The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 12, 1922, Section One, Image 1

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OV a 6 1821
Section One
Ptfgtfs 1 to 24
lOO Pages
ZifeA Sections .
Entered at Portland Oregon
Potofflce as Second-class Mittr
Tidal Waves Roin Cities;
Hundreds Peristi.
Many Buildings Overturned
and Telegraphic Commu
nications Cut Off.
Japanese Inhabitants Flee
in Panic From Affected
. Area Near Hilo Bay.
One hundred persons killed
In Copiapo, capital of province
of Atacama. Many are in
jured. Buildings overturned.
One hundred drowned by
tidal wave at Coquimbo.
Seventy dead and 50 injured
at Loquimbo. Business dis
trict destroyed..
Five thousand left homeless.
Homes destroyed in Antofa
gasta. Tidal wave inundates
part of city.
Commercial section of Cha
naral swept by waves, and
buildings wrecked. City vir
tually abandoned.
Communication with Santi
ago, Valparaiso and southern
Chile interrupted.
Affected areas in need of
COQUniBO, ov. 11. (By the
Associated Press.) One hundred
persons were drowned here when a
tidal wave, coming after the earth
quake, swept in with a great ronr.
The inhabitants were panic-stTlcken
and ran to the hills. The advance
of the leswaH accompanied by elee
trlcal discharges.
ANTOFAGASTA, Chile, Nov. 11.
(By the Associated Press.) Up-1
wards of 100 persons were killed
and many seriously wounded by
an earthquake which overturned
many buildings- early this morning
In Copiapo, capital of the province
of Atacama.
The first shocks were felt in
Antofagasta city a few minutes be
fore midnight last night. These
were prolonged and very severe.
The citizens were greatly alarmed
and almost immediately the tele
graphic lines that connect the north
with the south were broken.
Tidal Wave Inundates City.
1 About 1:30 this morning a tidal
wave inundated Part of the city,
flooding scores of buildings close
to the beach. The radio station
was completely flooded and the
waters cut away the radio ma
chines, surging for more than a
mile over the dunes. Then soon
the waters abated several hundred
Alarms were sounded by the
.maritime authorities and firemen
and workmen were called out to
assist various craft from their
dangerous positions, save quanti-
( Concluded on Page 4. Column 4.)
UT,;""EJ?VO ? ISI W yf 7AtCHOOVroBK-yooW0- ' US-AGAl " CiSUteBEABWlWlt:
FOR $500,000 CANVAS. .
Ownership Is Claimed by Los
Angeles Woman, Who Dis
posed of It for $100.
OGDENSBURG, N. Y., Nov. 11.
A missing painting by Claude Lor
raine, seventeenth century artist,
said to be valued at $600,000 and for
which a search has been made for
years, was discovered today in the
recreation room of the Knights of
Columbus home here. The building
formerly was the residence of Mrs.
W. J. Averill, stepmother of Mrs.
E. H. Harriman, widow of the rail
road financier.
The painting called "The Port of
Messina" is said to have" been the
property of Bertha Ettinson, a native
of Russia and for several years a
nurse at Philadelphia and Los Ange
les, to whom it was given by an
artist in Russia. Miss Ettinzon, it
is understood, was ignorant of the
v lue of the painting and sold it to
an art dealer in Los Angeles for
$100. The purchaser discovered its
worth and liad it insured for $500,
000. When Mrs. Averill sold her home
to the Knights of Columbus the
painting was included in the sale.
At the time she was reported to
have said the canvas was wcrth
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Nov. 11. The
painting. "The Port of Messina,"
ownership of which was claimed by
Miss Bertha Ettinzon, was placed in
a safe deposit vault in a local bank
about two months ago, when Miss
Ettinzon began suit for its posses
sion, under a court order.
Persons interested' in the proceed
ings said today they presumed it
was still there, and were at a loss
to explain th reported discovery of
the painting at Ogdensburg, N. Y.
Valuables Placed in Paris Bank;
V. S. Insurance Sought.
(Chicago Tribune Foreign News Service.
Copyright, 191'2. by the Chicago Tribune.)
HAVRE, France, Nov. 1L It is
rumored that the pope's jewels have
been taken from Rome and are now
in Morgan Harjes bank in Paris.
