The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 19, 1922, SECTION TWO, Page 16, Image 44

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Information and
Kent&l Bureau.
Reliable, un-to-date llsta of deir.
able furnished and unfurnished houses,
apanments ana iiata, witn definite in
formation pertaining to each; sleeping
Newcomers to Portland -will find this
Bureau of great value in helping them
get properly ana quickly located.
Eighth Floor.
WANT to rent before Dec. 1. 4 or 5-rm.
house or flat, furnished, with 2 bed
rooms; have own linen, silverware and
dishes; must be reasonable; west side
bouth or east side South. S 70, Ore-
WANTED To rent, a family of 3 adults
would like to rent a house furnished
or unturnished, where care of same
Wnllltl O n ! v a a -ran t a 1 or a ira .irnorl
own home so best of" care would be
given. Walnut 6044.
WANTED Clean 5 or 6-room bungalow
or a 4-room combination dining and
living room, close in. or on good car
line, for ?:J5 or $30 a month; 2 In
lamiiy. t:all Kast 67H1.
liCSIRB 7 or 8-roora to lease.
rent not exceed $30, in the Albina and
Killingsworth district. BC 57, Orego
nian. WANT nice email bungalow or several
rooms for light housekeeping in Al
berta section. Place for Ford. No
children. J. A. Holton, Gen. Del., city.
If you have a modern house for rent,
any size, furnished or unfurnished, call
Tabor 3fl46. 1078 Hawthorne.
UNLIABLE tenant wishes 6 or 6-room
modern house with garage, close in;
about 125; references. W. R. Jackson,
mi ( hj. Mam.
VoUNQ maxrled couple, no children,
wish to rent 4 to 6-room furnished
bungalow; possession about Deo. l.
References. AN 90, Oregonian.
TOUNG couple with three-months-old
child want & or 4-room unfurnished or
partly furnished flat or apartment with
private bath; walking distance; refer
ences; give particulars. J H3, Ore
gonian. fa ANTED By two ladies, part of un
furnished house or unfurnished apt.,
where heat is furnished. Phone East
S OR 8-ROOM apt., turn., near Brooklyn
car shopa Must be treasonable. K 97,
WANTED I to 6-room unfur. apt., flat
or house, west side, by Dec. 1 to 6;
rererences. sj b$. Oregonian.
ElLDERLY couple wants 3 or 4-room
apartment or flat, heated. Main 6719.
HOOM wanted by lady employed, west
aide; terms and references. G 95, Ore
gonian. WANTED December 1, room for two
men In private noma; no other roora-
CLEAN sleeping room for young lady,
close In. Will care for own room, a
WANTED Furnished room wanted in
C. S. family. Box C 59, Oregonian.
Rooms With Board.
WANTED In widow's home, two rooms
and board for mother and two chil
dren, also care of children, near school.
For particulars write N. M. Catlow,
Arbor Court apartments, 14th and Co-
mmoia sts.
CONGENIAL man wishes room and
board in refined, private, west side
home where he will be received aa a
member of the family. M S6, Ore
gonian. WANTED Refined home for mother
less boy four, years old where father
can also secure board and room. M 5,
SON and mother, elderly, want room and
b;ird December 1, east side, near car,
paved street, state location and phone
numuer. At yrt, oregonian.
W A X T co n genial home where eiderl y
lady can depend on iwhol-esonve food
and warm room assured. Would p-re-ft-r
first floor. AK 97, Oregonian.
PARTY to care for child during day;
Iivmg near Oth and Montgomery nre-
ferrod. 372 Oth st.. ADt 1.
vv A.N TED Young man attending trade
school will work for room and board.
. Phone East 7445 Monday or Tuesday.
HORSEMAN wants room and "board in
private family with home privileges;
must be good. BF ES, Oregonian.
BOOM and board, modern home, busi
ness lady; refs. AN 80, Oregonian,
CLEAN, warm housekeeping room with
kitchenette, v.-ithin walking distance.
Phone E. 7377. AJ 72. Oregonian
W OULD like a modern 5 to 9-room
house or flat furn. on the west side,
close in and clean, will consider buy
ing furniture and pay cash for same.
Atwater 1464.
Furnished Rooms.
HOTEL BRISTOL, 18 12th St., cor. Stark
New management; modern, private
baths, free phone, reasonable rates, $5
and up; hot and cold water, steam
IRVINGTON Warm, comfortable home
like room, private home, breakfast If
desired; business people preferred, 700
CHKP.RTTTTl. rnm m 7 S i
- ... v.. o. n u iii (3, iurnace-
heat, fireplace, with or without
garage; walking distance. 360 Van
couver, corner Broadway. East 8908.
HOTEL MORRISON. 11th and Morrison
sts. Newly furnished throughout;
transient, permanent rooms and
m suites. Reasonable rates. Main 4087.
Attractive weekly and monthly rates.
2 NICE, large, well-furnished sleeping
room, all comforts of home, half block
from Lincoln high school. 331 Market.
mm, or nQwy. 1904,
HOTEL CONRADINE. 22 North 10th st"
2 blocks north of Washington St.. fire
proof; pleasant rooms and suites at
very reasonable rates by day or week.
Corner E.- 3d and Morrison.
Rooms reasonable ; weekly or daily
rates. Phone East 0068.
KICB, cheerful rooms In Walnut Park,
furnished or unfurnished, garage if
wanted. 1131 Rodney ave. Walnut
too DAT, $2.50 week up. Clean rooms
at a low price In a quiet, respectable
place. Baths free. Hotel Cadillac 3d
iiear Jefferson.
One single room nicely furnished;
walking distance. West Park and Co
Have 12 acres, all under cultivation.
Bear Clackamas station.
ROGER W. CARY, 142 Second St.
Absolutely fireproof and centrally
located. Rooms by the day. week or
i'u m. muuerarte rates
NICE corner sleeping rooms, suitable for
two young men; heat, HgW bath,
phone, yard for parking autos; 1 block
to oar. 195 17th st N.
HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison at-, at 10th
$1 a day; weekly $5 and up; free phone
a"u . "snt ana airy, ateam heat
FURNISHED room for- gentlemen, with
or without garage. 357 Larch, Ladd's
CLEAN, warm basement sleeping room,
next to bath, side entrance, for work-
Ing man or school boy. 710 Wash, st.
Clean, warm furn. room, steam heat
walking distance. $3.50. 494 Market.
CLEAN', nicely furnished sleenini? rnnm
phone, bath and heat free; walking
mai.tme. Jin milage SI
Corner 17th and Couch; large, well
furnished, modern ro o ma; reasonable.
ARTHUR HOTEL. 170 11th St.. near
Morrison Clean and modern rooms by
day, week or month at reasonable rates.
Modern fireproof steam-heated bldV
"ilea ?j inr weea and up.
3 NICELY furn. outside sleeping rms
hot and cold water, furnace heat. 432
cor, im. Atwater 4525.
2 BEDROOMS with use kitchen, living
ivuui. utuiug luuin, 4o eacn; real Dome.
dta tn st.
THE ST. PAUL. Fourth and Alder. A
31 up. Rates by week or month.
WEAVER HOTEL. 708 Washington St.
Attractive rooms with private bath and
phone. Monthly rates.
I.AYTON HOTEL. 1st at Taylor; mod
em roonj3. $2 per week and up.
Steam heat. 315 N. 22d et. Main 5308.
3-ROOM furnished housekeeping apart
ment. 56 weekly. 350 14th st.
LARRABEE hotel, steam heated, $2.50
week up. Larraoee ana rloliaday.
BASEMENT sleeping room, clean and
warm, o montn. iviain 2pu.
SSLEEPING rms. for gentlemen, all new
fur., walk dlst. Bdwy. 0S61. 133 istli N
LARGE, newly fur., heated, walk, dist.
good district. $12. East 4365.
UXCKPTINALLY well furnished rmT
reas., by mo. Main 2774.
t ROOMS for rent, unfurnished, base
ment. $10 month. 166 North 10th st.
FURNISHED room in nice clean flat;
gentleman preferred. Bdwy. 0892.
Furnished Rooms.
Nice, ciean, newly furnished, de
sirable rooms. $5 per -week.
Up to date and homelike, with spa
cious lODby, automatic elevator and all
modern conveniences; rates by day,
week or month,
Large well furnished rooms, steam
neat, not and cold water, elevator serv
ice; rates 50c up; housekeeping; single,
$3 week up; double, $5 week up. Main
High-class, lovely furnished rooms
with or without bath; also beautiful,
light and airy suite; 6 windows, fine
for 1 or 2 refined gentlemen; refer
ences required. 166 St. Clair st., cor.
oi Washington,
CONTENTS for sale with room for rent,
modern, with phone; a good home and
office; a sacrifice, party leaving city;
rent $15 per month, corner room, cat-a-corner
First National bank, Fifth and
Stark. Phone Bdwy. 7879.
