i THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, ..NOVEMBER 26, 1922 15 FOB SALE. Furniture for bale. GADSBT'S FURNITURS EXCHANGE. Tho Old Original Stor, First and Washington Sts. Note the Address. The Largest Exclusive Furniture Exchange in the Northwest. Exchange your old furniture for the latest and most up to date. W sell slightly used -furniture at greatly reduced values. We py spot cash for your old furniture. If you want to .sell, call Broad way 0003; ask for Mr. Davis. GADSRY'S. First and Wash i net on. Note the Address. We "Extend Liberal Credit on Slightlv Used or New Furniture. USB YOUR CREDIT. MONDAY AND TUESDAY SPECIALS ONLY. R?g. window shades..? .40 Keg. $2.25 Wooltant car pet, yard 68 Reg. 75c Pro-linoleum, as sorted patterns, yard . . . .42 Reg. $3.00 cotton . filled comforts 2.55 Reg. $7.50 27x54-inch Wil ton rugs 4.S5 Reg. $4.50 unfinished breakfast tables 2.00 Reg. $20.00 0x12 seamless Brussels rugs 13.65 Reg. 15.00 ivory dresser iliate mirror 16.50 Reg. $17.50 double deck core spring 10.50 Reg. $27.50 silk floss mat tress 15.00 Reg. $40.00 tapestry over stuffed chairs 19.75 COHN BROS. & DIRECTOR. 351 Oak St.. Across from Telephone Co. LARGE size tapestry o vent Luffed Turkish rocker (new cover last year), in fine condition, at $25 Spring edge couch, with bedding box underneath and oriental velour cover (good as new), the 2 pieces for IS Call today at 1017 Tillamook; Rose City car to 33d at. UNIVERSAL, combination range, over stuffed living room set, walnut dining room set, mahogany graph o no la, bed room furniture, rugs. Walnut 53sl. 073 E. 20th N. Of flee Furniture. NBW FURNITURE PRICE OF USED. Enough of these bargains for a few days only. Desks, tables, chairs, files. A four-drawer steel letter file for $37.50; add. machines, typewriters, cal culators. D. C. Wax. 24-20 N. 5lh. Bdwy. 2730. PHYSICIAN'S STEEL FURNITURE. Manufacturer's seconds at reduced prices. Albatross Metal Furniture Co., 715 Thurman St. DICTAPHONE, transcribing machine, records and racks; trade for office furniture or sell cheap. Brd w y. 2t?tj9. LARGE-SIZE Herring and Hall safe for $175. Part terms. Reed French Piano n Co., 12th and Washington. ( AlAHOGANlf desk, nearly new, for sale cheap, also 2 nice offices .available at re.a-snrable rent. M ain 3034. FOR SALE- Roll-top oak Washington st. desk. 426 ROLL-TOP office dek and typist's chair. Tabor 0(133. 1892 Thorburn ave. LARGE oak bookkeeper's desk cheap. 810 .Spalding bldg. Typ w ritertv. REBUILT typewriters ail kinds, for sale, rent, exchange; we are exclusive dis tributors of Corona, portable, $50, com plete with carrying case; supplies and repairs for ali makes. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO., 04 Fifth St. Broadway 71C0. ALL MAKES GUARANTEED REBUILT 35 per cent to 70 per cent below manu facturers" price; TERMS $5 monthly if desired; LATE MODELS RENTED 5 months, $7.50 up. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 821 Washington- St. Bdwy. 7431. TYPEWRITERS. Remington with Wahl adding attach ment, liktt new, cheap for cash, con-si-der Royal typewriter in trade. At water 1107. FOR SALE Remington typewriter No. 10, fine condition, real bargain. Call t-43 Albina, Sunday or Monday, Wal, 0030. HE BUILT GUAR ANTE CI- TYPEWRIT ERS, ail makes; CASH PAYMENTS. 124 4th St. DOANE'S. NO. ft UNDERWOOD typewriter only 55. $15 down, $5 a month. Hyatt Talking Alacnine to., oou Aiaer. FOR SALE Nearly new L. C. Smit.i billing typewriter, 20-inch row ; price ve ry reasonable. Call East 2 0 -i- REPAIRS, rent, buy. sell supplies. Type writer Insp. Co., -312 Stark. Bdwy 7540. KEBUILTS, 2d-hand rentals, cut rates. P. D. C. Co.. 240 Wash.. Bdwy. 7507. GOOD second-hand typewriter for sale, reasonable. Phone East 8707. UNDERWOOD standard typewriter, good condition, very reasonable. Atw. 3-ni LATEST model No. 10 Remington type writer ch-ap for cash. Bdw y. 1111. FOR SALE No. 5 Underwood in fine condition. $00. Call Main 7034. FOR, SALE Nol 5 underwood tj'tpe- wrlt-ftr. Phone Em p! re 05 20. REMINGTON portable; lino condition; bargain. 43 Jetterson. FINE Underwood typewriter; will sac rifice for $40 cash. Automatic 324-13, Poultry. GET EGGS ALL WINTER. and plenty of them. Keep your flock on the job right through the colder months as thousands of other poultry men are doing with a good egg-making ration and Pratt s Poultry Regulator. You'll get the eggs when prices are way np and that means making gooa money irom your r.'rtis. Now's the time to begin using Piatt's, "Your money back if YOU art: tot satistid. FOR SALE 1 0OO-egg Pioneer electric incubator; 1 220-egg Buckeye incu bator; 1 Standard Colony brooder for 30(H) chicks; 1 standard Colony brood er for 5M) chicks. All of the above can be had for $80 cash; used only one season. Call or write to Nat 31th. BABY CHICKS and hatching eggs, Dr. Duganne's trapnested White Leghorns and J. M. Mcvaleb pure Hollywood stock ; also the best O. A. C. Barred Plymouth Rock baby chicks. Catalogue on request. Mark A. W ebster. Cor vallls. Or. PLANS FOR POULTRY HOUSES. Ail styles, 350 illustrations; secret of getting winter eggs and copy of ''The Full Egg Basket. Send 25 cents, Inland poultry Journal, 101 Cord bldg. I nnianariolia, J nn. WHITE Leghorn year old hens, througli . the molt and starting to lay, 75c each. Barred Rock pullet, nearly grown, $1.25 each. Rhode Island Red pullets, ready to lay. $1.75 each. J. R. Ma puire. 7S7 Oregon st PULLETS LAYING. 320 pullets, O. A, 1 C stniin, 50 per cpnt laying; 45 R. I. Red pullets, Mo Rao strain. 60 per cent lhying. Port land Syed Co.. ISO Front st. East 2171. BAB CHli'Ks Heavy-iay mg strain; mature early; guarantee full count, pfe arrival within 72 hours of Los Angeles. Pioneer Hatchery, 320 S. Spr.ng at., Los Angeles. FOR SALE Fat heavy hens, g-ese. Duhlquist's farm, ii miles east of Lents on Foster road i.ear S camore tore. WILL trade for chickens, 2-horse D. C. 220-44D-volt motor or i-hurse gas en- gine. 27S East 01st st. X, Tabor 1080. i)-EG(J Mandy Lee incubator for wale, $4. 6S23 02d ave. S. E., Tremont sta., Mt. Scott car. 158 INCUBATOR. Old Trusty. $10- also Rhode Island Red rooster 1 year old 0115 54th ave. Aut. 640-03. THOROUGHBRED White Alonorea roos ters, 200-rgg strain, $2 and up. Stone. gQ84 E. Mndjpon ft. PURE Hollywood White Leghorn coek ereis; fine, vigorous stock, c. D Cox Can by. Or. ' ' FOR SALE-White Holland turkevs for breeding. Lat chance. M-s.Bertu Kte. 2. Troutdale Or. C5 THOROUGHBRED Rhode Island Itrd hpna. 8 months old. Sellwood 33:4 FINE juiry capons for Thanksgiving Alnner; 4 to 7 lbs. Auto. 630-50. CaYING pullets for sale, $1.30 each. Am moving. Tabor Hno7. FOR SALE Ii0 white, fat Leghorn hens. 0723 87th st. 3. E. 65 THOROUGHBRED Rhode Island Red . liens, 8 months old. Sellwood 3304. 