The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 19, 1922, Section One, Image 1

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iovt m
1Q2 Pages
Nine Sections
Section One
Pages 1 to 24
va nvmnAuu xt, Pit ICE FIVE CENTS
i . : , ---- p-
nniup nin m m m. i iMfi I i , .
Entered at Portland I Oregon
i-oeiornce as Second-c!as Miner
Gfemsnceau Is Greeted
With High Honors
War Counts for Nothing if
America Takes Wrong
c Stand, Declaration.
Aged Statesman Enters Day
of Madcap Adventure
. With Unusual Vim.
NEW YORK, Nov. 18. (By the
Associated Press.) Georges Clem
enceau, war - time premier of
France, came to America today on
a mission of peace.
The fiery old tiger earnestly
voiced the purpose of his tour in a
brief response at city hall to an
address of welcome by Acting
Mayor Hulbert. ,
"In the world at this time," he
declared, "is a crisis which hasn't
been settled. How it will end, no
body knows. If you take the wrong
side well, the war counts for
nothing and we may have to go to
war again. If it turns out right,
and the right thing is "done at the
right time, then it will be the
greatest step for the civilization of
Addresses to Be Given.
Clemenceau's idea of "the right
thing" is the message he will give
lo America m a series of addresses
here and in Boston, Chicago, St.
Louis, Washington and Phila
Although he came as a private
ciitzen, the famous French states
man was accorded the honors of a
diplomat. Red tape was cut by
Washington to facilitate his land
ing. A personal representative of
President Harding Assistant Sec.
retary of State Bliss went down
the bay to welcome him and invite
him to the White House.
Jules J. Jusserand, the French
ambassador to. the United States,
was on hand to yput the stamp of
nis government's approval on the
, Wilson Sends Message.
Clemenceau had scarcely set foot
on shore when a telegram from
another famous world war figure
was handed him. The message
from Woodrow Wilson said:
"Allow me to bid you welcome to
America, where you will find none
but friends."
Th tiger, who had worked at
Versailles with Wilson for the
league of nations, hastened to
scribble this reply:
"Deeply touched by your kind
message. Please accept my kind
est regards and wishes. Am look
ing forward with great pleasure to
seeing you in Washington."
Day Has Madcap Adventure.
These were the day's serious
fpots. For the rest, it was a day
of madcap adventure for the aged
Chances for Exposition Through
Public. Subscription to
. Be Discussed.
A conference of representative
of all the civic clubs of the city will
be held next Thursday night at the
Benson hotel to talk over a pro
posal to hold an exposition financed
by public subscriptions in 1927. Tht;
meeting has been called largely
through instrumentality of the
Portland realty board.
As explaining this new proposal
for an exposition, it needs be said
that, in face of the defeat in the
recent election, the existing exposi
tion organization is at the point of
dropping its plans and work. No
particular surprise will be mani
tested if action of this sort is taken
at a meeting of the exposition man
aging committee, to be held tomor
or some time a special realty
board committee,- of which Harry
Beckwlth Is chairman by virtue of
being president of the realty board,
has had before it a resolution favor
ing the holding of an exposition to
be financed entirely by popular sub
scriptlons. Before making , publio
Its report? this committee has de
elded upon the course of seeking an
expression from the civic organiza
tions of the city.
Under sponsorship of the realty
board committee the call for the
exposition conference of next Thurs
day has gone out. Officers of the
civic clubs have appointed official
representatives who will participate
in the conference.
Supreme Court Will Pass Upon
Henry-and-Me Controversy.
topeka. Kan., Nov. 18. An
agreement with William Allen
White, that the case charging him
with violation of provisions of the
industrial court act, in placing
strike sympathy card In his office
window, shall be carried into the
supreme court direct, under an
agreed statement of acts. has been
Governor Allen made this a
nouncement today.
Eastern & Western Comnnnv
Negotiates for 9000 Acres.
Officials of the Eastern, & West
, em Lumber company are negotiat
ing for the purchase of 9000 acres
of timber, located in the Butte creek
district in Clackamas county, it was
reported yesterday. ;
This tract is declared to be easily
accessible and is owned by the) Sil
ver Falls Lumber company and cer
tain Michigan parties.
It was said yesterday that the
deal was about completed.
