1 TIIE SUNDAY OEEGOXIAX. PORTLAND. ' DITEMRER 3, 1922 17 FOR SALE. Misce llaneons. THE following tanks are offered for immediate sale at very low prices: STOCK TANKS. 22 tanka, 280 barrels each Di- . ameter of head 10'. length of stave 16. -thickness of stave 2", width of hoops 3-4", number, of hoops 17. 1 tank, 150 barrels Diameter of head 8U1 length of stave 36', thickness of stave 2", width of hoops 32-4", number of hoops 17. 3 tanks. 110 barrels each Di ameter of head 7'10", length of stave 10', thickness of stave 2", width of hoops 3 -4". number of hoops 11. 2 tanks 70 barrels each Di ameter of head 5'10 V, length of stave 1T3", thickness of stave 2", width of hoops 4", number of hoops 1X 16 tanks, "oval, not very good, 235 barrels each Diameter of head 10'9' length of stave 14", thickness of atave 3", width of hoops 4", numbers of hoops, some 13, some 14. 8 tanks. 180 barrels each Di ameter of head 9'4", length of stave 12', thickness of stave 2", width of noops 4-3-3", number of hoops 11. 2 tanks, 115 barrels each Di ameter of head TV!', length of stave 119", thickness of stave width of hoops 3", number of hoops 13. 22 fermenting tanks, 150 bar rels each Diameter of head 10 2", length of stave 8', thickness of stave 2", width of hoopa 2Vi 3", number of hoops 7. 6 starting tanks, 16 barrels each Diameter of head 10'2", length of stave 9", thickness of stave 24", width of hoops 2&-3-&lM" number of hoops S. 30 steel tanks, glass lined, 12,-600-gaUon capacity. Call at our office for prices and - further details. ALASKA JUNK CO., 20-1 Front St., cor. Taylor. Main 4110. STOVES REPAIRED. Heaters, new jackets and linings, $8.50; general gas range repairing and general range repairing, coils and con nections; ail work guaranteed; reason able terms. Smith Stove Exchange, 292 Russell. East 9433. - . BARGAINS in rebuilt phonographs; every one guaranteed, every one a bargain. Will reproduce as good as new ma chines. All nationally known makes. $12.50, $18.50, $32.50. 172 3d, near Yamhill. NAVAJO rug, iy ft. by 5 ft., in good condition and" clean. Will sell for less than wholesale. Also two Singer sew ing machines in first-class condition, one with motor; reasonable. Main 2700. Monday. LAWYERS L. R. A., Cyc, Ruling Case Law, XL S. reports, miscellaneous texts for sa!e; odd volumes Oregon reports for sale and wanted. What have you? Stevens Law Publishing Co., Lumber- menabldg. Broadway 5084. r CREDIT ROOFS CREDIT. We repair, reshingle and paint all kinds of roofs. Work guaranteed. Credit if desired. BRADY & ROACH, Tabor 521(1. Roofers. Walnut 4656. .MINK throw. 10 inches wide, 66 inches Ions-, l.N mink liicls and their tails, cost $275; will -sell for S75, not the price of the hides in their raw state. Call at room 9 at 595j Williams ave., Portland, Or. . PARLOR heating stove, $10; gas heater, $5; gas stove, $10; 2 'carpets, $5 and $1t); oil heater, $3; ergan for $18. All in best of condition and cheap. Atwater 3746. V ILL tcrif II- nee;. 1st mort in Clackamas gage c county. goud ranch PACIFIC FINANCE CO., 320 Pittork Blk. I HAVE a firs mortgage , of $2500 on a 40-acre ranch in Clackamas county whii-h I will sell at a liberal discount if quick action is received. AB 111. Oregon-Ian. CONCORD grapes, 5c lb., 4uth and King, Milwaukie, turn east on Harrison st., Milwaukie, follow main traveled road " to 4U th. . ' FOR SALE New baby buggy, nearly uw, carpet and rocker. John Sauer, 205 E. 44th st. N., between Royal Court and Laurelhurst ave. BARGAINS In electric sewing machines, Greyhound. Mew Home,' electric ma chines with motor for $35. 172 3d, near Yamhill. PATHE ELECTRIC. ? $ 1 7 5 Pa the elect H c, only $ S 5 . easy terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 3 SO Alder. BEAUTIFUL new table lamp, Rookwood pottery base, with rose colored silk shade, all complete. 709 E. 21st St. N. Reasonable. EXTRA FINE Burbank potatoes. Bring sacks and get your winter's supply for 50 e a sack. J. H. Moody, Jenne sta tion, near Portland Gun club. CREPE IE CHINE kimona, Japanese hand embroidery, color pink, $20; brass bowl and plate to match, hand en Era ved. Phon e East 70S2. LYON & HKALY ORGAN. Fine tone parlor organ. only $5 down. $5 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. FIREPROOF sates and vault doors, new antUi-ed, at good prices. Diebold Safe & Lock Co., Exchange bldg. Bdwy. frOSg. BARGAINS in used sewing machines, all dropheads and all in good sewing or der, $12.50 and $15. 172 3d, near Yam hill. APPLES 35c box and up; pears, wal nuts, ducks, chickens, rabbits. Bring containers to Sierra Vista, one mile east of Montavuia on Base Line road. FOR SALE Florence automatic 3-burn-er cabinet top oil stove with two-burn- or portable oven. A-l condition. 660 Flanders, Apt. 1. INDIAN RUGS, floor and table lamp. mattress, three small and one large velvet rug; can morpings. uttwy. oi-M. MACHINIST'S tools. alipers, scales, cheap. See En Here Sunday. gages, etc.. like new. gineer. eward hotel. FOR SALE $T5 black plush coat, very reasonable, will nt 30 or as. Auto matie 326-93. USED furnace for a 5 or 6-room house also "Lawson" gas heater. Call Wal nut 3337. . VARIOMETER set, with 1 stage, for sale very reasonably; save money. Ta bor 2270. 233 E. 4Sth st. GOLDING press, 4x6; 14 fonts new type, cases, cabinet, etc, for $5u. AE 108, uregoman. PC RE honey, 60-pound tins. 12c pound 12-pound tins, 14c pound. 691 E. 80th st. V. smith of Sandy. NEW HOME sewing machine, practically new, JJ.t; bargain. 114 Lnion ave. near Alder. FOR SALE- Heating stove, new Oliver "9 typewriter. Walnut 7072. 1541 Al bina ave. FOR SALE 9x12 Congoleum rug, soft shelled walnuts, 25-pound lots. Phone Milwaukie 127. NEARLY new Crown range. large dav e n port, good condition. East 1165. WRECKING store bldg.. at Russell and Ross sts. Building material very cheap. FULL-SIZE bed. spring and mattress, almost new. Walnut 4963. HEMSTITCHING. Mrs. James, 501 Swet land bid g. INCUBATORS, ence. Ta bor 65-egg ?474. Buckeye, used ONE black duvetyn coat with or with out fur collar. Si?,e 44. Main 5035. DIAMONDS. ha ft price. Big sacrifice for less than Aut. 316-51. 1-uR SALE cheap, new Alexander Ham ilton Inst, course. Phone Main 94!)!S. IMPORTED KNITTED SUIT, sport, golf or trips; splendid buy. Bdwy. Si 33. $35 VELOUR TAUPE SUIT. Fur trim., too small. $20. Bdwy. S13S. RADIANT fire, $15; practically new. At water 431S. 410 Harrison. DROPHEAD Singer, electric motor. 