12 WHITE LEGHORN hens for sale. $1 each. Sell. PURE Tancred cockerels. Cowing farm. Corbett. Or., or East 2170. inn WHITE LEGHORN lavinir bona fnr sale cheap Dec. 1. AO 05, Oregonian. FOR SALE. AUCTION SALE. Hiilcrest White Leghorn Poultry Farm. The famous Renney strain. 1 mile north Ore hards. Wash., 0 miles from Vancouver, Wash. TUESDAY. DEC. 5, 1022, 31 O'CLOCK A. M.t SHARP. 1"0 laying pullets. 550 breeding hens, mostly yearlings; CO pedi greed rooU'rs. A chance to get the very best pedigreed ttock in the wet.T. The pen ol five birds tit the Puyallup contest just fin ished laid I li)3 eggs. Everything- goes, none reserved. Dort miss it. Oakiand truck; 13 No. 4 Mas ter, incubators, 2 oil-burning brooders; straw cutter, gasoline engine. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Steel ran go, dresser, 2 0x1 2 ruL-s, 2 rockers, lot chairs, ex tension table, bed, springs, mat tress, lady's writing desk, dishes, etc. HILLCREST WHITE LEGHORN POULTRY FARM, Owners, Mrs. It. J Renney Manager. COL. w. a. WOOD & SONS, AUCTIONEERS. Vancouver, Wash. RHODE ISLAND FARM. INC., Single comb R. I. Reds from thor oughbreds by exclusive breeders. Our stock is bred from winners, and our baby chicks and hatching eggs for 1023 promise to be unusual values. COCKERELS. A few excellent breeding birds at a very low price. We invite you to inspect our plant and equipment. Send for catalog and price iiet. Rhode Island Red Farm, Inc., R. 0, Box 202, Portland, Or. Alain 4742. MAMMOTH Toulouse geese, also Anda- lusian roosters tor breeding. Tel. 40 bit, Glen Echo station, Oregon City car line. Dogs. Rabbits, Bird a und Pet Stock. KENNELS AND has at stud CATTERY TINY BOY A. K.- C. S34597. 14-Ib. smooth fox terrier, white, black markings. RED BOOTS A. C. A. 5352. Orange tabby, many winnings to his credit in 5 shows. CHUBBY A. C. A. 5223. Black., orange eyes, champion Btock. Puppies, Kittens and Rabbits for sale. Pets Boarded. Breeding called for and delivered. Owners of orange or black cats send address for your handsome New Yeai's souvenir. Compliments of Mrs. E. A. l'almerton, 040 E. 04th st. N. By auto 57th to Skid mo tp. Telephone kindness of neighbor, Aumatic 310-82. - 1 t PEDIGREED, REGISTERED POLICE PUPPIES. For Xmas delivery, sired by trained and imported dogs. We invite compari son. SPEEDWAY KENNELS, CANYON RD.. ROUTE 5. MAIN 434S. THE BOSTON KENNELS of Portland, Ktf Ainswortn ave. Walnut B284. Bos ton terrier puppies for sale; males for service. Coast agent 60-Minute worm remedy for dogs and cats, taste less, harmless, easy to administer, guaranteed results. GERMAN Shepard Police Dogs; two healthy litters out of Rose of Ambler and Paula of Steontown, sired by the famous Pax Wohlen, ready for delivery. At stud, the famous Pax Wohlen. Liv ingston McClure Kennels, registered, A. K. C. P. O. box 534, Marshficld. Or. PEDIGREED Airedale puppies from reg istered slock; very line breeding. Phone or write Thomas T. Georges, Rt. 5, box 178, Portland, Or. Main 7000. TRAINED St. Andreasburg rollers from imported strain and genuine roller fe males. $2.50 to $5. East 0874 or 687 Multnomah st. ENGLISH BULL DOG. IMPORTED. PIT BULL TERRIER. PURPLE RIBBON, AT STUD. Our doss jre of the best blood lines in the United States. Walnut 0129. Fuii SALE Registered Scotch collie puppies 2 mo. old, from show stok. Deposit will hold until Xmas; also fine bitch. Mrs. Margaret Thomas, box 302, Yukima, Wash. PEDIGREED female Boston bull. 2 years oin, at a oargain, ana some beautitui p'-ppies from the best Boston stock in the city. 1007 Garfield ave. Walnut ItiiC. MULTNOMAH COCKER KENNELS. BOX 121. MULTNOMAH. OR. Fim-e pedigreed stock, pairti color and reu; puppies lor sate; correspondenca a pleasure or call Atwater 1348. AT STUD White Collie, registered A. K. C 270157; also thoroughbred white Col lie pupa lor sale, ready ror delivery. i a nor J.5. u. O. W h ite. 1221 E. .fine. ;K. ii. HOWES, veterinarian, dog and cat boapitii, iady attenJant. dogs wasntG aja cry c;aneu; oianksu madt to order. Phone Taoor 6 SO 8. FOR SALK One toy fox terrier. months old; white, with a few brown spots; gentle disposition. Call at 34 .tt. tnta st. FOR SALE 1 toy male fox terrier, 8 months old, will not sell to breeders. Cail at 1145 E. 34th N., all day Sunday; evenings alter o:3U. PERSIAN kitten, 4 months old. a beauty for $10. Would gladden the heart of tne owner just to near it purr. Call aner i i a. -u. awx a st. a. E. HALF hound and Airedale female pun pies, 0 weeks, registerr-d parents, $5. Hornshuh, 743 East 10th. Portland. Sell. 02M4. YOUNG rollers for sale, wonderful sing ers, reasonable. 24 Killlngsworth ave. store. RED COCKER spaniel puppies, age 3 months, from best registered stock. Vance's kennel, Parkrose. Tabor 7655. ST. ANDREASBURG rollers, splendid singers, $5 to $10; good assortment of cages, 435 E. Buffalo. Wal. 6476. ST. ANDRE ASB ERG roller and Hartz mountain pud i greed stock; $5 each. Woodlawn 5(114. IMPORTED police dog puppies, the Strongheart kind; reasonable. AK 115, O rt-gonian. CUTE little wire-haired sky terrier, male, 30 mos. old, housebroke, watch ful. $4.50. Walnut 2M1. AT STUD Toy Boston terrier out of Ringmaster stock. Fee $lo. Walnut 10 OK. BOSTON" bull pups, pedigreed, good . marking-, reasonable price for quick sale. 424 E. 38th st. North. WANT the service of a German police dog ; quote stud fee, before Thanks giving. T. M. Robinson, Corvallis, Or. JAPANESE spaniel reasonable; fine Xmas present. 314 E. 40th St., near Hawthorne. Tabor 7027. T. ANDRE ASB ERG rollers and sing ers, reasonable ; also cages and fe male. Walnut 4333. AT STUD--"D!nty HiU," weighs 13 lbs A. K. C. 322075 dog, brindle with per feet white marking. Aut. 028-27. CHESAPEAKE BAY Retriever nuns. registered stock Oregon st. J. R. Maguire, 7S7 FOR SALE Fox and bloodhound from $125 day; price $25. Phone Tabor 0002. 3006 54Th ft. S. E. PEDIGREED Persian kittens and oraige male cat. 7811 03d Ave. S. E. Phone 030-41. A CROSS between Irish Setter and Aire dale puppies; females. $4; males. $0. 014 E. 30th Ft. N. OREGON STATE KENNEL CLUB will meet Tuesday, November 2S, at 8 P. M., in room F at the jrentral library. THOROUGHBRED St. Andreas berg 1U ers, 90 E. OSth st. N. Tabor 5219. BULL PUPS for sale, 3 months old. 3306 53d st. GENU I N E St. A ml ptia'berg singers, v ii e-ap. 12(W Haa-thorne. T abo r 5017. ANDREASBERG real rollers, young singers. 430 Rodney. 