A confidential man of the pope,
whose name is unknown, arrived in
Havre with M. Biquillon of Morgan
Harjes bank, and sailed, on the Paris
for America, to obfain the best pos
sible insurance on the jewels. The
French are not offering sufficient
security, it was stated.
SUms MacSwiney Keeps l"p Fast
in Dublin Prison.
DUBLIN, Nov. 11. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) Mrs. 6'Rahilly and
three other women prisoners, who
have been on hunger strike out of
sympathy with Mary MacSwiney,
took food today.
One of them having collapsed,
Miss MacSwiney urged the women
not to continue their fast.' Miss
MacSwiney, however, refused to ac
cept food. Today was the eighth
day of her strike.
Childs Grounds Off Montauk, but
Later Releases Itself.
NEW YORK, Nov. 11. The de
stroyer Childs went aground off
Montauk point on Long island, early
today. She reported by radio that
she was in no immediate danger and
probably would get off without as
sistance. The Childs freed herself later and
proceeded under her own power to
the Brooklyn navy yard. She had
sprung a leak forward. But -as said
not to be badly damaged.
Rains Latter Part of Week, Nor-
mal Temperatures Forecast.
Weather outlook for the week be
ginning today was:
Pacific states Generally fair, ex
cept for rains the middle and latter
part of the week in Washington
and Oregon; temperature normal on
the coast and below normal in the
Carriers' Proposal -for
Reduction Vetoed.
Railway Interests 'Guarded
Against Their
Interstate Commission Insists on
Reasonably Compensatory
Rates for Western Roads.
Washington, D. C-, Nov. 11. Trans
continental railroads were today
denied authority by the interstate
commerce commission to reduce
rates on traffic originating east of
the Rocky mountains, or destined
ther :or, to or from Pacifio coast
terminals for the purpose of meet
ing water competition. The com
mission held that the amended
fourth section of the commerce act
made it mandatory on the commis
sion to deny any tariff changes
which did not assure reasonably
compensatory rates to the carriers.
The railroads, the commission
said, had failed to prove that the
rates proposed to compete with the
ocean carriers would be reasonably
compensatory. The commission also
saw in the proposed rate change a
violation of section 3 of the com
merce act, which provides that
there must be no discrimination be
tween shippers. The effect of the
decision is to leave the present
rates to and from the Pacific coast
Dissenting Opinions Filed.
Commissioner Meyer concurred in
the main findings of the commis
sion, but, supported by Commission
ers Esch and Lewis, dissented as to
the violation of section 3. Commis
sioner Campbell concurred in the
denial of the applications but filed
a dissenting opinion, asserting that
the commission had not recognized
the full intent of. Congress in the
enactment of the reasonably com
pensatory provision. Commissioner
Aitcheson, with Commissioner Pot
ter, dissented from the decision in
sofar as it denied the westbound
applications of the carriers ' for
relief under the fourth section.
Recognition is given by the com
mission to the provision of the
transportation act of 1920, section
500. which, the ruling points out,
indicates the purpose of congress
"to promote, encourage and develop
water transportation service and
utilities in connection with the
commerce of the United States, and
to foster and preserve in full vigor
both rail and water transportation."
Law Feature Interpreted.
Interpreting the reasonably com
pensatory provision of the amended
fourth section, the commission said:
"These proceedings comprise
fourth section applications of the
transcontinental lines proposing to
establish from and to the Pacific
coast terminals lower rates than are
in effect to tnd from intermediate
points on traffic having origin or
destination In the so-called defined
territories lying, roughly speaking,
east of the Rocky mountains.
"The Pacific coast terminals in
question are ports ot call in Cali
fornia, Oregon, Washington and
British Columbia for steamships ply
ing between those ports on-the one
hand and Atlantic and gulf ports
on the other, through the Panama
canal. The intermediate territory,
hereinafter referred to as inter
mountain territory, embraces such
typical points as Spokane, Wash.,
Reno, Nev., Salt Lake City, Utah,
and Phoenix, Ariz. On many com
modities he intermediate territory
extends east of Helena, Mont., Den
ver. Colo., Albuquerque, N. M., and
El Paso, Texas.
"The proposed reduced rates are
(Concluded on Pasre 7. Column X.)
Country Declared to Have Stood
Still Since Armistice and Not
to Have Assured Peace.
(By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.)
Ex-President Woodrow Wilson em
barked today on his long-expected
"come-back" voyage.
