THE SUNDAY OREGOXTAX, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 12. 1923 0 REAL estate. For Sale Houses. ALAMEDA DRIVE. SACRIFICE, i Exceptionally fine, well constructed. 10-room residence, hdw. floors, 2 won derful fireplaces, full cement basemit, Oasco hot water heater, 5 bedrooms, keeping porch, maid's room, sun room, library, music room, 2 tiled bathrooms, shower; very fino vacuum cleaning Plant, garage, etc. Located at No. 1400 Alameda drive, corner Wisteria. Shown by appointment only. Good terms arranged. For particulars phone Bdwy. 7522. Exclusive listing. SERVICE. R BLil ABILITY. COE A. McKENNA & CO., Established 1KS9. 2ftS Artisans Bldg., Bdwy. at O-ak. $6300. 2 la BLKS. TO SANDY BLVD. New 6-rm. house, hardwood floors, extra, number of built-in features, full cement basement, furnace, fruit cloget, garage, and is being offered at much lens than it cost the owners, but they are- leaving at once and must sacrifice to sell quickly; may be had on term. Call Rose City Park branch office, 45th and Sandy Blvd. Auto. 326-10. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, ROSE CITY. $5100. New, complete, modern. 5-room bun- ?alow, hdw, floors, old ivory finish, 1 replace, full cement basement, laun dry trays, all buiit-ins, large rooms, paved street, nice window shades, etc. Ready to move into. $1000 cash, bal ance like rent. Phone Bdwy. 7522. SERVICE. RELIABILITY. COE A. McKENNA & CO., Established 188ft. 208 Artisans BIdg., Bdwy. at Oak. WHY BUY -AN OLD HOUSE WHEN YOU CAN BUY NEW SPECIALLY PLANNED HOUSE FOR $50O DOWN T have- several choice lots in the Bea.umont district, block and a half from car line "and close to school on which I will build a 4 or 5-room house up to $5000 on a down payment of $500, balance payable $50 monthly. Your choice of a large assortment of houses planned especially by one of Portland's leading architects, especi ally for handy housekeeping and eco nomical heating. E. C, Faun ton. At water 37 1H. - $750 CASH. Modern bungalow, 5 large rooms, attic, fireplace, furnace, garage, im provements ail paid, line location near Hawthorne car and high school. VA CANT. Full price only $4500. . Sec it today. CITY HOMES DEPT. RITTER LOWE & CO., REALTORS, 2'0l-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade BIdg. INCOME ASSURED. Walking Distance, East Side. $4300 8 Rooms $4-500. On E. Ankeny, close to school, easy wa Iking distance, concrete foundation, full basement, 1. trays at.d furnace and other modern built-ms. Ideal rental property, building in excellent con dition; fre from incumbrances. Terms to suit. Trade. STAR REAL ESTATE & TNV. CO,, Bdwy. 5US. 5U; Wilcox BIdg. GROVE LAND PARK BEAUTY. Practically new. very artistic Cali fornia bungalow with furnace and ga rage; only half block to car. 5 rooms. Too manv novel fc-aturf-s to list all of them. Paving, etc., all paid. Owner going Mst antl will seil at a bargain. Price $5000. Easy terms. If you want something distinctive and different, see this. MERRICK & CO.. REALTORS, 304 Panama BIdg. Bdwy. 8230. 6-ROOM MODEK.N BUNGALOW, WITH GARAGE. JUST BEING COMPLETED, ON EAST 25TH . BETWEEN SKID MO R E A N D M A SO N ST S. ; LOT 50x 100 FT., VERY DESIRABLE; PRICE $.VM; TERMS $10JM CASH, BALANCE MONTHLY AT 7 PER CENT. PARRISH, W ATKINS & CO., m 252 Stark St. AN UNUSUAL ROSE CITY BUY $4850. 'Surely someone with an eye to value will buy this buygalow today. Built for present owner, who spared no ex pense in construction. Every modern feature, nothing lacking, including fur nace and gaj;age; east front, near car; ideal surroundings. K urry ! A. G. TKKPE Cu (Two offices.) Ta h. "4.::i or Tab. 5M Open Sunday. $25 0 MT. SCO T f $ 2 K 5 1 . New 5-r in. burg., 1 i v. a n d d: n . rm . , combination. 2 bedrooms, bath, break fast nook, and Dutch kitchen, and lovely sleeping purch ; on 50x100 lot, with do b 1 e ga ragft; only 't b 1 k s. f ro m rap, 3 blks. to school. $400 down, bal. $''5 per mo. and int. H. XV. OSBORNE CO., Realtors, 432 Cham, of Com. BIdg. Open Eves, and Sun. Bdwy 2041. PIEDMONT NEW 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. Oak floors, furnace, fireplace, tapes try paper, lots of built-ins, on a fine corner in the heart of the district; this is nice; $7750. terms J. R. HAtGHT FOR REAL ESTATE 3v2 Ankenv. Bdwy. 045. Branch. 1347 Union. Wai. 521. Open Sunday 2 to 5. $ 1 50 cash!" 6-room bungalow and garage on 84th at., near Powell Valley; full base ment; nice yard and chicken house. Price $2250, mortgage $1000, balance $25 per month. ' JOHN M. KROG CO., 412 Wilcox hldg. Bdwy. 1375. BY OWNER, 5-room bungalow. Haw thorn district. 50x100 corner, fruit and berries, cement basement, furnace, fireplace, laundry trays, some built ins. All large moms with bath, attic. Only 'i50O, easy terms, can have furniture if d-sired. Am leaving city. . Phone owner. Tabor 8 ft 7 2. $300. $500 DOWN New 4-room bun g low: on paved street and car line, near Peninsula park; hardwood floors, built-ins, Dutch kitchen, enameled woodwork. full basement, laundry trays; garage, etc. A dream of a small home. Owner, Walnut 5035. A REAL HOME. All modern conveniences in a 6-room house ; concrete garage,, all improve ments in and pnld; a snap; price $B000. 1 block from new Ross island bridge. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO, Bdwy. 4751. Realtors. 410 Henry BIdg LAURELHURST SNAP One of the best bargains in this district in a 6-room new home. Let us show you a home with class and priced to sell. CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO. 275 Oak Street. Phone Bdw. 6006 WANT $800 to $1000, 7 per cent, 3 years, on o-roorn house. Bdwv. 7567. W- D. Rodabaugh. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade BIdg. $1800 ON PAVED STREET. 5 rooms, full plumbing. Near Piedmont car barn. $200 down terms to suit. STAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO.. Bdwy. 5US. 513 Wilcox BIdg. ROSE CITY .PARK Below the hill, block Sandy, corner lot, rooms, mod ern, furnace, fireplace, full basement, garage; a real value at $5500, terms. HTLTOX-DANIEL CO., Broadway 78O0. 270 Stark St. FOR SALE By owner, 6-room house with full size basement, in good con dition; ready to move into. Within half a block of Irvington Park at 414 Conk ave., near Union ave. Lot 60 100. $1700 SIX-ROOM HOUSE. On E. 68th st.. near Powell valley road; 100x100 level lot with alley; sidewalks In and paid; small payment ft down, balance easy terms. Ho Icon, b Realty Co.. Bdwy. 7300. LAURELHURST. leaving city Dec. 1st, must dispose of my attractive 5-rm. bungalow and garage. if you are looking for good bargain, here it is: $6250, terms. Owner. Tabor J.-43. HEART OF ST. JOHNS. AH modern 8-room house, with nice large seeping porch: with both fruit and -berries; $500 cash and easy pay ments. Thaw interested call at 317 V. Folk St.. St. Johns. MAKE AN OFFER. Modern 5-room bungaiow: crood dls trict near car line and school: built-ins, basement, paved streets, etc.; must sell this week. East 2630. Ir. Lawson. LAURELHURST New coldnlal home. 1 block from park; 8 large rooms and sunroom; everything the best; this house was not built, for speculation but for a real home; SI2.WW. Tabor 4205. 1 WO-ROOM temporary house, room for sleeping porch and bath; on wooded lot. uu, .-u casn. JOHNSON-KELLY CO 806 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 3860. 7-JlOOM modern furnished house, fur nace, fireplace, built-in refrigerator, pianof new electric range; block from pavement; make me a reasonable cash offer. Owner, 1304 E. 14th N. BUNGALOW. 