2 yrs. and E. 4520. GERMAN ponce pupp.es (male) for sale, $50. Phone Tabor S7U. Ft;R SALE Alaskan wolf dog. East "770 or 021 Brazee st. Cail FOR SALE Wiskers good Airedalo, $10. Box 70, Route 1. Oswego, Or. ANDRE ASB KxG roller night singerw, cheap: females. 300 Shaver. Wal. 3052. BOSTON terrier male puppies cheap. Phone East 7016. 340 Cook ave.-HIGH-CLASS pedigreed Airedale pups. 40 S2d St.. near Division. yTvLTNG" SHEPHERD DOG FOR SALE, $. 323 r.'tn ai. b. jv 4 MONTHS o.A pup. cross between bull and collie; must sell, $41JTaborJ 7405. FOR SALE Singer birds, $2.50 each, 4S3 N. 23d st. , ENGLISH and Pitt bull puppy for sale, 1 2 mos. old. 540 5th St. . " WANTED Well-bred collie pup. Ad dress Oliver J. Smith, Weiser. Idaho. AIREDALE. 3 months old, male; ' dandy. FiTU fj, Maitl ?8t 4 "8. SMALL doff for sale. Tabor 7453, FOR SALE. Dog. Rabbits. Birds and Pet Stock. THE GREATEST array of registered setters and pointers ever offered at stud on Pacific coast; pure Leweliyns, Count Mcring and Butler's Paliacho, Ben. both winners and sure sires. The pointer. Ferris Multnomah Rap, three times a winner, a broken field trial gun dog and her pups are wonderful bird dogs. Fee $25. Boarding and training; young stock for sale. Main 6569. P. R, Whiteside, route 6, Port land. FLA YFAIR KENNELS. NOTTINGHAM AVENUE, PARKROSE. TABOR 7270. Olfers at stud the Boston terriers Walnut Duke, fee $15, and Tiny Play fair, fee $10. These dogs are purple and blue ribbon winners and there is no better blood obtainable. Distrib utors for Q-W. remedies. Puppies for sale. Boat.-, Lannches and Marine Equipment. MODERN" HOUSEBOAT, FURNISHED. Nifty 4 rooms and bath, completely furnished, Old. Town canoe, included; woodshed on separate float; this is good; located at Webber's moorage, house 7; total price $1000. See Lamb with Fred W. German Co., Realtors, 732 Cham, of Com. HOUSEBOAT home, every modern con venience, furnished or otherwise, four rooms and bath ; owner leaving city ; rare bargain; evenings or Sundays, No. 6 Oregon Yacht club. Sell. 2571. PARTIALLY furnished 3-r. houseboat, first-class condition, $300 cash. Call Berry, Bdwy. 3874. Monday or SellWood 3223 Benson's moorage, foot Ivon st. FOR SALE Houseboat, Oregon Y'acht club; white finish inside. Owner, Sell wood 460, or see caretaker. "Sell wood 0033. 5-ROOM houseboat on the most select moorage on the river. Call Mr. King, care Bank of California. FOR SALE Modern furnished 4-room houseboat; will take late model Ford as part payment. East 3325. FOR SALE Gas towboat 40 ft.x9x2, 20 H. P., heavy duty engine. Phone Sellwood 1983. 2-ROOM furnished houseboat and launch for sale. Terms. Sellwood O084. FOR SALE OR TRADE, 26-fi. motor boat Tabor 6870. Had to .Equipment. RADIO OUTFIT Detector and two stage amplifier. I have received phone reception from, over 500 . miles with this set. Only had it two months, but will sell at a fair price or will trade for a good used car, prefer bug. New 120-amp. Philadelphia Diamond Grid A battery, headset, tubes and B batteries included with set. BF 123, Oregonian. SELLING out Regenerative receiver, 2 step amplifier; reasonable. Will dem onstrate Monday or Tuesday evening. 408 Morris st. HOW IS YOUR RADIO? Buy a magnavox and enjoy your radio. Onl $45. $15 down and $5 a month. Hyatt - Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. THE FIRST radio fan who gives me only $oh will get my wonuenui 3-tuoe long distance .receiving set; must, have the cash. A 104. Oregonian. 45-FOOT Radio, tower; cost $15, will sell for $(,50. Phone Automatic 324-13, or call at 940 E. 24th st. N. BATTERY charger for 3 batteries. $0. Fnone uast 7'Jd. RED DISC HEAD phone sets, 2000 ohms, special price, $3.0o. 51 .North oth st. RADIO for sale, detector and etjge, $d5. Walnut 4028. WANTED Volume 1 of Radio Amateur News. Phone Tabor 8276. Kegs and Barrels. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. Western Cooperage Co., 30b N. 14th st., near Petty grove. Phone Aut. 610-19. Coal and Wood. $4.50 PER LOAD $4 50. IN 2-LOAD LOTS. 16-inch fir block and slab, partly dry, for furnace or heater. SOUND, DRY 2D GROWTH F..R $8 PER CORD $8. HEAVY 32-1N. SLAB. $8 PER LOAD. $15.50 BEST GRADE $15.50 ROCK SPRING COAL. OREGON FUEL CO.. Walnut 410i $4.50 LOAD IN 2-LOAD LOTS. 16-inch block and elao mixed, partly dry; fine for fnrnace or heater. COAL $10 ER TON COAL. Good Washit gion lump coal deliv ered direct froia car to your bin. BEST OLD GROWTH FIR, $8.50. Dry short wood, prompt delivery. NATIONAL FUEL CO., East 1490. COAL! COAL! COAL! High-grade Utah coal, Blue Seal. It's the heat." Once used, always used. To introduce this coat direct from car to you, priced, delivered, only $13 per ton. In 3-ton or over lots, $12.50. Or der today, ouick delivery. Mine agents, Broadway 6085. WOOD SPECIAL SALE. Dry 12 or 16-inch block slab or ccrd wood, heavy 16-inch block and slab mixed; best in Portland, S6 load; double load, $1L Sumner Woodyard. Atwater 2S55. HOLM AN FUEL CO Largest supply dry slabwood and blocks la city; S. & H. green stamps for cash; green abort wood from $3.50 up. Coal, cut fuel, 4-fL slabwood. Bdwy. G353, 5th and Stark sts COAL COAL COAL, Save money on your fuel, Utah Blue Seal coal, direct from car to you, only $13 per ton or 2 tons for $25. Phone Mine Agents. Bdwy. 6085. Al CORDWOOD $8.75 No. 2 cordwood $7.75 Heavy country slab 6.00 Block wood, 57 load; double load, $6.50 Phone Maiu 6241. MAKE useful holiday gifts, such as Awde's indestructible leather hats, beautiful shopping bags or handbags to match. Hats $1.50 to $6.50. Bags $1 and up. 455 Alder St.. cor. 13th. UTAH Rook Springs coai; best grade; Washington coal, direct from car to your bin; bone dry wood. East 1769. 352 East Clay. $4.50 A LOAD lu 2-load lots. 16-mch block and slab mixed, partly dry; nona better for furnace or heater. Tabor 5S29. 16-INCH slab. $3.50 and $4; box, l&-in. thick. So; heavy 12-16-inch block slab. $5.50. Anywhere. Bargains. Heavy 4- foot slab. Paul Fuel, Sellwood 1760. 16-inch block and slab, $4.50 per load in 2-load lots; dry, $7; kindling. $4.00 coal, from $12 to $15.50 per ton. Call v ainut 744. FINB for your furnacs or heater; big loads of block and slab mixed ; on ioaa o, loaas v amui low. DIAMOND, 1 -karat, brilliant atone, sacrifice for $600 cash. Benedict, 2636 47th st. S. E. Tabor 0423. THE MAXWELL wood saw cuts your wood promptly at fair prices. 