3 gas heating stoves; bargain. Tabor 2420, RADIANT fire. Phone 637-79. first-class condition. ADDING MACHINE, 9 columns, cheap. 409 Spalding bldg. Broadway 2140. RARE hand-painted Dresden china cake plate: bargain. Sell wood 1537. LXTRA SIZE davenport, mahogany legs. unusual sacrifice n rice. , East 6431. . B. C. GAS RANGE. Fine condition, very chfap. East 6431. FOR SALE Good heating stove in per ffct condition. Walnut 2006 BE: grj.de Wilton rug, size 8.10x10.6. Tabor 5930. LARGE wicker baby forsa1e rsonable. buggy East and rsor. $7. ACORN gas range, u.e.i very little, for $40. 7235 53d ave. CEMENT brick block tiling outfit. $900 cay n. fa lift. uregoman. LEATHER COUCH for sale. TabM443& FOB SALE. Miscellaneous. ZIDELL-STEINBERG 209 Front St. Portland. Or. We h ave j ust purchased a large stock of government ma terial for which we must-make room and will therefore sell the following at greatly reduced prices. PIPE. PIPE. PIPE. We have on hand a very large stock of new and second-hand black and galvanized pipe in sizes from 14 -inch to 12 inches are offering all of our pipe at a great reduction. It will pay you to get our quotations. OUR WEEKLY SPECIALS. 6x33 white enameled kichen sink, new $ 6-65 20x3ti white enameled on- piece sink with back... 12.10 18x21 lavatory, complete to the wall with large 5" ' apron 14.00 Toilet complete, white tank and good seat . . . 22.00 5-ft. bath tub complete, new high-grade enamel. 31.00 Range boiler, new, 30-gaL, riveted 10.25 Laundry trays, two part cement 8.00 One special lot of lavator ies complete 11.00 Also a large stock of other plumbing supplies and fixtures too numerous to mention at a great saving. All the above fixtures are new of the highest quality white eu- amel ware. " Take advantage of our week-. ly specials now whlie the oppor tunity is here. 500 doz. new 21,x414-in. peavies of a very high grade at a great sacrifice price. 500 new 2-gaI. fire extin guishers at a price far below the wholesale price. Several complete stump pullers at a give-away price. STOP THAT LEAKY ROOF! When you can buy high grade prepared roofing with cement and nails in each roll at the fol lowing prices: 1- ply at $1.00 per roll. 2- ply at $1.50 per roll. 3- ply at $1.10 per roll. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO MAIL ORDERS. Send check with order for quick action. 25 complete lumber trucks at a great saying. SAWMILL MEN. ATTENTION! While repairing your sawmill this winter, see us for all needed parts and repairs. You are sure to save money. Several tons of black new sheet iron, 18 to 30 gauge, at $3.25 per 100 lbs. VERY SPECIAL, ON LOGGING BLOCKS. We have on hand a large stock of high-grade logging blocks, all with manganese sheaves, brass bushed, extra heavy pin and self oiling. The lot consists of SKYLINE, FALL, MOVING, YARDING, TRIP LINK, HEAD TRIP and HIGH LEAD BLOCKS. You will be surprised to know what low price we are quoting on the above. Do not delay, "write for quotations today. We' have on hand a very large stock of cable, all sizes and all lengths at a great bargain. We also carry In stock at all times a large stock of pulleys, boxings, shafting, sprockets and sprocket 'Chain, gears, sheaves and other mill and logger's sup plies. GAME TRAPPERS TAKE NOTICE. 300 dozen new Victor and Newnouse game traps, No. 0 and 3 only at a very special price. Several No. 15 bear traps at $7.50 each. ZIDELlj-STEINBERG COMPANY, The House of Service. 209 Front St. . . Phone At 1332. Portland. Oregon. SAVE MONEY! BUY HERE! BEDS, wood, iron, full, single size and for children, also ex ceptional value in swinging bed. Complete with springs $4 and up to $ 1 ROCKER, large, oak, bargain..,. , CHAIR, overstuffed 1 TABLE. English breakfast, white with blu birds RANGE, wood or coal, rebuilt with new parts. Same 'value. Delivered" in Portland 1' HEATER, STOVE, fine condition, $6 and j . OIL HEATERS, tested : PICTURES, nice assortment loc to RUGS few sizes, 50e to CAMERA, photographic PRINT CUTTER, for photo WIND CHIME, brass, nice . BLACKBOARDS, 75c, $1.50. RECORDS, for phonographs, sin gle, loc; double BOOKS for children, 5c to GAMES, variety 5c to . TOYS, one lot, 5c to DOLLS, 75c and CORSETS, variety, 10c to COATS, for iadies, $1.50 DRESSES, ladies', $1.75 JACKETS, for ladies, special close-out price MAKE-OVER CLOTHING, in cluding jackets, choice LADIES' HATS 50c to CHILDREN'S HATS. 10c to SUMMER DRESSES, 2 lots, value to $1, for 20c and BABY CAPS, 10c to .50 10.00 10.00 2.50 1.00 .35 .35 MEN'S VESTS, 50c to...... BOYS' COATS, $2 to MEN'S COATS AND VESTS. $2.50 "MEN'S OVERCOATS, $2 NOTE We have army coats, all w.ol, black, like hew; excellent for warmth and service; only.. UMBRELLAS, including new cov erings on some, 50c to 1.00 3.50 3.50 9.85 SHOES for men, women and chil dren. IVork shoes a specialty. Our line is better value at our price than new cheap shoes. Keep your feet dry and warm. Buy our shoes once and you will want to tome back for more. THEY ALL DO. 50c to PUBLIC WELFARE STORE. In business for service not profits. 212 Third St., Near Salmon. SHOTGUNS. RIFLES, PISTOLS AND REVOLVERS BOUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED. . BEAUREGARD'S, 702 MAIN ST., VANCOUVER, WASH. 50 CENTS and up, come and see display - weeK aays or sunctay alter 1 r. m. Glisan to 62d and then south to a tent at Davis. Pure sweet cider made to order. We will deliver. Phone Tabor 6iJfc3. DINING table, $6; ranges. $10-$30; baby .bed. $4; oriole. 58; oak buffet, $20 washstand. $3: K. treas.. $4: bed sted. $4; spring. $1. Tabor 6931. 1178 Belmont st. FOR SALE Large stele and pillow muff, dark mink. A-l quality, cost $400, sac rifice $175. Tabor 6957. VULCAN eas range, 18-inch oven, good as new."Phone East 8004 or 600 East Morrison. UNIVERSAL wood and coal heater, near- ly new, sell reasonable. Tabor 8851. H7MED-OAK buffet: also wood heater complete. Sell. 1498. FOR SALE Cheap, fur coat and sea skin cape. 569 Flanders St., near 18th. DARKb!ue fur-trimmed lady's suit, $20; s'jm R. East TS4T GRAY wicker Onoie, fhftun F!t R96Sl good condition. BEAUTIFUL mink cape. $175. Call at 741 E. 69th st.. near Sandy blvd. BROADCLOTH suit, tailor made. $40; it was $90. Phone Main 4286. BCRHuOGHri cvuculatur saie or rent, M-e-f-i for cash. H04 Oak st. WILL sWl real crochet and. rt needle work on commission. Wat. 1267. MONROE calculator, G model, guaran eed: 'sr h-riri" 304 Oat st. SANITARY couch, good condition, rea sonable Min 3203. REED La. by carriage. Walnut U54I, FOR SALE. M iwellaneou. FOR SALE; Practically new oak rolled top child's desk with chair to match. Also collapsible babybuggy, nursery chair, 2 white wooden Simmons child beds. East 4001. 