IPO Pages Eight Sections Section One Pages 1 to 24 VOL. XLI XO. 50 Entered at Portland (Oregon Postoffice as Second-class Matter. PORTLAND, OREGON. SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 10, 1922 PRICE FIVE CENTS ASTORIA IS SPLIT Oil RELIEF PLANS GOTHAM CLAMPS LID ON NAUGHTY DANCES RELIEF SPECIAL ASTORIA FIRE LOSS COURT FLAYS HENRY1 FOR ARRESTING "ME" HAND'S CAST PROVES SPIRITS, SAYS DOYLE PROGRESS IDE 'TO AT $15,000,000 SENT TO ASTORIh1 ; RESORT PROPRIETORS TOLD THEY WILL BE ARRESTED, f ,t OF REMAKING STREETS IS INCLUDED. , CASE OF EDITOR WHITE IS DECLARED OUTRAGE. PARAFFIN' FORMS DECLARED DEVELOPED AT SEANCE. LUPTDN'S VICTORY Li TO PIERCE reparations Disruption May Result in Military Control. GOVERNMENT CRAFT ANCHOR Acting Governor Ritner Con fers With Business Men. BANKS TO OPEN MONDAY Scripts Will Be Issued to Citizens to Exchange for Food and Clothing. ASTORIA, Or., Dec. 9. (Special.) Political controversy has arisen in Astoria and threatens to disrupt all local control of the relief and re habilitation work and may result in the placing of the city under com plete military control. The differ ence seems to have arisen between Mayor Bremmer and O. B. Setters, mayor-elect, when the latter re fused to give his approval to a proc lamation proposed by the mayor, giving a committee of nine, headed by Major W. S. Gilbert, supreme au thority in coping' with everything concerning the present crisis. This executive committee, of which Mayor Bremmer is a member, was In session throughout the afternoon. Various heads of departments had been chosen, and an outline of the work tentatively approved when Mayor Bremmer presented his proc lamation. Proclamation Not. Approve. . He declared that he favored its Issuance to be followed by confir mation by the present council as well a, the mayor-elect and the five men who January 1 will serve on the commission to replace the pres ent council. Mayor - elect Setters was in the courthouse where the executive meeting was in progress but he did! net attend the meeting. However, several members of the committee withdrew and it is presumed that they conferred with him. He In formed this committee, as well as newspaper men, that he would not approve the proclamation until the members of the incoming council had given their approval. Because ,f the bitter fight waged by va rious factions during the campaign preceding the municipal election in November, there is considerable fear on the part of prominent people here that this approval will not be given. "While members 01 the incoming commission refuse to discuss the situation, it is understood that they hesitate to empower the executive committee with broad authority for fear that by so doing they will be surrendering the power of the new commission. Local Control Preferred. . The members of the executive com mittee do not wish to assume con trol of the present situation unless they do so with the approval of the men who have been elected to take over office on the first of the year. A meeting will be held tomorrow r.orning with members of the incom ing commission, as well as the coun ciimen now in office, when an effort "will be made to reach an agreement that will permit the carrying on of the essential work of relief and re habilitation. It Is pointed out that ii a deadlock occurs military control is inevitable. The residents of the c:ty are said to favor local control, however, and every effort is to be made by those not directly involved in the Imbroglio. Kxe.atlvr Staff Numbers Ten. The executive committee of safety Is composed of ten men headed by Chaplain Gilbert. All of the men on this committee have property inter ests in the city and the majority of them have been identified with the building of the area destroyed. The other members of the committee are Frank Patton, cashier of the Astoria Savings hank; W. F. McGregor, pres iConcluded on paife 18, column S.) T I ' 3 Scandal Walk and Chicken Shaker Xo Longer to Be Tolerated; Police Get Instructions. NEW YORK, Dec. 9. New Tork today was washed by a terpsichor ean reform wave. Proprietors of 400 public dance halls in the greater city were warned by Mrs. George W. Loft, po lice commissioner, that they would be jailed if they did not put a stop to "indecent demoralizing dancing." "We have tried to regulate danc ing with women police," said Mrs. Loft, "and we have failed. The reg ular police force, therefore, has been ordered to arrest proprietors and floor managers who permit viola tions of the dancing rules we have made. "Cheek to cheek dancing and movements known as the scandal w;alk, the cradle