Murder Convict Held Pardoned to
x "Kill County Attorney."
OKMULGEE, Okla., Nov. IS Charge
mat Governor J. B. A. Robertson of
Oklahoma pardoned a murder con
vict from the state penitentiary on
June 7 of this year on the condi
tion that he "kill the county attor
ney of Okmulgee county," was made
in a petition filed in district court
here tonight by County Attorney
Kjames .Hepburn of Okmulgee county.
Normal Temperatures Forecast
for Pacific States.
The weather outlook for th week
beginning Monday follows:
Pacific states Generally fair In
California, local rains in Washing
ton and Oregon; normal temperatures.
(Concluded on Page 4, Column 1.)
TP SERVE 11111 m
The Oregon ian's New
Plant Completed.
Regular Concert Schedule
Resumes Tomorrow.
Large Concert Grand Piano
Hoistedi Into Studio on
Eleventh Floor.
Veteran of House Will Not Accept
Speakership In New Congress.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 18. Repre
sentative Mann of Illinois, a veteran
of the house, declared today that
under no circumstances would he
accept, if elected speaker or repub
lican leader in the new congress.
Installation of The Oregonian'
new super-broadcasting station was
completed yesterday by the Western
Electric company, manufacturing
engineers, who built the huge broad
casting set. The final touch was
the hoisting of the large concert
grand piano into the studio on th
eleventh floor of The Oregonian
The first official test of the new
broadcasting starton was conducted
last night by O. R. Redfern, federal
radio inspector of the seventh dls
trlct, and besides receiving the com
mendation of the inspector, the se
was acclaimed by more radio fans
than could be handled on the tele
phone switchboard at' The Oregon
ian office.
Telephone Lines Swamped.
From the time of broadcasting the
first number of the impromptu con
cer.i, in telephone lines were
swamped with calls. The first
selection was a solo by Mrs. Fred L.
Olson, soprano, a singer whom radio
fans have heard many times. But
Judging from the response to the
solo, she had never been heard as
she was last night. And similarly
were received solos by Miss- Olga
Ruff, pianist, and Miss Inez M.
Chambers, violinist.. The three dif
ferent kinds of music were heard
with equal clarity.' Mra'.'OIson sane-
three soloS: "I Hear TTbtf Calling
Me" (Marshall), "I Know" (Spross)
and Tostt's "Goodbye." As a ptano
solo Miss Ruff played Kevin's "Bar
chetta," and Miss Chambers played
Cadman's "At 'Dawning," as a violin
solo. .
Telegrams Are Received.
A number of telegrams were also
received from out-of-town stations.
The farthest was from Vancouver,
B. C. It was from W. C Matnwar-
ing, who, at a distance more than
600 . miles from Portland, tele'
graphed: "Heard your test; mod'
lation and audibility wonderful.
The Deer Lodge garage, Deer
Lodge, Mont., telegraphed: "Four
hundred meter programme fine. Keep
It up. No Interference from K G G. (a
Portland station brtjadcasting slmul
aneously). Very clear and loud.
Heacock's radio, station at Enter
prise. Or., also wired The Oregonian.
The operator wired: "Get you loud
as a phonograph on two stages. No
Interference with Hallock & Watson.
Condensor reading 20 degrees away."
Tuning Out Is Tested Also.
The primary purpose for conduct
ing the test was to determine for
the radio inspector whether listen
ers could tune out The Oregonian
station broadcasting on a 400-meter
wave length and hear another sta
tion on 360 meters. Every test made
by the Inspector proved satisfactory.
Less than six blocks aw&y from The
Oregonian building, an operator
tuned out The Oregonian station and
heard the Stubbs station as dis
tinctly as though no other station
was on the air.
A conservative estimate of the
number of radio operators who will
be enabled enjoy the radio enter
tainment and service, made yester
day by the staff : of radio experts
who installed the set, placed . the
number In excess of 100,000 persons.
A guarantee comes with the set to'
the effect that all reeclving stations
excepting the smallest crystal sets
(Continued on Page 12, Column 1.)
Leaders Willing to Grant Plea,
but Single Objection Will
Block Georgian's Desire.
i , ,
Mrs! W. C. Felton came to Washing
ton today from her home In Geor
gia with the announced intention
of seeking the distinction of being
the first woman to sit in the United
States senate. Whether he, ambi
tion will be realized, however, ap
parently will not be determined
until after congress convenes at
noon Monday. .
