The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 10, 1922, Section One, Page 13, Image 13

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1 lU1
. j r u K-a a
Here is a most timely gift suggestion, a practical,
useful electrical appliance at a price lower than else
where. Size 12x15 inches and of a standard make.
Kid Gloves
A short style glove in both
black and white. Of excellent
quality, imported make. Two
snap fasteners; point embroid
ery on backs, the white ones
in both black and white. A big
gift value in Hox.
Safe-TWind- J
shield Cleaner
An ideal Christmas gift for
autoists. A type of cleaner
that attaches easily to all
makes of cars. Fastens to top
of windshield with a clamp.
Made of black enameled steel.
Cleans easily and thoroughly.
Women's Xmas Handkerchiefs
Handkerchiefs of
white lawn with
neat, corner em
broidery, designs
in blue, lavender
and pink. Hem
stitched edge.
Box of. 3
Handkerchiefs of
fine quality lawn
with a sheer finish.
Daintily embroid
ered with mercer
ized cotton. A big
' Box of 3
Handkerchiefs of
fine lawn, made
with hemstitched
edges and with cqI
o r e d borders of
blue,- pink and lav
ender. Box of 3
Handkerchiefs of
fine quality lawn
and daintily em
broidered in neat,
attractive patterns.
Very special.
Box of 6
A big electrical appliance value. Full
nickel-plated, turns toast automatic
ally and comes complete with six-foot
cord and plug. Of the most depend
able quality and low priced.
Regular $1.65 Value
Round Table Cloths
A 56-inch size and made
of excellent quality linen
finish damask. Finished
with scalloped, embroidery
trimmed edges. Each ....
36-Inch Percales "
Standard quality percales
oi sb-mcn wiatn "ana in
the best colors and pat- ps
tefhs. An unusual oppor
tunity for savings. 7 yds.
onday Brings Forth
Regular $1.35 Value
Crepe de Chine
This favorite, year-round
silk fabric in many choice
colors is one of the big
specials in this dollar-day
sale. Monday, yard
Regular $1.45 Value
Georgette Qrepes
An excellent quality crepe
t-1 1 i. . i
rauie tnoicen coiora, , t
yards and yards of it, go p
on sale Monday for less.
Dollar day, the yard
the B
iggest Holiday -Season Bargain Day Monday
Special Offering of
Pillow Cases
A big value for thrifty house-
quality muslin, 36x42 inches
in Rizp and hpmmed finish. t I
Big savings for Monday, four
tor only
Regular $1.16 Value
Japanese Crepes
An excellent quality material
for house robes and lingeries.
Large assortment of the most
desired colors. Launders well
and is a big value in this dollar-day
sale, at, 4 yards....
Regular $1.29 Value
Silk-and-Wool Poplin
36 inches wide and of good,
HpnpnHflhJp nnaitv Wp shnw
an assortment of wanted 1
colors for the season's wear. T I
A big Ward value, Monday,
the yd
Extra Quality
Romper Cloth
A most desirable material for
hniisp-rlressps or children's
garments. It is here in CI
ample quantities and in the "Pi
best patterns and colors.
Four yards
A Big Box of
Christmas Stationery
Of excellent quality lawn
paper, 24 sheets paper 24
gold-edge cards and 24 en
velopes. A most appropriate
gift, as well as an econom
ical one. Box
Children's White Lawn
Stamped Dresses
Made of excellent quality
lawn and stamped in beauti
ful designs, ready to em
broider. A big value and an
opportunely offered Christ
mas suggestion. Two
Regular $1.45 Value
Table Damask
A very good quality cotton
unnaclr with o linnr. "FiTiich
of an extra heavy weight, a 4
damask that will wear and t I
launder well. Good patterns.
Three-quarter Size
An excellent quality spread
nnii in limitp nnantitipa nnlv-
A square-corner spread of an t
pvppllpnt -finish on(i in a nent
attractive pattern. A big
Ward value, Monday, each..