rock, the Chicago camel, the syncopating shimmy and the chicken shaker, are terrible. They must cease." NEW MAIL BOX SUCCESS Compartments Keep City and Out-of-Town Mall Separate. "WASHINGTON, D. C, Bee. 9. Rec ords kept by the postoffice depart ment during the past two weeks on "double compartment boxes in this city indicate the probability, it was announced today, that similar boxes soon would be placed in all the larger cities of the country. The boxes have two slots, one for local mail and one for the out-of-town mail. Only 6 per cent of the mail taken from the experimental boxes here was found in the wrong: compart ment. RATES TO, BE REPEATED Excursion iFares of Last Year Are Promised for 1923. CHICAGO, Dec. 9. The Transcon tinental Passenger association an nounced today that summer excur sion round-trip fares from Califor nia, Nevada, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia to eastern des tinations will be the same for 1923 as were in effect this year. Similarly, excursion fares from Chicago, St. Louis, Memphis, New Orleans and territory west to Cal ifornia and the north Pacific coast in effect in 1922 will be maintained next summert HARVARD FACES DEFICIT Cost of Running University More Than $6,000,000 Annually. CAMBRIDGE. Mass.. Dec. 9. It costs more than $6,000,000 a year to run Harvard university. The annual statement of the treasurer, Charles C. Francis Adams, made public to day, shows that the total expendi ture reached the sum of $6,045,071, involving, an operating deficit of $77,536.63 for the year ended June 30. The deficit, however, was much smaller than that of the preceding year, when the university ran be hind more than $338,000. CUBA TO GETBIG LOAN $50,000,000 Financial Operation Arranged Privately. KEY WEST, Fla., Dec. 9. Nego- tiatie for a private loan of $50,00' 00 to Cuba virtually have been completed, according to Dr. Carlos Manuel de Cespedes, Cuban secretary of state. Mr. Cespedes left here las night for Havana, after having spent sev eral weeks In this country in con ference with government officials in Washington and with financiers. WISE VOTERSJOWA IDEA State Commission Proposes Lit eracy Test for All. DES MOINES, Dec. 9. The state Illiteracy, commission will ask the coming legislature to enact a law making it compulsory for all Iowa voters to pass a literacy test before being allowed the exercise of the right of suffrage. The commission so resolved yes terday. ' 15 Cars Carry S;nes to Stricken City. $50,000 MORE IS PROMISED Food, Clothing, Fuel and Bedding Arrive Safely. PORTLAND GIVES FREELY Other Towns Throughout State Also Rally to Aid of Ref ugees of Big Fire. Relief efforts for the stricken people of Astoria, started Friday on receipt of news of the terrible conflagration there, were followed up in splendid manner yesterday by the people of Portland. A special train of 15 cars loaded with supplies, calculated to care for the 2500 homeless and destitute for ten days, was dispatched yesterday afternoon. This train, which had food, clothing, fuel and bedding, was scheduled to reach Astoria shortly after 6 o'clock last night. $50,000 to Be Raised. Portland will raise $50,000, or more if necessary, to take care of the Astorians made homeless by the fire, it was decided at a meeting of the special Astoria relief committee held at the Chamber of Commerce yesterday morning. At that time Mayor Baker and Chamber of Com merce officials met with the com mittee, which was presided over by O. W. Mielke, president of the chamber, and plans were laid for a systematic campaign of relief. Other consignments of supplies will be sent as needed, it was an nounced, and at the same time the special finance committee appointed at yesterday's meeting will optfn a campaign to raise the money to finance the relief work. Five Cars Carry Food. Tire special train, which left yes terday afternoon, represented the open-hearted -efforts of citizens of Portland, city officials and the spe cial relief committee to take care of the crisis which had presented itself. Five cars were loaded with food and provisions, four with coal and six with merchandise The train pulled out with J. C. Moore, city passenger againt of the Spokane, Portland & Seattle railroad, in charge. The rail road company gave free transporta tion for the train. A list of necessities required by the citizens' committee ,at Astoria, headed by Rev. W. S. Gilbert, was received at Portland by Mayor Baker and W. D. B. Dodson Friday night, and within less than 24 hours from that time the necessities were in Astoria on the special train. Realty Board Gives Coat. Three carloads of