50 SLIGHTLY used White, New Home, Singer sewing machines for sale or rent; liberal terms an sale. E. S. Steen, 152 Grand ave., at Belmont. Phone East 233B. HEMSTITCHING and picoting attach ment; superior device; fits any sewing machine; S3 delivered with instructions and sample work. Superior Attachment Co.. Corpus Christ!. Texas. MANNING doubie burner, pressure tank and 50-gall-on storage tank in fine con-ditio-n, aH for $19. Keller. 45th and A Ibe r t a , or cai 1 m us rclans' un-i on be- " tween 5:30 and 7 P. M. "SAVE ELECTRIC" lignt bulbs cost no more than ordinary tungsten or mazda lamps. They sure do save the current. 200 Chamber of Commerce bldg. SPRINGS, mattress, hall mirror, cooking utensils, electric fan, linoleum, awning and frame for store front. Call- Bdwy. 0S92 or Bdwy. 2019. - MOVING pk-ture. mac-hine - with mazda h-glit, .siu'i table lor churchy lodge or sohool; price $50. 206 Rivoli theater bldg. ELECTRIC waffle irons from $11 to $15; stoves from $2.o0 to $10.50; Hotpoant irons $5.50, at Stanley Lutz elect, store. 200 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. . HERE THEY ARE. USED CARS. AX BIG DISCOUNT. , OVERLAND TOURING. . . -.$ '50 STUDEBAKER TOURING. . 100 CHAND1ER TOURING 150 CHALMERS TOURING 150 . DIXIE FLIER TOURING... 200 CHALMERS TOURING .... .250 COMET TOURING . . . 350 OLDSMOEILE TOURING .'. 400 HUDSON SUPER SIX TOURING 400 KING 8 TOURING 450 MOON 6 TOURING .... 500 WILLYS SEDAN TOURING 700 COLE 8 TOURING 750 HUDSON SUPER SEDAN. . 850 LOZ1ER LIMOUSINE ..... S50 APPER&ON S 4-PASS S50 DODGE ROADSTER ... 400 NO EROKERAGE. EASY TERMS. GREGERSON LAND CO., 415 East Ash at Sixth. OPEN SUNDAY ALL DAY. TALBOT & CASEY. INC.. USED CAR HEADQUARTERS. East Ankenyand Grand Ave.. 9 1016 and 1017 Ford tourings from $100 to $150 each. 7 1018 Ford tourings from $125 to $1 75. 3 1019 Ford tourings with starter blocks from $150 to $200. 8 1020 For tourings with and with out starters, dem. rims, $200" to J275. 9 -i!t21 Ford tourings with starters and dem. rims, $300 to $350. 6 Ford trucks with and without bodies, solid and pneumatic tires. 4 Ford deliveries, open express, and patfel jobs, with and without starters, $100 to $450 each. 10 Ford sedans. $350 to $550 each. 2 Ford coupes, $475 to $550 each. 5 Ford roadsters, $185 to $335 each. 6 Ford chassis, with and without starters, dem. rims, $160 to $295. 6 Ford bugs, $150 to $250 each. .... Turn in your open ear on a good .used sedan or coupe; we will make you a liberal allowance and give you long, easy terms on the balance. No difference what kind of a used Ford you want to buy, be fair with yourself and see Talbot & Casey's stock be- lore placing your order. Open Sundays 9 to 5 P. M. Every -Evening Till 8:30. " Easy Terms, Cars Traded, TALBOT & CASEY, INC.. : "Authorized Ford Dealers." East Ankeny and Grand Ave. East 8118. AN OPPORTUNITY TO BUY REBUILT CARS AT REAL VALUES. 1921 Oakland touring -...$750 1921 Velie touring 775 1919 Oakland touring ........... 400 1921 Oakland roadster 650 1918 Oakland touring 350 Harley-Davidson motorcycle 50 THfc.SE CARS ARE TO BE SEEN AT 344 BURNSIDE STREET. JUST WEST OF BROADWAY. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Will trade and sell on easy terms. NORTHWEST OAKLAND COMPANY. HUGH SMITH CHEVROLET AGENCY OPENS. " Our new agency on Sandy blvd. at 42d st. will be open this week. New and used cajs. service and Chevrolet parts available. We soilieit your pur chase of a 1923 Chevrolet, the beet car value on the market today, pledging honest representation and complete satisfaction. HAVE a 1921 Moon touring car in fine condition,, with 5 disc wheels and good cord tires. Have put a good low price on it for a quick .sale or arn willing to accept smaller car as part payment with time on the balance to the right party. I am not a dealer. Will' be pleased to demonstrate at your convenience. Phone Broadway 3352. OVERLAND W1RS-WHKBL CLUB. This A'S country club in excellent shape; all practically new tires; $350. terms. . . PREMIER SALES CO.. Ninth and Conch 3t. ltMl SERVICE. ' WHITE PALACE GARAGE. 430 Belmont at 7th. East 9403. Ex perienced -men cn all makes of cars. Inspections free of charge. We solicit your patronage. litU HUPMOBILE TOURING. This c.ir is in fine condition in every way and has good tires and lots of other extras, will sell on easy terms. Phone Tabor 5775, in the morning be fore 9 and evenings after 7:30. 1921 FORD COUPE. $375. In A-l condition, some extras. Call Bdwy. 4701, 8 to 9 A. M., or call Froh man or Swansoti at Main 1100 all day. HUDSON SEDAN. RUN 5900 MILES, 5 CORD TIRES, COMPLETE WITH ALL EXTRAS. BARGAIN AT $1625, TERMS. CALL 5782. LATE 1920 Ford sedan, run very little, just repainted, put in very good con dition, will gfve 1923 license with it and would consider older Ford in tmde. Emp. 1736. 1923 FORD coupe, will hit 60 miles op high. 40 on 2d. has overhead valves. 2 speed axle, over $700 worth of extras, cost $1330 new, oniy one month old. Call Frohman or Swanson. Main 1100. 1922 BUICK LIGHT SIX $800. This car is in fine mechanical con dition and Is in fine shape every way, has 6 good cord tires; will give some terms. none is;ast THIS is your Ford ior a real bug, cord tires rear, water pump, Hassler shock absorber, good condition, $150 cash. :-v meriean garage, 444 Belmont. 1921 DORT touring, new; never been used; a snap. NORTH W-EST AUTO CO., 18th and Aider. Broadway 1460. FOR SALE Ford rua&ster. 1921 mode-1. looks lik new. . Price $260. Call Tabor 41S2. STUTZ bug for sale, must have the money, make me an offer, cash or terms. East 9403. HUDSON 040 with good tires, in first ciass shape, will sell cheap. 430 Bel mont s.. Iif2t CHEVROLET 490. touring, will sacrifice this car rfnd give long terms, 170 E. 43d N. MODEL 90 Overland, 5 wire wheels. 4 good tires, goa Datterv and starter, $115. 368 Oak st. Bdwy. 4553. 1J23 FORD coupe, new tires, new bat tery, only $o35. Call Frohman, Bdwy. 4701. 8 to 9 A. M., or Main 1100 all day. BY OWNER. 