West Park and Yamhill Sts.
Main 0202.
Clean, modern rooms at reasonable
prices. Transient and permanent
guests desired.
3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, privata toi
let and bath. 648 Thurman st. At
water 4761. '
ROOM FOR RENT Twin beds, for one
or two gentlemen. With or without
board. By widow. Good car line, 15
min. ride; use of living room and elec
tric piano. AN 5, Oregonian
124 14th st. at Washington; rates $5
per week and up, $1 day; fireproof;
large, attractive, spotless rooms, close
to amusements and snopping center.
CALL at Y. M. C. A. to see free list of
moderate priced rooms for young men
in ail parts of th ecity. Including rooms
at the Y. M. C. A., with phone in each
room, shower baths and club facilities.
Four blocks from business center,
modern steam-heated rooms. Hot wa
ter at all times; homey place. $20 a
month and up.
HOTEL ROWLAND. 207 to 211
4th st.; cen.rally located, rates 75c, $1.
J1.50 per day; with bath, $1.50. $2,
$2.50; special rates, $4 per w k. and up.
Rates $1 a day; a week. $5 and up;
private bath, $S; fireproof and clean;
close to business center.
MARTHA APTS., 54 N. 23d. 2"Tfeeping
rooms, .newly furnished. M.i.n 2141.
InfurniKhed Room.
UNFURN. 3 rooms $17,511, includes light
and water. 202 E. 45th. cor. Taylor St.
2 NICE unfurnished front rooms for rent.
Atwater 1483.
Furnished Rooms in Private Family.
IRV1NGTON, on Broadway carline, large
pleasant front sleeping room in quiet
modern home, suitable for 1 or 2, fire
place; all conveniences; reasonable
price. East 0632.
FRONT room attractively furnished in
mahogany; well heated, convenient to
bath and phone. Nob Hill district.
At. 38S3.
LARjGE front room and single room.
plenty hot water heat, tel., bath, close
to business center. 321 12th St., cor.
Clay. Reasonable. Main 4831.
NICE, clean comfortable rooms, all home
conveniences, easy walking distance.
474 Market St., cor. 14th.
VERY comfortable, large front room, in
private family, suitable for two, 704 E.
Taylor, corner 25th. East 5007.
$5 BEAUTIFULLY . furnished front
room, 3 windows, 23d-st. location.
Main 8940.
WANT young buslnesss girl to share
room, use of living room, furnace heat,
close in. Tabor 0716.
$2.00 HOT and cold water, furnace h'eat,
telephone, walking distance. 590
1st st.
SLEEPING rooms with breakfast, 12
minutes' walk; girls preferred. Main
TWO furnished rooms, garage. 572 Ladd
ave., East 6892. Gentleman, C. S. pre
ROOMS Kitchen privileges, sewing ir-.a-
cnine, women oniy. iteierence. wal
nut 7104.
NICELY furnished sleeping room, all
conveniences, close in. 846 Last Tay
lor. Reference. East 3634.
FRONT room with alcove, closet, heat,
bath, phone, $20; near Hawthorne;
breakfast optional. East 1212
ROOMS in nicely furnished house, all
home privileges, use o piano. wal
nut 3307.
ATTRACTIVE, refined home, has large
cor. rm., firep., pnv, bath, also cheaper
rm. 3d fl. 84 N. 21st, cor. Everett.
LARGE front sleeping room suitable for
1 or 2, with neat, phone, bath.
14th street.
2 OR MORE young men in a nice home;
breakfast II desired. .East 1223. am
East 22d St. S..
$11 MONTH Neat. clean furnished
iront room, walking aisiaaoe. a.
Pine, near Grand ave.
2 ROOMS, man and wife prei'eirt-d. light
and water, $22 per month. 1U81 12.
15th N.
LARGE front room, private entrance;
piano, breakfast if desired. No other
roomers. Walk, distance. East 2772.
LARGE room, handsomely furnished,
suitable for 3 young men; private
home. 71 Trinity Place.
PLEASANT sleeping room, walking dis
tance, furnish heat. 554 Everett st.
Broadway 2256
NICELY furnished sleeping room, fine
Simmon's bed, furnace heat, hot water,
telephone, reasonable. East 9827.
ONE NICE, large, beautifully furnished
sleeping room with furnace heat, bath;
private tamuy. Auto, ida-id.
CONGENIAL girl wishes roommate; all
conveniences; separate oeas ana piano;
$3 per week. Main 2116.
MODERN outside rooms with or without
kitchenette. 150 N. 24th. near Hoyt
Main 2106. All new furnishings.
VERY pleasant furn. room, steam heated,
home privileges; Garfield ave. Good
car service. Walnut 0568.
FOR RENT Room in quiet home, close
in 205 E. 1st st. N., near Holladay ave.
LARGE, sunny front room, single or
uuuuie, in private uoiue. ruune laiu
0485, or 745 Kearney st. .
FOR RENT Furnished room in private
home, furnace heat: references re
qulred. 356 E. 4Sth. Tabor 3161.
IDEAL home for business men; every
convenience, refined atmosphere, walk
ing dist.; breakfast; ref. East 0226.
ROOM in, private family, married couple
that work preferred. Tabor 2799 until
1 P. M afterwards East U'MVi
LARGE desirable rooms, modern; use
ot piano, sl'i Btn, near Clay.
FURNISHED room for gentleman only.
142G E. 18th St., cor. Knapp.
PLEASANT rpom, private home, walk
lng distance. East 4367. 261 E. 3d N,
LARGE room, partly fur., closet, $5. 673
FURNISHED room, east side home.
tnone Kast stwrt, mornings.
$10 SINGLE room!" home privileges, for
reliable person-. W. S. Main 0-;'j4.
ATTRACTIVE rm., furnace heat, close to
bath, walk, dist. East 2604. 4T1 Weidler.
LOVELY double front room in mahog
any. 422 H Jefferson. Main G740.
CLEAN, warm room for gentleman; C. S.
preferred. Eaat 6635.
TWO well-heated rooms ith fireplace
and piano. Main 2425.
ATTRACTIVE, double sleeping room.
heated. 711 Johnson st. Main 4997.
LARGE, well furn. front bdrm., gentle
man preferred. 772 Qulmby. Main 18S6.
FURNISHED room, close in, walking dis
tance. Phone East 2560.
SLEEPING rooms 10 rent in a private
UGH 1 , clean, warm room ; meals op
tional; private house. 4061,a Broadway.
FKONT bedroom for gentleman. Broad
way car line. Phone Garfield 1510.
HEATEi j room. 5lst., bet. Mt. Tabor
and 1 H'rihorne cars. Tabor 516ft.
NICE clean room, good heat, lots of hot
water. 26S Twelfth.
BEAUTIFUL, homelike room for 1 or 2
it nt'pnipn. 6 Evtrett.
GOOD, warm room and garage, t-ot sid.
741 Johnson street.
SLEEPING 100m with cozy sitting room,
12 nvr:its on Fulton c:ir. Aut. 513-57.
CLEAN 2-room apt. with running water.
17o N. 17th at
Furnished Rooms in Private Family.
2 ROOMS with sleeping porch and pri
vate bath, single or suite; new bouse,
no other roomers; plenty of light,
heat and hot water, telephone, garage
if desired; prefer men-' 1156 Sandy
Blvd.. near 30th. Tabor 4664.
MOST beautifully furnished rooms in city,
strictly high class, hardwood floors
flreplacesv twin beds, parlor, piano,
home privileges. Rates $3 up. Also
young man wishes roommate. . Main
CONGENIAL young couple have very
desirable warm sleeping room to rent
in nice home, 45th and Sandy; prefer
. gentleman; home privileges. Choice
of walnut or mahogany furniture. Ref
erences. P 77. Oregonian. .
Nicely furnished room in modern
home, ti9 other roomers; $15 per mo.;
will give meals If desire; gentlemen
preferred. Phone Main 6271, 1006
Falrvlew blvd.
LARGE outside room, new furniture,
never used; all home privileges, 1
block to S. S. or Mt. Tabor cars, to
refined employed couple or woman.
j.ast ooii. )3 .Belmont.
$16 A SIONTH Sunny furn. rm. for
young lady employed. Next to bath;
furnace heat. Private family, west
side, 15 mln. walk to business center.
t;ii t- j
1 x-mnucia ai. .proaaway dun
WITH rrTPUE-w Donnr c.-e.o
Sleeping porch and combination sit
ting and dressing room in my strictly
modern home; suitable for employed
mupie or two gins. Tapor 4Uiu.