coal for the des titute werg the gift of the Portland Realty board, which proved one of the leaders in -taking up work for the relief of the Astorians. This organization raised slightly more than $1700 Friday, following the re ceipt of the news of the disaster. About $300 worth of supplies were sent down to the stricken town that same night. H. G. Beckwith, presi dent of the realty board, said, yes terday that his organization was ready to follow this work up with anything else which was required in the way of relief. It was announced yesterday that the Red Cross and the Hotelmen's association had both pledged $5000 for the relief work. The Rotary club pledged $3000, R. A. Booth $1000 and the Associated Industries $500. Silverton Gives $500. Mayor Baker said that he had received word from Mayor Eastman of Silverton announcing that that city had raised $500 to aid its sister city in distress. A long-distance call from the Se- (Concluded on Page 20, Column 1.) PICTORIAL SIDELIGHTS ON SOME RECENT NEWS EVENTS BY SEAL ON T UOOK Sewers, Telephone and Power Conduits 'and Gas and Water Pipes Also Destroyed. ASTORIA. Or., Dec 9. (Special.) A total loss of $15,000,000 or more, some covered by insurance ranging from 40 to 80 per cent, was esti mated by several conservative bankers today after surveying the situation. The increase in the original esti mates resulted when the cost of re building streets in the city was taken into account. This cost alone is estimated at not less than $1,500,-" coo. Many of the streets in the devas tated area were built on viaducts and this condition alone is respon sible for the wide sweep of the fire tefore it was brought under con trol. If lower insurance rates are to be obtained, these streets must be rebuilt by sand fills and this type will cost considerably more than the viaduct plan. Sewers, telephone and power con- luits, gas and water pipes hav been destroyed and all ot these must be replaced. Officials of the various public service corporations have been bending all efforts towards Restora tion of service and therefore no re liable estimate of losses has been made by them. Revised heavy prop erty losses compiled today included the following: Bee Hive department store. .$205,000 Astoria Savings Bank bide.. 200.000 Stradan apartments 150,000 Astoria Furniture company, b&.uuu Skallerud Dry Goods comp'y 75.000 First National Bank building 90,000 Weinhard hotel building 150.000 Astoria Hardware company. 45.000 Burke' & Co 35.000 Extrom company 35,000 A. Y. Spexarth 30.000 Owl Drug company 45,000 Farr Drug company 38,000 N. Nelson furniture house... 50,000 Astoria Budget building 35,000 Morning Astorian building.. 38.000 Fisher Brothers 60,000 The losses or merchants in most instances was much larger than would have been the case had the conflagration occurred at any other time of the year. Heavy Christmas stocks were carried by nearly all the merchants. Filing of inventories and estimates of building losses will be started tomorrow in the court house by the Portland Association of Credit Men and Insurance Ad justers. The Credit Met;;- sr ociatlon is do nating its service und has detailed G. W. Ingram and M. D. Munson to carry on this work. It is expected that the bulk of estimates will have been made within two weeks, although in cases of merchandise losses duplicate in voices will be required, and this is certain to slow up the work of in surance adjustment. Several of the insurance companies plan to erect temporary offices here early next week and aid so far as possible the policy holders who are now in distress. Next to the adjustments the ques tion of future' insurance rates ie considered of utmost importance Property owners who have suffered losses in the fire are determined to rebuild the city in such a manner as to gain lower rates, and confer ences between the property owners and insurance men will be started immediately. REGISTERED MAIL TAKEN Three Unmasked Men Hold Vp Clerks at St. Joseph, Mo. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Dec. 9. Three unmasked men armed with revolvers and a shotgun held up two mail clerks at the Union station early Friday and escaped in a waiting: au tomobile with one package of regis tered mail and five packages of first-class mail, which had just been taken from the mail car of the Chicago, Burlington & Qulncy pas senger train No. 23, en route from Kansas City to Omaha, No estimate of the value of the loot has been secured. DRYS LOSE IN ANTIPODES 290,566 Vote Against to 272,443 for Prohibition. (Chicago Tribune Foieign News Service.) WELLINGTON. N. Z.; Dec. 9. The final vote on prohibition was 290,568 against, 272,443 for and 34,261 for state control. The official count has just been completed. . ONUH njrwK& OUV. 6 HIS ITbOUTlftM' AX LAST . y I ' l GOV TO TM-e BOTTOM "THE I Judge Dismisses Action With Dec laration That Injustice Has Been Done Writer. EMPORIA, Kan.. Dec. . 