The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 12, 1922, Magazine Section, Page 10, Image 96

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PM Two simple home tests . ' . J
fSP ' e'yP Notice tht thefCris, unlik j
fine digestibility.) fats. wwa"Tt
T T ERE WE MEET our young acquaintances, Conny and Prudence and Jack and Jim, in the
- lot back of their quaint little home. Like most young savages, Jack and Jim insist on playing
football. But unlike most mothers, their mother doesn't worry too much. For she knows that
wholesome digestible foods make young warriors who easily shake off knocks and bumps. And
mothers of other boys and girls will find, below, some interesting new thoughts about their family
foods and their children's health.
What official examinations show about children's he;
And how this digestible shortening rewards careful mothers
MOTHERS can hardly believe the reports
that one-third of all our boys and girls
are under-nourished.
. Yet, official examinations of 101 different
groups in different parts of the country show
this to be true. They reveal a pressing need
for more thoughtful home care. .
Speaking of the surprising number of under
nourished children disclosed by this health
survey, one authority says:
"Wherever comparisons have been made,
it has been found that the proportion
among the so-called better classes is as
great, or often greater, than among the
poor and immigrant groups."
Answers to some food questions
Any mother who reads this will naturally ask: "How
can I assure healthfulness in foods I serve to my own
YOU may anticipate digestible, fine-flavored
foods when you find a bakery, hotel or restau
rant which uses Crisco.
These proprietors, of course, pay considerably
more for Crisco than they need pay for "average"
shortenings. But thoughtful owners, wide awake
to their customers' interests, seldom hesitate over
these few extra pennies per pound. For Crisco,
they have learned, assures to their foods healthful
boys and girls?" And thoughtful housekeepers will be
especially anxious to secure a wholesome digestible
shortening, because they know that children must have
fats to supply youthful energy.
There is a simple way, mothers, to make sure that
your shortening is perfectly digestible. If you will
adopt Crisco as your one family shortening you may
discard all anxiety about the healthfulness of your cook
ies, pies,, cakes and fried foods.
For Crisco is a vegetable shortening and digests
Crisco naturally costs, during an average week's
baking and frying, a few cents more than do average
shortenings. But thoughtful mothers, we find, would
no more deliberately choose indigestible shortening
than they would deliberately choose inferior milk.
The few extra pennies you spend for Crisco will
bring you, then, two welcome rewards:
First, freedom from anxious doubts about.the digesti
bility of many family foods and a care-free satisfaction
in giving your children, in healthful form, the foods they
crave. Then, a new pride in your delicious, wholesome
Crisco results. Digestible fried foods with a crisp crust
and a delicate flavor! Digestible pies, cakes and
pastries which are just as delicious as any you ever
The really progressive grocer, you will find, prefers
to sell the most healthful food ingredients. He is
more and more recommending Crisco to take the
place of shortenings whose ease of digestion may be
questioned such shortenings, for example, as are
often sold in bulk.
How to use Crisco
IN PAN FRYING as in deep frying, Crisco has reached proper
frying heat when it browns a bread crumb in 40 seconds. (Do
not wait for Crisco to smoke.) By straining Crisco you can use it
again and again. AS SHORTENING use 14 less of Crisco than
you would of animal fats.
For delicious, digestible cakes
For digestible and flaky pastry
For crisp, digestible fried foods
Digestible Vegetable Shortening
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