ROOMS for rent in private home, at
tractive, warm sleeping room, twin
beds, for rent to two refined people;
breakfast If desired. 418 Lovejoy. At
water 1037.
TWO very comfortable furnished bed
rooms, private home (Irvington), all
conveniences, two odocka from two
oarhnes. East 6253 between 9 and 2
Sunaa.y . any time Monday or Tuesday.
CLOSE IN for 2, very desirable warm
room with connecting bath, twin beds,
breakfast and all comforts of a real
home at a treasonable rate -469 Clay.
Main 2228.
STEAM-HEATED, beautifully furnished
room with dressing room and running
water; large clothes closet, pleasant
view; easy walking distance. 215 14th
NICE rms. for gentlemen or ladies, em
ployed, home privileges, piano, close
in; also congenial young lady, wishes
roommate. uuwy. 8301, 61 Ts. I8th.
ROOM, suitable for 2, also single room,
iin.iuuiiisi.ur. neat, ugnt, Data ana
phone. Close In. 330 Parle st. Main
FIRST-CLASS rm., bath, phone, fur-
imcc, uieaitiast it aesirea; use or liv
ing room with fireplace, clo
tiemen. See to appreciate. Tabor 0716.
WALKING distance, first-class rooms.
n.ii ur wuuoui Kiccnen privileges, tor
one or two ladies. 344 College, At-
water or Mam auco.
FURNISHED room, next to bath; fur-
iiae jiea-L, ynuiiH, nofc water any time;
reasonable to lady employed. Main
NICE warm room, electric lights, clothes
closet, running water in room, conven-
t lent to bath; walking distance. Call
at 228 10th at., or phone Main 5758.
Comfortable room, reasonable, walk
ing distance; gentlemen. Call forenoon.
uz MarKet.
LOVELY front room, 5 windows, big
v j unci, iiuiue comiorts, moaern; also
2-room suite, close in. Main 8544.
10th st.
WANTED By Protestant family, a child,
"iunuia lu a years oia; will give
gwod care at reasonable price. Phone
Aut. 65-63.
LARGE front room with sleeping alcove,
also large front room, suitable for 2;
everything furnished; gentlemen pre-
f prrorl T-t IL IT" "v n I n
ONE OF THE MOST desirable rooms in
eiLy lor 1 or a gentlemen; every
modern convenience, west side: close
in. Main 4640.
$30 One block from car, near Knott
anu 10 in. cast U41,
WELL-FURNISHED front room in Irv-
lugiuu Hume, ureamasi 11 aesirea; gen
tlemen only. 774 Clackamas st. East
2 LARGE front rms., alcove, nicely
furn., for light h. k.; suitable for 4
adults; walk. dist. 424 Third st., cor.
Hall. -
FOR RENT Nice front room with
breakfast in first-class home; gentle
man preferred. References required.
Cail Tabor 117i.
NIC E sleeping room, heat, bath and
phone; home privileges, $3.50 a week;
breakfast if desired; gentleman pre-
it-wcu. nmmene nts. Alain DWB,
4 NICE, light rooms with bath; Radiant
fire heat; good neighborhood, $20
month. 311 Marguerite ave., cor.
WANTED Congenial, refined teacher or
Business lady to share 3 rooms in clean
private home; rent $10 a month. Main
5574. 508 Taylor.
WANTED Refined gentleman to occupy
utisiraDie neatea room m widow's home.
watKing distance. East 7217.
NICELY furnished room in strictly mod
ern home, walking distance; lady pre
f erred; $10 month. Atwater 0212.
TWO BEAUTIFUL rooms, suitable for
one or two; breakfast if desired. 601
Elliott ave. East 8518.
STEAM-HEATED clean rooms in nice
home. Lots of hot water. Easy walk
ing distance. 215 14th st.
209 14TH, NEAR Jefferson, choice
rooms, moaern conveniences, walking
Beautifully furnished sleeping room,
kitchen privilege, cheap. Call East 8S74.
LADY wishes companionable woman;
references; Irvington, near car lines.
Q S3, Oregonian.
TWO NICELY furnished front rooms in
private residence; gentlemen only. 570
FURNISHED room In steam-heated apt..
xhuu xiiu ui strict; no oiner roomers;
walking distance. Bdwy. 3158.
Rooms With Board.
merly connected with Campbell hotel.
One of the best-known residential
hotels on the Pacific coast.
American plan, with or without bath,
12.50 a day up; rates by day or month.
Meals served to transients.
WANTED Young lady employed to
boar (Land room in a private family,
no other boarders; Irvington, on the
Broadway car line.' D 85. Oregonian.
201 NORTH 20TH.
Rates by day, week or month.
Meals served to transients.
NORTON I A HOTEL.,. Portland's down
town high-class family hotel; rooms
en suite or single, with or without
board, for families and business men.
and women. All the com for ta of a
home. Reasonable rates. Bdwy. 1180.
CHEERFUL warm room, new rug and
hangings, close to bath, with plenty
of hot water; may use large living
room with hardwood floor, piano and
fireplace; for two business women or
man and wife employed. Tabor S593.
A comfortable home for business
people; excellent table board; all rooms
have running water, some private
baths. Reasonable rates.
Portland's popular residential hotel,
23d st. at Hoyt. Atwater 0881. Rooms
with or without baths. Meala to traa
jgients. Reasonable rates. White help only.
735 Hoyt, near 23d. Main S305.
Excellent dining room service, under
the direct ' supervision ct Mrs. Mc
Dougall, formerly of the Ramapo hotel.
You-ng business man wants room
mate in private family hotel catering
to young people; separate beds, corner
room; rate $-0. Call Broadway 34i5.
2 OR 3 CAN have a real home, nice
large rooms, with first-class board,
for $7.50 a week each, walking dis
tance. East 941)8.
1 ROOM, suitable for ij; also single room,
steam heat, running water In room, ex
cellent meals, weir served. 332 10th st.
Main 6381.
UNUSUALLY well furnished room, x
cellent table, home comforts; suitable
for 2; attractive rates; references. East
BIG, light, double room, hot and cold
water, hdw. floor, home privileges,
walking distance. Mrs. Evans. Broad
way 4633. 655 Kearney st.
633 KEARNEY BDWY. 1509.
Residential, newly furnished home
for business people; excellent m ea Is.
ROOM and board tor ousmess girls; mod
ern conveniences: walking distance; $i
per week. East 9730. 12 E. 7th Sj.
ROOM and board for 2 employed, also
one single, in lovely home, reasonable,
C. S. preferred. Main 6953.
FINE modern place, not far from Mult
nomah club, offers rooms and excellent
meals. Broadway 4314.
MODERN rooira home-cuoKed meals. 779
4 : MORRISON, corner 13th, choice
rooms and board; modern conveniences.
Booms With Board in Private Family.
FIRST-CLASS rooms and board for 1
or 2 gentlemen; furnace heat, hot and
cold water, comfortable place with
home privileges; reasonable rates.
East 2461.
CLOSE IN for 2, very desirable warm
room with connecting bath, twin, beds,
breakfast and ail comforts of a real
. irome at a reasonable rate. 439 Clay.
Main 2223.
NICE warm room for 1 or 2; breakfast
if desired. Would care for child while
parent is employed or will furnish elec
tric grill for housekeeping. Bdwy.
1286. 689 Savier st.
WHY PAY mors for board and room
when you can get good home cooking
and a clean room for $8 per week?
Albina hotel, 24 Albina ave. American
?5 N outside rm., suitable for 2,
tf with or without bed davenport; large
closet, radio installed In rm. ; good
home cooking, $35 mo. each; close in
" aims. a mo. oia-oq
LARGE room and excellent board for
two, all modern conveniences, where
you will have a good home; $60 a mo.
Tabor 0806.
NICE, light, clean roonv furnace heat,
home privileges, suitable for 2 young
men or 2 working girls. 682 E. Ash.
Call East 3496.
LADY living alone will share pleasant
home with employed girl or woman;
kitchen privileges, terms very reas.;
ROOM and board, $3o; modern; a real
home for 2 young people, close in, west
side; Sunnyslde car. 407 14th. Atw.
WONDERFUL view. Willamette Heights.
Large front room with porch; home
privileges, 2 meals, $40 for 1, $70 for
- ici ovum, a i waier Uito
GENTLEMAN with references to board
and room In private family; no chil
dren. Rose City Park district, 1 tlk.
RELIABLE lady will board and care for
, V VI eiueny iaay, iurnace neat,
fctly mod. home. Tabor 3383. 225
UUUI it.
LARGE front room, period furniture. In
"ma" i"VH,ie lamuy; located in one of
Portland's best districts; home privi-
'tp iPtgr ittuy. xaoor PHOY.