4 rooms and den, oak floors, heavy plumbing, breakfast nook; classiest lit tle home in Irvington; terms. Owner, Main 6-36. . SEE THE FIXE BUNGALOW today at 1214 E. 30th st. N., you'll say its a real home. Take good residence lot par( payment Builder, Eaat 799, REAX ESTATE. For 8ale Houses. WE HAVE for sale 2 brand-new bunga lows now being completed; workman ship, construction and material the best. Large living room, plate-g'.asa windows, old ivory finish, buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast room, attic, full cement basement, furnace and laundry -trays, 50x100 lot, paved streets and sewer, garage, located East Stark St.. convenient to Mt. Tabor or jlon tavilla cars. A $0000 home for $4000; $750 cash, balance J-ike rent. Coma pre pared to buy. You haven't seen any thing like them for the money. Let us show von. Bdwv. 75H7. CITY HOMES DEPT. RITTER, LOWE & CO,, REALTORS. 101-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade BIdg. $5000. 4 BLKS. TO CAR. R.OSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. 7-rm. 2-story house, living and dining room, hardwood ' floors, built-in bookcase and buffet, one bedroom and bath "downstairs, 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch upstairs, full cement basement, furnace and laundry trays, fine lawn, shrubbery and flowers. Call Rose City Park branch of fice. 45th and Sandy Blvd. Auto. 326-10. J. L, HARTMAN COMPANY. A WONDERFUL DUTCH COLONIAL. HEART OF IRVINGTON. W'e believe we are offering here one of the best buys in ail of Irvington. The class and character of this splen did fliome cannot be described. Was built for present owner by day labor; Nothing but the best of workmanship and materials entered into its con struction. Highest grade of hardwood floors throughout, positively the most expensive plum-bing fixture money can buy. Details here tell you nothing. We want those of you who have been look ing at $12,000 to $15,000 houses to in spect this. You'll be under no obliga tion. A. G. TEEPE CO.. (Two offices.) Tab. 3433 or Tab. 0586. Open Funday. PIEDMONT. $f000 CASH. 0-room, modern, fine residence, on 100x100 corner, all improvements in and paid, 6 rooms on first floor, large attic with space for 3 rooms, full ce ment basement. fireplace, furnace, laundry trays; this is a real bargain; total price $6000, $1000 cash, balance $50, including interest per month. Phone Bdwy. 7522. SERVICE. , RELIABILITY. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. Established 1889. 208 Artisans BIdg.. Bdwy. at Oak. BELMONT AND E. 31 ST Good 7 -room house, gas, electricitv, hath, . small basement, fruit trees. Snap. $3200, good terms. E. I5TH NR. PRESCOTT. 5-room cottage, in fine condition, lot TOxlOO; fruit, garden spot. $2050. $650 down. MT. TABOR. Fine view of Mt. Hood. Modern 8 room. house, all improvements in and paid. Lot 75x100. Will sell or trade for income business property. If look 'e iv-i line iiwiiit: e 111 IS. terms. $6800, TABOR 1811. W. H SAWTELL. NEW ALAMEDA BUNGALOW. $500 CASH PRICE $5200. 5 rooms, attic, breakfast nook, furnace, fireplace, fine built-ins, tapestry paper, ivory finish, Dutch kitchen, oak floors; is in excellent location; corner lot. Is a buy at price asked. Bdwy. 2045. Tabor 0178. $5,000 LOT 100 by 235 Just out of city on 42nd St. Near Shaver Five rooms and sun parlor on ground floor. Hardwood floors, all bulit ins, large attic, full cement base ment, fireplace, garage, chicken houses, fine lawn. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY Branch office 33rd &, Bryce. NEWLYWEDS. LOOK.' 4-room bungalow, gas furnaee, elec t ric tire place, built-ins, disappearing bed tiled kitchen, drain boards and bath, bevel plate-glass door, oak floors, ail improvements in. This house is a dream, built for the bride. Price only 2r';terinii- i,et Mr- Wells show you. t hi Cham, of Com merce bl d g yO'J. 600 Cham. Of Cnmmrr KM- $5500 $1000. WEST MT. TABOR. Fine new, strictly modern 5-room bungalow, breakfast room, attic, tile bath, hardwood floors throughout, fur nace, garage, 50x100 lot. Improvements paid, surrounded by good residences. CITY HOMES DEPT. RITTER, LOWE fe CO.. REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Blri Ft T f I $1800, siruifl payment down, $15 month, 60X2S1 f1?et, adjoining Frank lin high, level, best soil. 20 choice fruit trees, walnuts, berries, grapes, small building, basement readv for house. 2 blocks from car, water, sewer gas, electricity ; worth $2500 A D Reinhard, Sell. 0780. NOTHING DOWN. New 4-room bungalow and -i acre, near Powell Valley and Buckley ave ; hardwood floors altepfng porch and 21 iJ?"1"!"8 Price :;5'"0- mortgage $1400 balance 35 per month. Will include furniture jf wanted JOHN M. KROG CO.. 412 'Wilcox Bldg. Bdwv. 1375 $4100 ir.i)ti i'Msh Six -room house, fireplace, furnace cement basement, fruit: close to high and grade school, 20 minutes' ride from city; on hard-surfaced street; sewer connected. JOHNSON-KELLY CO., 806 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 3860. OVERLOOK ADDITION rooms, modern, tile drain board and bath floor Hurriwnrwl fUft-. living and dining rooms. Garage. 7- utMiieni. anveway. $oo00, terms $1000 C!sh. Just completed. Owner at home, 802 Court St. Phone Wal. 5446. ROSE CITY TWO DANDY HOMES Open for inspection Sunday -'-room bungaiow also 6-room bunga low located on 43rd between Thomp son and Brazee. Come and look these over Kunday afternoon. UW.NKK, PHONE AUTO 334-07 PARTY to select a homesite in beautl- lul -va-iirui r-arK. near Jefferson high school and $55,000 Masonic temple almost completed; special price this week. Call on owner. W. N Killings worth, office comer Killin-gsworth and Union fnr ntir ree; i w ., 0401. hours 9 to 12 A. M. or Wal. 0951 BEAUTIFUL Laureihurst home, $7750, lo- vtcilcu near par on 100x100 lot; 7 rooms, bungalow type, super built, fin ish unusually fine; hardwood floors tile bath and kitchen, exceptionally well arranged, appointed and located: reaI vaiue; $7750; terms. Bdwy. 6008. A LEMEDA 7-room modern new and never lived in. This is sure a real snap. If you want a real home you will buy this at sight. CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO . 275 Oak Street. Phone Bdw. 6001 DANDY 5-room modem cement block bungalow; 2 fireplaces, unexcelled view of Mt. Hood and mirrounding country paved streets. 1 block to car; take good auto up to $1200 as part of first pay ment; full price $6500, terms on bal Bdwy. OWMi. FOR SALE 8-room up-to-date house. F uil cement basement, furnace toilets, will sell very reasonable ' 20 minutes to 3rd and Alder Sts Cars pass by house. Will give some 'furni ture with the house. Answer by mail R 79, Oregonian. A REAL HOME $3500. TERMS NO INTEREST. 5-room modern bungalow sleeping porch, partly furnished, fireplace, pipe less furnace, fruit ar.d flowers. Phone SMALL furnished home, beautiful view overlooking river. 2 blocks to Sellwood park, winter's wood in and canned fruit; improvements in and paid For suit u uvv utri . n't ave. DirnMnvn n ictbutt Comforable 4-room house with bath, lot 45x145, abundance fruit ; price $2000. terms. Inquire room 201 Alisky building. WE PLAN, build and finance; get our price before you build or buy. Hed strom, 614 Henry bldg. Phone Bdwy 1831. DAD ia the boy that can sell your house if the price and terms are right List your house with DAD. Dad's Real Estate, 1388 Division st IRVINGTON. NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW AND GARAGE. SCHUYLER AND 32D STS OPEN TODAY. OWNER. IRVINGTON. -That new home you are looking for you will find at 10th and Brazee. JUST what you are looking for. 5 rooms, completely furnished, downtown, Mai S61. 375 Oregoi ian. REAL ESTATE. For Wale Houses. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $5700. Very attractive new bungalow; large living room with fireplace, dining room, hardwood floors, tapestry pap&r, kitchen with all latest built-in; beau tiful breakfast nook, two bedrooms, bathroom and largo floored attic; ce ment basement, furnace, laundry trays, garage, full lot. street improve ments in and paid. This bungalow is located north of Rose City car line be low the hill. A very special buy, and can make terms. ' NEW BUNGALOW. $4250. $500 cash payment, balance like rent. This new 5-room bungalow has all the modern features, including built-ins, fireplace in living and dining room, breakfast nook and large bathroom with white enameled plumbing, hard wood floors. This house is DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED throughout. You can't afford to misa the chance to see this bungalow before you decide to buy. HAWTHORNE. $4350. . Only $500 down, balance like rent; (V-room bungalow, a cozy living room with fireplace, built-in buffet in din ing room, hardwood . floors, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, fur nace and laundry trays. Call us and make an appointment to see this bargain. CLOSE IN. EAST SIDE. $o!'H. A good 6-room modern home; recep tion hall, nice living room with fire . place, dining room and large kitchen on first floor; three large bedrooms and bath on second floor; stairway to floored attic; cement basement, fur nace and laundry trays; near gram mar and high schools and easy walk ing distance to business district. Everett Philips, Salesmanager, NEILAN & PARKHILL, 219 Lumbermens BIdg. Bdwy. 2S32. Sunday Call Tabor 8263. LADD'S ADDITION. $750 CASH. r Now is the time to buy your home; surprise your wife by giving her a new home for Christmas present. Read this: Complete new, modern, 5-room bunga low, hdw. floors, old ivory finish, tap estry paper, firelace, large attic, breakfast nook, cement basement, furnace, all built-ins. paved street, close in district. A real beautiful home priced at $5500, small down payment, balance like rent. Phone Bdwy. 7522. SERVICE. RELIABILITY. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. Established 1889. 208 Artisans BIdg., Bdwy. at O-ak. IMPRESSIVE LAURELHURST HOME. OWNER. IN TROUBLE, MUST SELL. Here is a home you can hand down to your grandchildren. Built like a battleship; only 2 years old and the very last word in modern conveniences. 7 lovely rooms, hardwood and maple floors throughout. G-asco furnace, mas sive fireplace, tile bath with shower and a host of other attractive fea-, lures. Garage, of course, and spa cious grounds; beautifully landscaped. Ideal location, only 2 blocks to car. Financial reverses compel sale a.t $2000 under cost. Price $13,000, Some terms or will consider smaller home as part. MERRICK & CO., REALTORS. 304 Panama bldg. Bdwy. 8230. J 5000. ON RICHMOND CAR LINE IN A GOOD DISTRICT. - New 5-room house, large attic, hardwood floors, built-in fea tures, cement basement, furnace, garage; may be had for $500 down. . Call Rose City Park brahch office, 45th and Sandy Blvd. Auto. 326-10. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7,500 I R VI N G T O N modern home, hardwood floors throughout, large living room, tapestry, fireplace, 50x125 lot, fruit and garage. $ 6.500 Bungalow, Colonial Heights. $10,000 Dutch colonial, new. Holla day addition. $ 3,850 Close in, east side, walking distance, 7 rooms, large lot, iruit, pavea sts. $ 3,000 Near Union ave.. "ft-room home; $700 cash, $35 month. $ 2,300 Suburban home, 2 acres. $ 650 Houseboat, 5 rooms. CHAS. R.INGLER & CO., 204 Ry. Ex. $1800 $400 CASH. CLOSE IN NEAR CORBETT ST. 5-room plastered house, bath, elec tric lights, macadam street, sewer, walks, easy terms. WHY PAY RENT? Bdwy. 7567. CITY HOMES DEPT. RITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade. BUY THTS LAURELHURST BUNGA LOW $5450,, $r.00 CASH. An exceptionally well built 5 rooms and a t ti c. H ea vy hard wood floors throughout, tapestry paper, modern bath, complete, cabinet kitchen with nook, full cement basement, best fur nace. East front, near car. See It to day. A. G. TEEPE CO.. (Two offices.) ' ' Tab. 3433 or Tab. 0586. Open Sunday. $2800. $250 DOWN MONT WILLA $250 DOWN. 7-rm. house on carline, liv. rm., din. rm., Dutch kit., bedim, and toilet an first floor, 3 bedrms. on second floor. House in good condition, on :;3 l-3x llO'j lot. with garage. Owner will ac cept lot in Piedmont as part payment H. W, OSBORNE CO., Realtors 432 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Open Eves.-and Sun. Bdwy. 2041 WEST SIDE. CLOSE IN 6-ROOM HOUSE $500 CASH. 0 blocks from postoffice. Here is real value; oOxlOfl lot, is worth more than price asked for house and lot; price $5000. Bdwy 2045 Sunday Main 3062. FINE PIEDMONT CORNER. t rooms in the heart of the district; furnace, fireplace, garage and lust been redecorated; owner must sell and put the price Ht $4200 for quick sale and only $1000 cash J. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE, 352 Ankeny. Bdwv. 2045. Branch, J347 Union. Wal. 5621 .'pen Sunday 2 to 5. ATTRACTIVE, well-built 5-room bun galow; hardwood floors, fireplace buf fet, French doors, Dutch kitchen and breakfast nook, cement basement am ple attic room and fruit trees; good payed street; all improvements in and paid, close to car, stores, grade and high schools. $1000 cash, bjfcjnce terms. Tabor 9158. $250 CASH will handle 1 acre, all cleared, with good 5-room house, Bull Run wa ter, electric lights, chicken house and run, 11 bearing fruit trees-; house is now vacant; Powell Valley road and Linn ave.. 6 blocks east of Buckley ave. Route 3, box 545, Lents station Port land, Or. $2350 $nu0 CASH. NEAR AVk'RMV n o d t dvc Neat 4-room modern bungalow on nice corner Jot, paved street paid, fine place for small family. CITY HOMES DEPT RITTER. LOWE & CO.. REALTORS - m-.-a-j-i .poara. ot Trade Bldg. A REAL buy, to close an estate. Two 6-room houses, fireplaces, furnaces, cement basement, walking distance east side. Sell separately or together $3000, $3150. $750 cash on each. JOHNSON-KELLY CO 806 Board of Trade BIdg. Bdwy. 3860. IRVINGTON 1 5 -Room Bungalow One of the best 5-room bungalows In Irvington. Owner will sell below cost, new and never lived in CORCORAN-JONES REALTY CO 275 Oak Street. Phone Bdw. 6000 WHY PAY RRVT VVirpv $200 down, $20 per month buys this new 4-room house in Montavilla? $2950 total price. HILTON-DANIEL CO.. Bdwy. 7800. 270 Stark St OWNER has new. beautiful. 5-room col bungalow, sun -room. b. nook, com position floor in bath,' pedestal stand 2 sets French doors, large attic with heat and liffht; garage. E. face, cor E. 26th and Skidmore. E. 3280 . HIGH -CLASS HOME, M LIRHAYMBAD. $0800, $1500 cash ; 7 rooms, hard wood floors, furnace, fireplace; 50x100 lot; garage E D. Schomacker, Bdwy. ROSE CITY Modern 5-room bungalow, sleeping porch, garage, built last year; paved street; soldier's bonus accepted Owner, Tabor 2035. NEW modern house, large grounds, as sorted fruit, flowers, etc., only $6500; easy terms; cor. 55th st. and Powell Owner. 5427 PowelL HOUSE PLANS, 100 designs, $10 to $15 or specially designed at reasonable tea. L. R. BAILEY CO.. 924 N. W. Bank bldg. NEW 4-rm. house, bath, gas, electricity, about half acre, close to car. $2100, $400 down. bal. 7 per cent. 226 Cham- ner or commerce oiag.. seaenrest. DESIRABLE 8-room home, well located, good view, will take car as part pay. See lelly, 205 Henry Building. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. ROSE CITY CORNER. $5550 $000 CASH. 5 rooms and attic; located below the Hill, just a few steps from Sandy blvd. If you are looking for a. new home don't waste your time looking at this, but if $$$$ are as scarce as the ma jority of home buyers claim, the chance to save a great many of them on this highly -improved corner will claim your attention. MODERN in every respect. Office Open Today. - DAVID HARP, Mgr. R. T. STREET'S Sandy Blvd. Office. . 