171 E. 44)th. Tabor 2763. WOOD WOOD WOOD. Dry cordwood, $10; 12-16 slab block. Brooklyn Fuel Co., Sellwood 1270. INSIDE bloca and s ab wood. $4.50 single load, $S double loads and up. Tele- phone Main 5062. - WANTED -To buy cordwood or cord wood timber, 10 or 12 miles frcm Portland. Walnut 0305. HEAVY block and slab mixed; runs partly dry and about half inside wood. Immediate delivery. Walnut 2010. DRY short wood, fir, block, country slab, 12-tn., 16-in. and 4-ft., small and large quantities. Main 6241. DRY MILL run wood $5 a load; dry 16-inch block and slab, $6 a load. Call Walnut 5004. FOR best old-growth dry fir and good coal, call C. H. Burbau. Sellwood 0314. FIRST-GROWTH cordwood, $8.30 cord; ali grades of coal and dry short wood. Walnut 6312. UTAH KING COAL, EAST 8984. HEAVY oak and first-growth fir for sale. Call Tabor 5033. WOODS A WING Reasonable piices; anywstere. Main 7853, HEAVY bone-dry 4-foot wood, Phone E3St 8205. $3 cord. HEAVY planer wood, dry, big load, $6.50. 28th and Holladay. East 7921. FOR WOODSAWING call Main 8124. Go any place. Work and prices right LOOK Extra nice bloc,k and slab, stove lengths, o per ioaa. Taoor vvs. GOOD old-growth fir cordwood, $8.50 per cord. Phone 617-58. VICTORY lump coai. $9.50 per ton, de li vered1E:8!)B FIRST-GROWTH CORDWOOD. COAL. EAST 8984. ALSO UTAH coal 8984. $13 per ton, delivered. E. DRY AND GEEEN slab, dry cordwood, 12 and 16-fnch. Atwater 2526. DRY block and slab, $5 a single loa; $8.50 double. Broadway 2S45. DRY BOX WOOD. MAIN 6538. GIFTS In embroideries, laces and paint jngs. Orders wanted. 403 Wash. DRY country slab, short block and in side wood. Main 2676. UNDERWOOD typewriter for sale, $40. East S741. Krnltfc flnif fcrft ahli. 4 ,PPI F .)nro, ,,,,un,Ji; p. .a . . ure-enmgs, iietinowers ana other va rieties. Bring boxes. D. G. Stephens, 711 Columbia blvd. FINE highland potatoes, 110-lb. sack de livered SI. Tabor 0576. Machinery. TWO 10 H. P. vertical boilers. East Side Boiler Works, foot of E. Main au East 057L FOB SAXE Machinery. M. BARDE & SONS. INC., 240-4 Front St Portland. Or. Main 0663. GUARANTEED MONET SAVERS. STEEL ANGLES. PLATES, SHAPES. STEEL BARS. GET OUR PRICES. ROOFINO. New, galvanized, corrupgated; 8 and 9-foot lengths. SAVE MONEY BUY NOW. TRANSMISSION. Pulleys, boxes, hangers, shafting, gear, pinions. SEE BARDE BEFORE BUYING. BELTING. Rubber and leather. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE. LOGGERS' EQUIPMENT. WIRE ROPE, any size, any quantity. Skookum blocks, "the block that makes logging easy." Axes, peavies, sledges, wedges,. Falling, bucking and drag SAWS. BARDE'S PRICES ARE RIGHT. BARDE'S BIO BARGAINS. PUMPS. 6x5 Blake pumps, new. $110 6x5x6 Gardner pumps, new..... 110 6x7x6 Blake pumps, new 135 10x6x12 Buffalo pumps, new 210 10-in. American circulating double suction centrifugal pumps 325 4x294x4 Dow duplex pumps, new 75 3x2x3 Worthington pumps 45 3x3x3 Worthington pumps B0 3x2x3 Gardner pump 45 3x2x3 Snow pumps 45 3x2x3 Fairbanks-Morse pumps.... 45 Single-actina feed pumps. 9i-Inch r suction 15 4- in. centrifugal pumps (new).... 85 5- in. centrifugal pump (new) 110 8x5 Typhoon belt-driven pumps... B0 Double-action deck pumps 22.S0 Double-action deck pumps. ..... .17.50 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON PURCHASE OF TWO OR MORE. 100-ft. Presto tanks $30 200-ft. Presto tanks GO Guaranteed by Presto-Lite Co. BARDE'S BARGAINS SAVE YOU MONEY. JnBt Purchased - 75,000 NEW DRILLS AND REAMERS. All sizes. Anticipate your needs and save money. MISCELLANEOUS. Gasoline engines. Boilers (vertical and horizontal). Steel tanks, air receivers, 300 to 1500 . - gallons. Motors 3 H. P. to 50 H. P. MACHINE TOOLS. Lathes Shapers Planers Key seaters Milling machines Boring mills Grinders (electric and belt drive) Punches Punches and shears (vertical and horizontal) Air hoIsts Ingersoll and Dake. Locomotive cranes, etc. WRITE, WIRE OR PHONE YOUR ORDERS. M. BARDE & SONS, INC., HOUSE OF A MILLION BARGAINS. THE following tanks are offered for Im mediate sale at very low prices: STOCK TANKS. . 22 tanks, 280 barrels each Diam eter of head 10'. length of stave 16", thickness of stave 2, width -of hoops S-4 , number of lipops 17. 1 tank, 150 barrels Diameter of head 611". length of stave 16". thick ness of stave 2' width of hoops 3-4 , number of hoops It. 3 tanks, 110 barrels each Diameter of head 7 10' , length of stave, 10', thick ness of stave 234", width of hoops 3 -4 numoer oi noops il. 2 tanks, 70 barrels each Diameter or head o 10 , length oi stave lra , thickness of stave 2y", width of hoops 4 , number of hoops 10. 16 tanks, oval, not very good, 235 barrels each Diameter of head 10 W length of stave 14', thickness of stave 3", width of hoops 4", numbers of hoops some 13, some 14. ! 6 tanks, 180 barrels each Diameter of head 9' 4", length of stave 12', thick ness of stave 2 , width of hoops 4-a -3 , number or hoops 11. 2 tanks, 115 barrels each Diameter of head 7'2". length of stave ll'OVi" thickness of stave 21V, width of hoops 3 , number or hoops 13. 22 fermentins tanks. 150 barrels each Diameter of head 10'2", length of stave 8', thickness of stave 2", width of hoops 2&-3 number of noops 7. 6 starting tanks, 168 barrels each Diameter of head 10'2", lnegth of stave 9', thickness of stave 2V, width of noops a-a-o , numoer oi noope o. 30 steel tanks, glass lined, 12,600 gallon capacity. Call at our office for prices and fur ther details. ALASKA JUNK CO.. 201 Front St., cor. Taylor. Main 4110. NUTVV AND USED BOILERS AND ENGINES. BUTT STRAP BOILERS. 8 72x18. 150 pounds. 1 72x16. 3 25 pounds. 100x16, 125 pounds. 1 Lyons BOO, 150 pounds. 1 54x14, 125 pounds. 2 51 2 Sterl ings, 180 pounds. 2 350 Atles, 160 pounds. LAP SEAM BOILERS. J 60x10, 300 pounds. 254x16, 100 pounds. 1 42x10, 100 pounds. 1 go h. p. firebox, i23 pounds. 1 3 75 h. p. firebox, 330 pounds, 1 30 h. p. firebox, 315 pounds. 1 25 h. p. firebox, 100 pounds. Upright boilers, all sizea, ENGINES. 1 18x24 H. 8. G. engine. 1 18x24 Corliss engine. 1 12x15 Eue engine. 1 8x9 Erie engine, 1 6x8 Erie engine. 2 Upright 654x6 engines. PUMPS. 1 Gardner deep well 6-In. 1 Worthington 7xlOx30'4. lWorthington. Ix-ixl0. lWorthing, 0x4x6. X Smith & Vale vacuum, 8x5x10. HOISTS, ALL SIZES. Valve boxes and fittings. New boilers of all sizes. GET OUR PRICES BEFORE BUYING. WILLAMETTE EQUIPMENT CO., 617-20 Gasco Bldg. MAIN 5813. MAIN B021. AIR COMPRESSORS, MOTORS AND GENERATORS, GAS ENGINES. PUMPS. MISCELLANEOUS MACHINERY, Installations and Motor Repairs. ,B. 35. DAVIS ELECTRIC CO., 75 Front St., Cor. Oak. Automatic 525-40. SAWMILLS. BOILERS -AND ENGINES. TIMBER. R. B. HENRY. 1315 WILBUR ST. WALNUT Sllfi. ELECTRIC DRILL. Universal motor, capacity 94 -inch, weight 4 lbs., price $35. H. A. Killam. 