BOARD and room in an. apt. house for
eeuuemeu; no otner roomers.
Sure is worth considering; 4 blocks
from Washington st. Rroartwv Kaas
DOUBLE or single room with board,
niuc, wiiiKiug aistance, goo a loca
tion; furnace heat; reasonable. Main
PLEASANT room, modern home, good
nninii.nAlrar1 ,-.- ., l i :i
iiicnie, i e 11 iieu laimiy ;
ideal rjiace for one or two ladies era-
jjiifjcu. .cast u 13.
WILL give mother's training to two
" .10 io, vi itee in onnsuan
home, $18 per mo. ,833 Overlook blvd.
9 l0"r' two Sirls or one, in modern
home wtth two other girls. Reasonable,
and privileges. Call or phone Sunday
or evenings, 919 E. Kelly st. Sell. 3l36,
COR. FRONT bedrooms. 3 windows,
large closet, plenty heat, hot water,
breakfast, dinner optional; 1 blk. to
n-oae my car, xabor b7fl.
REFINED mod. home; large 3-window
iu. ucal iu Data ; noine comiorts ;
suitable for father and child or 2
ewuemen, mo, walnut 6892.
A REAL HOME in private family for 2
fecnncjiicn, ur uoupie empioyea. ah
privileges, best cooking, very reason-
v'uaw ill. oeiiwooq iiyu.
WANTED At 1212 Belmont, near 40th,
on S. fl. carline, bus. girl or young men
to room and board; private family, Al
iminc tuuMiig, reaaonaoie ratea.
ONE LARGE nicely furnished front
room, very reasonable rent, for 2
working people. Call Sunday or after
1 . hi. weeRuaya, zoofe jjroaaway.
WILL give mother's care to child under
school age, $25 a month. Mrs. B.,
5616 S. E. 88th st.
WILL care for infant or young child;
C. S. preferred Write AV 376, Ore
gonian. WILL give mother's care to small chll
. dren, my home, day or week. 726
jcveren. AUt. OJV-V 2.
PRIVATE home ; refined people ; hot
water heat, reasonable rates, walking
uibl , rei. nouaaav. iast o2t.
LARGE, light front room; board, heat,
t a u3 piivuegeu; 0 ior J.,
1 OO Vttl. Jit DOT
GOOD room and board for 2; also din
ner, ouc; ounaay cmcken dinner. tiOc.
SMALL children in private family. Will
have mother's care; 2 blocks east of
.m au w a ormge. Jl.a5t ?33B.
NICE warm room and excellent home-
1Ui LWO 111 euuea private iara
lly. 370 Monroe.
TWO 2-room apartments $20 and $25,
wvij-mme lunusnttu, waiKing ais-
ittHce. uacnamaa st. fcJast o305.
ROOM and 2 meals in strictly private
uuute, iwm Deas, large closets and
nome comiorts. East 9274,
WIDOW wants 1 or 2 men to room and
noara: clean and comfortable home.
1030 E. 11th N. Alberta car.
WILL give mother's care to 1 or 2 chil-
uicu uver a year, mrs. o. a. Clarke.
R. 2, Box 473. Milwaukle. Or.
WANTED Two refliaied young- men to
room and 'board in priviate home. Main
YOUNG lady to room and board in pri
vate family for company;, $25 a month.
ra 1 t V n a Roan
WARM, cheerful rm., with meals, home
privileges. Atwater 2781. 774 North
rup. LARGE light room; twin beds, 2 closets,
2 mea.s, $7 a week. 554 Johnson.
CHILDREN will receive good care In
private nome of responsible woman.
Automatic 630-25.
DESIRABLE room, walking distance ;
close to two car lineB. East 3753. 187
.iast izn st,
ROOMERS and boarders, all home priv-
cs. ovooiunrnvHiDB yreierrea. vi)
NICE airy rooms with or without board
good heat. Main 2864. 394 Columbia
corner 10th.
WARM, cheerful room, excellent home
cooked meals, for business woman;
muuern private nome. AUto. 315-58.
ATTRACTIVE room, refined home; ex
cellent meals;' well served. $35 and $40 Aiwaier iyo. o-ia ptn st.
NICE front room with or without board;
nice attic room. Reasonable. East
praaaway. iast 44S,
BABY wanted by lady of experience
and one who loves children. Best of
vare, city reierences. Empire 0252.
TWO young ladies desire room with re-
X t 1 jr , musi oe oest
. , m.tM uiotuvi. oj, uregoman.
ROOM and board for child from 2-7
years. Phone Sellwood 4088. 696 By
bee ave.
LOVELY room and excellent board to
persons of refinement only. Phone
main quo. o xrving St.
LARGE, warm, comfortable attic room
in modern home for 2 or 3 men; rea-
pminm. x nuiiH jiasi alt.
NICE front room In welt-furnished home
wtfth- all home privileges; walking dis-
A REAL HOME at 776 Johnson, with
buwu iwaiu ami ruum, walking dis-
CHILDREN given good care In home
near city. Write Route 1. Box 71,
HOME! (or young men employed; Onlv
those appreciating a real home need U , i 1 J .1 ... .. OOQ.
LOVELY large room in attractive home
large living room, home privilege,, 1
uiuur buulu ji-a car, raoor avutf.
ROOM with board, 15 mln. Irom Broad
v way; home comiorts. Phone Sellwood
LARGE, newly furn. room In refined
Irvington home, near 15th and Bdwy.
Excellent meal,, garage. Eaat 6724
CHILD to board in mod. home, large
yard, 2 blks. from car; reference given.
ATTRACTIVE large room and board for
2 gentlemen, across from Multnomah
club. Main 7720.
ROOM and two meals a day for gen
tleman; home cooking and comforts
840 East Taylor. East 5892.
NICELY furnished room with all home
privileges, with or without board. 696
Overton. Atwater 4168.
5 BLOCKS to Richmond school, good
home for children. Tabor 5799.
NICE roonv anl good table board, J-10
per mo. ; close In. East 2522. 121 11th.
SMALL children to board- by month-In
refined home. Atwater 3530.
LARGE, warm room, 2 beds, closet, 2
good meals. $7.00 week. E. 8445.
LOVELY room and board in private fam
ily. Nob Hill district. Atwater 3576.
ROOM and board, home privileges, near
Jefferson high. Walnut 4223.
FRETTT room In modern home with
home privileges. Eaat 3474.
WOULD like to care for small children
in my home. Tabon 5061.
FOR 2. 50 ELLA ST.
ROOM and board in private famiQy.
Close In. Call Sellwood 0477.
NICELY furntehed room; board if de
sired. !W8 E 26th st. N.
ROOM and board. 553 E. Couch st.
Phone East 8009.
BABY or small child to care for in my
home. 701 E. 8th. '
EXCELLENT board and rooms In at-i
tractive home. East 6460.
ROOM with board. Phone Main 5378.
Booms With Board In Private Family.
COMFORTABLE rooms, good board, nri
. vate home; home privileges, for 2 or
3 business gentlemen ; garage. Take
- Sell wood car to Eleventh and Harrison,
walk 2 nlks. east and block so. 409
Larch St., Ladd's addition; references.
Call after 4 P. M. or noon hour.
IN BEAUTIFUL Irvington home, 1 nice
large room suitable for 2 gentlemen
or married couple, Bath on same floor.
Home privileges. Good home cooking.
$28 per month, near dental college.
nast ifuis, uroaaw ay. and 1. J., ca r.
ROSE CITY PARK family will take a
young business or professional man to
room and board, modern home, good
meala, garage if desired. Call Tabor
tui. call after 2 P. M. Sunday,
Furnished Apartments.
250 N. 19TH, near Marshall Modern
steam-heated apts., 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6
room apts., carpets in many of these
apts., all new and expensive; also fur
niture; rent $15 up. Fine home for
refined people. New management Tel.
Broadway 4666.
Three rooms newly furnished in
golden oak, all outside rooms on the
front; only 3 blocks from Washington
st., west side. Phone included. Rent
$4g. Bdwy. 1245.
NICELY furnished three-room apartment,
large rooms, all outside, big kitchen
in white enamel; brick building, hot
water heat; rent only $45 per month,
Washington High Apts., 14th and E.
Stark sta.
WELL-FURNISHED two-room apart
ment in nice home; exceptionally nice
walls and floor; hot water and heat
furnished: everything spotlessly clean;
close in; rent reasonable. Phone Wal
nut? 052.
3-ROOM APT. $42.
Best residence district west side,
"walking distance, private bath, com
pletely furnished, heat and hot water.
College Apts., 3d and College.
3-ROOM apartment, well furnished,
clean, comfortable and 10 minutes
walk Trora heart of city. Don't wait.