The situation which will'arise if
Mrs. Felton presents herself to Vice
President Coolidge, will be unprece
dented. She was appointed on, Octo
ber 2 by Governor Hardwick of
Georgia- to the place made vacant
by th deatlf of Senator Watson.
Since "that time, however, Walter F.
George has been elected to fill out
Mr. Watson's unexpired term, and
he, too,, holds a commission for the
seat Mrs. Felton seeks.
In view of this, senate leaders
agree with Governor Hardwick that
Mrs. Felton has no legal right to a
senate place; but they said today
they were not disposed to interpose
oDjection unless Mr. George should
make demand for his seat Monday.
Mr. George has announced he will
do all he can legally to aid Mrs
Felton in fulfilling her desire to .sit
in the senate, if only for a day.
However, it was agreed at a con
ference today between Vice-PrMl-
dent Coolidge and Chairman Curtis
of the senate rules committee, that
irrespective of Mr. George's attitude,
if any Individual senator offered ob
jection, Mrs. Felton could not be
sworn fn if precedent were followed.
This precedent was marla K -
(Concluded on Pago 4. Column 4.)
One of Leaders In World War
Decides to Accept Presi
dency of Corporation.
WASHINGTON. D. C., Nov. 18.
(By the Associated Press.) Retire
ment from the army of Malor-Gen-eral
James G. Harbord, deputy chief
of staff, and one of the outstanding
American military leaders In the
world war, to accept the presidency
of the Radio Corporation of America,
was announced today by Secretary
Weeks. He will be succeeded in
Washington by Major-General John
L. Hlnes, now commanding the
Eighth corps area.
General Harbord's retirement be
comes effective December 29, and he
will take up his new duties January
1. He had been selected to succeed
General Pershing as chief of staff on
toe latter's retirement and Secretary
Weeks said In his formal announce
ment mat the loss to the active
forces of the army through General
Harbord's separation from the serv
ice "cannot . be adequately ex
pressed." '
- "We have not had in our military
service' or in 'our. government serv
ice In any capacity a man of higher
qualities or. one who has inspired
In others a greater degree of con
fidence' said the war secretary.
"The . business, he-will enter is in
its infancy and It will offer full
scope for his ; abilities: That he
will prove himself a - great leader
in industry and commercial affairs
seems as certain to me as his great
leadership In military activities."
In his letter to 'Secretary Weeks
applying ; for . retirement ; General
Harbord pointed out that he had
been on active service for 33 years,
"having enlisted on January 10.
Campaign for Commun
ity Chest Starts.
Workers Confident Budget
Will Be Achieved.
(Continued on Pago 19, Column 3.)
Success of Drive Means Portland
Cares for It's Unfortunate
Ones, Says Chairman.
page 1.
pace T.
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maxlimim temperature,
dejrrees:. minimum, aft h.....
TODAY'S Rain; southwesterly winds.
Editorial. Section 3, page 8.
Dramatic. Section 4, page 8.
Moving picture news. Section 4,
Real estate and building news.
, page l..
Churches. Section-4. DBft 4.
Books. Section 6, page 8.
Schools. Section 5, page 8.
Automobiles. Section 6. : -
Mulc. Section 4, page!. .
Chess and checkers. Section 4. Sara It.
Garden. Section 8. mure 8.
Radio. Section R. mr 10
Women's Features.
Society.; Section S, pare 1.
Women's activities .' Section 3, page 6.
r asuions. section 3, page s
mam nicnet-s column. a
Mies Tingle's column: Section 5,
Special Features,
Opera endeavo"r may be failure. Mara
sine section, page 1.
King's upholsterer tells of Dickens. Mag-
Cheek" ffrtlon feature. Margin. ...
tlon. page 3.
News of world as seen by camera. Maga-
uic aecimn, page 4.
Hlll'i eketchee "Among tJs
MagaEine section, page 5.
Art turn to shoe beauty. Magazine sec
nun, page o.
Skin games go to collere Ma.i..
ouviiou, page .
Doubling for Mary" in all languages.
jueonio Hecuon, page a.
Five hundred children to present r,r.
eant. Section 8, page 7.
