been able to dispose of in the regular way therefore we have decided to sacrifice the entire lot at a price that just about represents one-half their actual value you have choice from a score or more of popular styles beautifully tailored and trimmed with inserts of ribbons, medallions, select laces, hand-embroidered effects, etc. All have French seams and all are astonishing values at this sale price $2.95. All Sizes None Exchanged No Phone or Mail Orders. J. GIFT SUGGESTIONS IN OUR NOTION SECTION Inexpensive, Practical Gifts for Men and Women MANICURE CASES AND ROLLS AT Vi PRICE We are offering a manufacturers' sample line consisting of 100 Manicure cases and Rolls . with high grade fittings and all implements guaranteed. Specially underpriced at this sale. Sheaffers Fountain Pens.. . .$2.75 to $10 Eversharp Pencils ....500 to $5.00 Guaranteed Steel Shears $1.00 4 to 7-inch Ladies' Scissors 50$ Ash Trays ... 500 to $4 Shaving Sets $1 to $7.50 Imitation Ivory Hair . Brush, Con- con back . . ." $2.50 Imitation Ivory Mirrors $2.50 TINTED STATIONERY AT 75 BOX 200 boxes of high grade writing paper consist ing of 2 quires to a box and with envelopes to match, in assorted tints. This attractive box is made with hinged cover. Ebony- Finish Military Brushes, a pair $1.50 White Dressing Combs v ....350 Imitation Ivory Soap'Boxes 250 Mavis Toilet Sets. $2 and $3 Melba Manicure Set $1.25 Cutex Manicure Set .$1.00 Hyglo Handy Manicure Set.. 500 Imitation Ivory Perfume Bottle filled with perfume 750 Gem Safety Razors ....690 DeLuxe Ever-Ready Razors. .$1.00 Mavis Toilet Water $1.00 Three Flower Toilet Water ....$1.50 2-qt guaranteed Hot Water Bottle. .$1.00 In the following assortments are to be found all the popular new and staple styles in Women's Silk Umbrellas of the fine, dependable sort. Prices are now lower than the same qualities formerly sold for. A handsome Silk Umbrella is the gift ideal. y & PA Silk Umbrellas made on 8-rib steel AX tjVdt.wU frame and rod. Wood and Imitation Ivory Handles with tips and ferrule to match; also strap, ring and cord handles in black, navy, purple, red, brown and green. At- 0 Silk Umbrellas made with Satin Stripe Tit tDcJ.OU Border on 8-rib steel frame and rod and fancy handles with tips and ferrules to match; strap, ring and crook handles in brown, black, navy, purple, red and shades of green. ' Af Q0 Umbrellas with crooked bacolite iiL DvlU handles, tips and ferrules to match; made on 8-rib steel frame and rod. These all-silk Umbrellas come in black, navy, purple, red, brown and green priced at $6.90. Gift Slippers for All Something desirable for every member of the family in Slippers of good style and quality a gift that is on almost every per son's list. These especially priced of f erings should prompt immediate selection, while assortments are complete in styles and sizes: $1.45 to $3.35 for Men's Slippers in leather or felt with leather or padded soles in all sizes in black or brown. Alldesirable styles in the assortment. Women's Ribbon-Trimmed Felt Slippers, all sizes and colors at only $1.35 Women's Siesta Slippers with Chrome Padded Sole. .$1.00 Misses' and Children's Felt Slippers, sizes 6 to 1; best styles at $1.00 Children's Fur Sets at $4.95 Fine Beaverette Fur Sets and white or colored Coney Sets well made and of good style especially priced for this sale at the above low figure. A SPECIAL SHOWING OF FANCY Turkish Towels and Bath Mats A Gift the Housekeeper Will Appreciate Attractive, inexpensive gifts that will long be remembered and appreciated by the recipient. You have choice from Martex and other well-known makes of fancy Turkish Towels and Bath Mats at the fol lowing special prices: Turkish Towels, size 14x25-inch, with Blue, Pink, Gold and Heliotrope borders, each. 40$ Turkish Towels, size 19x36-inch, with fancy Blue, Pink and . Orange borders, each 05$ Turkish Towels, size 19x38-inch, with fancy Blue, Pink, Orange and Heliotrope borders 75$ Turkish Towels, size 22x40-inch, with Blue, Pink, Orange and Heliotrope borders, each $L.00 Turkish Towels, size 22x42-inch, with fancy borders in Blue, Pink and Orange, each $1.25 Bath Mats in an extensive assortment of attractive pat terns' and colorings $1.25 to $3.00 Bath Sets in Pink, Blue, Heliotrope, 0range..$1.65-$8.50 Women's Crepe Kimonos, $2.98 The best styles in fine Cotton Crepes in plain and embroidered effects. All sizes in light blue, Copen hagen and rose. . For the Men Practical Gifts Everything arranged to serve you promptly, satisfactorily. Unlimit ed assortments m thor ' oughly reliable qualities with only our well- known established low prices to pay. We would be pleased to have vou examine these offerings: Men's Plain All-Linen Handkerchiefs, each 25$ Men's Initial or Plain Ail-Linen Handkerchiefs nriced spe- - cial at 35c each or, . . J. 3 "for $1.00 Men's Initial or Plain All-Linen Handkerchiefs, each. .50$ Men's Pongee Silk Handkerchiefs, each.... 75$ to $1.00 Men's Suspenders in Fancy Holiday Box, pair 65$ Men's Suspenders in Fancy Holiday Box, pair $1.00 Men's Suspenders in Fancy Holiday Box, pair $1.25 Men's Combination Suspenders and Garters, Holi day box, set , $1.25 Men s uarters ana Arm Bands in Fancy Holiday box, set. 75$ Men's Fruit of the Loom Neckband Shirts $2.00 Men's Silk Striped Neck band Shirts $3.00 Men's Fiber Silk Neckband Shirts .?. .....$4.45 Men's AH -Silk Neckband Shirts $4.50 Men's Pongee Neckband Shirts $5.00 , BEADED AND EMBROIDERED Waists and Blouses at $4.95 A gift selected from our extensive stock of beautiful white Crepe de Chine Waists or Blouses in navy, poin settia, henna or jade insures a gift sure to be appreciated.