1150 Sandy Blvd.. at 39th. Auto. 320-04. $5500 IRVINGTON $5500. CORNER LOT MODERN CLEAR! Eight fine, big rooms, bungalow type, plate glass windows, fireplace, big buffet with mirror, fine big Dutch kitchen. inlaid linoleum. cemented basement with pipe furnace and laun dry trays. Big continuous porch two sides of house, 75 roses, fruit, lawn, paving, one biock to cars, 7 to school; rents for $60; now vacant; perfect con ditfo; shades and screens, 8 years old. This property is cut to the heart if you want a fine, honestly con structed home, an absolute snap and are prepared to buy today, call me up quick; $1000 down payment: $50 per month, including Interest. No "think it over" triflers or real estate agents need apply. G rover. Main 4893. OWNER HAS LEFT the city and will sell his pretty LAURELHURST bungalow home of 5 rooms and attic at a SACRIFICE PRICE. Hardwood floors, fireplace, French doors, lots of built-ins. com plete cabinet kitchen with breakfast nook, cement basement with laundry and furnace. All improvements in and paid. Immediate possession. Good terms. DAVID HARP. MGR. R.'T. STREET'S Sandy Blvd. Office, 1150 Sandy Blvd., at 30th. Aut. 320-04. Office Open Today. PIEDMONT. $3950. 64 W. Church St.. new, modern. 5 room bungalow, large attic, space for 2 rooms, hdw. floors, natural finish, large kitchen, all built-ins. full cement base ment, furnace, laundry trays, improve ments all in, paved street, reasonable down payment, balance like rent. Phone Bdwy. 7522. SERVICE. RELIABILITY. COE A. McKENNA & CO., Established 1889. 208 Artisans Bldg.. Bdwy. at Oak. . BRAND NEW DUPLEX HOUSE CLOSE JN. LADD ADDITION. 10 room Huplex with 5 rooms down stairs and 5 rooms up; each being a complete home in itself. Both have living room across front; oak floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, two airy bedrooms, separate entrances, furnaces and garages and are fin ished in golden oak and tapestry pa per; lot 40x128 with paved alley. Priced to sell at $8500. $2500 cash. At present paying J 47c net. R. L. McGREW. Open Sunday. 1080 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 8802. $1 DOWN FOR GOOD 6 ACRES Located just east of Parkrose. oi good road and near Columbia high way; 30 minutes' drive from center or city; o a., an in cultivation, lies perfectly and no better loose, rich. mellow loam in the state; pric $3600. $1 down, 1 per cent monthly, 6 per cent interest; going to sell a few tracts like this to get things started. Hurry to get one. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. Realtors, 122 North th st. Phone Bdwy. 4381. ROSE CITY NEW VERY MODERN $4250. Buy this now and have finished to suit. A thoroughly modern bungalow with large living room, hardwood firs. fireplace. Dutch kitchen, furnace, etc.: ivory finish, tapestry paper; double constructed, east front; small payment ciown. inspect. A. G. TEEPE CO., (Two offices.) Tab. 95S6 or Tab, 3433. Open Sunday. $4725 BEAUMONT $4725. Beautiful 5-rm, bung., located on a 1 25 x 105 lot. Liv. and din, rm. comb.. large breakfast nook, Dutch kit., 2 bedrooms and bath, furnace, fireplace, buffet, H. W. floors, floored attic, in terior finish old ivory. $1000 down, oai. arranged. H. W. OSBORNE CO.. REALTORS, 432 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Open Eves, and Sun. Bdwy. 2641. MULTNOMAH We offer you anything irom a vacant outiding Rite to a mod ern bungalow on easy terms. You can run out In your car at any time to our m uitnoman oirice on the blvd. M rs. McMahon in charge, or, if you have not a car, i can run you out m mine BEN RIESLAND, dealer exclusively in south west side suburban property. Main office 404 Piatt bldg. REAL care is used In the selection of our listings. Our salesmen specialize in districts, are competent to Judge value and can take you to the type of house desired. A large listing to choose irom. .7. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE. 352 Ankeny, near Bdwv. Bdwy. 2045. 1347 I'nion N. Walnut 5621. NEAR W EST M OR E LA N D $3250. A real home. 5-room bungalow, water, gas, electricity, full basement. lot 51x112. paved street, improvements oaid. fruit trees all bearine-. A de cided bargain. $500 cash. $25 monthly and int. see Kertson with Fred W German Co., realtors. 732 Cham, of ( .om. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. HOME. 5 large rooms and bath downstairs. d tine nen rooms, store room and un finished bath room upstairs; fruit room, toilet and gas water heater in basement. Every convenience needed in a home. Was not built for sale. Beautiful, large corner lot and fine garage. One block car. BROOKE, MAIN 4342. NOB HILL BEAUTY. Nine rooms, beautifully furnished, new rugs, best of furniture, ideal lo cation, clean as a pin;. $120 in fuel and house rent to Dec. 1 included in price; SO.iO cash, small bal ance. SEE NEWTON. WITH WM. A. HUGHES CORP. ' 505-6 Couch Bldg. Bdwv. 6808 IRVINGTON SPECIAL. Beautiful, artistic 5-room hiimralnw wifh full attic, in Irvington. Strictly modern to the minute, wonderfully well constructed, occupied only since .June, garage. Price $6200; $2700 will nanaie; no mortgage to assume. ROBNETT & McCLURE, REALTORS. 302 COUCH BLDG. BDWY. 6574. INSURE your real estate investment a large listing personally inspected by competent salesmen who specialize in districts and are qualified to judge vaiues. ljet us oe your realtor. J. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE. 352 , Ankeny, near Broadway. B d wy. 204 5 . ROSE CITY BTT?JG A T .O W . Beautiful 6-roorn modern bungalow itfath garage, on 50x100 lot. In heart of , Uhs City, below hill. $1000 down will handle, balance on good monthly terms zo sun. ee tnis ana compare with others you ha,va seen. Call Main IRVINGTON HOME. BUY FROM OWNER. 7 rooms, sleeping porch, fireplace, furnace, breakfast room, hardwood floors upstairs and down, oid ivory ana tapestry paper, garage, lot 50x!23, paved alley. Price $7000, very easy payments. ijnone wast 6431. BARGAIN DIRECT FROM OWNER Mv 5-room modern enamel f intphpd bungalow, large .corner lot, improve ments paia, at your price lr within reason. My-loss your gain. Will sell furnished if desired. 1 Inspect this at once, owner, 1834 Yamhill. Ta nor 2160. $4500 ALAMEDA $4500. Artistic California bungalow. 5- rooms and glassed-in sun-room, hard wood floors, furnace, fireplace, built-in bookcases and buffet, Dutch kitchen- One block to ear. Auto. 512-17. INSURE your real estate investment a large listing personally inspected by competent salesmen who specialize in districts and are qualtned to judg1 vaiues. ljet us oe your realtor. J. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE. 352 Ankeny. near Broadway. Broadway 2045. ALAMEDA Reduced to $5750. from $6000 for quick sale. This place has five large rooms and full attic, and is modern to the last feature; garage and nice lawn ; lots of shrubbery. Hilton Daniel Co., Bdwy. 7S00. 