Home building. Section 8. page 10.
Title contest. Section 3, page 10.
Women to participate In chest contest.
oeuuon a, -page ll.
Gossip of world capitals. Section 1
page 8. . . '
Gland operations cause stir in Paris. Sen-
lion 4, page 9.
uregon Quicksilver nune pay. Section
pew u. .
The Citizen Veteran. Section 4, page. 10.
Italian would revive na
tion 4, page' 11.
Motorless flight mystery cleared. Sec
tion o, page z.
James J. Montague feature. K.tlnr, a
Page 3.
Famous women. Section 5, page 9.
Darllng'g cartoons on toplca of the day.
"vuun , page IX.
Married Life of Helen and Warren. Seo-
tw , page x i.
Harden declares America has great op.
pviiuiuix m Auropo now. section 1.
page 10. ,
English in revolt against Lloyd George
dictatorship. Section 1, pare 5.
Cousin of sultan is elected to throne
Section 1, page 5.
Einstein expects proof of theory. Section
Paper currency for Franca urged. Sec
tion , page
Remarkable figures show spectacular re
vival oi uritisn trade. Section
1, page 1. .
Mexico resents U.
tlon 1, page 10.
Stat. 1 i. . . . ...
... Du lu ue lasc yielding powers
. et government. Sect oj
page 20.
T i-
umrje largely responsible for
' "'"' orta troubles, says Sullivan.
' i , page o.
..r. progressives to con
ference. Section 1. pare 3
Railroad forces split at hearing. Section
1, page 2.
Major-Gener.1 Harbord' retires from
,ij Motion i, pare 1.
n.mikll..n , - .
c .r , sre T.0 woman sen
ator. Section 1, pare 1.
Foreign aervlee bill la changed. Section
. 1 Pg 20. .
Domes tie.
S. suggestions. Sec-
T,Sl.r pVglVll D'aCe 1"",ion- Section
- Pacific Vorthweet,
' proposea To sne.rf un
Section 1, page 0. j
at Ashwood farm. Oreron.
nrnH.f.V--0.. reo?rd ' buttertat
r - ... via. Drtiiion xt pug4 (J.
Kn:i.'?'- rather-
o. r-ci.on i, page 7.
Stlon'rparr5' W,"ie
Ktr2kWpag'em'lS,er ' ncy shots. Section
9WiSlctZ 3r.eCparg. I" "PHed.
N' ?JL ,UbS near "P" P'"- Section
B Uor2 D'T h"rd lem. Sec
SChtlon"tC Mge8. ' Cl"e Fr,dar- Sec
TuSJlvlf V" " to clash
Tuesday. Section 1, page 2.
inaTRoi:.,iLu.T,'' sec
oection 2, page 1. .
ocaine uo It club loses to Waverlnv f
rWJSf ""ll hand-homa
..,.,' 10 lo ' on ABl blunders,
section 1, pace l.
Commercial and Marine.
All grades of flour idnn..
20 cents
Bonif pPag"822mov lrelljr. flection
Trade in stock market smallest since Au
Sage 23Catlon ..P- Section 1.
Grain n'ak bound, to new high lsvels
, oecuon x, page 22.
fIJ..CarK( ofMaPP1" ever sent from
Portland soon to be ln.H.H i.l
tlon 1. nage 22. Dcu"
Cr"f,1 a" "eowT foreign bonds fea-
.... ... ouuua. eecuon I, page 23.
Portland and Vicinity.
W. C. North, bulldlnr men....
ousw traffio problems. Section 2.
Madame Grlvols loses action for Des-camp-s
estate. Section 2 r.... ,,
Garbage system city club target. Section
1, page 17,
Peoples theater to open Saturday. Sec
tion 1, pag 16.
Hawley company to enlarge plant Sec
tion 1, page 18.
KUK11Lmake"pub"c. S? Dled to elect
m' ui oouse,
page j.
Section 1,
Race for senate presidency centers in
terest. Section 1, page 14.
Portland faces test in Community Chest
, " vpcua tomorrow, section
1, page 1.
P ans for 1027 fair before civic ciubs.
bection 1. page 1.
The Oregonlan's new powerful radio
piani completed. Section 1, page 1.
It starts with a bang tomor
row morning:.