817. Lewis b.dg. WANTED 20 to 30 M. mill, complete, to move into timber; must be good ma chinery. Y 319, Oregonian. WANTED 10 to 15 M. mill witli or witb- I out timbeiv R 69, Oregonian, . TOR SALK. Machinery. " ENGINES. 1 17x22 Atlas, side crank. 1 36x18 Ames, side crank. 1 Pr. 14x18 H-. S. &, G. twins. 1 14x42 Lane & Bodley, Corliss. 1 14x27 McE-wen. 1 32x16 Erie City, side crank. 1 14x14 McEwen, automatic 1 14x14 Upright engine. 1 31x14 Chandler & Taylor. 1 11x15 Erie City, center crank. 1 11x15 Russel. 1 Pr. 13x18 Atlas, twins. 1 9x12 Erie City, center crank. BOILERS. 1 75 H. P. Hawkes, comb. 150-lb. pressure, steel setting. 1 60x16 std. tubular, 100-lb. 1 66x18 Frost, 100 lb. 2 54x16 Frost. 100 ib. 2 36x12 Erie City, tabular boiler. 1 80 H. P. Erie City, economic Butt Strap, 125 lb. 1 60 H. P. upright. 1 40 H. P. Russel, return flue firebox. 1 30 H. P. Russel, F. B., H. pres. RESAWS. 1 No. 131 Amer. T-in. band resaw. 1 30-inch circular resaw. 2 24-inch circular resaws. 1 No. 342 8-in. Berlin band resaw. 1 32-inch circular resaw. 2 8-In. horizontal Merahon band resaws, PLANERS. 1 12x24 round cyl., hard knife, planer, matcher and sizer. 1 No 24, 14x30 Berlin planer. 1 8x24 New Northwest, 4 side, P. & M. 1 6x30 Fay Egan. single surfacer. 1 6x24 4-side, Cal., No. 1, P., M. 1 6x15 No. 6 Fay Egan, round head; planer and matcher. 1 6x15 No. 94 Berlin planer. 1 12-in., 1 10-in., 1 9-in. sticker. 1 two-spindie shaper.- STEAM FEEDS. 1 No. 5-A Browriie, size 7x3. 1 9x15 geared steam feed. 1 14x1 H steam feed. 1 11x18 Wheland. 1 9x12 Wheiand. 1 8x S steam feed. HEADBLOCKS. 1 set 3, 06-in.; 3 sets 3, 60-ln.; 1 set 3, 54-ln.; 1 set 3, 48 in.; dbl. steel I-beam; 1 set 4, 48-in., Allis & Chalmers -R. &P. IRON WORKING TOOLS. 1 26-inchx26-foot Prentice lathe, geared head stock, quick change, taper attachment. 1 36x36xlo-ft. . Steptoe planer. 1 500-lb. steam hammer. 1 20-inch back-geared dffilL . 1 18-inchxl2-foot lathe.. 1 1 Power bolt-threading machine up to 2 inches. 1 Self-contained gas engine driven bolt cutter. 1 4-ft. Universal Radial drill. 1 18-incb Ohio shaper. SPECIAL MISCELLANEOUS. 1 No. 43 Phoenix Hog. 1 Set of irons for stiff leg der rick. 1 8-inch Hill steam drag saw. 1 3x30 Mult, steam drag saw. 1 lath bolter, stripper, bundler. 1 Hill nigger, complete. All sizes of live rolls. 1 30-In. auto, knife grinder. All kinds of conveyor chains. 1 6x42 Tower edger. MOTORS ALL SIZES. "WE GUARANTEE OUR MACHINERY TO BE THOR OUGHLY REBUILT. THE J. E. MARTIN CO., 61 First St., Portland. Oregon, BURKE MACHINERY COMPANY. 528 Railway Exchange, Portland, Or. GENERAL CONTRACTORS' EQUIPMENT. 1 5-yd. Bagley scraper. 1 3 -yard Bagley scrapefr. 3 2-yard Sauerman scraper. 3 set 14x36 sand rolls. 20 24-inch gauge swede cars. 1 7x10 Washington hoisting engine. 1 No. 3 0 Fort Wayne jaw crusher. 1 Model 31 Marlon caterpillar steam shovel. 1 18-B Bucyrus . caterpillar steam shovel. 1 65 Bucyrus standard gauge steam shovel. 2vixl0 Smith & Watson donkeys; 200-lb. boilers. 1 30-B Bucyrus cat., used six mos. 12 12-yd. standard gauge air side dump cars. HIGH PRESSURE BOOILERS. 3 66x16 125-lb. pressure boil ers with Dutch oven fittings. 1 150 h. p. marine type bpiler. 1 90 h. p. economic type fire box ; 100-lb. pressure. All sizes vertical boilers, also low pressure boilers of ail sizes. 1 72-inch block carnage. 1 3-saw headrig, 56-in, saws. 1 9x56 5-saw steam lift edger. 1 8-in. Berlin resaw, 1 American portable 3-block carraige, blocks 48 inches, double saw husk with 48-inch and 52 inch saws, log haul, canting gear, conveyor chain, slab chain, cut-off saws, belting, pulleys, shafting; will cut 15,000; nearly new. 3 Complete double band mill, 125,000 capacity; Allis-Chalmers machinery throughout. 1 7 HxlO-inch horizontal en gine. 1 3-eaw 4x32-inch American ed ger. 1 12x12 horizontal. 1 l'-'xlO geared twin-feed en gine. 1 pair twin engine. 16x16. Concrete mixers, steam shov els, wheelbarrows, ec. ; water wheels; all sizes and heads. BURKE MACHINERY COMPANY, Bdwy. 6692. NEW AND USED MOTORS, COMPLETE1 STOCK OF ALL SIZES. UP-TO-DATE REPAIR SHOP. NOW IN OUR NEW LOCATION. . R. R. POrPLETON, 35 FIRST ST. COR. ASH. BDWY. 7711. FOR SALE AT 33ARGAIN PRICES. 1 Erie City 7x10 steam engine. 1 power pipe threading machine. ' 1 6 H. P. vertical steam engine. 1 small foundry cupola. 2 small pressure tanks. 1 small overhead crane. 1 small shop hoist. 1 power hack saw. 1 hand hoist. Railway Equipment Co., 235 Stark St. tx9 FLORY hoisting engine with swir.ff ing gear. 2-ton Ingersoll-Rand air hoist. 8x12 steam air pump. Rails and switch material. 16 small industrial cars. 10 pairs 33-inch car wheels on 5x9 axle, standard gauge. CONSOLIDATED RAILWAY EQUIPMENT CO., Portland, Or. East 3092. MACHINERY built to order; we have splendid facilities for producing ma chinery of all kinds, and are pre pared to guarantee satisfaction both as regards workmanahip and price. We have foundry facilities and an up-to-date machine shop. Send us blue prints and give us an opportunity to Quote you price. We can save you money. Idaho Machinery & Supply Co., Lewiston, Ida. 1 p. I. WORKS 6-saw lath machine with saws; $205. 1 P. I. Works 3-saw lath bolter with 3 inserted bit saws; $495; ma chines have been used about 30 days; good as new. Western Farquhar Ma chinery company, cor. F- Salmon and Water sti East 3856. MACHINERY. We have every facility for moving, hoisting and erecting machinery and boilers, any size or weight. OREGON TRANSFER COMPANY. 13th and Glisan. Broadway 1281. GOODELL-PRATT bench lathe, com plete with shafting, belting and pul- h. p. motor, all very near new, $75. Tabor 53Q2. OHIO ball-bearing, quiet-running A. C. motors, 8th. 0th, quarter and 3d horsepower in stock. H. A, Kiilam, 817 Lewis bldg. FOR SALK. Machinery. ZIDELL-STEINBERG CO. 200 Front St. Portland, Or. Wo have just purchased a large stock of government ma terial for which we must make room and will therefore sell the following at greatly reduced prices. riPE. PIPE. PIPE. We have on hand a very large stock of new and secondhand black and galvanized pipe in sizes from 4-inch to 12 inches. We are offering all of our pipe at a great reduction. It will pay you to get our quotations. OUR WEEKLY SPECIALS. 20x30 white enameled kitchen sink, new $ 6.65 20x30 white enameled one piece sink with back... 12.10 18x21 lavatory, complete to the wall with large B" apron 14.00 Toilet complete, white tank and good seat 20.00 5-ft. bath tub complete, new high-grade enamel. 