Elated by the results of Tuesday's
election and improved in health, the
ex-president, by letter' and by word
of mouth, made it plain that he is
ready again to present a bid for
leadership of the democratic party
and dictation of its .policies in the
1924 campaign.
That he is seeking to revive the
league of nations as an issue in the
United States and to name a candi
date who can win on a league plat
form was believed to be clearly in
dicated in an address which he de
livered to a crowd of 5000 admirers
who gathered before his S-street
heme in celebration of Armistice day
and in a letter which he wrote to
Senator Caraway, Arkansas, one of
the democratic leaders in the senate.
With something of his old-time
manner, if not of vigor, he assailed
the republican senate, flaying "puny
minds" who are "standing in the
way. of justice" and criticising it
sharply for failing to bring about
the establishment of a permanent
world peace. He spoke firmly and
in a well-modulated voice, but the
evidences of his long illness were
(Concluded on Page 18, Column 4.)
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature,
54 degrees; minimum, 43 degrees.
TODAY'S Fair; northeasterly winds.
Editorial. Section 3, page 8.
Dramatic. Section 4, page 6.
Moving picture news. Section 4, page 1. J
Real eatate and, building news. Section I
4, page 10.
Churches. Section o, page 2.
Books. Section 5, page 3.
Schools. Section 5, page 8.
Automobiles. Section 6.
Music Section 4, page 5.
Garden. Section 5, page 10.
.Radio. Section 5, page 9.
Women's Features.
Society. Section 8, page 1.
Women's activities. Section 3, page 10.
Fashions. Section 5. page 4.
Madame Richet'a column. Section 5,
page 4.
Miss Tingle's column. Section 3, page 7.
Auction bridge. Section 3, page 7.
'Special Features.
The house dedicated to ghosts. Magazine
section, page 1.
World's attention turns to arms- Maga
zine section, page 2.
Live news from Abraham's old home
town. Magazine section, page 3.
W hen South American marriages meet
northern perils. Magazine section,
page 4.
"Cheek" fiction feature. Magazine sec
tion, page 5.
News of world as seen by camera. Maga
zine section, page 6.
Bill's cartoons "Aniong Us Mortals."
Magazine section, page 7, t
Gold in gravel grabbed by dredges. Maga
zine section, page 8.
The best meal I ever ate. Magazine sec
tion, page 9.
Elg walnut tree is pride of Browns
ville. Section 3, page 7.
Masterpiece bust gift to Roswell Dosch's
parents. Section 3, page 9.
Title prize awarded. Section 3, page 11.
Oregon mounds indicate race of fire
worshippers. Section 3, page 11.
Livestock exposition awards. Section 4,
page 8. (
"Married Life of Helen and Warren."
Section 4, page 9.
L. C. Henrichsen Is pioneer jeweler. Sec
tion 4, page 11.
Roosevelt statue marvelous piece of art.
Section 5, page 1.
Page of views of prize winners at stock
show. Section 5, page 6.
Famous women. Section 5, page 10.
Darling's cartoons on topics of the day.
Section 5, page 11.
Tardieu declares American elections
hasten - crisis in France. Section 1,
Page 3.
Mustapha Kenral worrying French. Sec
tion 1, page 2.
Earthquake kills 100 in Chil towns.
Section 1, page L
All Brazil kept und"er martial law. Sec
tion 1, page 8.
French and British leadeers in confab
. over powder magazine. Section 1.
page 18.
President honors unknown soldier. Sec
tion 1, page 9.
Stocks reduced by rush to buy. Section
-1, . page. 8. . , .
Senator Smoot says election has made
modification of prohibition national
issue. Section 1,. page 3.
Kate cut asked by roads denied by inter
state commerce commission. Section
1, page 1.
Woodrow Wilson attacks "puny persons"
of senate, in Armistice day speech.
Section 1, page 1.
Women demand equal rights' for all' and
special privileges for none. Section
1, page 1.
Laborer Is Jailed on Manslaugh
ter Charge Under $5000 Ball; '
Carriage Saves Baby.
Mrs. Minnie Phillips, 30, mother
of two small children, was struck
down and killed and her 11-months-old
son Kenneth thrown, from his
baby buggy and bruised by an auto
mobile driven by Matt Pauletich.
laborer, at the intersection- of S'x
teenth and Kearney streets yester
day. Pauletich, who lives at 592
Overton street, was lodged in the
city Jail on a manslaughter charge
under $5000 bail.