331 Market sL Main 671b or Bdwy.
2 PLEASANT furnished apartments, 2
large rooms with kitchenette and 1
large room with kitchenette, in walk
ing distance. 402 Ross st.
LIGHT, clean, completely furnished two
room apt. Light and water. $20.
680 Lombard, University Park. Em
pire 1813.
4-room, furnished, close in. very
reasonable, first class in every re
spect. Main 2086.
CLOSE-IN Irvington apartments, near
car and school, 3 rooms and dressing
room, disappearing beds; best close-in
location in town. Phone Brwy. 6008.
NICELY furnished 2-room h. k. apt.,
$25, including light, heat and phone.
275 N. 21st St.
3-KOOM furnished apartment, 3d floor.
099 Rodney, near Stanton. Phone East
2-room furnished apt., steam heat,
walking distance. Third and Hail sts.
BARKER APTS. J-room furnished apt.,
2 dressing rooms and good closet; 685
Irving st.. cor. 21st.
MARTHA APTS., 54 North 23d. 2-room
apartments, newly furnished. ' Main
2141. .
CLOSE IN, west side, desirable 2-room
front apt., spotlessly clean, well furn.,
very reasonable. 474 Clay. Atw. 4194.
CLASSTC apartments, 2 and 3-room fur
nished apartments; strictly modern.
662 Qlisan.
8-ROOM furnished apt., with private
bath, light, water, phone free; $27.50.
862 E. Ash st.
WEST SIDE Two large rooms, well fur
nished, sunny and clean, first floor,
steam heat. 735 Everett.
LARGE, modern, nicely furnished 4-rm.
apt., 55 month. THE COLUMBIAN,
11th and Columbia.
2-ROOM modern apartment. Nob Hill.
Light and clean, good heat and hot
water. Main 3610.
LOVELY one-room steam heated apt.
$5 a week. Best car service in city.
142 Shaver st. Walnut 4420.
MOORE APTS.", 415 E. lOthNewly fur
wished two-room and bath apt., aev
puiiaing, ;37.50. East 150
DENNISON APTS., 1027 Belmont, 2
and 3-room apartments, private bath;
strictly modern. Tabor 0546.
HAUHKA1AN Apartments, large 2 or 3
roorr.s. AH outside, sleeping porch.
Closets. 730 Hoyt, Main 1552.
FOR RENT Three-room furnished apt.,
close in. Inquire at 10 East 13th st.
N. or phone. East 5208.
TWO and three-room furnished apts., all
in white, mahogany furniture, 165.
Main 1052,
CONGENIAL young laxly to share apt.
with lady employed: Lillian apts.. No.
2 COMFORTABLE front rooms, very
light and cheerful: walking distance,
to week. Bdwy. 5146. 229 N. 16th.
WHEELER APTS. 3-room apts.. newly
furn.; walking distance. 284 Wheeler
sr. Phone Eaet 3701.
Nicely furnished 2-room apartment.
695 Lovejoy. Call Main 6254.
4 and 5 rooms, very desirable ldca
tion, best in city. Bdwy. 5126.
THIS will suit you; 3 rms., large closet,
heat, light, phone, laundry conven
iences. 168 E. 16th. E. 8954.
Furnished 2 and 3-room apts. 288
10th St..
SERENE COURT APTS., cor. E. 1st and
Multnomahf 2 and 3-room furnished
' apts.. all outside apts. East 1426.
Desirable 8-room furnished apt., 2
beds, very close in. 251 12th St.
3 rms., kitchenette, bath, h. w. firs.,
private balconies, $35 up. Atw. 1160.
Two rooms, kitchen, tile bath and
dressing room; elevator. Main 0359.
AJjTO'NIA APTS!, 19th and Marahall
2, 3 and 4-rm. apts., large, light, airy,
unfurnished or furnished. Bdwy. 1412.
apartment; private bath. 331 3d st.
Atwater 5566.
AJ.ICE COURT. E. 8th, Burnstdfi Walk
ing distance; 2 and 3-rm. apts., 2 beds,
fireplace, private tel. and bath. E. 3536
3-room furnished apt., 697 Washing
ton st. Broadway 1098.
3 rooms and bath, 142 E. 39th st
Tabor 2614.
ALT AM ON T APTS., 304 College, cor 5th
3 rooms, private bath, $47.50. Main
ROOM and kitchenette, running water,
sink. 214 13th st.
2 AND 3 RMS., private bath, walk, diet.
414 4th st. Atwater 21tK).
3-ROOM furnished apt.. $35; garage if
desired. $5. AdultB. Walnut 1636.
SUNN YCR EST, 3 rooms, bath, newly fur
nlshed, steam heat. 186 Sherman.
GUILD APARTMENTS $40; 3 lovely
warm rooms, private bath. Maia 3705.
Modern 2-rm. furnished apt.
THE CHELTENHAM, 255 N. 19th 2-rm
apt. Bdwy. 3658.
UNION AVE. and Klllihgsworth. furn.
apt., $24.50, complete; concrete bldg.
2 AND 3-ROOM APTS. Peabody apt.,
409 19th at. N. Broadway 1546.
CLEAN 1 and 2 housekeeping rooms;
adults only. 206 First. Taylor apts.
FURN. 2-room arpt., all conveniences.
modern. 748 Thurman St., near 23d
2-room fur, apt. Bdwy. 4140.
2-ROOM apt., 17th and Lovejoy. Arline
Apts. Bdwy. 1812.
GLENN COURT apts., Park and Taylor.
1-2-3-4-rm. apts. Main 1961.
MODERN 1 and 2 rooms; walking dls
tance 414 Fourth st.
2 AND 3-room apartment, private bath,
heat. Phone East 3300.
MOD. APTS.. WK. OR MTH. E. 1990.
WANTED Young lady to share my 3
room apt. Atwater 3449.
HAVE 3-room apt., will share with lady.
Bdwy. 2787.
$30 LOVELY 2-room heated apt., very
desirable. Main 3705.
2 ROOMS, rent $25; newly remodelled.
252 Broadway. Auto. 523-80. -
WOODLAWN APTS.. 551 Dekum Ave.
Walnut 1150. 2-room apt.. $20.
NEWLY furnished, heated 2-room apt.,
reasonable. 711 Johnson. Main 4997.
2 AND 3-ROOM apartments, furnished.
Rex Arms. East 66S0.
FURNISHED and unfurnished apts.
Highland Court. At. 3181.
WARM living room and kitchenette;
everything fumiahed. 306 12th st.
APARTMENT for rent, furniture for
.sale. Call Atw. 3449 evenings.
IDAHO APTS., 389 6th st. Furnished-?;
8 and 4-room apts. from $20 to $35.
GUILD APARTMENTS $40; 3 lovely
warm rooms, priv,- bath. Main 3705.
IRVINGTON Two finely furnished apts.,
twin beds. 545 Tillamook. F.ast 7855.
N1C"ELY furnished 3 rooms and sleep
ing porch. East 0234, 721 E. Ash.
Furnished Apartments. .
The very handsomest furnished apart
ments in the city; 1 to 4 rooms and
- sleeping porches, very artistic in Chi
nese rugs, ivory willow and antique
furniture, pongee hangings, lovely
floor lamp; a home in every respect
with refined surroundings. Al service,
lota of heat, maid service If required,
single rooms and suites for refined
bachelors; references required. 166 St.
Clair, cor. of 22d and Washington.
Broadway 5830. -
HIGH-CLASS apt. in beautiful home,
splendid residential district; rooms
large, light and airy; attractively
furnished living room with fireplace;
Radiantfires in dining room and bed
room; large cedar closet, kitchenette,
private bath; rent includes light,
phone, water; $60. Vacant on or be
fore Dec. 1st. Close in on east side.
fhone East 3912.
JUST completed. 2 Wary nicely turnished
3-room apartments, $65; 1 4-room un
furnished, $55; all large, light, airy
rooms, fine location and surroundings;
- heat, hot and cold water included,
garage if desired, $D. Walking distance.
Adults only. lf E, lth st. a Pbone
East 8472.
'-ROOM modern beautifully furnished
apartment with garage, central west
side location; will lease for 6 months
or 1 year; rent $90.
t 252 Stark St.
3-ROOM modern, white enameled, com
pletely furnished apartment; all out
side rooms; lots of light and air; large
front porch; close in W. S. location;
adults only; fine for 2 people; avail
able the 23d. Call after noon. 341
montgomery St., corner Broadway.
BEAUT.IFUL apartment or flat, with
two large and one small bedroom;
gas . furnace and automatic water
heater, walking distance and fine
view; also furnished apartment In
same house. Strong & McNaughton,
. or telephone Sunday Main 8583.
r-ew xrvmgton Apts.