1919 Studebaker four, ex cellent condition: sacrifice for quick sale. Walnut 4528. OLDS 8, 7-pass., in first-class condition, $295. S8 Oak St. FORD coupe, in good condition, $350. Atwater 2537, , FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. THE "LEANDER STUDEBAKER" - USED CAR PLAN , affords purchasers the best value late model used cars, possible to offer. Every car is thoroughly inspected and reconditioned in the most exacting manner by competent mechanics and put in as good condition as money and men will do. LEANDER-STUDEBAKER" USED CARS represent the beet motor car invest ments to be found. A big selection of. the best standard makes to choose from, ranging in price from $100 to $1495. Why speculate? Buy from an estab lished dealer. Compare our quality and prices. . Ford bug 1921 Ford sedan , B, 1920 Ford touring 295 1919 490 Chevrolet touring . . .' 2.i0 1921 490 Chevrolet touring 375 3921 490 Chevrolet touring ... 425 1921 490 Chevrolet sedan C75 ' 1020 F. B. Chevrolet touring 650 1921 F. B. Chevrolet touring .0 1917 Maxwell touring '150 19-19 Maxweil touring . i 22 1921 Maxwell touring 3-5 1918 Overland 90 200 3917 83 Overland - 175 3917 Paige 6-39 375 1921 Pa i era fi-tift 145 1921 Oids 4 . . ; : 750, 19241 "Ruiek touring ' 5m) IflO Maihnhm tourine 550 1920 Briscoe touring 450 3930 Studebaker Spec. 6 trg. 750 3921 Studebaker Spec. 6 eport .... 1025 -1919 Srudefcaker Bie 6 touring .... 92. 1920 Studebaker Big 6 touring .... 2175 3921 Dodge roadster fT 3922 Dodge roadster 725 1919 Chandler touring 95 1917 Ids 8, 4-passenger .. ... 250 We wfll be pleased: to demonstrate any of the above cars at your conven ience. JOHN K. LEANDER COMPANY, Studabaker Distributors, Used Car Dept.. 341 Burnside St. p Broadway 2731. FIGURE IT OUT. The World Owes You a Car. WHY NOT One of Our Renewed Used Cars? CHEVROLETS, FORDS. A Little Down A Little Now and Then. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO., ' SACRIFICE Their Renewed Cars But Not Their Reputation. BROADWAY AT COUCH. Open Evenings and Sundays. USED CARS AT LOWEST PRICES. 1921 Hudson speedster ...$97o 121 Chevrolet F. B 47a 3922 Chevrolet 490 4o0 391 Chevrolet 490 350 1920 Oldsmobile touring 425 1919 Oldsmobile touring 3o0 1921 Dodge roadster 4o0 1920 Ford coupe . 3 10 1921 Overland 4 37a 1920 Ford touring, starter 225 -1918 Buick touring. 6-cyl. 350 ;3918 Apperson 8 chummy 475 1919 Overland Country Club '. 300 1918 Willys-Knight 325 Very Liberal Terms. -P. H. DUNN MOTOR CO., 6, 8, 10, 12 Grand Avenue North Near Burnside. HERE YOU ARE! 1921 DODGE TOURINO REDUCING $10 EACH DAY UNTIL SOLD 28-30 NORTH BROADWAY. S150 DOWN. Balance $25 per month, buys 1S model Baick touring, Springfield-Kelly cords, 2 extras, double tire rack and lots of tools, side curtains all complete pnd earefullv eone over; oraKes newiy relined. Big bargain. Open today. 16th and Alder sts. . MURPHY MOTOR CO. i.atk fl"R "Pranklm. demi-sedan. a won derful winter car, on easy terms; $1850. BRALY AUTO CO. 14th and Burnside Sts. I0'!ft H1TPMOBILE. $825. This ear is best of , shape ; has to be seen to be appreciated. WrILLYS-OVERLAND PACIFIC CO., Broadway at Davis. LATE model Ford sed-an. Shocks, speed ometer, other extras. ' Will take road ster or -touring in trade. 28 N. 11th street. Broadway 3214. v LATE 4-PASS. PREMIER. A . hand-some high-grade car. abso lutely dependable; low price and. small pavmen-t down, PREMIER SALE'S CO.. Ninth and Con-ch St. A REAL SACRIFICE. Franklin touring car, 3917, equipped for camping, new battery, good tires; the price $295. t See car at Stipe's Ga , rage, Beaverton. ' PIANO WANTED. Will exchange 1921 Ford coupe, fine condition, for 88-note player piano or baby erand. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. 1922 CHEVROLET touring;-like new, run only few months; will . take earlier model Chevrolet as part payment and t w'.U give very easy terms. Tabor 5)60. 1921 FORD coupe, speedometer, foot throttle, dashlight and cord tires. For quick sale, $385. 108 N. Broadway. Phone Bdwy. 30S3. : QUICK sale, beautiful H. C. Stu'.z road ster run 2000 miles, a bargain. See 'owner. Phoue Main 8899 room 7. 528 Morrison st.j 1921 BUICK COUPE. In good mechanical condition, 4 tires and 1 spare. This is a real buv. Call Wralnut 5916. . FOR SALE cheap. Ford touring car, Stromberg carburetor, foot accelerator and cord tires; in perfect mechanical cond'tion. Phone Main 8033-t 1918 OAKLAND. In fine shape. Cord tires and used by private party. A snap at $225 on terms. Call W alnut 31B3. 1922 SERIES Ford touring, in perfect meeiiitun-ai ' wuuiuuu, guuu nico, $1-0 down, balance easy terms. Call Tabor 391 . -. 1919 ESEX-touring. In fine mechanical condition; good tires, other extras, $575. Terms to responsible party. WaL 7453. AUTO bodies, fenders, ail makes, cheap. . Hodes Auto Parts Co., 522 Alder St.. at 16th. Bdwy. 3638. CHEVROLET demonstrator, like new; just broken in. Will sacrifice for quick sale. Walnut 3612. Eve.. Tabor 8897. 1920 DODGE touring, well preserved, private party must sell. Call Wal nut 5901. Address 1037 E. 14th st. N. $450 CREDIT on a new icssex or .Hudson, will sell for $300 or will trade. What have yoaT Bdwy. 5783. WE TEAR 'em up and sell the pieces Romano, auiu iclhiui; v.. oai Aiaer at 17th.vBdwy. 3254. Mail orders filled. 1920 BUICK roadster, fine condition, cord . vanning snan. Will tuwriftno arA CHANDLER 6 coupe. Al shane: sacrifice, or trade for roadster. Phone East 4376 ; iiso r.sH wiill buy my Chevrolet tour ing. Phone Tabor 4009, at 1988 East Stark see car. 1919 BUICK light six. in good condition, . $500; half cash, balance monthly. 362 ' Larrabee st East 0648. " FOR SALE. 1922 Ford delivery car, in AI shape. F. Wat kin s. 1311 Belmont st. BUICK 6 touring, exceptionally well equipped; demonstration will prove it a buy at terms, wamut JU4, LTE model Ford sedan at a very ra ssnable figure. Call Brownell, Bdwy. 6559. 1921 FORD, like new, $300, easy terms. At. 4410 - WILL sell my Ford touring for $100, quick sale, some terms. Walnut 2337. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. DO YOU KNOW YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BUYING OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT? Ford sedan, like new, extras. $550 Ford bug, fenders and bat tery 250 Ford touring extra good buy 150 Maxwell roadster, fine condi tion 173 Maxwall touring, camping body : 150 Buick touring in fine re pair 250 Buick bug, ready to go ... . 