27 Stark street. BUY FROM OWNER. New 4-room bungalow with, attic model kitchen, breakfast nook, hard' wood floors, French doors, -cement base ment. Close to car. Save commission Aut. 644-06. After Sunday, Atwater 1829. MODERN ti-room house on large corner lot, with iruit. ah improvements m and paid for. Will consider responsibi buyer, who can make a small payment and good montniy payments there after. Call Main 0880. $2500-BY OWNER Nicely furnished 4 room modern bungalow, paved st.. ga rage, ail other imps. 82 E, 69th at N HEAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. G. C. TJLRICH CO., INC., Suite 405 Stock Exchange Bldg., Main 4354-4355. Fine bungalow home of seven rooms on splendid corner lot. in Ir vington, clear of incumbrance. Need larger home, will exchange and pay cash difference. Beautiful bungalow in best part of Alameda; five splendid rooms on ground floor: large attic with one room finished ; large cement porch; beautiful extra large corner lot. This is not just a home but a REAL HOME and the price ia the best part, only $6500. easy terms. Fine home in the heart of Irving ton ; six large rooms besides recep tion hall, den, large bath and two attic rooms ; f ul I cement basement ; oak floors and all modern conven iences. Owner leaving for California has reduced price to $8000. very easy terms. A good five-room home; lot 300x100. This is In Irvington and the price is only $3150. good terms. Beautiful corner bungalow on East Main street; hdwd. floors, fireplace; strictly modern and think of the price, only $3800, terms. G. C. ULR1CH CO., INC.. Suite 405 Stock Exchange BIdg. Main 4354-4355. , $1000 DOWN $1000. LAURELHURST 7-RM. BUNGALOW. On a 100x100 highly improved lot with a double garage. House almost new; hardwood floors throughout, tile bath with best of plumbing, hand somely finished In rich old Ivory and very attractively decorated with tap estry paper. Every room is large witli plenty of wall space for the different pieces of furniture. Many handy built ins; especially in the kitchen. Prop erty can be bought at a very attrac tive figure. Office open today. DAVID HARP. Mgr. R. T. STREET'S Sandy Blvd. Office. 1150 Sandy Blvd., at 30th. AulO. 320-04. ROSE CITY. HERE'S A REAL BARGAIN. $1000 CASH. 7-room modern, spacious bungalow, bdw. floors, ld ivory finish, fireplace, breakfast nook, full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, all built-ins, ga rage, etc. This house is offered for a few days at $5750 and it is a real home; $ 000 cash, balance like rent. Phone ffdwy. 7522. SERVICE. RELIABILITY. COE A. McKENNA & CO., Established 1889. 208 Artisans Bldg.. Bdwy. at Oak. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Fine 9-room residence, built of pressed brick; up-to-date in every par ticular. Most attractive grounds, beau tiful view. Will not deteriorate like a wooden house, but can be handed down to your children. BROOKE, MAIN 4342. CLOSE IN; 1 BLOCK SOUTH SANDY. BRAND-NEW ROSE CITY BUNGA LOW. $4150 TERMS $4150. 338 E. 3flTH ST. N.. COR. HALSEY. Hardwood floors, fireplace, furnacft, tile bath, recessed tub. shower bath. tile drain boards, Dutch kitchen. French doors, large dining nook, lots of built-ins. fine plumbing and elec trie fixtures, shades, corner lot, pav ing and sewers paid: every conven ience: one block away. See this today. Owner's phone. Automatic o 1 1 - 1 6. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW NEW BELOW HILL $5750. A super-modern bungalow of tin usual construct!? n and finish. You will appreciatetrthe high class of ma terials and workmanship entering into its construction. Modern every way, including light fixtures, garage and iumace. $1000 csh. See it today. A. G. TEEPE CO., (Two offices.) Tab. 3433 or Tab. 0580. Open Sunday. REAL care is used in the selection of our listings. Our salesmen specialize in districts, are competent to judge value and can take you to the type of house desired. A large listing to choose Trom, i J. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE, 352 Ankeny, near Bdwy. Bdwy.2045. 1347 Union N. Walnut 5621. KENTON. A NATURAL PARK. Would you like a home amidst bean tiful surroundings and with every city convenience, paved, streets. cement walks and curbs, sewer, water, gas? I have them from $2O0O up. WARREN KEELER. Bank Bldg., Kenton. Walnut 6507. ALAMEDA NEW In block built up with beautiful homes; has 4 bedrooms, sunroom, hardwood floors, fireplace, wonderful kitchen, breakfast room. Gasco fur pace, instantaneous water heater small payment down, easy terms. Owner. 824 Glenn ave, N. Walnut 2726 and Broadway 1658. $4000 REAL SACRIFICE $4000. Pretty bungalow, 5 rooms and den. furnace, fireplace, buitt-m buftet and bookcases, Dutch kitchen, full concrete basement, good garage ; 1 block from car. Auto. 512-17. WONDERFUL BUY. 1282 Belmont st.. 5-room cottage, ga rage, corner, 50x124. Price reduced from $6000 to $3800 . for quick sale. $2300 will handle, or will take good building lot as part pavment. ROBNETT & McCLURE, REALTORS, 302 COUCH BLDG. BDWY. 6574. YOU HAVE YOUR BANKER, DOCTOR, DENTIST, LAWYER. LET US BE YOUR REALTOR. J. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE, 352 Ankeny, near Broadway. Broadway 2045. SUNNYSIDE On E. Taylor st., for $3600 with $1000 cash down, eirtra well built, good 6-room house; almost completely furnished, too. This is one of the biggest bargains listed. Let me show you-this. ,H. H. Staub. 1027 Bel mont Week phone. Tabor 0213. HOME BUILDING. Tf you contemplate owning a horns see our latest rioor plans and designs. Can help you finance. W. M. UMBDENSTOCK & CO. Built over 200 homes in Portland. 210 Oregon Bldg. Broadway 3658. 80 A.. N. W. OF Willamina, Yamhill county, county road, spring; $10 per acre., good land: terms. 70 a., N. of Sheridan, running water, bouse. 3. 500.000 feet of fine timber, $2.00, 5500 down, bal. per cent. J. Chamber of Commerce bldg. Seachreat $250 DOWN PAYMENT NOB HILL. 8 rooms housekeeping, dandy loca tion, rent only $32; good furniture, niro little home with income. faEE MSW TON. WITH WM A. HUGHES CORP. 505-6 Coiich Bldg. Bdwy. 0808. AWAY FROM THE CITY. 6-i oom house, bungalow type: near Columbia Park. Fine place for chil dren. Full basement, garage, cement floor. Full lot, fruit trees; exceedingly well-built house. Reasonable price. Terms. Hudson. Walnut 5044. VACANT WEST SIDE. 8 large rooms, attic. 2 sleeping porches, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, garage; 50x100. Love joy st. Make offer. Terms. T. O. BIRD. 526 CHAM. OF COM. AM LEAVING town and offering my beautitui o-room oungamw ror sale. Hardwood throughout, cabinet tub, built-ins. cement basement, garage; all Improvements made. Will sell furni ture. 510 E. 42d st. N. Ait. 315-0$. HAWTHORNE DTST. Just completed, 5-room bungalow, double constructed, oak floors, living and dining rooms, Dutch kitchen and breakfast nook. 2 -. large bedrooms and bath, all built-ins, cement basement, laundry trays, etc See owner, 322 B. 31st st. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. Livir g room 10x36, four bedrooms, glassed-in sleeping porch, hot water heat; on car line; easy walking dis- BROOKE. MAIN 4342. KENTON HOME. $150 DOWN. 4 rooms, plastered, electricity, gas, cement basement, sidewalks and sew ers in, 2 blocks to car. only $1G00. Owner, 801 Mississippi ave. Walnut 1201. FOR SALE BY OWNER. $4800- 6-room bungalow, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, cement base ment, garage. Immediate possession. 972 Brooklyn st. Phone Sellwood 2377; $500 down, balance like rent. MODERN 5-room bungalow on choice corner, 4 acre at the confluence of two improved highways; garage; near Multnomah, only $3750. BEN RIES LAND, 404 Piatt bldg., and my office on the blvd in charge of Mrs. McMahon. ALAMEDA DISTRICT. A real opportunity, new 5-room bun galow on corner lot; price $4250. $600 down. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. LAURELHURST CORNER, UNBELIEVABLE VALUE. 