31.00 Range boiler, new, 30-gaI.t riveted 10.25 Laundry trays, two part (cement) 8.00 One special lot of lavator ies, complete 11.00 Also a large stock of other plumbing supplies and fixtures too numerous to mention at a great saving. All the above fixtures are new of the highest quality white en amel ware. Take advantage of our week ly specials now whlie the oppor tunity is here. Several complete stump pullers at a give-away price. STOP THAT LEAKY ROOFI When you can buy high grade prepared roofing with cement and naiis in each roll at the fol lowing prices: 1- ply at $1.00 per roll. 2- ply at $1.50 per roll. 3- ply at $1.90 per roll. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO MAIL ORDERS. Send check with order for quick action. 25 complete lumber trucks at a great saving. SAWMILL MEN. ATTENTION! While repairing your sawmill this winter, see us for all needed parts and repairs. YTdu are sure to save money. Several tons of black new sheet iron, 18 to 30 gauge, at $3. 25 per 100 lbs. VERY SPECIAL ON LOGGING BLOCKS. We have on hand a large stock of high-grade logging blocks, all with manganese sheaves, brass bushed, extra heavy pin and splf oiling. The lot consists of SKYLINE, FALL, MOVING. YARDING, TRIP LINE. HEAD TRIP and HIGH LEAD BLOCKS. You will be surprised to know what low price we are quoting on the above. Do not delay, write for quotations today. We have on hand a very large stock of cable, all sizes and ail lengths at a great bargain. We also carry in stock at all times a large stock of pulleys, boxings, shafting, sprockets and sprocket chain, gears, sheaves and other mill and logger's sup plies. GAME TRAPPERS TAKE NOTICE. 300 dozen new Victor and Newnouse game traps, No. 0 and 1 only at a very special price. Several No. 15 bear traps at $7.50 each. ZIDELL-STEINBERG COMPANY, The House of Service. 209 Front St. Phone At. 1332. Portland, Oregon. WILLAMETTE EQUIPMENT COMPANY. 617-18-19-20 GASCO BLDG. PORTLAND, OREGON. MAIN 5813. 6021. Exclusive agents for Novo Engines, Pumps, Compressors and Hoists. Adams Adjustable Leaning Wheel Graders. Sheldon Barrel Type Concrete Mixers. Spears-Wells Planers. Leaders and Road Northwestern crane. 30-KILOWATT, 125-volt direct con nected engine-generator set, complete with switchboard. 25-kilowatt set, same. 30-kilowatt set, same. 500-gallon underwriter pump. 10x6x10 Gardner brass fitted pump. 30x7x12 Worthington pump. 4Wx2Vx4 Worthington pump. Double cylinder reversible cargo hoists, new. 5 H. P. Clark automatic steam en gine. 4V4 H. P. St. Maries Deisel oil en Centrifugal pumps, all sizes to 18 in. O. ir. MCUUL'UALb 213 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 12-TON SHAY locomotive. 3 45-ton Shay locomotive. 1 10x12 Washington halfbreed. 1 lovia Willamette crack-a-iack. 1 10 J,fexl 0 U Washington compound yarder. 3 12xia Washington compound yard ftr 212x14 Willamette Humboldts with oblong firebox boners. CLYDE EQUIPMENT CO. HOT WATER boiler, suitablft for hot house, also roof painters ladders, jacks and tanks. 1892 Thorburn ave. Tabor 9033. 72-INCH inserted tooth circular cutoff saw. nearly new, which I will sell at a low figure or trade for something that I can use. Owner, 404 Piatt bldg. A NO. 4 Long & Alatater combination punch and shearer. A real bargain. CONSOLIDATED RY. EQUIP. CO. East 3002. Foot of Knott St. FOR SALE-- tt-h. p. upright boiler. Can be seen working. BP 81, Oregonijn. MACHINERY Sell cheap, Burrje Seton sh i n gl mi 11 . 512 E. Richmond st. Christmas Gifts. WESTERN FISH CO., 126 1st st., old es tablished house, 8 pounds salmon shipped all over the United States for $3, express prepaid. BROADWAY 750L GERMAN shepherd police dog, 4 months old. pedigreed, good stock, male; must sell in the next few days. Ask for Frentzel, 415 Davis, bet. 0 A. M. and 3 P. M.. or cail Tabor 7387. FOR SALE Two fine blue white dia monds; perfect cut; weight .92 and j. 01 ; very reasonable. G 58, Ore gonian ORIENTAL lamps, linen luncheon sets, brass bowls, vases and incense burners. Ideal Christmas gifts. Tabor 7048. LEATHER bound C. S- textbook in good condition for gift; $4. AO 862, Ore gonian. ORDERS taken for needlework; reason able prices. Call East 5131 or 107 East 3tn street. "BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE," full setl packed ready for shipping. $25. Com mercial Transfer Co. Bdwy. 2082. LEATHER bound C. S. text books, in good condition, for gift, $4.50. AO 862. Oregonian GIRL'S bicycle, fine condition. Auto. 317-3K. . FOR SAI-.E Cheap, fine fox fur. Tabor 3552. BEAUTIFUL set of mink, late style. East 2332. F01 E. 20th N. 1 LUNCH cloth. 6 napkins. $75. Mrs H. S. Hansen, 14 Grand ave. TT. RADIOS installed, everything complete. $15. Bdwy. 2O10. ELEGANT beaded bag. for salo, reason able, just completed. lain 365L HAND-MADE beaded bags and repair work. East 9001. BOXING gloves, never used, cost new $15; sacrifice. Tel. Atwater 1650. 1 CROCHETED hund-made bedspread. Call Main 6353. ORIENTAL pearls, fine quality, reason able. Will call. East 6042. 19 PLAYER piano rolls $2; crocheted beaded bus, $10. Atwater 4054, FOR SALE. Christmas Gifts. ELECTRTC table lamp, good frame, art glass panels. $4.50; metal n electric table lamps, art glass N panels, ?6. Child's rocker, solid oak, spring seat $2.85 Lady's writing desk, oak or mahogany, up from 0.50 ' Smoking1 stands, mahogany finish. $2.25; 30-in mahog any finish pedestal 5.50 Piano lamp sticks (le?s shade) 2 sockets, chain pull. brown mahogany finish .v. .8.50 OWL FURNITURE CO., 166-108 First St. BEAUTIFUL Ivory and gold elec- 4ric candlesticks $3.50 each Electric cleaners, the New Bee Voc for only $35.00 New chandelier for the dining or living room, priced from $3.50 up. Hand-painted boudoir or library lamps $10.00 up Large selection of dressers or mantles in all newest finishes (without shade), priced from $2.50 up. Have your old chandeliers and lamps refinished in the latest colors and styles at very small cost. Phone for estimate. STANLEY LUTZ, 200-3-5-7 Cham. Com. Bldg. Broadway 4253. FREE RECORDS. 25 10-inch double records with every Grafonola and Victrola sold this week; sold on small payment down; come in and hear Columbia model E that sold for $125, now only $85 What Could be a Better Gift? MISH FURNITURE CO.. 188-100 First St. HIGH grade Ivory triple French plats mirror dressing tables, would retail ordinarily for $35. Our price only $14.75. COHN BROS. & DIRECTOR, 351 Oak st. T O Y S B OO K S DOT.LS- Everything . for the kiddies, and at prices tnat are far blow what you would pay any place in the city. A large selection of all kinds of novelties as well as stationery and clothes. We are out of the high-rent district. Pay us a visit. CONSOLIDATED SALES CO.. 226 Clay St., bet. 1st and 2d Sts. GIVE HER A DIAMOND FOR XMAS. Through our loan and brokerage de partment we are in a position to save you irom o'? to 3o on a diamond. It will pay you to investigate. ZELL BROS. & CO., 283 Washington St., near Fourth. The leading diamond brokers in the city GIVE THEM A VALUPHONE. BEST BY TEST. Used phonographs, $15 and up, with j.u new rec or as r ree. PERRY MUSIC CO., The Home of Value. 