350 Overland touring, light 6 cy Under 150 Hupmobile, overhauled 375 Chevrolet touring, 1920 275 Dort touring, fine light car. 400 Overlaid touring, extra good . buy , 150 Hayrea light 6, new top and refinished 550 Buick light 6. extra v, good, refinished C50 Buick light 4, overhauled, refinished 373 Cole ' 8 chummy, lots of - power -. 750 Oids 1921 light 4, touring. .Snap Hudson speedster, looks like new 95J Hudson coupe, late model ..1600 . MANY OTHERS. $50 TO $2000. Look, these over and save money. TERMS NO BROKERAGE. ' C. ,G. BLBASDALE. 530 Alder St. ' -Bdwy. 1852, WE ARE SELLING USED CAR SATISFACTION. Which means price satisfaction and a warranty. We are selline- automobiles with warranty. We also are selling them on a 10-dav free trial Dlan. where you have time to see that you have both price and satisfaction. Chevrolet touring, good one $175 Maxwell touring ' 200 Buick 5-pass. touring' - 275 1920 good Babv Grand Chevrolet. 400 1915 Cadillac touring, fine shape 475 1915 Hudson Light Six 325 1919 Chalmers Light Six 475 1917 Cole Eight, touring 48o 1920 Dodge Bros., good touring.. 585 1S19 Essex touring, good one 57o 3920 Essex, like new 750 1921 Essex, like new 800 1920 Hupp touring 700 1920 Chandler touring 675 1920 Olds Eight, touring 675 1920 Nash touring 675 1919 Studbaker Special 700 1922 Buick roadster, like new... 900 Late Buick touring, good 800 1919 Cadil!ac touring, good me- cnanicai condition, witn good tires $1000 1920 Hudson Super-Six, the great est value of all used, auto mobiles 1920 Hudson Speedster 850 950 OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. C. L. ROSS AUTOMOBILE CO. Used Car Department, 615"-17 Washington St. Phone Bd-wy. 8067. EASY TERMS. NO BROKERAGE CHARGES. Model C-55 Buick 350 Buick 4, new paint, good rubber.. 250 Chandler, 7-passenger touring 300 New 12-pass. bus body on Winton chassis 1000 BRALY AUTO CO., 14th and -Burnside Sts. BUICK SIX ROADSTER. Lato model, refiinished and cord tires all around, one extra-mounted; low price of $465, with $165 down, balance monthly. Open Sundays. DODGE ROADSTER. '20 model and, factory finish, runs fine, good all over; low price $175 down, balance easy. . BUICK FOUR ROADSTER. Good late 18 model and runs fine; new tires, ready for delivery; $150 down, balance monthly. Open Sundays. MURPHY MOTOR CO. 16th and Alder Sts. ' MUST SELL AT ONCE. LATE 1922 MAXWELL TOURING, RUN LESS THAN 1000 MILES; HAS EXTRA CORD TIRE. BUMPER AND SPOT LIGHT:. WILL SAVE YOU SOME MONEY AND WILL TAKE A SMALL CAR IN TRADE. CALL ADAMS, MAIN 5782. GREATEST used car value for the least money, that is Just what we are offer ing and we intend to keep our price! below what others offer at their Used Car Sales. ' C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO.. 615-17 Washington St., Portland.,, 1918 FRANKLIN, $650 This car has been repainted; has wire wheels ana is in good -shape mechanically. WILLYS-OVERLAND PACIFIC CO. Broadway at Davis. STEPHENS Salient Six sport model, 5 passenger, bought new Dec. 1SJ20; cord tires, spotlight; price $650; will give some terms. Phone East 4024 from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. or after 6 P. M., Wal nut 6473. 1283 East 8th Bt. N. WILL SELL or trade Nash 6, like new, value 5750: death in iamiiy: lert a cars. Phone Main 6036 evenings, or inquire 86 Tenth st. 1919 EAIGE. Linwood. This car thor oughly overhauled; motor reground, brand new rubber, repainted and will give written guarantee. Sacrifice for 5585; terms. Phone Redfearn, Bdwy, 7751. 1922 CHEVROLET touring car, excellent condition, equipped with 5 McCIaren cord tires, spotlight and vacuum feed car run only 800 miles: must sell on ac count of death in family; will sacrifice and give terms, uall owner, w at. 0010, 1922 BUTCK ROADSTER. Comdition same as new; all cord tires and spare. $900; $300 cash, bal. easy. PREMIER SALES CO.. fs'iinth and Couch St CHEVROLET DELIVERY BARGAIN. 1920 Chevrolet delivery, fine shape; . price only $300, $100 down. $12.50 a mont h. Hyatt 1 aiKing Aiacmne jo. 350 Alder. CHEVROLET TOURING. ' Have for sale as good a Chevrolet touring as anyone could wish for. $90 down, long easy terms on bal. Late model. Bdwy. 4538. . 1921 OAKLAND 6. Original finish; good tires; mechanically O. K., 5 wire wheels. Looks like new. This car given away at $060. Long terms. Phone Redtearn. sawy. ( 1 01. STUDEBAKER 1918. Driven 6300 miles, excellent shape. Privately owned. See the car, Hugh- son's garage, Broadway at Davis, Sun- aay. FREE! FREE! FREE! 5 Days Free Trial,. $5351920 DODGE TOURING. BRALEY-GRAHAM & CHILD, INC. Bdwy. 3281. , 11th at Burnside. ATTENTION. BARGAIN SEEKERS. Best light, roomy roadster in city at real sacrifice. Essex, color dark blue. Completely equipped. Privately owned. s 215 Tenth. , 1920 ROADSTER. 1920 6-cy Under Buick. completely equipped, good mechanical condition, cord tires all around. This is a real buv. Will consider terms. E. 5224. FRANKLIN roadster, series 9A, newly painted, new tires, good condition; " owner going east. Phone Main 6271 or write I. E. Evans, 1006 Fairview blvd. FORD touring, late 1921, starter, dem. rims, bumper overhauled, new piston rings. Tabor 0929.- Spare tire and carrier. " ALMOST new 5-passenger touring cax; will sell cheap or trade for closed car; will pay some difference. Call at 896 Powell Valley road. BARGAIN SEDAN. Saxon, - with detachable sedan top, good- tires, good running condition, no use for car. Sacrifice $125. Main 2602. 1918 GRANT 6. Recently overhauled, ex cellent running car; for quick sale $195, on terms. Phone Redfearn. Bdwy. 7751. DODGE chassis, 1916, runs good, good, '$150. 10202 55th ave. Lents Junction. tires WILL sacrifice $100 credit to anyone con- templating purchasing new Oldsmobile, any model, u io, uregoman. WILLYS-KNIGHT demonstrator; take trade; terms. East 8180. will FOR S A LE AT7TOM OBITJES. USED CAR MERCHANDISING AT COVEY MOTOR CAR - , COMPANY. - - 3 Our real Interest in you begins at the time you purchase a used car from us. We do not sell you a car and "hope- never to see you again." We depend to a large extent, upon our used car pur-, chasers for our future patrons. You can see the reason there fore for our insisting you know, v as nearly as- possible, the exact condition" of the car you buy. We want you to be satisfied. We want your future business. For your comparison, 1920 Maxwell touring $ 315 1922 Ford roadster 335 1921 Ford sedan 445 1921. Ford coupe v 415 19-21 Ford touring 315 1922 tLate type) Dodge v touring 825 1921 Dodge touring 590 1920 Dodge touring 575 1919 Dodge roadster 453 1J18 Dodge touring 343 1917 Hudson Super six .... 