Large living room, balcony, dining
room, bedroom, outside kitchen and
bath, elec range, hwd. floors, tastily
furnished in mahogany, 8th and
Weidler, block south of Broadway.
All outside 2 and 8-room furnished
apts.; French doors and balconies, per
manenf and transient. Atwater 5198.
ONE-ROOM aut. with kitchenette, suit
able for business woman; light, airy
and clean, in high-class apartment
house. 166 St. Clair St., cor. of Wash
ington st.
VOLHB1M APTS., 30th and E. Alder
Beau tlfully furnished 4-rcom apt., won
derful large living rooms, 2 disappear
ing beds, hardwood floors, ivory wood-
-m. eieciric range, electric washer.
ONE OR TWO LADIES to share first
class 6-room apt., with widow and
daughter; walking distance. 344 Col-
cbc. At. ooga or Main 3966.
Dormitory room and board, $5 per
week; age limit 17-25. Main 3429.
FOR RENT Close in, nice furnished
apartment, ail modern conveniences,
furnace heat, with or without garage.
ium ana Aiaer.
M ON TftOMEfiV IP. tta B-u-pa
Modern two-room, hardwood floors,
elevator, electric washer, lights and
phone; walking. 386 3d. Main 9466.
NOW available, lovely housekeeping
apartment, bedroom, room and kitchen,
ciean, comfortable, only $22.50. 643
iinuui. xjroaqway isti
6-ROOM furnished apartment, light and
airy, with fireplace; rent very reason
able. Apply Belmont apts.. East 2th
flnri Rclmnn. ..... n.- i , , pig. 1P.1
2-room, nicely furnished apt. : fin
ished in white? walking distance;
adults. West Park and Columbia.
187 17TH ST., NR. YAMHILL.
! One 2-room and one 3-rom apart--mlLtem
heat; very comfortable.
3-ROOM furnished apartment;" light,
heat, hot and cold water furnished.
Call 1092 Hawthorne ave., Apt. A.
Tabor 4224.
WANTED Congenial girl to share cozy
apartment on west side. Rent reason
able. This is a lovely home lor some
one. Atwater 4400. No. 32.
203 Stanton St.
3-room apts., stove heat; low rent.
Children welcome.
VERY cozy, perfectly clean modernpt.
well furn., warm and bright. 514 Han
cock. E. 2202.
MERLIN 2 rooms and bath, clean and
airy; walking distance. west side.
runaway ana urant. Atwater 0426.
YOLNG lady, employed, wishes to share
her apartment with congenial girl. Al
mira Apartments. No. 32.
THREE rooms, bath, electricity, heat,
phone $35. 336 E. 40th st. N. Tabor
IRVINGTON, lovely 2-room apt., every
thing furnished. 700 Hancock st. Gar
field 0210.
SEVARG apts., 271 8. Broadway Or.e
room and kitchenette, light, steam
heat and hot water.
t'nfurnUhed Apartments.
RESIDENTIAL apartment, just com
pleted. 794 E. Main st.. corner 25th.
Private entrance. 3 rooms, tile bath
and dressing room, hardwood floors,
steam heat, electric ranges, 2 disap
pearing beds. Inquire 793 E. Main.
East 6918. O. W. Tarr.
DEC. 1st, high-class apartment, unfur
nished, six rooms, sleeping porch, ""pri
vate bath and store room, $75, exclu
sive tenants and neighborhood. In
quire janitor, Bruce Apartments, 266
N. 2Sth St., or of K. C. Eldrldge, 140
E. 41st St. N.
Fines five-room apt.; steam heat
wood fireplace, tile bath, janitor serv.
lee; no children; references.
" F. E. iiOWillN & CO.
210 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. (I00T.
4-room unfurnished; hdwd. floors,
large outside rooms, corner, just like
new building, tapestry walls, fine lobby
and courtyard; nothing better in city;
anuiis; reierences. Atwater 1513.
IONIAN COURT, 18th and Couch sts.
4-room modern apartment, all outride
sunny rooms, newly decorated, elegant
view, walking distance, rents reason-
aoie. Aouits. Bdwy. 2761.
O'BRIEN APTS., 1809 E. 9th. Sellwood
Modern, cloee to excellent car service
adjoins Waverley golf links and can
mands beautiful view of upper Wil
lamette river. Phone Sellwood 1030.
SUNDAY I will show a very attractive
5-room family apt.; hardwood floors,
white enamel. French doors. These are
new apts. with view of entire city.
uaroen court Apts., oau Montgomery,
HIGH-CLASS 5-rm. steam-heated apt. in
Irvington; h. w floors, French ivory
woodwork. Imported tapestry paper,
dec. waiih. math., janitor service, $75.
East 1369.
CorAl4th and Thompson, hot water
heat, Janitor service, all outside rooms,
$75-$80. Neuhausen & Co.. Main 8078.
MODERN 5-room apartment, sleeping
porch, bullt-lns, gas range, Individual
furnace, laundry room, hardwood
floors, fireplace. 546 E. 7th st. N
4-room steam heated .front apart
ment, adults. 843 Nelson St., 1 block
south of 27th and Sandy blvd. E 4789
HIGH-CLASS apt., cor. 17th and Tilla
mook; 5 large rms., vac. cleaner, wash,
mach-. fireplace, tile bath, steam heat,
Jan. service. Atwater 0564.
LARGE 3 and 5-room apts., hardwood
floors, tapestry walls, fireplaceporches,
met side, close iu, reasonable. Main
3-ROOM apt. above store bldg., $15; wa
ter bill and garbage hauling paid. 273
Fargo St. Inquire 297 Monroe st. East
For rent, unfurnished apt., 4 rms.
and bath, steam heat. Apply 55 E.
16th st.
STEAM-HEATED apartment, hardwood
floors, splendid view ot city, reason
able rent 624 Main st.
HANDSOME, 3 rooms, bath, $40. The
Elvina, 228 Dixon, 1 blk. north Broad
way bridge.
FOUR-ROOM modern apartment, new
brick building, heart Rose City park.
See owner. 203 Third St.
4-ROOM apartment just renovated.
Steam heat, rates reasonable, 401 10th
street. Mam 24iu,
6-ROOM unfurnished apt., with sleeping
porch. The Wilmar, 742 Everett at.
Phone Main 5164.
WANTED 4 to 6-room unfur. apt., flat
or house, west side, by Dec. 1 to 5;
reierences. pj 03, uregonian
I vuLnaiw twin ttiiu c. .Aiuer
L Lovely front 8-room apts., hardwood
r floors, ivory woodwork, electric ranee.
ROSEFRIEND. Broadway and Jefferson.
Elegant 5-rm. apt.
THE AMERICAN Modern 4. and S-rm.
apartments. Bdwy. 3380.
Three-room unfurnished apartment.
ALTER APTS. rms., sip. porch, tile
bath, shower. 21st-Overton. Bdwy. 1980.
THE MARLBOROUGH 5-rm. apt, very
large rms., newly decor Main 7516.
very desirable 4-room corner apt. $55.
TWO and three-room cosy a-pts., suitable
family with child. 844 DeMon M.
Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments.
408 N. 26th. Main 5497. Furn. end
unfurn. 2, 8 and 4-rm. apts. Every
thing new.
ETNA 3 rooms, dressing room, hard
wood floors, white enameled, electric
washer and mangle. East 3782.
FOR RENT To reliable party. 4-room
modern flat and sleeping porch; good
neighborhood. 330 E. 8th st. N., 1 blk.
south of Broadway car. For Informa
tion, call Main 4S61. Will be vacant
Nov. 26.
$32 A MO., Bdwy. bridge. 5-rm. flat,
large basement, bath, stationary tubs,
steam heat, gas range, linoleum,
shades, free lights, water and phone.
East 6039. 456 Vancouver ave.
ern lower flat, furnace, gas range,
linoleum; walking distance. 264 East
2d st. N., corner Muitnomab.
GOOD 5-room flat. 53 Montgomery
st. Good location. Rent $30.
243 Stark St. Bdwy. 7831.
TWO BEAUTIFUL, modern 5 rooms and
sleeping porch, fireplace and furnace,
hot-water heater, gas range, hardwood
floors; $45. Call at 297 E. 21st st.
5-ROOM upper flat, clean, basement,
separate furnace. 292 East loth, 1
block from Hawthorne; rent $30. Phone
Atwater 3916.
5-ROOM fiat, good order; walking dis
tance, nice view; fireplace, furnace;
$37.50. 389 16th St.. south of Mont
gomery. .
5-ROOM fiat, furnace, fireplace, open
air bedroom, built-in conveniences, gas
stove. East 10th and Halsey. East 014S.