9. The state's case against William Allen White, Emporia editor, charged with violating the industrial court law by placing a placard in the win dow of his newspaper, was dismissed this afternoon in district . court. Judge Harris presiding. i Mr. White appeared at the court with his attorney. In dismissing the case. Judge W. C. Harris declared the rumors aris ing from the state's refusal to bring the case to trial had done Mr. White an injustice and the judge flayed the administration of Governor Henry J. Allen for tne way in which it had been handled. "This case, was commenced mall ciously or recklessly, without inves tigation of the facts to ascertain whether the prosecution was juS' tified," the judge said. White, in a statement after the hearing, de clared he had -been "ku kluxed" and "by a court that aid not have the guts to pull out their shirt-tails and give a Ku Klux parade." The case will be dismissed on the application of the state at its cost. "Of course, I am bitterly dlsap- jointed at the outcome of this case," Mr. White said in a staatement to night. "I was arrested during the late railroad strike for posting in my window a placard "declaring half-way sympathy with the strike, in "which I did not wholly believe. The governor had ordered all placards down. I defied his order in order to test the case in the court because good lawyers said it was an illegal order. The test was brought because I feel that Governor Allen in his anxiety to make the indus trial court function, overstepped the law in his order forbidding an out side party to the controversy to ex press any temperate opinion about the controversy and because I sin cerely feel it was against good pub lic policy. The principal I raised never has been decided in the courts. Here was a chance to decide it. "Now, to understand exactly why the state did hot want it decided, a few facts must be known. First, the attorney-general advised the governor against making the arrest, declaring that I had not violated the picketing law, and the attorney general would not draw up the war rant. Judge Huggins, chairman of the industrial court, declared pub licly that I had, violated no law. He agreed with the attorney-general, but Judge McDermott of the indus trial court felt that an arrest should be made, and is responsible for the warrant, signed by a clerk in the governor's office. The war rant alleged two things for which there was not the slightest evidence and that Is why Judge McDermott is afraid to have it tried. The two things were a charge of conspiracy with three men I never saw or heard of and a charge that I had stopped Santa Fe trains, which is silly. Now, the reason these two tricky charges were made was to prevent me from going immediately in the-supreme court and demand ing relief on a habeas corpus. This I could have done if the warrant had been drawn merely alleging the fact in the case. I begged the gov ernor to amend the warrent in ac cordance with the undisputed facts so that he could get the supreme court to decide the fundamental question in the supreme court. I had assurance before he left for the governor's conference in the east that some way would be found to get the case into the court. But Judge McDermott vetoed him. . . . "Under the promise of the trial, I asked that the placards come down and they came down all over the state. I am now denied a trial, and what is more, the state has not dared to try anyone else for display ing that poster, though ban&s, big stores, hotels and offices all over Kansas displayed the objectionable placards. "It all amounts to this: This In dustrial court law, which I believe was written to establish law and or der in industrial controversies, will never stand In the books if under it men are arrested on tricky warrants that the state dare not defend in the courts." , OUT. 6f HIS l?OLfl"U6r4 AT LAST Governor-elect Organiz ing Friendly Forces. SECRET BODIES IN CONTROL Way Paved for Co-operation With House and Senate. FIGHTS ARE IN PROSPECT Legislators Line Vp for Commit tee Chairmanships; Eddy Camp Still Hopeful. Influence of Walter M. Pierce, democratic governor-elect, had much to do in preventing the eastern Oregon bloc from bolting Jay Upton for president of he state senate. Mr. Pierce Is desirous of having the lower and upper