At the wheel of a small car going
south on Sixteenth street he swerved
sharply to the left to avoid striking
another machine speeding west on
Kearney street. His machine struck
the mother and child, who were part
way across the street. Mrs. PHilllps i
was thrown a distanc.e of 32 teet
by the impact of the machine wh:ch,
traffic officers and Pauletich both
say was not going more than 20
miles an hour.
W i""ner chest crushed and body
bruised, Mrs. Phillips died three
minutes later on her way to Good
Samaritan hospital without ever
knowing whether or not the child
whom she had taken for an after
noon airing had survived the crash.
The boy was taken from the wreck
age of his baby buggy, which had
protected him from the machine,
(Concluded on Pago 4, Column 5.)
Election starts presidential campaign
for 1924. Section 1, page 4.
Amnesty parade held in Washington,
D. C. Section 1, page 16.
Suspected church slayer identified. Sec
tion 1, page 16.
Secrets told by spirit mediums. Section
1, page 5.
National civic federation urges strong
army and navy. Section 1, page 2.
Pacific Northwest.
Liquidations show increase in state,
Section 1, page 23.
Community memorial building at New--
berg, Or.,"aedicated at Armistice day
ceremonies. Section 1, page 10.
Cut in auto fees to be proposed. Section
1, page 9.
Washington state administrative code
results in sweeping economies. Sec
tion 1, page 8.
Independence of Senator-elect Dill
chills democratic victory in Wash
ington state. Section 1, page 8.
' ' Sports. .. "
Swimming is key to saving drowning
persons. Section 2, page 6.
Jack Dod protege of Farmer Barns,
Section 1, page 5.
Franklin high defeats Jefferson in spec
tacular gridiron game. Section 2,
page 4.
Dr. S. C. Slocum wins flag tournament
at Wavertey Golf club. Section 2,
page 3. .
Home-run champ of National league is
dead. Section 2, page 3.
Sailor King says jaw is like cast Iron.
Section 2, page 3.
Olympics defeat Multnomah club, 21-9.
Section 2, page 2.
Harvard is whipped by Princeton, 10
to 3. Section 2, page 2.
Pullman crushed by Oregon, 13-0. Sec
tion 2, page 1.
Commercial and Marine.
All potato markets affected by large
crop. Section 1, page 22.
New York bonds weaken with heavy sell
ing. Section 1, page 23.
Decline .of stocks and advance of ex
change rates puzzle Wall street. Sec
tion 1, page 23.
Changes in bond quotations for week
show no definite trend. Section i,
page 23.
McCormick craft to fly one flag. Section
t, page 22.
Columbia river lumber trade with South
American on increase. Section 1,
page 22.
United States chamber's support of pri
vate lines stirs Portland shippers.
Section 1, page 22.
Portland and Vicinity.
1!I23 city activities await action of tax
supervising commission. Section 1,
Page 20.
New counting board system at elections
highly praised by officials. Section 1,
page 20.
Epidemic of crime sweeps over city. Sec
tion 1, page 17. - .
Senate presidency sought by three Sec
tion 1, page 15. -
Oregon bench and bar to honor Thomas
A. McBride, justice of supreme court,
Wednesday. Section 1, page 15.
Democratic politicians licking Hps in an
ticipation of pie. Section 1, page 15.
Preparations for far western conference
of Menorah societies near completion.
Section 1, page 14.
Community chest budget is (648,329. Sec
tion 1, page 14.
Armistice honored by' great parade. Sec
tion 1, page 12.
Auto kills mother; driver held on man
slaughter charge. Section 1, page T.
Roosevelt statue unvoiled by city. Section
1, page 1.
livestock show just closed declared
world record-breaker. Section 1,
page 1.
Horse show ends record sessions. Sec
tion 1, page 18.
Record Made at Pacific
. International.
Management, Patrons and
Everybody Satisfied.
Greatest Event of Kind Comes to
Close; Movement of Entries
Homeward Starts.