Two weeks epected to
clean. up whole city..
The budget, 3648,329, will
care for all Portland chari
ties during the calendar year
1923. .
Every leader and worker ln
the big prganlzation is ex
pected to be on the job early
tomorrow morning and go,
through to victory.
Headquarters is at Fourth
and Alder streets, where sup
plies and instructions will be
available throughout the cam
paign. Progress of the drive will
be marked by . totals, marked i
up each noon at indicator at '
Sixth and Morrison streets.
Give by the month!
With these twin slogans, Port
land's third Community Chest drive
will be launched tomorrow morning
to collect the budget of JS48.32S to
care for the city's charitable and
philanthropic enterprises for 1923.
Everything that Is possible to
anticipate to make success certain
has been done during weeks of busy
pre-campalgn endeavor. Organiza
tion has been stressed to obtain
maximum results. That the ma
chine built up by leaders of the
drive will accomplish the task Is
believed confidently by those be
hind it.
Citizenship Fares Test.
The Community Chest is the
heart of Portland," said General
E. C. Sammona, ciiatrman in com
mand of the big charitable endeavor.
"To fill it will mean that Portland
cares. To do less will mean that
Portland Is found wanting In the
essentials of good citizenship.' If
everyone will do his share, there
will be the best Thanksgiving Port
land ever saw and the happiest
Christmas the city has ever known.
It will mean that want will have
been banished from Portland and
the wolf will not howl here this
winter. .
"The budget of $648,329 will pro
vide for the fll calendar year of
1923. There Is no overlapping of
the new and the last drive. The
budget is the smallest Portland has
ever had to reach, and shows a re
duction of more than J200.000 in
two years, proving the economies
effected by the chest way of con
ducting our charitable enterprises.
The amount set for 1923 is the low
est possible figure we can get by
with, and It must be raised.
Cheat Real Benediction.
The true appeal for chest sub
scriptions comes from the homeless
waif, unfortunate men and women
somebody's old folks, those of all
ages and conditions who are in
want, young boys and girls on the
threshold of citizenship, the fear
stricken, helpless -refugees of the
near east The chest is the efficient
collecting and distributing agency
Postwar Slump Definitely Over
and Unemployment Decreases
as Business Expands.
(Chicago Tribune Foreign News SerVfce.
Copyiight. 1922. by the Chicago Tribune )
LONDON, Nov. Is Remarkdble
figures, proving a revival In British
trade and a return to prospe.-ity,
were published today by the Lon
don Daily Express, which declares
the slump is now definitely over.
London clearing banks increased
loans to customers By $52,800,000 in
October over September, which is
an infallible sign of increasing busi
ness activity. The postofflce in
come, whioh had been estimated as
a deficit for the year of $22,000,000,
already shows an increase of $11,-
600.000, although charges decreased
Customs receipts were $26,400,003 in
excess of budget estimate. Income
tax receipts went up $30,S00,000,
compared witn the same period last
J ear, although the budget estimated
a. drop of $366,400,000 for the year.
Unemployment is decreasing, the
number of unemployed now being
l.juu.ouo, compared with 1,837,000
last February.
The shipping test also is good.
Ships entered and cleared with
cargo in British ports in the last ten
months totaled 85,000.000 tons, or
25,000,000 tons more than last year.
The coal production of the last
week was 5,500,000 tons, which is
up to pre-war records, and 1,113,000
men are now employed in the mines.
It is also announced that Richard
Thomas, South Wales tlnplate
maker, received an order for 150,000
boxes from the Standard Oil. This
is the first, important American
order for Welsh plate.
Place Kick and Touch
down Jrail Errors.
Goal Line Is Crossed After
Punt Is Blocked.
Young Admirer of Mrs. McCor
mlck Could Safeguard Millions.
(By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.)
CHICAGO, Nov. 18. Edward Krenn,
youthful admirer of Mrs. Edith
Rockefeller-McCormick, whom sh
brought fromgwitzerIand to assist
her in her psychological studies, is a
thrifty soul. If it should come about
that he and Mrs. McCormick marry,
he may. be counted upon to safe
guard her millions.
Today he called at her mansion
and on the way stopped at a florist
shop and purohased a nifty nose
gay, paying therefor 75 cents. It
was made of three geraniums and a
carnation, surrounded by ferns.