4th Floor Phoenix bldg., 5th and Oak. KEEP PHYSICALLY Ht. A set of Victor health records would be a very appropriate and sensible gift and something the whole family would enjoy. SEiBERLlNG-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 Fourth St. AN XMAS PRESENT. YOUR 1023 LICENSE FUR NIS HKD FR E K WHEN YOU PURCHASE A USED CAR AT MANLEY AUTO CO., 11th and Burnside. SUGGESTIONS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS Silk and wool sweaters, slipovers. bigh-grade silk lingerie, full-fashioned silk huse and many other novelties, at tne RELIABLE DRESS SHOP, 173 Park St. IT'S A FACT. Just think, it only takes $5 monthly to buy a fine Victor, Edison, Bruns wick or Columbia phonograph for Christmas. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. GIFTS for friend's auto: Robes, spot light, mirrors, mctometers, w.ndshieia cleaners, bumpers, radiator caps, cov ers, step plates, skid chains, driving gloves, etc. General Auto .Supply Co., Broadway at Couch. START paying now on a Columbia bicy cle, velocipede, sneepsicm coai, gloves, puttees, o.r Harley-Davidson mctcr cycle and have It laid aside for Xmas delivery. Easy terms. MOTORCYCLE SUPPLY CO., 200 Third St. 1RV1NGTON LOT. ONLY A FEW LEFT. BUY ONE FOR CHRISTMAS. HITTER. LOWE & CO., Realtors, 2IH-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. DAYTON, Hudson, Pierce, Reading bi cycles; gloves, leather clothing, put tees and accessories; cash or term. In dian Motorcycle & Bicycle Co., 200 8d At.. Fred Wyatt, manager. KIM BALL PHONOGRAPHS AND PIANOS. Exclusive Agents in Oregon. Mccormick music Co., inc., 420 Washington St. DEPENDABLE watch repairing; all work done in my shop; wrist watches a spec's Ity. STAPLES WATCH SHOP. 461 Washington sL, near 13th. WE CAN solve the problem for you; in expensive, appreciative holiday gifts. THE TOY AND NOVELTY EMPORIUM. 4R4 Washington, Bet. 13th and 14th Sts. GIFT BOOK, just out. "Supply." Book for metaphysical workers; solves finan cial problems. Postpaid, $1. Columbia Printing Co.. Eleventh st. FRAMES. PICTURES, MIRRORS. made to your order; hiheat-class workmanship at reasonable prices. Ashfords, 469 Washington st. BUY HER a renewed Dodge Brothers' tnnriner car. BRA LEY. GRAHAM A CHILDS. INC., Bdwy. 3281. lltn and Hurnside Sts, WHAT SHALL I GIVE FOR XMAS? A record gift certificate solves the question. Let us take care of you. Hvatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. CHRISTMAS PHONOGRAPHS. New phonographs at wholesale prices. Bet made machines. Cash or terms. Address AL 82, Oregonian. BIG MUSICAL instrument sale now on. Buy Cbristmas gifts now and save 20 to 7QCC. Free lessons. McDougall Conn Co., 320 10th st. WHAT would make a better Christmas gift than a clantsy Ford bug? Look them over at 5 3 0 Alder st. AT A GREAT REDUCTION 1 elk head. 2 deer heads, 1 mountain sheep. Call Main 5142 before 2 P. M. BAGS AND SUITCASES FOR LESS. 18-lnch leather lined cow hide bags, $7.50. Baggage Shop. 2S8 3d st. BEAUTIFUL antique jnirror for con sole table or hall for sale cheap. Call 372 East lath st. No r th. LATEST model Edison Chiippendale, cost new $295, now only $22.; easy terms. Hyatt Talking .Macnine to,, ,iiu Aiqer. r & 1TTI FtlL Console model electric sew ing machine; brown mahogany; $75. Apt. 4 On. .isarner Apia. BLUE silk quilted robe, $10. Water melon pink silk negligee, $6.50. Tabor 2 s 2 5. $PS DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RING ; WILL SACRIFICE FOR $75. CALL ' WALNUT 5485. $85 CASH takes new $165 mahogany phonograph and 35 double disc rec ords. Phone Main 5647. HANDSOME belted model Hudson seal coat, marten collar; 36 in. long, size S6; great bargain. Bdwy. 8380. $125 COLUMBIA, fumed oak case, only $80; $10 down, $5 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. GENUINE sealskin coat, otter trimmed, skinner satin lined; bargain at $250. Aut. 530-50. READY-MADE or made-to-order Christ mas gifts; rag dolls and doll clothes a specialty. Call Wal. 6729. ORDER your Ford for Xmas delivery. Wm. L. Hughson Co., Broadway at - Davis. HAND-PAINTED china gifts, $1 and up. China firing and orders. 203 Gerlinger building. WILL do fancy work at home, embroid ering and crocheting. Tabor 20H1. FOR SALE cheap, new Alexander Ham ilton Inst, course. 3'houe Main 9400. INDESTRUCTIBLE oriental pearis. $3 a string. 345 nth at. Bdwy. 0155. FINE cakes of all kinds baked for par ties and clubs. Tabor 4181. DOLLS dressed, latest styles, 50c up. Call early. Empire 0997. CENTERPIECE and other tatted articles, also century plant. 381 Hooker. ORDERS takfn for babies jackets, caps and bootees. Tahor 5591. NEW set of Books of Knowledge very cheap. Phone Tabor 9492. WHITE fox, good as new; bargain. &. 3010. S15 E. Burnside, Apt. 20. FOR SALE. Christmas Gifts. PHONOGRAPHS RECORDS. THREE O'CLOCK JN THE MORNING. Coal Black Mammy Vocal. THREE O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING. Moon River Walt a. TOMORROW, BUDDY and many other late hits in Gennett Records at 75c. BERGIE ELECTRIC CO.. 467 Washington St, at 13th. 131 B 11th St., Bet. Wash, and Alder BROADWAY 3979 OPEN EVENINGS. A Dependable Place to Tradj MILL ERS BIG LITTLE JEWELRY STORE. Gifts that last. 355 Washington Street. Next door to Majestic Theater. We give Your-Favonte-Organization" votes, MAKE THIS A MUSICAL XMAS. Buy your instrument her-. . full line of pianos, players, grands, phono graphs, violins, saxophones. If It makes music we have it. Sold for casl. or terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6TH ST. AN EDISON phonograph is an idsU gift and one that can be cnjoyet ny every member of the family. Let us emd one out on approval. Reed French Piano company (Local Edison Dealer), 12th and Washington sta. TRAINED St. Andreasburg rollers from imported strain and genuine roller le males. $2.50 to $5. East 0874 or 6S7 Multnomah st. MUST SELL my choice home-canned fruit and veg.; cold pa ok. economy jars, ass t.. $4 and$5a doz. Wal. 2811. ORIENTAL RUG, rare make, beautiful design, cannot be duplicated for the money. Main 6552. Miscellaneous. NOTICE. Loggers, Millmen and Contractors. Do you want to save money on buy ing your new and second-hand cabio, tools, roofing paper and supplies? Seo us before you buy and we wiil show you how we can sell you at prices that are so very low that you will surely give us your business. We have no odds or ends, but good, usable ma terials. Below you will find only a few of the many hundreds of articles we carry: NEW PEAVIES. Think of it! New inserted point peavies, special sale price, while they last, $1.95 each. NEW SINGLE BIT AXES. New single bit axes handled, only a few left, special sale price $1.25 each, NOTICE. Sand Companies and Contractors. Have on hand three pieces of 16 inch second-hand rubber belting, in good condition, each piece is 05 feet long. This betting can be used for extra heavy work. To move this belt ing quickly will sell at a very low price. Again I say, if you want to save money on anything you need in our line see us first. A. B. LEVB, Executor for estate of J. Leve. Front street's largest supply house. 