With the greatest attendance in
the history of the Pacific Interna
tional Livestock exposition, esti
mated .by officials to have been ap
proximately 27,000, the 12th annual
stock show closed its doors with a
fitting climax in the grand parade
of champions through the huge
main arena last night. Exhibitors
were pleased, the public was
pleased, judges were pleased and
officials, of the exposition and resi
dents of Portland were enthusiastic
over the success of the greatest
show of the kind in history, which
ended after a week of rainy weather
with a total attendance record of
ficially estimated at more than 101,
000 people, the high mark of last
year's fine weather week.
"This was by far the greatest
livestock exposition in the world,"
declared E. A. Stuart of Seattle,
president of the exposition, who was
re-elected for another year, at the
close of last night's programme.
"The great enthusiasm displayed
here by the exhibitors and the gen
eral public has been gratifying to
each of us who have devoted our
efforts to making this show the
leader of its class. The manage
ment has not had the patronage this
year which had been expected, but
only the weather was to blame.
- Show Indicates Progrreaa'
"The quality of the stock is far
super'or to that of any previous ex
position, which indicates beyond all
doubt the progress made in the live
stock industry of the west during
the last year. We are starting now
on our plans for next year's exposi
tlon, and we are determined to make
next year's show even greater than
the one just closed. The manage
ment hopes to maintain the support
of citizens of the entire Pacifi
coast, which has been responsible
for the success of the show in the
past, in Its future endeavors."
Mr. Stuart is one of the foremost
breeders of purebred animals in the
west. He is owner of the Carnation
stock farm of Seattle, and has a
string of purebred horses which
have taken many awards at the
horse show.
Eastern breeders of high-grade
stock and judges from eastern
shows were unanimous in their ver
dict that the Pacific International
this year eclipsed all stock shows in
the United States, both in the quality
of stock exhibited and in the num
ber of pure-bred animals entered.
That their opinion is sound can be
attested by the fact that four world
champions in dairy classes were en
tered in competition here and that
prize winners here are the prize
winners at all the great shows
throughout the country.
Eastern Man Amazed,
'It was with amazement that I
viewed the entries here," exclaimed
one eastern breeder yesterday, "for
I had no idea that the quality or the
quantity here, would be on a par
with eastern shows that I have at
tended. I take my hat off to the
greatest exposition of livestock that
I have ever seen and' I shall carry
the word baof east of the wonder
ful expositi l I have witnessed
The close of the exposition last
night saw the beginning of activity
in the huge pavilions that today
will mean vacant stalls where for
the past week the aristocrats of the
. (Concluded on Page 3, Column 1.)
rnDCini rniiAiiTV'uiM u-i
Officers, Delegates of Woman's
Party on Record for "Dec
laration of Principles."
(By Chicago Tribune Leased Wire.)
WASHINGTON, 1. C, Nov. 11.
With enthusiasm and unanimity the
state and national officers and dele
gates of the woman's party today
indorsed the "declaration of princi
ples" presented by Mrs. Oliver H. P.
Belmont, president, after the form
of the declaration of rights present
ed to the Seneca Falls conference of
pioneer suffragists in 1848, and went
on record equarely for "equal rights
for all and special privileges for
This declaration, formulated after
a year's study of the law affecting
women in all the states, demands
entire equality for women with men
before the law, in' government, in
educational opportunities, in the pro
fessions, in the church, in industry
and in the home.
Delegates from four working
women's organizations the printers'
union, equal rights organization,
equal opportunity league and the
B. R. T. branch of the Equal Oppor
tunities league, all of New York-
asked to be heard in order to voice
their opposition to special welfare
legislation for women in industry.
The campaign programme, also
adopted unanimously, provides for
national and state work to assure
support for all equal rights bills
before congress or state legisla
tures and the creation of commit
tees locally to work for the nomina
tion of women to elective offices
and their appointment equally with
men to appointive offices, for com
plete equality in educational oppor
tunities, the occupations, profes
sions and government service, an
equal share with men in the govern
ing of the church and in church dig
nities, "a single moral and ethical
code for men and women," and the
protection of married women in the
economic world.
American Honor List Compiled by
Overseas Service League.
CHICAGO, Nov. 11. (By the As
sociated Press.) One hundred and
sixty-one names of "gold star
women" American girls who gave
their lives in the world .war are
found on the list made public today
by the Women's Overseas Service
league, compiled as a feature of
Armistice day. Most of them rest
in French soil, some in England and
some in far-off Siberia, Armenia,
China and Manila,
Among the names are: Ima L.