branches of the legislature organized in a way friendly to him and this, apparently, is being accomplished. The secret societies which sup ported Pierce .against Ben W. Olcott, incumbent, for governor, have, with a number of the demo cratic representatives, control of the house and will function with the executive office. Mr. Pierce's Influence, working through demo crats, has saved Upton and pre vented the election of B. L. Eddy as presiding officer of the senate. Thus Mr. Pierce has paved the way for co-operation with both legisla tive branches, so far as the organ ization of each is concerned. Robertson Stays by Ipton. Senator Strayer, democrat, de clared his intention of remaining with Upton when there was an in clination among some of the eastern Oregon bloc to desert. Senator Strayer had a conference with Senator Ellis in Baker when the latter was on his way to the caucus at Pendleton and Ellis arrived at the meeting prepared to stand by Upton. Senator Kobertson, who ac tually brought about the candidacy of Upton and secured the backing of the bloc for the Crook county senator, remained firm to his first love. This left Senators Ritner, Dennis and Taylor, who were dis satisfied with the conditions in the Upton camp, in a minority, for the pact of the bloc is for the seven to stand pat and' the action of four to govern the rest. Senators Dennis, Ritner and Taylor were a minority, for they could not bring over Ellis, Strayer or Robertson. Senator Upton,' seventh member of the dele gation, absented himself from the meeting so his friends could settle the matter among themselves. Campaign's Course Devious. The campaign for presidency of the senate has followed a devious course, with plots, counter-plots, compacts, treaties, double-crossing and misunderstandings. Originally there was an ironclad pact between the seven senators from east of the mountains, that they would stand together. It was this pact which finally determined the fate of Upton's candidacy last Wednesday. There was an agreement between certain of the gddy forces and Gu Moser that they would not deal with the eastern Oregon bunch. There was also an understanding that the eastern Oregon delegation and the Eddy camp would not accept Moser. When Upton accepted Moser's vote this made some of the eastern Oregon bloc feel that their arrange ment with Senator Corbett of the Eddy camp jvas disturbed. Now Ritner and Dennis are viewed by forces friendly to Eddy as having broken the faith with the Eddy sup porters; Moser has exposed the agreement between himself and the Eddy forces not to dicker with the bloc and some of the bloc members are peeved at Senators Joseph and Staples for the agreement made with Moser not to deal with the Concluded Ou Fape tt.' Column CARTOONIST PERRY. vvYTue: jiHMirr sfAivr&o toNN HILL ON VHS. S-&l' Pyschic Champion Assails Re ward Offered for Convincing Proof of Phenomena. (By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.) NEW TORK, Dec. 9. The J5000 reward offered by the Scientific American for convincing proof of spiritualistic phenomena is assailed by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in a let ter, which the British novelist and psychic champion has written to the publication. This offer will attract the fakirs, deter those with genu ine powers and muddle things gen erally, according to Sir Arthur, whose letter is printed in the Janu ary Scientific American. Among other arguments in favor of the occurrence of supernatural things Sir Arthur incloses a photo graph of a paraffin cast of a hand. This hand was Materialized at a se ance, the wax applied to it and the hand then dematerialized or evapor ated leaving the paraffin glove, This proof is especially cogent, ac cording to the British knight, since an ordinary human hand could not be withdrawn from such a mold without breaking it. In spite of the achievements ot Houdini in this respect, Sir Arthur asserts that the wrist openings in the paraffin casts are too small for the palms to have been withdrawn through. The possibility that an artificial hand was used and that the material of the hand was later dissolved out of the paraffin mold, as is the case in taking some kinds of casts in artistic work, is not dis cussed. 