7-ROOM COLONIAL HOME. This property is going to be sold to a purchaser who wants either one or both lots and at a price that will sure ly mean that he has saved $3000. GOOD TERMS TO RESPONSIBLE BUYER. A general description of this prop erty will not do it justice, but an in spection will not obligate you in any way. and may mean that you have found a HOME. Office open today. DAVID HARP, MGR. R. T. STREET'S Sandy Blvd Office, 1150 Sandy Blvd., at 30th. Aut 320-04. ROSE CITY. ' $3500 A dandy little bunga low, all oak floors, fireplace, tapestry paper, ivory enamel, Dutch kitchen bktst. nook, ce ment basement, laundiry trays ; nearly new. Your own terms. Call at 1285 Fremont St. at 45th St N. Sun day. LAURELHURST RESIDENCE. $5500. New. modern, 5-room bungalow with large attic, hdw. floors, old ivory fin ish, fireplace, breaktast nook, ce ment basement, furnace, all built-ins, garage, etc. This is a real home in fine location; $1000 cash, balance like rent. Phone Bdwy. 7522. SERVICE. RELIABILITY. COE A.' McKENNA & CO., Established 1889. $250 DOWN. Mt. Tabor, South Slope. My mod.. 5-room bungalow has large, light living- and dining room with hardwood floors, fireplace, beautiful buffet, bookcase, Dutch kitchen, two large corner bedrooms and bath on first floor. Large attic, full cement basement with furnace and laundry trays. Corner lot. Price $4850, $250 cash, balance $20 month and interest, Gall owner, Broadway 6755. - J. L KARNOPP, 310 RY. EXCHANGE. LAURELHURST 7-ROOM BUNGALOW NEAR PARK $7T54J. Lot 100x100. Here ia yir oppor tunity to buy one of Laurelhurst's choice properties at an unusually low price. Nothing could be added to enhance its value. Oak floors throughout, tile bath, modern plumb ing, double garage. Someone will get a real buy.' A. G. TEEPE CO., (Two offices.) Tab. 0586 cr Tab. 3433. Open Sunday. ROSE CITY PARK. 530 E. 41st St. N. 4 rooms and bath downstairs, 2 rooms and sleeping porch up, another unfinished.; built-ins, French doors, ivory woodwork, full cement basement laundry trays, fireplace, furnace, large porch, vines, shrubs, big trees, grapes, trellis fence and pergola; garage and concrete driveway. $4'i50. terms. REAL care is used in the selection of our listings. Our salesmen specialize in districts, are competent to judge value and can take you to the type of house desired. A large listing to choose from. J. R. -HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE, 352 Ankeny, near Bdwy. Bdwy.2045. 1347 Union N. Walnut 0621. PORTLAND HEIGHTS SNAP Modern, well-built 7-room. house, 4 bedrooms, each with 2 windows, giv ing cross ventilation, hardwood floors, white woodwork; level lot, hard-surface street. 2 blocks car. $1000 down and $50 per montji. Will rent for more. BROOKE. MAIN 4342, - $500 DOWN ON ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Only $500 down on 5-room mode Rose City bungalow and garage, in best Iccality. All built-ins. fireplace, built in buffet and full basement . Now making special price of $4500, $500 down, bal. like rent. Be sure and see this. Call Main 2451. STSNNYSIDE bargain, never seen any thing like it before, $4500, 1-3 cash down, bal. at 6 per cent ; very good modern 7-room house with garage, in best location on Belmont st. House alone worth $5000. See this. H. H. Staub, 1027 Belmont st. Week phone, Tabor 0219. ROSE CITY. You can't afford to overlook this: 5 rooms, hardwood floors, full attic, furl basement, furnace, fireplace, built in bookcases, buffet, builtlns in break fast nook, Dutch kitchen, garage, a corner with lawn in, block from ca r 11 n e. Tabor 53 19 , Bdwy. 5 9 3 1. INSUEEi your real estate investment a large-listing personally inspected by com petent salesmen who specialize in districts and are qualified to judge values. Let us be your realtor. J. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE, 352 Ankeny, near Broadway. Bdwy. 2045. IF YOU want to live reasonably beat the rent own a modern, new bunga low and can make a payment of $500, call the owner at Tabor 82S2. This place is priced, so that you should make several hundred dollars In six months or a year. 12-ROOM HOUSE. Located at 651 Kearney st, near 20th; 50x100 lot, steam heat, triple plumbing, excellent arrangement, in best of condition ; rents for $150 per month. For price and terms phon Tabor 8892. CAN YOU BEAT IT? $4100, $500' handles, this dandy Rose Ci ty bungalow, 2 bedrooms, combina tion living and dining room, white Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, bath, fireplace, floored attic, garage. Call owner. Tabor 2500. 5-ROOM FURNISHED BUNGALOW. Nicely furnished 5-room bungalow and garage with full cement basement and furnace; lot 50x100, all paved, 1 :lock from Mississippi car line. $500 down will handle and bal. like rent. Price only $5300. Call Main 2151. WHITE TEMPLE TRADE, 11 rooms housekeeping, walking dis tance, netting $65 and . cozy 2 -room apartment for self; will take flat or small house. SEE NEWTON. WITH WM A. HUGHES CORP. 505-6 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6S08. NEW HOUSE on corner lot. Ladds addition. Close in. Five rooms and breakfast nook. Tapestry papered and ivory finish ; hardwood floors, fire place, dan' bathroom, floored attic, tile sink, pi pel ess furnace and garage. 671 Ladd avenue. MISSOURI home for sale, about three acres, new 5-room house, fruit, hen house, garage, barn, one mile from St. Joseph, near electric line, $5000, or might trade. R. V. Huffman. R. 2, box 263, St. Joseph. Mo. $2000 TAKES 70x143 feet of ground fac ing on improved city highway and street car line, covered with fruit, ber ries, grapes. A modern 4-room house, t A wonderful ,buy at the price. Full particulars at 404 Piatt bldg. VACANT WALKING DISTANCE. 7-room house. East Taylor st. rear 14th, furnace, fireplace, 50x100, large attic, only $4750. terms. OWner non resident. Broadway 6011. T. O. BIRD, 526 CHAM. OF COM. $1000 DOWN. I want to show yo one of the nicest bungalows below the hill in the Rose City Park district. It has all the latest built-ins. Call East 3717. $250 EX-SERVICE MEN $250. $250 down places you In possession of beautiful modern Alameda bunga low. Price $4500 and your state loan already arrange d for. Aut. 512-17. HAVE $10,000 CASH. WANT INCOME, WEST SIDE. Flats or business property. Must b bargain. Broadway 6011. . T. O. BIRD. 526 CHAM. OF COM. 1085 MONTANA AVE., corner Sumner St., 6-room house, close to car. barns, near Jefferson high school, 60xl00-foot lot; must sell, terms. FOR SALE 453 East 8th st.t large cor ner lot, 6-room bungalow, newly dec orated, full size basement; will be sold cheap. Owner on premises. 5-ROOM cottage, partly furnished, Lents; acre ground, bungalow; near Milwau kie; farm 30 acres, suitable for dairy. Phone Mil wan kie 44 Y. FOR SALE by owner, modern 5-room bungalow and garage: $500 cash, $41. per month, including interest; bar gain . Phone Garfield 013 0. CHEAP home or investment, 3-room house; all improvements, sidewalk paid; 3 blocks to car; $700. terms. Aut, 631-57. G. Salmon, Lents. NEW modern 5-room bungalow in Haw thorne district ; small payment down to responsible party; no agents. Ownr, Tabor 5521. 6-ROOM house on west s.lope of Mount Tabor, racing improved street, an im provements in and paid for; garage. Only i:d,u. uaii aiain uoau. WOULD you buy a modern bung. ? Mt Tabor dist., on car line, to be paid for at $55 per month, no initial payment down. Tabor au4. FOR SALE by owner, new bungalow, modern, 4 rooms and breakfast nook; near school and car. 1437 East 6tb st. Kortb. Woodla-wn car. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. W .OPEN TODAY (Sunday) ' BRIDE'S PARADISE NEW VACANT! BUNGALOW OF A NEW ERA! THE MOST BEAUTIFUL, UNIQUE home ever constructed in PORTLAND! Environment that ia uneg.ualed. Among mansions of the $20,000 CLASS. Only $5500 $750 Down Rest Less Than RenU DESCRIPTION: , 877 DUNCKLEY AVENUE, half block west of Broadway car. Picturesque stonetone stucco of PURE ENGLISH DESIGN from the cunning brass knocker on the front door to the Queen Anne fur nished breakfast room within. Large combination living and dining room. 23x12 across the front with art brick fireplace; exquisite Tiffany light fix tures, side brackets, hardwood f ioors, walnut casings, doors, woodwork and French windows throughout: two bed rooms with closets and bath between. Dutch kitchen in ivory enamel; lattice back porch; cement basement with pipeless furnace. THE LANDSCAPE ARTIST has just finished the grounds, and they are lovely with rare im ported and native shrubs, etc., for al) year blooming; garage. CAN you im agine all this for only $5500 and such easy terms. Will be open TODAY from 1:30 until 3 P. M. $16.000 A MAGN1FICIENT new home, created by one of Portland's master builders includes among other superi orities, hot water heat, two fireplaces, two tile baths on second floor, very large living room with windows three sides, on an open corner, double gar age, stunning stucco construction, fin ished throughout in. the most costly and harmonious detail ; conservativeiy priced, and if you will ever own a trood home see this by appointment phone my agent, R. T. . Street, Better Homes Realtor. $4500 FOR QUICK SALE. Hot w,ter heat, 6-room modern home located on a wide paved st. in a dist. of good homes on East 35th st. Living and dinine: rooms full length of houso with windows on three side;-, large light kitchen; lots of built-ins. extra toilet downstairs, 3 light airy bed rooms, bath and sleeping porch with heated dressing room upstairs. $6O0 cash will handle. Phone Mr. Morse, Sunday and Monday, Main 1765. 033 N. W. Bank bldg. BARGAIN!! $5500 $1000 DOWN. NEW ATTRACTIVE B UNO ALOW ON THE SLOPE OF MT. TA BOR. FIVE LARGE ROOMS AND, ATTIC; ALL HDWD. FLOORS, TILE BATH ROOM. RECESS TUB, ELABORATE DUTCH KITCHEN, TILE DRAIN BOARD; BREAKFAST NOOK, GA RAGE AND FURNACE. ST. TMPS. IN AND PAID. WE INVITE . YOUR INSPECTION. R. SOME RJV1L,MN37L LAURFLHURST 6-ROOM BUNGALOW NEAR PARK, DOUBLE GARAGE. $6500. Ultra modern. Hardwood floors throughout, tilo bath, recessed tub. pedestal stand, French doors, expen sive tapestry paper, rich old ivory finish throughout. A reai buy. Terms. Inspect. A. G. TEEPE CO., (Two offices.) Tab. 95S6 or Tab. 3433. Open Sunday. $3700. $500 Down WrOODSTOCK $500 Down. Lovely 6-rm. cement block bung., liv rm., din. rm., kit., 3 bedrms. and bath; on 100x100 lot; new furnace, laundry trays; 2 chicken coops; all newly pa pered; considerable amount of shrub bery: only 100 ft. from car. H. W. OSBORNE- CO., REALTORS, 432 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Open Eves, and Sun. Bdwy. 2641. $7000 NEW ENGLISH COLONIAL. LAURELHURST. (3 BEDROOMS.) One of those beautiful, new, 2-story, English colonial homes, with its long, steep roof, six large rooms, elaborate tile bathroom, recess tub, handy Dutch kitchen, nook, garage and fur nace. Fine location. Liberal terms. R. SOMERVILLB. "MAIN 3761. LAURELHURST. New 5-room bungalow with break fast nook, front room 15x26, plateglass windows, hardwood floors throughout, costly plumbing, tile bath and drain board. Fox furnace, light fixtures, win dow shades, solid runway and garage, ready to occupy; 144 E. 43d st. N., half block north of Glisan; open from 2 to a. Herman Nelson, owner, wainuL int $7900 OWNER leaving, offers big value in 75x100 and modern home, built for owner's home with oak floors throughout, two fireplaces, 3 or 4 bed rooms and sJpg. porch and fine attic; most desirably located, vicinity 22A and Tillamook; wonderful yard of fruit and flowers; quick possession; easy terms . R. T. Street, Better Homes Realtor. $4 5o T E R M S $ o 0O DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. . Five rooms, large living room, fire place furnace, hardwood floors, break fast nook, ejectric fixtures, window shades, tapestry paper. 741 L. 03d N. Owner on premises, daily. t THIS BEATS BUILDING. $5500 Cozy Irvington-Alameda, 5 nn. bungalow and garage; convenient to school, stores and car; living rm.. Ivory finish, tapestry paper, oak floors, firepl., bookcases, cement basement. Bovnton furnace, large break, nook; immediate possession; terms; or big discount for cash, R. T. Street Better Homes Realtor. rtT BITY IN ROSE CITY PARK. Beautiful strictly modern 7-room home; well built Hne condition, fire place, hdw. floors, furnace, etc.; nearly 2 ilote fine lawu, shrubbery and grove of trees; large garage: choice location; street paved and paid; owner leaving city m-ust be sold this week; terms. Tabor 6"V59. . YOU HAVE YOUR BANKER, DOCTOR, DENTIST, LAWYER. LET US BE YOUR REALTOR. J. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE. 352 Ankeny, near Broadway. Bdwy. 2045. $2000 ATTRACTIVE small house and tri ra.iTA Mill! Ver UKU. 1" i can ivlcu district; on pavement; one block from river, near car, ciowe m , n v uiS i uum, bedroom, breakfast nook, kitchenette, whrruvm nd closet, lots of built-ins, fi replace, etc.; sacrifice; must have $500 caMi. wnnKUM new 7-room house, never oc cupied, ana .-acre iraci oi iau. on Alberta and 38th street. $8500. If less ground is desired price reduced In proportion. Oregon Investment & Mortgage Co. 210 Exchange Bldg., 2d & Stark. IRVINGTON ELEGANT HOME, costly construction, hot-water heat, 2 baths, . f i rpni a ees ba! Iroom. Ivory and ma hogany finish; In fact. JUST ABOUT PERFECT ; yours lor mucn less tnan cot to duplicate. Neuliausen & Co. Realtors, 1030 N. W. Bank Bldg. NEW E. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. rtEift fi-rm. bungalow, corner lot k floors, firepl.. furnace, full basement, bkfst nook. bedr. and bath down. 2 up; just belns finished for a home; owner will sell at cost. See my agent. R. T. Street, Keauor. ATTRACTIVE 4-room bungalow, on Ter wmiiypr hlvd.. near Multnomah sta tion: finished In ivory with Dutch Uitchen. inlaid linoleum, gaa furnace. water heater and range; will accept light car or good city lot as urst paj ment. Owner. Main 21110. IRVIN5TOK SACRIFICE Ideal home for doctor or professional man; spa cious rooms, living room and library have fireplaces, y Datnrooms -i uuui, oak floors, garage; near 22d and Tilla mook. Neuhausen & Co. $31)50 5-ROOM modern bungalow, fire Upe built-ins. furnace, Dutch kitchen inlaid linoleum, floored attic, laundry trays. nice porches; on paved street, 2 blocks from car line; 12S-ft. lot; easy terms. Phone M-8J. FOR SALE by owner, 5-room house. S lots, with 24 choice bearing fruit trees, Bellingham, Wash.; small payment down ; or will take automobile or piano as first payment. 'or particulars, At' water KM1, 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. PHONE us to show you the beautiful hiine-alows and colonials for sale in Irvington, Alameda. Laureihurst, Rose Citv Park. Naturally, we have them listed. R. T. Street, Better Homes . Realtor. IRVINiiTON BUNGALOW SNAP. Owner paid $750; left city; sell for $WoO. terms; attractive large room; oak floors, ivory imin, iirepiace, ga rage. Neuhausen &. Co. Main 8078. East R-ROOM -bungalow; a bargain to the right party. This is a complete modern house; 4 blocks from school and 2 blocks from car; m line district, uau Sunday at 6S E. 43d st. N. Later, phone Auto. 643-7-'. 5-ROOM house, 50x100 lot. fruit and ber ries: cheap if taken at once; payments onlv SI5 and 6 per cent interest: good street, 1 block to car. Phone Sellwood 2140. 54 - ACRE. Kenton district. 3-room cot tage: hennery for 400 chickens, S2200. terms. Bdwy. 7672. McParland, 208 Falling bldg. , $10CvO TAKES a small new house on Vk acre of ground, close to Multnomah. Easy terms. Main 6039. FTTR MISHED house of 11 rooms for Sale good bargain. 388 Everett st. Bdwy. 5535. SEMI-MODERN 9-room house, walking distance, east siae; reasonable. Terms. 403 Railway fcxenange. FOR SALE by owner, 6-room house and garage; large lot, improvements all In; also furniture; In Irvington. Call 321-43. 