Ledford, Hillsboro, Or.; Tilda A.
Therkelsen, Mrs. Jessie Chisholm
and Alice Stevens Duske, Seattle,
Wash.; Genevra Robinson, Nampa,
Idaho; Norene Mary Royer, Win
chester, Idaho.
Number Who Perished in Yangtze
River Fire Unobtainable.
SHANGHAI, Nov. ll.-(By the As
sociated Press.) It seemed apparent
today that the number of lives lost
in the burning of the river steamer
Taching near here yesterday, esti
mated at 200, probably never will be
learned definitely.
No records are kept of the num
ber carried by such boats, which
daily are jammed with passengers
of the poorest coolie classes. Scores
of bodies have been recovered, many
of them from the Yangtze river at
Shanghai, and more, probably, are
in the destroyed hull of the vessel,
The authorities are aiding the' few
survivors. About 20 were injured or
Speeder Refuses to Pay Fine So
She Can Meet Slayers.
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Nov. 11
Mrs. Burdie M. Case of South Pasa
dena was in the county jail today.
Yesterday she was convicted of
speeding and received an alternative
sentence of $15 or 15 days.
"I haven't anything to do and I've
always wanted to meet Mra. Oben-
chain and Mrs. Phillips, so I guess
I'll take the 15 days," she told the
PITV flfl
Spirit of Roosevelt Is In
voked by Thousands.
General Blatchford Unveils
Bronze of ex-President, j
Small Girl Selected in Honor of
Father, AVell-Known Tjo-
cal Physician.
The flags drew slowly back from
the figure beneath, from the broad
shoulders of the rider, from tha
tensed flanks of his mount there)
was the happy glint of sunshine on
bronze and, to cheers that swept far
and far down the thronged blocks
of the parkway, Roosevelt re-en
tered a city of the west, his own
province, to be the inspiration of
long-distant centuries. The Roose
velt of old days the plainsman and
the colonel, the well beloved of hia
friends, the feared of his enemies.
It needed but a trace of fancy to
devise, at the unveiling of the eques
trian statue yesterday, as an integer
of the armistice celebration, that
the lean and sturdy horseman, all
poise and confidence and calm re
pression, stirred visibly to the trib
ute of his countrymen that with a
twitch of the rein he might leap
from the pedestal to ride down tho
lanes of uniforms and mufti as
once he rode to a war.
Roosevelt as Warrior Seen.
Hera was neither the statesman
nor the president, but the character
that most endeared itself to Amer
ica, as expressive of Roosevelt the
man who led a certain famous regi
ment, athletes, adventurers, cow
punchers, prospectors, patriots and
sportsmen all, to certain farrious
fields of Cuba where Bucky O'Neill
got his at Kettle hill. And it seemed
most fitting, since children will have
their heroes, and he among them,
that the gift of the bronze rider
should be to the boys and girls of
all America.
The unveiling and dedication of
the statue of Theodore Roosevelt
marked the climax of a memorable
Armistice day, when the veterans o
three wars paraded through the ap
plauding streets and the city gave
itself to proud memories of a very
gallant past. The great processional
itself, bright with steel and gay
brassards and medals shining from
funics, passed and repassed the flag
sbrouded rider and came at length
to rest in the south park blocks near
the heroic statue.
Veterans Mix in Crowd.
Men of Flanders, and Chicka
maugua, and San Juan and the cane
thickets of the islands, merged and
mingled with the thousands grouped
about the statue, and stood at sol
dierly atention as the Vancouver
regimenal band broke Into the
anthem. Gray beard and empty
sleeve, battered helmet and clinking
side arms they were such a scena
and such a stir as would have
joyed the colonel, who knew them
"Mighty in faith, strong in char
acter, resolute and courageous,"
said Bishop William O. Sliepard, in
the invocation. "An inspiration to
uncounted millions."
Of that inspiration, of its com
ponents of virility and honor, Clark
C. Bissett, dean of the law depart
ment of the University of Wash
ington, spoke in an eloquent ad
dress that did not turn to pathos
for its appeal, nor to chauvinism
for its effect, but to the rich en
dowment of a life lived strenuously
in service in service until th
moment of dismissal by death.
Allegiance Is Renewed,
"We are today renewing our
allegiance to the great principles
(Concluded on Page 12, Column 1.)