Dollar-Day Special
Linen Scarfing
An unusual value opportune
ly ottered tor Christmas
needlework. Excellent qual
ity, 16 inches wide. Fine for
dresser scarfs or guest tow
els. 3 yards
Regular $1.25 Value
Kimono Flannelettes
C. 1 i i 1 1 1 I
ovanaara quainy iianneieites
and colors. Beautiful mate
rials for house-robes, night
gowns, etc. For Monday,
5 yards dub
Regular $1.38 Value
House Aprons
Neat styled garments, they
nrp of PYrp.llpnt wenrinir ma
terials that will launder well, tl
Well made and attractivelv t I
trimmed. Big Monday val
ues, 2 for
Dollar-Day Special
Knit Underskirts
Knit of fine quality yarns
nnd ffiflifl wifli A fihpll oricrp
of contrasting edge trim. J
Draw strino- at the waist. An t
extra value in this sale at,
Cotton Middies
and Skirts
In regulation style and made
tf YpllpTlf irooi-ini. niia!:?'
twill. Middies are braid 1
trimmed. A nractical par- t
ment for school wear. Mon
day only, each
Women's Cotton
Union Suits
An excellent garment for-
Tirinpt. nrdar A Iioqw IXTpicrht '
and fleece lined. Styled $
with loner sleeve, hisrh neck ti
and ankle length. In white.
Monday, suit
Regular $1.39 Value
Women's Silk Hose
An excellent quanry nose in
colors of blue, navy, gray, T
black and brown. An incom
parable hose value that all
women will appreciate. The
pair . .'
Dollar-Day Special
Men's Wool Socks
A gray hose of a medium
weight that will be most ac
ceptable for wear these cold
days a good sock for heavy
shoes or boots. Monday spe
cial, 6 pairs
Regular $1.75 Value
Men's Silk Mufflers
A big value is offered in
fVi ace Tnti-F-flovo vf eilL- in
stripes of white with black $1
value very opportunely of
fered. ' Each ,
Dollar-Day Special
Aluminum Double Boiler
Eoyal aluminum double boil
Ar.Q. A hie vollio fnf fhrift-rr
housewives who appreciate j
big" savinfi-s. For Mnnrinv. 'I
this dollar-day sale, priced
at, each . . . .
, Dollar-Day Special
Men's Soft Shirts
A flat-collar style shirt in
wnixe ana ecru, a lull-cut,
well-made shirt of excellent O
wearine materials. A value Tf
that men will appreciate at
Special Dollar-Day Toy Values jn Toyland
$2 Value
An unusual doll
value for this
season. Is just as
you see it here;
fully dressed;
head and
jointed at
the hips
and shoul
ders. Each
$1.19 Value Violin
A wonderful value for young
musicians. Is made with a
metal body and with ebonized
.fingerboard. 15 inches long.
' $1.30 Value
Doll's Wash Day Set
Any little girl will appreciate one
ot these tor Christmas. It ln-
..Iiipq pTTQTi7t-n i n tr in wnsll
dolly's clothes tubs, pails,
wrinfrpr. ironiTip' hnarH and
clothes dryer. A big Christ
mas value, Monday, the set
$1.29 Value
10-Inch Drum
Has sheepskin head and wood
sides. Comes with sticks and sling
S1.29 Value Train Set
Just as you see it here, track and all. Every $11
VUUItg euilicci. Will wmju VliC bUCDC. I
is 17 inches long and substantially made. "J
A big value for Monday at, the set
$1.19 Value
Just as illustrated, an eight '
key piano m rosewood lin
ish. Has a good tone.
Steel Wagons
An unusual value in wagons
f J 1. L!!J T 1
ior we ciiuuieii. is uiaue
with steel frame, wheels and p
body with wood bottom. A
big Ward value for
$1.18 Value
iSUllQing ga
hlnpks. fifl
of them
the set.
2 sets for. ,
$1.18 Value
Jazztown Set
Just as illustrated
liprp a Hpnriv hnnin.
flute and whistle. A ti
Uig viLiiawiai value
for Monday, 2 sets
$1.79 Value
A wood stable
with three horses
in this set
for only. . .
$1.38 Value
Toy Dishes
Your choice of two sets,
either blue enamel or
u'uminum, 14 pieces in
one and 17 in the other.
Monday 2 sets for...
$1.19 Value
Boomerang Game Set
Includes gun, and target. Shoot
the rings and see them come back
to you. An interesting game...
$1.69 Value
Alum'm Dishes
19 pieces. in the set.