4-ROOM bungalow: near red cars; easy ternu. East 6329. REAL ESTATE. For &nle Ho lines. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW DE LUXE. 7 big beautiful rooms. Finished m white and rich old ivory, tastily dec orated with tapestry paper. One of the most distinctive homes in the dis trict and just a few steps from the park. Hardwood floors throughout and many other ati native feature that an inspection will demonstrate the true value. To be shown by ap pointment onfy. DAVID HARP, Mgr. R. T. STREET'S Sandy Blvd Office. 1150 Sandy Blvd., at 30th. Aut. 320-04. Office Open Tuday. LAURELHURST. FACING BEAUTIFUL SANDY BLTD. NO. 1064 SANDY BLVD. JUST COMPLETED EXCEPTING FLOORS. -First time offered, that beautiful 5-room bungalow with garage so many have admired while passing, hard wood floors throughout, plate-glass front windows, elegant 7-foot beveled plate buffet, full cement basement. Fox furnace, recess tub. tiled drain boards, pearl gray finish and tapestry paper, elegant fixtures; this is a real home, with very finest material and first-class workmanship; inspection in vi t ed. Open S u n day a f ternoon. PHONE OWNER. AUTO. 310-73. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. New English stucco: refined, distinc tive, exclusive district bordering City Park. Includes living room, dinine1 room, entry hall, lavatory, kitchen and garage. 3 bedrooms and bath, maid's room, lavatory and shower, laundry and furnace; house thoroughly con structed, complete to every detail; ia lifjht, compact and convenient; gas fur- nace, between Vista ave. and Ardmorft on West Madison. THE II AC LE AY ESTATE CO., D. M. DRAKE. - ! Constructor and Agent. Bdwy, 2478. 313 U. S Bank Bldg. NEW ALAMEDA BUNGALOW. $500 CASH. PRICE $5200. 5 rooms, attic, breakfast nook, furnace, fireplace, fine built-ins. tapestry paper, ivory finish, Dutch kitchen, oak floors; is in excel lent location, corner lot. Is a buv at price asked. Bdwy, 2045. Tabor 0178. YOUR NEW COLONIAL HOME? At a sacrifice price, in the best part of Alameda, among stately firs audi, beautiful homes. Corner lot, center entrance, big living room, bedroomi above same size, also has fireplace, sunroom, breakfast room, tile bath, 3 sleeping porches, double garage, price reduced 11500 today to $0000 on easy terms, puts this splendid home clear of anything in Portland. R. T. Street Better Homes Realtor. New seven-room; breakfast and bath; two-story home on large corner lot. 6.1x110; sewer and pavement: everything modern and up to .date; nice double constructed garage; new shades and curtains go with house; owner has occupied six months since completed; if you are looking for a bargain, here it is: price $7000. Call OW IUT. vvamui. ".-.ot. GREENWOOD AVE. NEAR WAVE. HTS. ?r.0 down nuys in is moaern oung., comb, living and dining rms.. 2 largt bedrooms.. large Dutch kit., hardwood floors., furnace, full cement basement, laun. trays in kit. and basement. Beau tiful 50xPH) lot. close to car, paved st Price $3400, $550 down, bal. $25 and int. H. W. OSBORNE CO.. REALTORS, 432 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Open Eves, and Sun. Bdwy. 2641. T.A UR i.:lhurkt. $6350 NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW WITH HDWD. FLOORS THROUGH OUT; ELABORATE BATHROOM, WITH RECESS TUB AND SHOWER; ATTIC. OARAGE AND FURNACE; EVERY CONVENIENCE; FINE LO CATION: WILL TAKE A GOOD LOT AS FIRST PAYMENT OR SMALL CASH PAYMENT, BAL. LIKE RENT. R. SOMERVILLE. MAIN 3761. TODAY'S SPECIAL $5800 Owner built "right" 8 year ago; a "home," thoroughly modern, E. Irvington, s. w. from Fernwood school and new high school: 1 real bedr. on first floor with toilet and lavatory, 4 bedrms. on second, fine big attic; very desirable; terms. R. T. Street, Better Homes Realtor. WEST SIDE CLOSE-IN. 6-ROOM HOUSE, $500 CASH. Nine blocks from postoffiee. Hera is real value, 50x100 lot. is worth mora than price asked for house and lot. Price $5000. Bdwy. 2045, Sunday Main 3062. , IRVINGTON $8000 ivory colonial 3 bedrs. on 2nd, one is double size; tile bath, large sunrm. off largo living room, breakfast room, like new, and most 'beautiful throughout and pric-j trimmed down an extra thousand to day because owner left State this week, wife waiting to sell. R. T. Street. Better Homes Realtor . YOU HAVE YOUR BANKER, DOCTOR, DENTIST. LAWYER. LET US BE YOUR REALTOR. J. R. HAIGHT FOR REAL ESTATE. 352 Ankeny, near Broadway. Bdwy. 204,1. IRVINGTON COLONIAL. BEAUTIFUL, NEW. 10-ROOM CO LONIAL ON ONE OF THE FINEST CORNERS IN THIS DISTRICT; TWO BATHROOMS. TWO FIREPLACES. DOUBLE GARAGE, HOT - WATHR HEATING SYSTEM; PRICED RIGHT. R. SOMERVILLE, MAIN 3761. NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH. A classy Calif, apt. bungalow; every thing built in and up-to-date. Owner" wants to go to Cal. for health, causa for selling. This was built for a homo and never lived In; $5U0 will handla. wt a4. NEW 3-rm. colonial house. double con- StrUUieu, tivms t-J. a- place, electric candles; Dutch kitchen.- cement ufi.-cmcu i, uQu.... . ...... shrubs. This was built for a home. 4SI20 82d St. S. E. Phone 643-72. IRVINGTON Holladay; fine comfort-i able home, Clackamas street; 4 lovely! large rooms down, 4 up; sleeping porch- ideal for family. latest finish, oak floors. PRICED RIGHT. Nu bausen & Co. Main 8078. East "IRVINGTON CORNER BUNGALOW. Block from car; $5850. terms; & bis rooms, attic, garage, oak floors, fire place, breakfast nook. Neuhausen & Co.. Main S078. East 034. "FT A WTHORNE7"" S!x-room house with oak floors, fuU cement basement, Gasco furnace, ga rage, 45x100 lot; a snap: tip-top shaps. Price $47u0. Taoor TRVTNGTO'N BARGAIN.. Attractive home near 23d and Bra zee; center hall, oak floors, sunroom. sleeping porch; $7500. easy terms. ieu hausen & Co. Main 8Q78. IRVINGTON HOUSES AND LOTS OUR SPECIALTY. BEFORE YOU BUY OR SELL SEW NEUHAUSEN & CO., REALTORS. 1036 N. W. BANK BLDG. $6000 SIGHTLY six-room house with sleeping porch. A real home. Lot 50x148. Fruit trees, garage; west slope, of Mt. Tabor. 3 E. fllst St. Easy, tr rms. Tabor 7775. IRVINGTON COLONIAL SNAP. 6 loveiv rooms: sunroom. oak floors ivory finish, gas furnace, garage, $8500. terms. Neuhausen & Co. Main 8078, East 0394 FOR SALE, by owner, 4-room bungalow with breakfast nook and bat'Vi; one half acre of ground; modern. Price $3200, $400 cash will handle. Aut. 646 80. . AX.AMBDA PARK BARGAIN block; to car, south facing; fine view; all larg roomis, oak floors; double garage; SlOti cash, balance monthly. Neuhausen & Co. Main 8078. East 03'.'4. IRVINGTON FINE HOME, sell or rent! East 16th, near Brazee. All in perfect repair. 493 E. 15th St. N. Phone Neuhausen & Co. Main 8078. Easo 0304. SNAP In Laureihurst. beautiful horn site on Laureihurst ave.. between Im perial and Buena Vista aves., lot 7, block 5. Inquire of owner, Bdwy. 7744; price $1250. worth $2500. . 8-ROOM house for sale by owner, lot 100x100. large variety all kinds fruit; $5O0 will handle. Price $3500. Tabor 0172. 5 E. 76th St. 6. IRVINGTON choice corner colonial, like: new: at low price; will accept smallec home in exchange. R. T. Street, Bet ter Homes Realtor. MOVING from city; will sell my 7-room modern home; easy terms; take auto u.rt T. I. Robinson. 520 E. 12th St. N. Phone East 7076. ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW. SNAP, New. artistic, well built: priced right: see for yourself. Neuhausen & Co.. Main SOTS. East 0304. IF YOU want a bargain in a 5 or room bungalow in Laureihurst call Aut 621-91. $2250 7-ROOM house, E. Oak St.. 50x101) lot. Mt. Tabor cars, terms. Bdwy. 7672. McFarland, 208 Failing bldg. HAVE plans for house from $2000 up to) $3500, Rector & Piercy, 818 Henry f