495 1920 Chevrolet touring ... 285 1920 Chalmers sedan 850 1021 Chalmers touring .... 590 191 Nash sedan ; 583 1916 Cadillac touring 030 391S Cadillac roadster .... 1100 1919 Maxwell touring , 215 1920 Maxwell roadster .... 285 "ALWAYS THE BEST CARS AT THE LOWEST PRICES." TWO LOCATIONS. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Main Plant. Washington at 21st. Phone Bdwy. 6244. Broadway Branch, 28-30 Broadway. We have cars to take you from oneplace to the other. ,f FORDS, RE CONDITIONAL FORDS. SEDANS, late model, disc wheels. 1923, 1920 $480 . 325 . 295 .$450 . 435 .$375 1918, 3921 192-J TOURINGS. 3923. 3922 1923 1920 1920, . 1918 1917 1919, 1920, late model 345 273 280 ROADSTERS, dem. rims, starter. ... .$300 TRUCKS, starter block . . . $160 completely overhauled. V Hi LIVERIES. 1920, panel, pairrted, starter, like new BUGS. Ford bug Ford bug $325 $125 $115 ROBINSON-SMITH CO.. 6TH AND MADISON STS. Remember we are authorized Ford Dealers. . ANY ONE of the following Franklins wi eiimiinate trie worry about your motor Lreezing inese cold nights. ' Sedan In perfect shape, run 6000 mnes $2350 Anoiner seaan. reDainted. and overhauled 2100 1922 9B touring, Kelly-Springfield all around 1500 9B touring, newly painted 1000 2 dandy fishing cars at $250 and $300. BRALY. AUTO CO., 14th and Burnside Sts. '23 AUBURN SEDAN. Here is the high-grade car that will serve you well. It has all the very latest novelties and then some; many ftxtras, all complete and ready for delivery;- liberal allowance allowed on your car. LATEST HUDSON COUPE. This coupe is trimmed in blue broad cloth, silver attachments, five new cord tires and two bumpers, tools, and, iin fact, everything that came from the factory ; low pricey no trades, liberal terms. We are open Sundays for your inspection. Phone Auto. 512-67. MURPHY MOTOR CO. 16th and Alder Sts. YOU can trafle yonr automobile, if a small car, on any larger used automo bile of the kind and make you wish. We have a big stock of many kinds to select from. Small automobiles' are easy to sell while larger cars do not , sell bo fast, that Is why you can do s eo well in a trade and get a larger and better automobile of the kind you want for a very small additional pay ment. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO., 615-617 Washington St., Portland. Or,. 1921 MAXWELL TOURING CAR DRIV EN LESS THAN 5000 MILES; WILL TAKE CAR OR PIANO IN TRADE OR SELL ON EASY TERMS. BTJRK ITT. . 207 SELLING BLDG. ONE OF THE FINEST SPORTi ROAD STERS IN THE NORTHWEST FOR SALE. CUSTOM BUILT, ON HUD- SON CHASSIS. MOST EXPENSIVE EQUIPMENT, INCLUDING NEW ENGLISH BURBANK TOP AND CUR TAINS, AIR SHOCK . ABSORBERS, ETC. PRIVATE OWNER HAS GIV EN EXCEPTIONAL CARE. COST $3650, SACRIFICE AT HALF PRES ENT VALUE. 215 TENTH. WILLYS 6 CHUMMY RDSTR., $500 If you want a chummy roadster with the famous Continental motor you can't beat this buy anywhere In town. WILLYS-OVERLAND PACIFIC CO.. Broadway at Davis. REAL CLASS. Willys-Knight speedster in best con dition, new cord tires, spotlight, motor meter, bumper, shock absorbers, Bosch magneto, new battery, new top, good paint, guarantee 20 miles on gas. $750. - Week days 948 Thurman. Bdwy. 3535. Johnson. FIVE-PASsttNuujK sport model Case, only been driven by owner; haa West inghouse shock absorbers, five cord tires, spotlights, bumpers, wind de flectors, etc.; looks like new; bargain . price. - F. E. BOWMAN & CO., 210 C. of C. Bldg. Broadway 6007. LOOK HERE! After you have looked them all over talk to us and let us show you some real, honest - to - goodness snaps in uicks, i? oras ana other popular makes. We can save you money. Portland Auto Sales, 125 loth at., cor. Wash. 1920 NASH SIX, $675. Fully equipped, 5 wire wheels, 6 cord tires, nearly new, spotlight, bumper, motometer, first-class condi tion; by owner. Auto. 643-07.. 3705 tiq st. a. j-;. MODEL C PREMIER 7-PASS. In the very nicest kind of mechan ical condition. reflndished like new. -iiowe price an-a easy terms. PREMIER SALES CO.. Ninth and Couch St 1920 WINTON six, car has been over haitled 4 months ago. Spent $400 new top and paint, 5 cord tires, almost new; wire wheels, with $300 Westinghouse shock absorbers. Will sacrifice $875. do m. tin si. .proaaway wjoa. NEW FORD COUPE NEW. Must sell at once, new Ford- pout .- run 2500 miles, extra tire, speedometer ana mirror, irnone Atwater 3842. 1920 FORD TOURING, Starter, shocks, good tires and in good condition. Can be bought on lime, .rrjee saio. call walnut 8163. 1921 FCRD sedans three of them. Anyone afraid to deal with a reliable . company, lay off; terms; take your car in irs ae. jast oipu alter u Jr. jw.. 1921 FORD COUPE Fine mecharaical condition, just re varnished ; - good ttree; $390. ' Hyatt Tasking Ma-chine Co.. 350 Alder. LIBERTY 6 in perfect repair and ap pcarance; $450, easy terms. Walnut 6763. $375 BUYS my Chandler chummy road ster; will take cement work as, jart payment.' rnone auio. aza-ay. FORD touring, 1918, $145. Good condi tion, good tires, new paint, upholstery, extras. East 5949. 1922 BUICK roadster, a beauty, with 6 cord Urea and other extras; $900. Wal nut 6763. 2 FORD chassis in A-l shape, choice $65. 108 N. Broadway. 1922, 490 CHEVROLET, by owner, every extra, reasonaDie. ta. 'tan. DODGE touring, like new, safriiice. Apt. VELIE bargain, $300 cash. Main 1765 Sunday or Monday. STUTZ, $300; dandy family car. small car in trade. Walnut 2474. Take CADILLAC 8 $475; 6 cord tires and all dolled up. Walnut 6763. FOR SALTS AUTOMOBILES. USED BUT NOT ABUSED CARS, RANDALL SAYS If you ever intend buying a good used car DO IT NOW. Do Not Put It Off. THREE DAYS of intensified Selling of Good Serv icable Used Automobiles. Only Ten Cars. We've only ten used cars, each car an exceptional buy of its kind,, and price. AS ADDED INDUCEMENT to move these cars quickly we will include your 1922 and 1923 license. NO BROKERAGE. Our easy payment plan, small down payment and long easy terms, or pay a deposit and make your down pay ment in installments places bne of our cars in reach of anyone. 3 DURANT DEMONSTRATORS. We run our demonstrators 1000 miles and then offer them to you at whole sale. Why not save your first year's depreciation? One Durant has a Cali fornia top, all same as sedan. See this beautiful crift. OUR UfiED CARS INCLUDE 1920 Buick touring. 