Bdwy. 7B07.
$82.50 6-ROOV mod. flat at 4 Grand
ave. N cor. E. Ankeney. J. J, Oeder,
4 Grand ave. N'., cor. JE. Ankeney. East
841 E. YAMHILL ST., two 5-room beau
tiful ' flats, Just completed, hardwood
floors, fireplace, furnace, all built-ins;
stucco exterior. Metzger-Parker Co.
4-ROOM modern flat, 772 Osage ave..
1 blk. south of 28d and Washington su.
west side. Main 8988 or Bdwy. 7333.
$87.50. Real cosy modern flat, furnace,
bullt-lns. Phone owner, 547-50.
18TH AND E. ASH. Very desirable, S
large rooms and balcony, fireplace,
furnace, clean and, fresh. See this.
7 ROOMS, modern, clean and light;
room for two small families; $35. 30th
and Alberta sts. Cartl 675 Alberta st.
2 ROOMS, kitchenette, private bath, heat,
lights, pbone; central, 1st floor; rea
sonable. 440 Williams ave.
LOWER flat, 5 rooms, fireplace, fur
nace; Nob Hill. 701 Everett, near 22d.
west side.
IRVINGTON flat to party buying furni
ture. 873 E. 16th t. N. East 7992 be
tween 9 A. M. and 1 P. M.
A 5-ROOM flat within walking distance,
$30 per month. 625 Marshall. Pbone
Broadway 4179.
4-ROOM and bath, disappearing bed '.n
living room. 1035 Rodney ave. Wal
nut 7122.
WEST SIDE, modern, 7-room upper flat;
every convenience; close In, on Park
St.; vacant December 1. Call 408 Park.
ELEGANT lower 5 rooms, sleeping
porch, fireplace, furnace, built-in fur-
niture. a. i3tn. East 0356,
FOUR-ROOM flat near east end of
Broadway bridge. 255 Cherry street.
East 6399.
NICE flat for rent, fine furniture fr
sale, very reasonable. South Portland.
sua Hooker st. Automatic 530-24
OtROOM flat, in excellent condition,
walking distance, on west side, $45.
Strong & Co., 606 Cham, of Com.
BEAUTIFUL, large, modern 5-room
flat. 228 Alberta, near Jefferson high
CLEAN 6-room flat, west side. 1010
Savier st. Phone 544-86.
6-ROOM fiat with garure at 916 E. Yam
hill. Phone Tabor 8563.
8-ROOM flat. $30; furnace, fireplace.
1419 Sandy blvd. Tabor 2580.
FOR RENT 5-room modern flat. Call
773 Wilson St.
1 NEW 6-RM. flat; furnace and garage.
210 E. 47th St. Tabor 3642.
LARGft seven-room lower flajt, Irvington.
East 2199.
5-RQOM flat, 755 Alberta; with or with
out garage. Tabor 7980.
5-ROOM lower flat at 877 Ross St.; hot
water heat. Call E. 3376.
3 AND 5 rooms, sleeping porches, mod
ern, close in. East 5396.
Furnished Flats.
FOUR-ROOM furnished flat on oar Mne,
butat-in cupboards and wash tray, pri
vate bath end toilet, gas, elec. ahd
phone, 20 mln. out. 11-6 East 47th N.
Take Montavllla car to 47th, over
Laurel hurat grocery.
4 ROOMS, 2 bedrooms, bath, wash trays,
furnace and stove heVt. elec. lights,
new furniture, rooms light and sunny;
rent very reasonable. 388 E. 6th st. S.t
near Harrison, walking distance.
FINE furnished five-room upper flat, two
bedrooms, sleeping poreh, furnace, fire
place, private entrance, excellent, con
venient neighborhood. East Yamhill,
near 37th. Tabor 3900.
PARTLY furnished upper flat, 4 rooms,
2 bedrooms, private bath, sepaiate en
trances; adults; $25 per month. Wal
nut 6003.
IRVINGTON car line, two large rooms,
completely furnished small kitchenette,
ground floor, $30; phone, lights, water;
-two adn ts only. East 4384.
5-ROOM furnished fiat for rent; light,
heat, hot and cold water, private bath
and toilet. A No. 1 place, 409 Jack
eon st. Main 519.
WILL share modern 5-room flat with
one or two adults, employed: rent
sleeping room with kitchen privileges.
East 6174.
6-ROOM modern furnished flat, garage
if desired; reasonable to right party;
close to First and East Broadway. Call
430 Rodney ave. East 8572.
LIGHT, clean, 3-room flat, private bath,
stove heat, walking distance, 1 block
to S. S. car; adults. 671 Belmont. East
COMPLETELY furnished modern flat lo
cated 186 N. 234. or will sell furni
ture. Call Atwater 2820.
$45. Neatly furnished flat, all- conv.,
home comfort; owner. Phone 647-50.
4-ROOM flat, furnished or unfurnished;
with or without garage; east 16th and
Belmont. Inquire Monday. East 9732.
THREE-ROOM modern furnished flat.
400 North 25th st. Adults only. Call
Atwater. 3719. $30.
FIVE lovely rooms and sleeping porch,
gas range, fireplace, furnace; adults.
601 E. Morrison. East 3114.
3 ROOMS and private bath; rent $2,"., in
cluding phone, water and garbage re
moved. East 7737, mornings.
FURNISHED 4-room flat, light and bet
and garage. Adults. 124 E. loth. See
Sat. and Sun.
3 FINE rooms, good district, close to
Brooklyn car shops, $22.50. Call Sell
wood H25. 822 East 10th.
26 E. 13TH. NR. ASH Duplex flats; 4
and 5 rooms, clean and fresh, nicely
located; suitable 2 families; references.
5 ROOMS, handsome furnishings. $40: 3
rooms, second floor. East 40th, $25;
Mt. Tabor cars; adults. Tabor 6931.
LOWER fiat, 6 rooms, prefer adulte;
some furniture and bedding. 68 Cornell
St., near'Wash. Main 8901.
$36 3-ROOM furnished flat, private, garage. 689 East Alder st. East
NICELY FUR. 4-rm. flat, built-ins; 285
' Benton; conven. to dental college. East
4 OR SrROOM flat or apt. Nicely fur
nished; walking distance. 145 North
21st street.
WEST SIDE, walking distance, 4 rooms,
bath, gas. electricity; adults. Sellwood
5-RM. MOD. lower furn. flat on car.,
$35. 1051 Rodney, cor. Alberta. Tabor
MODERN 4-room flat, partly furnished,
just cleaned, spick and span. Sell
wood 0590.
3-ROOM basement flat, reasonable. In
qulre 273 14th St.. corner Jefferson.
MODERN furnished 6-room lower flat.
iurnace, lireplace. ll i. cutn st. N.
IRVINGTON Attractive 4-room flat,
heat, light, gas; $66. 711 Thompson.
4-RM. NEWLY tinted; walking dist.;
sleeping porch; adults. 569 Market.
$40 UPPER 5-room; heat, water: S
adults. 243 E. 17th: Hawthorne car.
MODERN 3-room flat, nicely furnished;
walking distance. 550 Mill st.
4-ROOM flat. gas. electric lights, west
side. 494 Jefferson st.
3-ROOM modern flat, seeing is wanting.
Anuits. walnut leao.
4-ROOM furnished fiat, 2 bedrooms. Sell
. wood 1222.
2-ROOM furn. flat., bath; private family.
63 E. 19th st. N cor. Davis.
FIVE rooms, first floor, pianr"495 Mont
gomery. Atwater 3028.
$22.50 MODERN 6-room upper flat, fur
nished complete. 387 N. 21st st.
TWO flats, unper and lower, 4-room,
bath, each. 202 Page st. Sell. 3758.
FURNISHED 5-room modern fiat for
rent. Walnut 5701.
$10 TWO-ROOM flat, all second story,
gas, electric light. East 089.
Hoqsekeeptng Rooms.
2 ROOMS,. $18 month; walking distance.
573 3d st.
NICELY furnished h. k. room with kitch
enette. close in. 432 Jefferson.
3 ROOMS, housekeeping, $15 per month.
Revere at. .Walnut 6097.
Housekeeping Roorae.
$14 MONTH Very neat light h. k. rm.;
comfortable and good etove heat, elec.,
h. and c. water, laundry privilege;
suitable for working nian or woman,
walking dist.; no children. Delmonte.
167 Stout at., at head of Morrison, west
LARGE attractive front room with fire
place, beautifully furnished In mahog
any and wicker: also one smaller;
suitable for 2 business women or
couple employed. 686 Hoyt. Bdwy.
FOR RENT 2 light housekeeping rms.,
walking distance, hot-cold water In
rooms, all modern conveniences, $20
a month $25 with garage. Also one
room $12 a month. 621 6th St., just
muhn umii car line.