Very attractive; ! 1
set Pl
$2.39 Value
A big value is of
fered here for young
engineers. It is an
engine 11 inches high
and one that will
really run. Is
made, nickel- SM
trimmed and a
big value for
one day only.
Women's Part-Wool
An unusual hose value, op-
nn-hmaln nff avaJ To f fl
medium weight, ribbed, and l
in black only. A hose of ex- 1
cellent wearing quality. Two
Regular $1.36 Value
Women's Union Suits
A sleeveless style with knee
trimmed with edging. In
white only. Of fine quality,
an extra value for Monday.
three for ,. mm
Regular $2.49 Value
Girls' Union Suits
A heavy weight union suit
for winter wear. Styled with
long sleeves, high neck and V
ankle length. In size VI
years only. Monday only,
3 suits ,
Women's Black Ribbed
Cotton Hose
An excellent value for this
dium rib and with ribbed $
nn An limisMlstl hoKft value. '!
a big Ward special Monday,
five pairs for..,..
Dollar-Day Special
Men's Lined Work Gloves
A most reasonable offering.
A gauntlet glove with horse
hide face and full fleece lined.
A glove that is full cut and
will give excellent wear. A
bargain for thrifty men. Pair
Christmas Special
Men's Neckwear
A Ward's Christmas Special.
A large assortment of men's
neckwear in the choicest col
ors and patterns is offered in
this one-day sale. Wide ends;
a big tie value; 3 for. ...... .
A Sale of
Brushed Wool
Scarf Sets
These beautiful brushed wool scarfs
make ideal garments for sport and auto
wear they're warm, comfortable and
stylish. We offer unusual values at
prices that make the biggest savings for
you. Compare these three low prices:
Extra Christmas Values at
Ward's Lower Prices
Fringe Trimmed Scarfs
Knit of part wool yams, brushed and a gt. a
made with tringe ends, belt and pocKets. H
84 inches long. In attractive, becoming
colors. An incomparable value for. . . .
Wool Scarf and Tarn Set
A Deautiiul scan oi all-wool and witn a
tarn to match. Scarf is fringe trimmed. Jb
In three color combinations that are
most becoming and attractive. Special
Brushed Wool Scarfs
A wonderful value at a very Jow price.
Just as illustrated here a luxurious
scarf of very ample proportions and
in the best of seasonable colors. Each
$1.35 Value
. "Evrda" Pencil
Silver-plated, full size. Al
ways sharp, always ready.
Fur Sets
Big savings for thrifty mothers in
offering these new sets, at such low
prices. Very well made and at
tractive. At special low prices.
Beaver ette Set $8.75
Coney Fur Set....?5.29
Iceland Fox Set... $5.98
Stag Handle
Carving Sets
A three-niece carvinc set of hiirh oualitv
steel with genuine stag handles, silver
trimmed. An unusual value at tnis
low price an appropriate, econom
ical Christmas offering. ..........
Two $1
for 1
Beautiful spoons of
sterling silver, typi
fying the progress of
Oregon. In both plain
and gold-lined pat
terns with each han
dle of raised design.
A big silverware value
at a 'very low price
for Monday.
Silver Set
A three-piece set for
the little ones. Is of
a knife, fork and
spoon of a very at
tractive design and of
excellent juality. In
an attractive lined
box. A big, incompa
rable? Ward value.
$9 1 Q
an Ideal Gift
The biggest value of
fer i n g in Christmas
cameras. Takes pictures 2x4& inches, can be
used with any roll films of this size. I3 black
leatherette covered and comes in a Christmas box.
Dollar-Day Special
Ideal Christmas Gifts for Less
An unusually large assortment to cnoose gm
qualities. Styled with soft soles, ribbon and t B
pompon trimmed and in many choice color
combinations. All sizes. Values up to $1.39.
A big holiday special value at Ward's.. e
Christmas Cedar Chests
A most appropriate gift, valued for its real service
giving use for storing furs and clothing. Well-made
chests they are, neatly finished and copper-trimmed.
Each has a sliding tray. A comparison of our low
prices reveals to you the big savings we offer.