5,000,000 T0NEED AID Amcrcans Expected to Take Care of 4,000,000 Russians. NEW YORK, Dec. 9. More than 5,000,000 Russians must get relief this winter. Colonel William L. Haskell, chief representative in Russia of the American relief ad ministration, declared today on his arrival on the steamship Berengarla. Of this -number, he said, the American relief workers will care for 4,000,000; tha others will receive relief :rom the soviet government MARSHALL IS OUTSIDER Ei-YIce-President Has to Show Senate Chamber Page. WASHINGTON, D. C. Dec. 9. Former Vice-President Marshall vis ited the capitol today but was barred from the senate chamber by a diminutive page boy. "That's all right; I used to work here," Mr. Marshall said, but the page, the youngest and newest of the flock, refused to admit the for mer vice-president until he was well introduced. V KLAIMSMEIM TO LOSE JOBS New York City Employes cMust Not Be Ku Klux Members. NEW TORK, Dec. 9.Kew York city employes holding: membership in the Ku Klux Klan will be dis charged when their identities are learned, Commissioner of Accounts Hirschfield declared today. An investigation .- reports that the klan was making a membership campaign among the municipal workers Vill be made. RAINS ARE PREDICTED Normal Temperature for Coast Is Forecast for Week. WASHINGTON, T. C, Dec. 9. The weather outlook for the week beginning T'onday follows: Pacific states Normal tempera ture, considerable cloudiness, occa sional rains. INJURED BISHOP DIES Automobile Accident Results Fa tally to K. G. Waterhouse. KNOXVILLE, Tenn., Dec 9. Bishop R. G. Waterhouse, who was Injured by an tutomobile here Thursday night, died this afternoon. He did not regain consciousness after the accident. OW TO u . . A THEN HlS OAtfiON I Ant they France Considers Ger man Moratorium. GUARANTEES ARE ASKED Britain Intimates Reconsid ering Voiding Debts. NOTHING DEFINITE DONE Bonar Law Creates Sensation by Announcement at Confer ence of Premiers. LONDON, Dec. 9. (By the Associ ated Press.) The clouds that over hung the reparations conference last night have been partly dispelled by today's proceedings. The four pre miers Bonar Law, Poincare, Theu nys and Mussolini held two meet ings lasting five hours. There was nothing approaching an agreement, nor had any agrement been expect ed from one day's deliberations. The chief result was something more nearly approaching an under standing in the positions of the two principal nations. Great Britain and France, than had existed at any time during the last few weeks. France Makes Conceasloa. M. Poincare offered, in behalf of France, acceptance of a two years' moratorium for Germany, provided satisfactory guaranties are forth coming. These guaranties embraced measures for economic control of the Rhineland industries and partial occupation of the Ruhr district, 1th a division of soldiers to collect cus toms on the coal output. M. Poin care did not consider that this pro gramme would be regarded as mili tary action against Germany; Premier Bonar Law's reply, which came in the afternoon, after M. ' Polncare's exposition of France's at titude in the morning, surprised the French because It Indicated that Great Britain might, under satisfac tory conditions,' abandon the atti tude laid down in the Balfour note and cancel the French debt to Eng land. Law's Opposition Discussed. Mr. Bonar Law's opposition to military measures to compel Ger many to pay and the reduction of the German indemnity to approxi mately 40,000,000,000 gold marks was discussed. Premiers Poincare and Mussolini were the chief speakers at the morning session. The Italian pre mier was reported to have advanced some proposals, the nature of which has not yet been revealed. Karl Bergmann, German financial expert, arrived today and presented Chancellor Cuno's proposal to Pre mier Bonar Law. The plan is said to embrace allied participation In German Industries instead of an ex ternal loan. America and cancella tion of Europeans' debt to that country was one of the topics touched upon in the morning. Sensation Is Created. Premier Bonar Law caused a sen sation this afternoon when, in the course of his reply to M. Poincare's moratorium plan, he gave clear in dication that the British govern, ment would be quite willing to re consider the question of concella tion of the French debt, provided such a step was made possible by a reparations settlement satisfactory to Great Britain. The premiers devoted much time at both the sessions they , held to discussion of the attitude of the United States with respect to the allied debts, it was learned after the conference had adjourned for the day. Regarding cancellations. Premier Poincare of France said ho was willing that the German indemnity be reduced to 40,000,000,000 gold marks provided England canceled France's debt to her and France be given a larger percentage of cash payments. TeSABAyr THE DIVORCE SUCH Cooking! 11111 Wlf t ATTEmjEO THE. IAN COOKING SCHOOU- 0 ' umed hafpily ever ftrvtrt 4