CLEAN, cozy 2 and 3-room suites, $10,
$16; single h. k. rooms, $5 to $10;
quiet house, dandy lobby, free bath;
bachelors or couples. The Vaughn, N.
19th and Vaughn.
$ WKEK 2-room suite, completely fur
nished; every convenience; bath free;
large rooms a clean quiet place for
desirable people. Right downtown.
288 Third St.. near Jefferson.
EXCESSIVELY clean housekeeping front
room, 768 Park avenue; pleasant, quiet,
airy, desirable location; all conveni
ences: walking distance; very close
. to Council Crest car. Come and see.
$32 MONTH, large 2-room front H. K.
apt., good heat and weil furnished:
strictly in good condition, suitable for
2 or 3 delrable emp. adults: no chil
dren; walking dlst. Delmonte, 167
Stout st 1 blk S. of 20th Wash.
LARGE, clean, cozy rooms, running wa
ter; some kitchenette; one 2-roora apt.
on first floor; laundry privileges; chil
dren welcome. 501 Harrison, above
"i- AUt. 518-13.
LARtE single front rooms, furnished for
light housekeeping. Everything com
plete with heat, light, gas. bath and
V Art " ErnP'yed people. 141
ilHNISHED and unfurnished house
keeping rooms, $18 to $80; hot water,
electric light and telephone free; no
children Stephenson Court, cor 16th
l 2-ROOM and l single, dean, nicely fur
nished H. K. front apartments; rent
reasonable, including heat, light, gas
and phone. Monthly renter. No chil-
... ...m . I ill It.
WALKING distance, 2-room H. K. apt.,
clean, desirable; $22.50 month; run
ning water, heat, light, phone free;
J'fo 2-room nicely furnished. $4 week!
.o.t.,u.i r.ast atll.
2 NEATLY furnished H. K. rooms, mod--ern,
half block from Lincoln high
Mark st. Main 6710 or
MCELY furnished room and kitchenette
for 1 or 2 business women, free phone.
fS 'iBht and 432 Ml". cor.
12th. Atwater 4525.
CLEAN attractive housekeeping room.,
1 block from library. 409 Salmon st
fe7BEDSA:SHICsl eto'live
EA and e,ean front k- rom and
kitchenette. nice furniture: water,
lights, bath, phone and heat free- easv
walking distance. 346 College st
4 LARGE clean partly furnished h. k.
i-C. rlvale entrance, large closet,
. Phone and bath, suitable for 4
or 5 adults. E. 8008.
TWO FURNISHED light housekeeping
5S?m , uPs'air?- I'hone Sellwood
?I , rs- Annie Hunter. East side.
618 Maiden ave.
BEAUTlfrUL H. K. rooms, all new fur
niture, bedding, rugs, drapes and paint,
walking distance, west side, furnace
heat, reasonable rent. 546 Kearney si.
CLEAN, respectable h. k. rms., steam
heat, h. and c. water, light and gas
furn., $3 up; one basement rm., $2.
.......... .v .t,is., .m, rianuers st.
(UKMSHLD rooms and housekeepiist
rooms: also children cared for w'n.i it
parents at work. I'hone Atwater 2161'
No. 714 Everett St.
NICELY furnished rm. and kitchenette
for 1 or 2 women who work: tree
phone, heat. light and gis. 4:12 Mill
corner 12th. Atwater 45"."
THE BEAVER 12th and Marshall Fur
nished h. k. rooms, $15 Up. including
hot water, elec. lights, laundry room.
VERY desirable large, single h. k. room":
phone, bath, lisht, heat; very clc
in: cor, lllih, 513 Yamhill.
COMPLETELY furn. extra large H K
room, furnace heat. 227 21st. Atwa
ter 1562.
IOUR clean, sunny, unfur. rooms with
bath .walking distance: adults enly
560 East Morrison St. East 1663.
TWO large h- k. rooms for rent, 2 wall
beds and fireplace; $25 a month. 430
OUTSIDE, clean h. k. rooms, 2 and 3.
upstairs. 141 11th., opp. new Elks
OR 8 H. K. apts. for rent, very rea
sonable. 392 E. Burnside. at Grand
Walking distance, $45 per month.
Call East 2538.
COMPLETELY turnished H. K. suite
including light linen and free phone.
555 Fifth St.
NICE clean furnished h. k. rooms, single
and double, $2.75 up. Buckeye ant..
364 E. Morrison.
BE A UT1 FULLY furnished housekeeping
apt.; quiet and homelike; close in. 821
th st.
4 FURNISHED lower rooms and garage,
light and heat. Adults. 124 E. 15th
st. see gaturaay and Sunday.
$20 2 LARGE rooms, furnished for h.k.,
170 Chapman, near Morrison st at 18th.
Atwater 1828.
IOR RENT Small cozy housekeeping
room; also room with sleeping porch
fine location. 631 Hoyt.
3-ROOM suite and one room housekeep
ing. Phone, bath. 67 N. 20th st. Broad
way 4123.
ONE EXTRA large, clean, warm H. K.
room, on first floor, close in. Roycrest
apts. 175 12th Bt., corner Yamhill.
CLEAN, bright, sunny h. k. and sleeping
room. 393 -Grand avenue S. Phone
Eawt 09-20. Close in.
FURNISHED H. K. rooms, $16 50, $24;
including gas, lights, hot water, heat.
400 Holladay ave. Phone East 7559.
LARGE 2-room'furn. suite, first floor;
heat, light, phone, gas free. 302 Tilla
mook, near Williams ave.
PLEASANT front room for housekeeping,
lights and fuel furnished, laundry and
bath. 246 Russell st.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 1, 2,
- 3-room apartments, east side, close in.
340 Hassalo st., corner of second.
. 166 NORTH 10TH ST.
TO RENT Up-to-date modern house
keeping rooms and sleeping rooms. In
quire 410 E. Burnside.
SUNNY, warm, newly furnished house
keeping rooms, heat, light and phone
free. 571 Glisan St..
COZY housekeeping room, suitable for
bachelor or employed lady. 281 Lar
abee. East 1837.
2 H. K. RMS., running water, must be
Eeen appreciated; adults; $20.
413 Montgomery st. Main II 1 7.
$18 CLEAN 2-room suite, working peo
ple preferred. Investigate. 940 Corbetr.
Main 8940.
NICE, clean housekeeping suite, with
heat, light, gas and phone, furnished,
very desirable. $25. Sell. 32S8.
ONE LARGE, clean housekeeping room.
316 Graham, Phone East 92S1.
MODERN, clean, H. K. rooms. 682 E.
6th st. S. Phone Sell. 3816.
FRONT H. K. room for one. good heat,
$12 per month; 393 W. Park.
LARGE, pleasant lower floor room with
kitchenette, furnace heat. 393 W. Park.
COR .THIRD. 233 Wash., cheap fur.
H. K. rooms.
LIGHT h. k. rms... new furn.; 2 basem'rt
rms., walk dist. 135 ISth N. Bdy, 0861.
II. K. RM., $12; clean rm., kitchenette;
free phone and heat. 264 12th.
feTBAM-HEATED h. k. rooms, h. and c
water. $3 to $7 week,147 13th st.
1 NICELY furnished h. 1. room. ' Wal-
nut 6743. 21 Morris st.
DENVER APTS., 208 Wash. st. H. K.
rms., single ana aoupie. $2.75 up.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single and doiT
ble. close In. 328 Clay.
2 NICE front H. K. apts. with sleeping
porc'n, 2S1 T.arraoee.
2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms;
Indies only. 775 Glisan st. Main 104O.
THREE housekeeping rooms, ground fir.,
elc. and gas. 165 Ivy t.
FURN. rms. for light h. k.. $3 week and
up. 193 2d st.
THREE H. K. rooms, with or without
garage. 68 E. 30th. Phone E. 7188.
FIVE rooms, first floor, piano. 495 Mont
gomery. Atwater 3028.
BASEMENT room for bachelor, $2 week.
229 13th St.
LASEMENT H. K. room, clean, for !ady
only 227 21st Atwater 1 562.
$15 LOOK them over, electricity, bath,
hot water. 644 Pettygrove. cor. 16th.
ROOM and kitchenette $4 50 per week
327 3d st.. opposite Auditorium.
WARM living room, kitchenette; also
room for bachelor, $3 wk. 306 12th.
2 FRONT rooms, walking distance; very,
comfortable and clean. ERst 4854.
1 LARGE front room and kitchenette, 2d
floor. 331 Montgomery st.
Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family.
2 FURN. housekeeping rms.. modern;
.priv. home. 595 Rodney. East 12 1;
no children; call afternoon.