1921 Buick road ster, 1W18 Buick. 1120 Oakland 6, Studebaker chummy, 1019 Studebaker 4, 1919 National. 1919 Chevrolet sedan, Special Chalmers 6 , sedan, 1919 Velie 6. COME IN. LET'S GET ACQUAINTED. A Pleasure to Show Our Cars. PACIFIC MOTOR CO., 15th and Burnside. Bdwy. 7916. J. A. RANDALL. Manager Used Car Dept. WHAT COULD BE BETTER? Everybody enjoys an automobile, and think what an ideal Xmae present it would be for the whole family. " 1923 LICENSE FREE. Buy a reliable used ear from a relia ble dealer and you get face value-for .your money. 30 cars to choose from. 1920 1918 1917 3914 1913 1921 11121 1922 1921 up 192 1919 1917 1918 1921 Hupmobile, top condition ....$800 Hup, first-class 573 Hup, best in city 475 Hup, just tr?Ot 300 Hup, good fishing car. . . 195 Gardner, all refinished 650 Dodge roadster, a dandy 625 Baby Grand Chev, disc wheels 800 Mitchell roadster, all dolled 750 Buick 6, run 6000 miles 950 Velie, just overhauled 475 Maxwell, good order 100 Chevrolet, 490 touring 150 Maxweli, beet of shape 350 THESE CARS SOLD ON VERY EASY TERMS. Make a' small payment down, t balance in monthly payments. MAN LEY AUTO CO., - - 11th and Burnside. j Bdwy. 0217. Hello, please give me Broadway 032L- This will connect you with an organization that has been built on square dealings service ana satis fied customers a live company with a srjecific aim Service First. Large assortment of used Ford cars ail models and prices. Service rirst with every car; $50 cash, bal. 90c a day. Touri:ig car, self-starter and de mountable rims $492. Todring car. regular, starter only 466.72 Touring car, regular 393.92 Roadster, self-starter and de mountable rims '462.56 Roadster, starter only 436.56 Roadster, regular i.. 363.76 Chassis, self-starter and de- mountable rims 420.32 Chassis, demountable rims..... 349.04 Coupe, self-starter and de mountable rims 635. Sedan. , self-starter and de mountable rims 702.80 Sedan, 4-door 838.00 Truck,, pneumatic, dem. rims. . .4 471.52 Truck, pneumatic, self-starter and dem, rims 543.20 Fordson tractor, standard wheels 484.60 WILLIAM L. HUGHSON COMPANY. Day and Night Service, v Broadway at Davis St. Broadway 0321. ATTENTION. Easy terms, no brokers, all cars ner- -feet mechanical shape. Don't fail to see these bargains today: 1921 Essex -touring, perfect shape. Five-passenger Stanley steamer. Four-passenger Templar, like new. Five-passenger Templar; snap; $800. r ive-passenger iaynes; bargain. 1920 Revere; best bargain in city. McCARLEY MOTOR CO., 62 Cornell. Main 3061. 1922 ESSEX COACH. This car can't be told from new; all kinds pf extra equipment bumpers front and rear; 2 spotlights, 2 extra tires, dome light; automatic rain swipe and cut-out. See this for an excellent bargain, terms. PREMIER SALES CO., t Ninth and Couch St. 1918 OVERLAND 6 SEDAN. $550 This car is equipped with the famous Con tinental light 6 motor; will make the best all-around family car we know of. WILLYS-OVERLAND PACIFIC CO., Broadway at Davis. 1917 DODGE touring car, good tires, finish, top and curtains in best of condition. This car will give you de penable service at a price that you can well afford. Yes, we will give terms or take your Ford in trade. Phone Tabor 1920 FORD touring, starter, demount able rims; all new tires. This car has worn out 1 set of tires and it is sub ject to any test whatever, Priae. in cluding 1923 license, $810. CallSell- wooa diuo. 3922 PAIGE coupe. This elegant car posi tively uauuoi ub iaia rrom orand-new. Only run few miles. Genuine sacrifice at $1450. Reasonable terms. Phone ;vir. neuiern, jtq wy. . t iai MODEL 90 Overland 5-pass. touring car, cord tires, motor in good condition. Will sell this dandy little car for $225 and will give any reasonable terms. Phone Tabor 2651. 1921 NASH 5-PASS. CoTd friTes and one spare. This little car in a bargain at $650. terms. PREMIER SALES CO.. imtn and cou-ch St I HAVE a late model Ardmore Paige, miiy equippea; win consider some good standard car,. as part payment, baf ance monthly payments. Call Tabor 5297. 1922 PAIGE coupe. This elegant car positively cannot be told from brand new; only run few mifts. Genuine sac rifice at $1450. Reasonable terms. Phone Mr. Redfern, Bdwy. 7751 I HAVE a car that will keep you dry this kind of weather, . 1917 4-cylinder Studebaker coupe. This car is in good condition and will sell ftr $300 and K'vw "is. rnone i aoor aoai. "REO COUPE, good as new, all" extras possiDie; only run 7000 miles; $1750. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., 18th and Alder. . Broadway 1460. FORD ROADSTER. 1921. Spotlight, speedometer, four new tires, absoluspiy first-class. Priced right. Walnut 7444. LATE 1922 Dodge roadster; only been - driven 4500 miles; five good cord tires. Terms arranged for responsible party. Main 7457. BUICK ROADSTER. -1921 and 1920 models, lots of extras, new tires; must sell quick. Phone Jen sen, Bdwy. 0691; evenings East 2418. DORT touring, 1920, good condition; a snap at $250. - ' NORTHWEST1 AUTO CO., 18th and Alder. Broadway 1460. LATE 1920 Ford touring car for sale. Has starter. Car in good condition. For $200. Might consider less. 464 E. Ash or phone East 3236. 1917 MAXWELL roadster, fine condi tion, extras. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., 18th and Al der. Broadway 1460. 193 8 FORD Winter top, front seat cut for camping, $125. Mr. Olson, 344 Burnside st. FOR SALE Classiest 4-pass. club road ster in Portland, 1921 Studebaker; cott- siner ngnter car, aenwooq itto. 1921 DODGE roadster, $450 ; can ar- . range terms. 692 E. 49th st. N., or call Tabor 9412; v 1921 DODGE touring; bargain. Walnut 4122, or 119 Killingsworth ave. ONE used Chevrolet for sale very cheap at 320 E. 41st st, S. DODGE touring, $315, some terms. 1918 model. Fine shape. East 3151. FORD bug, speedster body, good shape, $ 1 50. Tabor 5603. HUDSON sedan. Will trade good coupe and some cash. 109 E. 17th. East 1254. 1818 MAXWELL TOURING First come, $65. 240 Grand ave. 1919 CHEVROLET TOURING Shocks; will trade for Ford. 240 Grand ave. 1917 FORD, in good condition. 2786. CHEVROLET roadster, good tires; takes it. Sellwood 0666. 7-PASSENGER Reo for sale, good condi tion cbeap. Ej, J, Horley, Newberg, Or. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. STUDY THESE VALUES, The used car, backed by a reliable house, now occupies a safe and definite place in the automobile world. Many times greater dollar for dollar value is obtainable in a used car than in a new car. A few hundred dollars will often buy more real automobile value in a used car at Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. than is possible Jn any new car anywhere near the price. Come and see our stock and yon rtU learn the truth of these state ments. 1920 1918 1918 1919 1921 1918 1917 1916 1916 1920 1918 3919 1917 1920 1918 1918 1916 3918 3920 1917 1918 Chevrolet touring. ...$ 350 Studebaker sedan .... 500 Franklin touring ..... 850 Mitchell touring...... 650 Maxwell touring 400 Jordan 7-passenger. . , 950 Case Club roadster... 400 Ford roadster........ 100 Chevrolet touring . . ; . 185 Moore touring.. 375 Mitchell Club roadster 550 Chalmers touring .... 650 Paige touring 400 Ford truck 300 Briscoe touring 275 Dort. touring 285 Nash touring 295 Franklin touring 1150 Mitchell touring 935 Maxwell touring 150 Stutz touring 1195 We sell on easy "terms and on the square deal basis. 5eG Mitchell's Cars First' MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER COMPANY. 40 Years in the Northwest. Broadway at Everett, Portland, Or. FORDS. FORDS. 1919 Touring -Jl 80 192ft Touring 223 1920 Touring, starter ....... 250 1921 Touring, dem., otarter. . . S2W 1919 Roadster, dem 180 1916 Roadster HO 1921 Roadster, dem., starter 325 1918 Coupe, overhauled, painted),. 315 1920 Coupe 435 1921 Coupe 450 1920 Sedan 40 1920 Sedan, $150 extras 475 1921 Sedan, $100 extras 4S5 39121 Delivery, panel 223 1920 Delivery 1921 Delivery 300 TERMS. ' ALLEN-GOODSELL MOTOR CO. "The House of Service." 12th and Stark Sts. OPEN SUNDAYS 9 TO 1. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY HERE. TERMS NO BROKERAGE. 1917 1917 1917 1918 1918 1919 1939 1920 1920 1921 1920 1920 1921 Ford chassis ......... Ford roadster Ford touring Ford touring ' . , Ford roadster Ford roadster Fqrd touring Ford express Ford touring, sorter Ford touring, starter Ford coupe Ford sedan Ford coupe ..$ 90 125 335 .. 145 175 .. 200 ... 200 225 .. 250 325 415 .. 450 .. 465 VRANSON'S USED CAR EXC, 240 Grand Ave. Near Hawthorne. 1921 FORD sedan, private party, in Al condition, city driven, looks like new. $100 worth of acces sories, fully equipped; have two cars, must sell one; $465 takes it. Call Sunday at 354 10th St., cor. Mill; week days 166 First St. Owl Furniture Co. ELECTRIC COUPE or Brougham, no finer electric in Portland; cost about $5000, with charg ing outfit ; is practically new ; owner deceased; costs only $2 per month to operate; most luxurious, yet most eco nomical car -made; sacrifice for $1000 cash, terms or equity. S 109, Ore- goman. A RF.AT. BARGAIN. WINTON 6, MODEL 22A, IN GOOD CONDITION AND GOOD RUBBER; MUST SELL AT ONCE; $600. BDWY. 5347 OR H. C. RHODES, 7 GRAND AVE. LATE SERIES OVERLAND COUPE, $700 This car has been used as demonstrator and can't be beat. WILLYS-OVERLAND PACIFIC CO Broadway at Davis. NEED MONEY QUICK! Will sell my 1918 Maxwell touring in fine mechanical condition; body and top just repainted, spare wheel, tire, spotlight, etc., at a low price for cash. OWNER, TABOR 8071. Residence, 245 E. 48th St. LATE SERIES OVERLAND SEDAN, $700 For a light-weight, economical, rainy weather car. tnis can't be beat, WILLYS-OVERLAND PACIFIC CO., ' Broadway at Davis. $90-OWNER must sell at once, Stude baker 6 touring, in A-l shape, and runs perfect; fine upholstering and paint; Gabriel snubbers all around. Car ready for trip anywhere. Bring the money and drive it away. It's a bar gain. Total price $90. Tabor 7376. 1920 STEPHENS, $800-This car is snap; come and see it. WILLYS-OVERLAND PACIFIC CO Broadway at Davis. - A REAL SACRIFICE. Franklin touring car, 1917; equip ped for camping; new battery, good tires; the price $2950. Seo car at Stipes garage, Beaverton. STEVENS-DURYEA auto., wire wheels, model D. used as D. D- perfect con dition, run about 20,000 miles, all good tires: the machine for bus line; prica $1690; if interested call' Tracey at .45 Ninth st. North. - IF YOU aro looking for an ' exceptional buy in a 1920 Chevrolet 490 touring with new top, bumper, new upholster ing, engine completely overhauled, soma cash and terms, before you Invest ln vestigate. - East 5568. FOR SALE Six-cylinder 7-passenger Studebaker touring car, In fine con dition; just completely overhauled J only driven 16,000 miles. Demonstra tion if desired. Park, between TayJpl? and Main. FORDS FORDS If you want a good Ford, where corw dition and price talk, see our stock. WILLIAMS MOTOR CO., 28 N. 1 1th -st. . Bdwy. 3214. MODEL 9$ OVERLAND. First-class mechanically; ready go any place; $225, easy terms, PREMIER SALES CO.. Ninth and Couch St ' td $150. FORD DELIVERY. $150. i nave two gooa ora aenvery cars. Will give your choice or ',111 sell both to same party. $275. - Call Strong, Walnut 4602. LOOK. Willys-Knight 2-passenger speedster, new top and paint, spotlight, bumpers, motometer and Westinghouse shocks. Call Marshall. Main 1920 DORT touring, new ; never been used; see this for a bargain. . NORTHWEST ATJTO CO., 18th and Alder Broadway 1460. FORD SEDAN FORD. . 1922 Ford sedan, like new, at a -bargain. Moon distributor, .14th and Couch. 1921 ' FORD SEDAN. 1921 - . Cord tires, more than $100 worth of extras, real nice sedan, seat covers; ' $435. A real bargain. Walnut 4602. 1922 FORD coupe, $135 down, balance monthly payments; can be seen at 152 East Broadway. 1920 ESSEX touring In wonderful con dition; tires new: $650 if taken at once. Phone Auto. 823-89. 1920 HUPMOBILE with original fifes; will take your car as first payment; terms. East 8180. . " . LATE 1917 Haynes touring, good shape at bargain. - See Mr. Gippert at Auto- rest repair shop. 1923 OLDSMOBILE four, factory guar antee; reauceu price. Broadway 2270. 2 FIVE-PASSENGER White touring cars for sale. Phone Bdwy. 5096. Can b seen at 75 N. .H'tn st. $600 CREDIT on 1922 Buick; will take $375, or trade. What have you? Sell- wood 227U.- 1920 CHANDLER, all-year California top; in good shape; $600. 553 Van couver ave. itiast zzzi. 1922 HUP rodaster. This year's car, 3 ' new tires. A real snap at $89 Terms, Phone Redfearn. Bdwy. 7751. . . 1918 MAXWELL touring; first come, 1917 FORD roadster; ready to go, $75 1UP Pi. pi Villi v aj . DODGE touring, good condition, $350, UWner. aui. oto-ii. 1919 DODGE in good condition, Phon 1 Tahoc OSQlt