1S9-1S9H-1!1 Front St., between Yam hill and Tay 1 o t CHEAP LUMBER FOR YOUR HOME. For temporary houses and garages we have lumber rom -6 up to $20 per thousand; well seasoned, will not shrink; -come to our yard at E. 47th st.. next to the O.-W. R. & N. viaduct, 800 feet north of E. Glisan, 2x4 inch up to 20x20 inch, ix3 inch up to 14x10 inch, 1x4 inch and 4x4 inch flooring, 29 box frames and sash in good con dition, size of glass 52x52 inches, very heavy glaps, will do for 8-inch walls; 4-inch cast iron soil pipe and fittings, glass, doors, 6-inch terra cotta.chim ney and all kinds of materials from wrecked buildings. Tabor 0030. ELERATH STEEL, IRON & WRECKING CO. PHONOGRAPHS RECORDS. THREE O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING. Coal Black Mammy Vocal. THREE O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING. Moon River Waltz. TOMORROW. BUDDY and many other late hits in Gennett Records at 75c. BERGIE ELECTRIC CO.. 467 Washington St. at 13th. 331 B 11th St. Bet. Wash, and Alder BROADWAY 3079 OPEN EVENINGS. MESSAGES and papers of the presidents 20 volumes, full bound in high grade genuine Keratol; side, and backs stamped and tops burnished with 14 k. gold; reproductions of White House oil portraits of presidents, photographic reproductions of important state pa pers. Many other attractive state pa tereeting features. Books have never been unpacked; cost $128.50. Will sell for $75 cash. Box 022, 'IVnino, Wash. JEWELRY fixtures, wall casts, floor cases, sate, street ciocs, a at. casn register, large regulator, 2 motors, 2 benches, one set tools; miu-t be sold by Jan. 1. Martineau fc Miller, 280 Russell St., cor. Williams ave. MEN'S Globe lightweight wool uniou suit, 42; home-knit hitreveieas sweat era, wool sox, all new; wonderful beavy black unbelted overcoat. 44; Oxford gray overcoat, 42; cheap. Tabor 4400. LIBRARY table, electric light shade. linoleum rug, Simmons twi, springs and niattrens, double crt-tnnne por tiera, bedspread, floor pudding, sorted fruit, jams. Atvvate r 4054. CHANCE to buy my sample lino of beau tiful manicure sets, genuine ieatnei ivory and pearl, tit dealers' prices. Mr. Mclntyre, Sunday night or Monday nigh t only. 630 Portland- hotel. FLEXIBLE platinum diamond bracelet. $120; soUtal-re. $30; pair bangles, 9 dla., 9 real rub!-e, $100. Trade for solitaire or antique jewt-iry. Broadway 1040. Apt. 31S. Automatic 5HU-21. ADDING MACHINES. Several good adding machines of different makes and bookkeeping ma chines at a real bargain. Broadway 3712. 34KJ Lunibfrmeiis bldg. BIG SACRIFICE. Showcases, scales, cash registers, roll-top desks, sates, back and front bar. 120 1st st., near Washington. r COOK STOVE Wood or coal, with hot water colls; also 3-burner gas plate; both for $10. 351 E. Market St. today after 2 o'clock. WILL take diamond or livestock mi good used automobile. Fifty cars from which to choose. Ask lor Cliarle.s 415 Glisan. , 2 -INCH Publcr axel wagon ; 1-honsa cultivator; 1 3-inch and 1 3 Vs-inch watton; $15, your choice. 510 Kerby st. nw Husgell- , OVERSTUFFED davenport and chair up holstered in brown denim, in good con dition, very reasonable; also brass bed. East 3N8L PORTIERES, golden brown French ve lour, small archway; Wilton rug; both new; half price. Tabor 4400. alAN'S large size black heavy overcoai; a bargain at $12.50; excellent condition. Call East 0554. 46 E. 2Sth N. CHOICE apples, nuts, dunks, chickens and rabbits at reasonable prices at Sierra Vista, on Bane Line. FOR SALE Midnight blue trie. tine suit, size 40. Call 614-38. 7135 61st ave. S. E. Flrland station. - SHINGLES at wholesale, direct from the mill; we need the money. Telephone Dean, Tabor 7705. $5 BABY bed, spring.i and mattress, al most new. 380 Lownsdale. Phone At water 3511. ; . PRINTING outfit, press, 14 fonts typ-, etc.. Lew, for $50. BJ 10(i, Ore gonlan. FOR SALE Almost new Remington 22 hammerless, round barrel repeating rifle. Tabor n20!K BRIEF and music cases, sound bottom, best leather, nicely made, reasonable. Tabor 1240. . BRAN D new velour and tapestry table runners for eale cheap. Call Walnut 7223. . BOY'S chinchila overcoat and cap, si.'i 12 to 34 years, $5; iron bed and springs, $5. Call at 707 E. 57th North. $100 MAHOGANY Victrola with 1 dozi-n records. $60. Goodcoadition. Hmad- way 2u88. . - FOR SALE One Simplex electric man gle. 48 Inch, slightly used; cost new $275; will sell for $100. 34 E.57th st. TENT HOUSE 16x16, 16-ouni e canvas; floor, side walla, sink, 25 feet water pipe, w i r i n g; $55. Garfie 1 d 63 5S. 60 CONCRETE foundation piers, 1 ft. e. at top, with bolt for timber; $1 each. Steffens. Call at Oaks park. MAHOGANY roll-top desk, 4 chairs, rug, 740 Hoyt. Main 80ffl. LADY'S new blue corduroy bath rabe. lined. S4. Broadway BEAUTIFUL brown bolivia cape, IlLe new. $20. Walnut 0Ud. NEARLY new piano $225. Take dia mond or tailoring part. Atwater Q52?. MARMOT three-quartpr length coat, good as new. 21 1 N. 23d -st. F-EAUTII-UL seal neckpiece for sa.tt vf trade. Enst 73"4. BEAUTIFUL diamond rings, 1-kfa.rr.t each, will sacrifice. Tabor4417 FOR SALE Range with cell, $15. 303o 6Sth st. S. E. COATS for women and girls. $5-$35; browns and biues. Tabo 2$25. BEAUTIFUL da.k-bruw i RiX fur; rea- sonabte. East 0010. IRON bedstead, Al spring -Jind mattress. 400 Going st. MANNING burner, storage tank, 30OIJ ohms Connecticut head t. Kant 1P.V. MULTIGRAPH, nearly new, with much e q u i pment. fcr sale cV-ap. Ma i n 30 :i 4 . FOR SAL1S 2 ladies' coats, siz-u 30 and 40; very reasonable. T:U"r 33M, WICKER standing bird cage for saU cheap. East 8437. FOR SALE: 28-foot otten?ton ladder in good condition. Call Aut. 321 -43. iW'HEEL chair for sale. Aut. 520-22.