33-inch .....$7.95
45- inch . . . $12.75
46- 'ch . . . $14.25
46-inch . . . $13.25
54-inch ... $14.45
46-inch . . . $12.85
Electric Stove
An unusual value"in a table, electric
stove. Is nickel-plated, very sub
stantially made and fries, broils
and toasts. Just as illustrated
here. A regular Ward value at a
very low price for big savings.
Dollar-Day Specials in
Christmas Candies
Big savings can be made by choosing your Christmas
candies from our complete, well-chosen stock., Fresh
cafidies in an assortment that is sure to please and,
Portland made. Choose your Christmas Candy Monday.
fAum and Tlrnlron
Mixed Candies
Pure, wholesome candies, the cream
mixed of a soft variety well as
sorted. Monday, five pounds......
Ribbon Mixed and
French Creams
High-grade candies of first choice,
well assorted and priced for big sav
ings. Monday, 4 pounds
Dollar-Day Special
on Mixed Nuts
Here is the opportunity of buying
Christmas nuts at a very low price.
All new crop. Monday, 5. pounds. , .
I ml ran m
Fy!-'1'-'-:1--1' 1 v' 1 nws'i
Ward's Lower Prices
Choosing silverware at
Ward's makes the biggest
savings for you. Standard
qualities at low prices.
26-Piece Set Com- $
munity Grosvenor
This beautiful, favorite pattern, 26 pieces in the set and
in a lined silverware-box will make the best of Christmas
gifts. Community . silverware is well known compare
our low price. Other patterns at equally low prices.
6 Salad Forks
Community par plate in the Primrose pat
tern. Big value and low priced ". ...
6 Butter Spreaders
Rogers standard A-l quality in the fa
mous Laureate pattern. Very neat
To get to this store take
a D-M or N-S car to 27th
and Thurman streets.
Store Hours, 8:30 A. M. to 5 P. M.
Special Values in
Popular Fiction
A large assortment to choose
avm ItAAlra f.Am 1. a tio o nt
many well-known writers. l
Printpfl rrn cnod mialitv nftner i
and well bound. Monday,
two for
Regular $15 Value
Startex Toweling
Every thrifty housewifa
1rAB tka iirannal A4 rtlT a 1 IT-"17
of this well known toweling. J
Here it is in this one-day sale
at a very low price; five
yards for ................
Special Offering in
Bed Sheets
Opportunty for big savings.
both bleached and unbleached, 6
hemmed finish. A bis value, t I
72x90 inches in size. Limit
of 4 to a customer. Each. ..
Fine Quality Wide
Silk Lace Flouncings
Beautiful flouncings of silk
ha in huAnm on1 mow
Deep scallops and in attrac- $
t.ivA Tint-tpms. A value such "6
as found only at Ward's.
Dollar-Day Special
Art Cretonnes
Big Ward values for Monday.
n . -f 1 ,.ol
ity, good weights and in the
hat fintjkmR And rnlnrs. Fine. 'I
economical material for dra
peries. Monday, five yards. .
45x45-Inch Stamped
Japanese Lunch Cloths
Made of very good quality
Oriental designs and finished t
wim nemsuicnea eages. a
big Ward-value for Monday.
36-Inch Fine Quality
Comforter Challies
A large assortment of this gm
material is on sale at much
Best colors and patterns. 6
yards for .................
Big Value in
Novelty Eardrops
A large assortment new ar.
rivals -of the season's latest
offering in stylish ear-drops.
A wide range of colors and
shapes makes choosing easy.
Popular Brands of
Toilet Water
A big assortment, specially
chosen for big value-giving
this Monday. Many scents, '
grades of Djer-Kiss, "Lov-'
Me" and Wardgrade. Monday
only, the bottle
$1.98 Value Men's
Purses and Billfolds
Made of excellent quality
smooth and pebble-grain fin- vl
ish. Amply provided with
Sockets. Very well made,
onday, each
Dollar-Day Special
Bath Towel Sets
Appropriate Christmas gifts.
A set of one large towel and
two wash cloths, towel oi 3b
inch size. Of excellent qual
ity and in white with blue and
pink. A big value, the set. .
MontgomerjrWard (?(ft
If you live
out of town
Mail Tour Request
Out-of-town customers ahonld en4
tor our sew catalogue.
Mall order shipped within 4S hoars.