At the McCormick mansion he was
told she was out for an indefinite
time, so he hiked back to the florist
shop, turned In his nosegay and sal
vaged his six bits.
State Football Championship Is
Won; Several Fumbles Are
JIade by Corvallis Men.
(Continued on Page 18, Column 3.)
Court Orders test for Woman
Who Has "Aversion to Money."
(By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire )
NEW YORK, Nov. 18. It is
mighty hard to convince anyone
that an Individual can have "a posi
tive aversion to money" and still be
Wherefore Miss Bertha Rembaugh,
an attorney, filed a petition today
in the Brooklyn supreme court to
have a jury examine Miss Edith H.
Kitchlng to see what's wrong with
her mentality. The court issued the
order for a mental test.
' Miss Kitchlng is 58, and an accom
plished musician and student ot
philosophy. Her means are now re
duced to a paltry $100,000, all be
cause she insists upon giving away
the money that comes to her as fast
as she can get it
Sir Thomas Is Forced lo Cancel
Passage for Liverpool.
(Py Chicago' Tribune Leased Wire )
NEW YORK. Nov. 18. Sir Thomas
Lipton, taken ill suddenly with a
cold, wis forced to cancel his pas
sage on the steamship Celtic, which
sailed for Liverpool today.
Sir Thomas expects to be suffi
ciently recovered to sail next week.
Although he conferred with offi
cials of tne New York Yacht club,
no arrangements have been made for
a renewal of the challenge races.
The - British yachtsman expects to
mail a challenge next year for a
series, of races in 1924. j
LEGE, Corvallis, Nov. 18. (Special.)
Oregon broke the two-year tie
for the state football championship
here this afternoon by defeating
Oregon Agricultural college, 10 to 0,
on a field of floating sawdust.
Oregon won on breaks, or in other
words, by taking advantage of
Aggie blunders.
Both Oregon scores one a place-
kick by Harold Chapman from the
20-yard line, the other a touchdown
on a blocked O. A. C. nunt wero
made in the first quarter. Both
were preceded by Aggie fumbles. '
Most Made of Everr Mistake.
Its an 'old axiom In football that,
other things being equal, the team
that makes the fewest mistakes
will win. And that was what
happened today. The Oregon vic
tory was not due to any overwhelm
ing superiority, but to making the
most of every O. A. C. mistake.
The first Oregon score came so
quickly after the opening klckoft
that even the Oregon rooters were
surprised. Oregon had kicked oft
to Garber on the five-yard line." He
ran it back five yards and while on
the dead run made a punt up field.
It was Oregon's ball In midfleid. The
Oregon backs swung to the attack,
but coejld gain nothing against the
burly Orange line. Once, twice,
three times they rammed it and the
net advance was only seven yards.
So on the fourth down Chapman
Ball Keeni on Rolling;.
It started like a puny effort, that
punt high and with little distance,
but with the ball turning over and
over as it soared. It gained only
20 yards through the air, but as it
fell it took a bound and began to
roll and bounce toward the Aggie's
goal line.
At first Garber, the Aggie safety,
evidently was intending to play it
safe. He ran along by the rolling,
bounding oval, expecting it to come
to a stop. But It didn't. When it
quit bouncing it continued to roll
and roll. At last, on his own 12
yard line, Garber decided something
had to be done and threw himself
on the ball.
Plcskln Slide Front Grip.
But that slippery pigskin even
then would not stay put. It squashed
right out from under Garber's chest,
like water squiring from a soaked
boot, shot across the side-line and
out of bounds on the 16-yard line.
That break, hardly three minutes
from the kick-off, automatically
gave the ball to Oregon there
within scoring distance on the 16-
yard rhark.
But the Oregon backs found them
selves bucking a hard job. The
Aggies were fighting savagely be
fore their goal posts. The first
Oregon effort, a forward pass.
Chapman to Latham, was a failure,
the ball being thrown too far.
Latham made two yards on a buck
off right tackle, and then Chapman
penetrated to the 11-yard line. But
it was fourth down next and five
yards to go. The ball was directly
in front of the goal posts, however,
so Chapman stepped back to the
20-yard line. With a perfect kick
from placement he thumped It dead
(Continued on Page 18, Column 1.)
-' ' -
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